Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 13, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
The Pnclfie niKhway south ,tram
Yii'ka Ih noi cloned to travel bwnus
iif tioi Hiiow, HceoriKnK t 1' (iar
liiik. In chaiKe of the locnl stnti' bu
reau of iiKiHtrntion horo for out of
the stnlo cars, n win tf leitrnphfil
from Yreka yPHterilny afUM-noon In
iihivh 1 While the KOini; in
wittiewhat rough hecuime of the hiww,
Mr. (Snrlock nays thai motorists from
t'nlifornla who arrived In the t lty late
last nluht, thin morniiiK and forenoon,
elate that the highway In open. They
nl.m wiy that the worst roIiik and the
only plaee where traveling la difficult,
In 'between Weed and Dunsmulr.
Oriental (iarden.s Kami-day nluht.
AdmbiHlon one dime. -7 7 "
Dance KaKlo I'olnt Saturday nluht.
' - . - 2TS
For the first time In two weeks
past or over, the prodiption for Satur
day' weather, received this morning.
reads generally '"li". Ten hundredths
of an Inch of rain fell yesterday, and
It also rained today off and on. The
temperature still continues hluli. 1
day's maximum belnjr f3 and tills
niornliiK's minimum 42.
Don't fotKet. Those delicious in
dividual' chicken pies on our fiOc mer
chant's lunch tomorrow. I rankllns
' 27T
Ilndlo fans, over i'l years of aue,
oie requested to meet at JJbrary Hall,
Monday evening, S o'clock, February
liith, for.ijurpose of becomlitK mem
here. ItoRue Hiver liadlo Club, Inc.
. Amone the Ashland neoplo here
last nlKht ntlendlnK the Lincoln , lub
banquet were the following Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Mills. K1 Staples. Mr. nnd
Mrs. D. A. Roberts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred
Wanner, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. farter.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Simpson. Dr. and
Mrs. 10. A. Woods. Tut Johnson of the
Ashland. TidlnRs; Klchard (Dick)
Posey Campbell. D. II. Jackson. II.
K. Tomllnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. mil
ler; Mr. and Mrs. Khill Pell.
Admlssslon free Saturday and Sun
day nflernoons. Armory rink. 278
We pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap.
Tlrown & 'White Aponcy, Inc. If
' H. HruKEemun, It. 11. Thonelson, P.
U. Sholtes, S. Stelnmnn. (.'.' 10. Winkler
mitr'-fl. II. Thoimts of Seattle, are
nmone the visitors here from the state
lit Washington.
Why not build your driveways with
our graded crushed rock, and make
them permanent. Medford Concrete
Construction Co. 240lf
Don't forgot. Those delicious in
dividual chicken pies on our 60c mer
chant's lunch tomorrow. Franklin's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grieve came
down from Prospect yesterday to at
tend the Lincoln club banquet, and
he will return home today, but Mrs.
rirlove will romaln ti the city for a
week's visit.
DoVoe is going to Bell BOO pounds of
delicious chocolate creams at 40c ft
pound. lf ,
Oriental Gardens Saturday incnt.
Admission ono dime. . 277
Judfc'o C: M. -Thomas of Medford.
who is presiding" hero during" the sev
eral murder trials, is probably the onl.y
Judge. In .Oregon who has given a pen
itentiary sentence to an Intoxicated
nutomobiio driver. In a case in Jose
phine county about a month ago the
defendant wiib convicted of Injuring
another when driving an automobile
while drunk,' and Judge Thomas gave
him a sentence of one year lit the peni
tentiary. ' It is not generally under'
Blond that the present law In Oregon
permits n penitentiary or jail nentenco
or fine If the party driving while Oi
toxleated injures' another. A bill Is
now before the legislature which per
mits prison sentence In case one drives
nn automobile while drunk, whether
another is injured or not. Klamath
Genuine I?osch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Unrtlett. '
St. Mark's Clullit will havo a curd
and malt Jongg party nt tho Parish
llmiso. St. Valentine's day, Saturday,
February 14th. at t o'clock. lOvery
nno cordially invited. Don't forget
the dale. Price Due. 27"
Mrs. M. A. Iluson nnd Infant son
left n locnl hospital today and re
turned to their home near lOngle
nogun Itlver vnlley sorghum, fresh
from the ranch, l&c per lb. Hutchinson
and Lumsdcn. 279
Unity literature teaches people how
to lie healthy, efficient, prosperous,
harmonious and happy. Free dlstrir
btitlon 718 West Main street.
