BRINGING (;f Ots the: phone jsd ! il S TE1UL. HIM 1 WAMT C i ,S JTO 'qPEIAxK TO HIM) 1 i; v-A fife I ! The Markets 'ii'f- IllVC-StOek. f PORTLAND, Ore, Jnn. 24. Cuttle receipts 28. Compared with week ago: Mostly around steady; spots 25e lower eycows nnd heifers. Week's hulk 'ItoMoos: Beef steers $5.50 to 7.25; a at 7:75 to $8.0(1; cows and heifers t30W5.RO; top heifers $11.50; top vs $5.75: canners nnd cutters $1.50 (M.00; hulls S3.2r,ffi)3.r,0: top $4.00: t light veal calves $9.0010.00; OfliPrs $5.00 8.00. Fobs, receipts 555. Blddinir stendv 6t today's supply; none sold early; 0)hipared with week ago:. I.luht biltcherit strong to 25c higher: pack- time M sows 2 5 5 0c higher; slaughter am) feeders BOcftl.nn hleher; jerk's hulk prices: Light butchers. ItM.iiuvi'ii.oii; mp ju.uti; neavies and fOnderwelchts $1 1 40 down: narklnir fMlRs $9.005810.00: , slaughter pigs W.1CI.10.7: feeders S8.50iii9.50. pared with week ago: Fat Innibs 25c Uther: aged stock 50c $1 00 higher; bWk fnt-wooled lamhs $1 8.00 (!? 1 6.50. jintqllldlng weighty kinds; ewes quotable Jtatlf to $10.00; wethers to $11.00 and yearlings to $13.00. Cjiil' PiirtJlliKl Poultvy li(f6llTtjAND. Ore., Jan. 21. Fggs. iWhkl.cont lower. Current receipts fMjsi pullets 44 1,4 (fT45c: first" 4r(ff fWK' henneries 49 ft 49 e delivered rtH1nnd. Itt'TioiiHry steady. Heavy h"ns 22 tii PHI- lb,! light 16 iff 17c; springs 2 I ff :lit: ' old roosters 10'; dll"ks white jtln 20i?f21c: live turkeys 21c; dress itaUurkeys 32!r34c: geese 16c. E " nuttT ;POHTWSR Ore., Jun. 24. Rnt', i j1ady: extra cubes city 43c; standards jV.Wn;' prime firsts 40c: firsts iHSid f,Mrgnidos nominal: firsts 45c; cai' FtaM. 4Hc. ,utterfat steady: best churning Ct;Hptn 43c net shippers' tra' k in zone W: 4oC delivered Portland. 5'?,! Froduco PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. 24. Onions stSmly with firm undertone. $4. no. Pototoes steady with firm under i tone $1.6501.75. Portland Wheat. K PORTLAND. Ore., .an. 24. Wheat fbMsj: Hard white, Dluostem, Raart, '.a.10; soft white, $1.92: western white. 1,89; hard winter, $1.90: northern Bprlng. $1.92; westorn red, $1.87; HUB "pirrt white, $2.25. t Today's car receipts Wheat, 41; tldtir, 7; corn, 6; hay, 18. ifc'f . San Francisco Fruit. f$AK FRANCISCO.. Jan. 24 (Fed ttM State Market News Service 1 AtJplos, boxes, Cnllfornia: Newtowns, .fancy 8'4-tler $2.75(S3. 4-tle,r $2.10 Mt;, Oregon and Wnshinifton. Dell 4SWbs, extra fancy $4fi)4.50: Spltznn JefVs, extra fancy $:t fancy I1.15ffi2 85; Rome Realities, extra timy $2.50 2. id, fancy $2.25f? 2.50; S fcesans. extra fancy $3 (fi 3.25. fancy JbO)2.75; Arkansas Blacks, extra lIMpy $2.75513, fancy $2.25(ff2.50; Ifpwtowns, fancy $2.25 3, C grade 1J5 2.25.' A GAME REFUGE ;ivAMATII FALLS, Ore., Jan. 24. i , . LpW l'rlp8t asaiasi uie caiciunnu Sf of tlie nronosed eame refuge In 1 ((math and Jackson counties was S ed by Klamath county sportsmen ij 'Jhmass meeting hero last night. Si lowing . the general meeting, the 1 fcioth Sliortsmens' association, with ,1 jpna dissenting vote, urged that the ;l 1. now- hpfnre the legislature be '4 lated at this session. ij petition signed by approximately ;jLiof the leading sportsmen of this V Bon will be forwarded to the legis ts aVs protesting against the game e bill. fiaimmmia. Pie Circuit Court of the State of "pon. Jackson County. Illy State Bank, a corporation, d Kate Young. Plaintiffs, vs. T. CASH PAID For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves W.A. KINNEY Furniture House 1 5 E. Main Plume 505 UP FATHER F. Gillespie, D. U Prultt, Dcffiul nnts. To T. F. Gillespie, the. nbovo nu?ed defendant: In the name of the Rtnte of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to appear in the above, entitled court and cause and answer to conip.aJnt of plaintiff now bn file therein against you within six weeks from the date of the fii-Ht publication of thin summons upon you, which is January 17. 1 H U f ; ' and if you fail to ho appear wilhin the time required, for utiiit thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the. court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint, to-wlt: For the forfcHoMirn o that certain mortgage of record In Volume 20, at pn:e'' 1-1-5 and (i of the Chanel iMopL frape Records for Jackson county, Oregon. , j ni sutTimons is served upon you by publicntlon thereof, nnco M) a week for pix (6) consocti'lve weeks, in I he daily Med ford M:i il Tribune, a newspnper of peneral circulation, printed and published . in Medford, Jackmn county, Orepon, by order of Honorable C. M. Thinna--. Judge of (he above entitled court, of date, Jan uary 17, l!12f. DON Tl NFWIUTRV. Attorney for Pla-lrftiff. Post Office address: Medford Center Building. Medford, Jackson Coun ty, Oregon. Notice to Crwlltors. ' In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Holen O. Dillon, deceased Notice H hereby given that on tho 3rd day of Jnnuary. 1il2n, tho utuW 'I'jned vns. by consideration of iho County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In which is pend ing a petition for the the probnte of the will of Helen O. Dillon, and the appointment of the undersigned as executor thereof as provided for In said will, duly appointed, and there after qualified, and ever since has boon and now i" the duly appointed, qualified and acting executor of the estate of said Holm O. Dillon, deceas ed. All those having claims against tho said estate present the same to the undersigned at the Medford National hank or at the office of the attorneys for the estate at 412 Liberty Building, Medford, Oregon, as required by law. Datod January 10. 1026. JOHN S. ortTH.- Executor of the Estate of Helen O. Dillon. Dece.aed WANTED SITfATIONS WANTED Wood sawing, phone 452 V WANTED Truck work. IocrI or long distance. Phono 22-R or 5W. 270 1IKI.P WAN'TKH SIAIjK of fkmalk WANTFO U. B. jobs open. Men and women to be appointed io gov't clerkships In Wash.. Idaho and Oreg , as re ult of written civil ser vlcp exam on Feb. 21. Jobs open to all. Write G. Cook. Civil Service In trn'rtbr, 945 Pa. Ave., Washing ton. D. C, for free information. 261 II KM1 WANTKI) MAI.H WANTFO Roy bbtween 15 and IS years, with bycyclo. Steady posi tion. Rox P. Mail Tribune. 250tf HFLP WANTFO FFMALK WANTKD Girl for general house work. Phone 6 1 9 JM . 905 South Oakdale. 200 WANTKD Woman for ewncral house work arid sewing. 52 5 N. Riverside. 2G0 WANTKD A woman with business ability and a car to take charge or a well established business. No , capital required. Box 233, Mall , Tribune. 