m n ranm six nrRDFCRT) fATL tribune, urenFORD, OREnoy, Saturday; January 2 -1025 No Mi n iij :'4 Wi Nil 1 4 - Hi v 11 1; fl 4; d . a hi in Hi Hi 111 t't In (l( It M Ml tl: ih fl K hi tr. In !! o itl in in hi if in IV CI ll fl 111 In hi In Kl fr FOR STATE RELIEF READY Fi OR VOTE BEDFORD DEFEATS STATU HOl'SK, SALEM. .Inn. 21 Snnator George K. DavlH of Viilo Iiiih In tenlntive form two IrriKHtlon bills thnt are oxpoetetl to ho Inlroiluecil the cniiilnK week, one rolnllnR to obllKu tlmiB or contracts between (tin ntnt and the fotlenil government anil the other relntlnir to water rlRhts. both ileslcneil to afford relief to the Warm hprliiKS illHtrlct, thoiiKll they general In their niilliition. I'niler the former tho Htate lionril would have authority to entor Into obllsatlons with the federal kovoih nient for construction, oiieratlon and maintenance of the nocessary works for the delivery anil , distribution of water under the provisions of the fiiot flnilora' act of December ii hint, and tbla contract to provide for payment of charRoa to the United Slates iiiion tlio basis authorized by tho fact finders' act, and under such rules lis may bo promulKuted by the federal reclamation service. I The water rlKhtB bill urovlilea Hint whenovor any irrigation district has In Kood faith undertaken to appro prlato water for Irrigation purposes and has constructed or partly con structed a storage and distributing syBtem. and is proceeding to apply tho waters to beneficial use, It shall liave an extension of lime until .Inn wiry 1, 19HG. in which to completo the appropriation of water. Should tho board of directors desire PHOENIX, 44 T0 14, TO GIVE GIANTS BATTLE FOR FLAG SHUT OFF SENATE pPMrM.pMrMWWrWy-W- START TO SAVE STONE TO BENCH I Tilt Mcdfuid Hi liiiHkcllmll tciilil defeated Ihiit of IMuiriiix Mi IsiM niKht, hv ii Hfoi'o nf 4 4-14. hrfui'M n fair Hi zed ure crowd. 1-lenplte llio lop-niilcd score both loams worked hard and the Mi-ilfortl illlinlet I'Hper rvii I floor work and shouting. rhnrnix puts a good team on the floor for a small town and deserves JITTSnunfi. Jan. 54. (Ily the Associated Tress.) Hudlcally rceon- ' tructcd as a result of their 1924 show lng and with a new infield, composed alrgely of youngslers. the Pillsliurg Pirates loom as a potentially sirting, I but iincerliiiii entry In the coming Nu- jtlonal league race. j .Mo t observers pli:k Hill M-Kei-h- nle'u In fitiluli u-,.11 I ikn l0l, ivocated further Invesllgation of Hie i The Pirates figured In the most sen- t''r. sought tu speak. Senator Cur- sallonal trade of the uimer .nimn "annus, nie repuuuean iciiucr. Y I 2 WASIIINOTON.'. Jan. 24. Republl- cnn leuders Invoked -the senate rules . ir today to shut off un Incipient discus- 2 slon in the opon of Attovncy Oeneral mune s nomination lo ino nupreiim 4 court. When Senator Ileflln. deniocrirK X Start a savings account for your children, add to it every month. In a few years enough will have been saved for X their education. ! Alabama, one of those who have ad-iir when they it.ilv uh,vi-ii ri'miw.a itf 11 ' -.runni, ur.ii sucKer: uuoim -' ii iii", m-iiuni ijunviiiH ii ; ami sent three veterans- first sucker: Wilbur Cooper, southpaw pitrhcr to the Chicago Cubs In exchange for ...lit f,,,. Itni'liwr , ui. iiii. i, vi "-Hi iiuiii, iiuuuiiu lJll-9-.'lll.lll , i '- l l " A I u tl i -i.i.. ii.i r.... ' ii" u-i, iii.-ii ruii.nr .tlld V II 1 111 bunih of player. Kerns was the tea tore' of the game from their stand point, his dribbling being the 'best seen on the local floor this year, although he did not convert many of the attempts at baskets. At Ihp start. Phoenix seemed un able to stop the Mcdford offense. Un ridge, right handed twlrlcr llelative advantages of Ibis whole sale transaction have aroUMod keen debate thai tho Pirates will go Into the, race with plenty of outfield strength and u fine pitching staff. Mux Carey. Carson lllgbee. Hazcii Cuylor and Clyde Itarnhart probably u nu...,,,. ,., -.. i,m, hii" win pairni the outer pastures, reln- fiireed by flranlhani. who Is expected lo be transformed Into a regular out- ciiliie III, Wllllam-i and "Ited" White flipped tile ball through Hie ring with no opposition, tho guards being fi(.,t drawn to