Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 27, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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u i.rniuni'uti UVIVI1DIPPP
am iMirpPvlH'."P VVWAPAPRR
1 ' MIW-'ORD PltWlNG CO.
Tht Uftlford Sunday Horning Hun ii funtfihed
techbera del iritis wven-day d'b w-
OfhV: Mall Tribune Building,
North Fir itrt. Phon 75.
A consolidation of the Democratic Timpi, tlie
If ford Mail, tlie Merilortl Tribune, lut BOUlu
era Oregon i an, ttie Aihlaml Tribune.
S. KUMI'TKK SMITH, Mnnuffer.
II Mad In Arlvunc?
Daily, with Hiimluy Sun, year 7.60
Daily, witti Sunday Hun, month 76
Dally, without Sunday Hun, year ..... 0-60
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .V. .0-
Weekly Mail Tribune, one yeut. 2 00
Huttduy Hun, one year P. . . . .Q . . . 2-00
BY CA It It IK It In Medford. Aahland, Jackson
vtlle. Central Point, i'liucnli, Talent and on
flifftin-nva; w C
Ially, with Sunday Sun, month .75
Daily, without Sutiduy Hun, month 6A
Daily, without Sunday Hun, on year... 7. fill
Daily, with N nudity Sun, one year...
Alt trrny by currier, e;nnli In advance.
Entered na aecond-rluan mntter at lledford,
Oregon, utnler act of March H, H19.
Official paper of the V.(y of Hertford.
Official jiiir of Jinkum f'o'tnty.
The oniv paper between Albany, Ore., and
Chleo. Callforiiia. a illKltUn-i r,t ovt-r 4u
mi leu, having lt-jiaert Mire Awtociattd Vtvm
Hworn daily nverad circulation for all
months ending April IhI, ;wiiy, more than
Oouhle the cin-uiuHon of tiny other paper puu-
llahed or circulated in .luckHon Uonmy.
The Aaociated l'renn la eirliiHively entitled
to tho uwe for republication of all new dfa
uatrheH credited to It or tint othcrwine credited
In thla paper, and also to tliu local news pub
Uahert bereliL
All right m of republication of aper-lal dla-
pa'chea herein are also reMrveu.
Ye Smudge Pot'
IJy Arthur Terry.
The legislature ml journed yester
iliiy In a pralsewort hy manner, with u
hit of tin fin iKlit'l poppycock on ham.'.
Those who removed their hats
when science discovered Hint human
life was I rnceahle buck to moldy
bread, can now put on their lids.
Human Ufa bacteria has. been located
In lhn well known Jimson weed.
3 Hchoolmn'nms nt I lih lunch ill
the cafeteria Thurs., and left without
washing the dishes.
Lester Rains tins hern ill with n
Revere colli for thn past week.
tSnleni Capital Journal.) Keeling
. sloppy.
(Oregon city Enterprise)
Tho stork visited Irvln Ttinkle
Monday morning and presented
til m with a new huh, nil Kfiilim
iilonrr flni nxcppt Knuidpii Sor
rcln, ttnd hi wnn ull to hohllo
around mi crutrhcH thin n. m.
Th (jrnnil (1ml fly of llio Ciotiirliins
hnH urcjiHtMl up hlH renr nxle lor ti
Jaunt to Nova Sent In.
WHO SAID "high oohI of living?"
ileitis fc'fin ami up. 17 no Cafe, North
Hend. (Mar.shfk'ld TIiiiph.) ituf why
montion It V
The ku.s hIIok tire knocking the cob
wohn off their puiupK, for the Hprlim
Homebody with a Mult husdncNH
ncumen oukIu to ?et a qnrnor on
tie,nntt, to keep the hlondcH and bru
netieH from beconiinn extinct llko the
dodo bird, and tiio ItoKue IndlanH.
l?E("iOX'S thirty-third IjftiKair is u.jonrne(i. Hut procisely
what it lias accomplished no one knowP andQit vitl tuke n
army of I'hiladcliia lawyers to find out.