2l2 WANTED Mlfif'KM-ANKOtlS WANTKD At once by reliable party. SI 000 to buy won established busi ness In city of Medford. Box 9. Mall Tribune, 260 WANTKD A homo for an orphan boy, 15 years old. has completed Krade school: well recommended. Ask the county Judge.. 261 WANTED Upholstering, reflnlshlng. roKluing. ' A. N. Thibault. I'hone 969-R. . 269 WANTED Clean cutlon rags. Tribune office. Mall WANTED TO BUY Si. Louis prices for furs. We buy lots of them that have been shipped and returned. ' 241 N. Fir St. Johnson Produce Co. Phone BT. tf POIl RP.X1 IIOUSKKKEI'INO HOOMS FOR BENT 2 large housekeeping rooms, hot water, items phio. mi Narregan street. N. Jackson. 280 FOR .RENT' Llitht housekeeping rooms. Sll go. Central. 2fi4tf More Miles More Power Standard, Shell, Union. Gas With or Without Boycc-ite Free Crnnk Case Service. We call for the C'Hr. Phone 463 Armory Service Station frotecteel fires wmvwtV trrr, tt?trttniti, Ttfimfroftu onKnosT, ratttoday, januatiy 2t, who its the: WORLD CAM x 1925 by Intl. FEATune FOR IlKNT IKUKKS Foil KENT Five room furnished house. Phone 2'iH-H or 17-H. FOR UHNT Now modern house, In quire 33: S. Riverside. 2til FOR RKNT Two room house, clo.o in. Ten dollars. James Campbell. Phono 17-F-i!!. 2(iU FOR RIOJS'T Furnished 4 room hou e. Modern, $110. 1110 W. iuh. Inquire 1131) V. Oth. 2G8 FOR RKNT Hounes, fiicwti & White FOR RKNT Fl RNIKHKl) ROOMS FOR HUNT Modern sleeping room. Phone 808. 2113 FOR KENT Sleeping rooms, Ivy. !04 No. 2ti4 FOR RENT Furnished room In bu I ness center. 20 Bo. Fir. 2tU I'OIt RKNT MISCKMAXKOl'S FOR RKNT Front. -Bachelor cabin, 445 Ho. 2ti3 TO LEASE Rearli.g orchard. See lirown & White, Medford, Ore. 1 oltf FOR RKNT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 20. Phone 38B-W. 2110 Full RI,NT Furnished 2-room apartment, at 1205 East Main, bath ing privileges and shed for garage, t'bo'ie 7 4ii-.l. 260 OPPORTUNITIES A R15AI, BUSINJOSS OPPORTUNITY. Storage and service garage, a real money making proposition, Income from $100.00 to $500.00 per day. Thi will interest you if you have some real money, and want a real business t hat .is making money. Present owner must mako a change at once I" possible. See us for dc- , tails. Brown & White Agency, Inc. FOR HALF Make $30 dally. Own inexpensive cozy homo. Keep 2000 rhlr-kens paying $30 daily; raise your own feed; b your own ( bos1. Pay $1600 cash, balance,; $1175, pay like rent. Plenty wood. pasture, seeded land, water; paved highway close. South oi Avhland : city; excellent markets; climate I curative; unusual bargain. Cuvier, (Owner.) Pox 5B4, Ashland, Ore gon. 260 FOR SALF Confectionery, Invoice about S3200, price $2050, cash, for nnick sale. Owner other interests. No agents. Rent $30. Hox J. M., M-.M TVHmnn 271 : 1 ES ' r : 1 ' i In FARMERS WANTED Will take you to tho Meridian, Cnllfornia, ready-made farms without any expense to you. Silt soil, paved highway, light, power, phone, beat paid-up water right In California. Six cuttings of alfalfa, nino to twolvo tons. Perfect dairy, garden, fruit section. Good market near large city. Auto loaves Wednesday and Saturday this week. Come to my office and talk to boiiib of those who havo bought land in this tract, or phono. Phone 784-L J. C. BARNES, Wo Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches SALES !. RENTALS :: LOANS :: INSURANCE Ten acres, fine, Irrigated' alfalfa, gpod buildings,, fine well, electric system, a wonderful