Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 10, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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flrEDFOTtD ATT? TRTmjMV rEDTFOnP, OnKfiON'o TUESDAY, M.fl?fTT 10 1925 0
NKW VOHiC, March 10. I)i:H-n-nlon
tivr the )mntion f fn cdnin nf
appcrh In soviet fluvwiit t (listiirhfd
a KOHsInn if the Intfrniilluiuil Cuinnilt
U'O for Political 1'rinonoiH in 1ht town
hull last ni-ht that thn police JntiM-fi-r-nd
and nruVred that th miotiiiK hall
he cloHfd.
No arroHts were madr, thn rmwd
Oontontlinr ItKflf hy dii-criinj,''s
toward the ufflci :. including' Norman
HapKond, thn chnlrnian.
The dtorih'r arose whon a letter
from Art urn filovnnnitti, Italian com
munist, who had been scheduled to
Hpeak, was road. He stated he v;in
not In sympathy with thn nu'etltiK.
nddiriK that freedom in the 1'nited
States ttriH not taiUiil to that In soviet
Russia. For these reason?, ho wrote,
he would not Kpealt.
Tinker Itnldwin of the American
Civil Uborlley union, gained the floor
and shouted:
"There Is no freedom of speech in
soviet Russia."
'Mt'H a lie. Three cheers for soviet
JtiU'sla," ramp a shout from the au
dience. This brought the 500 pres
ent to their feet. Any number of
Hpcakers tried to gain the floor at
once, the police stepped In and Air.
Jlapftood left the hall, as he An Id, "dis
rupted." Count Allehnel Knrolyl. former pres
ident of Hungary, hat! aeeented an In
vitation (o attend but failed to ap
pear, sending a letter In which he
explained his pledqe to the state de
partment at Washington to refrain
from "political activities'' while In
Merchants Offer
Wonderful Bargains
For Tomorrow
The regular weekly Wednesday
bn rga in day of the Al ed ford mer
chants occurs tomorrow nnd there
arc 28 wonderful special bargains
ndx'erllsed for that day and there
mo hundreds of others In the dif
ferent nloreH.
These bargain days are proving
very popular and profitable, are
drawing people from all over south
ern Oregon nnd northern Cat I Torn in
and tho people eagerly watch for
the Monday Mall Tribune announc
ing these hurgains.
The merchants all try to exeel
each other In offering bargains and
in buying merchandise, keep these
spnclal days in mind and buy-ahead,
Out! merchant rays he has purchns
ed Hpeclals for a whole year.
The Standard Hoofing and liuibl
erH Supply Co.. successors to Aled
ford Itrick and Cement Hlock works,
on South Kir St., are making ce
ment bricks by a new and improved
steam process which they claim are
wonderful fur tho erect Ion of all
kinds of buildings. They claim air
space walls mado from I her e hrick
aro'icool In Hiiimuer and warm In
winter and require no lathing. "
they plaster directly on the brick
and no painting as the brick are laid
with colored or plain mortal.
An invitation is extended to every
one to call at the factory and see
tlm. brick.
Radio Programs
for Tonight
KKI. I-iw Angeles,
to II, I,oh Angeles
4U.V8 meters. X
lOxaminer pro-
gram. !i to 1 0, classical program
presented by Harold I;. Arnold. 1 0
to 11, Don Meany night with Monte
Blue master of ceremonies.
KM. I, Los Angeles, 4 0,.2 meters, S
to !:30, Pomona Lion's club and
J'omona College program. !) :30 to
10:3(1, program through the courtes
of the Kit.gerald Music company,
undenting Clare Knrhes Crane pia
nist and Calnion l.ubovlski, violin
ist. 10:30 to 11:00. Art HickmanV
dance orchestra broailcast ing from
the Illltmore hotel. Karl Kurtnett.
KNX. Hollywood. 3:17 meters, S to
!, K'ite Catering Co.. sponsoring.
!' to la, Davis StandXii d Hreail Co..
Hpontiorlng. 1" to lit Motel Ambassador-A
be Iy man's Cocoa tin t CI rove
orchestra (movie night).
