pxtiti src MttDKmn matt; tw.ukr MftnronTV OTRECioy, s.mrmw, .taxttattt .u mi FARMERS' WEEK .mi:diohi), HOME CONVENIENCES DEMONSTRATED. ' The women Thursday morning listened to a discussion by representa tives of local business houses of dif- " ferent labor-saving devices for the farm home. The different makes of power washing cuuchlnes were discussed us to the good ami poor points In each make, both from the standpoint of efficiency In wushlne and in tho wear and tear on the chillies. Tho matter of water systems on the . farm was Bone into and uu Idea us to the cost of Instillation and of I oepration was brought out. The Biimll motor was taken up and lis many uses in lightening the house wife's Inborn werni discussed. A discussion on the care, cleaning, oiling and operation of sewing ma chines wus'-speciully Interesting and of value to' those - present. I'ortable machines were discussed anil the value of the electric motor 11s an nt tachnient'wn gone Into. Miss lirewsler, homo demonstration ngent, closed the morning session by demonstrating the working of the bread mixer and Its relation to the quality of the bread produced. The afternoon was Riven over to talks on home decoration, special at tention being Riven to curtains and the use of cushions. The use of color, schemes nlonR these lines wus brought out in 11 helpful way. PROF. BOUQUET ON GARDENING. Tuesday nt 2 I'. M.. Prof. Houquet Af O. A. C. met with 75 Rurdeners to discuss the different phases of gar dening In .luckfion county. He had met the (irants Pass growers tho day before and reported that the gardener) and business men in our neighboring city were pulling together to put truck growing on a better basis in thut locality, lie reported that the biiHiimss men responded generously In hnpalnir n movement for belter seed nnd Hint ns a result of the conference in iters for Hie best or seed were wired east at the close of the session. lie urged the mailer ol' good seed mion the .lackson county growers, pointing out to them that poor seed are always the most expensive in the long run. He said that he would always and everywhere In Oregon preach the oronoo to tno prevailing winus ami doctrine of, "take care first of the'stonns, especially sleeping porches,! settlers we already have. Then , pointing out that tho (irants I'ass ' sign, "It's tho Climnte," was not a catch phrase, hut that the Valley of the Rogue does have a climate dis tinctly its own and that the vegetable men should capitalize tills natural ad vantage. He cited The Dalles as a section that is turning Its warm soil: and sheltered position into dollars In the shupe of early vegetables, (.'(mi llion sense, good seed and standard 1 IO.M K I ) KM O X ST 1 1 ATI O X (Continued from I'ago 6) We fail to touch tho future American tempera nee by allowing him. to have 3 all he wants ol whatever ho wants to t. The Ulblo nays, "Ho ye temper- e in ull things." So tint only In teaching him the proper things to eat should be eaten moderately, nre we helping to build a man or woman of i..iu i.... ..p ...ill health, but a man or woman of will power und backbone. The help you need is available through the home demonstration ugent. To show you thut I know what 1 soy, and that wonders may be per formed wllli the adult as well ns the child by right feeding, I will givo a little personal experience. I am just a common farmer's wife, no wiser than any of you who read (his article, but one who grasped the importance . or j-uss their various problems nnd to proper feeding. Maybe, bocauso hiy'luno a good time. Knelt wns given a attention was being continually at-jciiid Willi her namo and community traded to the way my husband fed on It, to serve us nn introduction to his cown, and I wus so careful what 1 fed my chickens In order that they would develop strong bodies and resist diseases. I was raised on a farm, und my parents were as well educated as tho average parent lit Hint time, but how Utile they knew or the value of proper food, and how we children havo been nt n dlsndvimtage ull our lives because, ol' that lacki or knowledge, which wns not available lo them. Through the lectures given by the home demonstration ugeut, 1 became very much Interested In roods and lo practice some or the things she tunght me. 1 will not take time or space to tell you what u change has come into my life. It was u tragedy (und one that is linppenlng every day turning us) that a body so young as mine should have been so starved lor the proper food. I found, also, that lt cost intieli less to live when you eat the food most bennriclal, nnd "Oh, the Joy of having n little pep!" I used to say, as 1 have heard many others any, "Wo are such poor hands for vegetables that It doesn't pay me to raise a garden." Now even if it were true, I'd be too ashamed to acknowledge It. Hut Instead. 