As usual, wp will
fj offer a special value
as an added induce
. mont to Salurdny
Tomorrow only, we
will sell the old-fashioned
liaised Doiigh
,. nuts, liberally sprink
'. led -with eane sugar
. and cinnamon, for
the dozen.
The regular price
on this popular item
is 25e the dozen.
Bo. Oregon' Finest Bikery
Among Thursday's arrivals In the
illy from the Hate of l 'a llfmnla are:
F. M. Gordon of .Mct'loud. (. 10. Plet
t to of C'hlco, I'. 10. ItogeiM of l.os An
geles and the following from San
Francisco: V. I.,. Dickson, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Monasch. F. 10. Bacon. A. I..
Harris. W. II. I'.inioy, li. 10. Farrell.
I'. If. Howard, H. W. Shelley and W.
H. Cheadle. ,
Dance lOagle Point Salillday night.
Oriental Oardens Saliuday night.
Admission one dime. 277
W. II. Mulihend of the Heaver
Portland Cement company. Is spend
ing n few days here on business. Mr.
.Mllllhead Is anxious lo see the bridge
over the Rogue constructed as kmiii
as possible In order to i;t the quar
ry of the company in opcralinu again
lo provide rock for ihe plant at Gold
Hill, which Is still Idle. Grants Pass
Dance lOagle Point Salillday night.
Registered Orange Persian male cat
for service. Call after 2 p. in. 425 .
Grape street. 282
r the College Women club lunch
eon Saturday at one o'clock at Ilotfl
Medford, members are a:ikcd to phone
Mrs. Mason, phone 107!'. and make
Singer makes the only belt driven
electric. More efficient, serviceable,
dependable. Singer Co., 10 So. Fir.
St. Mark's Guild will have a end
and mah Jongg party at the Parish
House, St. Valentine's day, Saturday,
February 14, nt 2 o'clock. lOveryonii
cordially Invited.' Don't forget the
date. Price Ode. 277
Out of town Oregonians here in
clude. Hay A. Fasehlng of Salem, F,
P.allnrd of Corvullls. ,. It. White of
riofeburg, Ford C. Smith anil 10. C
lOuwer of Parkdnle. Mr. and Mrs. G.
c. Moore and Dr. and Mrs. T. Cabeath
of The Dalles. James Fulton and
D. .Miller of Klamalh Falls and Mrs.
II. A. Miiurer and daughter. A. It. Zim
iner and J!. 11. Mortal! of Kugene.
Pry our dry wash, 7c per lb., mini
mum 7i"c. All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry. Phone 373. It'
Mrs. rtosoll It. Watt, Spirella Cor-
setiere. Phone 311-J-li. Phoenix. Ore
gon. 279
Dr. It. W. Strnrns returned this
morning from Salem, where he visited
with his parents, the occasion being
Ihe celebiallou of his father's blrth-
jday on Thursday. February 12lh.
Dance lOagle Point Saturday night.
Oriental, fiardonn Saturday night.
Admission one dime. 277
if. J. Winters Is n business visitor
in Ihe i lly today from I.os Angeles.
De Molay Orchestra open for en
gagement. Phone 426. 2i7
Will be at the public market Satur
day, February 14, wllli sausage. F. 1..
Iloldridge. . 277
IJ'Ire losses In Oregon, exclusive of
Portland, In January aggregated $14!!,-
440. according to a report Issmed by
Will Moore, stale fire marshal. The
most disastrous fire wus at Silver
Lithe, where a hotel burned wilh a
loss of $311.00(1. In all, 33 fires were
ported, 16 of which weer of unde
termined origin.
Coal briquets. Hint clean fuel. Han
sen Coal Co. Phone 239. tf
Dance lOagle Point Saturday night.
Oscar Low tif -Ashland was In the
city Thursday transacting business.
Columbia plaster wall bonrd. Call
for prices. Wallace Wood Lumber
yard. '
Ooodwln Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir.
Alto. Naylor, corsetlere. 318
Rimer Stone, a representative of the
N'eustedter Urothers. Is a local busi
ii'csfl caller today from Kugene.
Palmer -'Piano House rents pianos.
' Have you tried that big milk shako
at DeVoe's?
