Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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K(. .lllll'k'K ''.rtH44lMll.
Corner North Oakilali- t Olli HI.
8 A. AI. Holy Communion.
10 A. M. Sundiiy Hfhool.
11 A. M. Holy ('oriiiiiunlon.
Win. II. Hamilton, Virnr.
T. I.,
Unusual Proceedings Started
in Circuit Court As Result of
B. C. Price's 'Divine Healing'
Baptist Faith Abandoned
Is Claim.
A church row, .nKcmlorrd uy
evniiKollxtlc meetings held In AhIiIiiwI
In 1U22, found itn way Into the circuit
court Frlduy, when the Aslilunil
IluitlHt church, thruuKh its truBlees,
II. V. Holmes, V. . Miller, J. I..
Itlchey Hnd II. B. Travis, filed "tilt
for u restnilnlnt! order, wnicn
Kinnted by Circuit Judge ('
Thomas, nKalnst Paul Held,
Minor, J. W. Wulkim. W. C
Ailvcntlsl Church
North Itivcrsldn avenue,
'Niucinlcr. inlnlster.
Huhhuth school 111 u. in. All Classen.
Miss Maule Duuuhrrty, suiierlutetul
ent. I'reachlnc servlco 1 1 a. m.
Missionary Volunteers society meets
at 3 p. in. 11. lvocltwood, lender.
Midweek prayer meeting W'etlnes
day, 7:30. T. H. Moeken, leader.
Sunday evening lecture will lie the
opening of the big month at the
church. Kuhject, "The Troutli Ahout
Divine Healing Does God Ileal Men
Today us In the Days of Christ?"
.Main Nit vet .MciIiihII!. South
Corner Main and Oukdale. J. II.
Conn, a I'htor.
Morning worship II. Herinon sub
ject, "Withered Hands and Hearts."
Two violin numbers by Miss ellaton.
The ICpworth league meets nt li:30.
Kvening service ut 7:30. A live
gospel message. Yiullu solo. All In-
hplrlng service.
I Week day meetings
Monday evening 7:30. World peace
I meeting at Klrst M. K. iliunh. lion.
(.'Union N. Howard, chnlrinan of world
pence commission, speaker.
I Tuesday, 'i p. m. The Missionary
society will meet at the church.
I Tuesday. 7:30, Church rally night
and social time for all the church and
friends. A good time for every one.
I Wednesday, 7:30, Midweek fellow
'slilp service. "
- Km-h nfternoon this week, except
.Saturday, Mlble study service at 3
o'clock In First M. K. church, pre
' punitory to revival meeting,
i I'nlnn Methodist revival campaign
begins next Sunday. February 8, In
the new Methodist church. Dr. I.. J.
Miller of Nashville, Tcnn.. lending.
A welcome to nil our services.
Edited by Southwestern Oregon Mining Bureau.
The Metal Market
W. T
son and the Itov. li. C. Miller, nctliiB
The pica for the restraining order
recltcn the allegation," that upon In
forinution nnd belief, the defendants
are seeking to mortgage the church
property, and sell tho parsonage house
und lot."
'''Fraud, proselyting, dishonesty, de
ception, hypocrisy, mesmeric Influ
ence," and "Illegal assumption of
church power and church properly,
urc also charged In the complaint,
with the further claim that ineui
bors who founded the Baptist church
In 1884, have been denied ndinisslon
to the house of worship, and noti
fied' of their expul'lon from mem
bership. ' According to the legal document,
the trouble Hlnrtcd in HUl, shortly
uftor tho departure of H. C. Price, a
"dlvlno healer," whose meetings In
IioHuburg and Albany, .Oregon cre
utoil h stir, and were the cause of a
controversy in this city, many motor
ing tn Ashland nightly to hear and
see hm,
In l(il!1. It Is set forlli, that the
Ashland Mnpllst church "engaged one
H- O. Miller, to be a true member
of tho Ikiplist church, and an or
dained milliliter thereof, to fill the
pulpit, nlld .he Mill does,
the pnrconage."
