Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 02, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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O 0
i -
Tocal ttnd
The sheriff's nffiri this umrntriK I" -j,ran
tho collfotitiu of lit 24 ta.tfH. tlu
of i let forf-t clt'Mi-inK the ilt-ckH for the
nnmml rush Haiurday. Krnm now un
til April nih. whou lh pi-rliwl iC !'-MniUru-y
tttiirtM, ii hi'uvy hiiHinufts will
he transacted. The uixea are piiynhle
in two instr)lnn'n!H. din in .March and
Ortolier. Payment of federal inrnnn
taxes hu.s nlso started locally, the ex
piration date helnn Mareli Kith.
opportunity knocKs hut onre. (let
your dry pine for sprhiu use now.
1'hone i (:i. -in;
.Mr. and .Jm. HuptTL Ih-nry havo as
their hoiiKM i;ues(H Mr. Henry's par'
only. Mr. fliiri Mrs. ('. F. Henry oi
linrkford. 111.
HliKhlly used piano for wile or rent
tin easy terms. Noel Jrskino. I'hone
?4!t-v. w
Mrs, J. 0. Mann of Portland is
, Rpendinn a few days with her son. Jar
ry Mann, and family, en route from
Honolulu, when she spent the winter
Old papers for kindling 1'lrn at this
office. tf
News of, interest to loeul radio fans
Is that Sfth "Kafley. the program man
it(,rpr for thw.KKX station openttliif; on
4 j 8 . 5 mi'ters at Oakland, rallf.. wan
formerly a ItOKin- river valley boy ami
is the nephew of Mrs. A: 1!. Hanm-oni.
Slightly, tiBt'd piano for rent or sale
on easy terms. Noel Krskltie. Phone
Tl'ft-W. liiU
Ieier Oiiifd.- 'Witnr National park
ranger. wiii nniveil In the illy late
yesterday fiernouil from his bleak
and wintry habitat, reports that when
lie left the )ark sntdrduy the depth of
miow wu.silX feet atthe lake rim. 1 I li
feet at Anna SpriliK CHl n p. and seven
feet at tin Medford and Klamiilh en
trances tol'tlie park, The snow Is tol
idly paeked ilown, so nimh ho that one
can walk , 'On It at. the rim. Hanger
Oard will spend the entire week in this
city, due ttiihiH umlergolni; an opera
tion here toay for Ihe removal of hit
tonsils. ;
J Jr. II. . . iNikmaii bus returned
from Ihh trip to snuthern t'atlfurnia
and will be in his office at the usual
hours, including Mondays. Dr. Cole
nian will now use hoiiib entirely new
methods diet and filtered ultra-red
rays uh used' by (ieorgu Hturr White.
M. i. of IrOn Angeles. IVA
W. O. Webster, salesman for the As
tKioluted 0,11 eompany, left thiH morn
ing fnr Mtlrshfield, where he will
rpend sevursl days atteuillug to busl
n ess matters.
Columbia plaster wall hoard. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Toinporory visitors In the eiiy from
a distance Include Mr; and Mrs. W. V.
(Iran. Miss Louise (Iran, Mrs. II. lials
lon of Vancouver. II. C. Ir. and Mrs.
Condell of Kdmonton, Alia., Canada,
and .John C. Dalk of New Washington,
Clean your smoke pipe with zinc.
We have It on sale at lfie per roll.
I'llker's Hheet Metal Works. Ill Mouth
Holly. Phone 418. Medford, Oregon.
' ' 1! !M
AVillia in TV IsAiics ' felurtied this
morning from a couple of weeks' visit
ypent at Setut.el Wash., and Portland.
