MTCTVF0TN5 MXTE TRTRTJNR "MT,DFf)TT, ftlVT.flOy. TOTDAY. .TANTTAKY ffl, 'ifM News of Jackson County COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued from last Monday.) MEMORIAL HALL E SAMS VALLEY MAIL BY PHOENIX. Jun. 29. C. W. Parsons has Kune to Kj 1. lain. Alberta, Canada, where he expects to locate. Ills fam ily ii mill here. Everyone is invited to the commu nity meet at Phoenix Memorial hall Saturday night, January 31. Super intendent Kerns says the program will begin at 7:15 In order to Rive time for the three basketball games Which fol low. Instead of the Talent girls, the Rutte Falls girls will play the Phoenix girls. It is rumored that the Fats and the Leans and the Marrleds and the Singles are trying to get a little prac tice before they nppenr in the arena. Principal J. R. Tyrrell reports that the following pupils took the January slate examinations and received their eighth grade diplomas: Carl Rermele, Jay Purrlck, Ituth Hollopeter and Otto Early. Miss Eva Poley was ft guest for the week end at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hartley. Friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah Par sons were pleasantly surprised by their visit in Phoenix Inst Saturday. They were the guests here of Mr. Parson's pu rents, and drove Sunday to Central Point-to visit Mrs. Perkins before re turning to their new- home at Horn brook, California. Mrs. 't. J. Malmgreh. Mrs. 'Webster nnd Mrs. Relmer attended the Civic club nt Ashlnnd.Tuesday. January 20. nnd grently enjoyed the program given for the bcenflt of the scholarship fund. The Presbyterian Indies' Aid nt the nil day meeting January 15, Hewed for the benefit of Clyde hall.' The men made new banquet tables, and all en Joyed nt noon a covered dish lunch eon. Miss Ada Brewster was present and made arrangements to give in struction in millinery two days In Feb ruary. .' Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham of Bend stopped for a visit at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Barnes while driving through to Panedena, Chi. Sams Valley and Talent basketball teams piny at Phoenix. Friday night, January 30. Little Collins .Hartley Is out of school because of sickness. The Misses Echo and Ethel Alford are absent from high school on ac count of illness Jn their -horne. The physicians, belonging to the Jackson county Medical association, and their wiveshad their annual ban quet at the Blue Flower Lodge Wed nesday evening, January 21. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Praser Brown and Mrs. T. - J. Malmgren -drove to Grants Pass Wednesday to attend a. meetlng of the Women's Missionary society. . ) Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark Walker of Med ford called upon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes, Sunday, and made the ac quaintance of the, Utile new son, War ren Hamilton Hayes. . .... The Phoenix basketball team will play Butte Falls at Butte Falls Fri day evening. January 30.. .. Phoenix will play at . Applcgate February 6. Both boys' and glrlB teams from Talent will ploy Butte Falls at' Phoenix February 6, and Rogue River at Phoe nix. February 7. , ., , 1 ' , 1 " ' ' . Mrs. John Roberts, who has been nursing Mrs. Robert Hayes, Is at home again. ' " ' " " The Women's Bible, clasaare to meet nt the home of their' teacher. Mrs. Walter Fraser Brown, for ati all . day' meeting and covered dish' luncheon, Thursday, January .29. ' ' , Mrs. W. R. Nyswaher ha ' returned to her home in Tilent' after. 'having spent a week at the! home Of her sla ter. Mrs. Douglas Sifcadmtin. Rev. J. C. Templetbn' of . EugcYie, Pacific coast representative of. , the ministerial pension system,.wua a vis itor in Phoenix Sunday. - -.' 'v :' ' ; ' Rev. R. W. NelBon will preach the next sermon in the series on, -the creed, next Sunday, his text being. 'I lielieve in Jesus Christ." -Th Inter est taken In Mr. Nelson's -sermons" is shown by the constantly -Irrni'ensing number of persons .who attend the morning sendee. . The evening service at the Presby terian church at Phoenix will-he one that everyone -will enjoy." The choir has been working for several, weeks upon a program of the old.