Mrs. II. W. Fldlcr of Ashland has
entered the local Community hospital
for medical care.
Columbia plaster wall hoard. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Second hand machines, nil makes,
S10 up. Guaranteed. Singer Co.. 10
So. Fir. - 277
Among (he guests registered at lo
cal hospitals who are here from a
distance are, W. V. Ellison of New
York City, nnd Charles 11. Sutton and
Walter Kaufman of Helena. Mont.
Oriental Gardens Saturday night.
Admission one dime. 277
Foil SAI.10 Meat market. gooiMocll
tiou. -Sec A. L. Umih, Ashland. 27S
F(Ht SAL10 1 second hand drag saw.
just overhauled, $110. Hubbard
liros. 282
FOR KAI.lOw Two good heifer calves,
2 weeks old. Phone 4 113 - It-1 . 27!l
II If you like the better things rvV
U ml&m
This program will appeal to j
Originally published ns nV j(n5isM
magazine, story, "Sellna," anA Wfaf MwmSL TJ0f
now as a novel, "So Mr" fvjp ' "!S?',S &
Ihe prlito winner of the United Vfflj 1j6'
States fur the year 1924. ljp ( yjtm'
. in IT l uj
(tvsT ? n
(1 1? K AT :
Ben Lyon, Wallace Beery, Gladys Brockwell,
A Jean Hersholt, Phyllis Haver, John Bowers
Attorney Arthur 1. Moultbn of
Portland, who delivered the main ad
dress at the Lincoln club banquet last
evening left for home on the morn
ing train.
We pay cash lor '.ned pianos. Pal
mer Piano House. tf
.Vaiiiiallatinn hearings will be ton
ducted at Jacksonville tnmoiiow by
Circuit Judge C. M. Thomas, nnd an
Immigration department official from
Portland. There are eleven uppllcaiits
for citizenship papers.
lOxide P.adio A batteries for $21.
Williams & McCurley. 2(i2tf
L. P. Carsons and 10. 10. lilanchnrd
were among the Grants Pass persons
attending the Lincoln banquet here
last night.
DeVoe Is going to sell &00 pounds
of delicious chocolate creams at 49c
a pound. tr
.Mis. Clyde Hansen Is a visitor In the
clly today from Central Point.
Hemstitching, buttons covered at the
Hamllcj-aft Shop. tf
Charles A. Wing returned this morn
ing from a short business sojourn ai
Coal briquets, that clear fuel, Han
sen Coal Co. Phone 239.
A drive has been stalled by the
American Legion post nt Klamalh
Falls to enroll every ex-service man in
the county in the organization.
Singer free service and Hie supe
riority of Singers themselves, makes
It ensv to decide. Singer Co., 10 So.
Fir. ' 277
A. L. Harris of the National Sponge
and Chamois corporation, is a Medford
visilor today from San Francisco.
Havo your burglar insurance.' it
pays. ('has. A. Wing, I'aim mocii.
hone 72N, 270
Porter J. Xoff will leave tomorrow
morning for Itoseburg on a short bus
iness trip.
Try our dry wash, 7c per lb., mini
mum 75c. All flat pieces Ironed
American Laundry. Phone 373. tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. 10. Drown hnve re
turned from a visit to I.os Angeles.
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
This is Friday, the 13th. and it wl"
bo of Interest to the superstitious lo
know that there will be two more hoo
doo days this year, tho thirteenth day
of March and the 13th of November,
also coming on Fridays.
We pay for nshes and sell dirt cheap,
lirown & While Agency, Inc. tf
Siarting this week, the Dooth-Kelly
mills In J.onc county have gone on a
five day week as a means lo curtail
production and alleviate the present
over supply in the market.
Hemstitching So a yard. The van
ity Shop, Unrtlett nnd Main. tt
Temporary sojourners in the city
from Portland Include tho following:
II. Hoe. Charles 10. Snell. T. D.
Campbell. Charles F. Daffy, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. lOagle, Arthur I. Moullon,
10. C. Hanger. Mr. and .Mrs. It. A.
Field. 1,. M. Orchard. 10. Stone. F. L.
Carlton, 10. II. Ilridgmau, .1. C. Thom
nien. cGorge O. Gordap. II. C. Dode,
W. IT. Warrens, H. M. Word, Mrs. T.
M. Word, J. 10. Haynes. 10. J. Richards,
IT. J. Winters. II. F. Otus. T. T. John
son. J. D. Finn. Ira wnmon. lieorgo
10. Mnttick and W. G. 10. Smith.
Dance lOaglo Point Saturday night.