1 hnve n garden, summer and winter, .right here iu Jackson counly und can even eat carrots raw, and honestly sny that I like them us well us a piece of cake. Tho home demonstration ugent can give you plans for a so-called kitchen gnrden, which takes very little time, and will aid you to give health to your family and dollars to your pocket by snvlng the dreaded doctor bill. Wo people on n liiini use lots ot milk. It is nn indispensable article of diet for adult us well us child (the dentist will tell you to drink It to save your teeth I. but we must have some thing else with it. and "be ye cnreful whul that something else Is." Many of you will say. "My children are just us healthy as Mrs. A.'s children and she is a crank on nutrition." Others will suy, "Our forelnthcrs never heard of nutrition nnd they weie healthy enough." Your child may lie able to Btnud It for n while, until he Is grown to a mini or womanhood. Ills mind or body Is put under u load, then comes the breuk. You do not realize thut you had anything to do Willi Hint break. Neither did my mother, uud Hho used to take such pride in her rosy cheeked youngsters. Did you ever stop to think how much nearer our forefathers lived to (lie thing lied grew for them, the whole grain, the fruit and tho vegetable? The Indian, for example, ns long us he lived on (lie IUIubs us Ue' rcv lie was never j.wr.Miv 21-2-1 crops especially adapted to our valley, coupled-with co-operation of garden ers and business men will mean added dollars to Jackson county, said l'rof. Uouquot. The statement that tho broccoli crop of IJouglas county is of eijuril value with the fruit crop of Josephine county, set many to thinking of the possibilities nlonR these lines. He spoke of the seeming Importance of cabbaRo, spinach, tomatoes turnips and green onions under southern Oregon conditions. .Mr. Deinmer of Medford, In this connection told of his experience with broccoli, stntliiK that ho had raised seven good crops in as many years and that he had the assurance of a Rood crop this year, when the Douglas county crop Is practically a failure. ! l'rof. lloiuiuet touched on the neces sity of insect control, advocating dust ing as the best method. Don't spread over too much ground, ho said, standardize your crops, your puck und your packages. Ho assured the growers that Ills department at (). A. C. was for them to use anil he urged Ihoin to make their wants known, und closed alter assuring Iheni that he would attempt, to visit tile valley ngaln soon. REMODELING HOUSES. The matter of remodeling tho farm home was taken up Saturday morning ill an Instructive way. Krom drawings and plans many suggestions were given thulj might be used In many Jackson county homes. The kitchen was discussed at length. Mako the kitchen light, cheery, handy, compact; the wife spends much of her llmo there and should have her work shop as pleasant and as convenient ns possible. 1 he front door should be reached by a hall from the kitchen, to save carpets and the Inconvenience of being obliged to pass through dining room or living room, or both to reach the front door. 1 In the matter or modern equipment, water,, lights, .plumbing, etc.. It was i pointed out that too often money Is suveu over u scries m .yearn mi ui.