vuluo....:'. ! $3,000 BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main St. IN LINE FOR A SURE WIN Once In every man's life opportunity knocks at his door. It Is knock ing for you now, twenty thousand dollars' worth. Down where the new "Sky-Line Road" Joins the Coast Road from 'Frisco to Los Angeles, we have a club-house resort, several acres, 16 plasteredcottages, furnished, In addition, for guests, and 23 bathing dressing rooms on the river hank, and If you have a little money and a nlcs home In Medford, wc can put It In your power to get this property. Install a sorvlco station, anil clear JliOOO. Photos In our office tell the story. Phone 329 SEE HOLMES FOR "IT oh: hello- w y VHA.T It) 'T? J ( Ocb? WELL' n..! .Wt-tc: e?il Brium r gilts renerved. Service; Inc. FOK KXCHAXliK FOR lOXOHANGlC - A brand new super autoumtio hotpyint electric ranK-in exchange for good fceemul hand . Ford. Address Mi-h. A M. Clark, Rogue Rivor, Oregon, 2tio FOR SALK OR ICXCHANC, 10 S-rnom Klamath Falls, $1000. For Med ford or county. Call or write C. A. of or. S2tl South Centin rn.l ave. 2 J) Forxi) FOUNO Airdnlo dog with collar, on Pacific highway. Phone 3H-I. f 2 10 MOXKY TO LOAX TU UlA.V Cllont has $'.00 to loan on close in real ustate. I'hone 517-1. 200 I.OS7 LOST llhick ball earring. Leave at Tribune office or phone M(i-V. 260 FOR SALE HOJiUS FOR SALE OR TRADE Small plas tered house and 1 acre of ground on Capitol Hill. Address Itox 4 36, Medford. 263 FOR KALE New stucco bungalow at 200 S Holly, $1,000 will handle. Cull C0II-V. . 263 FOR HALE 0-room modern home and large lot. Garage, woodshed, chicken hnur.e and screened shed. Located on 1 pavement, close In. Terms for quick sale $2100. $50(1 cash, balance like ront. Phone 7'S 260 FOR SAI.F Comfortable 1 H story dwelling of eight large rooms, In cluding two bed rooms down stair.1" and mnldV room with sleeping pnr;h and ii children's playroom room up stairs. Largo porches, li-rnoin bri 'k re llnr house, large wood houie. Lot 78x240 on prominent street in good residence district. Nice ahrubboiy. many fine nhadn trees. ,Iu-t a roomy, comfortable home. PrUre to sell al once.. I'hone 130. . WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORE OFF & WOOLF u II o A GOOD lH'Y 30 aero trairt,. lays excellent, In Tnlorit district, cheap water rlKht, 20 acres alfalfa, liulld ings tind sVune stock. Must bo Hold. No reasonable offer ro t'uscd. Will exchange. I'Ol H-S1XK UKAIiTY AiK.CY.. J'honc nun or (imi-Y Med lord IlnlldlnK ii OE IO Real Estate 6 8. Central Ave. HOMES Nash Hotel Corner Foil 8ALK ArrnKIULKS KOK SAbK Maxwell touring car. All new parts. A bargain. -12 it Peuson street, 2 511 FOR SAI-K Ford bug and oir. 1 1 2 lOlin si rcet. touring 20 1 FOR SA MC Overland coupe sedan, l:i2G model, new, driven lino inlles. For pnrtli-ulars aitdrens liox I ts, liiit. Calif. Sti0 KDU SAbK Dodge louring, or will trade for Kurd lulirlni;. 011 West Kill. Cor. ljllli el. 2li I Hilt SAI.K IIH.H, KSTAT1 FOR .SALF tll TKAIU'J $ 10,000 Ir rigated ranch for J'bHit); 10 years' time. Adjoins town. Gold Ray Realty Co. 2it0 jTOR SALF 80 acres. 30 acres bear-, Ing fruit, 25 acres Irrigation, house, barn, machinery. Snap at $125 per ' acre. 1 Three bargains in furnished ht u cti, clo o itt, on paving, good j terms. See these Monday. C. S. i.uuerfioul. 