Ah usual during the idosinjr hours a jjciii'ral juhilec was Hijoyod,
funny stunts were pulled, mnusino; Kpeeohos wrp made, old watches
wore presWited, mid coffee and wakes lyrv served hy the ladies. N'O
one lierudes the Legislators tln'ir little fun. No disappointments (f
Ihe session can overbalance the rejoieinp; that the session is
dvw. Hut the fact obtrudes that while the session has dosed, the
9vork of the session as not completed, and the celebration, there
fore, stokesan outsider an a trifle premature. o
The work was not completed because under the circumstances it
couldn't be. As usual the last few days were marked by a perfect
riot of confusion. Hills previously defeated were passed; bills scar
cely considered were passed; legislators voted "Aye" when they
meant "No," and voted "No" when they meant "Aye" the meas
ures flying out of the'two chambers like chaff from a threshing ma
chine. The one idea at. Salem yesterday lias been the same idea on every
day set fur adjournment fur half a century,--let's ;et the aony over,
f.nd trust to luck that the net re-sults will not be as bad as they appear.
Obviously this is a foolish and dangerous method of conducting
state business. Hut in spite of the example of other stales, Califor
nia among them, of dividing the session, he first period for the in
troduction and discussion of new legislation, and the second perhftl,
for consideration and action Oregon insists upon continuing the
present absurd and haphazard procedure.
No one can give the work of the present legislature half a glance
without being convinced that Ihe best thing that could happen to the
state, would he a special session, to go over that work, sort out the
good from the bad and correct the mistakes that, have been made.
that is the California plan. Tl is the common sense plan. It,
should he the Oregon plan.
There'll lit "Kxcltetnent" nt the
church next Wednesday, with Jaura
La tMttntP furniKhiiiK her part of it
In the movie for that cvciiIiik. The
comedy will bo koimI, ton "llellu
J-YIhco. (I'almdale, Calif., Kmiulrcr. )
After the Hhow the ltcptilillcnn Cen
tral Committee will hold n caucus in
the paHtor'H Htudy.
The host cllppliiK your eorr. Iuih
unearthed In moiitliH. Hum koiio astray.
It Himpty Bald: "Wunleil Position by
youiiR man with hellliiK experience."
(IvO.s .nrelcs Kvamlucr)
Klllott Skinner, nsahy dealer
nt Ml7 Hollywood boulevard, re
port the Bale of a home in Uosh
moyne, near Clcndale, ti, Clara
Kussninn, motion picture ucircsM.
CiKiH'elleH are dnonuMl, but the
Hkunklsh pipe, thai mioi-ch like a I'ry
iiiK crk. Ib a lilac.
At the noon Korum of the Sparrow
the lion. t;heter Wootlpeeker deliv
ered nn able address on the shortage
of fat fiih worms. . Sayde 'renre
rendered a beautiful voeal number,
in tier usual charming nuinner.
What has become of ihe old fash
ioned local reformer, whu used to
Hiicrtk up an nlley to whisper In n
HanctimonloiiH matinei-v
Many of the (lalsheviklH have
ndnpted the "kwIi I coiffure." ll Is
quite a nifty di-u pfor their frizzes.
The Ku Klux Klun has siartiMl a
cam pa Ikm to put t he Hi hie in every
home. This is a laudahh ptnaml,
and a Hiblt should not cost any more
than u iiiKhtKowu.
Our pm. haw recovered from his
Korthalllsm, ami is aide to he out
whetf In can kcI hit ftth it 4d otire
It bcKlns to look like March would
come in like a it;. and no out llk
M'o ft we'll intrude on a stocking
called nude, O
That stock Iiik transparently in;
And thW owner will sun Inch when we
kIvqM a pinch O
To learn it It's Htockinj; or, skin.-
No need fur such fears. Just look
back a few years.
When you looked on the for m of ,t
31 may im( have been real, but ne'ei
did you feel Q
Xo nee If 'twas bustle or hltv
Tile I'dncl lo success is pavi'il witli disciirdi'd friends.
French i i -1 , plucliiiiK diiihy pelals; "lie lnves tnc, lie lnves my
Knni))e cidls lliein wutrriiit; places, lint to An
rieiins llioy npponl
AiKillicr kmh
(I wash bniwd.
incchanieid ilcvico fur tnkiii" scientific exercises' is
TIik senrs (if war arc healiiifr. Ym seldimi hear a former donfjli
iai.v say "We. Ave."
