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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1925)
llilm o Go O o o o o o G o O O O o O o o. Co o o o o o O. O 8 . "O MTCDFOllT) MAIL ' TRTBtTSTTC, rtiT)FOT?r. OftEOON". TUESDAY. r.VnCOF 10. .Iflfli .1 ft m M -Mi : o .fit. SvefyVkaxth:- 0C T C0WG1LL-GIVES MUCH CASE WILL GO 10 FATHER OF LOCAL 'Mrs. Leona Roberts of thin city has received a loiter from George ,KsUs Of Cedarwoort, "Oregon, refuting an alienation' mucin In a recent article In. the Portland Orcgoniun, regm-iling her father, Jack Montgomery, a pio neer stage driver. ' The letter 1b tin follows: Mrs. Leona Roberts, Med ford, Ore., R. 3. box 1?G. Dear Madam: My sister. Mrs. Jokp lihlne Applegate, told me of a visit to you and that you are a. daughter of tho, famous stuge driver, Jack Mont gomery. Tho last time 1 saw him was in '71 or '72 when ho drove the Inst stage away from my father's stuge station at the foot of tho Kalapooya mountains, forty miles north of Rose burg. The railroad hud been com pleted from Portland to Roseburg and begun the operation of Its passenger trains at that time. 1 was about ten years old. ; I have just finished writing a book entitled "The Stagecoach" which is now being set up by tho printers and will be on sale shortly. In this book I have written up your father's life as a stage driver, setting him out, as I believe, to be tho most skilled stage driver that Oregon ever saw. I am writing you particularly today In regard to an article appearing In today's Sunday Oregonian, section 5, pago 10, about staging days in Ore gon. In the second column appears a statement to the effect that a driver named Montgomery, together with a hostler, robbed their own stage and fled. 'This is an aspersion on the name of your father. It is true that the stage driven by your father was robbed at the. time and place set out tn the article, all of which is told of In chapter XIII of "The Stagecoach", but so far from robbing the stage your father, fought and battled with one of tho road agents until his, your father's condition became almost too horrible to describe. All of the road agents who robbed the stage were afterwards caught and hanged. 1 know about it from personal know ledge and not from hearsay. 1 was a small boy at the time but my mem ory of your father's condition and of tho events is sharp as though it hap pened ytstordny, '-. If you care to refute this calumny upon your father's memory I shall be pleased to assist you in righting the wrong in any niantipr that you wish. My elder brother, Edwin, is still liv ing near Seattle. I think he would also be glad to assist you. ,;I am sending this letter on the bare chance that it will reach you. I remain your father's friend of a half: century agw; CSIdO ESTES. KIWANIS TALK LE I The principal speaker ut the Ki- "1 am u naiive I'omuiylvunlan. but ..mi.. MondHV. was Knurcsen- ' "" " "lid if H ' . . !uffonleU bettor inducements in my tutlve Hulph CowKill who told. in. a p uf wo.k wou( )o .,,,, , very concise way soirte of the 'things j iocatc i)Pi.0i" B;lytl p.etsy Lane Slu'b a legislator., has to lo, and what herd, the eminent soprano singer, who " ui,.i t iim voeent aes- Rave a concert at the first Methodist OF NON-SUPPORT, IS C. C. aJlo, who yeHterday pleaded guilty to a charge of non-support of his fumily before Circuit" Judge C. M. Thomas, was given a (10 days' sen tence. The sentence was suspended, because Jalo has a good job In Klam ath county, and has promised to sup port his family. Tho court In an or der sets forth that the ends of justice will be nerved by this method, and hopes "Jalo will prove his ability and good faith" to support his flock. Lewis Austin alias Harry Uiglin was sentenced to serve n year In the county Jail. Ulglin was charged with obtaining money by check without suf ficient funds In a bank. The charge was roduced from a felony to a mis demeanor on Austin's plea of guilty. Sugar Price to Co l'p .SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 10. The price of refined, sugar to wholesalers id the refineries will be advanced ten cents a hundred puuuds tomorrow, making tho new cane base $(i.55 and th new beet base SG.3I. EXPERIENCE OF NERVOUS WOMAN Weak, Blue, Discouraged Relieved by Taking Lydia i E. Pinkham's Medicine t i"L: . "T T?na norvnilfl vmciniiHLi, uiiw. .. . and could not sleep, had crying spells i and the blues, and I : I .. i . i i: t I man x, care n i uveu or died. My right side was very bad and I had backache and a weakness. I read about your med icines in uie papers and wrote for fur ther information. