Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 24, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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j . ! r.
l-'J'ililH'AHV 'i J4. lH'Jitt'
ocdl and
BTi. Only a trace of rain fell hen
terday. r '
O Eaffodlls. crocuses and violtQ
In bloom iteiAi'ally over t hi ity.
lili" if ft nt warm weather. Hint lite
ms hindie and trees arc fast grow
K ik'W leaves and shoots.
cWlumhla planter wall board. Call
for prl
Prof. Geo. P. Waldun, nomologist,
conducted themselves ho good for twioi
wim'kh or mirt pasi i rui i in a u um i
time not n single crimfuul ease came
up In the local city or Justice court
until lAMay. when Chief .of J'ollce
lanm handed over to Judge Taylor jlt,rt n flUHj
mrieiion nnn money, run up ny
three men arrested here las Saturday
nf; by Officer underpin oi'MieiiiK
intoxicated on I he street. Tlicy failed,
to appear for trial in the city court
"Vci'icrdny. The, men arrcstedj and ihe
cum forfeited were E. O, Ilrudley. -Ti;
end S. Jooiscn mid ole Dahl. Jlii each.
Will run special Pi'lp durfnp court
wi'ck, leaving Medford HA't a. m.
Jacksonville it g. in. . B 2Hm,
a Uillinrd TAiih of the diy nVe trying
to arrange a ulutcho g:mc of I (itiu
point between Fuji, lite Japanese hil
UnrdJst, .who recently won tin chain-,
pinnshlp of the city, and Chris (luit-
JTho tan sto
liMff Thursday (8Kht has been found j
in Mcdford. Mr. t'ornel) went lh&P I
yesterday mid hleiried tho machiW. j
drivfm it hack to this .city. The car I
had I left In an old shed on Jack- j
win Htreet und an aciualntancc of Mr. t
Cornell, having noted that the car
are i niintrnia. says. uo ahead and use ,.nKlh will hi constructed this Hummer i """"" ' wm. .. "'I'l'"1"' ,
due, dry Hint sulphur if you want fotMt b,.tween tU- cities of Forest drove and!?" in" nmnm 1,1 sn . M,,..w;
(m t:oniiToiniCHUOll Willi .Mi. ' orncn a.
now win iiiucnuie nun men uinru j
to a garage untilQi could ho hroUKlit
here. Xolhlnn W'as inisslnK Thv hat-
tery haffhecn run 'jwn. Orunts I'umh j
Courier. . 0 ;
Columbia plastor wall hoard. Call ;
for prices. Wallnce Viod Lumber
The Salvatn Ar;ny can help some- ehy front the statf of California art'aiu
Colder und fair weather for tonight, I The uctora who play In today's van-
and Kfnerally Tiilr weother fM Wed- devilie proKram atie Craterlanihea
nesilay is the prediction. '1'W mlni-er arrived in the ity Just cvenfrf; or
mum temperature tf this mornlnK wa early this morning from Iteddirm r
3i.& am the runxlinum of Monday wasjfhif o, Calif. r
Wit pay for allies arid null dirt cheap.
Brown & White Agency, Inc. tf
A concrete sidewalk two miles in
save um Born) I'l.HiiliM In 'xitirinu.iilal . i "
IcrI Inst Hpnon mh Hip ll.fSid ninti-rlul, nllvo you tried that big ifl shake
ii ml no (loulit It will ilo ho axaln thlR&t l)pVoe'?
year." Tent was rnnile in the lial i li.iltv literature trarhra nniinle how
turn. W allace woous J.umU'ir "i nnorwin-n iriiuitm ury xuipour Vll tj0 healthy, cffklent, ronperous,
o , , O :to I Kiillon rommerrlnl llciuld. Vol- ; KurmoiiliiUH 'anil halJijy. Kreo dls9ri-
Th li'Hldi'nln of Mcilfotil ii nil vl-Hlino D.opartmcnt of AkiIcuI- j hutlnn 7 1 H West Main Mlreet.
Qi'lnlty. nlwi' lhi Mnny fllnir Imvc , turi'i Hlnte of California, . If Im'ludcil ainona the vM'Ora ill the
The. Wahhlngtfin'H birthday banquet
n w given by tho member- of the main speaker.