KKON, 1-ong Iteach, 23J.1 metem,
9 to 11. the Virginia Hotel Itallroom
KCiO. Oakland. ,'it!l meters. 8:00,
ntudio program given through the
courtesy of the Chevrolet .Motor Co
10 to 1:00. dance music program
by Henry 'Halstead's orchestra and
soloists. Motel St. Francis, San Fran
KrO. San Francisco. 4 L'S.3 meters.
8 to 1 o. program by Mis. Frederick
Crow, president San Francisco mush
nnelety. 10 to H. fiene James Itose
Itootn Ftowl orchestra, playing at the
I'alave hotel.
Flic, San Francisco. '.'To meters
q 8 to 10, dam e prom run by P.iul Wei
ll's orchest ia. playlnu at II Tro -tore
Koof (iiinli'ii 'a fe. Durimr in-
tei-niKdon.s "Sniilin" " .Mmuiv K-s-.'l. !
Hccompa me. I hy Ha el Mc Datnc !.
will sing popular numbci s in the
KfiW. loitlandn41P.r lneter-S:00
Oreijon Agricultil Cole Wten
tlon Rice lecture. 8:3u. concert.
10:00. Miiltnonmh Motel Strollers U'
hours). Q
KKOA. Seattle. WiiVTi., 4.;4.3"mO'
tcr. 8:15. weather reports. 8:30j
to 10:00. the Times program nrtlsts'i Motel
O eel In I, featmini: Mvm r.aiiertft mi-dli
rllv. 10 to U, K.blie Ihlll.neHH itnljpl,L-
i i I 1 "V i. , , r,,"ra i Also. i;,lnlt V. Aailnm. who -tllion
!"" ' J';!1," Wlliler, I,la A. Yarw-o fii,.(i Au,:.iMt I7ih, ILL'S, anil
have filed the i , Inly a. lni.-odKod u-bow land In I o lm ltlilod.
CIIICACd l- h in Tho l...l,a "? .-. . . "", '!"' Vi1"'. ' "' 1 "","'d l-artiilllarly doK,-ril.o,l an follim-B:
llll At.O. M.,,,1, Hl.-lho hoh.l- r nlroilnrn of Iho .M-dford lrriBution liCKi11B 712.5 r,. Kluth d JuM.OK
viol- of Myra. horaldod hy aslronoiaors ; UiKlrl'l praylnK that oa'-h parlii ullir ft. U 0.1t of the Northi ast oor of
. . . 1 1 t .1 1 I pier! and parool of land horoinaflor N 1, c v.i 4 rn t? n w
"" r"'""' l:"M""1 1V "" ,m- i'l-Horih.,1. holn,: within Jaokson ,. ,'honr-c South Vu "mla has ahvaya hoon orrontrio with , ty. OroKon, ho iniludod within tho 1.; jy ft. thonoo South IS doroon I r,
a maximum hrllliani o lil.OOO tinion j '".'."'01''1 '''Kallon Distrkt; that is to ( ,uto Wt-nt 2!)'l'ft: thonoo N. feS Uo
Kroalor than 1IH minimum, aaid I'm-I S" W. CI. Hollo., o! ux. whoso poll.inn ' Xor. h M d'rooH -"miaMo U'o 'r'l'ss
foKsor I'hllllp Fox. dirooior of the w,,w filpl lanuary Ifith. 1 a 2.1, and ft; thonoo North 1 8 douroos 1 .1 mlnutoa
, , . . whoso land, polilionod to I.o Inoludod, ' A'om 31U ft- .honoo Vm-ih x'l iloLM-f iw
Dearborn ohsorvatory. of Norlliwost- ju ivirlh uhn-K- ,h.u, i'ilwl ,,u f,.il,,uu- I,.- . , . . uiKiti
oi-n unlvi r.slly. minmontlmr on nhwr-
vatlonH of tho nlar mado hy the .Mount j
Wilson, t'al., ol,sorvatory.
Kon'iolimi.H It is nearly as hrlahl as
001.1.. si-,r" uiihl l',-,.fo i.'
e pin,. mi, said liorossoi ! ox.
