TvrftT)FGTin MXTL TTUBUnV ftrenrORT), OT?EfiONr, MOT)AY, '.TAKFAPvY 19, '192.- TV. J' inli i Mx $3 By Wi fill VI. V Hi EC A G. 0. P. REQUESTS LEGISLATURE 10 !E Tho republican party orjrnnlwUlon Jn JnckHon county hnit- forwarded the following resolution to lh Jackson county delegation in the Ort'Kon 1p(,'1h laturc; Whereas, tho Oregon direct pri mary law was adopted for the pur pose of curing tho defocta, real and Imaginary, that had devolop&l thru tho operation of the political conven tion Hystein; and WhereaH, we hollevo that tho af fairs of a representative republic, such as ours, should he administered through and by responsible majority parties, and that these majority po litical parties should be encouraged, protected and fostered through the enactment of proper electoral safe guards; and Whereas, the present direct pri mary law 1h destructive of party solid-! urlty, party spirit, and party loyalty, from tho fact that it does not make specific provision whereby political parties can hold representative dele gate conventions, for the purpose of declaring the principles and politic of the party, and selecting capable men and women to be voted for by the electorate In the primary; and Whereas, uftcr twenty years of trial tho weakneH of our present primary law Is recognized ,v thoughtful cltl zens of all political parties; It en courages rule by blocs, minorities, nnd secret or concealed political groups upon whom responsibility can not bo fixed; the incapable and the unfit, thQ. demagogue- and tho Heir seeker.. In many cases thrust thein aclvcs Into public office. There is no thought or care given to tho selection Of our public servants, with resultant inefficiency and waste in tho admin Istration of our affairs; and Whereas, wo bollevo the time has come whon a vast majority of the electorate of tho state of Oregon are demanding a reasonable and friendly revision of our direct primary law to the end that representative respon sible government shall be strength ened and upheld; v , Therefore be It resolved, that the duly elected and appointed officers of the Jac-kmm county republican or ganization do hereby Instruct, our legislative delegation to take the proper steps to amend our primary law In the following respects; ; First, to provide for representative delegate party conventions, to be held prior to the date set for tho primary election. Tho purpose of these con ventions being to draft platforms of principles and to recommend suitable candidates for offico to bo voted on - In the May primary. Also to select delegates to the stato ami district conventions. Second, to provide for holding an election to select delegates to these party conventions, and to provide that In all chaos the lawfully elected pre cinct committeemen 0P county organi zations shall be tho foundation on which these conventions will bo built NO HORSES ARE STARVING IN EAGLE Ml POINT DFSTRICTjSENATORS START pnnmn Tnmiimn Ul MIIIU llinilUMU EX-SHERIFF TERRILL'S Charges of cruelty to liorses, pas tured on the "desert" contained In a communication to a Portland paper last Saturday, nre denied by Dr. H. French, county humann officer, and Mrs. Glenn Kubrick, secretary, lloth resent the fact that the writer jid not give his name, and did not see the proper authorities before taking pen in hand, to address tho metropolitan press. lr. French says that as soon as ho read the article, he investigated, and finds the horses are In charge of Dr. Oiren, and that when he went to find tho horses, to seo how they were making out, he could not locate them The horses are impounded stock. It is also said that while the stock was not overfed, neither were they starving, Dr. French also stales that humane work Is sadly crippled In this vicinity, by the lack of Interest and finances, In four years $ I 0 has been given to the cause, and they have the promise of another dollar, lie asks if anybody interested In making life easier for dumb brutes, they give what they tun to the work. Hx-Hherlff Charles Ten-Ill's blood hound, has been ordered tied up by the authorities of Jacksonville, following a slight altercation with a smaller ca nine, and its owner last Friday. When the former officer returned NEW STUDENTS AT ARE REGISTERED Two Immense niidiinuTS of 1100 prnplo viewed tho five, reel photoplay. "When Illicit Meets MlKht," and heard Clins. J. Hall Inst night