WETVFO'RTI imn TTITBTTOT!, MTTOFOftTV OttEfioy, TTttTKSPAV, .tAMTTATxY 8, 1025 BRINGING UP FATHER By Georg'e McManus I rvx QUE-i tors j-J ( VLU- THERE'y ONLV ONE I I KIN t Col ZI-Z7 K I X -fW, ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1925 by Int'l Feature Service, Inc. Au I HUK rKAIotb ESPEE SERVICE! Edison Marshall, the local author, who was on his way to Georgia on a visit, sent the Southern Pacific the following message of praise: "On the Sunset Limited. Soniowhore In TexaB, Dec. 20, 1924. "Dear Mr. nosenbaum: . 'I can enslly see your good offices In the kind way I have been treated all along the line. An official met mo In Los Angeles, arranged for my bag gage, and assisted me In every way. I am aure you told him too, "This la a crack train, nnd extremely comfortable. I have been spending my time sleeping, eating and cross word puzzling. ."Bolieve me, I appreciate your kind ness In looking after mo. "Most cordially. (Signed) "EDISON MARSHALL." Nollcn of Sheriff's Suit'. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. C. H. Elsmnnn, Plaintiff, vs. r . D, ivismann, ueientinni. Notice is hereby given, that, by vlr-1"' tue of an execution Issued out of the cjreuit court of the state of Oregon, In and for Jackson county, on Judg- inent rendered nnd docketed in said court on the 11th day of December, A. D. 1924, In an action wherein C. H. Eismann is plaintiff, and F. D. Els- mann. Is defendant, in favor of said plaintiff and ngalnst said defendant for the sum of eight thousand ($8000.00) dollars, as principal, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent from July 10. 1924. and attorney's fee in the reasonable sum of eight hundred ($800.00) dollars and the further sum of r r dollars for. posts nnd disbursements and coits of ' and upon this writ, which execution . - was directed and delivered to me as sheriff of the above named county and : state and pursuant theroto I have lev- led upon and am directed to sell by virtue of such executllon and Judg- ment tho following described real property, to-wlt: neelnnlnir at n nnint 7 chs. and 19 links north, and 2 chs. and 66 links East from the U Section Host of the South line of Section 26; and running thence south 31 chs. and 20 links; thence west 44 chs. and 7 5 links to the S. W. corner of D. L. C. No. 37. thence west to the center of the nat ural channel of that certain stream known as Birdseye Creek; thence fol lowing down the center of said creek tn the month thereof where it emnlies Into Rogue River, tho said Birdoye veyed to James Evans, and which is Creek thereby forming the west situated in the N. E. corner of said D. boundary of the tract of land L C. No. 37. and between the line of hereby conveyed; thence from the the county road and the water line on mouth of said creek up and along the south bank of Rogue River, also; Kogue River easterly to the place of I Excepting and reserving all por beginnlng containing 160.7 5 acres, j lions of D. L. C. No. 37. that is sltllat more or less, sit. In Sees. 26. 27. 34 and led west ofthe center of the natural 35. twp 36 S. of R. 4 West W. M.. in- j channel of that certain stream known eluding thereby all of the F. S. Birds- as Birdseye Creek, comprising about eye D. fa. C. No. 37 that lies and is .3 acres, more or loss, situated on the east side of said Birds- Said description constituting 155.75 eve Creek, and also Including a small acres, moro or less In Township 36 So. Tract on ofthe Dav d Hirrtseve 1). I., u. No. 41 which lies east of said Birds eye Creek and forms the S. W. corner of the tract hereby conveyed, also: An undivided Vi Int. in and to all the water rights and privileges owned by grantor in and to tho running wat ers of that certain creek known as Birdseye Creek; hereby conveying upon grantee nil the water dlehes and rights of way for said ditches by which any of said water has been heretofore used on the above des. land; being understood hereby thnt grantee Is the owner of, under this deed, and undi vided of the running