o o o o o Q O o o rv - 0 O O BRINGING VOO ARE. CONC TO WEM XOOR COLF bOT OR tOO OON'V CE.T OOT OF THfb HOObE N. The Markets Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. :.;arcn U. Cat tle nbmit steady; receipts iU. Cows, good SG.25 7.00. Hogs nominally steady; receipts GUI! (direct.) Sheep nominally steady; no receipts. PO KTLVXD, Ore., March 11. Eggs weak to cent lower; receipts liberal, but well absorbed. Current receipts 27c; pullets 24(f?25c: firsts 25141' U(ic; henneries 27 i 28c. But lor PORTLAND, Ore., March 11. Nut ter r toady; outside butter arriving. Ex rta cubes, city 4 lie: standards 44c; prime flrVts 41 ,fce; firsts 8Hfec; un ilorgradcs nominal; prints 47c; cartons 4tie. Huttcrfat steady. Lest churning cream 4 ft ft 4fic net shipper's track in zone one; 47c delivered Portland. Poultry PORTLAND, Ore. March 1L Poul try steady; light hens firm. Heavy hens 21ft 22c; light 18'lUc; Bprings 22$ 23c; old roosters 10c; ducks, white Pckin 25c; live turkeys 23c; dressed turkeys 33'3f.c; geese. 16c. Potatoes PORTLAND. Ore., March 11. tatocs steady $1. 50ft 1.60. Onions steady 2.;0ffJ2.75. Portland Wheat. Portland. Ore., March 11. Wheat bids: Hard white, blueslem, baart, $ 1.00 : soft white, western white, ' northern spring. $1.80; hard winter. $1.81; RPR hard white, $2; westorn red $1.77. Today's cur receipts Wheat 0; flour 7; corn 1; oats 5; hay 4. Sail Francisco Markets SAX FRANCISCO. March 11. (U. H. Ru reflu of Agricultural Economics.) Eggs firm; extras 35c; undersized pullets 27c. Rutterfat f. o. b. San Francisco 4Uc. Rrollers 1 to li lbs. 42(fr44e; 1 Vi lbs. 42(fr44c; colored Ha to 1 lbs. 3ar4Uc. i Fryer, leghorns 2 to 2 Mi lbs. 3Cft 3c; colored 2 to 2 Mt lbs. 4 0 (ft-4 2c. Young roosters, colored 3 lbs. and up 34 36c; stagey, showing spurs, 24 ft 25c. C, E, Roles and son Roland of Oen ' fral' Point weer among tho local vis itors Tuesday. Notice. . - Notice is hereby given that tho sev- cral pieces of personal property here ; inafter described, which arc being held ; by Eads Transfer & Storage Company on account of tho persons whose ', nnmen are set opposite the particular articles listed, will be separately sold by auction on the 21st day of March. 1025. at the rear door of Eads Trans fer & Storago Company warehouse. located at 22 North Front street. Mcdford. Jackson county. Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., to-wit? C. H. Paul, two large boxes. P. H. Varley, 1 tent and polo, 1 pa per box. J. L. Small, l bundle. Auction Sale SCOTT'S SECOND HAND STORE Compelled to Move : Everything to Ik; sold witli ' out reserve. This is a svn- nine Auction Sale. The brst chance to get your require- uieiits in every line. ; - Date will be announced later. Sale will be held at ' 29-31 South Front St. E. 0. BRADLEY Auctioneer CASH PAID L o For Second-Hand Furniture ana stoves W. A. KINNEY G Furniture Hovu 315 E. Main PlSme 505 UP FATHER ,UU, TOOAr C. Nelson. 1 bundle. C. M. LaTulle. 1 table, 3 boxes. May Miller. 2 boxes, 1 trunk. AW A. Maygood, 3 suitcases. H. Strom. 1 suitcase. Alex Douglas, 1 suitcase. Win, Ragley. 1 grip. W. MeKlnnis, 1 trunk. J. A. Scott. 1 trunk. M. It. Palmer, 1 trunk. Agnes Duhamel, 1 trunk, 1 box. J. W. Diamond. 1 box. .1. M. Tibbetts. 2 bnxes. Mr. DeFaro, 1 box. J. L. Thorndykc. 1 trunk. 2 suit cases, l baby carriage aim l iron board. Mrs. M- Sears, 2 boxes. 1 barrel. C. C Clark. 1 shoe machine. A. J. Moran, 1 box. Ray Moran, 1 gas stove. W. J. King. 1 bundle bedding. J. II. Wilson, 1 trunk. 1 sea bag. las. Mndsou, 1 table, 3 leaves. McCall & Shocrin, 1 spring, 1 m:it trcss, 1 tub dishes and 2. wheelbar rows. E. Knight, 1 gas stove. V. M. White. 1 tub, 2 bundles, 2 boxes cooking utensils and 1 axe, 1 carton. 