i MTCDFOTCD JfATTi' TRTBUN'R. MIDFORD. OIMWOX. TUESDAY; FKlilllTAKY 17. I!)l" PXGE THREE MADE A NEW E LOCAL IIS SORE vitatlon will be extended to tho Med- the smoker as guests of the manage' ford high basketball team to attend mcnl. ' ' . ' : . I. 15 That Is What Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Did for Mrs. Jenkins Middleport, Ohio. "I am going through the Change of Life and 1 am taKingbvaiar.. rinK ham's Vegetable Compound for the troubles that como at that time. 1 trot so run-down I could scarcely do my work and I keep a room ins house and have Ljk '"Srjf a family of eight to y take oare of. A VS V friend told me about I Xi'&J the Vegetable Com aifln and it has made a new woman of me. I keep it in the house all the time now and won't be without it. My weight got down to BO pounds and now it is 132 'a pounds. 1 give the Vegetable Compound the praise and hope tliat women will realize the good in it" Mrs. Myra Jenki.nh, 693 North Front Street, Middleport, Ohio. ' Over 200,000 women have so far re plied to this question, "Have you re ceived benefit from taking Lydia B. ' Finkham's Vegetable Compound?" ' 93 out of every 100 of the replies say, "Yes, "and because the Vegetable Com pound has been helping other women it ahould help you. For sale by druggista everywhere. E PAINTING PAPER-HANGING, TINTING Leaky Roofs, Plaster and Carpenter Repairs. Estimates Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. V. MARX Phona As ;.:.r. nlwny. hem tin rtHt tho appearance of May Rnbsuu and com pany nt tho (.'ratorian last nlKht wan in tin tint tiro uf a triumph with a very lar' and upprocintivo iiUttit'nt'A Inspiring tin happy company nf ptr f(irmcr8 on tho ataRO In their presen tation of a la tiff ha hit comedy, "Sonic thiiiK Tell Mo." So enthusiastic was tho audience that tho applause at the end of tin second aet would not lie denied, and hence the veteran coined ienne gra ciously responded with a characteris tic curtain speech. Miss Rohson after referring to the fact that the Tape theater was hurned down last year which she said caused her much regret, then related confi dentially In an aside that she was glad of it. This paved tho way for her to praise tho new theater and congratulate its management and the people of the city on having such a splendid playhouse. "It is the coziest, cleanest, best and finest looking theater that I have played in this season," said Miss Hob son. "Something Tells Me" proved to he a clean, clever diulofcucd comedy which furnished a good vehicle for tho display of Miss Uohson's charac ter part specially that of an elderly, strong willed, capricious, outspoken and yet withal kindly woman of much common Hen.se. Especially popular with the audi ence were the quartet of juveniles, two young women and two young men, around whoso love affairs and the star as their "Mother Jane," the comedy written hy Miss Rohson her self, several years ago, was built. The supporting company was excellent. 'ELECTS Build with A New Economical Building Tile BUILT TO RIGID SPECIFICATIONS Because of Stone-Tile's strength, economy, pleasing texture and ex - treme flexibility of treatment, it Is being widely specified by archi tects for dwellings, schools, churches and business buildings. Build YOUR House With Stone-Tile Manufactured and Sold by Medford Concrete Construction Co. OF I E. REVIVAL The revival i'niniminn or the Metho dist i'liuri'h opened the second week with n liu'ite Monday nlKht atten dance. Tlie eyaiiKeliHt'H moHHUKe was a inll tn a deeper iiiitual Hie throuich prayer. At tho elo.se cif the sermon he opened the way fur those who lvl(l friends and others for whom they wished to pray, and the altars of the rhtirrh and all the t.acp for ninny pews bark, were tilled with praying people. It was n service of deep devo tion and consecration. Special prayers were aKaln called for last iiIkIu fur Ilr. K. 13. Clllbert. who has heen 111 fur the past two months. ltev. t'heney of the Ash land Methodist church, led the people In their prayer for their beloved pas tor. Another spirited snng service open ed the service last ni-Bhi. Mrs. J. ft. Mulder pleased the people nftnin with annther old fiospel