-favorite hymns, which will be given In solos, duets, qunrtetes and congregational ringing. Rev. Nelson will speak upon the significance of the hyrtins ' that are sung. The song service will be at 7:30, following the C. E. service at 630 ' ' t' Gaston Demurge and family have noved to California. ' Mr. Andrew Hearn has Installed a radio at his some. . Supt. John W. Kerns accompanied Prof. Carleton of Pi df O. -l'Friday on his drive about thd valley visiting high schools. : ' '" '."'' Marshall Denser Is working at Cop co, California. ' Cross Word Puzzle Fan Loses Identity And Forgets Name LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30. Receiv ing hospital surgeons . today, were Uing to help a cross word puzzle Jan to solve the puzzle of his iden titv The patient, apparently a vic- m of amnesia, was found """ a downtown curb last night laboring ..,...iv nver a cross word puzzle and referring frequently to .. ,i n thAflnurus held lap. -Whet polio in-.efruN.ed his studious vigil hoping to . heijj him home he was unable to rememuer his name or address. - ' 6 Killed by Oas" ' SCRANTON, P.. Ja- 29 I'lum' atlng gas from a main thought to have been broken by a surface acci dent this morning took a toll of six lives, members of the family of Louis pesino, Went Bcranton, SAMS VALLEY", Jan. 30. Our rend ers of the Portland papers are mak ing complaint over the delay of their mails owing to our mall carrier chang ing his schedule for nn hour earlier. This chnnge was made owing to the roads being in such a frightful condi tion that It necessitates one spending considerable time using rocks, rails and any other available materlnl to aid in getting through some of the deep ruts and holes found In the mail I carrier's route. Mrs. G. H. Johnson left Thursday for Charles City, Iowa, to remain for some time. Mrs. Johnson has planned for some time to make a trip to her old home and the recent feebleness of her aged father. Mr. Katcher. has given cause for her hastening her jour ney. The high school pupils lire busy this week with their semester examina tions. Many of the pupils have been exempted In the majority of their subjects. The high school basket ball games played Friday night at Gold Hill be tween the Eagle Point boys and girls nnd our own teams, resulted in a de cided victory for Sams Valley. The boys' game stood 24 to 6, and the girls' 4 5 to 6. Our tenms will play Phoenix teams at Talent Friday night. Inquiries were being made this week from the Grants Pass meat market for fut mutton, but none wns available. Sheep are decidedly short in this section and the recent high prices of mutton nnd bredlng sheep mnke ninny of our sheep men regret that they sold their flocks. Tom Dixon of noseburg visited with O. T. Wilson Monday nnd wns making inquiries for good hounds. . The coy otes are- quite numerous around Rosehurg and are causlijfe sheepmen considerable- trouble. . Mr. Dixon reports he had just re ceived 50c per 'pound for' this year's wool crop. This is interesting news for our Wool Association members ns they have always succeeded in getting several cents more through the olfl cers of their organiaztlon than, any other ngonts or firms have given. Care of Poor Not at Poor farm American Fled Cross, indigent expense tOclober) ...223.03 American Red Cross, Indigent expense (November) Bishop's Clothing & Woolen Mills Stole, supplies fur Tuberculosis llosltal Basket Grocery, Indigent ex pense E. C. Fobcr & Co.. indigent supplies ; Gold Hill Supply Co.. indigent supplies -.. Louie's Grocery, Indigent sup- pries ..... Sacred Heart Hospital, cure of Indigents Weaver's Store, Indigent sup plies' - -. Mary A. Abbott, regular Indi gent .u -. : Nellie Bourdman, regular Indi gent Kate Copple. regular indigent.. Millie Dosier, regular Indigent Dave Daniels regular Indigent Mary Drew, regular indigent.... A. Mi Ford, regular indigent.... Mis. Hudst-'i, regular Indigent Mrs. H. II. Hatch, regular In- ligent. Marie Adeline Hall, regular indigem ,. Mr. and .Mrs. Thus. J. Kelsoe, regular indigents Lena Lee. regular Indigent A. C. Manning, regular Indi gent Curne E. Miller, regular Indi gent - Elizabeth Marvin, regular Indi John Mmiet, regular indigent.. Mury. Pi ice, regular indigent ... Homer Handle, regular iiuu- gent ..: --' Anna. Robcy. regular Indigent.. Jean Ross (Smith, regular In digent - - Lottie Stephenson, regular In digont Alex Wilson, regular indigent Z. Wolgumott, regular indigent Annie Wutklns, regular Indi gent . .'