Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 21, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Jj O N D O sf Jan. 21 William
Cooper JlobbH, one of the prominent
flKurcs in th recent JtoMnaun Hiilt
Involving tli r:ij:iti, Sir Hurl Singh
utwl ii HO-iuh'(l blackmailing plot
iiKiiinwt tho Indian potent a to, was
turn mil tfil for trial recently hy n Jinw
Hi reel lmiKlstrutu " clmitfn of "re
i.ivlMK a chcclf fur K.O.OUO poumlH.
Htulen ulirntid," find with bvlnp 'in
iH'ctfil with a conspiracy to mulct
the- rajah.
Tht tlefendnnt, nnnwerlntf the
rliaik'efl (lenii'd that he had ever atr
tiTiipteil to blackmail the Kant Indian
prince, and declared that tho accusa
tion.s made him hy Montague
Noel Newton, who tCMtlfied in tho
Jtohinson case thai llnhbs was one off
Die ring leaders in the blackmailing
plot, wei'e false.
Jlubb was arrested November 2S
nt (Ii'avewend just as he was about
to emhrak on the steamship Kottcr-dum.
Mil AVA I'KKK, Jan. 21. Arthur
llaufsfhild will bo arraigned in dis
trict court today on a charge of pjur
der growing out of the death of his
three 'years old son, Hoy, who died a
week (i go from what has been ascer
tained to be poison.
Jhnifschild was arrested yesterd
on ti charge of murder, following an
Investigation into the death of the
The child was heir to about $15,000
left in trust for him by his mother,
who died in I'.rj'A.
In the event of the child's death, the
bequest provided the estate wuh Lo
go to Arthur Jlaufschild.
All Htato c(iinniiH.MlHiHiH and linunlH at
I pr"iHli L nnL under tin luidet HyHtorn
will lie placed thorn If a lilll to li In
trndut'od bv ' Ttt'iireHiMitatlvo North,
I'AKIH. .inn. Jl. (Hy tun Asso- Multnuinall county, la'conicu a law
dated l'n-Hs.) Thp offcimlvo iiKiilnst Tn(. measure Xorlh has drawn would
lliu pi eHent ickIok! in Hpaln waned , r,,.(. hoardH and coininlHslon.H tin
I,y VI, 'elite lilasio Jlianez, the Hiun-I the huduet plan. Their expendl
)Hh author, linn placed tho. Flench 'tiiri-8 would lie mipulated and provided
fsoverunient in a niorn L'llihai'rasHiny
tiituailon tiian tho KpanlHh dh'ectorafe.
rtecent develupjoenlH in the French
parliament have made it Heem clear
that the llcrrlot cabinet will either
for by lOKlHlatlvtt ' appropriation
North explalim that hi bill Ih In lino
wilh an economy program
T'nder the hill Kurplua flnancOR re
ceived by any eotniniHHison or depart-
liavc to make, a coinplfte retreat meiil over and above expenseH would
from the Hland It him taken on the
),rosecution of. Ibaneii under the
Kronen Jaw for hl atlacUs on Kins
revert to the Keneral fund.
The IndllHtrlnl accidenl commlHsiHon
fish cotnmiHHlHon, anie, highway corn
All', or fall. The cntirn HociallHt litisHloiiH, 'the dotal board nnd ninny
liarty of tor, nienihera Ih pledged to otherH would, be affected. The nieiiH-
vote for Hie bill Introduced In tho urn would have the effect of reducing
chamber of leplltloH yenlerday callhiK !tho tendency of varloUH commiaMlonH
for repeal or tho law under the pro-land hoards to earn and expend more
visions of which the prosecution of I money llian absolutely necessary,
Ilianeg was beitim. I North pointed out.
The proceeding's were Instituted '
nfler the Hpanlsh ninbassador had j
mndn representations to J'romlur
WASIIIXCTON, .Tan. 21. American
adherence to tho world court, first
proposed to cunarcMS two years nu,o,
was up today for consideration by tho
senate foreign relations conuuittee.
