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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1925)
TT 9 o Q0 0 Q o o G O o o o e o 0 o. BRINGING COHfe ON Taty COwis TOstt VJE LL C.O "TO .tonvoht- I Yonder Thrills at Itlnlto ; Thrills of the old-pluiiiH, us repro duced in a "Wild Wont" show, nlter natcs with such modern thrills as wild rages between speed cops and a raclns auto in "The Sawdust rall." Hoot Gibson's latest starring vehicle, a nwlft moving story In which laughs, chaffo thrills and .chuckles follow se ne gations. The picture which closes to niKht ut tho Rialto. Gibson plays the part of a college boy, whose scapegrace tricks are con cealed from his parents nnd who, fol lowing nn adventure with a speed cop, joins a Wild West show. Ills educa ttioi) in riding bronchos mid racing stage coaches furnishes sensations and mirth; a. romancp' with the "hard-boiled" cowgirl star adds laughs and fi nally a delicate heart interest story to the swift moving play. Cmze Film nt Orutortmi. Louise Dresser is featured in the leading feminine role of the new James Cruz production. "The City That .Never Sleeps," playing nt the Hunt's Craterian tomorrow and Mon day. Other principles in the cast in clude IUeardo . Cortex. Kathlyn Wil liams and Virginia Lee. Corbln. "The city That Never Sleeps" is nn adaptation of the story, "Mother O'Day." Miss DresHer plays Mother O'Day in tho screen version of the story.. Tho story .opens In 19 JO and continues right on down to the present day. "ClaPFmntes," with Richard Barthol , moss In the leading role, closes hero tonight.' It's a splendid play, much of which is devoted to West Point. ,H,,.V. Aiken, sawniin operator at Prospect, was In the city transacting business Friday. HELP WANTED FEMALE! WANTED Competent woman for . general housework in country; fam ily of two. Phone Mrs. H. Von Hoevenbu rg. Gold Hill. 297 WANTED -Competent maid for gen eral housework, Mrs. R. J. Henry. Phone 10-F-4. tf WANTED An experienced cook. References required. Mrs. James C. Hayes. Phone 492-J-2. 298 HELP WANTED MAIjE WANTED Married couple without children for farm and orchard work. Address P. O. Hnx 54(1 or phono (iDl-J-2 between 6 and 7 p. m. If WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKIJ Tly experienced woman, Cooking on ranch or camp, or house keeping Box 5, Mall Tribune. 2U7 WANTED Experienced uirl wants housework In private, home. Phono 459-Y. 296 WANTED Clerical position or (jen eral office work. Mra. V. E. Mil ler. Ashland. 296 FOR RENT MISCF.IXANEOUS FOR RENT Sliuhtly used piano, Noel Ersklno. Thone 729-W !M Bev an s Bargains 28 acres, 2 miles from town and school; good all year roads; grapes, cherries and other fruits; out of frost belt; bungalow and barn on place. Priced at .6000, with very easy terms. To Mill Employes:. I have for sale 20 large building lots near mill nnd school, inside city; priced at $225, small payment down and $10 month will secure ' one of these and one year'B free water goes with each lot. Brand new fully furnished bungalow electric range,, water heater all readv to move in; large lot, nice resi - dential location. See this, it's just what you want and. the price Is only (3400,'wltti good terms. Concrete building on large lot in best business location in the city. Owner asks $10,000;, this Is an excel lent buy. j ' A. C. Bevan at Wakefield's Agency, Palm Building; Phono 17-K, Residence Phone 1028. CASH PAID For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves w:a:kiniey0 furniture House A 315 E. Main. IJione 505 I .. - X-C-.. 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Screen ! 