IS ocal and Personal Frank 'Dninch Rlloy. tho lecturer, I The homo of Mr. and Mia. W. A. heailH the newly formed Muuoum a-IFolKi on Went Main Htrcet wan en unciation of Orison, which contem- torod mime time recently uy margin InliUCB Incorporation, nnd which has and left In a state of chuoa. This was . .l.- .i rt Bn..,itt iiiufivi.rfi Miitiirilav when Mrs. Deane lOr 11H UUJUIHH IUV lllirillivii i ..wm. - , - - - nt-e the study of science, ethnoloKy. of Pcrrydale, one of their dnURntnin, hloloKy, botany and KeoloKy. nnd to went to the home. Mr. and Mrs. Fol nld in encouraging the establishment Kr. who have been visltlnic In the . h m.ot mvnm muntnH. nre A year ago today Metlford was of musounm. . , , exnected homo tomorrow, nnd until shivering With some rrlglu tempera- Much '"'"ft can not L determined ture. the minimum being 19 -If (trees he Howard Hill a W est hide fubdiUs- whcthup ,,,,, WIl8 tnken or not. nbove. Following the mixture of Ms Ion. EntranlM. to u,0 homo by the burglars nnd cloudiness today. Increasing cloud- The Olenners' class of the Irst ,n he .ness Is predicted for Tuesday. During naptls, uh i lu.ld their nnua. 1 noU8J und crawling tne Z4 nour penou riiu.nR ..v ......... " .thmuuht a window. today the rainfall footed up to .12 of an Inch. Wo wish to announce that here after wo will have fresh cut flowers and plnnts for sale nt the Modol Phar macy, 6th and Central. Rogue Valley Floral Co. 258' The niombors of tho Crater club and their few Invited guests left In a special coach attached to passenger train No. 53. at 3:25 this afternoon for Yrekn. Calif., in which city they will hold their regular dinner meeting im mediately after their arrival at the Yreka Inn. They will depart from Yrcka for home at 10:45 tonight, the car to be attached to tho northbound passenger train, which arrives in Med Xord about 2:30 a. m. Why pay more? Wo have It. Hest dry wood, least prices. Pollock & Krlckson. Phone 1140. 280 Henry Orlmes of the Howard and Crimes stage lines, left Klamath Falls Inst week for Kan Francisco, where he will enter Lane hospital to receive medical treatment. Hemstltohlng 8c a yard. The Van ity Shop, Bartlett and Main. Hnve you tried that big milkshake at DeVoe's? Included among tho hotel guests hero from a distance who arrived Sun day nre Henry S. Lovejoy of Janesvllle, Wis., A. 11. Owen of Owen, Wis., R. B. Struthers of Boston, N. McLeod of Mllwnuldo, nnd J. J. Paniiolt of Col umbus, Ohio. We pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap. Brown & White Agency, Inc. The Missionary society of the Pres ' hyterian church will jneet Tuesday af ternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. A. J. Hanby on North Holly street. Mrs. Lane will bo) the lender for the afternoon. Dress you baby without a pin or button. Use Vanttt garments. Hnndi crnft Shop. 2S8 Among Sunday's nrrlvals In the city from Portland are the following: J. Leo Turtledove, H, W. Dickinson, L.. Allonhoff, J. W. Hanncn, G. IT. Bean, Mrs. Beulah Martin and sons, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Carr, W. M. Clark, Nye Kern, A. C. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clarke, W. U. Defoe, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Powell, E. F. Fay, F. L. Haw ley, R. R. Roberts, U P. Newton, Choator A. Clark, U. 8. Ames. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Mannhelmcr. Dance Eagle Point Saturday 'night. 264 The Medford Red Cross will hold their annual mooting Thursday, Janu ary .22nd, at tho publlo library, at 2:30 p. in. Judge Gardner will give tho main address. Why not build your driveways with our graded crushed rock and make them permanent. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Tho county fruit Inspector found it necessary this morning to condemn a consignment of walnut trees which had arrived for planting. Tho trees weer found to bo lnfeirted wlth-dlsenso. Klvo hundred pear trees were also de stroyed since tho first of the year, crown (tall having been found. Grants Pass Courier. Mrs. C. Cole was a visitor In this City over Sunday from Grants Pass. Palmer Piano House rents pianos. Porter J. Neff returned this morn ing from Portland after spending the week end with his wife who Is visiting there for a few 'weeks. While there lie attended a performance of tho Brandon Opera conipnny of which a number of Medford residents are niom bors. , , The Pantorlum does all klndB of pleating. Phone 244. 