waters of said creek. Excepting and reserving from said lands the following: A small tract consisting of about 2 acres, more or less, heretofore conveyed to James Evans, and which Is situated In the N. J3. corner of said D. L. C. No. 37, and between the lino of the county road and the water line on the south bank of Rogue river, also; Excepting nnd reserving all portions of D. L. C. No. 37 that Is situated west of the center of tho natural channel of that certain stream known as Birdseye Creek, comprising about three acres, more or less. Said description consti tuting 165.75 acres, more or less, in Twp. 36 8o. Range 4 West of the Wil lamette Meridian in Jackson county, Oregon. Now therefore by virtue of said ex ecution and judgment. I will on the 81st dav of January, 1925. at ten thir ty (10:80) o'clock A. M. of said day. at the front door of the County Court House of Jackson county. Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, sell at publlo auction, subject to staututory redemp tion, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all right, title and Interest which the within named defendant had. on the 11th day of December. A. D.. 1924. or subsequent thereto, in and to the above described pro-erty or any portion thereof to satisfy said execu tion. TRADE S-PA8SENGER TOURING CAR COST NEW $2850 Will trade even for Medford lot valued at $450, clear of incumbrance. LOOK INTO THIS AT ONCE. CARL 7. TINGWALD Real Estate and Insurance Hotel Holland Bldg. i Dated this 22nd day of December, A. D. 1924. C. B. TERRILL, Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. By L. D. Forncrook, Deputy. V. A. C. AHLF, Attorney of I'lulntlff, Grants Pass, Oregon. Notice of Salts of Foreclosure. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. Katrlna Klsmann and D. Eisinnun, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. F. 1). Elsmnn nnd Vina Eisman. his wife, Dofendants. Notice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution on the foreclos ure of a mortgage on real property duly Issued by the Clerk of the Clruuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Jack son County. In the above entitled suit jand court and dated the 20th day of December, A. D. 1924. and wherein the plaintiff did on the 17th day of December, A. D. 1924, recover a Judgment and decree against the de fendants for the sum of 17000.00 as principal; (1700.00 interest; $875.00 attorney fees and dollars costs, with interest from the date of judgment at the rnte of 7 per cent per annum and decreeing the sale of real property hereinafter described, lo wit: Beginning at a point 7 chs. and 19 links north, and 2 chs. and 66 links East from the 4 Section post of the south line of Sec. 26; and runnnlng I tnence south 31 chs. and 20 links; i thence west 44 chs. and 75 links to the IS. w . corner of D. L. C. No. 37, thence j .. ... v.... ..... ............ .....- 'hut certain stream known as : Uird.-.oye Creek; thenco following 'down the center of said creek to the : mouth thereof where it empties Into Kogue River, the said Birdseye Creek thereby forming tho west boundary of the tract of land hereby conveyed; I thence from the mouth of said creek ,P and along Hoguo Kivor estearly to ! the place of beginning, and containing 1 16U.75 acres, more or lew, situated in 'west lo ine center ot tne natural clian- 'Sections z, it, at ana j:, iwp. su o. It. 4 West of W. M., Including there by nil tho F. S. Birdseye I). L. C. No. 37 that lies and is situated on the east side of said Birdseye Creek, and also including a small fraction of the David Birdseye D L. C. No. 41. which lies east ot said Birdseye Creek and tonus the S. W. Corner of the tract hereby conveyed, also; An undivided Vj interest In nnd to all naier rights and privileges owned by granter in nnd to the running waters of that certain creek known as Birdseye Creek; hereby conveying unlo grantee all water ditches and rights of way for said ditches by which any of said water has been heretofore used on the above describ ed west of the center of the natural that grantee is the owner, of, under this deed, an undivided U of the run ning waters of said creek. Excepting and reserving from said lands the following; A small tract consisting of about 2 acres, more or leiM, heretofore con- nango i esi oi wniameuu ivicri dian in Jackson County, Oregon, for the satisfaction of said judgment and WANTED Mlhrrcl.liANKOl'B WANTED Late model Phono 223. Ford coupe. 