Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 19, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    imTwmm mm trittokti, mmonn: wvm, MAmw, tanai?? m iass
mrrc mm
Medford mail tribune
The Medford Sunday Morning Sun in furnlelird
aulwcribeni deeiriug the eveu-day daily news
Office: Mull Tribune Building,
Korth Fir elreet. VUor.e 75.
- 1iJainn n( it. a tlTTinrrntin TllflPA. the
Wed ford Mail, the iledford Tribune, the bou'b-
eru uregonian, tlie Aatuanu iriDui.e.
RUBKRT W. UVW., Fditor.
S. HUMI'TKK SMITH, Munt.ger.
Bj Mail In Advent':
Ua1, With Sunday Run, year ....
Daily, with Sunday Sun. month . . .
Daily, without Sunday Sun, year ,.
Dully, without Sunday Sun, month
Wi-fkly Mail Tribune, one year
Sunday Sun, one year
. .76
. O.iU
. .11
, 2 00
. 2.00
uv fittuivu r,. Uoitfrml. Ashland. Juckwiii-
vllle. Central Point, J'l.oenli, Tulriit and on
Daily, Willi Sunday Sun. month...
ti.n' nitimnt wiimliiv Kim. month.
$ jr.
Daily! without Sundav Sun, one year... 7.f0
nliv with Kundav Hun. one year a.uO
All term by currier, cuh in advance,
Entered aa aerund-fllitsa matter at Medford,
Oregon, under act of March 8, 1870.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper oi jucksou iomny.
The onlv paper between 'Albany, Ore., nnd
Ohlra, California, u distance of over 400
milieu, having leased wire AsKuuIated Prena
TU AHHOfiated 1'retin in ejtclimlvcly entliled
to the UHe for repiihlu'itlfon of all newM din
nut plies credit 1 t'o It or not otherwiHe credited
In thin paper, and also to the local newa pub
liwlied herein.
A II riff ht s of repuliMciil ion of special din
patches herein are alno reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Artliur furry
filnik't-oyod hnlp. mnski'il In ((
fiirni. nnd kowih'iI In hypocrisy, Ih
KttlnK ready to static through the
valley and community, nflor tlire
yearn of being nnibuslied behind re
llKion. The hIkiis iil-e unl'iilltnK. The
olitKlumllng f inures have Hiiil ual
leei'H c;n their faces, and are Hllccuinli
llitf to the i-uvuKett ul' liyHterlcal
In Portland last Friflny, a Ohlncso
bank cashier and tiiooo ova pointed ut
approximately the sanio time.
Tom Jutinlln, tho hard pressed lum
berman, is dnwn In the Heml-trnpieH
with the rohhert farmers and chief
viethrm of hltfh taxes In IhiH vicinity.
They will all he home In tlmo to bo
ruined by the frost, and buy now cuih.
Rimer J. Kdo quite smoking Inst
Sunday when his pipe set fire to his
bed In a Halt Lake hotel and ho wun
burned to death. llalHey Kntur
prlae.) liow do you flguro?
1'nlltles makes slrnnno bedfellows.'
A couple of local lights who
all throui;h (he t-imipuU;n, uru uuvv
'looming together.
(Kansas ( Hy Slur)
Outside, the Htai-y and a ,slivor of a
IiihUIo, the wholo world playing him
a tune. t
lilack. black mnlc, and a few taul
Itrlng to him the music of a million
I choirs,
Shredfi-of It, snatches of It, r:iKK.
jiiKKCfl bars,
loop themselves around Ihe earth and
Catch on the stars.
Here, nits the magician. In warm nlid
slippered ease,
rinyliiK on the. radio with cunUnculs
for keys.
. Spring Is nltfh. Wip; Ashpolu re
portH tho meadow larka have started
squawking on his lower 80.
A new wave of notoriety Is about to
engulf Charles Chaplin, film come
dian, whoso wife, It;, must 30 to
BChool. Maybe she klHhcd her husband
before she had her arithmetic.
(Albany Democrat)
V. Crawford, 42, a farmer
nf tho Tall m tin neighborhood,
was the first man to resist cm be
fore the county clerk. Tho red
tape; called for In the act of
registering Is boundless. The ages,
occupation, place of birth and a
lot uf other nonsense is required.