. Ethel Frances Olson, regular indigent Phoenix Mercantile Co.. indi gent expense ; Krunces B. Donaldson, regular indigent REESE CREEK RIPLETS 222.28 52.50 4 70 8.00 30. 0U ' 11.97 114.2C 8. 00 10 00 2fi.00 8 00 10.00 10.00 8.00 ' 6.00 8.00 20.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 9.00 , 8 00 15.00 8.00 8.0 8.00 15.00 8.00 20.00 10 00 10.00 Total 1129.18 Clerk's Offlr- Medford Book Store, supplies, clerk's office f 69.58 Home Tel,- tfr Tel. Cu service, clerk s office . 8.00 llass & Prudhonime Co., sup plies, clerk's office 5.83 rwin Hudson Co., county ; court scuit 7.70 Kllhum Stationery ti Printing Co., mortgage Indexes 7S.81 extern L'nloti Tel. Co., service clerk's office 00 Total ...$J74.74 Election ExR'iiso ifw-kson Coniilv News, nrlnling election notices $ 15.00 Roads and Highways California Oregon Power Co., service, shop $ 5.5 Surveyor's Office rv 1. - Rnvden. surveyor's ex pense $ 16.30 Medford Nutiunul Bank, tent, iiuiveyors uflce 10 00 - Mr. Cummings Is haulintf lumber to build a house on his farm, joining the Mlnltcr ranch. Mr. Cummings has iust recently come among us There Is quite a lot of sickness of one sort or another in the neighbor hood.' Among them Is Mrs. Charnov who has been suffering with cold and stomach trouble. Mfs. Charno has been taking treatments for Jier trouble. Mrs. Straircr has-a bad cold. Mrs. Johri Shdrrin has Been down in bed for a few days with her back. ' Alvln Conover's little boy met wltn an accident last Friday at school. He and a little girl run against each other, bumping their heads so se verely that the boy seemed to be hurt quite badly at first, but. Is getting along alrhnt at present, although he had not been tq school this week'. He had a badly swollen eye from the effects. Ethel Ewen visited with Mrs, Ham mond one day last week. Mrs. Pettegrew visited with Mrs. Kein last Friday. Mrs. Rein and daughters visited with Mrs. Watkins' Saturday.' Robert. Ralph and Grace. Merrltt toolj dinner at W. E. Hammers Sun day: Myrtle visited ati Mr. Hum nhreys Wednesday of this. week. Frank Courtney and wife were at W. E. Hammers Wednesday. . Memory verse for' Sunday, February 1st. "He that abideth In me and 1 in him. the same brlngeth forth much fruit." ' At 7 O'clock The day looks dark. die In his At 8 O'clock It U tunny. A dark, dull day can be changed in jne hour to a day of joy and fitness. Millions of days are being changed m this delightful way. On rising drink a glass of water, hot or cold. That washes the stomach and fits it for. food. ' Add a little Jad Salts to the glass. Then you have a sparkling drink. Jad Salts are made from the acids of lemon and grape, plus lithia, etc. Right after breakfast comes complete relief. The poisons are eliminated, all that unfits and depresses. You ave a day of dullness and discomfort. Try this. Then you will know quick pleasant way to lUrt every day at your fcwt. 'Tow I $ 2i;.:io Sealer of Mi-lulus and Mcuniii-ch D. T. Luwum. sulury, sealer of weights und meusures 15.01 Wuler MuMvr Aimlegate Vullcy Tel. Co.. tel. service, water muKter: 1.06 Lillian Carlson, stenographer. water master's office..... 40.00 Prod N. Cummings. expense. water master 42.06 Fred N. CuniminKS. services. water master 150.00 M. T. Edwards, letterheads, wa:er master ...'. 8-25 V. McCrav. services, deputy water master 4-oo Meuford National- Bank. rent. . water master s oftlce.. iu.uu Kenneth N. Phillius, hydro- iirunher's expenee 16.0 J Total ........$ 2 7 2 .02 Slaughtered Cuttle Claims .1. M. Keene. claim for slaugh tered cattle $ 6-86 Oeiicral Fund fomilv Court and Commissioners J. F. r liegel. county court fees $ 6.00 v. w. Green, druvuue. Judge's oftlce .