Kali, it fades helow the slKl,t of the
naked ey
"What is happening1.' Well It is ai
young giant star and perhaps it gets
blanketed and then sn uggles until it
breaks forth again In its real lull-
"am. j
1 iiiiiTwir j- orcHi ii;iy .mihihom di
the t'niverslty of Chicago contributed
figures and historical data on My
which Fabrlous discovered in ir:fi,
Alyra has a diann-t" r nf LT.a.ona.oao
miles, with a volume of 3 I. Sua. nun, 000
times that of the earth, and 2C,f)0U,000
times the volume of the sun, said I'ro
fesKOr Moulton.
Ifclty Compon at Itlalto.
Hetty Compson and James Cruzc
havo another big triumph as .star and
director in "The (Jarden of Weeds,"
opening at the Itialto today.
Thnt photoplay Is an adaptation of
the ISroadway speaking stage hit of
the present season.
Warner ISaxter. Itockliffe Fellowes.
ChtirleH Ogle ami AI St. Joan are fea
tured in the splendid supporting cast.
Fellowes, as Philip Flagg, owns the
luxurious "Oat-den of Weeds,' a homo
where he maintains many hangers-on
nnd entertains the beauties of the
theater, l'.axtcr as Douglas Crawford,
is a wealthy young man whom Flagg
hopes to entangle in a shady business
deal and Ogle, as I leury Poulsun, is
one of Flegg's tools.
Hetty Compson ns Dorothy Del
bridge, a chorus girl. Is understudying
the leading woman In a show Flagg is
financing. She meets Flagg. Poulsun
and Crawford almost at the same
time; Is attracted to Crawford and
rpurns Flagg's invitation to visit- his
home, he has her discharged aud then
contrives to meet her ami renew his
invitation.. This time she accepts.
Weeks Inter she again meets Craw
ford, begins a secret friendship and
they decide to get married. She
breaks with Flagg in a terrific scone
in which he threatens to reveal her
secret to Crawford, but the couple is
married. Dorothy's struggle to keep
r husband from learning her past.
Further entertaining numbers on
this program include u laugh-provoking
comedy, "Cradle Robbers;" the
International News pictures and n
tuneful musical offerings hy "Peggy"
Kltl ley.
At. Hunt's Cnitcrlan.
Take notice, ye Swanson fans, your
(llorla Is to be at Hunt's Crateriau to
morrow and Thursday, In as fascinat
ing a picture as you will want to see,
prettier than ever, and ready to steal
your heart if she doesn't already own
The picture Is 'called "Wages of Vir
tue," nnd In made from a novel by Pcr-
ival Wren, a Hritlyh author.
Much 'ncinployni:'nl hi Jnuin.
TOK I" . Fell. I G. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) I'lieuiploy
ment in Japan now total 3.400,000, ac
cording to figures compiled by the
I'nion Chamber of Commerce. The
report ays Hie worst feature of the
."ituation is (hat fully forty per cent of
the out of work are ..f the intellec
tual or non-manual lahor class and
these find It virtually impossible to
procure even part ttnie work.
Phnlo hy llar.Honk.
Hrautirul Woman Is Alwil)
Well Woman.
Ta.-oma. Wash. "When one of
my l;ila;hterM wan develooini; tilt
wouiiinht'.'.l Mie wan nervous and In
a inn .limn tnte of health. l'r.
Helve's K:iv,,iile I'reSi-ription leKU
h.U'.l h.r,n, :.!h1 luoved an ex
.vll.M.t I, -111, :i:., n-Tmi 1 tliltll.
I '.. i" r I 'i i .ia ion' n a .-pint
i .h ':,.! m ...... .nlv ailin. nl!
;n. I L.HI I" ..'-peii'li'd upon. I am
alua.Q KladO-' p,-.,u a Kiind word
for It h'-raiise 1. is so reliallle."
Mrs. Ujirihu f. Wlllon, iir.S'.i I-:. Jay
St. w
V. will sMiinOoe well If you
sMrt ' .aKe l-'.l..'Ue 1 'reserlitlon.
In laitlela or iinald. All iIi-iikkIsIh.