sonir. ToniKht Dr. Miller has consented to Bing nnd his rich tenor Is a rare treat. Tho following; Invitations have (tone out to the men of Medford through the churches and service clubs: "The Medford Men's Ilrotherhood of the Churches Invite you to enjoy a dinner nnd a most interesting proitram on Thursday evening, February l'j, in the First Methodist Church. Dinner nt 0 o'clock. Program features: W. H. Crawford of tho California Oregon Tower company, subject 'Palestine.' Mr. Crawford spent six months with the Jerusalem to Jeppn railroad with his father. Dr. J. L. Miller, evange list of national reputation. Theme, When ChrlHt Shall. Come." Men's tinartette nnd solo. Mr. Crawford will Hpeak at the table nnd Dr. Miller in the auditorium." A great attendance of men is expected for this dinner. The committee must bo notified of those who wish plates reserved. The dinner Is GOc. The meeting in the auditorium Is open to everyone. ALWAYS HUNGRY Growing children are almost always hungry and demand tin abundance of vitamin rich food. Scott's Emulsion is vital-nourishment that helps children keep their strength and grow normally.' Most children,' need Scott's. Scott & Bowr.c. Bl!m6eM. !. J. 14-10 Organization of the Rogue Uiver Radio club, Inc., was completed at a meeting last night In the public li brary hall by the election of officers anil the dlseusslun of plans for the improvement of local conditions af fecting the reception of broadcast programs,, The concensus of opinion was that existing Interferences come from sev eral pources. including power leaks, faulty telephone and telegraph con struction, regent ratlve sets, electrical apparatus, occasionally superhetero dyne sets In the hands of unskilled operators, and amateur hroadcaster.s. Itepresen'tnllves of the California Oregon Power company were present, and stated that the company is now engaged In a survey to determine the source of Interference, and as fast an possible Is removing the causes, the principal one being the type of are light now In use in Medfurd. Dr. J. J. Kminens. V. A. Hates, Rev. V. J. ''Meagher, W. A. llanna, O. A. ftarnum. A. t'.' Allen, V. J. Virgin. Joseph Marshall. IX. tl. llardwell and others diNcur-srd the conditions and suggested remedies intended to Im prove the situation. As fnst us possible the membership will be Increased to Include nil resi dents of Jackson county, over 21 years of age,' who use radio sets. Applica tion blanks are in the hands of V. J. Virgin. W. A. Oaten, T. K. Daniels, Dr. J. J. Kmmens. ltev. V. J. Meagher. It. O. Hardwell, Sidney S. Smith. O. A. Karnum and Frank DeSouza. and can he obtained from them. Heeulnr monthly meetings of the club will be held on the first Monday in each month, at tho library hall, un less a change In the moeting place Is announced. At these meetings ro ports will be made and matters of wel fare to radio users discussed. The officers selected, to serve un til the first annunl meeting, which will be held Monday, March 2nd. are tho following: President, frnnk ue Kouza; vice president. W. A. Ontes; secretary treasurer. Sidney S. Smith; executive committee, W. J. Virgin. V. A. Gates. Rev. V. J. Meacher, u. A Barnuni and If. K. lfannn. Sporting fans will congregate from all parts of the Hogue Uiver Valley at the Hand gymnasium tomorrow night to see Chris Sorcnsen of San r'tanclsco Ulic.lt' with ltaiph Hand. Mcdford's light heavyweight wrestling protege. Chris arrived In this city early today ami left immediately lor tho shannon ranch on tho Applcgate. i where he will work out and do road work to put lilm In the best of shape; lor the coming fray, ltaiph Is also getting ready for a tough match and' seems to he in good coudiliou. I Chris is out" of the huskiest (trap-! I crs in California and. as ho puts it. arrles his record In Ills face. Hack in lli-U ho wrestled ltaiph at the tiold Hill pavilion ami fans will remember that It was some match. II' tomorrow night's fray Is hall' as good, those who attend will get their money's worth. ! M. I). Dowers, well known local j i j I - - I '""" 1 " 1 " 1 1 It means Quaker flavor -the world's richest and quickest breakfast Get QUICKjQUAKER-Cooks iii 3 to' 5 Minute Your grocer now has two kinds of Quaker Oats the kind you have always known and Quick Quaker. 