-m: oonvpiiienceH instead of pulling thi'in ii nun hniuih "11- ' " " lOPH Oil I llonies should lie planned' with ref-1 was anoiner vniuaiiie nun given. The afterno ublect. art in the handled ' in ' an original home, was manner, the thought stressed luring that no home Is a real home unless some considerable time und thought is given to the matter of harmony among those of tho family, und that the home where kindly consideration and helpful coopeartion exists is in Its very atmosphere artistic nnd beautiful. sick, leeili never decayed, used teeth to crack nuts; but lake him away from nature and give him civilization and our food and ho soon succumbs to disease. I tlilnlt that the first duty of every nouseKeeper, no sue wne or moiuer, limners wile or hankers wile, is I" luiM'ti i fund lwf ftim v ni'niinr v nn ," ".. " , ",, :' " ". im S..n undernourished child of the well-to-do , , I I'lease remember nber this, "It isi net with dollars and cents that we can buy health lor our futnro Americans, but with plain common sense." A JACKSON COUNTY KAU.V1KKS' WU'TO. ' HOME ECONOMICS MEETING. On November IS, 4.1 women who I represented lit different communities, 'gathered at Hie Hotel Medford to dis- all the other ladles present, lt was good lo see Mrs. II., whom you hadn't seen for two years, or Mrs. C, who was a great friend ol your sister's back ill Iowa. And tho luncheon was ; i good. Isnt lt fun to sit down lo n meal which you haven't hud to pre pare, and know you don't have to wash the dishes? That in itself was worlli the lid cents. After I tin luncheon, when everybody talked her head nearly off. Miss Kliuiheth (lure played two piano solos. They were honutirully played uud. made overyone happier as one in i up main oujens oi me liiccuiiK nas ni m i ai-.iiiaiineii, iil1 whole procedure was Informal und plenty or time allotted for visiting. Miss Wnolsey. tho county librarian, told how easy it Is for everyone in the county to have the use of books rroui the library, although she never comes Ifito Medford. Not only the books In the counly library, hut from the slate lllnary as well, aro to bo had for the asking. The general subject for discussion was the urogram for the winter. A reiireseiitntlve from ench community gave u report nt the nativities or her group nnd told what moy wantei assistance wit ti In the future. So.no hud done much, some little, but nil were enthusiastic when it ennio lo t lie future more community clubs more help from the agent nnd more meetings oT this kind. There seemed to be n very general reeling that the demand for help with menu planning and child feeding. was growing, as people come to realize more nnd morn the close relationship between diet nnd health. As the pi c sent agent is particularly interested In this part of the work, it seemed advisable for her to do as much as she could along this lino. Some women wnut to gain weight, while others want to lose; all 111 nil. there seemed plentv of candidates for the "eat right club, unci it Is hoped that brunches will be fnnued In many com munities. THE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. One ol the newer lint a most im portant appliance to the average ranch home Is the electric refrigerator. The better class of ice boxes or rerrlnern tors can be made Into electric refrig erators by the addition or the neces sary unpinatus. or one may purchase the complete electric refrigerator with Its motor and compressor and linve It installed, it Is also quite feasible to Imllil hitti ones linimi. csnnclnllv if one erectius a ugw bulldltijj, u rcfilseru- Wanted School Boys and Girls to .What Ih Hit mutter with tho -iliovc car loon of unr did fiii'iul .IIkum? VIim M.iil Tribune ;uul Sun aro Koliitf to allow Uu hoys mul Klrls that attend hc Ki'.'iilo HclmolH nnywlicro hi the county, to HUpply the hleiiH foi the uhove nirtoon, and havo tin five Unit HUlnnlt the iR'Hl, or tho five whi ne th as its Hpeclal invited kupnIh at tin pertrii'iiiaiMie of " BriiifJIriK Kather in Ireland" when it alifieais at the Hunt's (Valerian, IVIru:iry tl. ,. 1,,.,. , t , ,, !, ,,,l , ,l, - I I H A II II II l HI H II llll I Ililllll I I U"",K ,.T,1,H, 1,6 "' UH 11,1 I :" ". ' . . ," f"a;n kiVoii d " '- - lc . . , , " , .' . V "" ."' " ', . cxaci size, so nun i in l'lb'(lon of the refrigerator may be made as nearly perfect as possible; otherwise a constant loss in refrigera tion will be had at considerable ex pense to the user, The electric equip ment should be carefully selected and one should make certain' that if Is properly installed and hacked by a reliablo company with local service, ns the average householder is more, or less nt sea when It comes to servicing a refrigerator should It become neces sary. There are several reliablo plants to be had and these liro reported to be giving excellent service