DeMolayirder, begin at 7:00 Soviet Jiivvr BarroJ
oYlocfc tliiK evening at the Hot Ol-YMPIA.. Wauli... Feb. 24. The
Medtpiff) wlC)i Elton WnWkoii fire- . , , . a
HtdiArf jj chairman. ; . . supreme coun today barred. Elmer. S.
Thegnembers of the Eastern :,r;,"Uh- barges
hnvs -Awate th IningOocM, inr rhnving advo.tled and approved
honor of ;ne dcca.'don. yhile a suit-j sabotage, syndioism and general
able program h,aH be'fln- arranged for ( viola wm of laws as a mnens of social
the entertainment of thoe present, reform."
with Hev. Anism-of Ashland as the a majority of the judges Osned tho
opinions-two dissenting.
clothing, shoes, ( W. II. ISerraux of Hun Olego, L. M.J Trytho JJn I.ux system of mar-'
Ii. Carter celling. Mr. and Mrs. Mahr. I tow man !
and ' Mat her's hntlies' Shoppe, JSotith ;
Central. I'hoiu 'iiV for appointment, i
one with your old
ete,. inione. Sfiii.,. . . 0 Warren wf Jos AngelOK, J.
The Medford ie:dtv board. whlrhi,ui(l ' J- of 1
now has a membership of sixteen j J'niiiiar and l. I,. (
neRN meetiiiu nt flic Clui Hi-M ,s- 1 A- I'-nghsh,
her of Commerce building last night,
it numbe of lmirtant Whiles .coining
before tW hoard, Walter I-e-elb
y(t elected as tMesldent for the year
of mi 2 5. . '
The game would Ihst thi-e
nlghlHti on Ihe llrnwn einldes. playing
.'100 pulnjiH the ii'Ht iwoenihlrf, tid 4 0M
for the final game.
0 Prof. A. ioNelander o Waslilngtou
Stale college," ntiihorlty on San .lose
locale rnprayH. says "Iteceiijly Lime
SiilpUm been 4laccU o tlie inar
"l:'l In" dry form4 tMs powiler is' more
We will cut :hd fit your Yiedodress(
or coat at a price all.
W. loth street. 8!I0
Sot a new dressmaking establis
hment, 'tint one with cvxpericuce and n
reputation behind It. !Hir W. lOMi
street. ' 0 Ii!Ki
Th- fhdden Link Uihle clnss will'
tl-et at the ho;fte uf Mrs. .1. 1Mb
b:ird, 3HI K. Iilirel street, Thursday.
fhrunry 2Gth at 2 o'clock.
IlemHtitching Ha a yard. The Vnn
ily Hhop, Jartlett and Muin. m tf
' Charles May ben was a business .vis-"
ilo i- in the city today from his place
near Jacksonville,
We pay cash lor yed piilnoa. Par
Irter Piano House, . tf
Tht. Brandon Opera company In
epenslvlhan thn hhuhl and is likely i w,m " ' ' " m u.. m-
... , , dents anil, which played In Kugeiu tli
Mr. M. K. Kchwd of IMtbni g, Mr.
W. I.yle ii nrl Mis. I)e
daughter ut 4ev York
of lltvchoster. . Y
.ng lite locM hotel gues from i .ncc f -111.. ( hocohue hol.lier
. others i-gistered at the jio- ''Uly give In Portland by the coin
.iv f.i...i '.iiUi..lw.0iiMiiiii. i !"' lestiliert In mi many requests for
J " v tL . .mitnfltlm !. Il, tlu.i.,, n...Ffl.,n-
andr.trs. C.
Ouinccy and
'itv. and M
are among
tin est
telu loilitv
A. Cooy of Minneapolis," Mr. und AlYn!
; James McCann of Mitmt, N. !.. and
the fulluwlng ftntji Chicago Sari Ii.
fcaehlor, WHIle Tyist,oMr. ahd Mrs. E.
PitJfgcr ind T. If. Sptam-. '
' d'oti Imvj' been telling youi; klda how
yiVu cKiiglif cat f iHh and black bastt
bac ft in the" fyntrnl states when you
were ft hoy. Voucan how ptJrcUase
these a; our warehouse. We hiivr- In
1 pick this 'week halibut, valmoiu
1 -melts, vklnned sole, black Imsw, ca
flslu )u bs. Prlcett rlKtit. JohjiHon Pro- j
dtlce Co. 1MI-.N. l- lr Htj-el. .Prtnne'iti.