It's about time IovIiik fiends started
another couple adrift on matrimony's
stormy soas, on the how id' a -Id.
KNT Midline Klamath News.) It Ih
too! You're a liar!
John Scoit has made n beautiful
rUK from the hear slcln of the bear
he killed. (Kumn lieKister) Sounds
The teams ptay again tonight. Med
ford led all tho w hm the Kuene
players vt r alwsyM In Di game.
(rortland Journal.) As they should
!!, AM) ACTS 1,1 K K 10
tNl' lCxamlnei )
Still vigorous dofplte her 'ifl
years; Mis. P Ik Kins violently
shouk her bohbd grey locks
wheli asked If she still loved her
errant husband. "I am thriigh
with him." hue declarel. .'There
lire plenty mmo niuu In thb
All the newnpa:iers and US per cent
of th; pi'pulitlmi havt ittbserveil face
IbujNly,' that Champion Jack Deuip.sej
Is K"1n to get married and quit light
ing for money.
Vrohibitlon enforcement officers
have discovered teat a Hulituar'ne
landed 20 rasrs of liquor on thp
lork hound Califorufn coast. In ac
cordance wltn usujil custom nnd tra
dition, the discovery was made after
the currier nnd contraband both were
The leglNlature Is shaping up like
Jt wun going lu be u tutal lu&-
THli SKILL of Si'crctiiry of Sl'nto IIiikIiph in lmndliiif; foreign
affairs is effectively demonstrated in tlie recent settlement of
tlie Wiir debt lirolilem in I'liris.
The, arrangement whs technically unofficial, lint it had, and will
have the same practical effect, as would an official settlement. The
advantages of the unofficial treatment lies in the fact that no eon
pressional sanction is iiU'cssnry. As a result the United States is in
a position to do its duty to Europe, and at the same time, avoid en
tanglements, on one hand, and polities on the other.
Seeretary.iruglies profited hy President Wilson's misfortunes, and
avoiding his mistakes, has achieved tlie Dawes plan and the J'aris
settlement, -."
Senator Ilirnm Johnson and Ihe other irreeoueilihles will make
all the trouble they can. lint they can't make much. Secretary
Hughes has been too clever for llicm.
TIIKKK APVHAKS to be a rrowin; scntiiiu'iit against Oregon's
diininii)"; law nnd Alt'dlonl's automol)ilo parking system.
Tn this ediuioetioii it is interesting 1 oliservc what lias been clone
in California. They have no diimiiiur. law tliere, yet aeo'ulents duo to
blinding headlights are prnetieally unknown.
Instead of compelling the motorist, to dim, am run tho risk of
running oi'f the road or into the posterior portion of a stray cow, all
headlights must conform to a type which lights the road, but does
not blind the approaching driver. '
In northern California tho head-on oblique .parking system, lias
been adopted by a vast majority of t lie larger twns, and it is re
ported to bo very successful. Strips are painted on the pavement
at an acute angle with the curb, just enough clearing space to allow
a ear to get in and out.
Motorists who have, studied tin; system claim that more ears can
be parked under this arningemm-t, and very little if any more space
in the center of the street is occupied, than via the parallel parking
system in force here.
California doesn't do everything
ono district is satisfied with an
isn't, it is usually profitable for
methods of the former.
Superlative praise: She is attractive even in a boiidoir eap.
A manly man is one who has
The yellow peoples never will
turn lied. "
1'eiiiK (nvcrucd liy a woman
of the two slates.
' The president, has the peculiar notion that this way to get some
thing done is to go to work.
One of tin? country's greatest sources of wealth is cotton, on which
everybody loses money.
The average man's idea of a democracy is one. in which the upper
crust gets done.
There are 87,fil2 dumb in America, but. tli its doesn't include the
dumb who can talk. .
Every house should have a nice
from their children's swell friends.