Wrlln lr. irtli.'e. president Invalid'
111 ll.ufiio. X. Y.. for free
il a.lviee. Send 1 lie for trial
I the I'leH. I iplioli T.lhleliQ
The Screen
JSi'lliv, I I West, tllnncfi U'PHt 372.3 fiti't, Illi-ni'c
Xnlii n In nil liimluuni'n; In Mi'ilfmil iN'oilh 421.11 fei'l In thn ilili-u nf lii'Kln
Irl'lKHlliill Dislllut mill to nil whunOit niiiK riintainliiK 111 nil I.3U m ivn nf
miiy nunc i. Iliinil inure or l. KxipdnW anil nx-
1 nil nru ln-r liy notified that: W. I rluiliiiK the follnwlni;: Ix-kIiiiiImh lit
l'. Ilolluu i'l nx, W. K. Knln, Goi'Ki! piilnt North X!l flprtHiH 2 K nnuU'il
II. DiMin. Miiry Mt'ssino, II. M. Alurri- Went from the .Voilln am rornvr "f the
mm. Klhi'l c'oki ly. J. C.olm'. Albert nhovo ilesirihecl li-aft. runnliu,-them-i!
AmlerKon, I-Mim 1 AdaniH, J. 1 1. ChnH-t South foot. Wont 20:1 fi-tit. North
lain anil Harry I..'.1HI.h. J. V. Harvey, I
.lain- A. .Iny. Mrs. ('ally Steailuifl n,
; Itolit. S. Kurry. K. Wheeler iinil S. II.
K laniill ot ux, Harry Daily and wife, t
.llin ia .ozler. Owen Dutilap, .1. II.
. V. , 1 , 1 ,,
1'. !-' "'l 1 ' 1 l"iok 2. 1
1-aurolhurnt Addition, oolilainliiK .r.ii
Vi -it- 1- , ,
..''lidVV.d; K?r'"'ll,'n' "a rl"wh!,'io '
. . .,' ; 1 '; ', 1 ,wh,w
land, polilionod in he Iniludod, Is par-
Ueularly deserlhod as follows: lloitin-
ning at a point :!: feet Kast of the
cornnr of Donation l-ind Claim No.
it in Township 3 7 South, liauge 1!
Went of Willamette Meridian running
thence North 10 degrees 0 minutes V
Ma feet, thence North 27 feet, theme
Kast 3!H
feet, thence South
icei, in.
West 3111 feet, thence
North l-IGIba feet to the point .of
ginning containing In all 13.7 acres of
land more or less. Kxcepting and ex
cludinglng beginning 25 feet Kast and
12 feet South of the N'orthwem corner
of Donation Land Claim number 77 In
Township 117 South, Range 2 West of
Willamette, Meridian running thence
Kast 312 feet, thence South 27(1 foet,
theiu-e West 312 feet, thence North
27fi feet to the point of beginning con
taining In all 2.0 acres of-land more or
less. It is the 'Intention of the peti
tioner to Include 11.7 acros of land in
the Medfnrd Irrigation District.
Also. George ft. Dean, whose peti
tion was filed January 13th. 11125, nnd
whose land, petitioned to he Included,
is particularly described us follows:
Half of lots 8 nnd 9. and the North
half of the West 155.5 feet of Lot No.
7, all in L. & i. Subdivision No. 1 as
the same Is platted and recorded in
the records of Jackson County, Ore
gon, containing 11. til acres of land
more or less.
Also. Kdwin K. Wilder, whose peti
tion was filed January 12th. I!t2&. and
whose land, petitioned to be included,
Is particularly described as follows:
Lots" 1. 2, 3, 4. 5 and G In Hlock 8. as
laid down on the Samuel Cnlver re
corded plat of tho village of Phoenix,
Jackson County, Oregon, containing
1.4 3 acres of land.
Also, Mary Messino. whose potition
was filed August 2nd. 1!23. and whose
laud, petitioned to be included, is pur
licularl" described as follows: Lot
24. Hlock 10, Iturelhur.'it Addition,
City of Med ford, Oregon.
Ab'O. M. M. Morrison, whose petition
was filed January !Uh. 1025, and whoso
land, petitioned to be included. Is
particularly described ns follows: I leg-inning
at a point 1472 feet North anil
2t17 feet West of the Southeast corner
of D. L. C. No. 43 in Twp. 38, It. 1 W.