1 sledge. O. M. Rosseau. 9 pes. iron. 1 jack. I vice, 1 anvil. 6 liars, 2 chairs, 5 shov els, 6 hammers, 1 blower, 1 rope, 1 adz. DON R. NEWRURY, Attorney for Eads Transfer & Storage Co. Dated March 3. 1925. Notice of Finn I Settlement. In the county court of the state of Oregon, Jackson county. In the matter of tho estate of Alary Christina Ilesselgrave. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final report and account In the above, entitled matter, and the above named court has fixed April 6, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house in Jackson ville. In said county, as tht time and place for hearing objections to said final account, and for tho settlement thereof. ' Dated and first published March 4, 1025. , W. Tt. GATLORD, Administrator. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Landscape gardening and odd jobs. Phone 376-M between 5 and 7 p. m. 209 WANTED Work by capable woman cook and housekeeper. Will go to country. Phone 437-W. 300 WANTED Any kind of team work, gravel or dirt hauling, plowing. C. F. Nichols, Kenwood avc. Phone 459-M. 303 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent small furnished house. Pox 25, Mall Tribune. 301 WANTED To sell equity in furni ture cheap, or will trade tor old Ford. House will b to rent if fur niture is sold. 638 N. Central. 300 WANTED Another small set of hooka to keep. X V " Z, Mitil Tribune. 299 WANTED 777 lawnmowers to sharp en and adjust. Phono- 2t-l-J. wo call for and deliver. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Coyotte skulls, F. W. Rart- lov.. Taxidermist. 300 WANTICD ISuyprs for KlKhor'H Qual ity Feeds at Meutord J ranslcr uo. 290 WANTED Fresh eggs. 24c per doz. cash. Johnson Produce Co., i41 N. Fir street. Phono 97. tf WANTED WBKon tank, 3f0 to 400 gallon. Ruitnmo ror naming mnunce oil. Eads Trunufcr. l'hone 315. tf WAXTKD Cash paid for false teeth. dental gold, platinum mm discard ed jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Re fining Co. Olsego. 11 ten. 304 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOIl ' KICNT Clean, comfortable sleeping rooms, close in. Jul ho. Central. 301 FOK RENT Nii'e sleeping rooms. bath. Men. 245 lirape. 1UJ FOR RENT Furnished rooms and apartments and garago. 604 v. loth. FOR RENT Room ror men; bath, heat. Oarage. 609 K. Main, asuti- FOR RENT Sleeping room, front en trance, with bath and phone privi leges. 305 E. Jackson, near Armory. Phone 381-M. tf MISCEU.ANEOI'S AUTO OWNERS! Having severed my connection with the Riverside Gar age. I am now prepared to do ex pert repairing on all kinds of cars at my home at 1116 VV. 9th street. All work guaranteed, prices reasonable. Yours for a square deal. C. T. Oen l. ' 303 For Real Economy get PROTECTED TIRES, BOYCE-ITED GAS FREE CRAXlf CASE SERVI and HIGH PRESSl'E GREASING O at tho Arnory Service Station MFDFOTID MAIL TRrRTTW,, MTSDFORT). OTiKflOX. WEDNESDAY. MATiOIT 11. well- rr'b conna. TME. A. UOT OF, NERVE. GOT I COT TO CO OUT- 1925 bv Int'l Feature Great Britain rights FOK RENT APARTMENTS FOR KENT Two-room furnished housekeeping apartment, with or without garage; adults only. 32 5 So. Riverside, phono 701-J. tf FOR RENT Partly furnished 3- rooni and h:ith. apartment garage. Ground floor. Adults. 240 So. Riv erside. 301 FOR RENT Modern furnished n part incut- Phone 292-R. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Adults only. 425 So. Oakdale. 29 FOR KENT Furnished apartment. Nice bright apartment. Electric range, sleeping porch, etc. 518 So. Oakdale.- tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 452-H, tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR - RENT Office. Apply Ends Transfer Co. 302 FOR RENT 8 acres uf orchard. mostly pears. I) acres grain land, tiood propostion to right party. Act quick. Phone 4UU-R after 6 p. ni. tf FOR RENT Slightly used piano, Noel Erskine. Phone 729-W. 200 FOP. RFN'T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 234 E. 0th. 303 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Adults. 325 E. Jackson street. Phone 211. 301 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, steam heated. C07 S. Cen tral. Phono 574. , tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT House, electric lights, built In kitchen, good well water on back porch. Close, to school and mill. Phone 675-R. 200 FOR RENT S room house, close In. Phone S82-R. or 517-L. 20K FOK RENT Modern, furnished three room house. Adults. tJarage. "31 W 2ild. 200 FOR UKNT Furnished u-rooni house. tilO So. Central. Call 435 N. llartlett. 300 FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cot tage. Phone 900. 301 FOR RENT -Good house, furniture for itale. JJrown & "White. J'hone 1'JU. ' 303 FOR HUNT Partly furnished house. Close In. No children. '203 'i N. Holly street. 30(1 FOR HUNT Five room house, partly furnlshcdi on pavement, garage, garden and nice shade. Tel. 723-W or call at 613 Ho. Newtown. 299 FOR RENT ?32, furnished bunga low, iino conuiuon. auuiis. I'nnue 6S5-J. . ' 300 FOIt KENT Furnished 1 room bun galow. Inquire at llerrydalc Store. 300 FOR RENT 6-room house. l'hone FOR RENT Houses, Brown & Whlta. 03301 J BUNGALOW SACRIFICE Nori-Resiilent Owner Says Sell. $500 Cash, Balance $30 a Month Five-room modern bungiilow, jinvod street, lurt! hit, garago; everything ready to move in. Must be sold. Price $3000. Nothing better. . Phone 784-L or 409 J. C. BARNES, Real Estate G So. Central We Solicit ur REGL ESTATE BUSINESS In Alt tl. tl.sn1... O 8ALES RENTALS Choice Jast Side building lots; pavement, newer; water paid up in full. Price $600.00, toloso 9p an estate, i BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. j 12 East Main 8t. XOUR. fcROTHEfe HE HMD OtS HVb ' Mm: V1- MEW COLF Service, I no. restrved. ITFLP WANTED MALE WANTED Young man on ranch who understands orchard work and trac tor. John II. CarUin. if WANTED A bus boy in the dining room. Apply In person Hotel Med ford. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for office work, must understand bookkeeping and typewriting. Address K. S.. care Mail Tribune. 3a WANTED Competent maid for gen eral housework, Mrs. It. J. Henrv. Phone 1U-F-4. tf FOl'ND Keys. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. 200 TAKEN I P TAKEN l:P Ray horse, weight about 1100. Dave Lynch. Trail, Ore. 300 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE California income property for acreage close to school and on good road with free deeded water right, or will consider city property in Roguo River valley. Give full particulars in first letter. Add rest owner. Central Point, Ore gon. P. O. Rox 371. 303 INCOME 100 bearing English wal nuts, house; pears oft 10 acres just outside Ashland, for Mcdford resi dence. Equity $2500. lauia Coun ter. 135 Nutley, Ashland. 301 FOR TRADE 1 GO acre ranch on Redwood highway. 20 acres in cul tivation, 50 acres fenced, two barns, C room house, other outbuildings. In dividual water right. For residence property in Medford. Tel. 1033. 300 FOUND FOl'ND Itlack key case ami keys. owner may have same by calling at . this office ami paying for nd. 299 FOK SAIjft TtOMKS FOR SALE Ry owner, new modern 4-room plastered home. Cement foundation, large, new garage, ce ment drivevuy, located on paved street, clos in. This house is com pletely furnished with all new fur niture. Terms. Phone 63i!