Afosl of the. men who think another war inevitable arc old enough
to wish it on somehiidv else.
Why call them "halloons?" Hal
seem always to lie comMitf down.
loons are Koine up; these pants
I'nclc Ram's patronizinj,' disposition to pat Kiirope on the back re
nits from bavin" a pat hand.
Some children have it ztm time, ami some arc not permitted to
It must delijiht. an operator when he nets a lelefrram Unit doesn't
bejrhi, "Program coming in fine."
O . . .. MAMA'S BEST FAN , ' .
jt. ! ,
"7? ""1
Hal Ha! I'm invited to a 1-7-12-19-27. And I have a,
1-2-3-4-5-6 new frock 4-9 go in, too. I 8-9 love parties. .
They don't 11-12-13 me one bit. ,
My cousin, 3-8, is going too. He is ten 6-10-15-22-30 old. It
will 24-32 very merry and 14-15-16, don't 16-23-31 think so? Two
other boys who will be there are 22-23-24 and 11-18-26. .'
ify 28-29 told me that 20-21 I would be careful I could carry her
best 21-29-34. I might need it 17-25 it may be warm. They 25-26-27
it is quite an 17-18-19 to flutter it gracetully. I hear that the two
bovs are bringing their little sisters to the party. Their names are
30-31-32 and 20-28-33.
I know we'll all have 33-34 interesting time at the party.
Antwer to last puzslc: (1-2-3-4) hope, (1-6-12-17-23) holes, (5-6 7-S 9)
mount, (3-8-1313-24) penny, (10-11-12) h'al, (15-20-2C) ims. (13-14-15)
new, (5-11-16-22) mmo, (21-22-23) has, (2-7) on, (10-17-18-19) mean,
(4-9-14) eye, (24-25-26) yes.
Copyright, 1D25, by The International Syndicate
Love. In coffee, means earnest effort
to promote the welfare uf the person
who Ui to consume the brew. I sub-
ueckMireat ueu.1 of hogKlonesn about
theSflse of tobacco is due to lovt'S
coffee, pi '
TTie Coldest Audience.
T ulnf In the eVidlr uf nor lillW
church and must faeP ttt- eonif rela
tion. When 1 have a solo 1 become
nervous and panio stricken, my heart
pounds und 1 lose my breath, ho that
I can't do myself justice. Will power
does not help me to Hirmount thin
stage fright. 1 would be willing to
take- medicine or drugs for the occa
sion if I knew what would xive nie re
pose and make me fearless and cool
for the time being:. (K. O.)
Answer. Get your dentist to give
you nitrous oxide and laugh at the
audience. The trouble wfth all the
drugs that will make you cool and in
different is thnt they also make you
forget your piece. The people may
look cold and fishy .and unsympa
thetic and hypercritical, but that's be
cause they're trying .to look us good
people are supposed to look In church.
Pick out somebody and sing- to him
or her just as tho you were all alone
with him or her. Anyhow, by the
time vou've- perpetrated a score or two
of solos with Impunity, you'll get over
the stage fright.
Personal Health Service
SlflnMj IMUn pirtslnlns lo p.ronal heiltli and hyd'tn. not lo dlMU dlaono.ll or, will b. aniw.r.d by ur. tsraay ir a aiampao, tan aaarM,.a anvaiop. la anuiu..a.
latter, ahould ba brlaf and wrlttan In Ink. Owing to tha larga numbar of lattara raoalvad, only
taw aan-ba anawarad htra. No raply oan ba mada to auarlaa not oonformln. t. Inatruotlona
Addraaa Dr. William Brady, In aara of thla nawapapaf.
l'roe lletillli.
The average man's practice of thrift consists in saving up to buy
something he doesn't need.
Correct this sentence: "I'm pretty sick, lloss," he agreed
I'd rather work on until night."
Correct this sentence : "Oh!" cried daughter;
get up at five in the morning!"
'isn',1 it great to
Women are losing their charm,'' says a critic. Our sympathy, J
Mother; we, too, are growing old.
Americanism: Cultivating good manners as an aid to success;
using had manners to show how groat, you have become.
flK store wherein they sell old books! V haunt its dark and
dusty nooks and iraze mum i'oririitten' tomes which once
were prized in happy homes. Itest sellers of a bygone ilay arc
piled before me, dusty gray. Oh, here are books the critics
praised long since, enraptured and amazed. "These works will
live," the critics said, "when old Hill Shakespeare's tosh is deail.