Proponents were pressing for an early
report to tlu senalo where one pro
posal nlromly is on the calendar.
JSosidcH this proposal, offered by
Senator J'epper, republican, I'onns.vl
vanlii for the rreatlon of a new court
Independent of the J.ciikuo of Nations
two others have been advanced, one
by Senator Kwiuihoii of Virginia, 'rank
ing denuKu-al on the committee and
tho other Jiy Senator Willis, republi
can, Ohio.
itoth of theflo iiroposals contain the
reservations siiKKesteil by Secretary
TlLKhoa and approved hy both Presi
dent ilardillK and President Coolidao,
CllIO.AOO, .Tan. L'O. Newspapers
are showing increased interest In
church news and the church should
reciprocate by studying the viewpoint
of editor, reporter and press associa
tions, l.r. It. .1. Wade, executive secre
tary, told Hie world service comnilM
sion of tho Methodist Episcopal
church tit Us annual si ksIohs hero to
day. '.American newspapers," Tr. Wade
said, "are piintiu.ic more religious edi
torials than hitherto ami are paying
nioio attention' to news of church and
"Sane, fnfe, adequate, consistent
publicity plays an important part in
any worthwhile enterprise. To frown
upon it Is unwise, to omit it is weak
(MililK, to default It entirely is folly,
hut to use It skilfully Is expanding."
liliiiunth Favors Iiici-ciihp.
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., .Ian. 21.
TOndorsement of the legislative 1)111
Increasing- salaries of district attor
neys throughout the stato wnB voted
unanimously today noon by tho di
rectors of tho Klamath county cham
ber of cotnnierce. 1
l-'orf y-on 'Wouicit ln,vcrs In Ktiejnnd
LONIJON, Jan. 21. When seven
women candidates were called to the
bar a few days hko they hroiiK'ht the
total number of female barristers
practicing In Fne;lnnd to 41.
AniotiK tho II!) candidates, called on
this occasion were one American citi
zen ami a citizen of Hussla. No rule
exists provonlhiK foreign subjects
from befnu' called to the English bar,
(R,ortad by JMtion County Abtfrwl Co.,
sixth strMt an Cintnl Aou-):
j ' '' flivnlt t'oiirt. '
Kstelie Haley vs. Cilcn Haley. !DI
vorce. Houthern Oregon Exploration Co.
vs. W. fl, Lynch, et al. Motion.
Minnie V' Hansel, ot vlr vs. Cligs.
A. I'ennlnBer, et ul. Summons,. Af
fidavit. S. K. fastlle vs. Walter L. Smith.
Karl W. Mooro vs. Bdwnrd O. 1'ot
ter, et nl. I'roof of iiubllcntlon.
H. It. Castile vs. Walter L. Smith.
James If. Tlally vs. O. W., ot
ul. J''or money.
Southern Ore. Credit Thtrenu vs.
K. ('. Welch. Writ of attachment.
Viola RJackhurn vs. Jackson Co,,
et al. Amended answer.
John Tadlnu vs. Flnley Hljih. Sum
mons. C. J. JTiuis vs. Wm. J. Scott. Mo
tion. Cora Wilson vs. Mike Walsh. Mo
tion. Order.
liertha K. Shook vs. Harold F.
Shook. Order.
IMiby C. Morton vs. liobort E.
Morton. Summons.
Leatha M. .Morris vs. Clyde Morris.
1 J. il. Bowman vs. C. A. A,bif,tTiQ
Win. Ulrloh vs. Farm Bureau Ex
change. Kunimons,
Maiy Colo vs. Mertford Hospital So
ciety, Motion. Notice.
W. B. Chartraw vs. S. ThanoB. Mo
tion. Order.
John i'adlna vs. Flnley High. For
Jesse Wlnhurn vs. F. C. Homes.
C. I,. Urown vs. Walter L. Smith.
Chattel "Lien.