- -- 2-42 .1 l.l. smith, exnense. commis sioners convention zu.uu Total '. Circuit Court Reaines .v. Keames, im in Juckson County vs. I un gate - E. K. Ash, witness tees, board jf equalization case .... .. Homer Barron, witness fees, board of equalization case.-'.. Geo. Brown, witness fees, . hoard of equalization case,... W. E. Brysun, witness fees, bourd of equullzatlonuse.... E. J. Brown, wlinebs lees, bourd of equalization case. .. Hun y Conger, witness iets, buurd of equalization case ... E'd-Ilmlc.k, witness lee.i, bourd of equalization case .... G. . W. Dunn, witness lees, bourd of equullzation case.... Curtlb Darby, wltr.ess fees, bourd of equalization case.... L. M. Fisher, witness recs, hoard of equalization case. .. Peter Kick, witness lees, board of equalization case Jiuiiei Ferns, witness fees, bourd of equalization cuso. .. Win. Goie, wltness'fees, buui d of equalization case C. Wi Glasgow, witness fees board of equalization case.... Win. Gregory, witness fees, . board of equalization cuse...-. Mike Ha nley, witness, tees, bourd of equalization case.... J. O. Love, witness. fees, board of equalization case Jessie Atasten, reporting cir cuit court E. Ei Morrison, witness fees, board of equalization case.... , Jesse Nell, witness fees, board of equalization case... ........ Geo. Mcbols, Jr.,- witness fees, . bourd of equalization case.... ' James Owens, witness fees, board of equalization cuse. .. Fred Oi'fenbucher, witness foes ; board of equalization case.... C. O. Sullivan, witness- fees, bourd of equalization case....' W. A. Stratton, witness fees, bourd of equalization case.... 11. Van Hovenberg, witness fees, board , of equalization case Dave Wood, witness fees, board of equalization case.... Alfred Weeks, witness fees, hoard of equullzation case.... Clay Walker, circuit court wit- if( ofliie 61. OS $no.i Treasurer's uri'U-e. Medford Book Store, supplies, treasurer's office 1.26 School SiiHrliileiideut's Office Medlord Book Store, supplies, superintendent s oflli-e 4.1b Ashland Tidings, certificates, superintendent 44.00 Total 48.16 Assessor's Ofl'liw Medfotd Book Store, supplies. assessor's office 6.56 Prohibition Knioriviueni S. B. Sandefer, prohibition en forcement - Hlitson Motors, prohibition expense - u.JS S. B. Sanderfei, piuliibiilon expense 2Kb. 30 V. K. Cliannell. prohibition expem-e 1 0 T. W. Kinley. iirolllbllion ex pense 12 4.00 Vernon Flnlev. prohibition ex pense Jli.00 Hex Cafe, meals, prohibition enforcement oy.liO S. B. Sniulefer, prohibition ex pense J1.J.I C. Dusenberry, lumber, roads - ackHuiivllle Freight Line, ex press, general road expense Messenger Lumber Co., lumber for bridges Big 1'iues Lumber Co., luinljer for-table Hoik culvert Fred J. Kick, Table llock cul vert expense Ity of Jacksonville, paving on iari of Jackson county Nleiit'ord Lumber Co., lumber for bridges Tolal S3SS4.IU Collllly .ursc Home Tel. A)'1V1. Co., county nurse, oftlce service G.&o Sealer of Weight Al Measures D. T. Lavvton, salary and ex pense, district sealer .. 14. 6i Count) Attorney N. W. Borden, salary und ex pense, dLslrlct attorney J337. J2 Medford Book Store, office supplies, district attorney.... 67.80 Total $1402.111 Court House FxiK'tise V. KJ Finney, labor on court house Victor Johnson, labor on court house ....'. jd.m w. T. Beri-v 4 Co., painting court nouse 60.00 A. Lunduren. work on court house .oo l- II. Havener, lubor on court house loo Victor Johnson, labor, court bouse J-.uo Ciilifm-nin Oregon Power Co.. service, court house 7J.oi Jacksonville Freight Line, ex press, court house l.oo w. 1. Mclntvre. sawing wood fur court house 411.00 llnnkwiild chemical Co.. court house supplies . 62.01 Rov M., Martin, lubor, court house .00 Peonies Electric Store, court house expense nee A. L. Vroinan. court house ex nense L60 Total Jail Jacksonville Cash Store, expense The Jacksonville jail expense 'California Oregon rower service, jail- : Jacksonville Freight Line, press, jui! ..$310.9 jull l'luiritiacy, Co., ..