Nursery stock. The best assortment
lu southern Oregon. Krult. shndo and
nut -bearing trees, flouring Fhrubs.
vines, berry plants, rhulmrb and asr
pniUHUs plants, evergreen trees and
figs, perennial plants, grape vines. A
fine lot of heavy two year Ping cher- j
ry. A good general tissortment of
fruit trees for home orchards. Com j
mercial varieties, including Old Home'
on Cssurietyds for commercial or- !
chards. Orhfting wax and olher hup
plies for orchard work. Don't take
my word for It, come and see for your
self. Will jtludly duplicate nny order:
booked bV nn agent for the wane or
less money -ft ml give you belter ser
vice. K - Valley Nursery. Phone
HKil-J-2. Kiles yard Kiwi Main
alreet. - - L'SH-tf
Iilnsting ui tho Heaver Portland Ce
ment plant here heralds very good
news to the laboring class In this com
munity for It Indicates renewed activ
ity ami the return of Cold Hill's pay
roll. saystHhe Cold Hill Xews. The
plant will! soon he running night and
day. The lime iiuni ry hack of the
plant and; 'ii hove, the shale pit Is being
made ready for the operation of the
plant. High grtide lime will be trans
ported from local quarries to bring up
Ihe lest of the cement. '
Columbia plaster wall hoard, fall
for prices. Wallace W "onil Lumber
yard. '
Special. this Week. V:xlde battery
fir FnrdU Chevrolet anil Star. Jlti nti
Williams & McCuiiey. tf
leputy:1nlernnl Itevenue Colb etors
I 'red. Colvig and Jun Herring are In
Klamath Kails this week, but the Med
ford offie will be open all the time
for those desiring- to make (heir ft -ports
uiul Mr. Harding will b,. In
charge. ( ',
(lentil nV Hosch Magm-lo imrls mnl
repairs. Kleetrlc Shop. Klghltl ami
I'.artlett. ' tf
We pay for ashes and sell dirt
cheap. Itrown A White Agency, Inc.
IP. P.. It, Klllntt spent the week end
at (irants Pass with tils family who
are visiting at the home of Mrs
Kinma SUUH'ry for a couple of weel.
We Have Nothing
to Hide. .
Our ilftiit is open Toy
vuirc iiis)octioii any
time of tlio (l;1y or.
tell US
vtni ro
""iililii;'. jus witlk in
Home ofluhrer'i
Milk Bread 0
1 A. V. Holden. representative of the
Springfield Insurance company, stop
petfhere Saturday wlQie enroute from
j'ortland to San rrancisco.
Prof W P. l-ftnt. state entomolo
gist for state of Imnois, page H3 of
the 1H18 Volun of the Transactions
j (f the Illinois State Horticultural so
'cieiy, reference to use dry lime sul
Iphur in San Jose sen le control. "We
have used it for Uwee years and got
very good control." This would be
on the basis of 2 lbs. of dry to 1 ga'l
lon liquid. Ho not be misled. if1
Out of (own Oregonlans here in
clude the following: George H.
Craves of Salem, Harold Hudson of
Poseburg. Z. N. Agee and Mrs. and
Mrs. V. Wuldele of Kugene. A. C Wi
mer. L, C Winter and J. W. P.risroe
of Kort Klamath and S. Jones. H. II.
unnmins, II. C. I loimu n and (.1. C
Sharlinger of Klamath Kails.
Coal briijuets. that clean fuel. Han
sen Coal Co. Phon 239.
o. A. Copan of ihe Cary Snfe com
a pny of Sa n Fra nrisco, left for the
houth lotlay after spending the past
week here transacting' business. !
Prof. fleo. P. 'Wnldon, ))omologlst, i
California, says, "(Jo ahead and uso
dry lime sulphur if you want for it
gave us good results in experimental
lest lust, season as the liquid material,
and no doubt it will do so again this
year." Test Was madfl on the basis
of 2 lb. Sherwin-Williams dry sulphur
to 1 gallon commercial liquid. Vol
ume 1, No. 7. Department of Agricul
ture. State of California. tf
The Klamath Falls-Held highway
from the Fort Klamath hill to the
Klamath enmity line has been estab
lished as toll road by the Klamath
county court and l-'red Ouke has been
awarded the contract to keep the road
open and collect tolls In payment
therefor. The conirnct with Mi. Duke
covers a period of five yeaia unloss
the Oallcs-California highway is com
pleted before that time when Ihe con-
t ract automatically lapses.
Hemstitching Kc a yard. The Van
ity Shop. Purlieu and Main. tf
IJil Pense uf Trail whs a business
visitor In ihe-city on Monday.
We pay cash for used pianos. Pal
mer Piano House. tf
G. A. Abbott underwent an opera
tion fhls morning for Ihe removal of
his tonsils.