248 WANTED To borrow $1600 on 6 room bungalow, basement, large lot; On cast side. Call 511. 247 WANTED Bids on grading and grav eling on Palm street, between Peach street and Rose avenue. For partic ulars see City Supt. Davis. 246 WANTED Second hand blacksmith outfit; two "horse wagon and har ness. Phone 671-R-2. 250 WANTED At once, good lot on pave ment or graveled street. Phone ' 261-J. 226 WANTED A number of men and wo men who have $100 or more to help put over one of the cleanest cut propositions In Oregon with chance of large returns with no possible chance of losing your money. This is worth investigating at once. Call 9 a. m. to noon or 1 to 3 p. m. 217 Liberty Building, Medford, Oregon. 246 WANTED Pasture for two riding po nies. Address Box K, Mail Tribune. tf WANTED Td buy year bull. Phone 63B-R-6. old Jersey 237-lf WANTED Clean Tribune office. cotton rags. Hail WANTED TO BUT Bt. Louis prices for furs. We buy lota of them that have been shipped and returned. 241 N. Fir St. Johnson Produce Co. Phone T. tf CASH PAID For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 E. Main Thonc !50!5 decree and accruing Interest and costs of sale. Now therefore, by virtue of said execution and judgment and decree I will on Saturday the 31st day of Jan uary. A. D. 1925, at ten o'clock A. M. at the front door of the County Court House of Jackson Countv, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to the statu tory right of redemption to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all right, til lo and interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on tho 17th day of December, A. D. 1924. or any time thereafter tn nnd to said premises or nny portion thereof to sat isfy said execution. Dated this 22nd day of Decembor. A. D. 1924. C. E. TERRILL, Sheriff of Jack ion County, Oregon. By L. D. Forncrook. Deputy. V. A. C. AHLF, Attorney for Plaintiff. Grants Pass. Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Expert rose prunor. Tel ephone 1144. 250' WANTED Truck work, local or long distance. Phone 22-H or 669. 270 WANThD Wood sawing. Phone 452-Y. 149tf WANTED Repair work, cement slder walks, old plastering repaired. New lawns built, old lawns repaired. Prices reasonable. Phone 705-W. 319 So. Ivy. 247 Oil Should Be Drained More Often in Winter.. Free Crankcase Service. Fhone 463 and We Call for the Car. Armory Service Station Popular Gases With or Without Boyce-ite Protected Tires APARTMENT HOUSE- To Exchange For IMPROVED ORCHARD OR FARM PROPERTY Ono of the finest apartment house properties In the Rogue River Valley beautiful grounds fine location well built and not In a run-down condition hardwood finish and floors property will bring In good revonue and provide fine home besides. Property like this seldom offered for trade. LET US SHOW YOU THIS. 1 FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building Phone 900 or 609-Y LAST CHANCE TO GET BARGAIN PEAR ORCHARD Wo have been specializing on orchard propositions. In past few years wo have sold over forty places belonging to non-resident owners. These are off the market. We still have four or five blocks belt by non-resident owners that we can sell on the basis of tho actnnl land value, $200 to $300 per ncro. If you want to get a pear orchard ready to bear, at one-fourth its actual worth, got it now. I nni positive the next three months will see every non-resident owner orchard proposition sold. See me now If you want to pick up a bargain. Phone 784-L J. C, BARNES We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS la AU Its Branches BALES :: RENTALS :: LOANS :: IN8URANCE ' At present we are offering homes on easy payments; pavement; cement Bldowalks and garage. New and modorn. