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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1925)
. o o n if 'uftj"". 1 ' 1 l " ' 1 i- 11111 ASHLAND'S CAPTAIN Ky.Err qhows finfpirit wiiwnw I lib VI III! I O.A.C. DEFEATS BY OREGON POIN T. 27 TO 26 O - O o 0 o O (jfEDFORTIATLnip'TTyRAnSpFOTlT). OREOOX, TUESDAY, HOlf 1ft, 102.- 0 ' . ;BAI,EM,-. Or..- Mfcieh 10. When Wwrtergren, ' University of Ormon guard, foiled to convert a free throw A after, the fun. (founded . In the Ore-I Bon-O. .A. C. haKketbftll Kamc last MKht. he gave the ARgien the cham pionship of the northern flection of the Paolflc coast conference and the right to meet California to decido the coast title. Westergren's scrappy playing had .been a. feature of the trhole game, but trlth the score Handing 37 to 36 In favor of O. A. C., and playing time completely gone. the 'ba.11 struck the right rim of tho basket, hesitated and fell away. :. ach te'um took a -slight lead four dlfiereht times, the longest lead being one of five points, held by Oregoti late in . the second porlod. The eoiint . was tied four different time. The first half ended 13 to is.-; " . f Oyer IMn people packed the Wll lahjette, university gymnasium where thet game was played, with nearly as mnny left .outaido listening to the playa Be; they ' were announced to 1 them. . At six v o'clock last ninht ticket, were selling on the streets of Salem for )5 apiece. . The Hneup: " O'i Al C. (2?) - , Oregon (26) TlldlRS f .... Oowans Halter-. .. .' P Ilobson Brown i C ...... . Okerberg Stoddard .'. . ... O Wcstergren Steel .Q.' .... Jost ' .Jilwoky Sub. . f JlefereM-Borleske. . Whitman. Umpire Mulligan.', Spokane. . - . SAN FHANCISCO. March 10. The University of California basket ball, loam will leave tonight for Cor vallls, pre., to meet the Oregon Agri cultural college - on Thursday, Sat urday -'and Monday nights in a scries to decide, the Pacific coast intercol legiate basketball conference title. The Callforntans hold the southern division championship, while the Ag gies are title, holders In the northern division.' ' rtebrge Clements has been namfd IN SPUE DEFEAT Tho members and coach of the Motif ord liljfh b;ikttall team take Ihcir. huts off -to Tom. Uryunt,. the fltur player and. center of Ihe' AhU land .. high team," whom . .they pro nounce ah n real sport. Following tho hanl 'game between Med ford and Anhland last Saturday night. Bryant entered Medford hUth'8 dressing room and not only congrat ulated the local boys tin having won the district championship, but Ha id he hoped they would alt-o win the state championship again at Halem. Inasmuch as Bryant, always a star player who gives his best in every content, plays the game hard to win so much so that he has often been characterized as a rough player, his courteous act of Saturday night has made not only a big hit with the Medford team, but with all lovers of clean sportsmanship in Medford. Bryant played like a fiend Satur day night, and of the 23 points scored by Ashland In that contest, he made 14. He also played hard and was conspicuous In Ashland's vli-tnry of last Friday night. "He Is a star player, a dangerous opponent, but a fine fellow , and a Htraight shooter," wns the comment of tho Medford team. MEDFORD EASILY BEATS MERRILL, Italy Having Trouble With Jubaland Tribes LONDON, Mar. 10. A Namibo dis patch to tho Dally Express says the transference of Jubaland to Italy under the treaty has given occasion to disturbances, two Somali tribes battling for the possession of a cer tain oasis. No casualties are reported but a number of women are suld to have been carried off. The British native garrison at Blsmnyu, near the scene of the trou ble, has been reinforced, the dispatch adds, as developments are expected. A force of 40 millwrights are on the way to Klamath Falls from Mc Cloud. Calif., to begin the construc tion of the big lumbering plant of the Shevlin-Hixon company. to replace Fred Holmes, star Cali fornia forward who is 111. Medford Hi defeated Merrill HI at the Armory yesterday at 4:30. there by winning the undisputed right to represent southern Oregon at Sa lem this week-end. Scoring almost at will, tho local boys ran the count up to 69-12 before tho final whistle. The southeastern Oreon team was no match for the Medford five. They worked hard, but lacked the ability and machine-like teamwork and excellent basket shooting of their opponent. Chastaln was in top form and shot basket after bas ket from all parts of the floor. Be fore the game was over he had 28 points to his credit while Knlps and Allen each made 11. Coach Cal lison run in a lot of subs and they managed to outplay the visitors aleo, Herriott making C points, Chris Chastain 2, and Lalng 7. The team leaves Wednesday even ing on the 742 train for Salem. Right men nnd the coach will rep resent Medford in the tournament. M, Chaatain, Knips. Allen, White, Williams. Laing. Dcmmar, C. Chas