Mivs Melon Cow gill nf Coi-vhIIIm. ub
Hhitant cUiJi leader, wtjn spout last
yeek in this eounfi visiting the dl-ft'-rcht
girls' cldlm. Is Hinndlng this
week in Klamath fe'allt inri iclnlty.
Dresses Itve all ho nlmplo hotv'rthut
Any clever woumn can flniHh tier own
if it is pinperiy H-uf and fitted by an
expert. Call t i)0 W
lottcr liart. (ft - In at week, hiw been
booked to play at the lleilig theater
Jn PorUaihl. March ft, 0 and 7 In "The
Chocolate Soldier.". Tho ftlitgle; per
formance of "The Cbocohlle Soldier
oFiMd JI. Hophlh" reUirned this
nrornlng from a Koveral tlnyn' Bojourn
. In PorUaJid.0 '
Ukntn,. Armory " tonight, Tuesday
null Saturday ulgiits, ladies ukatu ft 38
'.Mefore a howling mob of.2fti)(l rt-rt
lint hati(eihntl fans', h Mertfonl high
basketful U squad Irouiit'td tc
Ashland five. 2 4 . at the . Medford
Armory Saturday night, aiid Hlteutli-
enect tUeir lend hi the four game se
ries with two.Mamc Aon and none
lisi." tutya thtf Athland Tidlng. "The
Medford outfit won frojii Ashland .
. Friday night. 29-20. -Hi the local Arm
' ftry floor. The.lofals caim' fast lu tie
first (uai'tr, taking thelead snon aft
"er the opening vldstte.aiKf holding It
uiyif the end f (he fUst tiuarter. Soon
after that they, wilted, and the' ma
chine like tiKim wfti k of the. Medford
miitit 4iroke into uellom M tho half
the Meiiford five had ptletf up a 22-;a
lead, ami tlnriHK the third fiuirter ttwi
wntstlll further Into the lead: Ti
ward the nd of the game they again
resorted t tfieir iftalUn)j tactics "which
drove the Ashland 'playors tinl turn
ullfl. J.ut aided the Medfovd outfll In
winning thu nait,.'i- , , .
Special this week. 'Exlde ImUKm'V
a repetition that tho.
incut was scheduled. '
We pay for ashes und Bell dirt cheap.
ftroWn K- Whlio Agtucy. Inc. tf
Mr.s W. W. Mownud left last night
for Ai-urria, having biv n called to Hie
home of her Kister, Mrs. H. W. "Ewer,
oil account of tlu sei;lotiH Illness of
the ' 'Intters' Hfliall rijn.
licguar TifH- can patching niftfit, Kic
lUIcy-.Vnler AloIor Co. . 2 8 K 0
9lr. Mi-M. M. Dow arrived' in the
vih' ibis, forenoon from Portland on a
short Imsine'sH vlvll and exiej-ts lo
leu?4 lonlnlft on the return trip.
Anyone wishing to ae nwmtiers of
the firm of Warner; Wort man & (lore
Will find them at rheir old si und. 3t7
Knit Mam, until March 1st. . 287
The big- ..Jnluy hamiuet at the
llojel jMedford. OiIn evening will be attended-by
lai-gf den-gatlous from" Ash
laud and (rants Psi. t( The, bamtuet
10th street. l,MilnH at 7 o'ovk.- . .
Veuirned "llili.1'"1"", Al' 1"oc;c,s.'rol,!1;
miiciicuii jiaiiimry. , 1 ouou 1 u
Mrs.'I). (. Fredericks was'a business
visitor in the city toilaV froin flints
I'afs; the Fredet1cts having recently
moved the t9 fronj Medford
ilemstltchhig, buttons covered at tho
nm1icraft Shot). ' tf
cjay Pal ker is plannlng'oit buitdlfig
a V house on his sitfatl acreage on the
.Jih-kroiivlMt road as he has junt sld
his properly at lill Jackson street lo
M. I!. PunnMl. :
. iJiwn nuiweiH aluirpencd and ad
Jh.ited. called foifand deflvered freo.