1 UP FATHER l'lU CO HONIE FlR"bT- HUMOR. AV I WA.NT ' TO KEEP THKT WANTED $1 500 to $2(M)0 houso as part payment on a 53500 .modern f-rooni. bungalow with garago nnd woodshed: largo lot, best of terms on remainder. Box II. M. P.. Mail Tribune. tf WANTEDt-1925 light delivery truck in earn. i iifct: iui i m i -n inimti land, fan be easily cleared. JJnx II. M. P., Mail Tribune. tf WANTEDt-777 lawn mowers to sharp en and adjust. Phone 201-J. we call for and deliver. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Coyotle skulls, F. W. r.Mrt 300 Ictt, Tnxidcrmlft. WANTED To buy second hand din ing room table and chairs. Also two youth's chairs. Phone 10SS. 2G WANTED Buyers for Fisher's Qual ity Feeds at Medford Transfer Co, 2U9 WANTED Unfinished 5-room house as earlv as possible. Address "Houne Wanted," Mail Tribune. 296 WANTED Electric wehllng. All work guaranteed. 118 So. Bartlett. WANTED Fresh eggs. 2fic per dofc. cash. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir street. Phone 97. tf WANTED Wagon tank. 350 to 400 gallon, suitable for hauling smudge oil.' Eads Transfer. Phone 3 If. . . ' tf WANTED 777 lawnnmwerd to sharp en nnd adjust. Phone 261-J. Liber ty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Cash pnld for false teeth, dental gold, platinum and discard ed jewelry, Hoke Smelting nnd Re fining Co. Otsego. Mich. 304 - FOR. TIKNT -HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Adults, 325 E. Jackson street. Phono 211. 301 FOR RENT After March 15. 2 rooms for light housekeeping. 26 N. Cen tral. , 2H7 FOIt RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, steam heated. G07 S. Cen tral. Phtmc 674. tf FOR RENT ArARTMKNTS Foil HK.VT Furnished 346 No. Front. apartment. 29G FOrt RUNT Furnished apartment, 025 N. Klverside. '!' FOH KENT Furnished apartment. Nic brlehl apartment. Klcctric ranKO, sleeping porch, etc. 518 So. Oakdale. tf FOR . KENT New three room fur nished apartment, icil . iuin street. Phone 386-W. 296 FOIt RENT Four pleasant front rooms, suitable for omen or apart ment. Medford Studio, 228 12. Main street. 2y8 FOR RENT - -Furnished apartment. tf 4r2-H. FOR RENT FIjnXISnED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished looms and apartments and garage. 604 W. FOR RENT Hoard and room, pri vate family, home privileges.' Mill employees preferred. 854 W. 2nd M. FOR RENT Furnished rooms nnd garago. 604 W. loth. tf FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms: bath; men. 245 N. Grape. 207 FOR RENT Room tor men; bath, heat. Garage. 600 E. Main. 286tf FOR RENT- Sleeping room, front en trance, with batn ana pnono pnyi- leges. 305 E. Jackson, near Armory. Phone 3S1-M. t MISCKLT.AXKOI'S GENUINE DI'PONTS Dl'CO used at Clam "A Auto Paint shop. 6UJ is. Orape. ' 208 FOR KXCITAXOE TO TRADE 10 acres. Valley View district, Ashland scnool district, tor Medford residence property. E. C. Wilson, .Talent. Ore. Route 1. 07 FOR EXCHANGE,, Medford resi dence property for Eugene residence property. Telephone- 1093 for par ticulars. ' . ZU FOR- TRADE 160 acre ranch on Redwood highway, 20 acres in cul tivation, 60 acres fenced, two barns, 6 room house, other outbuildings. In dividual water right. For residence property in Medford. Tol. 1033. 300 For Real Economy PROTECTED TIRES, BOYCE-ITED GAS FREE CKAXKCASE SERVICE .... , .... aud . .- ' HIGH I'HESSLE GREASING at the Armory Service Station n j' I " EDFOTft MATE TOTftnTCS." ftraDTf8ttD.- ftREfiOK.. SATURDAY. MAKC'IT 7.(195." i o I KtN CO OOT- ruU CjE. WITH "TOO Its ArftLVy ItH M1MUTE.S FOR RENT HOUSES FOR KENT Furnished ,fivo room modern house, (U7 N .He rtlelt. 29b FOR RENT Completely furnished 5 room cottage $3u month, will lease. Also West Main street hungnlow, double garage, unfurnished. Four : Site Really Agency. 