tai nand Coach "Brink" Calllson. Oregon Prune Growers Get Further Payments PORTLAND,, Oro., March 10. Tho Oregon Prune Exchange directors to day announced that a further payment of one-fourth of a cent a pound had been authorized to growers, making 4 cents paid so far on last year's crop A total of 10,500,000 pounds of Italian prunes is in the pool and the remain der of the payments will come along in due course, it wan said. Prune shipments now are going to outside markets in large volume. It was re ported at the meeting that M. .). New house will return from his European trip in the interest of the prune asso ciation early in April. He is about due now at New York. Mglit Cough Quickly Rcl)cve1 This is the substance of n letter re ceived from H. W. Webb, Quincy. 111., "1 coughed a great deal, especially at night. Tried almost everything nnd have found nothing to equal FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND. One dose relieved- my cough and 1 rested well all night." One of the largest selling coutfh medicines In the world. Contains no opiates. Safe for children. Insist upon Foley's. Refuse substi tutes. S"ld evnrvwhr A rtv 'i - v I' What r Is it only a desire for change? 01 Is Ha matter of price? 01 Orisitatt a question of taste? fcbaek of this shift in cigarette c popularity r Nth-mere desire for change will not explain why bo many thousands of smokers all over the country are changing from other cigarettes to Chesterfield. It' something more fundamental ATo price does not account for this sweeping turn-about in cigarette popularity for Chesterfield is sold at the popular price it costs the same as any of the largest selling brands. Yes that's the answer. It is taste and taste alone that explains Chesterfield's sweeping gains. And taste it a matter of tobacco quality. : We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cig arette at the price.' Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. and this belief is shared by cigarette smokers the country over. 7T Thomas son Trium ohs "As am! I I , !! m immmmii mmmmm J 't . it ; JJ: ! i iMl : ! J fl MM rJ(kl. JJ1H I f 1 '! I li II 1 "III : : tii M l: i t iii I Ml II8'' i i BtM I III ! i J " li 'r M l Big Audience at New Methodist Church v Hears Betsy Lane Shepherd in EDISON Tone-Test ; In a test of direct conimris(n, mado -yoBterday at tlie Methodist church, bcfure. a .'largo iiudiciicc, ;Thom;is A. Kdi.son'.s iicw i)lnnograh scored a coiuiilete and eoiiA'incing triumph. . Betsy -Lane Shepherd, the eminent so prano, sang in direct comparison with (lie Edison Records of her voice on the New Edison. To every ear there was no dif ference between her living voice and her He-Created voice. This is the most drastic phonograph test known. No other phonograph has even sustained it. No other phonograph has even attempted it. The New Edison's marvelous perform ance of yesterday vindicates everything that has been said or claimed for its per fect realism. Botsy Lane Shepherd stood on the stage next to a shapely Chippendale cabinet. She began to sing. Her golden notes soared over the auditorium, bringing all" under its magic spell. Halfway through her song, she sud denly stopped singing. The New Edison, at; her side, took up her soug and con tinued it alone. " ' '" '' ' - ; ' Singer and phonograph thus alternated throughout the song. The only way the audience could be sure which was singing was by watching Betsy Lane Shepherd's lips so exactly like the living voice was the Be-Created voice. Jacques Olockner made the same test of comparison with the Edison Records of his Velio selections. Always the same results-there was no difference between the Re-Crealed performance and the liv ing performance. Proof was piled upon proof! Evidence was massed on evidence! The end of the concert found the audience absolutely and completely convinced, through its own personal experience', that there is no dif ference between an artist's living per formance and its Re-Creation by the New Edison that listening "to the New Edison is, in literal truth, the same as listening to the living artists. ' The NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH Only one question can still bother your miml. This question we now answer.. The instrument used in yesterday's tests whs NOT a special model. It was an Official Labora tory Model, taken from regular stock. Kvery New Edison in our stock is guaranteed to sustain the same test of direct comparison with living artists. You can have a New Kdison in YOUli home. You can own an instrument which will do every thing done yesterday in tho test. Conic in. Hear the wonderful New Kdison for yourself. Learn about our Budget I'liiii, which puts a New Kdison into your home for no more than you would "pay down" for a talking machine. PALMER PIANO HOUSE aOE FTTH "Z. 234 East Main Street o 0 o o. o o 0 e O is