at tho Irsl Methodist church. With tho auditorium of the cjiurch seated and pnrKeu to rapacity ami mo ovcruow crowd of four hundred and fifty In the recreation hall, and u number left standing In holh places, the law en- foi cement rally fulfilled all expecta tions. In the aflernoon at the Presbyte rian church Mr. Mall wan presented to a record atlondunco which taxed tho caiuicltv of tho church. For an hour and a half ho held lllc audience which whh many times convulsed with laughlcr by Ills sallies of wit. At this mct'tlnK, lis at the two In the evelllliK. Dlslllct Attorney Newton C. Chancy was presented to the audience and after u brief address, presented Mr. Hall. At the three o'clock meeting Mr. Hall read a letter from Senator Mr- Nary who commended the work of tlie National Knforccmcut Iciikuo under the maniiKcmcnt of Mr. 'Hull, oiniiieinliiK upon tho condition In Washington relative to prohibition and enforcement, and enclosing a sub stantial check tu assist 111 the pro-1 Kiani. Another letter from National Prohibition Commissioner Ames. was' read which also was very commenda tory of the work of this league. During the past week tho photo told to keep the hound tied, to pre WASHINGTON, .lan. 1!l. ( riy tho servo the peaco and dignity of the ca AsHociaied I'resx) Whh tho cry ill nlno population of the county seat. other cities for young blood, C-lark It seoins that Tiger mixed into the ISrlffllh, proud president of a world's frolic of some dogs on California championship baseball dull, expected -street, and tho ownfr of one of the to hold his team at the top bv throw- dogs, went after him with a cane. In t lug all precedent to the winds and tho melee, Tiger jumped on tho man Injecting into his lineup a sprinkling. with tho cano, resulting in the Incar- The local eighth grado graduates who received tholr diplomas this morn ing are as follows: Edwin Anderson. from I Wllma 13. Uailey, Newman Hillings. 'ortland last Friday where ho tcstl- I Ethel s. Houssum, Bertha Marie Cher- fled lu a counterfeiting case, ho was ry, Clarence Crank, Thomas Culbert- ceration order, now in full force and effect. Mr. Torrlll maintains that this is a drastic order, as "Tiger won't bite anybody, he Just wants to play." It is of tried veterans for the 1920 cam palgn. -Manager Stanley Harris will take to Tampa for spring training, a pitch ing staff whose malnstavs have been for years familiar figures on major naru to convince anybody Jumped on, league fields. In addition to Walter!"11 hc wl" not ulte. Tiger has a Johnson, the niouinl crew will in. elude (ieorgo Mogrldge and Tom Zarh- Wnur Ir- lerrlll designates as "a ary,- last year's southpaw bulwark; fl 'R"Hy growl," does not sound that IJutoh ltuelher, obtained from ilrook-way' Htanlev Coveleslde. booL-ln fronil "They vo got to quit kicking my Cleveland: Venn tiregg. the veteran from Seattle; Kred Marherry, bril llant relief liurler last year: Charley Ogden, .loo Martina, Paul SSahnlser, llensou liilllhart, Alf Russell, another relief pitcher; Kelly, a recruit from Memphis; James McNaniara. obtain ed from Wichita, Kas., and several others. The club, according lo Griffith and Harris has been greatly bolstered In reserve strength. Weakness In this respect almost lost the world's series for the team and immediately after the championship they began efforts to build up a machine which would run more smoothly In the face of In juries. .Mike McNally, former Yankeo sub stitute inlleldcr, was obtained In a deal with the lioston lted Sox in which Third ISascman Protllero was sent to ItoHlon. Spencer Adams, a Pacific Coast league shortstop, also was bought. These two with Judge, llnr- is. pocklnpnugh, Dliicge and Shirley Will ke up the infield eliglliles. In the outfield, ltlce, (loslln, Mc- Neeley, Malthews, Caiiyle, leading Southern association hitler last sea son; heiliold and Hlnchart. n South Atlantic league recruit, arc available, ltlce ami riuslin will have no .trouble holding their Jobs, but McNeoloy is expected to have a hot fight, despite his great work of last season and Ills JSO.OOO lilt that won the last game of tho world's series. son. Honitld DeVoro, Viola M. Diet rich, Ituby A. Hamlin, Jessie 'ranees 1Udwig, Howard A. Meadows. Albert Melvin, - liunny Jeanne Millard, Gladys M. Murphy. Eugene Orr, Homer Piatt. Itobert Itasmussen. Mar vel L. Itcade, John Hedden, liernard