r It. BRINGING sa-mac,oie:, "HT CAN'T I v HAVE bOME THi".; Yo Eat that t like? 7V Markets '. '"' lilVtWUK'k. . ."POrtLAND, Ore., Jan. It. Cat .; tie eg eulves receipts 2865 (28 ;. thr'dgh). Slow wenk. bidding 2.1 ep 54 lower. Steers good, .$7.25 7.75; .-medium $6.25 ft 7.25; common, $5.25 f 6.25; canneis and cutters steers, Wd - 6.26; heifers good (850 lls. up) $6i . 6. 76; common and medium all ;. weights 4(iG; cows good, $o.256; common and medium, $4 iff 5.25; fan ners and cutters, 1.604; bulls, good (beef yearlings excluded) $4 4.50; common to medium (canners and bologna). $3fj)4; calves, medium to choice, (190 lbs. down) $710: cull and common (I DO lbs. down) S5 IH7; medium to choice (100 to 260 'lbs.) $6.T59; medium to choice, (260 lbs. up) 15.50 7.25; cull and common (190 lbs. up) $45.50.. Hog receipts 225. Active, fully 26 60o higher. Heavy weight (250 to 850 lbs.) medium, good and choice, 110.50 1 1.40; light weight (160 to 200 lbs.) common medium good and choice $11.25 11.60; light lights (130 to 100 lbs.) common, medium, good ' - : ' '1 1 'ft; arid choice. $9.75 1 1.25; packing ,'w hogs smooth, $99.50; rough. $8.50 9; slaughter pigs (130 lbs. down) me- !VS dlum good and choice, $9 10; feeder S and mocker pigs (70 to 130 -, lbs.); i common medium good and choke, $8, i.S 9. t- '; (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs, ( V excluded in above quotations). I ' . ; Sheep-, and lambs 930 strong to 25c higher. Ijimbs light and handy, I weight, medium to choice, $14.50 ':'! 16.50; heavy weight (92 lbs. up) me dlum to prime $1314.50; nil weights IBS cull and common, $llil4.50; year- ling wethers, medium to prime $10.50 , ( 12.60; wethers (2 years old and ovor) medium to prime. $S5010;. vuiiiiiioii 10 cnoice, i'h-j; cau-i ner and culls $3W7. (Above quotations except lambs on Bhorn basis). Eggs PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 19. Eggs unsettled. Current receipts 48c; pul lets 4545Vjc; firsts 40 4614c; hen neries 47 47 14c delivered Portland. Butter Butter slow. Extra cubes, city 44c. standards 4214c; prime firsts 41c; firsts 33'4c; undergrades nominal; prints 47o: cartons 4xc. Butterfnt steady, liesl churning cream 45 46c not shippers' track in zone one, 47c delivered Portland. Poultry Poultry steady. "Heavy hens 22 24c; light 16!7c: springs 2125c;j old rojstei'B l'.lc: ducks, white Pekin 20 21c; live turkeys 23c; dressed turkeys 32 m 31c; geese 16c. Polalocs Onions 25 60c higher $1.50. Buy ing price $4.60 strong. Potatoes strong $1.50 1.00. Portland When!. PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 19. Wheat bids: Hard white, blucstem. baart $2.02; soft white $1.91; western white $1.85; hard winter $1.89; northern spring $1.90; western red $1.80; BUI) hard white $2.18. Todays car receipts Wheat ?7; bailey 1; flour 16; corn 6; oats 3; hay 20. San l-'rnnrlMO Markets SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 19. (Fed eral State Market News Service. Apples Boxes. California New-towns, fancy 314 tier $2.753; four tier $2 2.21; Oregon and Washington delic l..r st J(f4.50; Spitwnbergs xf fancy $2.50 R 2.75; choice J!j;,!S; Rome beauties xf $2.50 t.li: fancy $2.26 2.50: wlr.esaps xf $2. 8503. 25: fancy $2.502.75; Ar kansas blacks xf $2.7bfr3: fancy $2.26 2.75; Newtnwns. fancy $2.253, C" grade SI. 85 2.35. Pear-s per box Winter Nells $23: CASH PAID For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 R Main Phone 50") UP FATHER w pTOO EAT WHAT VOU HAVE THEKE 4 AMD DON'T DO "bONUCH TAUKINCf d'Anjous 2.00(73; Oregon coinloe J3.50. