Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 19, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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uu.-ii' in It K I "
She difficulty of i
earch work to
ASHLAND. JhY 19. Mount Anh
land chapifr D. A. It. held Its January
lrtt'cUnp Friday evening," with the
MiHHt H Kva and Mtnnln Poley as hos
tfsst'M. "lialian MuhWV was tho
thi'iui of the evening, with Uh history
told l.y .Mrs. lilanehc HUks and the
illustrative ru'lMctUn fivtn by Mrs.
Vivian M. Woodside. The addr(s by
IMIhh Hicks was a resume of Indian
'Music in a jrennral way, and described
thope engaged In re
secure the melodies.
Two kinds, that mnrto bv man and
thut .by dreamers were mentioned, as
was the fart that for every ceremonial
there was the appropriate sons: and
that certain sons belonged to certain
seasons nnd events.- Heautlful melo
dies written by Cadman, Troyer and
IJeiiranrp were niing by Mrs. Wood
side as the address "prof? reused. Omsha
trllinl melodies, "flhost Pipes," "Her," "Invocation to the Sun
tUul" nnrl "Whim " I Mtiul iiiml ih ,llf
IVroiit kinds of son? and rhythm. It
was a privilege to hear this splendid
talk a,nd these beautiful-songs so de
lightfully sung and the appreciation of
the chapter was heartily expressed to
Mrs. Woodside nnd to Miss Hicks for
the evening's proprnm. Prior tp tho
program hour, at tho business session,
liie regent. Miss lilnnche Hicks, led the
opening patriotic ceremony. .The re
ports from committees, standing and
MTiai, wcif nturu it mi ino iiuiikkl i
discussed. The meeting with Crater j
l-nJte chnpter, February 20th, nt Blue
I-'lower Lodge, occupied the attention
of tho membership, as did the Ameri
canization work now being done. Mrs.
K. Peil had charge of the program
hour. MIkh Tjydia McCall was social
chairman, and, with the assistnnts,
Miss (iladys Applegnle and Miss Mln
of a host of frlendH will fullow them
to the new home.
The W. J. Dougherty family hnvo
moved from the Oak street home to
t&Iifi Puirview street; the former Pry or
"residence. Mr. nnd Mm. L. N. Wood-
side and little daughter Addle will oc
cupy the McCoy home on Oak street
during Mrs, McCoy's extended visit
This week closes the first hp meat er
In the schools. On Wednesday the t
examinations tin lor those wno are
not exempt In studies nnd deportment.
Those exempt will -, have a vuratlon.
Second semester begins n week from
Rdlted by SouUiweslero Orcein Mining Ilnmiu.
Local Mining News
The Metal Market
both the foot and banging walls very
smooth,, with a talc gaunge usually
on the foot wall. One of the large
quartz Vein outcrops on a contact
between serpentine ' and sl.ite. The
vein material is from bard to decom
posed iiuartz, but the best values usu
ally occur in the hard iuarl..
The equipment on the mine con
sists of nn ore can, rail, bunk houses
Ulti'hen fcand cabins, tools, ami a Gib
son mill. Several mill njus have
been made, with the ore values hold
liiK up very well with some K'd
pockets. Recovery was made by
amalgamation only, but the process
needed is a small cyanide pin nt. The
mine is not now In operation, but
the uwiH'jS contemplate Hturtinj up
soon. '
The Screen
At Uu lUulla.
Blllhely picturing the troubulous
politlcnl problems of a rural commu
nity, when a boom directed by an en
enfetlc young booster begins to take
form. In "Along Came Ruth." which
closes ut the Rlalto theater tonight.
Viola Dana in the role of Huth itfWln
the proper dash of vigor and vitality
to the rolo. Tully Marshall ranks next
in the cant of a Helf centered old
squire. Raymond McKee plays the
romantic youth. Others are Walter
Illers nnd Voctor Potel.
"Three Women," which opens to
morrow for three days at tho ltialio
is a picture remurkalily well done, to
the smallest detail. Tho photography
cannot he excelled. Aa for the plot,
it Is sufficiently different and Just
realistic enough to mako it a produc
tion of unusunl recommendation.