Rice, Sadie Simmons, Cecil Washam and Vivian Aileen Wilson of the Lin coln school, and Maud Abbott, Bern ard Andrews. Clifford Beckett. Marian Brown. Italph De Jarnett, Helen Jane Dixon. Hurry Gill, Hon Harrell, Anno Hawk, Raymond Headleo, Dale Hill, Horace Hubcr. Bernard Hughes, Frederick Martin, Edna Mohr, l.udlo first class equipment for biting, and Halston and Audrey Vann of the Washington school. Practically all of these with a num ber of graduates from outside districts have registered at the high school for hound around." said Mr. Terrill. "I'm the second semester classes which bc- going to Uikc him up to Iike Creek, Kan this morning. where ho won't be bothered.' CAR CRASHES INTO 'SHASTA LIMITED' ' SPORT BRIEFS Johnny Dundee sailed froni Paris Eugene, Ore., Jan. 10. John Michelhrook, 43, and John Michel brook, Jr., 7, of near Eugene nre In a local hospital today as tho result of injuries sustained when their auto mobile crashed Into the Shasta train of tho Southern Pacific railroad at the Lincoln street crossing hero this afternoon. Tho injuries of both nro not se rious, consisting of cuts about tho face and minor bruisos. Tho fact Unit they escaped with their lives was considered miracu lous by those who witnessed tlie ac cident. ' Mr. Michelhrook said after the ac cident that ho did not hear the cross ing bell. When his machine crashed Into the train, it was carried for seve ral yards down the track and thrown some distance away. Bystanders picked up the victims and sent them to tho hospital. to build up Local Insurance Firm Adds New Equipment A NY WOMAN, any man, can now have a well-develoDed faco and form. The whole, simple secret of a well-developed form is in the number of blood-cells in your body. You can now forget all the theoretical talk about diet, exercise, fad treatments, food-fats and fat-foods. Nothing is of any use, after all, except blood cells! Thin," run-down men and women, with bony neclts, sunken cheeks, bony shoulders all these are suffering it. luff icn oiwuu-tt ,:3. safeguard Its Science has proved that S.S.S. helns rocorils against fire with the best pro-' to make the rich red-blood-celis, lection possible tho Met 'urdv-Dunlols I which you need. Your blood is starv- ai is . i .i i , , , for New York leaving match schod-"nm"am' Agency recently installed, "S ior uwie new mooo-ceiisi uivo uled with Kicd llrelonnel for January off"'e "",' ll,u Hnest sale , your moou u,B oiooa-ceiis ip neeos tho largest of it8 kind constructed, j cell maker. S.S.S. has done marvels, and welshing a littlo over pounds. rum In t)ii endenvoj' to WHAT THE CRITICS SAY mjssjtsssss,;,,.-;,, ,,,, w; m RJALTO FLOYD MAXWELL (Oregonlsn) Ernst LubitweliTs latest effort, "Three Women," which' was previewed recently at the Hivoll, contains that unmistakable I.ubltsch quality that so characterized "The Marriage Circle," quite tho best play we have seen this season. JOHN PALMER (Telegram) Krnst LuhltBch, who produced ami tllroctnil "Three Women," Ivih "gone his many elab orate productions just ouo lettor. STARTS TOMORROW MATINEE! W """" (knWMl LUBITSCH Production l UAV Mr.AVflV . MADIP POfVrKT . PAULINE FREDERICK. with LEW CODY jtff TONIGHT : LAUGHS LOVE THRILLS ' "ALONG CAME RUTH" ' With , VIOLA DANA WALTER HIERS TULLY MARSHALL RAYMOND McKEE FROM THE FAMOUS STAGE COMEDY HIT ' 201)0 And that they automatically become members of tho party conventions, 1 enihusia-ti,. liiteresi with exactly tho same powers and du-laddroised a number lies as tne regularly erected delegates, meetings jtespociruny submitted by the Jackson County Ucpuhllenn Central committee through Its properly elect cd officers. J. V. WAKBKIEM), Ohairmaii County Coiiiinltteo. KAIil'II U. HAllllWKU., Secretary County Coiiimitlee. . R Ml IIAltDKIt, Treasurer County tloniinlttee. HEUT ANDKHMl.iN, Chairman Kxeciillve Coninilttee, EOITII IMcCHACKK.N, Chairman Women's Advs. Com. S. A. NYU. Chairman rubllcity Committee. I.tHIIHIO I'KIIItoZ.l. . Member 0f Btuto Executive Com. K. S. SMITH, Member ltep. State Coiiimitlee. T. II. KIM I '.SUN', Member Congressional Coninilttee. 27. and ftl. lioyer, promoter states he would demand Dundee's disqualifica tion by the International boxing union. ..... iir,t. wv..-n iiiu iMiun,- ,.. , , ...... , .. . . no inns. Play was shown at Cold Hill, Talent, .V ' '"".. . l"nl :'"'nny Late model safe chine,.- dirre,. .lll'cksonvllle. Ashland. and i.