Coal briquets, that clean fuel. Hun
sen Coal Co. Phone
Approximately 175 hardware ami
implement dealers of the state aro ex
pected to gather lu Portland March 4.
6 and ti for the annual meeting of the
Oregon Petal! Hardware and Imple
ment Healers' association, which wilt
be held In the .Multnomah hotel.
Murrav M. Mussey returned yester
day from a week's business sojourn in
Klamath Kails.
Hood newtowti apples for sale.
l-'g o be I - Da y Wa reho u se . U ! 3
Following the sunshine of Sumiay
ami the alternate sunshine ana ciouui-
ness of today cooler and partly cloudy
weather Is predicted for tonight, and
cloudy weather for Tuesday. Ihe
maximum temperature of Sunday was
iH and this morning's, minimum was
Hemstitching, buttons covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Mrs. Charles Hockersmlth of Peagle
is spending todny here visiting with
Mrs. .1. S. Donaldson.
. Unity literature tenches people how
to be healthy, efficient, prosperous,
harmonious and happy. Free distri
bution, 7IR West Main streot.
Miss Helen Cowgiil, slate leader or
girls' clubs, arrived In the city Sunday
from Klamath county, where she spent
last week, en route back to Corvallis,
for which point hhe left today.
Ooodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Mr.
Alta. Naylor, corsetlere. 318
Included among the visitors In me
cllv from the state of California are:
W. 11. Frost of Long Peach. I . It.
oltgue of Sucramento. K. C. Puell of
Perkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Seih J. Storey
of Los Angeles. Mrs. H. Thomas and
hlldren of Stockton and the follow
ing from San Francisco: Herbert
Kouurs. F. C. Packer, ltex Allowny.
John W. Faux, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
.. Mansfield and I). Van Gelder.
Have you tried that hlg mllli shake
It DeVoe's? ,
Five storms are predicted for March
by Falher Jerome K. KichUrd of San
Jiimo. "padre of the rains," In his
monthly weather forecast issued Sat-j
unlay. The period from March 24 lo j
March 2S will be one of severe weath.
on hch and land, the no re predicted.
Other slorms are exp.'.ted nn March
March 7. March 20 and March .10. j
most of them extending no mine i uit-
tdlan border to Hun Franc. sen or be
yond.. This year tne monCi will "comt
like a lamb and go out like a Hon, ,
the padre paid. !
I'he I'antorium does all kinds of
pleating. Phone 214.
Mr. and Mrs. It. r. Ulaei:. wno i.i
rived last week from i.eieastorsnne.
Kngland. have taken charge of P. II.
Parsons' poultry department at HIU.
calif. While at Kngland Mr. Ulncl.
had charge of the Klin T:;; Farm of
Sttim egg laying hens.
Columbia plaster wall hoard. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
David lioseiiberg was done a gr ;it
injustice In the Mall Tribune of Sat
urday, which stated that h was t::cd
for rllUl'M . "! .'. wi'h ,in i r.
In the first pit -e :.e was eiily fined $.".
which makes tho crime t 1ch heinous
one. Then loo. It was tun hl.i own ent
ile wax drlvhui. but Dm -f h.s fnihcr-in-lau.
W. A, Kinney, which Is n
a smaller car than Dave's and hence
makes the evil deed a still less one
Neveriheless Mr. Kinney reels very oau
about it. but is .nine than'.ful he uoi
the car back. otherwise the .m-n
item uib correct.
A. N. Pierce, manager of the Marion
hotel at Salem for five years, Uasre-aigrt-
l to take over the management
of ihe new seven story community ho
tel under construction at Corvallis
which has hern christened the Hotel
Itenton. Tlte resignation of Pierce will
ink effect MV. 1 a I which time James
U. Linn, owner of the Marlon, will re
sume its active management. '
I We pay for aslii s and sell irt
lehcup. Itrown - White Agency, inc.
i . ,f
! I ntui nWii .1 -'Use for rent. Df
V..e's 'fVi
l "Jll.-n C bhaid son of 4 and Mis
ti! Cihh.l.t. Uiob-nvenl :in op.i .1
t g u i he I'.'inimiiuV hospitat l 'i i
d.ivT'tr On removul of his tonsils.
