I. 0 - ri o WDDFOTlTf lfATL TRmtJKT!, MKDFOTin, OT?EC10NT, FRTDAY, MAlfcn 13, 1925- PAGE FOTTR. ME9F0RD Mail tribune AH INDEPENDENT NEWHlAPKR HTBUSHKD EVERY AFTERNOON SUNDAY. BY THR MEDPORD PRINTING CO. Tb Mfdford Sundty Horning Sun la furniihHl Mterrlbera dcilring tb scvtn-d dally M Offlr: Mail Tribune Building, Rorth Fir ttrt. Phone 76. A conll(ifttfoo of the Dfmocratlo Tfm, tb Bedford Hall, uie MMioru i mum. vu ouuur rn Oirgonlan, the Aahlund Tribune. ROBERT W. RI'IIL, Editor. S. SUM ITER SMITH, M-ntiffrT. 9f Mill In Advance: Diiij, with Sunday Bun, year .... ' Daily, with Sunday Hun, month . . . . Daily, without Sunday Sun. year . , ' Daily, without Sunday Bun. month Wtekty Mali Tribune, one year ftunday Sun. one year ..$7.60 .76 . 0 T CARRIER In Med lord. AnhlMtid. Jackion- , TlUe. Centra) Point. Phoenix, Talent and '' Highway: '' Daily, with Runday Hun, month $ Daily, without Sunday Sun, month " Dally, wi tli out Sunday Hun, one year... 7 ' Dally, with Sunday Sun, one yenr 8 ' AU forma by carrier, caah in advance. Entered aa aecond-rlssa matter at Medford, Qrrfon, under act of March 8, 1879. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackaon County. The only paper between Albany, Ore., and Phlco, California, a distance of over 400 Riilea, having Jeaaed Vfre Associated Preaa aervir. : Sworn dully average ttrcntatlon for tlx hnimtha ending April Int. 1024, 3MiO, more tiiso ? Inutile Uie rirruiaiinn oi any outer paper labed or drrulated in Jack (ton County. MKMflZRS OP THR AS!tuaTT TOES8. The Aaaociated Preaa In eiclualvely entitled to the ua for republication or an newa aia Mtrhra credited to It or not otherwlae credited la thin paper, and also to the local newa pub- DbNJ nerem , All righta of republication of apecial die- H'chea herein are alio reserved. Ye Smudge Pot Bf Arthur Perry. Thin Ih a Had world, full of Sin, ba kotball defeats, and Man-mado fenced. ' The milk wagon lhat went down the Main stem at 35 per, Thursday, Is anntlior sample of water Hooking Uh own level, und the flight of the swal low, ; " " Jdy Ford-Coupe of tho fearfully British, had her frizzes eolffed on tho 12th Inst., bah Jove! Vi, And, furthermore, tho Nobraliu . anti-Hhlek Inw which la auppoHod to pxtvh lhe romantic actlvltlca of tho Blick-halrn. niitkca no allowance for contributory negligence on tho part of tho victim. .,y AH! IIKKSTKIKON (Klumiitli Falls Npwh) I Jay Wulkor, accompanied by JiIh ; mot hor. Mm. Jcsho Walked, ' ! j.-ar local visitors from Lorella. ''. VtVIC CLUBS OPKHATE "ON BOUIU LINKS (Ildllne Cooh Buy T.TlntOH)' : That's Juul It; the larnyx Is ov.Ortvorked. . . ;,v .- ; .; o. , - .' The amazing and brazen gall of the Kii Klux Klan Is exemplified again in the publication of letters revealing a :plan to seize control of tho govern ment. , A shirt-tail was to flap from the dome of the Whlto IIouho, and Congressmen were to bo terrified like Constables. The "(Irand Goblin" was .to' take tho soedsonders in hand. May hap you recall tho boast of tho tramp lecturer, "that a Klan Initiation would be hold In tho dining room" of tho 4uL of government. But tho Gruinl -Ooblln, . (this state never had one, .working up its hysterical frousty with nothing but a Grand Dragon), fulled to. kut the kustartL "Whore aro you going, my protty maid, A-ramblliig down tho lane?" "I'm going tho way you don't," sho , v . said. ..: ''And hopo I'll not see you again." ' (Kansas City Star.) One of the Wren buys caught tho first angle worm of tho srnson yenicr day. lt-wus a beauty, and put up a spirited fight. ( toot swicirn ((runt County N'rws) Tho.bildo in the ilauKliti-r uf Mr. and Mi-h. Jiihn Kliu'k, of Wlnoonnln ItupIdH, uml in Rrwilly iKlinhod by tho many freight trains that puwt by thrir ulauo dully. And what haH hocomo it tho "Ul fn'tihtoncd buotlhnb lUiitur. 1. '-Thin la Frhlay tho I3th; and cvory- tmdy JookltiK llko a Kvnhil funeral 'dicoctor. - . ' , Tho world's fair hallucination has' ,pmote-tho olty of homca and roaca and : 'woodpile on tho aidowalka, anew. I ;llko IJttnquo'a ghoat, caalur oil, and tried carrou. tho notion will not1 duwn.' It la planned for 1030. and will coat but I0. 