Marie Prevnst, i May., McAvoy and
Pauline Freedrlrk share the stellar
honors, while the rest of the cast in
cludes I.ew Cody, Mary Cftrr, Pierre
endron and Willard Louis.
Vaudeville Program
Tuesday, Craterian
Swormstead of tho smelter is In
town on business.
' C. W Huddle, secretary of the Ala
nTTTla .Mines company Is In town for,
a few days. .
Merc water Is not a prerequisite to
mining. I'layton Anderson of 'Sallie
has had his set-up washed opt three
limes this year on account of high
water. It Is reported that he will not
start up until spring.
' jlm Dean came In from the Dean
placer mine this week.
P. B. Wickham brought his clean
up from the mine.
A. C. Stewart is piping now on the
Big Four mine. . i
J. B. Edwards has .returned, from
the north nnd is planning on the in
stallation of a compressor at his prop- i
erty, the Ida mine.
During the past few weeks many'
letters have been coming in to the
bureau inquiring for mining possibili
ties and developments. Also many
letters Inquiring for Jobs in the dis-i
tiii't. Anyone having Jobs open for
skilled or un kllled mining men might
be able to fill thflr needs from the
list that the bureau has on file. In
formation Is answered by the bureau
to the best of Its nhllity.-nnd we will
be, glad to answer any questions or
requests for anyone Interestetd in
mining In this district. '
Active work has been going on nt
several of tho placer properties on
Pleasant creek. I
Copper, $.HS, lb.; iln, .fi!tr lb.;
lead, J. Oil!) lb.; zinc. $.07S lb.; silver.
.61 oz. : nlumlnum, t.'iH lb.; .anti
mony. $.18 lb.; bismuth, f 1 -Ti lb.;
cadmium, $.tio lb.! Iridium, $326 ''
nickel, lh.; palladium, "a ot..;
platinum, (117 oz.; quicksilver, S4
to UH per 7!i lb. tlask.
other markt-t prices are unchunged.
' lroRros of tho Past Year. I
A brief resume of the progress of
mining the past year In this district,
at the close of 1 na4, may be of In
terest, and will certainly bo Instruc
tive, i
The hurenu membership giw from
31 to 314. At the annual meeting.
we were addressed by .Mr. Itlikard
Prince I.eo. tho pony with nlmost
nle I'oley served dainty refreshments human brain, Is one or tne nature ai- , . -
during the social hour which closed a atrctions . on ' tomorrow's Western
delightful meeting.... ' Orpheum Jr. vaudeville bill at Hunt's
The ceremonial of Illllah Temple, Clliteria. He tclIs the ,lmB of ,iliy.
Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of numl)er of persons sitting in nny row
tin, Mi'Htl,, Mhfltm who fuutiiwirl hv nn . . ... .
...v "j ,n (nt, auaience, now many are wumrii
.elaborate banquet and a dance at the and now are men counts, sub-
Armory. Three hundred nnd fifty t,.a,.ls llmi multiplies at the word of
delegates gatneren irom me prni. i- cnmm!in(1 o hl trainer.
jml towns of southern Oregon and from
i:ugene, enjoyed he wonderful ban
quet at the Klks' Temple and later the
dance at the Armory. The wives of
the Shriners were entertained during
the afternoon and early evening.
There were seventeen candidates In- j
Hinted: P. S. Anderson. II.' R. Eliot,'
Roy Kliot, Harvey J. Field. Peter M.
Kershaw, S. A. Kroschel, P. B. Ryan
nlng, P. E. Shuler, James Taylor and
II. A. Oolman of Medford; J. O. '
Harry Austin may or may not be
a member of VTha Odd Fellows," but
his title was bestowed upon him not
because of nny connection with the
foregoing lodge, but from his totally
different monologue.