200 I FoH SALF Attnntionf Dairy men, poultry men or truck gardeners: 13 acres of fine bottom land in alfalfa, small house, beautiful view. Second place to left Moing up Fern valley. Look It over; nobody living on place. A fine homo for anybody. l. Sohnaek. R. 4. 2li3 FOR'SALF lly owner, fine building lot;' in Kenwood addition, 1 block from pavement. Cheap for cash. PlKine 882-J or 407-Y. 2a7U FOR SALlv Small acreage near Cra ter Lake ave., ch),o to city II nit Is. Heauutul bultd ing location, terms. Phone 8U5-J. 284 FoR SALK Clove In; 3 acres, 5 room hiu e. Good barn, chicken house, irrigated. Cow, chb kens, etc. Also 5 acres, bouse ami barn. Irrigated, office 12(i Nor Ih Front street. I'hone 372. or &F0 L. Also cheap homes 111 city. Good terms. 264 FOR SALF Mullding sites acreage to huit. Good locations, natural trees, best of soli, under irrigation, tracts 2 acres up; terms. Telephone ' 7K8-R-3. 2(10 FOR WALK Cows, 3 oxtra good cows, ,u t fresh, M. Walsh on South Peach street, just outside city limits. If FuR SALF Tliorouglifireo yenrling j Jersey buil. Call Jacksonville. : 3H-F-3. 270 FOR SA LK A nyihlng from vacant ! lots to swell homes. Fusy terms, L. 1 O. Durkee. Phone 001. 600 N. Holly street. 2 04 I FOlt HAI.R Several good buys. ranches and bongos anil u kooiI bus iness, call U I 5. 10. II. French. 2711 FOR SALE Ktnall ranch near Ash land; make good chicken ranch. This is good close In property. Will sell at a reasonable price. Box 4fi, Mall Tribune 231 SACUIFIOK SA LK 1 0,000 ncros as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 aero tracts and up. Price $5 per aero up, f and 10 year's time. Bunches for rent and exchange. (Juld Bay Really com pany, owners. No. lf N. Gmpo street. If FOlt SALE McKcevcr place, fi acres if land under ditch and Improve ments. Just outside city limits on North Pacific highway. For par ticulars Inquire at residence or ad ress Route 2, Box 4. tf Ft l R SALE Real bargains In stock ranches and fine pear orchards. Of fice 126 North Front street. Phone 372 or 590-L. 273 FOB SALK Ar.ythlnr; from vacant lots to swell homes. Easy terms. L. (. Durkee. I'hone 661. 030 N. Holly street 263 FOR SALE M VI2STOCR FOR SALK Thorohred alrdale pup, fi months old. Iminlro Votorlnary Hospital on North Grape. 200 FOR SALK 4 hosd horses, 2 cows, fresh soon. Buff Plymouth Rock rooster. Two miles north of Cen tral Point. W. T. Wright. 263 FOB HALE log fresh. -Heifers, fresh and ciim Phone 8C7-L. 262 FOR SALK Tri-coTored Phone 3H0-I, collie pup. tf FOR SALE RonlBtet:o veu'rllng Jer sey bulls. Finest In tho valley. Show stock. Large for age; Direct descend ant from Golden Glow Chief. Gold Medal bull No. 6I4BO. Sire of Viva La France. 1 031.64 lbs. butter fat, and 3! others of merit. Direct de scendant of St. Mawes, No. 1159116. ' Ready for service. Reasonable. Prof. C. Kngclhardt, Medford, R. 3. 21)6 FOR SALIC Fresh ant. springer milk ' cows. Reasonable terms, Giten - tttnt.le 24 INSURANCE Fire Automobile Theft Liability ' Plate Glass REAL ESTATE CARL Y. TENOWALD Hotel Holland Bldfl. Phone 993 102.-) By George McManus ALL WHAJDDA. YOU WANT? v von sm.i: jirscr;i,iNF.oi:s KUIt HA 1 -10 Two Htiuuliird electric. In-i-uliatorH. 