They're glowing with a deathless fire, they cannot shrivel or ex
pire." The presses labored night an day to send these books
upon their way, and breathless people stood in line beneath tbe
hoit&torc'x gilded sign, to gif these books, to have and bol, be
fore the shipment all was sold; and bcr'lhey lie and niolilcr now,
as dead as Andrew liiiOsnu's cow. A 'riilgald at0 my elbow,
stands; some corking novel he demands, 1 say InQiim: OOh,
goodly youth, the old time books are best in sooth, fcow hero be
fore are9iTiiyed great books by men who knew their trade;
they wrote before tluQnnvic's lure led authors into fQttis obscure;
so wedded to their art. I ween, they jjave no thought .to film or
Viveii "Puck number authors," said the voulh. " Skj
pink pain in my tooth. Alas, ami eke alaekiidav:
and authors S-ii their wav.
Thus books
I'll their tit
do TVu diWunv
Host sellers of ti'U years Hi
' Q.Q.
What with welfare. stations, health
centers, school dentists, medical In
spectors, child hygience clinics, pre
natal clinics, work men's enmpt nsa
tlon, department store difiiensnrics,
factory hosirttals,
visiting nurses and
iteen-teen varieties
of socio I service
workers, this bit of
satire by Secretary
I'.ryant of the Maine
.Medical association
ii opposite:
The Free Itoad lo
"Th e prenatal
cllnoic cares for the
expected child and
guides it into a hos
tile world. It . is received into the
motherly lop of the baby welfare clin
ic and tenderiy cared for. Tt receives
Its nourishment from a warm and
hygienic bottle '"prepared in the baby
milk laboratory its tottering steps
are guided by l(u helping hand or the
child welfare society. In due time the
child enters school, where he is wel
comed on the threshold by the school
nurse, and introduced to the school
physician. He. is vaccinated against
smallpox, inoculated against typhoid,
is given the .Schick test and made im
mune to diplhcria. 1 lis teeth are
looked over at thf dental clinic, and
his tonsils and adenoids are removed
at the hospital out patient department.
Tils eyes are examined and possibly
fitted with glasses. Thus equipped
and prepared he at; once starts to do
his health chores. Found underweight
he enjoys for a time the luxury of an
open uir scuooi miner ine supervision
of the physician and nurse of the Anti
TulH'rculosis association. Thus he is
guided through school and may even
take a chance at college. If he es
capes here for' a moment from his
guurdians and falls into evil ways
there are free clinics provided for
even these emergencies.
"Safely passing his health Inspec- (
tlon and eugenic society examination,
he enters wedlock. In due time his
wife begins attending a maternal wel
fare ellnc TMs health is now guarded
by the periodic health examination
provided by his life Insurance com
pany. At work he is looked after by
the industrial nurse and prescribed for
by the plant physician. If sick nt
liome he has the care of the visiting
nurse and the social worker. Ills fu
ture Is provided for by industrial in
surance and an old age pension. In
his declining yenrs he enters a rest
lionte for the nged. His pillow is
smoothed by the institution attend
ant and his room brightened by the
home visitor. -.A.- burial society ar
ranges the funeral. At last he lies nt
peace after a long and easy Journey
along tho free health read. A high
Ideal to strive for. and a pleasant jour
ney we wish him well."
Should any of the free services elude
him at any point atonpr the way, he
writes to his newspaper medical con
tributor for some free advice.
lln Kugene Ketley. state commis
sioner of health of Massachusetts, snys
we must take the M out of free health
nnj place hygiene on a fife basis.
There to little danger of any serious
reform like that. I think. We doctors
are loo eager to give our service ,free.
And as the great charity drives are
managed nowaday, the doctors are
counted on to continue to give their
blood without price.
1 Not only in the all embracing field
of public health service do the doc
tors serve free or r a bejrgerly pit
tance, but in many cases they carry
the unwarranted kindness into private
practice. For example, a yair of dear
doctors refer;( to in the following
letter to parents of hoys in a private
school: .