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Ve get ab I e Compound. Blood Mlmnn nnfl T.ivpr t!ii i l A-a V. Pinlthnm'ft mis. ana usw - , - - anitive Wash. 1 have had good re sults in every wr.y and am able to do my work again and can eat anything that comes alon. friends tell me how well mlnnk;n."-M .F.K.Coriell, O 12& Peete btreet, Cincinnati, Omo. Willing to Answer Letters Philadelphia, Pa, "I have used your medicines for nervousness and a run down svstem with a severe weakness. After taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Veg etable Compound and using Lydia p. ftoam'teSanitive Wash I feel like adifferenrwoman and have gained in everyway. Iam willingtoanawerletters asking aWthe medjclnw." "tP0 Holt, 264J S. Hth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by druggists everywhere. sion. The speaker ja:a a msn uio ute to John Curxln, his ro -worker in the . house, and Senator Dunn. Mr. CowKill said in part: "There were 614 bills introduced in the lower house, 257 in the sen ate, 6 bills formerly vetoed, 17 house resolutions, 14 concurrent, 20 joini, resolutions and 14 Joint memorials. Members must read and study all' these bills and resolutions and bej prepared to vote on them as well a attend committee meetings day and niRht and the dally sessions of the legislature. "The rates for transportation on busses and trucks were increased at the request of the highway commis sion In order to help ' meet the in creased cost of maintenance of high ways, which Is becoming very ex pensive. The idea is that all users of the highways must pay tho costs. The governor promised to sign the bill, but did not and it became a law because he did not veto K. There are nowv38 millions of road bonds Issued and the amount will soon be 42 millions, the limit required by law nnd as a result it will be some time before road taxes will be reduced. Tho Jack son county delegation, while favor ing road buildjng, was very conser vative and fought to hold down taxes." The sneaker said his bill to re quire all highways to be made of cement, hereafter while it was not passed! was endorsed by a number (if peoplp anil organizations and brought out tho ' tact that black .top costs moro to maintain. He also referred to the recent supreme court' decision which requires this state to pay tho royalty on black top built several years ago, and amount ing to about $300,000. 'The Jackson county primary bill continued Mr, Cowgill, was by far tho most popular bill, but owing to the other bill being Introduced first. a lot of time devoted to it, and hav ing been killed, the local bill had a stormy career. It passed the house. however, nnd only lost by fivo votes in the senate. It will no doubt carry at the next session. "Other important bills passed af fecting us locally were the farmers' aid bill, Ashland normal and money f o r cou n ty fa 1 r prom i u ms, ''Regarding the coming oncanip- ment in June, of which 1 was asked to tell about, it Is not a statu mi litia encampment there is no state organization but a national guard encampment, where will be 2500 men in camp. And a $200,000 approprla tlon was made by congress to luy the expense. Med ford people will prove equal to the occasion and wel come tho men and take care of the civilians from all over tho state that will also be here as a result of the encampment." Itepresentative Carkin, who ad dressed the club, just before the session, was also called for. He com plimented his colleagues in the aes ion for their untiring and successful -work and told briefly of the passing of tho Big Kutte water bill estab lishing rights for Medford. the re establishment of tho Ashland nor imal, the farm aid bill allowing coun ty courts to discount the interest and penalty on taxes three years past due, if they so deem ft best, of $3000 per year for tho next two years to aid the county fair and said Jackson county delegation was har monious and brought homo, the ibacon, ' J. W McCoy, president of the Ashland Kiwanls club, brought greetings and said they would ar range a joint meeting with Medford at Ashland when the new hotel Is opened in June. He said Ashland Ih proud of the fact that the Medford high school basketball team la going to contend for the state honors and hope they will win. ' Other guests besides the speakers were P. Patience of Seattle; Win McNcaly of Klamath Falls, O. F. Tate of Portland and Carl Kunutcn of Medford. J. C. Maun received the atten dance prist, given by Frobach & Judy. Col. C. G. . Thomson had charge of the program and it as a splen did success. church