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, INC. 112 East Main St. 5-Pass. 1924 Buick Sedan Just Broken In Driven Only 3000 Miles Johnny Gruelle owned this car and recently moved back east. With the extras on It there Ii a good $600 saving and it's aa good as new. No trade. See J. H. McGee, Ashland, Ore. DON'T DIE IN YOUR TRACKS I Medford Is entering upon a period of unusual development. Our people must have homes. The problem of homes for workers Is of immense Im portance. We have viewed the whole city with reference to this anil have determined that a llungalow Court on Central Avenue, on the route to the mills, Is the logical solution of the problem. Fortune has thrown us Just the right tract, 204x270 feet In extont, for the purpose. We can deliver at a bargain price, today or tomorrow. Need we say more? Phone 329 8ee HOLMES FOR HOMES Nash Hotel Corner FOR RENT Unfurnished front room, furnace heat. bath. Castile Apart ment. Phone 1022-Y. 21'itf" FOR RENT IJirgo sleeping room, ground floor, garage. Close in. 204 So. Central. 246 FOR RENT lllgo sleeping and housekeeping room. 627 N. Cen tral. 246 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 No. Ivy. 24 s FOR RENT FurnMied room In busi ness center; hot nnd cold water and shower hath. 20 S. Fir street. 246 FOR RENT Rooms. Men, 2 per week. 445 So. Front. 249 FOR RUNT ArAKTMRNTS 1'OK KENT Furnished modern apartment. 422 S. Riverside, 247 FOR RENT Furnished npartment, one or two rooms, with garage. No. 124 King street, corner of 10th street. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment; two rooms and sleeping porch, x 2 1 W. 10th st. Phone 3S6-W. 285 FOR RKVT HOrSKKKKI-INU (H)MH FOR RENT Hotlekeeping room for bachelor; also garage, at 404 W. 2nd. 247 TAKEN UP TAKEN 1'P Decembor 24th. black mare branded on left shoulder. Phone 19S, 246 INSURANCE EVEFlV KIND McCurdy-Daniels Phone 123 . M-d. Nat. Bank Bid. INCOME PROPERTY 6 8outh Central FOR RENT Furnished 5 room house. Inquire 28 Myrtle. 247 FOR RENT Furnished 5 room house. Inquire 435 N. Bartlett. 246 FOR RENT Large house, small barn and garage, South Central. Not for sale when rented. Inquire 23 North Central. 247 FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Well furnished. 1109 W. 11th street. Call at 604 S. Plum. 248 FOR KENT Houses, Brown & White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO LEASE Hearing orchard. Partic ulars. G. A. Jewell, 19 Ross Court, Medford. 249 LOST Weed chain, 32x4. South Front or Main. Return to this office. 248 LOST Brown driving glove lined with brown nnd whlto fur. Call 292-L or leave at this office. Ho- ward. 247 LOST in Mann's Dopt. Store. Lndles' purse, wlih somo sliver and unen dorsed check. Return to Mall Trib une. 246' MONKT TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON RESIDENCES, long torm and fnvorable rates. Phone 1134. C. C. McCurdy. 244 FOR KALH, A tTTOMUIlILliH FOR SALE 1920 Overland touring, al bargain price. llltuou Motors. 2ul FOR SALE 1925 Studebnkers. More car for the money than any olher make Illttsou Motors. 251 FOR SALE 1924 Ford Roadster, overhauled and painted. Price right. 1 1 iM ho ii Motors, 2u FOR SALE New Special Six Htudc baker roadster. Reduced price'. Hilton Motors. 261 FOR SALE Two Velio 6 touring cars In good mechanical shape, good rub- her anu rinisn. iiutson Motors. 261 FOR SALE Ford touring cars, priced right. Look them over. Hlltson Motors. 261 FOR SALE Dodge Sedan, a snap If taken ut once. llltlson Motors. 2 51 For SALE lllx Six studobakcr 5. new cord tires, new paint Job. Rest buy In town. Hlltson Motors. 251 FOR SALE New Stuilebaker Rig Six Hpeodstor. Enclosure Top. Reduc ed price, tlltlson Motors. 251 FOR SALE Ford touring. Will take city lot. Phone 261 or 868-Y. 247 FOR SALE Light touring, good con dition, or trade for roadstor. Phono 22-R or 669. 