"Pinched." is the title of a comedy
playlet by Whitney Collins, splendidly
Interpreted by a company of talented
The SunBCt Four, calling themselves
SOU' pounds of harmony possess inter-
Gloria Swanson
in "Manhandled"
Hill of Grants Pass; M, E. Cooper, F. Au,in ..innta so often attributed to
1 1. Davis, and H. A. West of Roseburg; ,he American negro.
A. H. Shortez and F. W. Rhobert of, jonnny Bn and Rosamond Caron.
Eugene and B. II. Williams of Dexter.-,n Bklt ..nlt8 o( variety," run the
The first two stories of the new Kamut ot entertainment,
l.iahia hotel are nearly completed. The Moving pictures and the Craterian
plumbing and electric wiring is alro Thenter orchestra under the direction
finished on these two floors. The o( Wilson Walte are other features
work has 1een delayed on account of on ,lie un
the illness of the supervisor E. N. I . .
McNeil, who Is still In the hospltnl,
and also because of the difficulty in
securing sand and gravel.
The Louis Dodge family are now oc
cupying their recently completed bun
galow on the Boulevard. This is one
of tho many pretty new homes built
lately, and Is the latest thing In nrtls- From a thoroughly efficient mannl
tlc planning for comfort and conven-')(en ,vith an inherited ability to wear
ience. finery, Gloria Swanson has graduated
Mrs. Ruth Mitchell, teacher in .lu- mo an er,tiroly satisfactory actress
nior high, who has been absent for who has create(j some of the most enl
some time, a victim of the mumps, tertnlning film plays of the past sea
returned to her work Friday. Miss , aQn ,n "Manhandled" at Hunt's Cn
JCdna Goheen returns Monday. terR where she closes tonight she has
The reservoir of Emigrant Creek t(,e best vehicle of recent achleve
dam is a Mecca for many pliigrlmages n,enl, an piays it with a vigor and
these days for all are Interested in the thoroughness that leaves nothing to be
storing of the water. Tne last repona dero(1,
say that tho water has now reached , with Tom Moore as an entirely sat
tho house on the Dodge place and fyin(r fnii, mim Swanson has delved
that it Is up to tho windows of a small 1nto human characteristics In "Man
cement building located a little lower. han,,ieu...
Saturday's issue of the Ashland t piever directorial touches Include
Dally Tidings was in charge of the surn memorable comedy situations as
Journalism class of Ashland high. ft nWny rde which this young hero
Vernon McGce, cditor'ln chief of the lne takes- The object of the huge
Rogue News was general managing -,ok(, however. Is a sympathetic llt
i.dltor. nnd editorial writer. This was ., PPp,.lrB who has no other alterna
te first time an attempt of this sort t)v0 excevt (Q ne smashed and trod-
had been made, and tne class is 10 ire (1(,n un,iPr fnot ny chivalrous Ameri
cotigratuluted upon the result of 'Its can8 of lhe me type as those jvho
efforts. 1 tenaciously cling to their seat In tho
' The California Oregon T,nx and Rlree, cars while the women in our
Lumber company Is employing a crew- AmerPan cities are becoming accom
plished straphangers.
Betty Brown will bo heard tn the
score accompanying the picture and
In concert numbers.
nr tiii-iv .iconic in the production of
crates and boxes. It reopened its win
ter season a few weeks ago. It is plan
ning to run the year round. Its ma
chinery is modern and fully ndequate.
A stamping machine is being installed.
The entire output is sold directly to
California or eastern concerns. Many
of their boxes go to the Imperial VaU
ley. The sash nnd door output finds
.tliok Britton In Portland.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 19. Jack
Britton. former world's weterwelght
boxing champion. Is here today pre
njirinK for a ten round ; bout next
'.,,, vnnrkct. The sisklyotis and ; -ri,1.lu1v ni-ht with Izzy Tanner, of
Green Spring mountains furnish tne st. Pnul.- Another ten round affair
bulk of the lumh' . used, but a small jwl, ne hetween Hilly Gnrdoau and
. . T)...-,,A flvfil .. l-l. CI I. .. n mnlta..
ouantity comes irnm lwsuv tieorge Mcormicn, Dwftiio t.....
