Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 13, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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" Q o -o o
ArEBFonp matt; TT?mnyrE. atcdfoth). - rmfcaox, ft?ttay. makctt r,. 102
new counti h'H, ilfslmlKt-'u governing '1
classes nnd efiuseiP clashes betweon
strates and classes, j ZZZ
The war, rr. Iinfl declared, had
put ntnte In opposition to one unoth- . p
er nntl had ereutiMl nw problems of i
Kief t complexity, Krom Kin hind to
ConHtanUiiopIe, HtiaiRht down thru j
Kurope he Insisted, there now exist '
causes of conflict and the murder of
a frontier nnt might conceivably rr:
stmt the terrible war over again. The
world, he deMured, desires to find
other me tun) res than foree to fteule STS
dlHpute.s und this was true, especially r:
of the smaller nations, which desired rr
to live in pejice and security. That,
he said, was why arbitration was put TZZ
In the protocol.
BJmultanenus with the nenrness
of the frost damase Heason, Floyd
Young, the government frost expert, :
arrlyed here lute yesterday from his
vliiter'H duty In the southern Cali
fornia citrus fruit restrict and from
tt few days spent in establishing
new front warning stations in the
fruit districts of Washington.
, While Mr. Young is here to re
main the next three months and his
assistant, C. V. Norman, has been
bufiy for tho past week In get
ting things ready for the Inaugura
tion of tho local service, such r''g
$hir 'ijervlco will probably not start
tcii a wiek yet.
Mr. Young thinks there Is no need
, e u m,,!,,,. w,,.i,.,,. Khrmlil A proclaniat inn developing I hem"
ham.en; for n week, as he Is of ih'M" reived by cable from Preml
opinion, that the pear buds can stand
a temperature possibly as low as L'-l
during that time.
However, Messrs. Young und Nor
man and County Agent Cnte are all
rertdy to fi'nd the word broadcast
through the valley 1n the meant line,
should a frost warning emergency
;. Only a small number of the or
chard 1st s are now rendy for smudg
ing, and. Mi". Young warns I hem to
get out their pots 'and fuel as soon
ft possible.
Canada (ilvcs KeusoiiK
OKNKVA, Mar. .13. Uy Associat
ed 1'ress. ) Canada has notified the
League of Nations that she cannot
adhere to the league's security proto
col but is prepared to consider accep
tance of compulsory Jurisdiction by
the world court of Justice with certain
reservations and is willing to partici
pate In any general Conference for re
duction of armaments which does not
involve prior acceptance of the proto-
1 Mas.-ltcn.le King declares that a ft cl
ean-f til exa minal Ion of the protocol
the Canadian government has reach
ed the following comi IuhIohh:
"First, Canada should cont inue to
give wholehearted imp port to the
League of Nat ions, pan leu In i ly its
work of conciliation, co-opcratton and
"Second, We do nut consider It in
the interest of Canada, the IfrUish
empire, or the league Itself to recom
mend parliamentary adherence to the
I protocol, particula rly Its rigid pro
u e t..n r ..,,1.. ....
,, The majority of orrhardists also ' ,..,,.,: , ,', i'... M,
have been dilatory in having their j ftture VIir
A mong the grounds for this con
clusion is consideration of the effect
thermometers teHted, and after
consultation today Messrs. Young
and Norman decided to set March
20. as the limit for thermometer
testing. Hvery orchardlst bringing
In a thermometer for testing after
that limit will be fined one or two
good cigars for every two hours over
the time limit.
Mr. Young In elated over the suc-
Statcs in efforts to enforce the sanc
tions (penalties) and particularly so
in the case of a contiguous country
I like Canada.
France Shocked
PAT1IK Miir III (llv ANHnehife-d
ymn .nicn ....euoe,, ,N mhhi wu.n- j, , , n,,Hl (.,,lss
Ing sen-ice this winter in the citrus wM(,h t((fk ()H ,.nlil.Hy hy mll.prise'
frilt ,helt around Pomona. This H (ie (.)MIim)Mlt I(1(l.)y (lf im(t r ,ir0.
coldest of the California citrus Bee- ,,,. ,!m.lnt.H collaborators on (tril
lions Will now have the largest crop f ,sh Kwr(1,Kn Hecreiary Chamberlain's
In that state, Mr. Young fays, and IlKHI(lllt u,mn ,ho i,.aKiM.'s sccurltv
during. 'the danger period the f-! pn,lnPOi hefore the league enuncll in
chardists had to fire hard fifteen (;,,n(.V(l yesterday.
days In succession.. . rhainberlaitrs action brought
inis spring ait. inung win ve g.e(ll throughout Krench of-
hls family with him provided he
fii-inl circles here where It was ex-
can, find a furnished house at once port(Ml nt. woulrt Kk further post-
for the next three months. The past polI(.,nHnt f action by the council oh
tyo. froNt seasons he spent at the ,h(1 unjvol.Hil Pllt., withnut seeking to
home of C. G. Cute, as he and the Kivtt itK (!f,ll(h hll(W,
couniy agent nave a 1 ways woriteu
and slept together In the frost warn
ing period, having to get tip at nil
hours of the night.