000. non. which la a 'liout ua well aa a handaomo aum to bo obtained In dlvora mtMhoda diving Into Mio adjacent pockclhouka. The liow project contra clone on the Nicola' of tho cacupo of tho mctropolla from n Ullly Hunduy revival, and la Inspir ing. A SlU IDAl, 111 Il l.lt (Oregon city Kim-rpr!') Joe Haaclwandcr loat hla heat cow luat week, tho animal Iuiiik-Ins- licraolf In tho atall. The ttaaclwandcra ulao loat one of 'tholr beat tnllkera curlier In the wlntor. 'A altuatlon In nlleKcd to prevail In Hollywood. Calif., where nil tho Rood lliurdur talea aro born, wherein Vabte.s wore awapped and aoltl llko Ida, only luorc ao. Ia thla thu l-'lji lalalids? The $R ati)!thine tho ll.ooo.iii rain. feela good ufler Hnlffllng and aneezinr: aernia to be Die main aport in tho vicinity theac duya. - That's alright, Jtiat ao the Itoacbui'R mumpa don't move out our way.-j( Cleveland Itenia. lloaeburu' Nowatovlow.) Vou noetln't awoll up1 'about It. Q " H. A. Nye was among the lorjal bua WILL THE LEAGUE SURVIVE? TM1K l.iEGUE OF NATION'S received the nioNt severe blow at CJciiefl ycsterila) suffered hince the covenant was rejected liy the Uiiitdd States. The blow was tlelivcred by Aiixten ClianilxM-lain, Uritish foreign secretary, in. amiodnciiiu E'n:luiid's rejection of the much discussed J'rotoeol, n lncasiiTi! designed to commit the Ijeaguc to compulsory nrhitnuioi! HfjauiKt jutiiro wars. To- undersfjind this understand not only that Great worfd war caused tremendous changes, in the character of her ini- )Cnai miiluiJlMruiiun. j UelWe the war, England led and the colonies followed; since the war. England has still taken the lead officially, but the desires of her dtidninions, particularly .Canada and Australia, have been im portant J'ai tors in determining the direction this leadership should take. '. It woulif jn'obably not be far from the truth to say that Eng land's break with 1'Vancc and Kuriipean policy yesterday, for a diplomatic break it unquestionably was, jjan be traced directly to anti-league sentiment, in lier uomiuions, a sentiment not greatly dissimilar from the sentiment in the United States, against foreign entanglements. That the attitude of rtiis country was a vital factor is clearly demonstrated by the concluding cation: "Anions tho RCiiunda for this oom luslon la consideration of tho effort of iion-artlciiatlon Of t)0 Unltod Stales in offortR to cnforcif tho Bani'tlonn (ponaltloa) and purtlculurly so 111 tho caao of a conliKoua country like Canada." "It vas a first-class funeral which took us entirely by surprise" was the comment of one of l'remicr Ilcrriot's assistants. "Wo ex pected delay, but not death." -,s . . Of course, Great Britain will do everything to avoid serious estrangement from France, nnd great emphasis will be placed upon England's attachment to tho principles of arbitration and disarma ment, but tlic fact remains, that the Protocol is dead, and that the net ion in Geneva definitely marks the beginning of a now diplo macy in England, a diplomacy opinion in the New 'World, with Anglo-Saxon hegemony as its guid ing star. , J QUILL Hint to husbands: Ouo way to with flowers.' One thing tho world needs is voice. .. - A desirable alien is one who can lo stop cussing it. . First essential in acquiring fatno: Now York. t." i J- J ;j 1 ', " ,. . - ', s Hauling fenders from tho back scat. have their "God tempers tho wind to the Biblo nor in human experience. Democracy : The theory that elevation to office makes a fourth rale man a first-rato man. A careful study of the situation get money is to sweat for it. German movie men may know moro about photography, but America has them beat on pornography. Why scold fools? If you arc the tallest man iu tho crowcl, you don't cuss those who can't see what you sec. , . - Correct (his sentence: "Well," suggested tho sales lady, "per haps she'd liko a nice petticoat." A free country is .one in which hogging most of I he roud. The old-timers had a regular called n kitchen. RipplingRhi)mos V I REMEMBER. X? 0 man 1,ns garnered glory, won a fame serene nnd high, some one always has a story that will make him