. In 19:12, It is further staled he cm
braced the schism, known ns the
Annie Mcpherson teachings, the four
square gospel, and the new move
ment, promulgated at Ashland by P..
C. Piico, and bus by proaelytlny; and
through his sermons and teachings.
IVnlfcctNUll .Mission.
12 Kast Main street. K. F. Illng
ham, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a. in.
Preaching 11 a.m. Subject: "Water
Hen led Hy Halt."
Young People's meeting (I p. in.
Street meeting 7 p. ill. Preaching
7:30 p. in. Subject, "The Holy Spirit." ,
Midweek preaching Wednesday, and
Saturday. 7:30. Subject tonight:
'(Jod's Challenge to Man."
For these Is one (lod and one me
diator between (lod and man, the man
Jesus Christ.
Who gave himself a ransom for all
to be testified 111 due time. I Tim.
Kirst McIIiimIM I-:ImmiI ('liul'ch
Corner West Main und lnurel, K. K.
Gilbert, pastor.
11:46 llihlo school. V. W. Walker.
II n. in. Aforiiiiti; service .T. f).
ewellcn of Grand View, Wash., will "'H 1,1 Mo'di to
Anthem, "Gloria In FxcclslH in D,
Ituck. Soloists Mrs. Ilognu. Miss
Virginia Dew, Lr. Sleeter, Mr. Vro-
Men CJuartette,, "Wandering Child,
Come Home," Llottorf. Mespr.l.
Meeker, MacDouougli, Sleeter and
ti:10 ttjiworlh League.
7:30. Sermon, J. D. U'wellcn.
Anthem, "Savior, When Night In
volves tho. Skies." Shelley.
Offertory, tenor solo. Mr. MacDon-ought.
l'lrst (hrisliiiii ( liurcli
Corner Ninth and South Onkibile.
I). J. Howe, minister, res. 25 South
Services every Lord's Day:
9:45 a. ill. Bible, school. The church
ami many others studying the word
of God. M. Olson. HUpl. A grow
ing school with all departmental
work. Come on time nnd
unol her.
11 u. m. Worship. Coiiitiiunlon und
pVeaclilng. Sermon, "The Spiritual
oversight of the Church." Solo, Mrs.
Itulph Stewart.
0:30 p. m. Christian Hndenvor
meeting. A splendid helpful meeting
for young people.
7:30 p. m. Fvangellstic service.
Sermon by the pastor. "The Great
Salvation." Anthem by the choir.
Copper, $.148 pound.
Till. $.5X5 pound. ' '
Iead, $.104 pound.
Zinc, $.078 pound.
Silver, I.B85 ounce.
Aluminum, J. 28 pound.
Antimony, $.175 pound.
Iiismuth, f 1 .CO pound.
Cadmium, $.60 pound. .
Iridium, $325.00 ounco. '
Nickel, J. 31 pnund.
Hiillndlliln, $70.00 ounce. '
Platinum, $ 117.00 cninzo.
Oulcksllver, $83.00 75 pound flusk.
Other prices unchanged.'
The Holland Mine.
Tho Holland mine, formerly known
as the Dlskron mine after Its dis
coverer nnd first owner, is located in
the same mineral range with the Bos
well, Cohn, winter and others, though
on a separate ridge and lead. We go
first to Holland, locatablc for many
years as Smock's store nnd on the old
road to the Oregon Caves. The center
has been thero for over forty years
and while .thorn are only two or throe
houses there, besides the store, the
bring j nH nhout are fairly populous und
tho postofficn Is the center about
whii h all gather.
Althousc and Sucker creeks nro
credited with gold production running
Into tho millions. This howover was
almost placer. Prospectors have
combed the - hills in search of tho
ledges which fed the rich placers, but
as to Althousc creek, to no avail. Tho
metal of that creek, the richer of tho
two. appears to have come from mud
seams. l!ut on Sucker (tuartss jnlnos
Local Mining News
' Charles Lull has abotu completed
tho roaster in his new plant.