Willamette Meridian, Oregon; thence
North III! degrees W. 4!l ft.; thence
Fast 2titl fret; thence South 5 degrees
15 minutes H 344 feet; thence West
(14 feet to tho place of beginning- con
taining 1.4 2 acres of land mure or
less. Kxceptlng and excluding the
following: Reginning at a point 0 ft.
Kast of the NV corner of Hut above
described tract and running thence,
Ka.-t 40 feet; thence South 53 ilegr
I., minute Y. JIIJ feet; the.lee .South . ,,., , lu ,, , .Kinnlnl, uot!1n
.. i dei;reeH minutes I: ill feet; nK o.l'aereH of land mure or lew..
Ihcn.e .North .11. deKrees 1 mlnuteii U. ,. , fnm, i,,,.. i :,..- ....i,,.- , lhe
,.r,l feet tn the ilu of het;iiiniiiB eon-
tnining .30 acres more or less.
Also. Kthel Coke, whose petition was
filed January 8th. 1 it 25, ami w hone
land, petitioned to be included, ts par
ticularly described as follows: He-
ginning at a point on the North line
or D. L. C. No. !!5. T. 37 S-, R. 2 W.
W. M. 17X0 feet Kast of the SK conn r
of D. L. C. No. 12 In said Twp. jmd
Range and running thence North 50(1
feet, thence Kast 5S0 feet, thence
North 3 0 foet, thence, Kast S3 feet,
thence South 550,5 feet, thence West
ti('.3 feet, to the place of beginning
containing 7.! acres of land. Kxcept
ing aud reserving therefrom the fol
lowing: lieginning at a point on the
North lie of D. L. C. No. 05 In T. 37
S.. U. 2 W.. W. M. HltiO feet Kast of
the SK corner of D. L. (!. No. 02 in
said Twp. ami Range and running
I Hence North 187 reel, thence Kast 1 Hi
feet, thence North 37. feet, thence east
75 feet, thence South 22 1 feet, thence
West 221 feet, to the place of begin
ning containing 1.0 acre of laud more
or less.
Also, L. J. Oober. whose petition
was filed January 2 2ml. 1024. a ml
whose land, petitioned to he included.
is particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point IS links North
of the Northeast corner of Donation
Land Claim No. 7 7, In Township 37
South. Range 2 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, and running thunce
West ti chalim aifd 4 2 links; thence
South 7 chains and 78 links; thence
Kast l chains and 42 links to the Kast
line of said Donation lind Claim 77;
thence North on said Hast line 7 chains
ami 7S links, to the place of beginning,
oiitaiuing ti acres, more or less; saving
ami excepting from the above a nar
row strip on the North side of said
tract, lying In Lot No. 2 of O. llar
haugh Subdivision, as shown on the
official plat thereof, now of record,
containing 1 ,0: acres of laud. Also
excepting from above tract a strip
along the West line of same, being om -
half of the County Road, containing
M.l'i acres. Also excepting from above
tract the follow ing described parcel
of land: Heglnntng 13U feet South of
the Northwest corner of the above
tract of land, less above exceptions;
thence Kast 15 S feet; thence South
1M feet: theni-e West 2!) feet; thence
South 57 feet; thence West 120 feet;
thence North 2 08 feet to beginning,
containing 0.72 acre of land. It being
the intention to petition into the Med
ford Irrigation District 3.00 acres of
the above tract of hind.