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 19. (U. S. Bureau of Agrlcultuial Kconomlcs.) Eggs very firm, extras $0C',ac extra pullets 64',ao; undersized pul lets nominal. Butterfut f.o.b. San Francisco 48 he. Broilers 1 to IK lbs. 4045c; 1 V4 lbs.. 4042c; colored 114 to 1 lbs. 40 42c. Fryers, leghorn 2 to 2 V4 lbs. 38 40c; colored 2 to 214 lbs. 4042c. Young roosters, colored 3 lbs. and up 34 36c; stagey, showing spurs 24 .'Sc. Old roosterb, colored 15 17c; leg horn 11' 1 3c; leghorn hens 2 ',i lbs. 2425c; 3 lbs. 2526c; 3 V4 to 314 lbs. 2627c. Large colored hens, fancy 2830o. Turkeys, dressed, fancy turns 40 42'c, hens 3638c. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Housekeeper, by man with three children, aged 9 to 12 years. Small ranch In city limits. Address Box 35, Afhland, Oregon. 255 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Will give good Christian home to baby or small child. Box 90, Mail Tribune. 257 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by nuto me chanic; would also consider driving or tvactor work. Phone 532-L. 255 WANTED Work by expert rose pruner. Tel. 1144. 255 WANTED Wood sawing, phone 462Y WANTED Truck work, local or long distance. Phone 22-R or 669. 270 WA NTED M ISCELLAN EM'S WANTED Plastering, cement work and calclmining. 319 So. Ivy. Phono 705-W. 257 WANTED Will pay cash for Ford car, sedan preferred. Tel 4D1-R. 255 WANTED A few more roomers and hoarders at the Kent Rooming house. Cor. 6th and Riverside. 256 WANTED Upholstering, reflnlshlng, repairing-. A. N. Thlbault. Phone 969-R. 255 WANTED Clean cotton rags.1 Mall Tribune office. - WANTED TO BUY si,. LouIb prices for furs. We buy lots of them that have been shipped and returned. 241 N. Fir St. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 17 tf POIl RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished fine ground floor apartment. Inquire. 6 S. Fir. FOIt RENT Small apartment. 140 So. Holly. 257" FOR RENT Furnished apartment; two rooms and sleeping jmrch. 821 W. lllth st. Phone 386-W. 285 FOR HEN1 HOl'SKK EEPI.NG ROOMS FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 Ho. Central. 254tf FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping and rooms with board. Cen tral Hotel, Central Point. 256 FOR REXT MISCELLANEOUS TO LEASE Rearll.g orchard. See Brown & White, Mediord, ore. lSltf" FOR SALE SEVERAL SHARES OF Jackson (ounty Creamery Preferred Stock ' Will take 60c on Ihe dollar. Inquire Box R. B., Mail Tribune. noooooooooocoooooooooooooo REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Meautifut 7-room modern home, large living room with Btone fireplace, four bedrooms, two screened sleeping porches, large lot 60x190, all clear of Incum brance. Well located, less than four blocks from Hotel Medford. Price Only $6500 TERMS Earl S. Tumy Real EsUte and Insurance Liberty Bldg. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 'jnnmmti wktVj rnmam, WHAT WOULD THE PEOPLE Think, ifthe sawyoo EATING t)UCH COHNOM Dl'bHE'b Ab YOU LIKE?C WHAT DO V I CARE? FOR REXT FFRNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Good sleeping rooms for men. Hath. 13U7 West Main St. 259 FOR RENT Sleeping room, close In. 21!) So. Holly. 256 FOR RENT HOUSES FUR RENT Furnished house in Central Point, $18. Sec Florence Stepheneon, west of school. 256 FOR RENT Furnished house, 608 S. Grape. 255 FOR RENT Five room modern house. Very desirable for spring and summer. Call 046-L. 256 FOR RENT Nice modern 4 -room cottage with garage, at 108 So. Oak dale. Phono 774-J-2. 258 FOR RENT New bungalow on No. Oakdulc. Inquire 300 No. Peach. 