247 FOR SALE Dodgo sedan, Inquire Cottage service station, oppositu Iterrydale store. 246 FOR SALE Hudson speedster, first class condition. 323 Laurel street, Ashland. 256 FOR SALE IIOMKCS FOR SALE Four room bungalow, lights, hot and cold water, bath, ce ment foundation, garage, cement walk. Price $1660. Terms. Call 372 or 69 0-L. 248 FOR MALK LIVKNTOCK FOR1 SALE Fresh milch cows; also strayed Hampshire gilt. Frank Tompkins. Central Point. 248 FOR SALE 3 good milk cows cheap. W. U. Smith. Phono 38-X-2, Cen tral Point. 247 FOR SALE Two spans of extra fine mules, on horse, two wagons. First place west of Phoenix station. 249 FOR SALE Thoroughbred blood hound pups. Itluegrass Kennel stock. 1606 W. Main. 247 FOR SALE Registered yearling Jer sey bulls. Finest In tho valley. Show stock, ltrge forage. Direct descend ant from Golden Glow Chief. Gold Medal bull No. 61460. Sire of Viva La Franco. 1031.64 Ills, buttor fat, and 39 othors of merit. Direct do scondtmt of St. Mawes, No. 115996. Ready for service. Reasonable l'rof. C. Ungelhardt, Modtord, R. 3. 266 FOR SALE Fresh and springer milk cows. Reasonable terms. Gltsen Stables. 264 FOR SALE Thoroughbred yearling Jersey bull. Call Jacksonville, S1-F-3. 270 WANTED To Buy for Caah All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF ft WOOLF ft ft 1 ! -8 Hti FOR SALIC REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE 10 acres, good house, burn, poultry house, for house In town. Phone 251 or 86S-Y. 247 FOR SALE Real bargains In stock ranches and fine pear orchards. Of fice 126 Norlh Front street. Phone 372 or 590-L. 273 FOR SALE Anything from vacant lots to swell homes. Easy terms. L. C. Ihirkee, Phono 661. 515 So. Riv erside. 263 FOR SALE 10 acre tract on highway Just south ot Phoenix. See owner. C. Carey, Talent, Oregon. 222lf FOR SALE nelllng out 10,000 acres assorted ranches, alfalfa, grain and stook ranches, orchards 1 acre tracts up. i-rlce $5.00 per acre up on 6 and 10 years time. Runchea fur rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty Co.. owners, 15 N. Grape St. tf' FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Thoroughbrod R. I. Reds, cheap. Route 3, 2 miles NE Medford on gravel pit road. 11. P. Esienprlco. . 247 FOR SALK Furniture: Mahogany dining table. 4 chairs. Iron folding bed, oak rocker, oak dresser. Priced at a bargain. Call uvoniugs. 604 W. 10th. 247 '"OR SALE Three beautiful Dot Har red Rock cockerels. Took 1st, 2nd nnd 3rd at Ashland Winter Fair. Mrs. C. A. Patton. 396 llelmnn street. Ashlartil, Oregon. 246 FOR SALE Household furniture consisting of Polychrome Iteed din ing room set, library table, arm chairs, day bed, small rockers, ivory twin bods anil dressing tables, chiffonier dresser, onamotod bed, springs, refrigerator, electric wash ing machlno. Mrs. Edith H. Loomls, 328 N. Oakdale. Phone 331-M. 246 FOR SALE Sharploss separator. Phono 787-L. 260 FOR SALE Now piano, will tako 192.1 or '24 Ford touring car In trndo. II. N. Lofland, 220 South Oakdale avo. 246 FOR SALE 100 ton alfala hay in barns. Anderson ranch, near Tal ent. Phone 426-Y. Ashland. 241) FOR SALE Mean power sprayer In good condition. A bargain tf taken now. A. T. Lathrop, Central Point 248 I FOR SALE Dry fir wood $2.25 per Her delivered. Phono 2H2-R 251 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from our White Leghorn hens, mated to cock erols from dams with 260 to 280 gg record. $5 per hundred. Dr. C. A. Winana. 248 FOR SALE Smith's dry plno wood Is best. $3 a tier delivered. Phone Medti.rd, 1103; Central Point. 3S-X-2. 248 FOR SALE Drag saw, 117 So. Front. 247 FOR SALE Trnp nest slrnln R. I. R. roosters; also pair of geoso. Tel. 132-R-2. 147 FOR SALE Raled alfalfa hay, 1st nnd 3rd cuttings, by halo or ton. Phone 317 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 256 FOR SALE vVlnter nells pears. $1 per box while they last. Johnson Produco Co. tf FOR SALE New 9x12 seamless Mas land rug. Never used. DeVoe's store. ' tf FOR SALE Apples. Spttnonburg at $1.60 to $1.90 per box packed. Green wood & Andorson, end rv. Central. tf FOR SALE About the Inst chance to buy fancy spuds at the extreme low price. $2.50 per 100 lbs. larger quantities less. Johnson Produce Co. 241 N. FlrSt. Phone 97. FOR SALE OR TBADV- Phono graphs, records, furniture and autos. Bargain prices. 