Also, Albert Anderson, whoe peti
tion was filed November 8th, 1024. and
whose land, petitioned to be. Included,
is particularly described ns follows:
Itr ginning at a point 1 Ti feflt
Noith of the Southwest corner of Sec
tion !) In Township 37 South. Range 1
West, of Willamette Meridian ami
from said point running thence Fast
3C30 feet. thence South 718 feel,
thence west 3( 30 feet, thence North
7 IS feet to the point of beginning, con
taining in all t0 acres of in ml more or
less. Also cx-pting and exempting
fromhe above described tract a draw
ia feet in width, the said center line
beginning 33 feet North from the
I Southeast coiner of the above de
i s'crihed tr n t and running Ohcie-e
N oi l h r.ti degi e-H and l ti
tt.'.S feet contaAing in all .fa acres ot
land more or b ss. Also including the hurst AdditioQ as the !:u. is re
foilowing: Higmnlug at a point 20nrded in the records of Jackson
feet South of the Northeast corner of
rjl above described tract running
thenceWesl 150 feet, thence North) 10. DeLozler. whose petition
30 degrees 45 mlnAes Kast 249.3 feet. Was fibvl .lav 9th. 1024, and vhos
thence North 00 deKrees 32 minutes ,tno petitioned to be Included, is
Kast 31S feel, thence South 11 degrees particularly described ns follows:
10 minutes FaM Iff 6 feet, thence South Ali OIU Hn( tW0i mock 1ft of Laurel
ti'J decrees 20 minutes West 250 feet, hurst Subdivision of the City of Med
thence S.)h 0 decrees 10 minuten f,,rd. Oregon, ns the plat of said sub-i;a.-IO-57
leet. thence SmA 2ti5 feet division Is recorded. Containing .23
t Qlie Southeast corner of rovernmetu , t-i-es of land.
Kt.Nu, 5 In Township '0 South Range j Also, oweu Dunlap, whose petition
li'iy foot, theiu-e 2lll feet tfi the
Jilaee of lieuinninir containing 1.0 aero I
nf ground iiidio or len.s. 11 Ih tho in-!
tentlon of tho petitioner to petition 111
Ij.Ta ai-roH of land.
louiinoH vem a:ii ri. io ino piaoo or,
hoclnnlni,'. Contalnlni; in all r, 7 ai ron. !
Also. .1. II. Chalain anil Harry U i
? '"i"' !"2,3' wh"so !,l"1'
110 laoluded, In parti, ulilrly d(.orlh-
..,1 ns follows' 1 nm 4 ; imd I i.loek '
A1INH - whose petition was filed August'
aurelhursl Addition, Aledford, Ore
Also. J. VS. Harvey, whose petition
was filed December 1 nh. 1 lL'4, and
whoKc land, petitioned to be included,
is particularly described as follows:
Commencing feel. West and S.
35 degrees 04 minutes F,. 1147.1 feet
from the Southeast corner of Donation
be-jjnj eai,n 4o. 41 in Township 3S
South, Range I West, said noint hcimr
on the Kasterly Hide of the Right of
Way of the Southern Pacific Railroad,
running thence, N 52 degrees 33 min
utes K 215 feet,-to the Westerly side
of the Illght of Way of the Canal of
the Aledfuvd Irrigation District,
thence, along said Itight of Way in a
Northwesterly direction 3 (12 feet,
thence, along tho Smith boundary of
sn, id canal Itight of 'ay 15 feet, to a
point on the Kai-lerly side of the Right
of Way of thd Southern Pacific Rail
road, thence, S 35 degrees 04 min
utes K. along said Railroad Right of
Way 312 feot to tho point of beginning
containing .U0 acres of land more or
Also. A. T. Johnson, whose potition
was filed January 21th, 1!(25. and
whose land, petitioned to he included
is particularly described ns follows:
Lots 21, 22. 23, 24. of Itloek 11, I .a li
re! hurst Addition, as shown on the of
ficial plat. In the County of Jackson.
State of Oregon, containing In all .44
acres of land.
Also. K. L. Webster, whose petition
was filed January 2(ith, HI2 5, and
whose land, petitioned to bo includod,
is particularly dweribed as follows:
lieginning at the Northwest corner of
the Northwest (iiarter of the South
west quarter of Section 4, T 37 S.,
Range 1 WoHt Willamette Meridian
running thence Inst Clio feet, thence
South 17 80 feet, thence Kast 123 feet,
thence South 738 feet, thence South
78 degrees f0 minutes West G2 feet,
thence South 20 degrees 20 minutes
West 74 feet, thence West 3S2 feet,
thence North 4 1 degrees 1 5 minutes
Kast 1!1J feet, thence North 78 degrees
15 minutes West 431 feet. theme
North 810 feet, theme North 41 de
grees 10 minutes Fast 443 feet, thence
North 5 degrees 20 minutes West 147
feet, thence North 3 1 degrees 50 mln
untes West 4 50 'feet, thence North
ti'4ti feet to point of beginning contain
ing 3X.2 acres of land more or leas.