-R. 302 FOR SALE- A very attractive eight room home on Queen Anne. 75 foot frontage, corner lot. cement base ment, furnace, double garage, brick terrace, entire yard in lawn. Rack yard latticed. ' For" appointment to inspect Phone 1020. 2119 WANTED . To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF & WOOLF :oez lOl TO GET THIS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fine Gcnmal Store doing J50 to 125 " a tiny, nil cash business; postofflce ond gaB station. Modern homo apart- ' incuts In connection. Good location In Hogue Hlvcr Valley. Bmall Invest ment. Will consider trade for city property. IT IS WORTH CONSIDERING FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY MeciTord Building ' Medford, Oregon, II LOANS INSURANCE o THItSK. THE hrtEtS LOOK WONDERFUL IM COLF tlOVT'b? r-.frr. 1 j i it . wvm- FOR SALE AVTOMORILES FOR HAI.K 1922 Ford sedan, or will trade for vacant lot. Phono N59. 303 FOR KAI.t: Dodge bug, good rubber. olts of sliced. 100. 1923 license. 123 So. Front. 301 FOR SA1.K ton Samson truck. A-l condition, priced right. Phone 3 ll-R-li. FOR SAI.K Fordsou tractor, plows and double discs; bargain. JJolph Philips. Phipps Orchard. 303 'OR SALE Ford touring car. cheap: for cash or trade. Phono loTtS. 301 FOR SALE A real snap, 1922 Ford touring In A-l shape, see Ray at Scott 2nd Hand Store, 45 S. Front street. 300 FOR KALE $700 liulck. 1922. Mile- age 12001). license; junipers, spot, spare. 71S W. Main. tf FOR SALE liulck 0. 4 passenger coupe. Rrand new Ihlco paint Job. License for 1 ti 2 r, : 0 good tires. Can be seen lit Dun's Lunch room. tf FOR SALF POlTI.TItT AND EGOS FOR SALE 200 chick Standard elec tric brooder. Phono 95.H-X. 300 FOIt SALE ltlue flame brooder, 300 chick size; used one season. Tent 12x10. 10 oz., used one season. 50 egg incubator. (.;. (. Kohhiiis, P. O. address. Clold Hill. Residence, Rock Point. 303 FOR SALE At n bargain. Standard electric incubator. R. I. Red hatch ing eggs n,nd hens. Phone 105K. 321 FOR SALE O. A. C. eggs for hatching. llarrod Rock Phono 201-.1. tf FOR SALE KICAI. ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Have sev eral ranches at bargain prices or will consider trailing for Medford 'properly or Ashland property. What 'have you to offer. Write or phone Clarence Tierce. Medford. , 302 FOR SALE 10 acre tract. 3 miles out, JM00. Phone 517-L. 303 FOR RALE 120 ncres. Stock, tools . and everything goes, Claude E. Moore, Trail, Ore. 302 FOIt SA l.H 4 acre wiih poml im proycioentn; urnihe) houye, c;ood Imrh. Ktirnue and chicken hoime; cow. heifer. 40 chlckotiH and car. Owner, John Caidel. H. 1, south west, llox It. One inllo outuido city lilllllS. 310 FOK 'HAM-: m acreH himt land In the valley. lient accommodations. JuhI oulHido the cily. Phone &r,;M-3. FO ti HAIJ-: hVvonil fnrniH, Rood Viil ni'H. 1'u.Hy (wins, low inti'VCHt. O. (.'. Vawkh, Atly for HUlte J,und Mourn! . tf FOIt HALK 20 miiH nultali! fur v Hctahlo or rhirkent or Ki'iu-ral furniltiK. All fpmoB woven wire. Tt-rmy. Cnll 21f 'ot Juckwon, hi. 3U1 FOIt HA MO Half acre nlfalfa. iniln WfMl uf I'hooniX. flnod Wfll. flop, small lioUHC. A Imi'K'ili)- it. O. Meaihr. 3U0 FOU SAL10 IiniirovtMl vacant lot fiUx I'll) ft. on paved Htrcci, all ii!m'HH inontH paid. Phono 21M-L. 300 FOIt HA MO A real haiKaln, 40 acron freo Hoil. lft acrt'8 in pi-afH. b room houso; !loHC In. TerniH. Hno JJalb MayH. Call 5U0-b or "72. 310 FOK HAIK 10 a.-ro tract t mllRH from Modford l)unliuiHn center. Free Foil, all can bo cultivated. Vor.v aiKhlly bnlldlnf? npot. Prlco $10fW). Ternm. l'hone or lUft. tf SACHIFICR HALIO 10,000 acres rh- sorted nlfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 aero tracts and tip. Price f.5 per acre, up, ft and 10 year's time. Kanchos for rnnt and exchango. Oold Kay Itealty com pany, owneru. 