16 N. Orape tf FOR EXCHANGE! TO TRADE Threo horses and wagon for auto. W. H. Gore a ranch. 248 For the Best Values on Ford Cars Come to the Ford Dealer WE ARE INTERESTED IN FORD CARS ONLY 1917 Model, A-l condition, good tiros $ 85.00 1920 Touring, new top, new battery, shocks, good tires, all guaranteed $186.00 1921 Runabout, completely overhauled, new top $125.00 1922 Runabout, new tires, new battery, guaranteed throughout ... $230.00 If Interested In Used Fords Com to C. E, fiat? AutQ Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys REAM ES & REAMES Lawyers, of fice in Liberty Building. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & O R E E N E Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstalrH. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles. Gold 11111, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience in the county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Hill. ' tf Building Contractors PEFLEY BROS. Contractors and builders, job work a specialty, oab I net work, painting and plastering. 1112 Roddy Ave., Medford. Phone 666-M. Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic nnd Electro-Therapy. 437 28 Medford Uldg. Phono 966. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Ecleotlo Physician. DR. LOUISE . E. HEDGES Nnturopnthlo Chiro practor. Mechuno-Therapy, Kpon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro pracllce. Office: Stewart Bldg., 266 E. Main St. Phones: Office 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-12 2-6, 203-206 Liberty Bldg. Office Phone 680. Res. phono 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 660. Res. 776. Oftlco hours 9 a. m. 6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. II. K. MURPHY Dentistry. Dental X-Rny. Phone 77, office Second floor Medford .Bldg. KxiH'rt Accountant WILSON AUD1TINO CO. IS. M. Wil son, c. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Llb erty Bldg., Modford. Phone 167-R. Insurance EARL S. TUM Y All forms of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Bonds. Phono 402. 209 Liberty li Id g. -- Money to Ixian J. B. ANDREWS Buys and sella ' mortgages and loans money on good security; 31 N. Grape St. Phone 53-M. 246 Mortuary PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oakdnlo. Ambulance service. Phono 47. MollUllll'UtM THE OREGON GRANITE CO, Monuments, E. A. Hicks, General Manager. P. M. Kershaw, Sales Manager, 103 E, Sixth St., Medford. tf OstColMttllS DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathia Physicians 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phone 804-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel St. I'intio Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Hurmony. Studio 213 Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. had the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc, Portlnnd prices. 27 N. Fir St. Builders Supplies & Roofing STANDARD ROOF1NO & BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY (Successors to Medford Brick and Cement Block Works) Carey's highest gra.19 roofing paper. Everything In manu factured cement. With built ,up granite roofs your roqf trouble Is over. Office: Cor. Kir and Eighth. Phone 738-X. Ftransfer EADS TRANSFER tt 8TORAOB CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phone 316. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER ft 8TORAOB CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Orape. Phone 644. or residence 1060. Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materlnls. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone $01 Jacksonville. Ore. Window Cleaning GEO. A. 8EELY Window denning. iinor waxing, janitor service, build , ings, etc Have taken ovw A. M. rtnoaea worn. it Meorfa Ho It, 1 .. J .... . i et