wilt and cry. When he writes an ode immortal, or invents a dinner horn, someone, with a senile chortle, utters words of biting scorn. "I remember," says the kicker, "when he played a cheaper ganio, and it sui'cjy makes me snicker when I con templato his fame. Now men hail him as a winner, but I'll tell a truth or two; ho went "bankrupt as a tinner back in Pimk-town-by-the-Slough. Now for him the welkin rattles, yet I knew him on a day when the sheriff seized his chattels and the bailiffs had their say. I recall when he was working in the town de partment store, but he had no head for clerking, and they fired him from the door. I remember when his father gathered junk about the town, and it grieves me, all this pother, o'er his latter-d;tt- renown." Oh, the winners earn thtgr winnings by their iililies t.n.raiii; ol't they rise from cheap beginnings 'o the hcigfcls we'd nil attain; and all fair and hoUet parties praise them for Uie zeal they've shown, hut the sad uld jealous smar- ln iiuir tneir "in lut-ir wnncreil namls g-iuM.-ui-a -oniuugH as iney sit i the tailings A' the big men ,ame (,r ni'Kais, won no prize in any race, they remember, all the freckles on the passing Caesar's face. epoch-making pronouncement one must Britain is an empire, but that the statement of the Canadian notifi based fundamentally upon public POINTS have the last word is to say it I .i ,. an amplifier for tho still small get enough capital in ten years Have your mail delivered at You use. can't hear directions shorn lamb" is neither in the shows that the easiest way to the unimportant can get even by breakfast room. also. hut. it was MC ami irronn. Hitter are the uit,iii tlieirass; they remember Having gained as they pass. . J8r & Y-O CROSS-WORD PUZZLE STORY, DOBBIN AND CAESAR What does Dobbin like best? 1-3-7-11, of course. And a big 2-3-4 of them like the one in the picture, at that. . . Come on down to the 2-6-10-15 and you can 5-6-7 Dobbin. Dobbin is a nice, gentle 8-9-10-11-12. He is very fond of liis little friend, Caesar, the Shetland 5-9-14-18. - C ur colored man takes care of them both. His name is 8-13-17, just like one of Noah's sons. Can you guess which ?' Caesar belongs to my sister 13-14-15. He will 12-16-20 out of her hand, and out of 17-18 hand, too. You can try feeding Caesar if you want but don't be scared if he shies a little 19-20 first. r Answer To Last Fuzzlt 1-2 '(If), 3 5-10-17 (boat), 2-4-7-12-18-24 (furled). B-g-7-8 '(). 9-10-1112 (sail), 6-11 (ai), 9-16-22 (sea), 14-15-16-17 (meet), 1819-20-21 (east). 13-21 (It). 20-25 (so). 23-24 (Ed). - - . Copyright, lOiS, by The International Syndicate Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY. M. D. Blood la Tho laat quotation I aaw on blood waa $40 a. pint, and while nearly any or ua could glvo a pint or ao without any rlak at all, very few peraona can aell blood for a livelihood. Profea- Hional donora who havo blood for -sale merely enter the field aa'a aide line, for even if ono can aell a pint every few weeka, it doean't bring enough pay to live on. - A nurse writes that ahe ' ia on 24 hour duty in a, men tal caao, and tho pa tient la so unman ngablo that the nurse, la under a nervous strain 18 hours of tho 24. She has four hours off duty each week. She notices late ly aho ia getting tho headacho habit and has a failing appetite, but can almost llvo on awceta,. which sho craves constnntly,jloijujlnaholoca pot oat them vcryf nitti h. Her complex ion which is uaually clear Ishocoinimr HnllOW. and alie.