another part of the floor. Th0 flell Is the Pirates' question The first quarter ended, the score mark, (iriinui will be replaced by stood I a-J with l-aliig doing tho most Nlehnus, a newcomer. Iteports say scoring for Med ford. Niehaus Is a good fielder and "onsa- I Itefeiee Klu ffel railed the locals to- tlonal halter. At second, llddin Moore, i peaiodly lor running with the ball, a sensnilnn in his debut last year, will l)n account of llio new ruling on this sucieed Habhii Muranvllle. The short to soil any excess storage surplus ''"""' "illy one step Is allowed before stop post fallh to Wright, who in 11124. water or water rights or in dimuiuo Hl"rung a iiriiinie or pass. his first season with the majors, broke of by contract or leaso any unde veloped hydro-electric power, provi sion is made in the act for these to At the interinlslun the count 20- bo done. was the record for assi-ilsand drove in 111 runs. Harold Trayiior will bo at Merve C'haslaili played the best third, game for .Mcdford, shooting baskets The pitching staff. In addition to after basket even with a guard hang- Aldrlilge. will be made up of, such ing nlllo h.m. His all-round playing stars as l.ee Meadows. John Morrison, was tho real reason Mcdford w'on by Hay Ivreincr, ICtnll Vile and Hnbe as large a score as they did. When llio Adams. rest of Iho men seemed fagged ho Two promising recruits aNo'are on was still going hard. the list. Kreiner and l,do made good Over 7!i employes of tho CiiKfonila Oregon Power company attended the Knrum "smoker" given by Iho Conco secretarial department last night. The whole affair was a rousing success with something going on all the time. Tho program covered a varied en tertainment, ranging from the sublime to the rjdiculous, a blind-folded boxing bout and othor stunts coming under tho latter head. The main feature was tho lecture on the Philippine isbinds by Colonel C. (1. Thomson, superin tndent of f'rlr Lake Nulonal mirk. Mr Thomson's talk was Illustrated by a large number of attructlve slides and proved Interesting and educational. Jamcl Stevens, baritone, delighted Ills hearers with three numbers, being accompanied by S. M. Scott at the piano. Refreshments woro served al the close of the program, this detail being amy nandlort by the committee Ini charge most or whom allowed the re sults of some cxcollent K. P. training In tho lato war. A series of similar entortnlnments are planned for the futiiro by the Koiuin to augment the present program or educational activi ties now tindur way. (if the two Kiinrils, ' Ued" While did '"st season the better work, on llio offense ho rates, being one of the mainstays mid re peatedly "busting" the opponents when they had the ball. phoenix was weak at times in fol lowing up their shots, and were called often for hooking. A lhouKh 17 fouls w ere chalked against I hem, they were of a mlnin lsorl. l.a:nB at renter got Iho tlp-ofr from his man every lime and nlsn was bb-li point man of the game. Kulps was not up to bis usual form In shunting and had no lurk whiilsoeior with foul shoot. ng. missing six. of tho seventeen penalties against tile I'hocnix team, only two were con vened by Mid find, M. Chasialn and Idling em h throw ng one. thel rfirst wllh the PI TRIFLE TIE STILL ON COLLEGE FIVES Minute n point of orth'r that HUeh qurNttun could bo dlHCuased only In cxocutlvn BOHHion I'rcHidont t'umnilnH uphold tho ob jection, but Senator Heflfn contondod that he wanted lo corroct a stutement in tho New York World that h8 wi oppohiiiK Stone's confirmation be catiHn ho waa an uttoi ney for J. Hor- pont Morgan. With Senator Overman, democrat. North Carolina. Senator Heflln. nald he opponed Mr. Stone only because erf bin niKuniertiH before 'the Hupreme court In the Ownbey case which In volved a lltlRatlon affecting tho Mor gan estate. " Senator AVatHon,' republican. Indl ami. objected to further obHervationa of that kind, but Senator Hoed, demo crat, Missouri, took up tho argument of the other Hide and President Cum inlns ruled that Senator Meflin could answer tho newspaper story. $1000.00 can be saved in ten years by depositing $5.00 per month. An 8 dividend has been paid on savings accounts for the past four