The mail who called the Senate
the world didn't know Hughes. .
b wait
IT IS A D.VI5K and stormy night, a nbiht of clammy rain; the
elements put up n tight, the dreary winds complain; and
home provides a keen delight to people safe and sane. Tlie vil
lage windows are aglow, and empty is th.'e street ; the rain' is freez
ing into s"ow, the show's becoming sletet ; and still the cop toils
to and I'm upon his. dreary beat. Tlui snow is coming down by
hods, it drapes the peeler's form, as Mernly, patiently he plods
Jlis journey through the storm, whiUe other people thank their
gods that they are safe and warm. 'J 'he cop is chilled from heels
1o crown, his toilworu feet are nuiWli, but .still Jie paces up and
down with duly as his chum, for he. must guard the drowsy town,
whatever storms may come. And evil men maybe abroad, to
ra"sack rooms and flats, to rob a jpoct of his wad, or steal some
widow's eats; the cop, he puts tin m all in ipiod, and dares their
deadly gals. So patiently he playis the game, his load so strongly
bears; Iti'ave man, who dies hefWe he'll shame the uniform he
wears! The cows are resting in their byres, the hens are bedded
down, and we are toasting by our fires, our feet until they're
brown; and with a stride that never tires, the cop still guards
the town.
better than Oregon, But where
arrangement and another district
the latter district to study the
valor enough to call a modern girl
alarm Mr. Unfiles much unless they
1 .
may seem stran- to tlie bachelors
room where the old folks can hide
the greatest deliberative body in
Mason '
are novelties which ca'n lie seen here
In a variety net to le found eluewhero.
They arc both Instructive nnd amusing
and keep the child interested ull tils
vnkliiK hour. Come uud sh them.
In the lunKUiiKo of many mothers, they
me "just loo cute for anything."
Thompson, The Painter
126 North Central ','
While on her way ' n mall Imis h'H
nioriiln' Mrs. Km Push wn held "l
hy ImiikIIIs who tore Ih' Hiiimi) 1'iom
I,)... i.. !... imi i.s u'll In ii lilirh-now-
myI dir. Nohiidclv'ovcr kicks on n
(Ic r off Hi' slniltiht an' narrow
imlli. -.
What's in a
Anyone the .Scotch names which
hnve found favor in this country Is
Alison. The fluvor of romance still
lingers, about it u persistently n in
the days whop it was first Introduced
Into Scottish iioineni Vituro hy the
coming of the archers from France.
Alison siunlfies "famous war"; It has
its oriuiii in. the KarliiiK romantics.
Three nioniirchs of the Kaiiintc line
liore the nainu of Aloys and tlie fifth
descendant of ilunh Capet brouBht
it into voBlie UKaill filler which It
came to special honor Willi the saintly
(.'rusader, ninth kiiitc so called from
whom. It became fontinuuuf ly asso
ciated with French royalty. The
most famous lady who bore It was
the heroine of the romantic corres
nondence with Abelard.
KtvmoloKists believe that this
name, redolent of poetry and ro
mance, was transplanted direct into
Scotland In this form, hut It had too
foreign n sound for Scottish ears and
the subsequent chaue of Alison rep
resented an effort to preserve the ro
mantic tradition of the name without
sacrlficiliB national tradition. ,
The amethyst is Alison's tallsmnnlc
(jcm. It is believed tu kIvo her a
cool heart, koocI judKiuent, and protec
tion from contaKlon. Friday is net
lucky 'lay nnd 4 her lucky number.
Xo lint lie r Table Hock.
To the Kditor:
History is filled with errors. Clcorite
Washlnnton, Ih n letter to John Mar
shall, 'In speaking of Weatn's Life of
Washinnton. says: "I do not know
tho source of his statement in relation
to the hatchet and cherry tree, for 1
never hail any such experience, etc.
etc." It i.s now known that the story
of William Tell nnd tho tyrant Gesler
is a, pure fabrication nnd that no
men of those names ever, nppenred
on the paKes of authentic history.