-inif fei-B Mh,an4la.. Uon a good deaf, nor hands nnd feet swell In tho afternoon. Sho Is- 27 years old, 68 Inches tall and weighs 145 pounds. She, thinks a strict diet I would bo good for her. rsext to doctors, I suppose nurses aro the drundest fools' when they aro . I v ' Look at this trylnn to prove all the laws of hygltno und phyaiology wrong, selling her blood for M0 a week, doing tho work of (two nurses on enough sleep to keep Just one-half alive, shouldering the entire burden of responsibility which should be fair ly divided with other .nurses or mem bers of the family and drifting fast toward the rocks in tho offing. Perhaps she is a very good nurse especially qualified to care for such difficult cases, she won't be worth hor salt plain or iodized salt In a week or two at tho rate she Is trav eling. Is she ambitious to earn all sho can? Thon she is aubjccttnfhcr earn ing capacity to a foolish strain. Do the people who aro employing hor con elder her services particularly desir able? Then they aro abualng a good thing, wearing out a valuable lnatru ment. unnoccaaarily squandering now that which may bo sorely needed latoi on. In certain lines of Industry some sort of consideration for tho hygieno of employes has been shown by tho employers, and as a rule any invest ment employers make in this direction provo good economy. ' If this is good business for tho largo -employer It Is Just as good buainoss for the small employer, even tho householder who omploys ono servant. Tho two classes of omployes jov em ployed persons, who should bo moat aollcltoua about good hygieno are physicians and nuraos, for there aro no other claaess of workera for whose efficiency hygiene Is more important. Yot probably no other class of work ers having any knowlcdgo of hygiene heed It ao little as doctors and nurses do in their own lives. -This Is perhaps in part duo to the nature of their work, which demands 24 hour service eick folks want what they want when they want It. Through tho campaign for bettor hygiene Inaug urated by tho Kings County Medical society, a large number of llrooklyn doctors have undergone health exam inations, and tho benefits accruing from thla object lesaon havo meant aa much for tho phyalciana' own health und efficiency In practico ua they have for tho general health of Brooklyn peoplC v The nurae's complaint suggests dia bctea. llrilu'a dlaenac, heart failure, tubcrculosia. nnd so on but anyway it ,auggrats tho need of a physical ex amination without delay. QTKSTIONS ,X1 AXSWKHS Philadelphia Ijiwyrr Iteoflilrctl. Aatlldy of the callaea of baences In IB of tho public schools In Washing ton. l. C. I' the achool year 1U23-2I. by a coiuuUee with Dr. Louise Tay-Inr-.lnnca ns rhalrnian. showed that C'Jioap. among third grado pupils 70 per cent of all absences weno due to medical conditions and moro than one-fourUl of all absences were duo to tho com mon cold. Thla is according to tho Unltod Htatcs public health sorvlco. It is furthor stated by the public health service that nearly 40 per cent of all absences were due to respiratory disturbances. Wo should like to henr your comment on this. (Ono of the teachers.) Answer Consult a competent Phil adelphia lawyer to find out where tho common cold" stops and "respiratory disturbance" begins. That is one of the secrets 'about '"colds" which the public health service doos not dlvutgo. Meanwhile, if Johnny coughs at you. Just excuso it please, as it is only a respiratory disturbance. Twice in the Name Spot. For the laat five years 1 havo suf fered from toxic poison. (Mrs. T. W. H.) Answer If it ia texlo it goes with out Baying- that it Is poison; and it It is poison it Just has to be toxic. Toxin nicansL poison; toxic means- poisonous; toxjiuology is the study of .poisons, ito. you see you labor under a misappre hension, lou have seized upon some remark by a physician, perhaps, and arrived at a wrong conclusion kg to what .your trouble may be. When we arc ill, from almost any disease, I sup pose we are more or les affected with toxemia (poison in the blood), tor nearly every disease has Its poison or poisons. But that is a question which had better be'loft wholly to the phys ician. Precious little it anything is gained by attempts to rid the system of poisons In the spectacular but In efficient ways which are exploited by various interests, such as fashionable physics and sweat baths de luxo. All the "poison" or "waste matter" an in dividual can "throw off" through the skin will never make anybody sick or well. Physiology will have to be re- fs MANN'S-The Beat Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price-MANN'S ; 8 I Vogue Clothes for Spring H llandsoiiioly tailored in all the new 5 . fabrics, . . . $30, $35, toS45 I Styleplus Suits for Spring H G narantced suits in good staple grays and blues. Stouts, slims, stubs and j regulars, $30, $35, to $45 , Also sonm lower priced suits, serges, whipcords and worsteds. . 