$ 3.00 7.76 7.78 1.60 Total '...'....: 20.03 Cure of Poor at Poor Furm California Oregon Power Coi. Poor Farm expense t 19.60 Caro of Poor Not at Poor Kami Jackson Street Grocery, Indi gent expense t 8.01 E. C. Faber & Co.. Indigent gent expense 8.00 Sacred Heart Hospital. Indi gent expense - 161.50 Sacred Heart Hospital. Indi gent expense 113.66 Total .'....$381.06 . Juvenile Court. Anna Carls, juvenile court witness 6.60 Wm. Curter. Juvenile court witness 7.60 Geo. M. Smith. Juvenile court witness 7-60 nesn .clr- 32.42 000.00 11 60 '6.00 5.00 3.60 5.80 3.00 10.00 11.60 - 2.80 6.00 4.00 2.80 5.20 3.80 3.20 3.20 3.00 40.00 2.80 11.60 2.00 4.00 '. 6. SO 3.00 3.60 6.60 2.00 2.00 6S00 164.50 39.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 F. Koy Davis, transcrlpl, cult court Mury A. Duggun. circuit court - bailiff - E; A. Fleming, circuit court fees of witness J. F. Fliegel, circuit court attorney- tee Harry Skyrmun.- circuit court attorney fee Total "....'........ ;.:..;.1394.60 Justice Court Glass & Prudhonime, supplies, Justice court .. 11.81 Sheriff's Office Morifnrd Ttnnk Store. SUnlllieS. sheriff's office i I Western Union Tel. Co ser vice, sheriff's office Postal Telegraph Cable Co., service, sheriff's office Swem'a Studio, expense, lw 20.70 47.02 7.18 Total $ 20.80 Advertising und County Printing Ashland Tidings, booklets; of Jackson county printing, uu vertlslnn: of county re sources ..$1845.00 Klertlon Expense Josenhlne F. Clurk. wood and light, -election expense i &.uo California Oregon Power Co.. service, election board l.oo Mae M. Decker, wood, light Precinct No. 7 i 2-60 Carl Flchtner. rent, voting place, Precinct No. 28 J 0.00 W. W. Green, delivering hullot . boxes :.. iti.ou Inda Humphrey, wood, lights. Precinct No. 33 6.00 Martha B. Luke, lights, wood Precinct No. 41 3.00 Samuel Muthes. lights, wood. ' Precinct No. 46 t 6.00 MiMlotf & Woolf, druyage and election expense , 9.00 Maud Robinson, additional time, election board G. W. Stevens, wood, lights, ;i Precinct No. 47 Bessio M. Batemun, service on i election hoard X'eople's Electric. Store, lights, etc.,. Medford Newtown No. 34 : L. E. Stanford, rent und lights Precinct No. 36 Hurry Luy, rent and expense. Precinct No. 37 Davis Transfer & Storage, elec tion expense. '. Alvln F. Dunford. delivering ballot bfxes- ; 5.00 Georgia W. Hess, service on election board .60 N. L. Narregan. services, elec tion board .... 6 Julia E. Skecters. services, election boui-d .60 Edith Prescott. services, elec tion hoard .60 Big Pines Lumber Company.... 2.0 .50 6.40 7.50 10.00 17.00 Tqtlll $109.1 . . nouns unci mgmvuys . Victor Johnson, labor on ma chine siieds '. ;............$ 11.1 Jim Ballb. labor. Kama Creek bridge .. .....,....'. 39.00 Charley Blltch. labor, Sams Creek bridge x.,;....... 43.00 Glen. Coager. lubor. Hams Creek bridge ....... 21.00 Elmer N. Chllders. lubor. on . machine sheds 23.00 Fred J. Kick, supplies, mu- chlne sheds 8.4 Wesley Hurtman. labor. Hums Creek bridge 01.9 Lvle llartmun. lubor, Sams Creek bridge 48.38 Medford Planing Mill, ma chine shed expense 4.60 Showers Sheet Metal Shop, machine shed expense 38.8 Messenger Lumber Co., lum ber, Sums Creek bridge 208.64 Fred J. Flck. Bundles. Bams Creek bridge 3.76 Gold Hill Hdw. & Imp. Co., supplies, Sams Creek bridge 286.60 Victor Johnson, muchlne shed expense 15.00 Gold Hill Hdw. Imp. Co.. supplies, Sams Creek bridge 418,0 Eads Transfer Storage Co., labor assignment Sums Creek bridge.. 126.40 8. L. Johnston, lumber. Bums Valley rond 216.00 California Oregon Power Co., . Device, .machine slier.,,.., 24.20 .75 27 11 .70 826.00 stipplli-s. Millie peel roud Standard Oil Co Falls-I'roa- supplics. Hullo Fulls-Pruspect Totnl : 647.62 Total ..$J96.02 Hank of Jacksonville ltsscs 'olimy sheriff, re C. r.. Ter- illl, county court outer fzwu.iw 'ounty Treasurer, re county clerk, county court order.... k.m.iio Koud Roud Total J2t.14.62 County I-'alr K rile Rilling Agt'iic). premium on Insurance policy lair buildings $199 60 I'lro Patrol liegon Stale Board of Fores try, lire patrol, 1922 5421.83 Hog LltvllM Ktlllll Oregon Stale Hoard of 1-nres- ll-y, lire patrol, l u J J llog License l-uiul ounty Treasurer, re-ltank of Jacksonville loss. Couiuy Court Order $ l.llinil-y Fluid Eleanor Ames, salary $ Mildred Bridges, salary II. II. Bowker Co., 100 Book shelf caps , Carol Cox Book Co., books...... The J. K. Gill Co., books enkins Sign Co., signs fhe Klocker Printery. 