qC. i;. Kraner of South Dakota, who
arrived in the city Friday, and went
to F.ngle Point lo visit u former World
war comrade, was arrested in Kagle
Point S.uurla night on the charge
of intoxication by Deputy Sheriff
Cronemiller. He entered n rvlea yf
giilliy In Judge Taylor's courtiere tv
duy and wan fined
I The latest adCion to the court
house is u "Ikmizb vault" being eon-
sjA'iicted in the basement Hinder the
front stairway. It is being built of re
inforced concrete with u heavy iron
door. Kvidence secured in dry. or
rather wet, raids, will be stored In this
vault until after the trial of the case
ai least, aixl it is not anticipated there
will be any leakage of evidence or
dismissals because the ihief "witness"
is missing. Sheriff Hawkins, who will
lie custodian of the vault, never sam
ples wet goods, so the evidence will be
safe. K lamath News.
The following are included among
the visitors here today from Port
land: W. Crawford, F. I.. Carlton. K.
H. itrlilgeman, Warrle Johnson, .Mr.
and .Mrs. John Thomas, Cy H. Prunen
M. C. Osborn. Air, (i. W. C. Whiting,
Hubert C. Howard, II. .1. McHIII, A.
M, Sherwood, M. W. Fleming and Mrs.
( "haavs Williams.
F. It. Dickinson Vif New York, di
rector of sales and advertising for the
Tidewater Oil company. F. M. Howies
t San Francisco, general department
manager of the Veedol Oil company
for the Pacific coast, and Si H. Primer
of J'ortland. manager of the Oregon
office, arrived this morning for n con
ference with Cal Warnock, local Veo
dol manager.
A cJiHrtnlng and Impressive wed
ding was solemnized at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs: II.
'. Carneit, of 21Mt S. Third st reet.
Album bra. Calif.. Tuesday evening.
Feb. 17th at K o'clock when Miss Fay
I niogene darnel l and Charles Fred
erick Kimball, son of Mr. and Mrs. (I.
W. Kimball of 7t!t S. Cranada avenue
A I ham bra. were united lu marriage
by t he ev. Carlton L. Kirk of i he
First iiaptisl church who read ihe
ceremony in the presence of over C5
relatives and friends.
Preceding the ceremony. Miss June
Katon sang "Oh Promise Me" by
Reginald Ih Koven accompanied at
the piano by Miss nianche Prlckeit
and Miss Margaret Fluckey. viol lust,
who then rendered ihe "Wedding
March" by Lohengrin, ihe music con
tinuing softly throughout the cere
mony. The sacred vows were pledged be
neath an urch of Ivy interwoven with
joncjuils, the entire house being dec
orated to carry out ihe yellow and
green effect. The bride, who was
given in marriage by her father, wore
an attractive, gown of white georgette
ami carried an arm shower of white
rosebuds.. The tulle veil was caught
close to tho head with a wreath of
orange blossoms. Miss Madeline
Fluckey. a former schoolmate of the
bi-lde. assisted as maid of honor wear
ing peach crepe de chine ami carry
ing a bouquet of lavender sweet pens.
Mr. Itex Perkins served the groom as
best man.
Following the reception for the
bridal party and guests the bride and
groom left on a short wedding trip.
They will he at their new home, 2VU7
South MargUeritiL avenue, Alhuiubra,
after March 1st. The young couple
are well known lu Alhambra church
and business circles, both being active
workers in their church, and t he
bride having been employed as assis
tant bookkeeper in her father's busi
ness, ami the groom Is the head of the
radio and electrical department of
the Ctiruett Hardware store.
Among the many friends present
were Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Fouts, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred W. Meats, and Mr. and
Mrs. T. S, Fnton and daughter June,
all formerly of Medford, Ore., us are
the bride and her parents.
Regular meeting Siskiyou
Y I'Odgo oi j -erieei ion. -m ou
tlay evening, t : au o ciock.
A II members urged to at
tend.- Paul P. Hynntng, Secy. J
U. A. M.
Crater Lake Chapter No.
32. Special convocation
Tuesday. March 3rd. M. M.
& P. M. degree. Visitors
welcome. A. F. NOTU.