2Htt FOR RENT March 1.1th. modorn six room cottage, garage nnd large yard, at 723 W. 13th street. 2H7 FOR RENT Houses. Brown & White. LOST Ranger bicycle. Finder please phone. 8S3-L. Reward. 2!X MOXtfY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Have N0O to loan on real estate. i Phoneooo. 20G WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF WOOLF OE30E SO ( TME J WANTED 20 MliN WITH FAMILIES, MONTH, WILL INSURE YOU A JOB We are opening up a now Sub dlvlalon at city limits. Fine guidon, berry, nlfaira land, Irrigated, near udiool, just off end of paveniont. 20 2-ac'ro tracts to cliooso from. .... , v Price $400 to $600 for 2 Acres Phone 784 L J. C. BARNES, We Solicit Your ' REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches 8ALE3 :: RENTALS :: LOANS :: INSURANCE Choice East Side building Iota, pavement, sewer; wnter paid up iu full. Price $000.00, to close up an estate. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. -' 12 East Main 8t. THE LITTLE LANDER : 1 A good homo, school house only a few rotls away, nlco C-room plastered house, one ncre of land, shade trues, shrubbery and Jawn, and tile price is right and terms right. Irrigation from well, gas engine and centrifugal pump; abundanco of water and good soil. Buy this before wo lcaso It for the summer, .. ' We also offer 15 acres, one mile out, with district wator, all seeded to alfalfa; beautiful lioiuc3ite, for $200 per acre; good terms. Phone 329 See HOLMES FOR HOMES Nash Hotel Corner This Price Is Mde to Close an Estate An Opportunity for Someone ..... - . SO acres 40 acres of pears and apples, 14 years old. This orchard packed 2038 boxes of pears. Bartlett, D'AnJou anil Winter Nellls; 3200 packed boxes of Newtown, Spitz and Arkansas Blacks; also 1000 boxes orchard run. About 2'0 peach trees, 10 apricots, 10 plum, 14 cherry, 2 quince; 20 acres seeded to grass. 10 acres of tluilier, 10 acres crop land with build ings: 5-room house, large barn sad sheds. ?, chicken houses, smoke lioiipe, garage: good well; g5 acres under irrigation; one team, cow, spray rig, orchard wagons, plows, spring-tooth, spike-tooth, brush burner, 100 lug boxesg Total taxes. Including water, $180.00. Located one-third mile off Crater Lake Highway. .. ( Price $8500 for a Short Time C. 8.' BUTTERFIELD Ik ft r XOUR FOR SALE a UTOMO BI IiE S FOR SALE Ford touring cur, cheap; for cash or trade. Phone 1058. 301 FOIt SALE Ford truck In good con dition, special springs. Call Sunday. 150B W. Main. 2iG FOR SALE A real snap, 11122 Ford touring in A-l shape See Ray at . Scott 2nd Hand Store. 15 S. Front street. auo For sale $70o ituick. 1922. muc- , age 12000. License; bumpers, spot, spare. 718 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Ituick ti. 4 passenger coupe. Hraud new'Diico paint job. License for 192P-; ti good tires. Can be seen at pan's Lunch room. tf FOR KALE Dodgo roadster. A snap. Hittson Motors. . 297 FOR SALE Peerless X touring. Re conditioned. Sonic buy. Hittson Mo tors. . 297 FOR SALE Light Six Velio touring. Good car . for the money. Hittson Motors. 297 FOR SALE Overland Roodster. Dan dy little car for little money. Over land touring car creap. Fords at all prices. Hittson Motors.. 297 FOR SALE Little Oakland Six. Wire wheels, good rubber. Looks dandy and runs fine. Hittson Motors. 297 FOR' SALE Special six Touring. Ixoks and runs like now.. Hittson Motors. 297 FOR SALE Hudson Super-Six tour ing. Rarsnin ut price asked. Hitt son Motors. 297 0C0E3O II O r i : if n?"