1000 annlicatlon curds Mann's Department Store, cal ico .Medford Book Store, books W.'L. Miller, supplies .Mrs1. P.. A. Plait, magazines, Sams A ulle E. Fay Woolseey, salary 1-1. Fay Woolsey, expenses . Total)'.; Itoad I-iiml ltoud District Sit. I Jack True, payroll, Roud Dlst. No. 1 $1389.11 O. D. Baker, hauling gravel, Dlst. No. 1 467.60 Ashland Iron Works, sup plies. Rood Dist. No. 1 18.65 Stundurd Oil Co., supplies. Roud Dlst. No. 1 66.98 Whittle Transfer i4 Sloiago Co., coal, Road Dlst. No. I 4.00 Shell Oil Co., supplies, Road Dist. No. 1 121.99 Standard Oil Co., supplies. Roud Dist. No. 1 633.96 Road llLsIrli-l No. N 11. L. Gregory, isiyroll, Road Dlst. No. 8 $ Itoad District No. H R. II. Vincent, payroll. Road Dist. No. 9 : $ 596.21 ' Komi liLslrlcl No. Itl Harold Fawcett. labor, Road Dlst. No. 10 $ 47'.C0 M. L. Baldwin, labor. Road Dlst. No. HI 64.00 A. L. Goodman, payroll, Roud Dial. No. 10 74!.6 Fred J. Flck. supplies Dlst. No. 10 Elmer Rowdin, labor, Dlst. No. 1U ' J. II. Robertson, labor, Ruad Dlst. No. iu Maigrelter Bros., huullng sand, lluud Dist. No. Ill O. W. Dunford, labur, Road Dlst. No. 10 4 Jot- ttugnon, lumber, Ruad Disl. No. 10 1 Maigrelter Bros., lumber, ltoud Dist. No. 10 16 standard Oil Co., supplies, lluud Disl. No. 10 2 Total $122 ltoud District c. II C. K. Curler, supplies. Road tractor, gen- general general general 30.69 Dlst. No. Cltas. Mag. Dist. No. $ llllbbanl Bros i-ral roads ... Medford Auto Co., road expense Associated Oil Co., road expense Associated tlil Co., road expense The Auto Supply Co., general road expense -. Fred .1. Kick, general road ex pense C. E. Gates Auto Co., general road expense liowuid Cooper, Corp.. sup plies, gi'iii-ral ruails Meilloril iron Works, supplies general roads Paul's Electric Store, supplies general romls John llohcrisun Jr, general road expense Standard oil Co., general road expense Southern Pacific Co., freight, general ruuits L'nion Oil Co.. general road expenflH. - Willamette Equipment Cu., siippllis, general roads Ashland Iron Works, supplies general roads Shell oil Co., supplies, gen eral roads Standard oil Co., supplies, . general roads St.ituiuri! (ll Co., supplies, iieneral roads t'r.inu Oil Co., supplies, gen eral mads 250.00 88.00 1064. t, 5 498.30 8.0b 1.30 2.90 100.8T 10.50 13.116 272.03 238.27 p iyr dl. Itoad Tjlal ....if $1 767.44 ltoud Dlsirit'i n. It $421.83 ! W. L. Van lloiilen, payroll. load Disl. Mi. I- --iyj.ii N. I lockei smith, gravel. Road Dlst. No. 12 7 60 4.00 19.60 "5.00 7.60 12.66 Hi. 7 4 64.75 6.60 4.00 129.62 13.90 28.60 7 5.00 25.00 ltoud Sums $ ion.: Sams 34.00 54.50 50.00 6.00 $476.76 Total ! $2 ltoud District No. 2 Win. Bruin, payroll, Road Dlst. No. 2 $ Medford Concrete CoiiKtruc-, tion Co., supplies, ltoud . Dlst. No. 2 Associated Oil Co., supplies, Road Dist. No. 2 Shell Oil Co., supplies, Rond Dlst. No. 2 35.30 Totnl $ 674.06 Road District No. S Wm. Perry, jiayroll, Roitd Dlst. No. 3 $ 937.17 ltoud District No. 4 W." M. Totherow, payroll, Road Dlst. No. 4 $ 692.37 B. F. Peart, supplies, Road Dlst. No. 4 6.50 Total $ 698.87 Roud District No. 5 Wm. Bruin, payroll. . Roud Dist. No. 6 $ 601.50 Medford Concrete Conslt. Co., supplies, Road Disl. No. 5.. 17.09 Associated Oil Co., supplies, Road Dlst. No. 6 i I an. 40 Toial $2199.61 Sums alley Marvin Aliboit. labor. alley road Charley Blilcll, labor, ulley roan Jim ilabb, labor, Sams Valley road Clll'iord Collins, labor, Sams alley road K. M. Corlies, lubor, Sums Valley road V. li. Cl.trk, labor, Sams Val ley roud I. oren Gregory, lubor, Sams N'alley road II. L. Gregory, payroll, Sains Valley road 11. M. Ilaiper, In hor, Sams alley road s.., Lyle I In rt inn ti, labor, Sums Valley road Wesley llarlliotii. labor, Sums Valley roan R. J. Kerr, labor, Sams Val ley road Andy Larson, labor, Sams Valley road C. F. .Murdoch, labor. Sains Valley road C. A. Miller, labor, Sums Val ley road ' II. G. Miller, labor, Sums Val ley road , ThoS. Perdue, lubor, Sams V Valley road Loren Prick, lubor, Sams I Valley 'roud 1 Holly Rlnabarger, luhqr, Sams Valley road . Thos. Roseberry, labor, Sams I Vullev road C. A. 