-, """-."- ei.n ning .o iew lorkto', , . " I'olnt. with each place evidencing ,lle I little more weight than ordinary-sized OBITUARY JANNEY Tho remains of Mrs. Edwin M. Jaiiney who passed away at Pasadena, Cal., will arrive In Mod ford Wednosilay morning ami funeral uprvlnen will be held at the home of Kdwln II. Jaiiney, nm West Main tl., at 2:20 p. in., Wednesday. Kev. ft. I". Uiwrenee will have charge of tno service and Interment will I made In the family plot in Medford cemetery. Mr. Hall also of afternoon Tomorrow night they will be In Klamath Kails and will return Wednesday in order to meet an en gagement arranged by llev. Coan and I'rlnclpal Campbell at the high school. The addressed of Mr. Hull and the picture created strong 'Impressions, Is the opinion voiced by-public officials and the local mini-lers. The strug gle being waged between the lawless and the law-allidiiig. too, in making beautiful complexions, clearing the skin, making lips, rosy rva, me cnecKs iuh ana piump De claim the lightweight ehan olonsbl , ' ,,,c old-fashioned Iron safes In being CBse " a tne, Dlooa or mpuritlea i-mini mi iihiuwi ignt inninpionsiiip. i which cause ninmles. blackheads. "' iM.y ...... uifu. ' u and rheumatism, too. As the me dicinal inirredicnts of S.S.S. are pure ly vegetable, it may be taken with perfect safety. This is why S.S.S., since 182ti, has meant to thousands of underweight men and women a plus in their strength. Start taking S.S.S. today and your great problem, that of your personal appearance, can be solved. Tim VHOOM.W STIJMX of KHANQUFTTrt WAL NUTS Is tho finest on Uio market today. Demand Exceeds Supply The demand for this Walnut this year far exceeds the supply. Many orders cannot be filled. Oregon nnd Washington should grow MORE WALNUTS. These States pro duce tho richest, sweetest, most desirable Walnuts found on the markets today. The Walnut Is also a remarkably good shade and ornamental treo for town plant ing. A few trees will, In a few years, pay your taxes. Why not plant that piece of land of yours with VROMAN FHANQUETTE WALNUTS this spring and let it grow in valuo. Our trees will please you, we know, try them. OHIXION M KSKHY COMPAN Y, Oronco, . Oivgon. "Growers of Good Throes." 'Clias. W. Austin, Agent, Phono 638-1; No cuts have been made ill 1'nlverslty of Washington crew siiuad loach Itusty Callow announced at the start of the second week of train ing. The candidates, were to start training on Lake Washington today. Kor the first time In the history of athletic reliitliiiis between the i'ni verslly of. Washington and the I'nl- verslty of California, a wrestling meet! nils been Scheduled for .March 20 be tween the two Institutions. Radio Programs for Tonight Coach Enoch Magshaw announced today that spring football practice for I lllverslty m( Wa-ll igton Kl'idiliers j was to slart March 311. Kl.'l, l.os Angeles. 4t!ll meters. 8 lo !. Evening ilierald program. !i lo 10. Walter M. .Murphy Motors Co., pre senting program. Hi to u, l.os Ange les Examiner program. KNX, l.os Angeles. :i:i7 meters. S:0ll local Ettis Nick Oolinnn. n former resident of I lie city, and an alumnus of the local safes. The safe hears what Is known as the "Eire Underwriter's labratory A label," which calls for a test In a furnace for four hours at three thous and degrees Fahrenheit, after which it is subjected to a thirty foot drop onto a concrete slab and an additional furnace test or eighteen hundred nnd fifty 'degrees for one hour, upside down, without reaching three hun dred degrees inside. As paper burns a( four hundred degrees, the test Is claimed to be severe enough to pre serve the contents in any fire. The safe is used for tho benefit of clients' insurance policies as well as lor the office records and was ship ped from tlie factory of tho General Eire Proofing company at .Youngs town. Ohio, by the Medford Hook Store. S. S. S. -In fM at all irooH Arna ptnrrtt In twn aims. ,Tho larger biio is more economical. CC'Dhe Worlds Best .nt.h 'olood Medicine WASHINGTON', Jan. IK. Prospec tive profits cannot be recovered from the government on war contracts, tlie cm,,;;;. , i; : ,:";::; ur "!