206tf Frank Stephenson of Control Point was a business visitor In the city aSt urday. " , " Geo. O. Itowltt, Income tax advice, accounting and counsel. Room 405 Medford Building. Tolophone 82 Temporary visitors hero from tho state of Washington are: H. C. Hitch, nf Tucnnia. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Madln .. Dninnmu und Mr. nnd Mrs. C J cnin Mm Walter Harris. J. L. Set and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Woodln. We pay cash for used pianos. Pal Mint TlnnA House. Pllllll rvitiimhlii. Dlastor wall boTd. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber IT ..A Matthew Itay of Ruch was In the city Saturday transacting business. ,hn h,.n,n nt Ihn ' Urn. ClirlOW. lit 2 6 Laurel street. All of tho members and their husband's uro invited. We wish to announce that hero after -we will have fresh cut flowers nml plnnts for sale at tho Model Phar macy, 6th and Central. Rogue Valley iflonil Co. 268 Lake county is clearing tho tax rolls of delinquent taxpayers by a foreclos- i uit in,niiintr mnni than 4000 de fendants, representing property own- Jeen unpaid for the last two yeurs. proceedings involve iwivho ui hm. nions on all the defendants and the publication In one of tho county news papers of a summons 11 pages In length. Kvldn Tiadlo A batteries for $21. Williams & McCurley. 2r.2tf kf.wiiv...i f?niniifTh unmn ftf Its con spicuous members of the thontrical profession who nre members of the Ilrandon Opera company, which play- ,.,1 nll !.,u tuAnLr nl Portland and will also piny ttils week there, was very prominent In tne sunnuy papers ui ua ,. .ioii'miimHci The wedding en gagement of Miss Victoria Andrews was announced and the Oregonlan also published pictures oi rju Andrews u..u niA tt, funtlnn. "Honevmooners Comprise Part of Brandon Opera Com pany," those of Mr. and airs, ucoik" Olson, who shortly after their mar riage a few months ngo, Joined the n,inin!iiiv Aecnmnnnvlnir the Olson pictures was a write up of the Medford couple nnd their romance, nnd a short interview with Mrs. Olson, formerly Miss Ruth Hamilton. Poultry Problems, all day Wednes day. Hear 'Prof. Cosby and others, Hotel Medford. ' 2&7 Mrs. Mllo Haucon of Portland, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay E. Dla mnmi in home for a month's visit with her parents and friends. Hemstitching, buttons covercu n the Handicraft Bhnn. tf a nmw nt htillrllntr nermlts have been Issued by the city building Inspec tor so far this montn. tor mo uunu- Ing of garages, additions, woon sneo nnd homes. Permits issued for tne construction of homes were to Robert o r.. a rivnIflKlirA On IW. Clai'- once C. Cartwilght for a dwelling on East llth;.C. F. Klbben for a dwelling on Myrtle, and Harry W. Morrow for a bungalow on Mitchell Way. See Valley met company iui kinds of fuel. Special prices on the only dry fir slab wood in the city. n.ii nt tnwn Oreeonlnns here who spent Sunday In tho city Include J. E. Ellertson of St. Helens, t. w. ef Randon, and the following from ii.,nii, nniiij pinwnrB White. Anna bel Rond. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Puddo'ck and W. Hrookflcld. . All dnlrymcn should ho at the Hotel Medford Thursday. 10 a. m. 2',8 Rev. Myra Hutcninson, pasior m 1Ti. rhlirch at Tfal- rlsburg. who Was ordained to the min istry at the M. E. conference neiu .... .i,i v,,,u -nod her nastnrnte. because of tho Illness of her husband, Rev. W. V. Hutchinson or junction City. No supply pastor has been named. . Genuine Bosch Magnoto parts and ropalrs. Eloctrlc Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. - ;" County Agent Howell this morning reported that the presence of root i. Ail-worm had been dis covered in parsnips from tho Now Hope district. This is a serious n.