However, he will take no chance J
this spring since about 2 n, m. on
ope. of the coldest nights of Inst
spring they were awakened unex
pectedly to jump Into their cloth
ing, arranged on retiring like a lire
man's.. Cnte was flrt up, dressed und
away, and Young, shivering with the
cold,, ppent the next hour trying to
find his heavy tinder wear, before
he learned thut the county agent
was wearing It over his own,
' News of interest to the many
friends of the J. A. Thomas family,
that they ure recovering satisfactorily
at the Clara Barton hospital at Los
Angeles, was brought to this cttv ye.i
ferday upon the return of William
ftice who was one of the pa try at the
time of the accident.
Mr. Thomas is expected to he nut
of the hoNpital in a week or so white
Mrs. Thomas, whose condition was
more serious, will be unable to leave
for a number of weeks.
The accident occurred hist Friday
morning when the parly returning to
this city after spending the winter in
southern Cu ilfnrnln, was tyruck by a
Chevrolet car wrlven by K, Vollmy of
the Kwlss American Textile company.
The Thomas car was totally wrecked
and thO'Chevrnlet badly damaged.
President's Church
May Extend 10 Stories
-, :
"Vv'ASn.iNnTON, March 13. Plans
toj replace the present struct ure of
the first Congregational church here
which . Is alended by President and
Mrs, Coolidge, with a ten story "of
fice chunh," building are being
considered by the church officials.
The church, a sixty year hind mark
of downtown Washington, is to be
torn down for 'the construction of a
new place of worship.
KYFU til :itis STOLKN
(Continued From Page One)
well for something like that."
The man searched the school files,
without assistance s from him. Dr.
Falman said. This man told him he
would be well taken care of if he
turned the files over to him, but he
never saw the man again.
Shepherd at his ttuhurhan home
when Informed over the telephone
of Kalmau'u statements, suit) : "It's
air a He.
"I had never heard of the uni
versity before," Shepherd said. "1
had never seen Fa i man before until
i the last hearing of the Kpiest . !
couldn't have talen any typhoid
bacilli lifi-uiise ol Was never Do n
Ma re ha ml a nil Ka Imi'ii have beep
nt radictlng themselves.
"According 1 their statements,
the letter sent in theunvierslty has
at different times been signed nnd
unsigned," O
. ax iik osiii:iu:i i,Ti:u
(Continued From Page On
Qhe longer iou brevi
the more delicious
it becomes Ideal
for homes where the
family brearfasts at
different hours
No. 1077
lOO.OOOcup vwit? served
dtlie PA N A - PACI HC tonal . COS 1 1 ION
MvW.ll school fi
Ki om mil lio r i I a t i v o
swiivi's vt" It'ii rn that
i'lilly scvcnty-Cive per
ci'nl, of si'lmul rliildivu
w o n r t coiisiili'i'iHl
" lnu'Uwiii-il " in their
studios niv loa ruing
their lessnns slowly he
cause of Jet'eetive siht.
Hefore lieilif; sent to
sehoe! eaeli ehild's eyes
, should In' eMiniini'd ly
a competent optolne
liist. '
great emph'PH, upsci dynamlca, tleinol
lihoil aaclent rroiuluia, glvciblrih to
The Best 0Goocls for the Price; No Matter What th Price Mann'
Opening Sale
For spring days fashion dresses will
divide favor lietween the Htraieht sil
houette and the flare. The waistline may
he high, low, or none at all; and short
skirts will dominate. Urilliant colors are
the vogue..
Women's silk dresses made of printed
crepes, heiiRitlines, flat crepes and crepe
satins; all latest shades; up to $25.00 vals.
A special assortment of women's flannel
dresses in stripes, plaids and plain colors,
rust, amher, sand, lettuce, rose and
powder hlue; ifiL'O.fiO values, special
A new shipment has just been received
containing Irene Castle anil l'cggy Paige
SEE dresses from
$37.50 to $89.50
SS Clean-up sale on broadcloth blouses in
wliite; $:).!)") value; Saturday special
1 $1.95
KiLj:.. I Lv, Mat.... .....?1P.. h. .Jtta? k ,.VIfJW H
Women 'm Uayon silk slips, bloomers nnd petticoats;
t'l.OO values; Saturday special
A new shipment ' checked
dimity wash bloXiscs in
blue, green, pencil, 'white
and lavender; Saturday
$2.25 .
Here is a fashion treat: Xcw and exclusive styles
are shown here; each one shown brings the reali
zation that here is n real selection to choose from.