The efforts to get Heverstock nnd
Derwent together have beeninsuccess
ful, on account of the fact that Hever
stock having so much work to do that
he finds It Impossible to get uwny.
Haywood, on tho Applegate, ho
bought. some machinery with which ho
will bo able to mill his ore.
it is reported that the pnrtleg who
have been negotiating on tho Green
back: mine have becomo reconciled,
and there Is excellent prospect that
the mine will bo put-again in opera
tion in the summer.
J. N. Juhez of Seattle is In the dis
trict looking over the properties here.
;Gcorge Pinch has been on the sicq
list for a few weeks.
The members of the church are
asked to keep In mind and make the ! nllvc ,)(ll,n developed which bid fair to
nest prepn ration tor ino special mm- fnvnl In production the old nlucevs.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Authorized branch of The Mother
Church. The First Church of Christ.
ini'lud'ng Scientist. In tloton, Mass.
Services are held every Sunday at
II o'clock, church edlflco, 212 North
Oakdiile. Subject for Sunduy. Feb
ruary I: "Lovo."
Sunday school at !:4
be held by F.van
gellst John T. Slivers and his singer.
Prof. Priiswell.
Church Night every Wednesday
7:30 p. in. Hoard meets thjs week
following the llihlo study.
Solo. "The Still Small Voice."
There will be Sunday school tomor
row morning at 10 o'clock at the Eng
lish Lutheran church.
Science lie.-illug!i, at 8 o'clock.
The reuding room, which Is In the
12 In 4, except Sundays and holidays. I ,nrch 11th.
All authorized Christian Science I It m-
lndustrlou-ly am) I'imllmmliy"' d Include testimonies of christian
his Influence and efforts to Induce
mon'ibera to desert the Hnpllat faith,
and , embrace thn other. Deceplliiu,
hypocrisy ami mesmeric; Influence, Is
nlun ftllnrr.,,1 In l.,. I. i.n.l
In gaining strength, and "a-nldlum-ly ! "' lmn'mvl'"
proselyted und brought In (he mill-1
contentH from other churches, and'
persons of no religious affiliations," i
until the control, of tho church hn.
,. ,, ' ,, I Church of llm Xawirenc.
nHVLn ''".. ; W1V ""V fnr of Central nnd , kson. C.
threaten to "drop the founders of M KluK (m!liir I(P1(1(U1U.C clll(
...u iiiuicii ut,,, inn ii rv iiioiiick ine
... . .. isireei
in. IJoyd
News of Interest to 'the taxpayers
of Medford .Is that the deputy cu. lec
tors of Internal revenue, whose office
is room 207 in the Federal building,
Applicants i will be In their office during the
under the age of twonty may be nil- weeks of February 23 to 28 inclusive
lllltted. land March 0 to' 14 Inclusive, for the
Wednesday evening meeting', which I purpose of assisting taxpayers in tho
The richest of these, to date arc in the
vicinity of the Holland mine, which is
about two miles from the junction of
the Gr.eyhnck creek, and on tho lat
ter stream. In the summer It Is a
very pleasant drive to the lower trail
and an easy walk up the trail to the
neat and comfortable cabin on the
lunik of the creek which is. occupied
by tho manager as his headquarters.
I At this time of year, however. It Is ns
easy u trip to head out over the moun
tain from Ilulland.