15 N. (Ira)io Ht. tf FOK SAIiE MV1CHTOCK FOK HAMO FrcMh cow. One mile H. AV. l'hocnix Dfpnt. EvcnlllgH after 6. i). k. walker. 301 KOK KALTO flood Jersey cow, oon fresh. Hee Hnow at I'atton's used car lot. 300 KOK HAMO 3-year-old nurhani bull plt,'H. Aluo fresh GuernHcy cow. Phone n-13-X 300 FOK HAMO Fresh cow. Mrs. W. H. JuckHon. 611 Ho Kiverside, 2'J!t FOK BALK Two ncuutlful fresh . rows; can't bo beat. M. Walsh, on Hnuth Peach stret, Just outaldo city . limits tf FOK HALIO Kwoh and lambs. Phone . 201.1. 2J't INSURANCE Insure in the Best Companies FIRE AUTctvlOBILE q PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT HEALTH LIABILITY CARL Y. TENGWA?D Insurance That Insures Hotel Holland Bui Id I no Phone 093 102:. ag 9, By Georg'e McMamia (3 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOIt SAI.10 Ginftlng wax. Seed Co. Monarch tf FOR SAI.K If. red shouts. 1 blood sow and 10 pigs rendy to wean. S. 10. Collins, Table Rock. 300 FO R S A 1 4 V. M 1 SCK1.1 i A N EO I'S FOR SAI.K ir,o gallon wagon tank: Only 3o. Modern Plumbing Sheet Metal Co. 301 fOR SALE Ruled alfalfa. tf FOR SALE Furniture, rugs, over stuffed davenport, ladies' saddle, shot gun nntl shells. Frank Ratid lev, Jacksonville. 300 FOR SALE Alfalfa inoculation. Mon arch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE -16 Inch green slab wood. ?2. 00 load; 4 foot green slab wood, $1.50 loud. Load has about cord and third. Haul it yuursolf. Tum llu llox Co. tt FOR HAM': -Crape vines. About 4000 Tokay and seven or eight other choice varieties. Will sell cheap. Edd Hughes, Til lent. Ore. 303 FOR SALE Rhuharh and asparagus roots, blackberry and strawberry plants. Perennial flowers, butterfly bushes. Overlook Gardens, Phone S08-Y'. 299 FOR SALE Second hand Waterloo Roy 12-25 tractor. J350. See Win. P.ohnert. Central Point, or Hubbard Rros., Medford, Ore. 302 FOR SALE Ilumogerm Inoeulatiun costs lets nnd makes stronger le gume crops. Sold by Monarch Seed Company. tf FOR SALE DcLavel separator No. 12: John Deere 14 Ineli sulky plow; mower and rako. J. J. Pcllott, Tal ent. 301 FOR SALE Grafting wax. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR KALE At a bargain. Standard electric liicubiilnr. R. 1. Red hatch ings eggs. Phono 105K. 321 FOR SALE New Oregon nnd ever hearing strawberry plants. V. II. Summers. 3 miles south of Med ford. Pacific highway. 299 CLOSIN'O OPT ParKnlns! PurKatna! ItuiKaltiH! We nre forced out of hus hicHH. -Only 30 day to out. Kv ery article, new and Mcrond hand, niuut go, rcKardlGHH of price. Come in and et what you need. Scott 2nd iland .Store, 4f S. Front St. 300 FOIt HAL!-: 6 hundred 2 yenr con- eon! KrapcH, fine condition. To niovo quickly will well ut reduced price PiVjC K. Welch, 22H So. J lolly, l'hone (HMt. tf FOU HA MO lOvorbourlnii Ktrnwltcrry plaiUH, U5 I'urk IMUco. J. H. Wolfe. :t o a FOK HALK Ktnllli'H dry pino wood 1p hOHt, ?:i a tier uolivt'i-od. I'tione .M'ii ord 110;i, CVntrnl Point 3K-X-2. 307 FOTt HA IM Ft-nco vntMn, northorn roil coilitr. Phono 7F14. 300 FOR HA MO Heed potiuooH of early vartetlH. ItcuHonablo Pricoa. John B"n Produce Co. tf FOK HA LK Fancy netted com pota toes from ivlatnath Falls at reason able prices. Those who have used Klamath Falls potatoes will toll yon thorn aru nono better. Johnnon Produce Compnny. 241 N. Fir street. Phono 07. 