under proper conditions. The universal sale of this appliance in handicapped by its first cost, but nt,1(,,. ,,,,,,..,,. M)iiances. the first cost Is the imporlant one nnd thn great . . . . ... f.?n'v,ns 1 lfie. witu tne inconven- .....,,,.,, ,,r ,,, ,.,.!,..,,,,,. . THE VACUUM CLEANER. Tho ulcctrio sweoner or vacuum cleaner :is another of the excellent labor-saving appliances. II cosls prac tically n cent un hour to operate and the in or 15 minutes dally or semi' weekly use easily keeps tho cost around 21) or 110 cents u month. Tho advantage of picking up the dirt that Is naturally trumped into the rugs and carpets is a big item, because the dirt thut Is picked up with the cleaner and deposited In tho bug can be car ried out or doors and disposed or, or burned, wlillo if it were possible to raise tho same amount ot dirt from the rug by the ordinary broom, a large portion of the dirt would settle as dust me iiiiiiiiuie iiiiu oiaperies would ho Impossible to remove. on the furniture and draperies and Ue pealed sweepings and dustings do not remove the dirt from the room nearly us effectively as the electric. sweeper. A few minutes' use ot tho sweeper without the nccompunylng dust rag und the disagreeable Inhaling of the dust makes it worth while for every houscwiro to own n itischlnn (Julio u number or progressive dealers have the vacuum sweepers for rent, but when one considers Unit the occasional rental payment will, in many Instnnces, pay for the mnchim und permit the use of It at one's own convenience, it (mphiisi7.es tin? ini portance of owning nnd using one's own machine ' New Words! New Words! ihoutandt of them spelled, j pronounced, and defined in 1 WEBSTER'S j NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Thm- 4Suprem Authority" rCttfieBet! Here are a few samples: agrimotor soviet nbreaetlon hot pursuit Air Council mud gun Rutheno paravano megabcr S. P. boat cypor .rotogravure capital ship mystery ship irredenta askarl sippio sterol ahoneen Red Star Kla,j Day Ksthonla 131 ue Cross ovorheud uerial cascade camp-fue girl j Mi Storehouse of Information Serving You? 2700 Pair C0OO llluitrntioni 407.00Q Words and Phra.-c CatctUcr and Bioiraphical Dictionary WRITE for a tumnl rva of tK. New Words, specimtn ol Regular and indu t'apers, tRt.b.. G. & C. MERRIAM CO. Springfield, M., U. S. A. ' Many rinplrort to ,g: onrtoonlntH nt hoitio time or other, now hero Ih the chance to show what kind of a car tooiiiHt you will make, as the drawing Ih very Him pip compared to thinking up new and orifilnal jokijS. ,Juh( fin in the blank hpucch. . I'liINT don't write what you think J1kh is Hayliifrlo th pretty tflrl and what MugKie is sayinc and ntuil to the JiKtfs Kditor at Mall Tribune! or Sun, so as to reach him not later T,.Hn n,ll..t ...1 illiix Kit III I lilt II u RAN FflANffSCO, ,lan. 31. Tho lbruaiy 1 was announced here "j uim nam weamer ie.iu as follows trnsettlefl wealher wllh rnln ln Supply Ideas than Wednesday, February 4, as the contest closes then and tlio winners will be announced and the prizes awarded on Thursday, the fth, by three judges not connected with thru office.- First prl.o, 4 seats; 2nd prize, 2 seats; 3rd prize, 2 seals; 4th prize, 2 seats. These seats will be reserved and the person accompanying the wlunitru can either be a grown person or chllil. Washington, Oregon, northern Cali fornia und possibly lu southern Cali fornia. Temperature near or above normal. Bring your clean cotton rags to this office. We'll buy tlmm. tf Quicks Above all , s , V. i- you want starting gasoline That's Shell. SHELL COMPANY. OP CALIFORNIA 'uicRJtamnsuuautu originated by SHIEILIL maintained by SMELL soM everywhere by m JELL, itahs. i ft tmr "FRIEND" SPRAYERS deliver more gallons of .satisfactory spray during a term of years at less cost first cost and all included. .4'F1MMD" has reputation for leading the sprayer industry' in all import ant developments. , See Them at Our Display Room. ' Bill's Tractor Shop :Wm. G.Pierce ; y . J. M. Pljrmire v ' ' '226 North Riverside' Ave. ' ' . COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 843 E. Main Street .. Medford, Oregon Combining full surgical facilities with, qulot homelike, environments. Open to All Reputable Physicians. quick- w "FRIEND" SPRAYER Are the Oldest Sprayers on the Market !