Crews, corporation comnjssloner
These gentlemen carried out the gen
eral public Impression of progress
here, made by direct contact with
conditions, inimeasurenhly more fa
vorable than they could have receiv
ed In nnyother way. The bureau se
cured heiuhiuai'lers, ex
tended the sphere of Its Influence
over the six southwestern counties of
the state nnd was actively represented
as an accredited organization at the
American congress at Spokane.
Mineral exhibits were made at Sac
ramento and at tho Josephine county
fair, and a permnnent exhibit of low
grade ore hus been maintained at
511 H street. The bureau has af
filiated itself with the Pacific Coast
Mining congress and has been in
touch with our representative in con
gress, Congressman Hawley being a
member. Publication , of Mining
News has been maintained through
out the year, In all local publications.
A 'bureau of Informallon was kept
up and numerous Inquiries answered
straightforwardly as to mining con
ditions and development here.
The Butte Fails copper and silver
strike Was made, three new mines
were opened up on the border,, and
development to a greater or less de
gree done In the Skyline, the Barron,
the Buzzard, Blossom, War Kagle,
Pleasant Creek, Gold Dyke, North
Polo, Wedge, Silver, Highway, Great
I Am, Foreman, Mt. Reuben, Green
back, Goldfleld Con.. Oriole, Golden
Wedge, Siskron, Gold Ridge", Black
Jack, Lucky Queen and many others.
Production ' of bullion continued
throughout tho year at the Ancient
River, Robcrtf E., and several others,
and work continued on the Mt. Reu
ben. One of the richest pockets of
rh year was that taken out of Ed
Baerlockers, and the richest prospect
of quantity was found on Josephine
creek, near the old Nell mine.
Of placers, Jim Dean, the Llano del
Oro, Lnyton, Flanagan and the Swas
tika have been in operation since the
fall rains and several others are Just
starting or are about ready to start.
A fair estimate of the amount spent
in mining development during the
year in the district is three hundred
and ten thousand dollurs.
A smelter nnd black snnd recovery
pinnt are. In the course of erection.
Seven mines have purchased and are
installing 'new equipment or have
contracted for the same. More metal
was relurried durlnHl'the last four
months than from the twelve pre
vious. Ijist but not least, the nttltudo of
the local public has become to a great
degree more tolerant of the miners
ambitions. ITo Is not yet arrived at
the stature ot an accredited business
man. hut he Is on the way, and has
made a great deal of progress.
Short resume of the Portland Rroup
of gold quartr. mining claims at Hol
land, Oregon.
The Portlnnd group Is locnted In
section 3, township 40 8.. range "
west. 1 Mi miles southeast of Holland".
Oregon. Holland Is 40 miles ' from
Grants Pnss, In Josephine county.
The property Is eight miles from the
Oregon Caves, 7 V.. miles from the
California line, 1 i miles from tho
lioKwell, and 2 mile:, fnni the Disk
inn properties. Nearest railroad Is
at Waters creek, which is about JJfi
miles, and n two hour stage run from
Grants Pass to Holland. There is a
road built from the mine to Hol
land over which cars and trucks may
The Portland group Is a group of
six g()-ncre mining claims. The main
development work has been centered
oil the Portland No. 1 claim. A shaft
has been sipik cm the main fissure
vein to n depth of 120 feet, shnft di
mensions being six by three. Three
feet is lhe nverage depth of tho vein
at this point. A tunnel has been
made and timbered, following tho vein
of 3110 feet liKlenglh. This shaft and
tunnel mako the available tonnage of
the oro In sight. Later, u second level
was hinde In 45 feet with 20 inches
of free milling ore In the face. A
fine pyrltitc sulphide .comes in, near
a serhpentine contact. The Portland
fissure Is traced for 2i00 feet, being
shown up by frequent trenching on
the otjtcrops. There . Heeins to be
eight 'seperate veins fom ten inches
to five feet.