F. 10. Jameson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Harris and L. D. Frederickson ure
among tho visitors hero from Copco,
Calif., who arrived yesterday.
'jtogue Jtiver valley sorghum, fresh
from the ranch, 15c per lb. Hutchin
son and I.umsden. 279
Ira P. Reynolds of the Commercial
Union Fire Insurance company. 1 who
is en route from San Frnnclsco lo Se
attle, is spending a few days In Med
ford. TJio rantorlum does nil kinds of
pleating. Phone 344. , Zufitf
Ouests nt the Hotel Medford thie
morning were served breakfast In the
inner lobby today becausi; of the ban
quet of the Lincoln club being held
last night in the dining room.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Qimckenbush of Central Point,
nt Ihe Conitnunily hospital yeslerday,
The Home of Bread Like Mother Made
A Car Load or Oranges
o o
With the advance in the Orange market we can safely say that this 'will be
the last car we can buy as oranges will be much higher, all fancy stock, gov
ernment inspected, noheVfrosted and no windfalls. Sizes, average to small.
While 496 boxes last we will sell at the following prices:
By the case . . . . . . . . . . i v ... .53.79 y By the bucket 67c
By the V2 case .$1.93 By the dozen, 18c; 2 dozen. . .... . .35c
Crackers and Candy
Two weeks ago we didn't have
half enough, so we are repeating
1 '
this special :
A 50c box of Grahams
A 50c box of Salted
Crackers . . .
. A pound of dollar
Mint Chocolates, all'
for: . .... .. ........
brushes : ;v.;;:;
The brush peddler is coming with his fabu
lous prices on brushes. Better see these be
fore you pay too much: : , f.
Toilet Cleaning Brush . .... . ;:;vl7c
Clothes Brush . . . . 17c
AH purpose Brush . Sc.
Milk bottle Brush l'5c
Cream Seperator Brush 17c
Long Handle Bath Brush 11c
The set of 6 .
Toilet Soap, assorted kinds, 6 for . . ., . 25c Matches, home size box, 6 for 25c
Life Buoy Soap, 6 bars 39c S & W fancy Bulk Seedless Raisins, 31bs. 29c
Asparagus Type Beans, No. 2 can . ..... .27c , Spring Clip Clothes Pins, box of 3 doz.,15c
FFC Crab Meat, the large can . : .29c Mayonnaise Bowli; 2'sizes 'v..', 35c and 43c
Corn Beef Hash, 2 lb. can . .' x. . .29c Hillsdale Asparagus, No. 1 can . . . . .29c
Corn Beef, G ib. can $1.12 Calimyrina Figs, gallon can . . . . . . .59c
Van Camp's Grape Fruit, per can ..... 10c Grant's Scotch Oatmeal, milled at Dundee,
Peaches, No. 2 cans, 3 cans 57c Scotland, per cannister .'. .49c
Matches, the big' box, full count, best Camels, Lucky Strike, Chesterfield Cigar
quality , : 5c ettes, 2 pkgs. . . .............. 25c
Bran Muffins, home style for Saturday,
per dozen . 13c
Hot Biscuits, we promise not to run out
tomorrow from 11 a. m. to noon. Hot
from the oven at 11, per dozen ., 10c
Cottage Butts, sugar cured and very little
bone waste, per lb. .25c
Veal or Beef Stew, per lb .10c
Veal or Beef Roast, per lb 10c
Monday Night, Feb. 16
8:30 Curtain
PRICES, ini-hiiling tax Floor, Its 1S rows, $2.20; next C rows,
$I.(i."t ; lust 5 rows, Jlalcoiiy 1st 2 rows $1.10; balmier 50e
I Drugs
Spring will soon be here! - ...
Huild up your health If you arc in d '' ; " '
Run Down Condition
If you feel spiritless ami out of sorts, your strength impaired
ami your syNtem generally feeling the need of " " ..
More Pep! . .
, ; come in and we can help you Belect
The Tonic That You Need
jj We hnve a large number of different kinds for different ail
f menls to select, from.' , . ., v ,Vf , J; .
I Get it nt the
Corner N. 6th nnd Central . , . . . Phone 06 i
ij - . - . -.. .- . . ... .- . . c
1 . "