'Rlnabarger, labor, Sams Valley road Paul U. It y ti n i n k. labor, Sams N'alley roud Everett A. Smith, labor, Sams Valley ruad Roland A. Smith, labor, jnums Valley road W. L. Van llouten, payroll. Hums Vulley roud Bert Vost, labor, Sams Valley rond O. 13. Zimmerman, labor, Hams Vulley road Associated Oil Co., supplies, Sams Vulley roud, October Associated Oil Co., supplies, Sums Valley road, Novem bi-r ..- Associated OH Co., supplies, Sams Valley road, Septem Associated Oil Co., supplies. Sums Valley road, Decem ber - -. Tolal Bounty Itcpoi-v ' .1. M. Hock I W. II. I' ralcy 11. A. riweei I Geo. Fields Cui-lutl Smith I M. H. Frec!enl.l.rn W. 11. Walsh John Wlunlnghum t Walter Ch.u ley L. P. Kunko t Geo. .MrlJnliotigh I James Young E. C. th-U . R. II. Sims I J. .1. linker B. Short II I'omtToy F. Shi.'llenberger Davidson .Moore Itaiiney Treshuni No. 6 Roud ..$ 747.99 Tolal ltoud District Wm. Perry, payroll. Dlst. No. 6 $ 149.00 ltoud District No. 7 Alvln Conover. lubor. Butte Kails-Prospect roud $ Mrs. A. Conover, labor, Butte Falla-ProHiieot road Charles . - Cushman, labor, Buite Falls-Prospect roud.. Churles Drexler, labor, Untie Falls-Prospect roud G, . E.- Edmondsoii, labor, Butte Falls-Prospect roud.. R. E. Edmondson, labor, Butte Fulls-Prospect road.. W. J. Evans, lubor, Bulto Falls-Prospect road A. O. Evans, labor, Falls-Prospect road Curl Fotdler, labor, Falls-Prospect roud ll. L. Griffin, lubor, Fails-Prospect road II. L. Griffin, labor, Kulls-i'rospect roud Joseph Geppert. labor, Butte Fulls-Prospect roud II. L. lleryfordi payroll, Roud Dlstt. No. 7 Joe Hoskins, labor, Kails-Prospect road John Hoskins, . lubor, Kalis-Prospect road Frank Johnson, labor, Fulls-Prospect road O. B, Muckan, labor, Falls-Prospect roud R. A. Petty, labor, Bulto Falls Prospect roud ., W. W. Rankin, labor. Falls-Prcspect roud Clair Smallwood, labor, Falls-Prospect road II. E. Smallwood, labor, Bulla Kulls-Prospect roud I'. Smallwood, labor, Fulls-Prospcctt road Chas. Winkle, labor, Falls-Prospect road 11. ,M. Winkle, labor, l"ii I Is-Prospect roud J. W. Yeuger, labor, Butte Falls-Prospect roatl Geo: II. Givun, supplies, Roud Dlst. No. 7 '. Butte Fulls Meat Market, sup - piles, Butte Falls-Prospect road ... , Geo. Brown Sc Sons, supplies, Roud Dlst. No. 7 W. L, Chlldreth, steel, Butte Fulls-Prospect road Mrs. B. K. Edmondson. 'sup plies, 'Butte Falls-Prospect road Farm Bureau Co-op. Ex change, supplies, Butte Falls-Prospect road .... Faber & Slmmervllle, supplies Butte Kails-Prospect road.. C. E. Gates Auto Co., supplies Butte Falls-Prospect roud.. Juckson County Creamery, suonlles, Butte Falls-Pros pect road - 11.85 J. L, Konertson. nay, unite Falls-Prospect road F. L. Robinson, huy. Butte Falls-Prospect rond Brown's Electric Shop, ex pense, Road Dlst. No. 7... Juchsvn County Creuinery, Butte liuttu Butte Butte Butte Butte Bulto Butte Butte Butte Butte Butto Butte 77.00 90.00 7.00 108,78 103.60 4 3.00 62.00 68.00 62.00 128. 48 83.78 40.00 179.40 7.00 7.00 49.50 62.60 66.00 150.00 67.67 41.00 54.00 27.34 14.00 48.00 20.07 48.69 8.65 3.20 9.33 72.10 3.50 1.30 19.66 26.45 4.60 Total $5758.6 Market Roud Wm. Perry, payroll, Road Dlst. No. 3, Murket $182 Wm. Perry, payroll, Reese Creek, Market, No.-3 Samuel Buteman. gravel, Market road, Dlst. No. 5....- S. S. Schell, coal ami usphult, market roud No. 5 K. M. Corlies. lubor. Minuet road, Dlst. No. 10 Paul B. Rynning, labor, Mar ket roild, Dlst. No. 10 Everett A: Smith, labor, Mar ket Road. Dlst. No. 10 Roland A. Smith, labor, Mar kei road, Dlst. No. Ill S. S. Schell, coal and asphalt, .Market road, Dist. No. 10 ... Tolal '. : $2605.44 General Ilnatls W. J. nurbldge, lubor, gon dii I roiids $ 116.00 G. M. Loomis, labor, general rouns I 60.00 Elmer Morse, labor, general rouds 125.00 Thus. Perdue, labor, general roads 10.00 Loren Prock, labor, general ronds 80.00 Roily Riniibarger, labor, gen- 1 oral rouds 22.00 Thos. Roseberry, labor, gen- . etui ronds 100.00 II. L. Sears, lubor, general loads 100.00 Jack Thrusher, payroll, gen-. eral roads .'