years. .SKATTI.l:. Jan. Sl. Al the close of the serond week of lin---ketliall in the northern sertlo not the Pacific and Northwest Intercollegiate conferences, Wavhlnglon maintained the undisput ed lead In the northern section race The pi eliminai y was between Iho and Washington. Idaho and Oregon BERGDCLL'S PAL IS SICK OF IT ALL PHILADELPHIA. .Ian. !!!. l-'ugeni. iikbi Blocker, who aided drover C Ttergdoll, draft d"dger, to escape ( (ionnany nearly fv0 years ago and who voluntarily Burrendered yesler clny, will be tried at tho .March term of court. Ho said today when brought from prison to the federal bill-ding that lie would plead guilty and have Mb trial over with quickly. Mrs. Kmmn llergdoll, mother o1' Clrovor, said today that so far as she anew her son was still In tlerniany 8ho said she had a letter from him recently dated Wolngarton, Wurtlem burg. "I am sick ami Hred of tlm whnli liuslness." said Mrs. llergdoll lo red eral agents. "I wish tlrover would have sense like Ike mid come home." Want Advance Date Commercial Fishing Tliero will bo n spirited contest In tho legislature regarding advancing the date tor eoiiimerclal fishing In tin Jtnglle river from May 15 to April I. Mr. Cihennwelli. representative of the fisherman's union at the mouth of llio IloKiio. was In Medlord this week In the Interest of the chanue The movement Is said to bo supported tiy some laonr unions. Rod MacCleay. owner of the cannery at the mouth of the Hogun. was also lu tho city Ibis week regarding ihb proposition and other things of In toicst to sportsmen. pli lied grade school leuni of Mcd ford and llio A hlaiid V. M. C. A. Tile former on by a large arore. This siiuail of youngslois lias iilaved In Mi" nil u n il in; games and have de veloped gond teamwork and players, win, will snme day. not I'm- ofr, )0 on the high srhool line-up, Ti.nU ht Medlord 111 p,iya n return game at phoenix and a number ot Meilrnril tans are plann ng lo take In the ronlest The Ii ii - ii 1 1 of the game; Mullnrd (41 . Phoenix (I I) M Cllll.stiiln (U..F Kerns 141 were tied for first place In the N'orlh- wost stnnilings. Idaho's 2 1 lo lfi conuuet of (inn zng.i last night failed to break triple lie. The 12 in 11 vl lory by o A. C. over Whitman last night Hod the Aggies wllh W. S. C. Htandlngs of tho conferences fol low: North west co u ference : Won A'aMhliigtnn 4 Idaho 3 ( irogon 2 PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. Mi. Colonel Sylvester 0. Simmons, 81, a pioneer of 1XM, who came to Oregon with his parents from Missouri In an ox team. died here today. Kor 20 years he had been custodian of tho city hall. He went to school at Melhel Insti tute In Polk county. In 1X59 he mar rled Julia A. Ilurford. herself a pioneer of 1S52. Three years later he was drawn to the gold fields at Salmon river, Idaho, but before loug became a stage driver. ' , . For some years ho drove stage In the employ or the 'Oregon Stage com pnny and H. W. Cn-batt, part of the lime on the night run between Albany and Eugene. Prom this lob he went into Hie trucking business In Portland, al which he continued until appointed custodian or tho city hall. He Is survived by his sonj C. C. Simmons, and two datightors, Mrs. I. II. Riddle or Roseburg and Mrs. Mnnuol Zlpirlor hf Pnrltnml Mrs. the i Simmons died about rive years ago. Tho ring on the city hall has been placed at halt-mats. Funeral arrange ments are to be announced lator. a Kicmpiions (2) .. Arnold (0) JlJilin . Itlirlesim (?) Hood Knlpi (4) .' Laing (15) c While (I, ,; Williams ( i ) . . , ,i I'- Clltisliiln s l.nwrrnlz (2) . . . .H Ulilen H HOSKIIl'IKi, Ore., Jan. Ul.