lat evening lb a large and appreciative audience, under the aus pices of the Palmer Piano House. "However the west Is very new as yet musically, but will sooji come into its own I believe." In an interview tbl:i forenoon the concert singer said; I am very much Impressed with Medford, and was im pressed by its apparent progress! ve- ness the moment I entered it. I feel that I am a competent judge as I have covered nearly all the states in the union, and In my work have entered all sorts of places and towns of all sizes." "The splendid lighting system gives your city the air of prosperity, and your chamber of commerce Is decid edly 'alive. Its hotels compare favor ahly with of cities three times its size and id public buildings are substantial and imposing." ' The church in which T gave my concert IhsI evening, is without doubt one of the loveliest of its size that I have ever seen. What a joy it is to find a church that is dedicated to the entertainment and general happiness of its members. Aside from being most complete in its equipment, it is a lovely bit of architecture. The acous tics, a most necessary qualification to my' church or public building, are perfect, both to the listener and the singer or speaker. " I believe that .Medford has splendid prospects and I shall remember it in time to come as one of the most hos pitable places that 1 havo ever visited." Tonight she will present a concert at Ashland and Wednesday night at Klamath Falls. INCREASE HOURS IH PLANING ffL Hog tuning Wednesday "i"rnin the planing mill of the Owen Oregon Lum ber company, will run ten hours a day In order to handle the output of tho'tiaw mill which is running 10 hours a day. This plan will continue until the machinery i:i the new plan ting mill is installed. llalph C. Steel, formerly connected with the Pelican Hay Lumber com pany of Klamath Falls, arrived Mon day with his family, and has ytarted as assistant to the general manager. ames Owen, and will also be connecl d with the sales department. ' The Tomllii llox factory, after sev eral weeks of temporary suspension, bus started steady operations for this year's. Output of box material. IDAY Tin' suit of .' i-'ulls iiKainst K A. Iu:l. M:irl'l A. Avery k!:im:ilh f Aslihiiul. ll.MI.I hr- BE ASHLAND DOCTOR SUED FOR $1500 a restaurant man. is being fore a jury In the circuit i for I he collection of between ? .."."n ami Siifino. Avery took over the c .lti.n (ilow restaurant of Klamath I'mIIs. and Its previous operator, I".. C Jef ferson owed the bills. Avery, accord ing to his testimony tool; the cit'-iy, but did not assume contiol. being anxious that It be kept open to satisfy the claims, on the question i.; who owes the bills the case hinges, and will be given to the jury ibis afternoon. The defense i;i represent ed by iiriggs and lirlggs of Ashland, and the plaintiff by P. J. .Wff of this city. feIn ihe Year is PAN CO MONTH ! Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Pass are visitors hero yesterday. Wood , havn nf (Irani" g arriveil George Smart Monday filed suit in the circuit court against I). V. (i. Swedenburg of Ashland, alleging Im proper selling of a broken wrist last summer, and asuing 5 film ana costs. Smart in his complaint sets forth that he was cranking a car on July 7. 10 24, and sustained a "fractured of the rndia of the right arm. and a fractured os magnus of the wrlsl ." He went to Dr. Kwedenburg, he as serts, and the doctor is alleged to have treated the radia but not the os magnus. He carried his arm in splints for two weeks, nnd in a plaster cast for four weeks, he says. Smart alleges that as u result of the alleged "negligent, careless, reckless and unskilled actions and acts, "his right arm, wrist, and hand is crooked, deformed, and crippled, and ever will be." Attorney. George M. Roberts ap pears as counsel for Smart. L IS The sermon 'by Evangelist John Stivers at the Christian church lat night was listened to by a large au dience. Hissubiect lilut I lug tin: Preacher," was a plain survey of the attitude of people who are not Chris tiana. Mr. Stivers said that God had purposed to save the world by "the foolishness of preaching," not by "preaching foolishness," for the Good Father ban given the message thru his Son. who. had all authority and is author and finisher of the faith which saves the world. Jf a man preaches tho gospel and the people hear it, receive -it and obey it, they are doing the will of God; if they re.iect, they are not "bluffing the preaching." but rejecting the coun sel of. God. "Tonight Mr. Stivers wilt speak upon the subject "Faith In Action." This will be the beginning of a se ries of four sermons which present In detail the scriptural plan of sal vation. Vaudeville Bill Good One Tonight A Western or Orphtum Jr.. vaude ville bill, scintillating, with variety. opened at the Hunt's Craterlan thea ter this afternoon. An outstanding act of entirely different caliber is the musical number presented by the Four Gregg bisters, pretty and talented girls who offer a tabloid concert of in strumental and vocal music that Is highly delightful. r The Itoyal Sydneys, the man of the team while ridlnga bicycle doing some spicnum juggling, riues a smau mcy cle and wears a big dress. The Wonder Girl does many start ling feats, on a rope web. including somersaults in midair and swinging out over the audience. Ihrie r et of Dum-msr proves a on". legged man can dan-t if he tries, whii t'liff Clarke npersonates the men he meets on the street. Two reels of comedy, a Topics of the Day and the Hunt's aterinn Thenterirchestra under the direction of WfInnWalteeomplefcs the bill. Mn-. haplin Must Leave .Mar. 20 . WASHINGTON. Mar. 10. Mrs. Hannah Chaplin, mother of Charlie Chapi. the motion picture mar, must leave tho country by JSlnroh 2U. under a ruling by immignWon offic- Tjorri Vxwmxx Is About Same LONDON, Mar. 10. There was no change In Lord Curzon's eondlt Ion this morning. It is now reported that the operation which he underwent vesforday was for bladder trouble Medford and the Ilogue Itiver val ley can now claim the champion steelhead trout -l'lsherman of the world for In a contest conducted by Field and Stream this honor ami a SI 00 prize? was conferred upon H. Von Hoevenburg. well -known rancher of Sams Valley, for his capture of a steelhead at Galice last summer weighing twelvo pounds and eight ounces and measuring 35 luche:i from lip to tail. Von Hoevenburg caught the fish on a six and a half ounce Leonard rod and a No. S fly. As a stipulation of the prize award, southern Oregon's champion .will have to write the ac count of his record breaking feat to be published in Fielrl and Stream. Tho giant. trout was exhibited in Lam port's store last summer. ' SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you. see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--AIbo bottles ot 24 and 100 Driijrjjistii. AsplrlS U tb. trdcmtrk of Btjex litmifictur. of Mooocetleaol'ltcr of Sillclleecld Neuritis BRICK BRICK BRICK MEDFa? MADE 0 Hull'i with brifk choapor than lumber O ". Don't sliin in brick keep your money in your home town nml wl) .Medford grow. BAre you build come and see our brink mndo by new uteam irocona. ,Air Rpace walls ire cool In summer, warm in winter; no painting, no lathing ' " Call at factory, corner Fir and Tenth Streets. Standard Roof in? 8? Builders Supply Co. thone 738-X Medford Unusually GOOD APPETIZING 1 GOLDEN WXfffiW 3 gate (hike. I I AT layt here's one sofin'g material that's Jj good 'die year-round. The snows of January; the rains of April; the hot suns of July; the frosts of October Panco is good under all conditions, the whole twelve months. PANCO SoIps and. Heels come in Black or Tan for Men, Women and Children. i it t E8 S.' si I L -".V"ifc:4..-.,j.v..:j 'r."4X Insist on Panco Heels Ihe best running and walking males for the famous Panco Soles. They outu.-ear the best leather 2 to 1 x Don'tacceptasubstitute. Lookforthis TRADE MARK H EMIMI II I T" "J " Tinin i ajP''"-Ef"'c kp ff mm), cbmass. pp -; A New Millinery Department . I las I Seen Opened in - BARTLETT'S FUR SHOP in the New Ci'atei'ian Bldg. Xcw and lovely spring hats will now be shown in iiddilioii lo Ihe aprinjr and summer, stock of furs. Iks. Ethel Peterson in Charge for a liot breakfast 3 1 g minutes for Qulcti QucJsc- Look far f?ic Qtidfccr on the label 'Trt - flavor, Qal.( hat meany3 to S minute cooking. That mgns the super oats yc Wdnt the finest grown, the moit delicious in a the world. HERE is a rich breakfast, delicious beyond com pare. Yet cooked completely in 3 to 5 minutes. That's qiickcr than plain toast ; it's ready beore th coffee. Why then, have less nourishing breakfts, less; delicious and enticing breakfasts? "Hot oa and milk," doctors all are urging. "S.ivory, ffavory oats," your appctitcand children' ge. O O Get Qukk Quaker today. that rich and wonder ful Quaker flavor is there; the smooth djciousnes that once tasted is never fgot. See what a joy tomorrow's breakfast can be. ) Stoncfafd fulTsize and weig$ packages i Mc.fBimx 1 U pounds Lsrge: 3 pounds 7 os. Tfoux groceilow hss two kinds of Qusi Oats tho kind you hvs sJwsts known and Vaick Qwk