.M, 612.34 Hurdman's Garage, supplies, labor, general rouds 26.26 Barnum's Garage, supplies, general roads 75.65 Billings Carriage a Auto Works, labor, general rouds 10.50 Fred J. Kick, supplies, gen eral roads ....! : 76.26 Hubbard Bros., supplies, gen eral roads 95.80 Jones Si Kirk Patrick, supplies general rouds 371.69 Juckson county, moneys re. Nash cur, general roads...... 86.20 Llttrell-Jennlngs Parts Co., supplies, general roads 29.89 Medford Fur. & Hdw. Co., supplies, general roads 10.58 Mlllurd & Klunory, supplies, general roads 5.00 Meiirord Lumber Co., lumber, general roads 909.88 Medford Service Station, ex pense, general roads,., 616.80 Oregon State Highway Com mission, expense, general roads 73.72 John Robertson . Jr., . trans portation expense, general . roads 206.00 Russell Grader Mfg. Co., sup plies, general roads.. 24.20 Shell Co., supplies, general roads ; 98.40 Willamette Equipment Co., machine expense, general roods , 32.60 The Auto supplr Co., Blip-, piles, general roads 4.10 Hutchison & Lumsden,. sup plies, general roads 81.82 Andy Larson, labor, - general rouds , 75.00 J. I w u c. c. A. 1), T. G. o. It 123.50 t. yv HuicliiKoll : D. K. Do Ford 1691.00 f ,.,.,. v. Ilerriott .. ,o r,i Hobei-euhl 78-r' I A. E. Moore N. II. Messenger Mary C. Fry W. Herlhlesen Ike Col I man J. R. Kouns Bernard Oswald E, P. Kuiz Giorge Fields E. M. Case A. Poston Ralph Bender U. It. Zitnmerlee Louis Alarttn J. W. Redd Chas. liarcus Guy .Wnddell Gerald Buck R. II. Burton George Currier Aly Kendall Anton Ring W. . I'nnieroy F. D. Hill ll. !;.' Webb II. 11. Webb ....; Ivan Fanner Andrew Krakes Geoi-ee Fisher 1 Chas. W. llalley 76.00 .Grants Powell A. It. lieagle N E. Taylor Waller Miller , H. D. Kubll W. A. Cox 'F. H.. Johnson William Earl Dalley Mark Wtiiiiingham . Albert Nelson Acher C. Smli'n K. M. Frenuh Vernon G itches Merrill Mitchell A. U. Afflor L. J. Illgham Owen Conover 722.59 R. W. Pose o. 1''. Rigel H. A. Tresham J. J. Baker : D. B. Walch Rudalph Blebersledt ilonif-r llartmun 284.26 , Winfted Carroll Louis Hlruud John Wlnmngbum .. Clyde Smith 54.56 Anion Ring llurold Reed A'. 11. -Beagle Riley Kennedy William Rlichson .... Wlillum Goggln John 11 lleckner .... Frank Kendall W. Heckulliorn H. II. Fox ., 10. E. Lehrman V. R. Hooper 47.25 64.60 42.00 100.00 61.26 73.50 100.00 32.60 36.62 123.76 80.00 36.62 75.00 . 60.00 ' 1003.68 J 86.00 3.00 ' 340.00 314.40 123.00 I 03 69.00 CO. 00 73.83 60.00 76.00 26.87 ..$S484.35 .$ ff.00 6.00 5.00 5.011 6.00 3.011 6 00 8tt-l 4.00 10.011 4.00 10.00 10.00 1 2.00 60.00 5.00 24.00 13.011 6.00 15.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 21.00 5.00 6.00 ..: 6.00 14."0 14.00 24 00 10.00 10.00 76.00 ... - 4.00 20. UU 1 7.00 ... ., 22.011, ' 4.00 4.00 25.00 19.00 23.00 25.00 6,u0 00. 1 i.Od' 4.0M 23 00 5.00 5.00 .. 9.0U 6-uo .... . 9.00 29.00 5.00 .... 6.00 13.00' S.00 10.00 .... . 17.00 .... ' 5.00 6.001 61.00 12.00 10.00 17.00 4.00 5.00 13.00 16.00 .... " 5.0H 4.00 4.00 .... ' 6.00 6.00 .... 5.00 19.00 4.00 ... is. oo .... ' 20.00 4.00 4.00 29.00 9.00 .... . 8.00 6.00 5.00 14.01) Total bounty DELII. $1090.00 A STEVENS, ,. County ClerkY- ' Natural red hair of any shade. Is very, rare only five women in one hundred possessslng It. ' CURED WITHOUT SURGERY MY METHOD of treating PUea, rccoginzed as so successful, Unotv surgical. No inconveniences, embarrass-' menuorconfincraentduringtreatroents. ' One may come and go about his duties s umiiL Relief is spparent from the very first, and I positively GUARAN TEE lo cure any case of Piles or refund the patient's fee. . , If you win writ to as I will send you my FREE book on Piles mad other Rectal and Colon disor der. OTM ,AMOMAIN re's. CHASM DEAN, MD.Inc PORTDUItJ oratxsv SEATTLE orfici: Or OaUrt BuHHIna hr iV III .-.I ...I ill I ( .