I Mr. Slskron discovered the outcrop
I In 1910 and worked It for several
year.", a good part of the time packing
the ore sacks from tho tunnel mouth
some 500 feet down the mountain to a
j crude arrastre he had constructed In
I the creek lied, and his returns from
! the Kelby smelter and the mint shows
that even by that slow method, the
t mine was' a good paying proposition,
j In 11115 ,1. F.. Kilduff of San Francisco,
who had 'been more or less familiar
with the placer ground of the vicin
ity, and who hud been interested ill
mines and mining all his life, took u
look-see at I ho. ml , in. M. u.-u unrfl-
fillng of their Income tax returns, ciently impressed with tho posslblli-
whieh service Is 'free of charge. ,u,!s there subsequently to tako an op-
As March Kith falls on Sunday all mm to purenasei ; Mr. Siskron appears
dm sod
The public Is cordially Invited In at
tend the services and vliiil the reading
roiini. ,
Figures should be in
shape t-o thai the tux can easily be
computed, y All Ihosc who have not
already received bllinks may obtain
ihein at the internal revenue ol'I'ice.
1,1 n 1111
tenets of th New Movement." aun(,y ,.,
. imo ii k in inn i or a jenr or rwl(.y mpeHntenilcnl
mwn rlfllctilmiH und; senile, rnthr
than religion, iim th dorti iiu-s nf
tho New MnviMnont omlMxly upenlt'im
In unknown tnniucH, ?xtrciiin hyati-rin,
lying on the Hum- ttf (lo rhun h, jin-l
othur unacrnunlahU iictH, Riving live
to ridicule find rontrury tn t ho tciioli
IngH ami tni?t of the MaptlHi faith"
Soliiuro and rptmKion of Mm rhurrh
rocordn for tho luxt 5 ynaiv, and tho
denying of udmiNHion tfi the old tn-'in-hors
Im uIho rhni-Kd. and that the
filing of nrtlrlrfl of hn-nriKMation Up
cemher a, nntt with the stnto rorim
ratlnn t'mnnilHHhinci. nn tho "KiihI
iUiptlRt rliuich of AHhland" wim dln
honoHt, nnd fflr t Ur tniti"Ho nf d
Vi'lvlnt; tho foundoi-H (lf Ihi'ii i-hnrrh
property and church rlwhts.
A hlntory of thn church In reiounl
d in the Uku document. Thi Ash
land Hup 1 1 hi church wnfl founded In
1884. In 1319, n hd was bouht from
. II. CI. Kndcr.s, nnd n new church
erected ut a cowt of Sin.onn. Almut
the sniue thno It was tmreed that the
name nhould he changed to the 'Firm
impiiiu ciun i n or AHniaml," hut no
chniiffu of title was filed with the
atate corporation romniiHNloner. Kven
ho, the eomplnint Het h forth, the Ash
lund HaptlHt church, and the Klrst
Baptist wflH ns one and
thn Hnnio.
iiHcovorinfr thin dereliction, the
"New Movement" group Jh alleged to
navo - mod wnh the 'urionition coni
mlHslonem mticles of incorponition an
the Klrt Itaptl"t church of Ashland,
for the advancement of tho cause of
the ruliKlon of Jvhuh t'hrlHt." Thla
move, tho old group denlnnate in their
complaint, um "dlHhonest." and Im the
foundation of their p,.a f,. the
Krantid retdralnlng order. It In
claimed that before fllliiu t))0 articles
of incorporation, th New Movement
ffroup" H(H-und ti "deed of currectinn
to (nt lfi, purchased from llenrv (1.
Kndora and wife."
Tho parfonaKe. and lot whereon )t
atanda was willed and bequeathed to
the Ardiland Baptist church on Au
HUHt 2. 1910. by Sarah J. Merley, a
member, who Instructed In her hint
testament "that It forever be used
aa a parsonaKe. or the run tula to He
mic to tho uto of the Ashland Uap
tlst chureh."
The controversy whh referred, be
fore the prevent court action to the1
council of the ItaptlHt church, who
decided axalnM the "New Movement
PreachinK. 11 a. tn. nnd 7 p. m.
VomiK Peoples' meetiiiK 6 p. in. Sa
uijxntha t'owley. pre ident.
Prayer meeting; Wed nerd ay, 7:30
p. m.