2!i2 Secretary.
Notice to Huililiiig Tradesmen.
An open meeting will be held in
Smith's hall. 210 North drupe street
Medford. on the evening of Friday.
March it. It will be under the aus
pices of the Hrotherhood of Carpen
ters ami all building tradesmen are
ttrjred to be present. -!'i
FOR HALF A six -room furnished,
modern bungalow. . Three , bed
rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace,
lccliie hot water. Very convenient
and close In. F.22 V. lrtth. 2!3
FOR SA LK Manure. Fresh or well
rotted. Phone 534-11. 2!'2
WANTF.D Position as practical
nurse. Mrs. Wallace Shaw. at
Philips Camp (Iron ml. 2!3
WANTKD To lease a place suitable
for a chicken ranch. W, V. Hales.
128 No. Holly.
WANTKD Kxperleneed girl wants
housework m . private home. Phone
1M' V. 2i2
N'o ap.eiit ran'5 give
leu nunc: tn;in ilo
give vol) less.
L ill
The Insurance Man I -dPfcv
Tickets no wbelng- uold for the Klks'
Minstrels may be reserved next Sat
urday at noon, at the box office at
the ( 'raterian theatre. There Is no
extra charge for reserving, the price,
$LGT. covering the entire privilege,
including war tax.
This year there is one price, all
over the house, there being no extra
charge for orchestra or loge seats.
Tickets are being offered lor sate "t
n score of prominent- business places
In the city, as iSiay be noted in the
advertisement printed in today's Is
sue, alongside the Cralerlan ad.
it Is nn open secret that the Klks
are very proud of their show this
year, having secured talent never be
fore obtainable. n addition to 'dd
favorites, en den red to t he M ed ford
public by years of familiarity, the
Jilks will present this vear such
I notable features as James Stevens,
baritone; Miss Helen Itotiolph. whose
solo dances contributed much to the
success of Robin Hood; A. M. Pippe,
lyric tenor, and other soloists and
"stunt" artists.
There is a thick veil of secrecy
overhanging the entire management
of the show this year, indicating some
unusual surprises in store for the
audience. The threc scenes will be 1
laid in localities thoroughly familiar
tu every Medfordite and Tom Swem's)
mysterious activity is a good hint of;
what is to come by Wily of splendid!
sittings. I
Other neighboring cities, already
cognizant of what is in store, have
put in bids for the show , including
Roseburg and three cities in northern!
California. R Iuih alreadv been de-1
filled to show at Vreka and Dunsmuir,
bui it is thought that other appli
cant cities will have to wait another
yea r.
Barbara La Marr '
and Russian Tenor
Craterian Tonight
The crowning achievement of Rar
bara Iji Marr's career Is her portrayal
of "Sandra" hi th film of the same
name, from the novel by I'earl Doles
Pell, playing tonight at the Hunt's
Craterian theater. Miss Ii Marr re
veals finalities of emotional- acting
heretofore unsuspected. The role of
"Sandra." presenting a woman of dual
personality, is one of the biggest and
most Interesting parts yet conceived
for screen portrayal.
Alex liankovitz. Russian tenor who
Is singing at Hunt's Craterian on to
night's photo play bill, made a dis
tinct imprcsssinn in his first appear-,
ance here yesterday. The young
singer has 11 pleasing personality anil
sings with feeling. His voice displays
careful training- and Is of a beautiful
(pialUy and well under control. He
has range and volume and in every
way measures up to advance notices.
Vesterday he sang as his first number
"Woman Is Fickle," from the opera
"Kigoleito.' He sang in Russian and
was forced to respond to encoures.
"Shooting- of Dan Mcflivtv."
Look out for "tin- lady thut's known
as Lou." She is one of the most dan
gerous vamps known to modern poet
ry, and the picture version of the
verses that brojjght her "into being.
"The Shooting of Dnn MctJrow." opens
at the Rialto theater tomorrow mati
nee.- m
1 :n rha 111 I ji M a r r a p pen rs a s t h e
luckless lion, and some of her cos
tumes are striking to cay the least.