' Pmluitn.
(' 1j. Urown' assumes the business
name of "ftrown's Kleclrlc Shoo."
Estate of Nancy Ann dliapln
t Hums. Vouchers. Final Account.
j'.nuiro ot Andreas Weldnor. Proof
oi service. Invontdry and appraise
ment. '.
Harry H. rtosenlierg, John Tt. Tom
(.in, W. W. Walker, Incorporate as
i oinmerclal IJIscount Corporation.
r.siaie or James E. Heed. Peti
tions.- order.
'-soue ot A. 'JT. Hill. Ordor and
decree. ,
Estate of Mary Sevedt?o. Citation.
csiaio or johiiuu .MoPherson. Pe
EMtato of M. Jr. Hodge.' 0th' re-port.
Estate of Oeorso A. Sander. Ordor.
r.siaie or iiinimi McKeovor. In
ventory and appraisement.
I'.stale of James E. Iteed. Citation.
i'.siat eot (leort'o N. Anderson. Ad
milted to probnto.
Shell Company of California to
Oregon Lumber Co. I.ot In lsh
addition lo Aledford 1.4S0
John J.Ultler et ux to Hubert
F. Swan. Lot In 'Uektliim
Amended addition to Cold Hill 150
Ditey J. Stldhum toMatnen Pen
lund. Lois 1, 2, 3, 4, 0. block
4, .Central Point j 1
John b Arnold et ux to Emma
O. Bond. I.and in 1)LC 61,
twp. 38 S Jl. 1 East , 10
Frances Adams et ux to J. M.
Hurley. Lot 8, block 63,
Central Point 235
J. J. OsenbruKlte (ex.) and
Edith M. Antlo (ex.) to
George Howe. Lots 4, 5. C,
block 4(i, Medftu-d 1,500
C. A. KiriKht et ux to It. S. Page. .
LotH 11 and 12, block 24, Mod
ford : 10
Louis H. fiallatln to Louis H. '
Cullatln et ux. Land in twp.
3H S., U. 1 East 1
Oeorffo T' McConnell et ux to
Clyde C. Sostold ot ux. Lot
on Church street, Ashland.... 375
Jticob Thompson et ux lo (loorfc-a
H. HaiKaillue. Lots 11 und
, 12, Minear's addition to
Ashland G75
Utah Idaho Husur Co. to Folden
heimor Invest. C'oinpany. lind
In Sec. 33, twp. 30 S 11. 2
west 200
tit lat fib 4
a pood Jf
night's if j
MnrrliiK-o License.
Haymond Huycr und Maxlno Ann
i""n "I- T'arclien and Uozella
oary lloiKlns.
Waldo Paul Nye nnd Imoffont Lo
I'etta Arant. v
Arthur Carl Slinson and Neva Collins.
EuKone F. Moore
Hell Hltiel.
nnd Neva May
Ends Indigestion Instantly
Corrects any Sour, Classy, Disordered Stomach
"Vhon foods ''ilipjiprre' in Btoniiu-h
itiid cuue intligestiot. or pases, lu'tnt
hurn, tltitulfiu-e, acidity don't tay
laUcrahlo nml ti).s't.
Tho iirottuMil, "Papo's Hiu)t'p-iin"
jcaclics t lie stotitnch all Ihm-ouus well
itnin iltMlrt1-! ju?t vunilir.s.
.Millions of fanulivs koop this U'Rs-
nut, Imrnilo stomurli rorm'tivo, ant
arid and diostiw always at luiml.
Tlwy know that if t-lav 'at tuo lu-avily
(ir of wpinjr l'nntUt tlu'v can tilwaxa do
vn uptin a fpv talitoU of Tape's Dia
pepsin to jjivo almo-'t instant relief.
I.ure 00 eont paekaes guaranteed hy
druis't3 everywhere.
"We hi i ry al all I imps a wry law stockof Standanl
Doors, also Froiich Doors, sizes.