Safety razor hlailes sharitoned. Out
irtiy service. enl your money
out of town. Mesdfovd' ' HariHvnre tt
Sporting Ooods Co. 2;t
Prospective setters representing
200 fiuln lamlliei. with 11 total capital
of Jir.O.fltiO to Invest,, Jjave definitely
aimmmccd ihcir intentum rtf moving
to OreRon during I.PSfi, acrordlrtg to
dula compiled by the land- settlement
department of the Chapiher of Coin
mereetv, "Arlhur Foster, field crpre
Hentutl'e for the dwpartineiil, returned
Sutui'day from southevn Oregxtn, where
he found the, nflrtbwartl mopemeut
from Callfirnln ulrendy binder way.
nays the Portland journal, --ai
rkel. It. E-
10 ke of Oakland,
.Hiss Mary Cole
man and M. Shamp of I'nsadeiia, aid
the folloOiiffj from San Francisco; 1.
C. :arhour. E. Mathes, Frank J. Am
drewH, JO. C. fJoriicott, .1. II. ICcker.son.
PMrrand Mrs. W, II. lioyie. Paul E.
White and C. U.fJreldler.
Try our dry wash. 7c pur lb., mini
mum 7ftc. All flat .pieces ironed.
fVrif'Pleaife I-nundry. Phohe 373. tf
(ioodwln Corset Shop, 20 S. Vim
Alta Xaylor, corsetlero. ai&
C. I). Mobley mid Clarence Kudu are
vircn hit lug pi fit Ions asking the city
council to opun Eighth Mreet'to travel
and afford u ijew crossing over the
Southern Pacific tracks'fur the Imsl
mys district. The petition was signed
by 2(X property owners up to rimon to
day. All the meil-hunts of the city
signed the papers hut three firms on
sixth street.
Anyone vishing to see members ot
the firm of Warner, Wort man & (iore
will fitfil them at their old stand. :io7
East M trill, until March 1st. 2S7
Coining soon. 'Ihe AVesco gas saver,.
Eedtice your gasa bills fiO per cent".
V - ' 2S8
After Kcrying nearly twenty years
afi- secretary Of ,lhe Arlirans Indue if
JuckyiTuvDle, Mrs. Amy Dow wlMui n
tvri im.' iiil' iiimi 01 nit iiiuiun
to M'rs. I)e Sluier, fclie new Hccretury.
Mrs. Dow set out to break Emll lirltt's
record of 24 years as mayor of Jack
sonville, but tired. lThe Artisans, next
to the Masons, is, one of the oltlesl
fraternal orders In the valley, and its
membership rolls show the names of
most of the old timers. Thirty years
ugo It war a very popular order in
JacliHon county.
Try the Don I.ux system of marcell
ing,. Mr. and Mrs. Mahr, liowman and
llurber's" ljidics' Shoppe. South Cen
tral. Phone 3? for appointment.
Coal hrhiuets, that clean fuel. Han
sen ConI Co. Phone 23s. tf
for yord, CliavrolL-l iinu'sinr. iH.Oli.! Ashland, Med ford ami OranTH Pass
.Williams & McCurley. lf
Miss Jessie (irlstk o.fd. hoiun duniou
Ht ration ogent of, Josephine comity. Is
iptndlng a eouple i( dayk in Medforfl.
Thomas Sample trftthe Eden Val
ley on-hards was in the city tran
lo icng btslne-4 toty.
Uenuine ltoach Magneto parts and
ifimiw. Electric Shop, Eighth, md
0 hartlelt. ",.,.. I tf
lltoi In the cltyofttoni Portland
Include ahe foltowlng: J. 0 . faylov,
olt. P. Langhorne. F. Ilmhert, E. tj
Shaw, F. It. Wagner. W W.. Wheat.
A. tfhiirig. Mrs. Ii. N'lrtkols. Mr,, unft
Mi. Waller J. C'arin, O. C, Johnson.
J. lMorgan. 1. M? (Ilbsnn, .1. E. ('asey
and ?. II. Thompson,.
Eat homecookeil meals at S.
liartlmt. tiik 2SU
M". T. ferns and I. E. Holmes of the
pagb9 Cannery vn'hany. of Ashl.fud.
returned Sunday from Corvallif. where
theyGhail hern attending th cUiiniti);
hool at . A. C. 0 o 0 a
Try n veisonal bob then Is 11 boh
for every type of face. Mr, and Airs.