-nv anil lives on a wide variety of foods. It causes galls on root crops, but also attacks other plans. Mr. Howoll was forced to -condemn several sacks of the parsnips and also the patch where they originated. Thero Is no known method of control and no Idea Is on tertalned ns tho way they camo here. Tho pest makes a growth like a wart on root crops. Tho only way to de stroy tho pest Is by burning. It can be easily carried from place to place on tho feet. Oranta Pass Courier. For sand and gravel phono 012-J. Samuel Bntemnn. . ii, it-niiines which nnsped over J-1 ,t i... 1 1 .An n in. iiiiIhv from the L. Sether ",," ..h .ii l.v tho throught a window Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Geo. G. Hewitt, Income tax advice, accounting and counsel. Room 406 MeCford Building. Telephone 326. tf John O'Sheo, one of tho five alleged participants in tho Klamath Falls murder on January 4th, arrived In tho city from Euceno Saturday, accompa nied by a Klamath Falls deputy sheriff and took tho 1:30 p. m. stage for Klamath Falls. This sight was quite a novel experience for the pns sengers among whom there was some local persons. We pay for ashes and sell dirt cheap, llrown & White Agency, Inc. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Vord. 1 Visitors in tne my iruui nre n.... 1 of California Include the following: F. It.. .wl 11m T T1 T7 I atUtl I ft-1 II f n Ctl from San Francisco last night, where Mr. Kuasell has been nuying new spring merchandise for tho Russell store. Sewing machines rented $3 per month. Singer company. 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 205 Ouk wood from (3 75 per tier up. Pino $2 per tier up: fir $2.50 per tier up. All under our large sheds and dry. Valley Fuel Co. 1'hune 76. tf A. W. Cnuthorn. director of the Spokane. Land bank, also representing the farm department or tne l oruaou Journal. Is one of the officials that aro here attending tho district Farm Loan convention today. Mr. I'authnrn Is very enthusiastic over the Rogue River ,..,,1 auiini.iniiv Medford. and tho spirit shown by the peoplo hero. One day service on guaranteed razor blade sharpening. Medford Hardware & Sporting Co. - 25" Goodwin Corset rfthop, 20 o. r ir. Alta Naylor. corsetlcre. 318 Von Osten of Berkeley, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Belmont of San Diego. . L. mil ler and F. J. Glelss of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill. J. E. William son and J. D. Williamson of Los An geels and J. Relssberg. Frank J. An drews. R. N. Iognn. Ed J. Osher, B. Sllbersteln. R. O. Clark, and L. Zundel of Snn Francisco. Cedar posts. Take them off the car nnd save money. Must be unloaded Tuesday. Phone 208. Onddis & Dixon. 2 Geo. O. Hewitt, Income tax advice, accounting and counsel. Room 405 Medford Building. . Telephone 32. The friends of Mrs. F. W. Schiffel will be plensed to know that after hav ing been an Inmate of the Community hospital since November 20th, 1924. she has so far improved In health that she was removed to her home. 153 N. Oakdale. yesterday, and Is well on the rond to complete recovery. Geo. G. Jlewltt, Incomo tax advice, accounting and counsel. Room 405 Medford Building. - Telephone S2 The Art Shop Unique for tho out-of-thc-ordinary things. Jane Snedlcor. There will be a meeting of the Vet erans' Republican Service league at tho Medford Armory at 7:30 o'clock next Thursday evening to further con sider plans nnd preparations for the Lincoln banquet. All members of the league aro urged to be present. The banquet this year will bo held at the Hotel Medford on the evening of Feb ruary 12th. Miss Helen John will return to work at tho Marlnello Shop Monday, after two weeks' vacation. -' Try our dry wash. 70 per, id., mini mum 1f,n. All IIIU pieces liunci, Amerlcsn Lnundrev. Phone R73. tf Today marks the beginning oi me j ..rnmiinr In the Moiuoru schools, new classes have been organ ized. Including a beginner s miss ... u f tho ftiomentarv schools, and tho number of students In tho high school appreciably Increased by tho eighth grade graduates who have reg istered for tho second demester term. Cedar posts must be unioaoeo mid day. Save money by taking tnem on the car. Phone 268. Gaddls & Dixon, r 257 a, ft ir, nmidlcrnft Shop and see comploto lino of Vanta baby gar- ments. . Grace Rldely succeunco c...i ..