5 tl II egg rnpaclly. Cheap, or trade for pipe 1 U or larger. Ci. 10. Plurco. I'hone 6D7-lt-2. If.i FOlt SAI.10 Now plnno, special low price. Term i. II. N. Gotland, 22fi! Stiuth Oakdale Ave. 2it. FDIt SAIjIO National cash register, nearly new, at a sacrifice price if i taken al once. Cash or tonus. Call Mr. Chard, Motel Holland. 2jJ i FOlt SA LK About 5 tons baled bar ley liay.'A-l. J. M. Winter, Ross Lane. 200 FOR SA LK -One 24 inch Cannon heater, like new, $ILnO at Pilkcrs sheet metal works, 111 So. Holly street. 201 FOR HALF Itrunswick, slightly usod model ?2ti0. Now $150, at Palmer's Piano House. 205 FOR SALIC Only 300 chicks left to sell from our February 2nd hutch. $14 per 1 Oil. KoMue River Poultry Farm nnd Hatchery. I'hone 201-W-2 20u FOR SA LK One 24 Inch Connor i heater, like new. $11.50 at Pllker's ! sheet metal works, 111 So. Holly j street. 200 FOR HALF If it's real bargains you want, visit the house of a thousand biirgalns, Newly overhauled Vaughn drag saw. 1022 Ford touring in A-l condition, good rubber, priced to sell. New cups and saucers 15c. We have a lot of nood buys, too numer ous to mention. If It's buy, sell or exchange, see u,. Scott 2nd Jlund Store., 43 S. Front street. 201 FOR SALF Lyon improved elec tric brooders. Ono of these brood ers given at coi,t price with an or der for 500 chicks. Rogue River Poultry Farm and Hatchery. Phone 201-W-2. 200" FOR SALF -At a bargain. Staud !'d electric ineubntora and brood ers. Also high grndo Rhode Is land Red hens and pullets. 519 North iiartlott street. I'hone 1058. 2K2 FOR SALF Lump incubatory, 250 egg. U. Schmack. R. 4. 2til FOR SALK Now town npples. $1 p"i' box at orchard. Clanc Orchard. I'hone Jacksonville 303. , 201 VOlt SALF Galvanized water tank, 1700 gallons. Same as new. $00, W. F. Sullengor, Talent. 2ii0 FUR SA LE-T-Fnnoy netted gem pota toes from Klamath Falls at reason able prices. Those who havo u:;ed K.'ntnalli Fulls potatoes will tt-ll yon there ate none hotter. John-nn Produce Company. 241 N. Fir street. Phone 97. anfi'lf Folt SALE Fancy apples from the Bear Creek orchards. Johnson Pro duce Co. 241 N. Fir stroot. I 'Inure 97. 2fIHf FOR SALK Good Newtown npplos. 75c to f l.jjfi per box at ranch. Woh- sier OICIIMIU. Ullll ui CJ-lli FOlt HALE Smith's dry plno wood is best, $3 a tier delivered. Phone Medford, 1103; Central Point, SS-X-'J. 27R '(ill HALE OR Tit A OK Autos and furniture. New ' phonogrn phs- and records half price. No. IS N. Grape street. tf FOR SALE Turkeys. Phono C91-R-2 201 FOR HALE New 9x1 i senmless Mas land rug. Never used. DoVoo'h store. ; tf FOR SALE Apples, Hpltzenbure at $1.60 to $l.n tier box packed. Green wood & Anderson, end rv. Contral. tf IHTKINKSH PIHMTOIIY VETERINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. K. C, McCulloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations froo. Corner Grape and Fifth, Mod ford, Ore. Phone 369 Diiy or night. We have several used Units for Ford Cars Motor, complete Rctir Eud Wheels j Gas Tanks Mock $20.00 7.50 3.00 2.00 10.00 Frame 0.00 Crankcase .. 