Mah9. llowmnn and Kmter ljidies'
Shoppe. South Central. Phone 3t2 for
appointment, o SS:
11 It
Horn Inn
jllsi loll"' OllOUgll to
it'll ymi not to for;(l
y. .ur (B.jif of Fluhi9r"s
Milk frc.L
rrO O
att average of E5 visiting aulopiobilcs
mv being cbecken Into the state dally,
some of these" parlies are eklntf
homes!" and others are Just touring the
otate." .. ' '
Have yen nflt sttme garnint which
oiin eb remodeled jnni bo save the
initial cost?. Cmne"hi and we will talk
U ovw-. yv." W. tilth utreet.' 2'JO
W. II. Jlerteaux. rvHresentative of
the Cltrusosoai iompnny. was busi
ness yfwitor In Iedford yestVdy.
See Frailer for horseshoeing and re
paolng. A Keifs ohUshop." c 2l.H
Temporaiy sojivm tieis here from the
state of Washington include.8 11. A.
MvM iisc of l.ongvlew. Mr. and Mrs. F.
Dowd antV Kelly iowd of Mt.JWrnon
snd F. .f " lteil. Mr., ami Mrs. A I
Winn. E. F. StratfoKl. Fred A. Hood.
M, Jilehard and ftaii A. n.vis nfwSe
ayle. 0
Coal briquets, that clear fuel. Han
sen foal , Phone 2SH. - ' ( i
Fred I,. Co'lv. deputy collector of
Inie-i ual revenue. jviU bo at tlH? into
nat 1-evi.mue office, roofti 2W at the
federal- buildint;. all duiotm this wek.
to aHstKt the taxpayers of Med(ord In
the filing of their fax returns, while
0i n W. llet-rlng will spend ihe fleck
at Ashland for the purpose of assist -iiiK
the taxpuyerflieie. ,
We do dress making. Culling and
fiiuVg. llemoeHng. IHK W. luih
A da 11 kIuci- was born to Mr. and
Mrs. C. M- Woods at-their home at
"2 South laurel street. February
.toe Pnntorium docs all kinds
rleatlng. Phone 244. J06tf
Among the out of town Oregonians
ht the city are J. W. While "kEu
grne, Mrs. C. W. Itrown of TIh( Wtes.
F. .'. HaUcy of Salem. Mr and Mrs. It.
Declouf of m C.iande. Mr. Mrs.
It, lOjohnsnii of Coiviillis and 1.. P.
Uvnmn. I. i:u'c:f. rv Allen and
Kn l iielhosQf Klamath Falls.
TlM ersonal bob there is 11 bob
for every type of face. Mr. ac0Mrs
Mahr. How man and Parber's Padies'
Shoppe. Sooth Phorrjw: for
P 1 1 I'tum ."id P W rnutt bae ,
purchci ihe P.tfield procrry xr'ie(
in Mill n.lititioa. Tht Pnutt lro(jbis
ire t oers of u p merry store Ht tidd
Hill und one at KlvWIe. They will
it n tne mten-
rtth Falls their
board, alt
WAXTEO (loiitl , home und small
wages tj ehlerly man with no 'fain -
" lly: to ilo- chores around farnir Ap
ply after 6 p. in. at l!4:t S. Holly.
I'll It SA EE R.
I'hone lifl-E.
FOK 8AEE Perrennlal plants, in
cluding sweet w II linn 1. yucca, baby
, breath, hollyhocks, mater ,of the
est and other kinds. 1'hope 3nfi-E.
1 v ' 2S
FOP SAI,K t'ows just fresh, and soon
to be fresh. Three cows tos from
l-tl to n-tl. S ViV miles w est of Phoe
1 "1x E. J. White. II. F. 1). 1, Med-
(ord . " ' . 28
FOII SALE .White second hand sew
ing machine. .Call L'l'-t-J. ' 1! S 7
FOP iArK--Stritw)ifrry plants. 3
miles south Pacific hluhway. W. H.
Summers. 2?1
WAXTKO Two Intelligent people to
share pleasant home. For Interview
bd(b-es Pox 2a Mull Tribune. .'I'iM
mkiw fin- tlilr fiMiilluseu
ntton uf making Klauiat
honie.-lbinmth Wwg.