2!i5tf FOK HADE OK TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 15 N. Grape, tf FOR HALE New Pxli seamless Mas- land rug. Novor used. Devon's store. tf ursiNKss mniwrrouY RntldliiK Supplies ond Hoofing STANDARD ROOFING AND RUILD- EKH BUPPIY CO. BUIUI UP Itoor ItiR, Ashland Oranlto Top. 1 R years Kuaranteo. Rest prad of roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All material Class A. Port land Reaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barret or pound. Tel ephone 73R-X. Used Cars That You Can Use , Lowest prices in iho, valley oifc reconditioned Fords. , SPECL4L For Truck fl Body. Just Overhauled ?1S5.00 A PAflE REVF-ft fr nrKIXESS DIRECTORY Attorneys KEAMES & REAMES Lawyors, lice in Liberty Building. of- Abstractors MURRAY UROS. i Abstracts of Title GREEN E Rooms 3 and 6 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COFNIT A11STHACT CO. Abstracts of Title nnd Tltlo Insurance The only complete Title S y s t o 111 Id Jackson County. A. E. KELLOC.ti Abstractor Of Titles, (.'.old Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' oxperionce 'In th county. Phono li-J-2 Hold Hill. tf Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN C-hiro' praetlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 2S Medford Hldg. Phono UBS. tf DR. A. It. HEDGES Neo-Kclectlo P h y 8 I 0 I a 11. DR. LOUISE B. HEDOBS Naturopathic. Chiro practor. Mechano-Therupy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro. practice. Office: Stewnvt Illdg.. 255 H. Main St. Phones: Office 170; Res. 170-.I-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Nervo Specialist. Office hourtf 0-12. 2-5, 203-208 Liberty Bids. Office Phono 5S0. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DK. O. J. JOHNSON Dontlst. Phone (iti!). Ken. 77ti. Office hours 0 & m. 6 p. m. IOvonlng and Sunday by appointment. UK. II. 10. MURPHY Dentistry. Dental X-Kuy. Phono 77, oHloa Hecond floor Modford Hldg.' I0xKrt Accountant WU-SON AUDITING CO. K. M. WIL son, C. P. A. Attention given tft anything in nccountiiiff nnd Income - Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty UldK., Medford. Phone 157-R, Fiiwilturo .KEPA1K1.NO OF ALD KINDS of fur niture, work done at your home or at our shop. A. N. Thlebault. Tel. 1H0-K. ' I Insurance " ' EAItr S. TUMY All forros of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Liro. Accident, Uniuls. 1'lionu 402. ,0D Liberty nidtf. Money to Iiau 1 . R. ANDREWS Ifuys and sells mortgages "'id luanti money on good security. 31 N. .Grape Ht. Phonf fi3-M. . 246 Fnncnil Director PERL FUNERAL llOMt: Cor. Sixth nnd Oakdulo. Ambulance service. Phone 47. Monuments THE OUEUON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, General M ana rccr. P. M . Kershaw, BrJea Manager, 103 E. Sixth Ht., Medford. tf ostcopatlts DR. F. (1. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathic Physician 41(1-418 Liberty Rid. Phone 904-J-3. Residence 26 Houth Laurel Ht. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON ILMOHT Teacher of J'lano und Harmony. Studio all Liberty Hid:., Phono 7 2. Printers and Publisher M EDFORD PRINTING CO. haa the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Rook binding1, loose leaf ledgers, billing; systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir Ht. Fl muster EADK TRAN'HFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front fit. Phone 31 5. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE! CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grapo. Phono 644, or restdonco 1000, Upholstering J. WEIH Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. Wo deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 801 Jacksonville, Ore. V ETF. It I V A It Y MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. E. C. McCulloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med . ford, Ore. Phone 369 Day or night Window Cleaning GEO. A. SEELY Window cleaning, floor waxing, Janitor service, bulid- C.X Gates Auto Co.