5.00 Hood 3.00 These parts will fit any model Ford. All in good condition. C. E. Gates Auto Co. R8GMT - IK SIXKSS DIUKCTtlllY Altctrney.s KIOAMIOS Itl-.AAIIJ.S Lawyers, of I'ice In l.lherty liuiUllng. Abstractors Ml I i R A Y MtOh. it (i R K F N K Ahsir.icts ol' Title, Rooms ,1 and 5 Nil 3J North Central Ave., upstairs. .JACKSON COrNTV ABSTRACT CO., Absirarls uf Title ami mi I lis it nn ice. The only oomploto Tlilc S y h I r in In hickson County. A. F. KFLLOOU Abstractor of Titles, Cold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jacksmi County Ahsipictur. Over twenty years' experience In (hft county. Phone ti-,1-2 Gold Hill. - if Building ComriH'torN PEKLKY BROS. Contiuutors and builders, Job work a specialty, cab inet work, piilntins and plastering. Ill-' Koddy Ave., .Medford. Phone llliti-M. . ' Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Cliil'O- piacnc and Klee'.ro-Thorapy. .427 2J .Modlord I), dH, Phono 9!1.' ft Hit. A. B. HELGI'iS Noo-EelectlO Physician. Ult. LolilHU M. IIEDGKS Nnturoiaihlo Chiro practor. ' Mccbauo-Therapy; ,Hpin dylothcru py, Fund Sciences, Ohirn. practice. Offlco; Slthvart BJt'i?., 2I K. Main St. Phonos: Oftttie 17(); Res. I in-J. 2.; ' . . . .( :. il. K. W. HoFFMAN-Chlroprilctlo None Specialist. Office hours 9-14, 2-6'. 2U-i0 i Liberty tlidg. , Offlbe Plume .111. Ren. plliiuer HI27. .': Demists OR. O. J .IOI1NSON Uontipt. PhiUIH itl-B. ,D, Willi!,- niluifl U Hi 1 1 1. ucc nours u a Evening and tiunduy by 111 K II in appnimincuL. -R. H. HI. MURPHY --Dentistry. Dciiinl X-Bay. c'hone 77, uflive Second floor Medford Bldg. ICvpcii Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. W1U son, C. P. A. Attention given K anything In accounting and Income Tax i o'llilronieiUH. Look into our simplified accounting meihod. Lib erty iildtf., Medford. Phone 167-R. Illslll-llllCC iAItl. S. TU.MY All lor. us of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Llle, Accident, Bonds. I'hone 402. 2119 Liberty ' olllg. Money lo Loan I. B. ANDKKWS Buys and sells mni'tgiiKcs and loans money on good security. 31 N. (Jiupe St. Phone 63-.U. , 24(i Miiriuarj' I'KRL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oakdale. Ambulance service; Phone 47. . ... Monuments I'llE OBLGON GRANITE CO. Moniimiinis. E. A. lilcks, Gehernl Manager. P. M. Kershaw, Salca Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medfol'd, Osteoputlis DR. F. G. CAR LOW.' UK. KVA MAINS t:A ItLO W Osteopathic Physicians 4lii-4IH Liberty Bid. Phono 904-J-3. Bcsldence 26 South Laurel St. Plnno Iilsti'tii'tlon KRED ALTON HA IGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 213 Liberty Bldg.. Phone 72. Primers ami Publishers MHDFOlllJ PRINTING CO. has the best eitnliiped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland -prices..' 27, N, Fir St. Builders Supplies Roofing STANDARD BOOKING : BUILDtlUS SUPPLY COMPANY (Successors to Medford Brick .and Cement Hlrthlt Works) Cnrcy's, highest, ' rud' roofing paper; Everything III tiiunu factuied cement. With built up granite roofs your roof trouble U over. Office; Corl Fir and BlgHth. Plioiio 7 3X-X. Plninsfer EADS TRANSFER A STORAGE CO- Office 22 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right, Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER ft STORAOB CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Orapfl. Phone 644, or residence 1060. I'pliolsterlug . WE1H Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do ail kinds of Uphol stering. Wo deliver and will call and show samples. I'hone $02 Jacksonville, Ore. Window Cleaning GEO. A. 8 RELY Window oleanln. floor waxing. Janitor service, .htilliU lugs, etc. Have taken over A. U. Rhodes' work. Let Uoprga 40 Ik KM t rj4ui4u bvii-sjii