He viva I inoetliiKH beKln Friday
fv(".n Jiiniinry lith at 7 o'clock, ftev.
(i. It. Oiiff. of Lou Anueles. evnnRelbit.
The Turner hoys of l.oa AnKele-i. will
have rharpe tf the musie.
This 1h not to he a lecture course on
religion, but an "old fashioned revival
meeting. " Purpose: To net winners
converted, and believers, sanctified; to
help folks Ktt ready to live nnd pre
pared for death, lieady for earth nnd
prepared for heaven.
All nre cordially nlvlted.
I'lrsl KaplNt Church. !
. ' 'cnt u I a ml fit h ht rel . l-'reder- !
l-k It. I.eai h. pastor. (Study at
church. Phone 10.M'.)
Iti-l'i a. tn. llihlo Hchnol; attendance
and new puplla thowed great wains.
Special attention given to new attend
ants. II n. tn. "Chrb't'H Message to the
Seven Churches.' Kord'a Hufper and
reception to new members.
Soprano solo. "Seek Ye the Lord,"
(West). Mrs. Lorraine Harrison Seult.
Anthem, "As Von do," ((Jabrlel.)
BillO p. m. It. V. P. V. "What tho
TUbto Teaches About Prayer." lender,
Vesta Strickland.
7:30 p. in. "How to ell Saved."
Some plain thing will be ttald. You
need thin mesmiuo. flood music also.
Solo. "I Come to Thee," (Carn
KooiaN) Miss Margaret lluntoon.
Anthem "I Love the Iird." by Knox.
Wednesday. 7 u. in. Teacher train
ing clars. following at 7:30 p. in. with
study In personal work.
Thursday. 7:30 p. m. Choir rehear
sal. Sunday will he a good day for all
to woivhlp with us. Come with tdhera.
Jackson County Banks
Make Splendid Showing
Medford building. Ik on.n dally from returns must be filed by midnight onjto !l,tvo taken a stand very common
among prospeciura, unrortunatoiy tor
tho reputation '6f our mines hero, of
insiming upon n-cash walo rather than
allowing a prospective, buy under bond
and lease to share with him the risk of
the pinching out nf the ore body. This
throws the expense ui the development
and tho entire risk on the buyer, and
is generally interpreted to mean a
lack of confidence on the part of tho
owner of the i?al value of hia prop
erty. However. Mr. Killduff was con
vinced of the real value of the inino
and in 1H17 took the property over on
option which development work prov
ed his conclusions correct, led to a
purchase in lltl. He then formed
a small company among his acquaint
ances in San l-'ranelaco nnd renamed
the property tho Ilollnud mine. De
velopment work to determine the tdzo
of the ore body was started at once
and resulted In the confirmation of
Jackson county people are proud of
their financial Institutioim nnd several
of the towns, out.dde of Medford. have
1 1 pleudid banks, that are Increasing
their bushiest from year to year and
afford (he people of their localities
every nceom modal ion neccssnry. '
The Central Point Stale bank has
reHoiMves to the amount of $1MM.-
(100.00. and deposits of ifit.lOJi.l 7. has
declared 1!K semi-annual .dividends
since 1000 and Is growing daily.
The directors recent I v chosen by tin.
stockholder" were "W. .1. Freeman. W.
C. Leever, V. Ilursell and J. O. Isaac
son. Officers: J. O. Isaacson, president:
U. A. Hagedorn. cashier: W. .1. Free
man. W. C. Leever and V. Pursetl vice
the Judgment of tho buyer, and what
was I hen only u proapect. Is now pat
ently a mine, with every indication
that the ore goes In volume to depth.
The total production to tho present
time is a Utile over 525.000.
Leaving Holland, take a lonp
breath, tighten your belt nnd prepare
for a four mile hike uj the mountain
i si ml o ve r t ti e t rn 11. Tor the fi rst
The First State bank of Kagle point .three miles there is a steady climb to
at a recent meeting of the stockholders an altitude of a little over 4000 feet.
re-elected the-e directors: .1. F
P.rown, T. K, Nichols, W. II. Ihmvn.