Lew Cody Is "Dangerous Dan" himself
and Percy Mar moot is the wrong hus
band. The story as related in the-
"Oh 1 how clear and beautiful your
complexion Is today, my dear I"
THERE is a certain joy a certain
prid! in knowing you are ad
mired, whether it be from father,
brother, husband or sweetheart! And
back of that joy is the satisfaction
of knowing all is well.
Men are fascinnted by the charms
of beauty. Women gaze with envy,
secretly jealous, perhaps, wondering
hopinp: praying for that attrnc
(ivune&s which is not theirs. But why
the wondering- tho .hoping the
praying for that craved for attrac
tiveness that clear skin that beau
ty. A clear skin is the barometer
of onr's condition. A fcealthy skin
radiates beauty. Pure, clean blood
means a clear kin.
S.S.S. is wafting to help you. It
will rid your blood of it& impuri
ties and give you that clear com
plexion. Since 182(5 S.S.S. has been
ridding people of blood iftpuritics,
from pimples, from blackheads, boils,
rcirmn and from rhciiWruism. too.
HeCfiTisn SSS. is iado from fresh
herbs and barks, it Ay be taken with
perfect safety. Try it yourself. You
will not only look better, but you will
feel better, too.
S S.S. mid st n m- ami
torn in two 11M. The lwr km
I, more economical. .
ix.' ii
t.J.. 'flloodMcdlcine
hoeni by Hubert W. Service has been
greatly elaborated upon for movie pur
poses, with episodo in tht tropics and
,ew l iii'K added, as y
situation in Alaska.
lias the final
The Christian churches of the
soutliwept district of Oregon will join
in an evangelistic rally Tuesday.
March 2 to be held In the Medford;
ChriFtian Church. The sessions wll
begin at 1 0 o'clock and continue
through the day and evening.' C. F.
Swnnder of Portland and Walter 1
Myers of Kugene will he the leaders,
assisted by the pastors and workers
from the churches In the district.
The Alpha JJelta class of the loenl
IJibte school will serve a chicken din-i
ner for the banquet at U :.'lo p. m.',
which wfir be not only for the yottnjf.
General Admission, 50c
j; Children, 25c
The Boy Wonder of
the Xylophone
Present "A Study in Tan"
I in "In Wrong"
A Comedy Entanglement
Clean, Classy Comedy
"Laughics of the Day"
, Wilson Walte, Director
Attend the Matinee
Everything Same as Night
ifs $'12w
Hit! l
By Pearl Doles Bell
Never' Before Has Barbara
La Marr Been So Praised
for Her Splendid Portrayal
of "Sandra."
' J WILL '- ' m
o ' - Uatil March! o 0
O - O o
Hear Dr. Miller on Some of the Great J$gba Themes
Was If
Thu't's the first tlinii;lit that poiiips to mind wlipn onp
spph. or lu-ni-s of, or rends uliout u fire. Should your prop
iMiy he cmlaiifrcred, what would it mean to you financially?
Sec ns iihoiit sufficient covcraoe to protect you against
any possible financial loss from fire or oflicr cvcntmilily.
Medford's Leading Insurance Agency .
Phone 123 ' Medford National Bank Bldg.
100 Choice Cherries
Black Locust, Elm, Maple
Evergreens, Grapes,
This Shipment Won't Last!
. Washington Nurseries
' WELCH &. FLOREY, Agents
.228 9. Holly . Phone 612-R
First Insurance Agency
A. L. HILL. M.nioar.
It North Central 8
Phone 10 Medford. Or. 9,
Garden Tools
When these wonderful spring days
make your hands itch to get hold
of a hoe remember there is more
pleasure in using
Complete line
Hubbard Bros.
SfdeclPr io fte tnertu
, icicii evening t :ou
We are headquarters
for everything in the
Mill work and' Cabi
net work lines. '
Windows,' . Screens,
Doors, ' Mouldings, '
Window Glass, etc. .
Medford, Oregon
n, Correct Time
Set' your cluck by I -1
W I mi ' .1,,, P . n A m P r V EPH '
fcj I whistle. Western ELS
In I Ihilnn riirnl;ltcd I I '
II time. I
I I Ask for NotrltloM . I
U Ice Cream : ;
J I . Jackson County i
I I . Creamery , ; I
o i