The formation Is a rhyollle pnr
phory. serpentine and slate. Seven
veins occur eniirely In porphory, with
district. The
r.icer. Mr. uoggms,
:n vjtory Beason.
i "..- v beard, composed of a num
of Hie r'-nl "ate men of Ashland
iv. -.s Jiinvd Sai'trday. This orgam
,uloi will promote Ashland's realty
proposition all over the country thru
the cooperation of the local and state
Chambers of Commerce. Members of
this newly formed body are W. V.
lioblson, president; E. T.. Staples, vice
president; Horner Billings, secretary
treasurer, with J. II- Fuller. O. A. Bris
coe. II. C. Oaley. F. C. Stevens. E. h.
I'hlpps and A. M. Beaver other mem
bers. -- - ,
Tho Rev. J. H. Doran returns to
Ashland from Corning, California, this
Meek nnd the family will move to the
new home. Mr. Doran was called to
the pastorate of the Presbyterian
church at Corning some weeks ago and
has occupied the pulpit since, but his
family remained In Ashland until the
close of the first semester. It Is a
matter of regret that Ashland may no
longer olnlm them hut the best wishes
Miss Elsie Olsln has returned from
Klamath . Falls where she spent tho
week end visiting with friends.
Chronic coughs and pcrsUtcnt colds lead
to berlous lung trouble. You can stop them
now with Creomulsion, an, emulsified creo
sote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion
is a new medical discover with twofold ac
tion; it soothes and. hela tho inflamed
membranes Tand kills the?jprm. '
Of all known drugs, creosote is recog
nized by the medical fraternity as the
greatest healing agency for the treatment of
chronic coughs and colds and other forms
of throat and lung troubles. Creomulsion
contains, in addition to creosote, oilier
healing elements which roolhe and heal the
inflamed membranes and stop the irritation
and inflammation, while the creosote goes
on to tho stomach, is absorbed into the
blood, attacks the ceat of the trouble and
destroys the germs that lead to consump
Creomulsion it guaranteed satisfactory In
'he treatment of chronic coughs and colds,
ironrhial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and
ither forms of throat and lung diseases, ami
s excellent for building up the system alter
-olds or the flu. Money refunded if, any
ouglt or cold, no matter of how long stand
ing, in not relic. ed after taking according
to directions. Ask your druggist. Creo-
muboon f o., Mionta, va. (ArivJ
first Insurance Agency
A. L. HILL, Minager,
M North Central
Phon 1M Medford, Ore.
Phone 244
23 N. Fir. St.
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The California dregon Power Company offered
2.00C shares of its 7 Preferred Stock to its own
employes. The issue was immediately over-sub'
Operators tending the giant generators at Copco
power plants know that fourteen thousand custom-
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Men on duty throughout the system come to
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power 1
Engineers, accountants, linemen, cashiers, offi
cials all these knew, intimately, the security, and
earning power of their investment. They had inside
knowledge of its value.
Tcaiitornia Oregon
i power company i
Ask any one of these members of the Copco organ
ization today how you can buy Copco Preferred
Stock, yielding 7.4fo for your idle funds or
monthly savings, on monthly payments as low as 5
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Roaeburg Medford Grants Pass Klamath Falls
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Ask any member
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Please send me full information about your 7 Preferred
Stock and special partial payment plan.
"The Tud OR Sedan
.admirably meets winter
driving needs
TuJor. Sedan
Fordor Stdan S660
Coup - 520
. Touring Car 290
Runabout - 260
On opra car. fltanminlabl.
ftau m4 .urut.r. IS5 ntn.
AM prU4t I. a. a. Detroit
The wide utility of this popular body type makes it a
splendid winter car for the average family.
r . .
In the Tudor Sedan you have a closed car you will not
hesitate to take out in any weather. Light in weight, yet
sturdy and always dependable of performance, it is safe,
convenient and extremely easy for anyone to handle.
In its roomy interior you will ride snugly and comfort
ably. Viewing its attractive appearance, you will never
regret your decision to purchase this inexpensive, yet so
highly satisfactory a car.