-Tho Ashland high school basketball team dereated the Itoseburg high school team last night H haril fought con test by a score nt 2:1 to 10. Ashland took a lend at tlio first or tho gamo and imilnlalneil a small margin throughout. Itoseburg rallied twice lint was unable to overcome I he lead and an Ashland rally in the last uuar lor put tliu visitors far alieml. W. H. c... . i.i. A. C. ... Mniltana ... Whitman Oonxnga ... Pacific Willamette Lost. Pet. I) 1 ()ll( 1,011 II 1 . II II II .sue '. ".Hon .fin ii .ita .143 .11 ii -ooii IE GARDNER If INS IN NF11V YllltK. Jan. Associated Pros ) Jolt. I Ray PORTLAND BOOT P'lltTI.AM). die., J,,,,. M.IMnliv Hnrdlier. New Vol k llglll-lleavyM eight wresiler. ili'lenlril Louis Pergamlls, (ireek niaimaii. in l lull match hero last night, (inidller lost the first fall rnrty-Noven and a half inliinien when be gave in In a short arm scls. Hun. hut he look the second fall by Missing I 'orgs mils off the mill. Per i;aliills forfeited the deriding rail, bo ng uniiiilv to continue tlm mulch. fiunic AinMK'iiitioii liM'timr. Tho Jackson County (ianie PrntiM' tlvc association will meet at the pub lic library In Medfonl Monday even ing. January 20. at 7:30 to lake iii-tlon regarding several Important inenure' before the legislature. All inlerented In game and fish should he present. 261 KXIiCl'TIVK COMMITTKK Mrs. Kntph 8. Stewart, who wn; prominent in immicnt circles in Pur. land, and who recently mn-.i to Med ford, promises to be active In musical circles here. Mrs. Stewart has a i-ler soprano voice and will sing for thr first time at the Christian church Sun day nt II n. in., her selection helnt. "God's Love Is Above the Nitiht." SPORT BRIEFS I Ily the r .Chl- rago and Paa'o Nuriul of l-'lnbind Mill llleel tniilKht at the Itiniiklyn col lege games, but Ihey will not nppcur iu the same rare Just ns the moon lias eclipsed t ho world's greatest liht so has Iho draftsman frinn Alio come between fume and one of Aineririi's greatest atlilelit- stats. Niirini will run In tlio 2nnn yard event wtille liny will outer a rare over half that distance. Nurml experts to lower two world murks to make bis American con quests an even iloxen. (ily the Associated Press.) The I nlverslly of Idaho basket lui It loam left today for Missoula where the Vandals will meet the t'nlvorslty r Montana five lu a Paelfle eoai t conference game tonight. Malm de feated (loniaga. 2 1 lo III. by srorlllg nine points In the last three minutes "f a northwest riinrcrcnrc game last nlsht. Ily dereatlng the Whitman college 'Ive last niKht 12 lo tl. tho (irogon Aggies won their fourth Northwest i-onfeienre basketball game of tho week ami their third successive game by a one-pnint margin. The llruver.i won three of tlu lr four italius In Iho nsl few minutes of play. Jack Renault. Canadian heavy weight, who foil liotore Jack Delanev of llrlilgcport. Conn.. In two rounds Inst week, experts to appvar In at least en bouts before faring Paul tlerlen- hnrh of Astoria. I. I., on Kebrunry 2d. He will nieel Johnny Wilson, former middleweight champion, March SO. SASKATOON. Snsk., Jan. 2 1. One woman was missing and two firemen nliil a sportnrnr wi re In a hospital as a result of a fire which wrorked one building and spread to another here today. Thomas Slnininuds. janitor of the Dlnkle imlldliig wbli h was the cen ter of the fire, and Ills sister craped, but his v. tie was inissinu this aticr noon. The fin- was still Manlng In the (Irain building adjoining the I tin kle Mock. The loss shortly before noon was esllnuile, al ha'f ii million ilBllwrs tiy Pile Chief .lohn Kalthflll. FACES LIFE TERM KVEKKTT, Wash., Jan. 21. Perc ll . Tvler, al one tim candidate foi congress In this district on the unci- abor ticket, was lotind guilty by, it jury lu the superior court of murder In tho first degree this morn- ' He wa accused of shooting an killing his former wife here Novem her 10 last. Tluy had been divorced somo time before tho tragedy. ' The defense pleaded Insanity. The jury recommended life Imprisonment. A. T T t ? T T J ? t-:::ht- Jackson County Building &' Loan Association Office 30 N. Central C. M. KIDD, Pres. Phone 105 O. C. BOGGS, Sec. COMING SOON I of3& TONIGHT. LAST TIMES "The SILENT ACCUSER" with PETER THE GREAT the new police-dog- star that eclipses all rivals. RIALTO STARTS TOMORROW! "The Painted Lady' From Larry Evans' popular Saturday Evening Post story with GEORGE O'BRIEN DOROTHY MACKAILL -Quick, ; I- Performance tells the story: Quick Starting Shell Gas oline starts quick.; SHELL COMPANY . Ol CAUTOMOA originated by SHELL maintained by SHELL sold everywhere by SHELL KEEP MEDFORD MONEY IN MEDFORD BY BUYING GENERAL GAS Wholesaled by Medford Men and Retailed by s Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station Phone 65 Sixth and Riverside