Kxcepting and excluding the following:
beginning 502 feet North of the corn
ers of Sections 4, f, 8 and 0 in Town
ship 37 South Range 1 West of Wil
lamette. Meridian, running thence
North 328 feet, thence Kast 813 feet.
thence South 32S feet, thence West 8 J 3
jaouthwesl eiirner of the Northeast
imirter of Southwest ouarter of sec
tion 4 In Township 37 South. Range
I West, running thence Kast 057 feet,
t hence North '.'7 degrees 30 minutes
Wert 1105 feet, thence North 0 deu-rees
00 minutes West 333 feet, thence West
100 feet, thence South 1320 feet, to
the point' of beginning containing 10.2
acres of land. Kxcepting and ex-
luding from the above described tract.
beginning tioo feet North of the
Southwest corner of the Northeast
tuarter of the Southwest ouarter of
Section 4, Township 37 South, Range
I West of Willamette Meridian, run-
1i Ing thence Kast 200 , feet, thence
North 2ao feet, thence West 200 feet.
thence South 2ti'l feet to the point of
beginning containing 1.0 acre of laud
more or less. It Is the intention of
the petitioner to include 50.3 acres of
iaiid in the above described two tracts.
Also. I Jay Alfred Crance, whose pe
tition was filed March 2nd. 1025. and
whose land, petitioned to be included,
is particularly described as follows:
Lots numbered three and eight In
Hlgck Number 11. in the village of
Phoenix, Jackson Count v. Oregon, ac
cording to i he record plat thereof,
containing .33 acres of land.
Also. Jane A. Joy. whose petition
was filed September 1 3, 1 024. nnd
whose land, petitioned to be Included.
is particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point 20 feet Norlh
and 20 feet West of the corner of Sec
tions 4-5-.X-0 hi Township 37 S., R. 1
W. of the Willamette Meridian and
running thence North 420 feet; thence
West 320 feet: thence South 420 feot;
thence Kast 320 feet to the place of
beginning. Containing In all 3.10
acres of laud more or less.
A Iho, M in. 'ally Stead man.
petition wis filed April 11th. H'21,
and whose land, petitioned to be in
cluded, is particularly described as
follows: The Southwest 4 hree-qua in
ters of Lots 3 and 4, Hlock 13. Town
of Phoenix as the same is of record, in
the records of Jackson county. Ore
gon, and containing 0.24 acre of land.
Also,' Robt. S. Furry, whose petition
was filed April 11th, 1024, and hosu
laud, petitioned to he included is par
ticularly described as follows: The
Northeast one-third of I-ots 5 and tt in
Hlock 1 3. Town of Phoenix, as the
same Is of record In the records of
Jackson County, Oregon, containing
0.1 1 acres ot land.
Also. K. Wheeler and S. H. Clasplll.
et ux, whose petition was filed Jum
30th, 1D24, and whose land, petitioned
to he Included, is particularly describ
ed as follows: Heginuing nt a point
on the Kast side of the Pacific High
way said point hears North 27 degrees
25 minutes K 12H3.8 feet from the
S K. eorn r of D. L. C. No. 41. T. 3SS-,
U. 1 W.. W. M. thence North 35 de
grees 12 minutes K 1N' feet: thence
South 4 0 degrees 20 minutes K 1 B5
feet; thence South 23 degrees 43 min
utes W ltiti feet; thence North 48 de
grees 17 minutes W 105 feet; thence
North 51 degrees 40 minutes W 114
feet to the point of beginning contain
ing in all .Tti acres of land more or
Also llnnt iQily and wife, hone
petition v ;is filed May HUh. 1024. and
hone laud, petitioned to be included.
is partu uhirly described as r
otH an. I 12 in Hlock 3. Laurel
rrminty. Oregon, containing ,33 acres
was filed April H!th. 1024, and whose
land, petitioned to be included. Is par
ticularly described tts follows: lxts
5 and 0, 11 and 12. Hlock 1. Town of
Phoenix, as the plat of said town is
recorded. Containing 0.(i(i acrct uf
Also. .1. H. Johnston, whose petition
was filed January Sth. 1025, anil whose
land, petitioned to be Included, is par
ticularly described its follows: Com
mencing 10 5(1 feet Kast and 47 feet
North of the corner of Sections 20. 21.