--j Baruard at the.Rinlto theater organ today. Mr. Barnard lert lor oeaiue today. j... Geo. O. Hewitt, income in " accounting nnd counsel. Room 406 Medford Building. loiepno. Kindergarten of music. Children under six. Y. W. C. A. club room. V" . i.i A T Itfi-nll rni-plved the silk quilt given away last week by tho W. R. C. Wood Dry nr; "j wood J4.00. L-.ngwill Wood Co. Phone 970-. ... Wanted Threo guineas, tnrs. nineim Dunch, 246 So. Ivy. Phone 888-x. north nttracted much attention by the noise of their motors, but tney cou... only be seen for a moment In a clear er Piano House. ef - ,.,.... .Iihi.Ib. although B. L. Davidson and Guy Tex were M),h Th0 ,,., .., among the business callers hero today nn(J conllnucd on southward. ' Health dopenda lai-Rcly on proper outing. Our crocked wheat broad contains the whole wheat berry and all the roufrhajio usuaH)' diseai-ded in ordinary breads. This is the type of bread rect mnneiideil by doctors and dieti cians everywhere. The COLONIAL iouthern Oregonl finest Bakery J not sti.p and continued on southward. Remember: Tuesday mien.. ...... egetablo Gardening, by Prof. Hou uet. Hotel Medford. 255 -i.i. tiw.i.iii... of tho First p.niitlst church Sunday school will have their monthly social tins evening ... the residence of Mrs. Fred J. Jones at 486 North Central. I'nltv literature teaches people how in i,. hftniihv. efficient, prosperous. harmonious and happy. Free dlstrl- K..,iAH ?1B wnt Main sireoi. t.wtV....i i.'llai Vmi are lnvltod to attend a big dnnc0 Risen by the Ash land 11. l ti. ui. luug.-. Iii""( January 21st. i'.. ..-i.i. t.. uumiiinen that here' after we will have fresh cut flowers and plants for sale at tho Modol Pharmacy. 6th and Central. Rogue Valley Floral t'o. nor. ii tinwiii. Income tax adviser ,..i..,,ftft r,..m Ktumiiih Falls, Inst week, where he had been Retting the business of his new Incomo tax offho ..ft..H ft-..- In IlK.I f'ltV. (1. U. 11AI- I ,ki'.'.i,.. .na lioon with Mr linn .'i i... i. . .... " - iiftu-itt in thrt M,.fir.ii-ii nrrice tne yasi i ..... ... ... . - - vftui- la nnrinle.1 With him in lue Klamath Falls office. Tholr office la in.,.i..j l il.ft nftu- UfttiVa hllllillnu Vanu baby garments will give you the best service. Mom at tnu nan.n pnift Klu.n 258' Geo. Ci. Hewitt. Income tax advice. ccountln snd rounsel. Room 406 Medford Building. Telephone $26 tf .1 n ii. klft tnie dalrv and food inmmlsMiHoner. and three members of fnnillv mi- 11 with smni pox, si: ....-r1ln In i-n,,i-l In tllP I'ltV health bui-esu of Portland. Mr. Ml.-kle'haa n mild esse, hut his daughter. Ruth, l ...... i.. in in. t .,,.n. ttnl- laed and Harold Norton, also are HI. fonl hiiquets. Ihnt clean fuel. Han nn I'osl t'o. Phone 239. tf See Valley Fuel company for the bet and cleanest I'tah and Wyoming also eastern anthracite coal, " " ' ' TREE PAINT A fungicidal paint pre pared expressly for .use on cankers, wounds and prun ing cuts on fruit trees-. Pro tects them from fungus attacks. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Ijirge fuini-hed room for one or two gentlemen. 51 N. Oak dale. "7 Assures a permanent pro tection from fungus attacks. FOR SALE 6-room modem homo nnd large lot. Garage, woodshed, chicken house nnd screened shed. Located oil pavement, close In. Terms for quick sale $2100. $500 cash, balance like rent. Phoneys. TAKEN TP One bay mare branded L on left shoulder and R on hip. weighing about loon lbs. Owner can have same by calling at city pound. Chief of Police. 2;, CONVALESCENT HOME. ASHLAND. We give therapeutic twins, vioimoi and hot ray treatments without ex tra charge. 2;. Call for UliN. ckn-i rj...,.-,l tf firhnnl Dis trict No. 4 hereby advertise for sealed i.i.. An -w...-la f A fnnt linrlv fir. .....i n, lift... nf i innli nuk or laurel. to be delivered at Phoenix Public Schools on or before septemuer isi. 1925. The right Is hereby reserved t6 ...i . . n i.(,i iiihh will be opened at Phoenix High school nt 7:30 p. m.. Mituraay. reoruai-j i.... .