The battle of Table Hock never took
place, either in Captain Juck-s time
(1S72) or durliiK tho Hokuo Hlver In
dian war of 1S55. or at any other time,
or nt nil. It is almost n pity to wreck
such a thrilliiiK story. I came to
southern Oreuon In lSf.2. The inci
dents of the war of 1SS3 nre fresh In
my mind. I its about 11 years old
at the lime. 'In 1S76, n history of
Jackson county nnd Its Indian trou
bles was published. It Is n volumin
ous work. The man who wrote It
spent three months' time in Jackson
ville KUtherlnK lip the facts. lie was
aided by Henry Kllppel, Judiie Silas
IVy. C. C I leek man. Col. John K.
lioss nnd ninny .other participants of
the war. Kvery little fiKht with In
dians is described but no mention Is
made of any battle on Table iiock. A
copy of tills history is in the Medford
library. Another pretty little fiction
is, that Grants Pass took Its name
from tho fact that V. S. Grant camped
there while cominandlnK a company
of regular soldiers eliKnued in the.
Indian war. Absolutely false (Slant
vas not In the Hoitue River war. His
autobiography tells his wholo history,
on this coast, and he does not mention
the RoKiie Itiver country. Jle was at
Vancouver, anil also at Humbolt bay.
While, lit tlie latter place he sent in
his resignation from the al'iny. I un
derstand that In one of the fraternal
halls of Medford a picture of V. S.
Grant s hum; on the walls entitled "U.
S. Grant's lid. tjrs. nt Grants Pass,
Oregon." 1 know how it came tn be
named Grams Pass and who named
it. 'but I will not pro into thai at this
time. M. M COIA IG.
.Tust reoeiveil a shipment of
four-year-ol.l Walnut Trees.
These won't last, so see them
early. ;
Washington Nursery
223 So. Holly Phone 612 R
Personal Health Service
. Nottd Phytleian and Amthor
8lnf rttur. Mrt.lnlni to hihui
trMtmwt, H.III tx .i.rJ by Dr. Bruly If
l.ouoro tnouia w Dim ma wriuwi in in. jwmw .v nm ----- - - .
tow can b nworod Mr. No rooty oon bo md to uoriw not oontormlni to Imtruotlon
Addrow Dr. Wllllom Brmdy, Is or of thl imwwcpw.
Kwi CiKif mid
I.nst winter, . writes "Onu. of the
Fire HuKKers," you rubbed us old fel
lows who like to hue the firo severely
up the back.' How Is an old ehnp to
keep warm without hUKKlng tho fire?
1 can keep warm by
walkillB outdoors,
lull In an hour or so
pin tired and have
to kIvo up. Now how
can I keep warm tho
other 14 hours I am
Carnaro's pnrndox
comes to mind: He
who would eat "much
must eat little. What
the Brent exemplar
of longevity meant
was that 'one must
be nbvteiiilous In eutlng If one would
live 'lints.
Several factors enter Into the
question of keeping warm, but I am
strictly within ' selegiline bounds
when I say the main tiling Is to keep
cool if you would be comfortable.
An ordinary thermometer In the
room is not an adequate means of
measuring the condition of the air In
relation to body warmth or comfort.
It gives no indication of the amount
of heat dissipated by evaporation of
moisture from the body surface. It
gives only tin indication of the
amount of heat lost by radiation nnd
convection, uud of course this Is lit
tle when compared with the amount
dissipated through evaporation. Tills
heat loss through evaporation is tho
important factor in keeping com
fortable, and it depends on three
things, namely tlie temperature of
the air, the humidity or .degree of
liioisture present in the air, and the
movenynt of the air drafts or wind.
An instrument known as the hygro
meter measures the humidity, and an
other called the anemometer ineus
tircs the movement (velocity of ulr
currents), but u feller can't devoto
his leiuro to these instruments, so I
would suggest n simple little instru
ment which will take the place of
both of them, tin ulr tester. Air tester
can he had which shows whether the
conditions in the room are within the
comfort zone, or whether the air re
quires moisture added or not.
Tho reason why you do not feel
warm enough indoors in the winter
time unless you hug the fire is not
that your rooms are not sufficiently
heated, but rather that the air is ex
cessively dried out, by any kind of
artificial heating.
A room temperature of 65 to 118 de
grees F., is always comfortable, if tho
air Is kept sufficiently moistened. A
Timely Views
on World Topics
"lrogri;s of 'Comeback'' This Year
Depends on Hecovcry of Kuiiipo."
' "it is not" an easy thing to recover
from a" shnkc-up as the world re
cently experienced in the great war.'