!: ;iV TO GET THIS BUSINESS ' OPPORTUNITY Fino General Store dnlitK $50 to $125 ' a day, nil cash business; postofflce ' and nils station. Modorn home apart ments in connection. Good location in lloguo Rivor Valley. Small Invest ment. Will consider trado for city property. IT IS WORTH CONSIDERING .c FOUR-SITE. REALTY AGENCY . Medford Building Madford, Oregon D o f O $50 CASH $10 A Real Estate' 6 8. Central o o FOJt SAWS FotXTRt AND KC.C.S FOR SALIC Young roosters for eat ing. Phono 7-F-12. litis FOR SALE There will be room for your eggs in our incubators on March 9th at 3'e. Ruguo River Poultry Farm & Hatchery. Phone 201-W-2. 29ti FOR SALE At a bargain. Standard electric incubator. R. 1. Red hatch ing eggs and hint. 1'honc- 1U.'8. 'ill FOR SALE ltrooder. R0 chick ca pacity; lawn mower; rocking chairs. 617 Edwards. Phono 407-V. 290 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Paired ItOCK pUIIClS.. I'llOIHl 411-K--1. XV 4 FOR SALE 250 Hollywood white leghorn chicks. To hatch March (i. Photic 344-M. Dr. Wlnans. 297 FOR SALE 20 silver gray Dorking chickens, pure bred. None better. Price right if taken immediately. Parties leaving' state. 110 Church iitreel, Ashland. 2fi FOR SALE Setting hens. L. H. Wakefield. East of school house. Jacksonville. 297 FOR HA LE Purebred barred rock hatching eggs, from prize, winning stock, $1.50, $3.00. I'hono 771-J-2. TOR SALE O. A. C. ogga for hatching. 1 tarred Rock I'hono 201-.!. tf FOR SAhK Iir.AL KSTATE FOR SALE 20 acres suitable fur vegetable-or chickens or general farming. All fences woven wire. Terms. Call 215 West Jackrun si, 301 FOR BAI.K OR TRADE SIO.'IOU Irrl 'r gated ranch for 3lMll); 10 years' time. Adjoins lutvil. Gold Ray Really Co. 2!Mi FOR HALE Half acre alfalfa, Vt mile west of Phoenix. Good well. elec. small house. A bargain., R. O. Mender. 300 FOR SALE Improved vacant lot 50x 140 ft. on paved street, all assess ments paid. Phone 224-L. 3110 FOR SALE Corner lot on east side. 60x120. Phone 417. 297 IFOR SALE OR TRADE Farm 1 mile west of Williams, 160 acres, 65 acres in cultivation. 10 acres Irrigated with springs on place. Some slock and farm Implements go Willi place. Price 15000. Easy terms. Address J. L. Nolle, Williams, Ore. 206 FOR SALE A real bargain, 40 acres froe soil, 15 acres 111 pears. 6 room house; close In. Terms. . Kco Habb Mays. Call 600-L or 372. 316 FOR HALE 10 aero tract 1 miles from Medford bunlness center. Freo . soli, all can be cultivated. Very nightly building spot, liico (1050. Terms, phone 617-i. or 105. tf SACRIFICE RALE 10.000 acres no- sorted alfalfa, 'grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Prleo 5 per ncro up, 5 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchnngo. Gold Ray Reulty com pany, owncrc. 16 N. Grapo St. tf FOR SALI!r HOMES FOR SA LE Modern 5-room bunga low with garage and woodshed. Large lot. $3500, $500 down, balance easy terms. 323 S, King street. If FOR HALE -house. $3 500. Furnished modern Phono 17-F-21. 2117 FOR HALE -room modern house, good terms. 'A bargain If paid cash. . 517 Realty, Ownor. ' 206 FOR HALE A very attractive eight- room homo on Queen Anno, 75 foot frontage, corner lot, cement' base ment, furnace, double garage, brick terrace, entire yard in lawn. Hack yard latticed.. For appointment to Inspect Phone 1020. 200 FOR HALE 7-room furnished home. 150 feet. Garden all in. Prtco $1500. Terms. Call 728. 21)7 FOR HALE New modern 4 room bungalow, lteaily to occuy About Aprll-tst. Phono 666-M. 'If FOIt SALE LIVESTOCK FOR HALE Heifers, fresh nnd soon to bo fresh. A. E. Stratton. Phono 411-R-l. ' 297 FOR HALE 16 red shoats, 1 brood sow and 10 dIks ready to wean. H. Iv Collins. Table Rock. 300 FOR HALE Cows, 15 A-l dairy cows, fresh and coming iresn. m. Walsh on South Peach stroot. Just outside city limits 288'tf FOR HALE Full blond fox hound nnnnir Phnnn Ijitiltiorts Hard wnre. 120-R. ' 206 UUlt WAlji'j p resn mill cows, rvmii able terms can bo arranged. Gltzen Htahle. Phono 661. 