The newest colors are here, too, a few of which
arc Indian orange, nasturtium, bluet, thistle
bloom, radiance, goblin, and
many other shades.
Opening Sale
Spring coats, tailored dash and smart
simplicity; swagger in line, exceedingly
colorful nnd pleasing in design of fabrics,
these spring coats strike a new keynote in
smartness. Women's coats made of flan
nel, twill fabrics and sport material, each '
one fully lined; real $25.00 values; Sat
urday $19.95
The Ensemble Costume Meets the
Varied Needs of the Day
The ensemble costume soars high in favor
this season. The coat is long and straight,
some are fur trimmed. A new lot iu
models that show the last in style; made
of flannels and combinations of wool and
silk in a great variety of tho new shades;
specially priced at
Women's new spring sweater coats in a.11 the new
shades in silk and wool. Saturday special
Women's wool and silk kid
boots sweaters in yellow, green,
powder hlue, tan, grey and
white; $4.00 values; Saturday
Courier Hats
i ti .
A special service wliwh brings
a new rVssirtment . each week.
Some of them worth as much
as $12.50; priced specially
Charlotte Haibe
Showing many such styles
and colors in large and small
shapes arc real $15.00 values.
Pierette Hats
A service hht that excclls all
other lines in styles and colors
for the particular buyer; a real
$7.50 value; special , '
Women's chamoisette gloves in all
shades and sizes, with fancy cuffs;.
$1.1!) value; Saturday special
SO rail-
Colored linen and
ecru lace collar
and cuff sets;
$1.75 value; Sat
urday special
$i.50 Each
Lace anil line n
collar and cult'
sets in all the
latest styles; Sat
urdav special
Women 's fancy kid gloves; colors dark,
medium and light brown only; $11.45
vlue; Saturday .special
. 1 $2.95 Pair
The very latest in new. pearl
chokers; lavender, pink, blue,
guld and many other colors;
Saturday special
'' $1.25 ..
Women's Kaysvr-silk hose with slipper
heel, in black, tulle, nude, 'rosewood,
toreodore, sunburn, beige, Circassian,
grey, gun metal and many other shades.
Kxccptional quality; $1.75 value; Sat
urday special ;
$1.59 Pair
Women's white nainsook lace
trimmed envelope chemise in a
vory fine quality; $2.00 value.
Saturday special
Spanish lace handkerchiefs, all colors;
novelty; 2!)c value; Saturday
19fk Haeli
(i t-inch unbleached p ure
linen damask; $1.60 value;
Saturday ,
$1.39 Yard
Wi-itlch fine quality long
cloth, regular 20c value;
' 15C Yard
Lingerie nainsooks in new
patterns and colors; a gen
uine G!)e value
59 Yard
22x44 inch heavy Turkish
towel, double thread, soft
quality; a' real (iOc value;
Saturday. 48 Path. .
Children's cotton socks, fancy styles
showing many new patterns; an excel
lent quality. for Saturday special
29 rail
Children's, crepe bloomers in all sizes;
colors flesh, white; Saturday special
; 25 .
Women's Humming Bird silk hose,
featuring all the latest shades and
styles in all sizes.; Saturday special
$1.50 Pair
Women's handbags, all the new style's and
colors; a real $3.45 valuo; Saturday
I'epsodcnt and Pebcco
tooth paste; 50c valuo
Stumped lunch sets, 45
incli cloth and four
napkins; excellent, pat
terns $1.39
I'aiicv box sta I ioncrv in
'whiti and colors; 75?i
grade; Saturday
i 45c o
Mail Orders Promptly Filled9
40-ineh Silkengloe Canton crepe 'hi n large
assortment of colors r'au excellent quality,
priced regularly at $1.85; Saturday
$1.39 Yard
54-inch flannels in stripes and plaids and
plain colors; up to$4.00 values for Satur
day only
$2.95 Yard
54-ineh Kashian cloth in lizzard green,
salmon, roseherrv and natural; an excel
lent all-wool material for sport wear . -
$5.95 Yard &im
.'Ill-inch liadium silk in all the best lingerie shades;
fine quality; Saturday .
$1.79 Yard
oG-ineh fancy crepes in excellent patterns
and colors for spring wear
95 Yard
38-iuoh fast colored striped English broad
cloth, excellent, patterns
$1.25 Yard
.16-inch pure linen dress goods in many
excellent shades; sold regularly for C9c
yard; Slufday only
50 Yard
32-inch fine dress ginghams; many new patterns to
choose from 1 ' ,
25 Yard' .
Hind's honey nnd al-
mond cream for face, S
hands, skin and com- 3
plexion ; 50c. value ; Sat- S
urdny special S
Boeilla Package o'
Beauty, the resflul road S
to beauty; 50c value r
39c J
Postage Prepaid
tAgenty fmr ButtericcP after n
t v.uiminiiii tn'itn.1 r. IBKCT-Jir 18 1
" 1 " "" "