255 FOR RENT Houses, Drown & White BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN $S0 WEEKLY spare time, at home, addressing, mailing, music, circulars. Send 10c for music and information. Co-Oporatlvo MukIc Co., St. Paul, Minn. 2 55 A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Storage and service garage, a real money making proposition, income from $100.00 to $500.00 pel' day. This will Interest you if you have some real money, and want a real business that is making money. Present owner must make a change at once if possible. Sop us for do tails. Itrown & White Agency, Inc. FOR SALE Confectionery, Invoico about $3200, lirice $2650, cash, for quick Hale. Owner other interests. No agents. Rent $30. Box J. M., Mail Tribune. 271 LOST LOST Lathing hatchet. Phono 375-L. 255 More Miles More Power Standard, Shell, Union Gas With or Without Boyce-ito. Free Crunk Cnse Service.' We call for the Car. 1 Phone 463 Armory Service Station Protected Tires FOR SALE AT COST OF IMPROVEMENTS (Non-Rosldont Owner) 20-ncrn full .hearing pear orchard In excellent location. 1-and la the very best. Fruit has linen exceptionally well earod for and-, pays good revenue Hoautlfu modern homo overlooking the valley, Ideally situated. Good outbuildings. Positively tlie best hhy today on nil Improved fruit tract. Lot us show you this snap. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building ' Phone 900 or 609-Y 20-ACRE BEARING PEAR ORCHARD Non-Resident Owner Says Sacrifice $5000 Half Cash, Balance Terms Two miles from Medford on paved highway. The fruit Inspector In this district says this is one of the best deals In a pear orchard ho has ovor seen offered In Jackson county. Look at this and ask your hanker what ho thinks of It as an- Investment. Rearing pear orchard, host of garden land, loam soil. Fine location for homo; only .2G0 pur ucro. Phone 784-L J. C. We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS ' In All Its Branches BALES :: RENTAL8 :: LOANS :: IN8URANCE At present we are offering homes oo easy payments; pavomont, cement sidewalks and garage. New and modern. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, INC. 112 East Main 8t. DIVERSIFY! DIVERSIFY! Get a going concern, hay and equipment Included. 89 acres about 2 miles from Paclflo highway, with appurtenant water rights for 15 acres and district water for 17 acreB. Ten acres alfalfa seeded. Large house adapted for keeping summer boarders, sufficient barn for good dairy. Reservoir site to take care of surplus water of creek flow. Interest In electric lino supplying current; team, hay, harvest equipment, some live stock and ample hay until next crop. $10,000 is price and wa can make extremely good terms. 4 Phont 328 6EE HOLMES FOR mvvonv, mv.acK. motay. .taKuaty in, m I IM 11925 by Int'l TAKEN UP TAKEN UP One black gelding, weighing 1000 lbs., one bay mare. 1500 lbs., branded IJC7 ; one sorrel colt. Owner can have same by calling at pound. Chief of Pollen. 256 FOIt EXCHAXG FOR TRADE Young gentle cow for good horse. "W. Hatlon, five miles west Central Point. 256 Fouxn FOUND Man's glove. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. 255 FOR SAJ.1'3 HOMES FOR SALE Comfortablo 114 story dwelling of oight largo rooms, in cluding two bed rooms down stairs and maid's room with sleeping porch and a children's playroom room up stairs. Large porches, 2-rooiu brick cellar house, large wood house. It 78x240 on prominent street in good residence district. Nice shrubbery, many fine shade trcja. Just a roomy, comfortable home. Price to sell ut once. Phone 130. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh nm, springer milk cows. Reasonable terms. Gluen Si allies. 