I. L. Ilradshaw and H. I:. Campbell
and the same .officers were reelected
for lOri.
The hank was shown to be In excel
lent condition with resources of $!3. I nnd with deposits of $7 1,44 4.24.
both being Increases over a year ago.
The haul; has derlarod good divi
dends nnd expects this to be the best
year they have ever had.
n the saddle there is a flat contain
ing probnbly n quarter section, partial
ly covered witli magnificent madrono
nnd live oak. partially cleared, and
all sub-irrigated. Here la located
what Is known aa the Mountain Hunch,
with log cabins and stables and with a
magnificent view.. "Were this tho end
of the journey tho trip would be well
worth while, the rest of the trip over
a good mountain trail la all down hill.
The trails fork here, the left hand
Davit Pleads Not Guilty.
TOPKKA. Kas.. Jan. :il -Uiv the
Associated Presa.) .Jonathan M
Davis, former governor of Kansas,
pleaded not utility to charnes of so
liciting a bribe when arralunpd hnrrt
today on a Joint warrant urnimt him'fl:ao n m
and Carl J, Peterson, former bank I subject of Christianity and the Paces
committsfoner. Davis was released on 6:30 p. m, Christian Ihirienvnr.
1000 bond for preliminary henrlng''rn'" lne annlveraay of the nrganl7ji
F9bruary 6. tlon of the C. K. organixntion.
Prr-shyterluii Churrli
Corner Main and Holly. Hev. 10.
Percy Ijiwvenee, minister. Tlesldcnce
CI 3 S. Newtown. Study 41 8. Holly.
0:4fi a. tn. Hi bio school. A otesdy
climb In attendance gave the aehool
X last Sabbath. Hring others with
you aa well ns your lllble and quar
terly, Carl J. Drummer, ruporlntend-
11 a. m. Morning sermon, "The
Kobe of Christ's lUghp-ousnes."
The special iniifde for the service
will be a soprano and burl tone duet
entitled "Love Divine." by Hnveiia.
sung by Mrs. James Collins and Dr.
W. W. Howard.
ft p. in. Veeper service. The girls'
choriiH w ill lead in congregational King
ing. "Of One lllood." wilt be the ser
mon subject, wit lead Into the mission
study class work at 6:30 p. m. The
school of mission will open their ses
sions at 5:30 and close promptly at
The study will ht on the
at 12:30
Hoot OOiCfifc'j
trail Rolnn over to. the BoHwell gioup'
and the rleht hand to the Holland
mine. We first, arrive at the upper
tunnel mouth, where the first work
was done, and around which are
grouped the cabins and the cook house..
The hill face Is at an angle of 32 de
grees and a crooked trail takes us to
the mill a hundred and fifty feet bo
low. If It were not for the difficul
ty of landing oonifortnbly, it would bo
both quick and easy to jump from tho
tunnel mouth to the mill door, so steep
is the incline. Tho mill Itself Is com
plete, tho compressor, crushor and ta
bles are bf normal size for a ten ton
plant, but tho' stamp mill . while a
beautifully mado piccn of machlnory,
has only three light stamps, and Is out
of proportion to the rest of tho equip
ment. The mlrie development, how
ever, evidently contemplates real work
nt some future lmo when the mill
equipment shall be sufficient to take
caro of the output. About 101(0 feet
of underground u,pn dpw. tun
nels, shafts, drifts, winzes and up
raises. The ore. is cut on tlireo sides,
and there Is approximately 8000 tons
of ore In sight. : Ono cur lond of ore
shipped to Kolby. mine run. returned
over 40,a ton. and pay chutji'S of high
grade occur In four or five 4aces. The
ore Is free milling, with a practically
complete recovery on tho plates.