The effect of- any such universal en-1
lamity is bound to be felt for many I
years to come. It
has been true of.
nil wars," says W. (
IS. Knox, president
or the American .
I linkers' associa
tion, in discussing
the general outlook
for the year.
"If Kurope will
stick to and en
deavor to stren
gthen her present
policy of applying
economic Instead
of political influ
ence to her post
war problems, the
iU.unii kNiOa
outlook for n rapid comeback is
hopeful. The inaiayul-ation of the
Dawes plan Is a great economic
achievement. If this plan is carried
out on the' principle upon which it
is based, namely, the "ability of Ger
many to1 pay"; If only reasonable de
mands are made, nnd politios ex
cluded, it cannot fail of far-reaching
and permanent results.
.Mollify Ilaues llnii If Xoeddl.
"The administration of the plan
will not be easy, its application af
fects the vet- foundation of Ger
many's Industrial system and looks
to the restoration of her currency and
credit. The demands of her creditors
will doubtless be exacting but the
Dawes plan Is a great step toward
permanent results to which every na
tion should lemHts full co-operation.
"If the Original requirements of
the plan are found to be be
yond Uermnny's libllity Jo pay, it
mny be necessary to modify the re
quirements; but the main thing is
mm uermany shall not be hampered.
either in production or In her trade
relations with other nations. And
this is not for sentimental reasons,
hut for purely business reasons nnd
in the interest of International pros
Hilly. "The effect of sound economic in
If You Want Good Cars
Come in and See These
Late model JJodge Sedan.'
Willys-Knight New Duco paint.
Oldsmobile Roadster New paint, wire wheels.
Ford Self-starter., '
Other Used Cars All Bargains.
The Busy Corner Motor Co.
nultti wid hgii. not to
tump, toll .ddfttwd J,0'0;
U" C'oinforlablc.
temperature several, degrees higher
than that may teet cniny ",
is permitted to' dry out excessively.
No form of humidifying upparatus
or equipment attached to radiator or
furnace will evaporate enough water
through the day to maintain n com
fortuble, condition of the ulr If tlie
household temperature exceeds 70 de
grees 1. It would require the evapo
ration of about so gallons of water
daily to maintain n lair humidity in
ml eight room house hented to 72 de
grees F. it would require tlie evapo
ration of about SO gallons of water
dully to-miiintaiii n fair humidity In
an eight roo mhouse heated to 72 de
grees F. tint If you keep tlie temper
ature between 04 iiml CB degrees, a
few gallons of water evaporated in
the houSe every day will maintain u
fairly comfortable air condition.
Wear light, loose clothing, loosely
fitting and loosely woven materials for
comfortable wurmth In the winter
1caklng Heart Valve.
What is the medical term for a
leaky heart valve? Is the victim of
such a condition subject to sudden
spells of collapse or sudden death'.'
Would you advise same to marry
What is mennt by heart murmur? Is
there any cure? V. p. J.
Answer Physicians usually call It
vaivuiar insuiiicienoy, perhans spec
It'ylng which valve is damaged, as in
tlie terniilral insufficiency, or norlic
incompetency. Persons with valvu
lar lesions nre not subject to sudden
spells of collapse, nor nre they likely
to die suddenly. I advise same to re
main unmarried for it would be tor
rihle to have a lot Jf little similars
running around the ' country, nnd
moreover, I, for one, would acclaim
with Joy tlie end of the same family.
Seriously, your physician is the only
one who can advise you intelligently
whether you may marry. Murium
is the name applied to any musical
sound heard over Ihe heart, other
than the usual sounds;' a murmur is
often heard even tho there is no
valvulnr or other disease.
Never Mind Your lllle.
First, what causes an excess
bile.' Second, is the liver over or
under nctlng? Third, should one nb
stain from all " uncooked fruits?
C. D.
Answer There Is no such state ns
an excess of bile. The liver is best
let severely nlone. As soon as you
negin "regulating" your liver, your
troubles will Increase in geometric
proportion. As a general rule, one
snoiim eat all the fresh,
fruit tlui house affords.
ripe raw
fluence is alrendy making Its impres
sion upon - American business. Per
haps not hy nny great increase In
business-activity,- hut In a genorul
fooling of confidence and well-founded
optimism. All in all,' the business
outook in this country for 1925 is en
couraging. There seem to be no ap
parent Internal Influences, either po
litical or economic, to disturb Its ac
tivity or Its confidence. Our unusu
ally large farm crops for tho year
will give farmers renewed courage and
put this bnsic industry in a more
.stable, position. . -
America Adjusting Itsdf.