238 INSURANCE o Insure in the Best Companies FIRE AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT HEJ!LTH LIABILITY CARL Y. ENGWLD Insurance Tat Insuf ei " Hotel Holland Building '' Phone 993 By George . 0 OlMTX lb THlMCt) HAVE CHAMQED Its THfb 1 1925 Br Int'l. Great Britain FOR RALE VTVKSTOCK FOR HALE Seed Co. -Grafting wax. Monarch tf FOR SALE M1SCKLLANF.OUS FOR SALE !UU capacity electric in cubator $2.1. and Standard brooder. $10. Call &S9-J-2. 29S FOR SALE Humogerm Inoculation cowls less nnd makes stronger le gume crops. Sold by Monarch Seed Company. tf FOU HAI.E Deltvel separator No. 12: John Deere 14 Inch sulky plow; mower anl rake. J. J. i'elletl, lul ent. 301 'Oil SALE Menlo range, first class condition, with coll. 718 W. Palm. Phone II6I-X. If 'OR SALE Grafting wax. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOIt SAI.E Alfalfa Inoculation. Mon. arch Seed Co. tf FOR HAI.E Gas range and yiby buggy. Jap Art Store. FOR SAI.E Piano, cheap. 611 East Main street. . 2U7 FOR RAI.E At a bargain. Standard electric Incubator. It. 1. Red hatch ings eggs. Phone 1058. 321 FOR SAI.E Choice first cut alfalfa. lliiart seed wheat and scud barley. Phone 568-11-2. 2!i FOR SALE New. Oregon and ever- beating strawberry plants. . II. Summers, 3 4 miles south of Med ford. Pacific highway. 2:iU CLOSING OI'T Rsrgnlns! llnrgalns! llurgains! We are forced out of bus iness. Only 30 days to get out. Ev ery article, new and second ha nil, must go, regardless of price. Come In and gel what you need. Scot I 2nd Hand Store, 45 S. Front St. 300 FOIt HALE Heed bnllloy. W. E. Mol lis, Table Rock. 29K. FOR HALE 6 hundred 2 year con . cord grapes, fine condition. To move iiulckly will sell at reduced price 12 Kf, E. C. Welch, 228 Ho. Holly. Phono 612-R. tt FOR HALE Aolos and potatoes. Phono 407-L. . 298 I FOP. HA LIC A used spray, A-l con dition; also used ctetrac and Sievo Griti tracUir. Hill's Tractor Shop, 226 N. Riverside. Medford, Ore. Phono 1010. 20i; OR HALE Everbearing strawberry plants, 25 Park Place. J. S. Wolfe. 303 FOR KALE Furniture. Call morn 2116 logs. 35 N. Oakdale. 'OR HALE Smith's dry pine wood Is best, $3 a tier delivered. Phono Med . ford 1103, Central Point 3K-X-2. 307 FOt HALE Fenco posts, northern red cedar. Phono 7F14. ' . 300 FOR HALE Koed potatoes of early varieties. Reasonable Prices. John son Produce Co. lf FOR SALE Fancy netted gem pota toes from Klamath Falls at reason able prices. Thoso who have, used Klamath Falls potatoes will tell you there are none bettor.- Johnson Produce Company. 241 N. Fir street. Phono 1)7. 265'tt FOR HA LE Fancy apples from tho Rear Creek orchards. Johnson I'ro duoe Co, 24X N. Fir street. Phone 97. 266tt FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos nnd furniture. New phonographs and records half prlco. 16 N. Grapo. tf FOR BALK Now 9xlr seamless Mas- land ' rug. Novor used. Devon's store. tf business nmiwrroRY Hiilldlng Supplies nnd Roofing ' STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS HUPPLY CO. Hlllld up Roor ing, Ashland Oranlto Top. 15 yenrs guarantee. Rest grnde oi roof pa per cement. Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, nil colors. All material Class A. Port land Reavor Coment for salo. As phalt by ton. barrol or pound. Tel ephono 728-X. Used Cars That ' You Can Use Lowest pvicos'in the. valley oon reconditioned Fords.. SPECIAL Ford Truk and Body. Just Overhauled $185.00, I: " illiliililMlhilifiTTT- I 3-7 C. E. Gatep Auto o o PAHF, F1VTH McManus O RlCHT- CE - RTMrstot HOObE. - FEATunE Service, Inc. rights reserved. BUSINESS mRECTORY Attorneys REAM ES Hi REAMES Lawyers, of fice in Liberty Flultdiny. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. Sc GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 nnd B No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSOV COCNH ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Tit le nml Titlo Insurance. The only compicto Thle System tp Jackson County. . A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Tilles, Gold lllll, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over' twenty years' experience in ' th county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Hill. tf Chlt'oprncllo Physicians DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic ami Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Rldg. Phone 066. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Noo-Ecloctlo Physician. DR. LOUISE K. . HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro , praetor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon-' tlylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro t practice. Office: Stowart Bids., 255 10. Main St. Phones: Offloa 170; Res. 170-J-2. ' DR. K. W. JlOFFMANCMroprftctlo Nervo Mpcclnlist. office hours H-12.J 2-5, 203-206 Liberty Bldff. Office Phono 680. Res. phone 1027. Dentists Lilt. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phon . 600. Res. 776. Offlco hours (L , m. 6 p. ni. Evening and Sunday b appointment. " i DR. II. ,13. MURPHY Dentistry. ; Dental X-Ray. Phone 77, off iovi Second floor Medford Rldg.' 1 t Expert Accountant WILHON AUDITINU CO. 15. M. Wil son, C. P. A, Attention given tfi 1 anything in accounting and lncoma ' Tax requirements. Look into our ! simplified accounting mothod. Lib- . crty Rldg.. Medford. Phone 167-R. ' Furniture REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS of fur. ; nlturc, work dono at your home or ' nt our shop. A. N. Thlebault. Tel. .- 06II-R. ' Insurance EARL 8. TUMI' All forma of Inaur. ; ance: Fire,. Auto, Life, Accident ' linnds. Phone 402. 209 Llborlv Rldg. ' , i Money to Ijohii J. I). ANDREWS Buys and sell J mortgages nnu loans money on goon : security. 31 N. Grapo St. Phonf r,;l-.M. - 246 Funrml Director I'KIU, KUNHUA1, JIOAIK Cor. Sixth . nml On k da lu. Ambulance eotvic J'hont) 47. . ! Monument TllK OUKOON OIIANITJ3 CO. - Monuinotita. E. A. Hicks, General Marmsor. P. M. Kershaw, . SrJes : Manager, 103 E. Sixth at., Medford. Osioopuths DH. P. C!,CAKLOV, DR. .15 VA MAINS ' CAULOWV OHtcopfilhlo Physlcluni I 4IU-41H jJhci'ty lihl. I'hono 004-J-8. i lU-KiriencG 2(1 Houth Laurel Ht. - IMano Instruction I'UBD ALTON H AlOHT rTeacher ot : Piano and Harmony. Studio 211 ; UlM-rty UldK.. Phone 72. . i rlntcrs find Publishers MKDFOUD PKINTINQ CO. haa th ; bet equipped printing office la Southern Oregon,. Hook, binding Iooho leaf lodgers, billing system, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir tit, Ftraiuilcr BADS TKANSFKR A STORAGE! CO Office 22. North Front St. Phon j 815. Prices right. Service guar 1 antced. ' . DAVlS TRANSFKR & 8TORAGBI j CO. Anything moved, day or night ! Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grapo. Phone 64-1. or ronl donee 30(i0. Upliola'trlng J. WKIS UpholsiTi-y, Mar.axtwturet ot overstuffed furniture. . Full line ; of materials. Draperies made to i order. We do all kinds of uphol- ; storing. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 80S ; Jacksonville, Ore. V F.TK 1 1 1 X A It Y MKOFORD VKTKUINAKY HOSPIT AL. Dr. R. C. MrCulloeh, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med ford, Ore. Phone 869 Day or night. . Window Cleaning GEO. A. 8EELY Window cleaning, floor waxing, Janitor service, hut lit Ings, eto. Have taken over A. M, . Rhodes' work. Let George da 1L