"N'o expense will be incurred in
having this work (the shick test and
toxin antitoxin immunization) done,
as two physicians, lbs. Fish and Lob-
(ster tlet us call them), have gener
ously offered their tterviees. and Itie
material will bo furnisheTi by the state
department of health."
And these were parents of the well
to do class w ho could afford the lux
ury of a private school for their youns
'uiis. No ib'uht a go-vl ;di;,r" of them
i.rccpie.lGhe elm nl yPa t All of
fer of fi-e i iotbini; or food mi::ht have
offende.V i m. but free medical ser
vices are. always welcome.
it almost seems nsQhough mcdb&e
were so repugnant that we have to
coax people to take it.
Artificial Di unices.
I have an upper jdate of false teeth.
1 keep them in my mouth all the
time, removing them ..only to clean
them three times a day. Is this
right? (X.) . .
Answer Yes. Many persons make
the mistake of wearing such dentures
only part of the time, on the plea thnt
the dentures are not entirely comfort
able al first. Thus the tissue never
quite conform to tho dentures which
never give .the satisfaction .they
should.. This Is the patient's fault, not
the dentist's. Sometimes, perhaps, the
dentist is guilty of contributory neg
ligence inthat he falls to insist upon
this point when he makes the den
tures. A Cenlleituurs Coffee.
IMease state if there is something
that can be put In a gentleman's cof
fee to make him stop smoking, as he
smokes one and a half packs of drom
edaries a day. (G. A. K.)
Answer.- Ifear not. IJut I have a
bare suspicion that there Is something
that can be put in a man's coffee so
that he will not feel the need of that
oblivion that comes from tho aroma
of the camel after he has encountered
the coffee. This something is a nice
combination of intelligence and love.
It's jest, got nlHtut. so If It lialu'l
soiuethhi' we kin be arrested fer iher
hain't no fan in It. SiHikiu of econ
omy, I' res I dent Cool Id -re would make
a dandy name fer a stogie.
Poems That Live
The Women's Chorus.
They're always abusing the women
As a terrible plague to menV
They say we're the root of all evil,
And repent It again and again;
Of war, and quarrels and bloodshed,
And mischief, be what it may!
And pray, then, why do you marry us.
If we're all the plagues you say?
And why do you take such care of us.
And keep us so safe nt home.
And are never easy, a moment
If ever we chance to roam?
"When you ought to be thanking1 heaven
That your I'lague is out. of the way,
Vou all keep fussing and fretting
"Where is my Plague today?"
If a Plague peeps out of the window,
Up go the eyes of men;
If she hides, then they nil keep staring
L mil she looks out again.
JIOW TO soiak pi zzu:.
The words Ntart In the numbered
squares and run either across or
down. OiUy one letter Ik plueed In
each white square. ir Ihe pniier
words ure found each combination of
letters In the white sqtiares will form
words. The key to the puzzle the
first word Is given in the drawing.
Itelow are keys- to the oilier words.
"Word 1. They can be seen in Ihe
picture above,
Word f. The missing word in this
.sentence, "The boys with one
another for athletic honors."
Word fl. Hills must be paid.
Word K. The name of the man
who Invented the telegraph code.
Word 1 1. The sapie as "have
Word 12. The man who has rtni
for president three times; Is called;
' The Great Commoner."
Word 2. The first woman.
Wont 3. That for which our fore
fathers fought in the Revolutionary
Word 4. A synonym for the word
In capitals in this sign; "House for
Word C. Not Bright.
Word 7. What your eyes are for.
Word !t. Fsed In rowing a boat.
Word 10. A large body of water.
MANN'S-The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price-MANN'S
A Few Lightweight Overcoats
Gaberdines, Whipcords and Tweed Top Coats,
from $25.00 to $30.00. On sale
Saturday and Monday . . ....... . ..
Sold regularly
I i itKitUr
Vogue Suits
for Spring
Clothing that makes
popular prices safe
Handsomely trimmed
and nicely tailored. See
the new light colors. We
also have them in dark
colors. Priced from
$30 to $45
Collar Attached
Dress Shirts,
Blue, Grey, Tan,
?1.oj Pmone-486-487
i. ,
M0fOKD.04 .
Blue0 SRirts,
Collar Attached,0
SI. 69
O O o
Entrance to Men's Department on Mdin Street
O o