'Standard full size and weight packages Medium: 154 pounds; - Large: 3 pounds, 7 ox. Y OU want quick cooking bats.1 But even more you want rich flavor. So be sure you get Quick Quaker. , All that wonderful Quaker flavor is there. All the Quaker richness and fine quality. Anybody who has ever eateri oats knows what that means. Make certain that your family is not denied it. , , Quick Quaker fine, tasty and delicious cooks in 3 to 5 minutes. Gives the "hot oats and milk" breakfasts doctors say children and grown-ups need. And it costs so little that a few cents feeds the family. Have the best. Look for the picture of the Quaker on the label. Get a package today at your grocer's. Look for the Quaker on the label, That means Quaker flavor. That means 3 to S minute cooking. That means the superfine oats you want tho finest grown, the most deliciouo in all the world. CRATERS DEMAND ARRIVES FOR GO iU 7ARCOIA CITY CLEAN-UP RIVERSIDE AVE. Members of the city' council who attended the Crater club meeting nisi evening spent nn uncomfortable hall hour during the discussion of ways nnd menus , by which the racmc Highway ns It pusses through Med ford on Itivfi'Kidu. nventto might be iimdu more attractive. It was de clared by members that the general aspect of tho street ut present is any thing hut Inviting, but mainly to fall UTo oil 'the city adnlnWrnt!:on to oxcrt themselves in tho mutter. Following somewhat heated discus sion a resolution addressed to the city council . was Introduced and unani mously favored by those present. The resolution rend: "That the Craters club of Medford In regular session does go on record ns being thoroughly disgusted with tho apparent neglgpnce on tho part of tho city council for allowing River side avenue, tho main artery of en trance to our city,- to remain In we unsightly condition that it now is In. nnd has been for many, many years In the past, nnd that we further not only ask, but demand that thoy take action nnd tit onco toward making It their' business to see that this en trance to our otherwise beautiful city Is cleaned up, nnd that wo serve the city council again in writing uS to their-negllgence In the above matter and that we nlso notify the press, of this section." 'Xotlcw. W.'O.'.TvYwIll hold keno ngme Fri day evening. Harneburg hull. Neigh bors urged to attend. 277" BE EXAMINED AT ONCE DO NOT1 suffer Indefinitely with Piles or other Rectal or Colon dis order!. Examination will relieve you of worry and doubt about your condition and my treatments will cause ipcedy recovery of your former good health and vigor. , My treatment for Piles U GUARAN TEED to cure you or the fee for your treatments will be refunded. Call or write for my FREE book on Piles and other Rectal and Colon diaor ders. r:Ji. DEAN. M.D..Inc '.cxv fEATTLe offices: HBina SOU -ill SuMdWij I PI O T M API u fl m s CI : tl. Haiil'lii IH0 A1 &JH Xp O PI IN REG .U.S.PAT . OF . HOT-WATER RADIATOR HEAnNG 0UIH1 A RCOLA now costs less than ever before. jfTx' Big sales make this possible. And we are passing the saving in' manufacturing cost on to you through your local Heating and Plumbing dealer. By our Easy Payment Plan you can make just a small down payment; the balance in ten easy installments. - Think what this means! Perhaps -you have longed for years' for hot-water radi ' ator warmth! Now you can walk into the nearest Heating and Plumbing Store and get it, assured that ARCOLA and American Radiators are easily within reach of your pocket-1 book! See your Heating and Plumbing dealer at once.' Ask him to demonstrate the beauti ful new ARCOLA with its ' gray vitreous enameled jacket and automatic control. " ARCOLA is now made in two models, jacketed and un jacketed. Both are cut in price both will be in heavy demand. So get' your 'ARCOLA estimate early. Include ARCOLA in your 1925 expense 'budget. I- " V J U0. . Y ' hlSw "nith'to "' We Will Gladly Furnish You Estimates When You Inst a 1 1 an Areola in Your Home ; , Wm. A. Aitken PLUMBING HEATING PLUMBING FIXTURES 26 N. Grape ... . .. . . A .' ' ' - -'Phone 162-J -