Wc inako Windows and Doors ot cverv description.
Bc'mg well cfjiiii'jH'd with first-class mechanics and
modern machinery, we are cnaliled to give excellent,
service on everything' in the mill work line.
Ili'iil Estam Tniiwfmi
City of Medford to W. u. Tavlor
and ,1, hlock S, liiver
Hldo suh-dlvilon to M,ir,..i , J
Mary J. va,.ti to Mauriee ,P
Harlow, et ux. Eond In DI.G
w, i -i 3!) s u. i went
I'homas PanKey et ux to Erank
S. liowerjj, et ux. Land la
Sees. It) ami 24, Twp. 36 S,
Ii. 2 West
Hello M. Earrell to Ii. A SnVtVA"
mlre. Uind In hloek 2, Onl
loway'a addition to Medford
'ritz Ituch et ux4o O. P. Hohrer
ot ux. Jjind In Sec. 7, Two
,1!) 8.. R. 4 weut
faekson County to Charies a"
" mK oi ux. .East half lot 1 1,
"11 lot 12, hloek 1, Queen Anno
aooiuon to Medford
rliltte Falls Lumber Co. to Owen
, OroBon I.uinher Co., Tjmd In
Twp. 3-r) S., Tl. 2 nnd 8 Knat..!.
Carl D. Downian et" ux to L, E
Hi-'ka. I.ot 5. Mock IS, rark
addition to Medford.
Cenevieve O. Sankev et""ni: in
' City of Medfonl. 60 foot
lot 7, hlock 2, Imperial addi
tion to Medford jo
rtutler ,! Thompson Co. to Ma
bel T,. Keaclli'rt. T.ots 1 and 2
bloek "A," It. n.. V. Or. Co'a
Viola May Stone to J. ,T. Dealim
ot nl. South half of SV. Sec
. Twp. .10 S U. 1 Wot
Carl I,. Dnvls et ux to (Too. T.
Ttohlnson. Ono-flKhth inter
est In land In Roe. 34, Twp. 39
S.. H. 4 Kast
nankers Trust Co., to I'en-y "'ii'.
Wynkoop et nl. TjuhI in SunJ
nyslde addition to Medford
Kdwnrd T. Morrill et ux to liob
ort liussoll et ux. Ijind in
See. 20, Twp. 40 8.. Tt. 2 T-Inst
John J. ICnutzon to K. It. Hawk-
Ins. Id! nil In Sec. 32, Twp 3S
S., R. 4 West
J. J. OsenhruKKo et ux to Tjuira
T5. liurson. Lot 9, block 1,
Tuttle's 2nd addition, and lot
S. block 0, Tjiurolhurst ad
dition to Medford
Frederick J. ISurnett to D.ivld
Call. T.and In See. Ti, Twp
S S., R. 1 West '
David Can- to l'lerre s. Va'ti
Winkle et nl. Ijind In Sec.
8. Twp. 3B S.. R. 1 West ,
Ashland Improvement Co., to
IT. A. Stearns ot ux. I.ot In
Flora !:. Itnrnes et vlr to Robert
Hurkhnrt et ux. ljin In See.
30, Twp. 3tS S.. R. 4 West
J. ('. Haines et mi to Robert
Rurkhart et ux. Ijind In Sec.
SO. Twp. 31! S R. 4 West
J. H. Cooley to Owen Oregon
Lumber Co. Ijind In Twp. 34
S., R. 3 Fast
James U. Owen et ux to Owen
OrcKon Lumber Co., XF.. ot
NK. Sec. 23. Twp. 35 S.. R. 3
F. M. Calkins et ux in c. II.
Rnlley. Ijind In 1H.C 4n, Twp.
31) S., n. 1 East :,00
OH! The joy of a peaceful, restful
night. What a wonderful "up and
going" feeling follows such a night of
undisturbed slumber.