-. Address bids to Thomas V. Williams, Phoenix. Oregon. s strvf.xs. Chairman. THOMAS V.' WILLIAMS, Clerk. Gives the wound a flexible oating that does not crack or blister from weather. MONARCH . SEED & FEED CO. 323 E. Main Phono 2W "Your Seed Store at Home" j C'anl of Thanks. ...ii. i. tlmnU our friends who so kindly offered sympnthy nnd as sistance during our recent bereave ment. Also for the floral offerings. MRS. E. A. Kiwriuu, 55 and Family- Scottish Rile. Special address Masonic. Temple, Monday. January 1, 8 o ciock. .Ma sonry nnd Religion. r,vn Ited. Crater iJikc Chapter, No. 32. Regulnr convocation Tuesday. Janunry 20th, 8 p. m. Visitors welcome. A. F. NOTH. Secretary. j Insurance 1 Ask. BE FAIR to yourself. Figure with ui before you plica your new of renewal Insurance. kRAHolmesJ int insurance man 5incel909 WESTERN, or Orpheum, Jr. I Vaudeville TOMORROW MATINEE II NIGHT 2:00 P. M. r:00-9:00 P. M. General Admission, 50c Children, 25c PRINCE LEO The Pony With the Human Brain HARRY ANTRIM "The Odd Fellow" "NEP" SCOVILLE & CO. In the Comedy Playlet "PINCHED" SUNSET FOUR "800 Lbs. of Harmony" BELL & CARON In "Bits of Variety" TWO-REEL COMEDY and TOPICS OF THE DAY CRATERI AN THEATER ORCHESTRA Wilson Waite, Director Attend the Matinee Everything Same as Night THEY HELP To Relieve Your Cough HOREHOUND and MENTHOL DROPS We have them in 25c and 10c sacks. Also OLD-FASHIONED HOREHOUND DROPS in 25c and 10c sacks. Together with a)l the advertised cough and cold remedies. ! ' For a hard cold, try TANCRO Cold Tab lets and Cough Medicine combined. The tablets act on the system to relieve conges tion and the syrup gives prompt relief to the cough. HEATH'S DRUG STORE(PhoneS84) HASKINS' DRUG STORE(Phone m s Near You As Your Phone MODEL PHARMACY When You Think of Good Face Powders and Perfumes Think of the Model Pharmacy Corner Sixth and Central .' The 1924 Income Tax Law Requires all returns nrfdc on a enlendar year bonis to be filed by March 15th. V Changes tlie status of pursuns that are married during the year. Provides for a credit of 25 of the tax on your EARNED income, after defining what constitutes the EARNED income. Changes the provisions of return of profit, or deductibility of losses, in the sale or other disposition of property. GEO. G. HEWITT . INCOME TAX ADVISER 405 Medford Building TONIGHT LAST TIMES! COME AND MARVEL AT GLORIA SWANSON In th Greatest Picture of Her Entire Career 'Manhandled' It' Actually.' Paitet. All . .. , Her Former 3uccetaea. ,. Of nil food products, ice cream ranks amongst those at tho top of the list for nu tritivo and health sw ing properties. Bat more of our ice cream and be healthy. Ask for Nutritious Ice Creniu Jackson County Creamery HE PAINTING . PAPER-HANGINO, TUTTING Leaky Boofa, Plaater and Carpenter Repair, fiitlmataa Free. - Satisfaction Guaranteed. H, V. WAR - , P)on.l7H HOWARD & GRIMES STAGES Effective January 1, 1925 Medford-Ashland Klamath Falls Shortest Route by 100 Miles 3 Round Trips Daily Leaves Medford 8 A. M., 10:30 A. M., 1:30 P. M.. Freight,. Baggage and Express " in Connection. " LOW ROUND TRIP RATES ' Office: HUKRdtel Z"r A r XeBldenb; Photie 1129 ' : 'tjjt,i' iff (flit; tin1 9 I If Fire Comes Tonight Would Your Records Be Protected? The Government Income Tax Law says you must' keep records and have them in shape to show at any time.. The insurance policy you have states the proof of loss is up to' you. Think it over! Have you. your inventory, invoices for roods received and sales records protected safely? - We handle steel safes of all sizes and filing safes. The best made products ob tainable. v McCurdy-Daniels Insurance Agency, in surance people who understand the neces sity of fire protection, have installed the best safe made, tested by the Underwriters' Association. , Call Mr. Shrevc He Knows. Medford Book Store 34 No. Central Ave. WINDOWS AND DOORS "We carry at all times a very large stock of Standard Doors, also French Doors, all" sizes. , We make Windows and Doors of every description. "Being well cqtiippcjl with first-elass mechanics and modern machinery, we are enabled to give excellent service oh everything in the mill work line.. ' .. TROYBRIDGE CABINET WORKS