Colutnl'la putMtt wall
1:00 and 9:bo
Qelieral Admission. 50c
. Children, 2c
Chterful and Peppy
Dance Revue
'tiVaster ofoThrills-'
"Flashes of. Variety"
in"Capt. Jlnk''
1 The Sensational
IWtd -the Matinee
Evervning Samts Night
t EobertB Kliler, a resideftt. of .Tack-
yonville, was put in the crtunty Jail;
Monday, ami will be ,givon . y hearlng
to test his sanity. Monday ho walked
into a Jacksonville store and tried',
to put. his feet In a stove, while boni-j
lag "hi -chest wildly, lie was tnkehi
in haiyl by Sheriir Jennings. Killer
has been doing odd Jobs nhniil Jackjj
sonviile nil winter, and lives In a
rtbln ott tire tiul-'kirts of the county!
scat. lie Is. .weir versed, and Ml fluent I
talker. on SpiriUialVin. '
Caiil of Thank. '
"We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and ymp;nhy dur-
ing oltr recent lv"'vment. Also for
i lie rieaoi 11 in I lowers.
,C H.'lHtiAI.OW S FA M 11. V.
'hapou rfiuAi.ow. L'st;
Prominent citizens," city officials, heads of local organizations
a fid teachers witness preview of "Abraham 'Lirtcoln," which
opens a four days' qngagemmnt at Hunt's ' Craterian theatre to
morrow. ' ' ' ' 4" .. ' ;' .'" ' ' '
. v . '..- . .".' :' , ,
. Read What TJiey Say About It
I ,1 ' s .-A ' ' 1 i :' t B
Ootid judjiiiii'iit di'pcnds
.upon elui'ily til' vision.
If yiUj.r, pyes nre iwt
doinii tlicit' duty by you
we will .pj'i'siTibe for
you the louses that .will
bi-iup Uieni linok' lo
vigorous .(K'livily. At
nil expert optometrist
I will lot-ait; tlie exnet
e ii ii s t! of , ynui' eye
troiilile. ? f. r
You Can' Get Most
Any' Old Thing at
Most Any Old Time.
Always Room .to Park
Your Car.
436 W. Main Ph.l22-R
i :
Eoninnce, traKcdy. jmspenso "Abraham lJn
coln" lives attain. The splendid- work f tleovtfe
EillineM will rnakc the wonderful Mm live, for
ever. . J sincerely hope every citizen of this com
luunity will ink 'advantage' of Ihe showing here.
o. t. AEEXi'n:i:FEi:, .
A photoplay that Impresses upon your niind
the incidents of a great life. Smiles-and sobs all
In a breath. Would that our theatres could screen,
many of itiese. our world and -our- Hves' would
react to the marvelous influences so1 vonib-rfuliy
"pnitr.-iyed; : ' : ' iVlV. II. W. EAXCYf,. .
tl'nsldeiu Eotnry.
In tho plclurization of "Abraham Uncoln"
one of tho best loved fieures of American history
i; porlrnyed with fidelity to historical fact which
recomnietuls the picture to all . Americans.
liig Ernidioti to CralPrs.
After ciijoyiiiR the preview of the film of the
'Cicat Emancipator" 1 can sincerely endorse
1 would say it most certainly fills a vacancy that
has long been no'tit -ejij ljt ;ihe (ictire: y0rl4t.
. " 1 :"; ! . ' u. 11. hoyu.
, awrttta'ry Mediiua 'QEllarftbek (if oiiirieree( f
' - : . I 'f .; !
Ficture "Abraham Lincoln" Is one -tlmt every
.. jierson vlPgyid" Jieej Eincrdu's life sh'owti on 'he
J!JuM een 'is tin educiilon. 'i !, ' ' " '"" ' '
t i ,-H,ytJy'' ' v MclJOXAED, '
' 1 'resident Lincoln Club .
The picture "Abe Lincoln" is a wonderful
portrayal of. Ihe true Lincoln and Mtouhl. he scon
; by everyone. JAMES E. (j'UIEVE,
As n .byiclteri tif history I nnf afraid Twill ho.
looking' for a1 new potdthm if they release., many
mor-p', pictures llce this. 'Splendid.. : .
.f- w.r.t EIIEl'VAX OAMP; ; ; '
' . - t . '. .' , ' .' '' Teacher.
A stirring drama of great events in Ihe hisjory
of our country. I'ortniyed with historical ac-
SkC "Mb
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