Oh! What tortures what agony
what despair goes with the nights
where eczema and other skin diseuses
hold power und drive away rest and
peaceful slumber, For under .tho
cover of durkness like crafty beings
of , the - underworld these eruptions
work their most serious havoc.
S.S.S. is the established conqueror
of these annoying skin diseases. S.S.S.
drives these ever disturbing elements
from your system elements that
carry in their wake lack of energy
undermining health! You may try in
vain to get rid of them by using
salves, lotions, washes, all to no pur
pose. You can't do it that way the
seat of the trouble lies deeper im
pure blood trying to throw off poisons
through the tender skin.
S.S.S. purities the blood. It aids
Nature in creating new red-blood-cells
bv the million! Blood-cells that
send new rich blood coursing through
your system. Red blood that drive3
away eczema drives away pimples,
blackheads, boils and rheumatism,
too. An increase in red-blood-cells
means added strength, added vitality
and renewed vigor. Because the
medicinal ' Ingredients of S.S.S. are
purely vegetable, it may be taken with
perfect safety. Start taking S.S.S.
today and watch it rout that annoying,
skin destroying, health undermining
army that holds your system In its
grasp! Learn again what it means to
enjoy peaceful, restful nights of
S 3. Is eold at nil (rood droit
dttn- En two sizes. Tho lurger sua
is moro economical.
Olie Worlds Best
K ' 'SloodMetlicine
Effoclivo January 1, 1925
Klamath Falls
Shortest Route by 100 Miles
3 Round Trips Daily
Loavtis Medford 8 A. M.,
0:;iO A. M., 1:110 P. M. '
'Freiu'lit, Unggnjio nnd Express
in Connection.
1 Office: Nash Hotel
Residence: Phone 1129
Start an account here and plan to save a certain amount J
each month.
A dollar a month matures at $100.00 in seventy-ix
months.' ;
Ten dollars matures at $1000.00.
We issue paid-up stock in $100.00 shares.
"A" stock guarantees 7 dividends.
"B" participates in the profits, having paid 8 for the
past four years. i
OWN YOUR Loans are made for buvJn2 building or improving prop
HAMF erty A sma11 Pavment each month repays the loan ir
flUlVlL about six years. v
Jackson County Building & Loan Association
. Office 30 N. Central
C. M. KIDD, Pres. Phone 105 O. C. BOGGS, Sec.
Stage to
Klamath Falls
New Packard Cars
Well Heated and Comfortable Riding
New Schedule
I.T. 'Mertford..... 7:45 A. M. 1:00 P. M.
Ar. Ashland .... S:15 A. M. 1:30 P. M.
Ar. Klam. Falls 11:00 A. M. 4:15 P M.
Mudford office, 40 N. Front St. Phono
Ashlnnd office, Tavern Cafe, Phono 34.
Freight and Baggage Trucks In con
Long distance rfnullng anywhere.
H. R. TURPIN, Managor. '
$135 Less
?:t :;v -x with Sliding Gear Transmission v
Hie Sensation cf the Newl&rk Show
59467 People thronged the NewVcrk City Salesroom in one Week
.1 V
In the record-breaking crowds were
nearly all the competitive dealers and
salesmen in New York. They hurried ,in
to study t;hi car and went away
wondering, questioning whether Willys
Overland could continue to produce
such a remarkable Sedan at such a re
markably low price. But let Willys
Overland worry about that! QA low
priced Overland has been the leader of
the Willys-Overland line for fifteen
years. This new all-steel modeHs the
leader for 1B25.' QThe new Overland
Sedan is the lowest priced Sedan in the
world with a body entirely of steel.
That means greater strength, greater
protection, loiger life the greater
safety of greater driving vision I A full
5-passenj;er Sedan with our doors at a
price heretofore considered impossible!
123 West Main Street . ,.' Phone 18
Is What You Get When You
oil Ui
Jones & Kirkpatrick
'A Real ServiceStation
Phone G5 , , . . . , , . Sivtli anrl Pivprairlfl