827.50 and S30 pCSIfnd ?30 Headquarters for Work Clothes 1 Blue Overalls withBib, Levi StraussOveralls, Express Stripe derails )1.4S to JpS.WI 2.00' - '"'-'$195'"''" p White H Overall fur S 1'ainter, s o 1.50 Phone 486-487 s Entrance to pealed befpre Uie .gentry. en Intrigue well Informed people with the ollmin atlpn idea. i 2:i) ,skin eliminates no Poison o' wuatP matter, practically. The popular fancy that the system Is, poisoned if the sweating is checked" over; a considera-hle area Is morely a myth.. The (unction of sweating is practically regulation ofhe heat of the .body. All that sweat consists of practically.' is water and salt. Traces of ".waste matter'.' and even "toxic ma terial or poison" may be found In the sweat, but in auch Infinitesimal quan tities as to be harmless even if Injected into the individual's blood. . JUNIOR CROSS WORD PUZZLE HOW TO SOLVE PUZZLE. Tho words start in the numbered squares nnd run eitner tcnss ir down. Only ono letter ia placed in each wliito square. If the proper words aro found each coiiibiimtion of letters in tllo white anunrcs will form words. The key to tllo puz- Jo the- first word Is 'given In tlio drawing:. . Bctqw are keys (o the otlicr words. Running Across. 1. In tho picture 5. A preposition. ' 6. A heavenly body. 7. A conjunction. ' 8. Ono of the early Word Word Word Word Word preai- denta of the United States. KtuinJiiK Down. Word 2. What the , elephant's tuaks are made of. word 3. What , relation to your lather Is the daughter of his brother? Ward 4. A Canadian . province. Abbreviation.' . X . Word 6. A small 'bed. YESTERDAY'R PUZZLE ANSWERBD PrlA i s n ell THE STRB FOR EVEJYHDDt Medford, Ore. Men'i Department n a9 'Ilk MX. MLookin mi fmm ft drink 11 u-ltt. klo tli' forehead." writes Miss Fawn UppiiK-ut, in - "Milady's Coritor," til tli' Weekly SUp Horn.. "Oil, It&n worCk conaiderablo money. He's not a arOwn daughter that hain't ivorkhVwe heard a fcUer say t'day. Timely Views -on World Topics Culls' Gaa Warfare Moat Huriine Method of W liming Battlpa, - , The general, charge of the pacifists that gas warfaro was .brutal draws the fire of Afuoa A. Frlea. director-general ofytho gas warfare- department . of the army,' ' "It Isn't brutal, he said. -'.'It's' ,tlie m oat- h ii m a n,-e method- -of over coming one's enemies- .the w o r.l-d v ever has known," He added. that our soldiers who' had been gassed' atp'od a.- much .' better chance of recovery than . those . 'wh'b . had been otherwise wounded and . dis abled. . . -. - Oeneral F r 1 e'a i si. - JieiQ.GeN.fKe- said that no; 'riai Uon could defend itself . without chemical lnduatrlcs.-as (he country industries depended - basically upon chemistry.'. That, death by gas Is Dot so terrible wus proved, Oeneral fries assorted, by tho fact that from 8000 to 10,000 people die "by- gas either by accident or suicide every ..yoar.:J ' It is' the most painless method -IS the world for crossing '. tliej rt(J Styx," added .General Fries, i . J He said that the United States. was striving, to leadvtlie world M c(iemjfa1 warfare def ensci , and, :that the. 'nafn had on hand plenty, of gas nmnlUon making it -unnecessary to depend .An others.. . . , ,: ' - V "Let us outlaw- war, but let lis kcdn our chemical industry at the hlghc'at possible state of .efficiency." 'said' he;. Asked about chlorine gas far colds. he said that 3000 cases had .been treated In Washington ' successfully, and . that the gas service might not have obtained an appropriation it It had not succeaafully. treated senatp'ra and repreaontatives. General Fries la a former rosidfiit of Medford. tho brother of Mra. VU liam Grlcvo. . . .-": : Paul Thompson, who arrived Jburs day from Copco, Calif., Ia a Medford business visitor today. - 'v,.': One-picye Work Suits, Khaki and Blue ?2J5 .,to $4,00 i Main Street Inen callers toduy Jrom Tale slIMIIIlMUMUPIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi 9 L-llT.