- .,t !'supre,e mun hol atoiay in a in.i w iiiiic. i i . uw, iiv , colli I til li v h-mu .i 1,wlr i .. ..... VIiihii'm I 'li, iii.i i!,..., i. I . " MMIUir OKI "Oiivmot, I II I da V Chest sore I Relieve the congestion this way Vou can break up that conges tion without tiresome rubbing with messy greases. Use Sloan's. Its stimulating effect on the cir culation does the work. Relief is immediate and positive. It will notstain.AUdruggist3-35cents. Sloan's liniment "kills pain K'GO. Oakland. 3li meters, 8:00 cducatioiuil pi-ojiaiu. 10 lo 1:0th. nance music . program by Henry Hal steail s orchestra and soloists Hotel M. ! rands, San Erancisco. K'I'O, San Erancisco, !;( meters, to !l, organ recital by TiicXidore J, Irwin, olflclal at tho Wnr- lllzer. Ilas soloist, Allck G. Slier rlfrs. !i to 10, program under the management of Ada llarlon, soprano. Talk on "Hotter Lighting" by n. c. namiinl, tenor, William II. Conway. iiieouore j. Irwin. uccoinpiinlst. Piano sides, Peler Hansen, lo to 11. E. Max llradflohl's Versatlla band, playing In tho Palace Koso Hoom Howl. KI..V. vOaklalid, r.0'1 meters, 8:00 to !i:3U, studio program (educational) !::io to in, music by the American Theater orchestra, playing In. Mental selections to the Paramount picture. "Locked Honrs," broadcast' by direct o direct wire from the theater. 10:0(1 regular weekly meeting of the Pro. (ecllve Order of tlie Ijlko MerItt Wild Ducks. K EON. Long P.each. LM0 meters K to 8:16. radlviasl of special news ills- PHiiocs not luciuiled in th late veiling editions from Press.Telei.-,,.n, o.u io n, concert i,v riov Walter lines, lilanlst, composer and nulli,,,- and assoclateM. to in i, from Virginia Hotel l:ll,,,,,, .. cii.-ntrn. KGW, Portland. meters. 8:00, oncert by tin. Or.gonlan Concert Or hestia. lo to is, dunce music bv eorgo Olson's Melrooolltiin nr..h..J. Oil of the Hotel Portland. li,i..,.i-. "Ion numbers by Sheflei-s Hiring orchestra. Tohiiit Won't Hivlgn. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 t l3.,.o-. Towner of Porto itlco, after a confer ence with President Coolldge todav. denied positively, rniii.ira n Alierileen Utah Coal, Utah's best, Hansen coal Co. Phone 2.19. 122tf Or. t . t.. Van Scoyoo who has re turned ami taken up the practice of iieiiiisiry in his former offices in tho l.llierty bunding, specializes In mm- hen Ireatment by Electrolytic Medlcn Hon or lonlzallon. which has proved very successful in the treatment and cure or pyorrhea. 2T.S Annoiinieinent Is made of the on gagement of Miss Victoria Andrews, adopted daughter of the comedian Edward Andrews, to Lewis C. Kisei' ims r.ast tWorrlsoii street, son of Ered II. Klscr. ineslilent of the Kiscr stu dlos. In which he Is interested with hi: father. Miss Andrews Is a native of ilo, Greece, and Is both attractive and accomplished. At present she Is singing with the ISrandon Opera com pauy at the auditorium, she is n rod. dent of Medford and came here last ear with Mr. Andrews to slug in 111 lolantba' pageant for tin, Portland Hose festival, at which time she met Sir. Kiscr. who vas also in the pa fc.-iioi, i no announcement will be re ceived with interest by the many irienns .lll-s Andrews lias made dur ing her visits In the city. Portland Oregonlan. Try our dry wash. To per lb; mini mum "Sc. All flat pieces ironed. A merlon n Laundry. Phon 873. Columbia' plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Yard. Save money on cedar posts by taking them orr the car. Must be unloaded Tuesday. Phone 2S8. tiaddls Dixon. ASTHMA Ab No cur foi r nlitf is oft. No cur for It, but welcom Mlief is often brought by- brought by (ho College Point lloat corporation of Long Island. N. Y. r TaCure a Cold m in One . Day Take laxative Rrnni ft' "r" Wl UUUUIIUi tablets ,J? V0 The Fii-st and Original . Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as I an effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP, INFLU ENZA and as a Preventive. The box bears this signature. w i i v 3 To the Fruit Growers: A Carload of FRIEND SPRAYERS Will Arrive . - Wednesday, January 21 See this new improved sprayer with the air draft method before purchasing your new sprayer. Literature and Information Can Be Had by Calling at BILL'S TRACTOR SHOP nnn J. B. Plymire 222 No. Riverside Wm, G. Pierce SERVICE , . WITH GENERAL GAS GENERAL TIRES VALVOLINE oiL FREE CRANKCASE SERVICE Vou can drive your car in our service station with the utmost' S'ttTr o,it -h Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station Phone 65 Sixth and Riverside i V VapoRub Oer 1 7 Mlttion Jorm UnJ ) r(r would resl(jn. J Price 30c