264 FOR SALE Ono extra fine span of mules. One wagon, one horse; "ve acres of land, just west of the .i.t tlon in Phoenix. Charles Parsons. 24fllf FOR SA LE Cows, 3 extra good cows. Just fresh. M. Walsh on South Peach street, just outside city limits. tf FOR SALE Five heifers, fresh and coming fre.ih; also four 6 mouths old heifer calves. Phono 867-L. 2511 FOR SALIC Two fresh Jersey cows and heifer calves cheap. A. Ilens ler. 1 mile east of Phoenix. 255 WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF & WOOL? BARNES 6 So. Central DIVERSIFY! HOMES Nash Holel Corner -J -J COIM OOWIs TO A,tS" CKT SOME COR.ME.D CiEE" AHD f jri V-u u - Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. ' '7 l'OR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bull, Address J. J. Muuscll, .meksouvlllc. 2511 FOR SALE Thoroughnren yearling Jersey bull. Call Jacksonville, 8S-F-3. 270 FOR SALE Tll-colorcd collie pup. Phone 300-U It FOR SALE Registered yearling Jer sey bulls. Finest in the valley. Show stock, lirge for nge. Direct descend ant from Golden Glow Chief. Gold Medal hull No. 61460. Sire of Viva La France. 1031.64 lbs. butter fat, and 30 others of merit. Direct de scendant of St. Mnwes, No. 115'JUO. Rendy for service. Reasonable. Prof. C. Engolhardt, Medford, R. 3. 266 FOIt SALE Milk goats, extra good. Phono 403-.I-6. i 255 FOR SALE Pupplos. - Shepherds. Phone 53H-R-B. 2 65 FOR SALE AU1-OMOII1LES FOR SALK Chevrolet coupo. Ijito model; lots of extras, 1025 license. Goes at a bargain. 123 So. Front St. 266 FOR SALE Dodge touring car, cheap. Good condition. Uox D. C, Tribune 255 FOR SALE Cheap. Ford truck wilh wood rack, cab and ood rubber. Phono 13-NX-l, Central Point. 255 FOR S A 1 ,10.1 1017 Dodge sedan, good mechanical condition: lots of power, wire wheels. $275. Inquire Cottago Service Station, opposite Rerrydale store. 2 55 FOR SALE Hudson speedster, first class condition. 323 Laurel street, Ashland. 265 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALK llulldlng sites acreage to suit. Good locations, natural trees, best of soil, under irrigation, tracts 2 acros up; terms. Telephone TMi-K-3. 260 FOR SALE Make $30 dally. Own Inexpensive cozy home. Keep 2000 chickens paying $30 dally: raise your own reed; bo your own boss. Pay $1600 cash, balance, $1175, pay like rent. Plenty wood, pasture, seeded land, water; paved highway close. South of Ashland city: excellent markets; climate curative; unusual bargain. Cuvlor, . (Owner,) llox 601, Ashland, Ore gon. ' , 260 FOR SALE Anything from vacant lots to swell homes. Easy terms. L. C. Durkcc. Phone 661, 603 N. Holly street. 264 FOR SALIO Corner lot. east side, llolh streets paved, $800. Terms. Phono 627-V. 254 FOR SALE 5 acres of land Just west of the station In Phoenix. Price $500. Charles Parsons. 255 FOIt SALE Homestead on pavo nient; not far out; or will trade. What have you? Uox 10, Mall Tribune. ' -255 FOIt SALE Sevoral good buys, ranches and houses and a good bus iness, call l 1 5. E.H.French. 2711 FOR SALE Pear orchard, Non resident owner. Anxious to sell. Lib eral terms. Phono 261. 323 Bo. Fir. 256 FOR SALE Small ranch near Ash land; make good chicken ranch. This is good close In property. Will sell at a reasonable price, llox 45, Mall Tribune. 231 SACRIFICE SA LE 10.000 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards anil stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per ncro up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches fur rout and exchange Gold Ray Realry com pany, owners. No. 15 N. Grape street. tf FOR SALE Modern six room bunga low, plastered. Garage, woodshed, chicken houso and storehouse 1ols of berries. Lot 76x126 ft. $2500. flood turins. Enquire G. F. Worm. 723 W. 13th street. 