The power problem will be solved
by the use of the waters at Sucker
creek to operate a turbine, and tho
necesmry ditch hus been practically
completed. I'lenty of power for light
nnd nil mining and milling processes
may be thus developed.
The nhvslcHl sotting of tho mlno is
rtii'iiireniinn nnd delightful. It Is
about eight miles west-of the coves,
und nil who have visited that resort
will appreciate the beauty of the up
per reaches of Kucker creek. There
appears to have been tho usual diffi
culty between the local management,
which 'strives for reasonable and
profitable development and the opera
tion of the mine, anil an nbsentoe
board of directors, who, without prac
tical knowledge, require bricks to be
mnde without straw.
Several engineers have viewed the
mine, nnd their reports agree that it
has a large ore body of good values.
L'nder the present manager there is
'no doubt that in time tho Holland mine
will rank with the best In the district.
The next little journey will be to tho
Flanagan mlno on the lower Roguo.
Kdltor Cots 6 Year Term
NEW YORK, Jan. SI. Stephen G.
Clow, editor of Broadway Brevities,
convicted of using tho malls to de
fraud, was scntoncod today to' serve
six years and ono day in the Atlanta
penitentiary. He was fined $7000.
Kills Himself Accidentally. '
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Jan. 31.
George Wilson, former head of the
Oklahoma A. and M. collego, shot and
killed himself here today. Police de
clared the shooting was accidental.
Intimations that Charles II. Dueli,
was engaged to Lillian Olsh, screen
ttars whom ho has sued to prevent
from making motion pictures excq.t
under a contract with him, were din.
cussed today in statements by at.
' "The wholly unwarranted pre.
sumption that Mr. Duoll hopes to win
the favor of Miss dish's hand," said
her attorney, "is some Indication of
tho .length to u which the gentleman
now is willing' to go in order to co.
orco her Into working- for him. It
would perhaps have been more flttlnr
if ho'' had sued her for breach m
promise rather than having adowsji
an Indirect means of fording, liter to
work for him."
In a statement In behalf ,ot Mr.
Ducll It was said ho made tho con
tract with Miss Olsh becaus.J ho re
garded himself as engaged til her.
Mr. Duoll, who Is a memBer of an
old Knickerbocker family aid n rela
tive of Elihu Root, was divorced by
his wlfo In Tnris and aft.-r tho di
vorce thero wero repeated, reports
that ho and Miss Olsh wcis engaged
to many. , 4
Mr. Duell was formorly Miss Lil
lian Tucker of Pasadena, Car. She
was un actress. "4 '
Grazing Fees Reduced., 1
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. A 25 per ;
cent reduction under rates in effect
January I, 192 for grazing livestock "
on national forests were approved to-),
day by the senate.
Seeing Ourselves As Others See Us
The Magazine of Wall Street, says:
"The enormous popularity of the building & loan associations
throughout the country, may be attributed to the eminently prac
Y tical service they render (1) to small home ;. builders, and (2)
small investors. !
"Their home-building. service has been described as 'the easiest,
simplest, most economical mortgage plan ever devised.' " v s
The American Home is the safeguard of American liberties!
Jackson County Building & Loan Association
CM. KIDD, Pres.
Office 30 N. Central
Phone 105
O. C. BOGGS, Seel
Tbc Internal Revenue Bureau, has issued a warning aguinst laxpaj'crs OVPEPAYING
their 1024 income tax. ,
This warning ivas necessitated by the fact that many who have "wade their reports have .-.
failed to take the proper credit for the tax on their EARNED income 'and have OVERPAID '
their tax. . . .
He sure you are right before you pay your tax and save yourself und the department uu- '
necessary work and trouble. ' -
405 Medford Building
Income Tax Adviser
Telephone 326
Is Considered a Good Explosive
.... :
General Gas
Has the Dominant Power and Kick of T N T;
Ask the Car Owner Who Uses It
Jones & Kirkpatrick
A Real Service Station
Phone 65
Sixth and Riverside