2h and 20, Township 37 South. Range
1 West of Willamette Meridian, run
ning thence. North 13 degrees 35 min
utes West 02 feet, thence North 23 de
grees 0 minutes Kast. 148 feet. thentt
North 15 degree-, 10 minutes Kast 15.'
feet, thence Nort h 40 degrees 50
minutes Kast 1!'8 feet. thencO North
212 feet thence West 335 feet, thence
South 737 feet, thence Kast 12X feet
to place ot commencing, containing 4.0
acres of laud more or less.
And the petitioners severally fur
ther pray that orders be made by the
said Hoard of Directors of the Medford
Irrigation lUstrlct. that said lauds, as
above particularly described, b in
cluded within the Medford Irrigation
All perrons Interested In. or who
may bo affected by the proposed
change of the boundaries of said Dis
trict, or by the inclusion of said lands
In said District, are hereby notified to
appear at the office of the Hoard or
Directors of said District, at 323 South
Fir street. Medford, Oregon, on the
seventh day of April, 1025. at 2 o'clock
P. M. of said day. and then nnd there
show cause, if they have, why the
prayers of said petitioners, or any or
them, should not be granted nnd tho
land therein described be included in
the Medford Irrigation District.
Hy K. M. WILSON, Secretary.
Tues tf
Correct Time
Set your clock by
the Creamery
whistle. Western
Union regulated
Ask far Nutritious
Ice Crvain
Jackson County
Wong Pon
For Treatment of
Acute nnd Chronln
Diseases of Men
and Women.
Oani'er nnd tumor treated, Influenza, kid
lev, bladder ami stom;irh troulws, fiU,
tifrnin, rupture, colds, female trouble. iur
oli, fever, piieuinutiia, astlinia mid
trotibli-s, rlictiru:(tinni, ami'tiurrlineB. goitre,
consumption, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, al
Office Hour: 8 A. M. to BP. M,
Cotnultution Ft b
241 South Front St. Mttlford. Or a.
Why You Should
Eat More Fish
Salmon 20c per lb.
Halibut 25c per lb.
Black Bass ... 25c per lb.
Catfish 30c per lb.
Smelt 5c per lb.
Extra Large Crabs ....
30c each
241 N. Fir St. Phone 97
4-Year Vrooman
Franquettes Most of these arc spoken
for net now.
Washington Nurseries J
PjO WELCH & FLORI?, Agent!
228 3. Holly Phone 61Z-R
. j--?:-g
Ft 'V -M
The Real Value of a Used
. Gar Depends Much- '
,v On Where You
licgardless of price, model or make, the real
value of a used automobile is measured by
your satisfaction in the ownership of it, and
the ability of the local dealer to accept re
sponsibility for your satisfaction is a defin
ite and important part of what you get for
the price you pay for the car. '
One Block Off Main
Telephone Nurhbcr 150
Excellent Condition
Would Consider Trade
The Busy Corner Motor Co.
... For tomatoes, gardens, strawberries, lettuce,
lawns, flowers, berries. ,
Brings contentment to the dairy cow and in
creases, the cream check..
Legd, Sulphur, Lime, Spreader,
Oil Emulsion
Economy Egg Producer
It brings results. Ask the user.
Farm Bureau
Co-Operative Exchange
This way of romance
Go by train and ihlp.'throueh the
Southland to New York it cott but
little more.
The superb Shas ea route to California
(four tine trains daily) thence the
cenicSuruet route through the South
land to New Orleans
You'll relish your me all in th
Southern Pacific dining car fresh
fruits and Tegetables always a delicious
Connection at New Orleans with pa
. la tial steamers for New York meals
and berth included in the one fare.
n As lit about Carriso Qorte route
from San Diego Apacfit Trail
detour of Arizona.
Stopovers en route. For further
information, aik
M. Montgomery, Jjpcal Passenger
gent. Phone 34, Med$r4