255 FOR SALE McKeever place, S acres of land under ditch and Improve ments. Just outside city limits on North Pacific highway. For par ticulars inquire at residence or ad ress Route 2. Uox 4. tf FOR HALE lits and 7. block 1, Renson street. Oak Grove; all clear; $500 rash total. .1. M. Schmidt, 741 Grand avonue, Phoenix. Ariz. 255 FOR SALE Real bargains In stock ranches and fine pear orchards. Of fice 126 North Front strcot. Phono 872 or 600-L. 273 FOR SALE AnythiiiR from vacant lots to swell homes. Easy terms. L. C. Durkoo. Phono 661. 630 N. Holly street. , 23 INSURANCE Fire Automobile Theft Liability Plate Glass REAL ESTATE CARL Y. TENOWALD Hotel Holland Bldg. i Phone 993 By Georg'e McManus 3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALIO Choice first cut alfalfa bay. Phone 56S-R-2. 257 FOR SALE Premier Duplex electric vacuum cleaner, A-l condition. Cash or terms. 224 N. Riverside. Phone 372. 267 FOR SALIO Galvanized water tank, 1(00 gallons. Same us new. $60. M. Slllleuger, Talent. 257 FOR SALE Fancy netted gem pota toes from Klamath 1-iills at reason able prices. Those who have used Klamath Falls potatoes will tell yo'l there aru none better. John.-ion Produce Company. 241 N. Fir street. Phone 07. 255,tf FOR SALE Fancy npples from the Jiear creek orchards. Jonuson Pro duco Co. 241 N. Fir street. Phone 07. 255tt FOR SALIO Italian plano-accordlan. Fine comlltliMi. Inqulro Nash Hotel Rarber shop. 258 FOR SALE Good Newtown npples, 75c to $1.25 per box at ranch. Web ster orchard. Call 571-J-5. 261 FOR SALE Ono largo push cart; springs under bed. Enqulro Cen tral Point Shoe Shop. 255 FOR SALE Cornet. Phono R-13-M. 265 FOR SALIO Full blooded barred rock roosters, 1 year old. Phono 381-M. 255 FOR SALIO Davenport, 3 looso spring cushions, new frame and cov ering. Price $76. 32 IV. Grape st. 256 FOR SALE 3 300 egg incubators. Apply Jackson County Creamery. Pouliry department: 26$ FOR SALE Dirt for filling. Phono 644. - 264 'Oil SALE 30 tons of hay; also Cletrac with plows, discs and har row, Geo. A. Mansfield. 268 FOR SALE Ftanjo, saxophone and piano. Very reasonable. 628 So. Orapo. 255 FOR SALE Toledo range. Pctaluma 250 egg Incubator, Ruckeyc brooder No. 4 1, platform scale 244 lbs. Phono 14-F-22. 255 FOR SALE Electric Incubators ns good as new. Phono 865-Y. 256 FOR SALE Smith's dry plno wood Is best, $3 a tier delivered. Phono Medford, 1103; Contral Point, 38-X-2. 278 FOR SALIO Two good second hnnd llcnii sprayers, overhauled. Hub bard Rros. 257 FOR SALE Ilean sprnyor, priced right. D. L. Davidson, Central Point. 266 FOR SALE Standard Incubators and brooders, cheap. All sizes, 510 No. Rarllett or phono 105S. 250 FOR SALE Good Newtown apples, $1.26 per box at ranch. Webster orchard. Call 671-J-5. s 256 FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. No. 15 N. Grape Htr')t. tf FOR SALE -Turkeys. Phono 591-R-2. 261 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, 1st and 3rd cuttings, by halo or ton. phono 317 8 a. m. to 6 p. m, 255 FOR SALIO Now 0x12- seamless Mas- land rug. Never usod. dovoob store. - tf FOR HALE Apples, Spltzonhurir at l An ... I nn ...... l.v nnlrml CrnA)l. wood & Anderson, end X-. Contral. tf IIUKINESS DIRECTORY VETERINARY . MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL. Dr. E. C. Mcculloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Offlco consultations froe. Corner Orapo and Fifth, Mod ford, Ore. Phono 360 Day or night. We have several used Units for Ford Cars Motor, complete ..' $20.00 Roar End 7.50 Wheels - 3.00 Cias Tanks ..: 2.00 Block 10.00 Frame G.00 Crankcase 5.00 Hood 3.00 These parts will fit any model Ford. All in good condition. C. E, Gates Auto Co. PAHT! KI VB " 1 - -a RUSIXESS DIRECTORY Attorneys REA.MIOS & REAM ES Lawyers, of fice in Liborty Uulldlng. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave,, upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title aud Title Insurance. The only complete Tillo System la Jackson County. A. E. KELLOGQ Abstraotor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon.- Reliable Jackson County Abstraotor. Ovor twenty years' experience, in the county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Kill. tf llulldlng: Contractors PIOFLEY RROS. Contractors and builders, job work a speclulty, cab inet work, puintlng and plastering. 1112 Roddy Ave., Medford. Phone 666-M. 1 Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chtro practlo and Eloctro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford itldg. Phone 065. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Noo-EcloctlO Physician. DR. LOUISE K. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dyloiherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro practlce. Office: stowart Bldg., 256 E. Main St. Phones: Office 170; Res. 170-J-2. ... DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropraotlo N6rvo Specialist. Office hours (t-12, 2-5, 208-206 Liberty Uldg. Office Phono 6R0. Res. phone 1027. . Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 66 9. Res. 776. Office hours 0 a. m. 6 p. m. Evening aud Sunday by appointment. DR. H. E. MURPHY Dontlstry. Dental X-Ray. Phono 77, office Second floor Medford Bldg. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. -Wilson, C. P.A. Attention given to anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Insurance EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Accldont. Bonds. Phono 402. 209 Liberty Rldg. Money to Loan J. B. ANDRISWS Buys and sells tnorl gages und loans money on good security. 31 N. Grape St. Phone B3-M. .. 246 Mortuary PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oskdulu. Ambulance service. Phone 47. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, Goners! Manager. 'P. M, Kershaw, Hales Munager, 103 10. Sixth St., Medford. tf Osteopaths DR. F. (1. CAHLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathic Physicians 4 16-41 8 Liberty Bid. Phone H04-J-3. Resldenco 26 South Laurel St. iMann Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 213 Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. riiitri-M anil Publishers M EDFORD PRINTING CO. has the' best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Hiilldors Supplies A Roofing STANDARD ROOFING & BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY (Successors to . Medford Brick and Cement Block Works) Carey's highest grade roofing paper. Everything In manu factured cement. With built up grantto roofs your roof trouble la over. Offlco: Cor. Fir and Eighth. Phono 738-X. Ftrunsfer BADS TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Offlco 22 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER A STORAGE) CO. Anything moved, day. or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone 644, or residence 1080. Upholstering J. WEIH Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds ot uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone ' 101 Jacksonville, Ore. Window CI canlna; GEO. A. SEELY Window cleaning, floor waxing, Janitor service, build ings, etc. Have taken over A. af. Rhodes' work. Let George do iL