"ln Amerlcn we are gradually ad
Justing ourselves to the new economic
standards which have resulted from
tho war, nnd which in the main will
probably be permanent. The prices or
raw materials, real-estate values and
labor costs will continue to have
slight adjustments, ns they already
have; hut no great general reduction
should be expected under present in
fluences. "Our unemployment problem is not
serious. The past few months have
shown n gradual increase in the
number of persons employed. Good
business conditions and restricted im
migration will work to the perma
nent advantage of our unemployed
Be Q.uick-Be Sure
Get the right remedy the best men know.
So quiet, so sure that millions now employ it.
The utmost in a laxative. Bromide-Quinine
in ideal form. Colds stop in 34 hours, La
Grippe in 3 days. The system is cleaned and
toned. Nothing compares with Hill's.
. All druggUti tl-li PricoOc
G Rod Box 0Mtf'
with portrait
now to soi.vk ri zzuc
Staiti by rmiiiit III words you know.
One IcttcV to Midi Willie Milllire,
Winds Htiirt in niiiiilicrod squaiii go.
In" either across (llorl.oillal). or IIP
unit down "(VertlcuL) llelow are Hies
keys tu the missing words., Itemcin
iu... I...I..1C iviicii i.lnccil lu the Miunrcs
should nim'II a word up nnd down or
1. ' AVhat .lack found at ihe top of
the beanstalk. , . , ' '
4. Uirge stream.
5. To barter or vend.
1. Opposite of boys.
2. Article used by blacksmith.
3. WheelB on every automobile have
them. . ' i
(Answer will follow In tomorrow s
paper.) , y
Thouu'litR In a Iilliniry. .
Spt'ak low! tj'cud 'softly through vtheso
halls; -
ITvru ,gmiuR lives. onHhrinod; "
IH'ro reltfn, In Hilont niajenty
Tho monarolia of tho mind,
A mighty Hplrlt host thoy porno '
from pvory nnd clime;
Above, tho burled wreck of years
They brenut tho time of Time.
And In their pro.sence chamber hero
They hold their regal state.
And round them throng a noble train,
The gifted nnd the' great.
O Child of Earth! when round thy
Tho storms of life arise.
And when thy brothers pass thee by
With stern unloving eyes,
Here shall the poets chant for thee
Their sweeteHt,' loftiest lays,
And prophets wait to guide thy steps
' In Wisdom's. pleasant ways.
Come, with these God-anolted kings,
Ite thou companion here;
And in the 'mighty realm of mind
Thou shalt go forth a peer!
Anne C. Iynch Ftotta.
I fcewp aix honest, aorving men ;
They taught me AH 1 Know);
Their names are WHAT and WHY
and WHEN, ......
and HOW and WHERE and WHO"
WHAT was the Declnrntlon of London?
WHY does the date for Easter vary ?
WHEN was the great pyramid of
Cheops built?
HOW can you distinguish a malarial
WHERE tft Canberra? Zeebrujge?
WHO wbb the Mlllboy of the Slashes ?
Are theso "six men" servinKou too ?
Give them an opportunity by'placiog
' Webster's
New International ,
in your homo,
school, omce.
club, library.
Authority" in all
knowledge offers service,
immediate, constant, lasting;, trust
worthy. Answers all kinds of ques
tions, A century of developing,
enlarging, and perfecting under ex
acting care and highest scholarship
insures accuracy, completeness
compactness, authority. ' -t
Writaforstunplepaevof theiVrir Wurtto.
ppveunea of Ketrulur a&J India fapers, alrg
booklet You eru the Jury," pHcw, etc To
thoac tkunlnif this publication wo wiUeeodr
aMtali'ucketMkpt. , '
SprWi.U. Uau., U. 3. A. . & 31
I 1 1 ., 1 1
Poems That Live
I u
; ' 1 i 14