Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    vtnv, stt
MEwmm mri rnmrmv,. w.Tivonr), rnvrnx Trnntsmv, .taxttauy s. mm'
Through n N'ni SHrnflfli' DImiivmt
Ihe Vlml Glands Mny lie Assisted
111 Tlii-ii- Work or Supplying Hit
Knorglzlni; (iluiiiltilnr fcrcnMloim
WI1I1I1 Art- So Xcccssniy to Vigor
ous lloalih.
Tlionvnniln of Mi-n n rid Wonifii Now
Tuk (liiudogeii 10 Help Itcgjilu
Norinlil lli'lillli. Vigor
lllld Ntl'CMIglll
Wonuot-R linvo lipon worked in tho
rnjuvi'iuuion "f youth anil vigor liy
glniululai' tmitmvnt In mm of I'nli
J'ordla'H Slate limlililtlonH. This
"Scipntlfic -Magic" Iiuh been per
formed by the head physli'lan and
fiilrgeon, who reports hui'chhh In ill)
per oenl of 11110 euaea treated,
Probably the ino-st reinarkabli In
Munce la the ease of a 711-year-old
man who displayed the athletic
proweaa of a youth of twenty by run
ning n iiil-yard race In tl seeomla.
Dr. Serge Voronoff. an liiternatlon
nl nuthiirily on OrKanolheruphy lias
aalil: "The brain, tin- nerves." the
muscles, as well as the liver, the kid
neys ami all other organs would be
Incapablp of playing any useful part
without tho aid of the glands. Tho
functioning of our organs is no more
than the activity of our glands."
At a recent medical convention in
Chicago. Dr. Hoy Upham. President of
the American Institute of Home,
opulhy, muted that because of the In
timate connection of the nervous nyn
tem with the glands, many Hilfferers
from nervous disorders were receiving
re-marknlde benefits from glanilnlor
treatment. He further staled that
this glandular t real meiit could be
TIKHUN. Jan. 8. (Hy tho Asso-
clateri rro-H) Chancellor Marx in
iniilUiiK a final effort to complete nn
piueifioncy rahlm-t hf'for h uinl own
today. I'ri'Nlih'iit Kh'Mt nut hoi icU
hlin, aftiT the fnlhiro to get toother
a rfprt'Hcnlative non-pui'tinim cabinet
to fill varanfit'H In the poHltive (rahl
net'H rnnkH with under BocieturieH
from the varloiw mlniHtrU-H. The
lireshlential authorization woh Riven
In view of the exiting- complieationn
in fJerniany'K foreign relations, nocen
HitntiiiK at leaHt a tempoinry working
ministry in charge of aft'ah-8.
Such n makeshift cahinet an Ih con
templated would contain official
im-mlid-H of the clcric'ii and demo
cratic parti?, only a Dr.' Giustuv
Kt rent-inn n, foreign inlnluter. and Dr.
their IlinctioilH, it UTnrt .I.,rr(. n',-iisf.. .r t).,.
uiNt'.iHt oy iin-n iih
is not
taken hy month like any other
cine, and that an operation ry.
! Dr. Arnold Lorand h:i.vb in his huolc,
" lid Ak" I'eferi ed," in apeak in? of
the K'andH: We imiMt iiimimi upon the
reinforcement of
chunked hy uk (
of extractH ohtalncd from the similar
oiKans of healthy yonntr animals."
(,Li! i,.h tki:tii:t (;i,-
i t o.w i:nii:nt tiim:t roitM.
Thousands of men and women are
now turning to glandular treat mont
to help regain lost st length, viKor,
vitality and health. Since science has
prepared a jcland treatment In simple,
compact tahlet form Olandocn It
Is a Kfinple matter lo lake Klatidular
trealment. (ilanduicen Is scientifically
prepared In two different forms, one
for men and one for women, from the
vital filnnds of healthy young animals,
combined with other efficacious In
Kiedients. Heath's Drug Wore and
HaHkliiM1 Drm? Store will supply yon.
would retire in keeping with the Ger
man people's party resolution not to
participate In a government compris
ing the bourgeois and socialist par
Chancellor Marx, Minister of Fl
nance l.uf her. Minister iof Defense
Oessler, Minister of I,hor Urn tins and
Food Minister Count Von Kanitz are
expiated to retain their portfolios
with Chancellor Marx temporarily
taking over the foreign office.
The chancellor expects to take his
new cahinet heroic tho relchstag Sat
urday in connection with his presen
tation of tho government's program.
from our varied assortment of hlgli
Krudo wall iiapoi-H, ami wo are sure
you will lie supremely satisfied, lio
ciiuso all of the.m tiro artistic; and
perfect In imulitv. There) Ih an In
finite selection of till grades of papers ' t"i Central
fur nil places, hitllH. putioi'S, dining
anil reception rooms, bedtoomH, etc.
Central Point
Parent-Teacher Ass'n
Thompson, The Painter
126 North Central
We carry at all I hues a very larc slock of Standard
Poors, also I'Vendi Poors, all sizes.
Yc make Windows and Doors of everv description.
lU'in"; well equipped with first-class mechanics and
modern machinery, we are ennhled to fj,ive excellent
service on everythinfi' -in the mill work line.
The Central Point Parent Teacher
association cordially Invites all parents
and friends to tho next council, Krl
day. .limitary !tth at 3:.'lo p. m. promut
oint school house. The
object of all P. T. A. Is to develop be
tween educators and the xeuera pub
lic such united efforts as will secure
for every child the highest advantages Kon Chatllituoua Association
I'roof oC uHillc;itlon. ApplWttlnn,
Order. AnHWer of guardtun. .Mo
tUm. Order. Default. Decree.
C. J. Haas vs. Win. J. Scott. To
recover real property.
State, Bulrk iar. Seizure. K
Fidelity state HAnk vs. J. Hobs Dull.
Writ of attachment.
M. .Miller vs. J. K. Elder, et al.
Tied Anderfon vs. flnoiBe Carter,
et al. I.OKRcr's Hen.
R. O. Trowhrldse, Jr. vs. II. J.
Miller, l.len.
Clara It. I'hlpps, et vlr vs. C. J.
Semon, et ul. Injunction.
Southern Oregon Clay Products Co.
vs. Percy M. Johnson. Summons.
Writ of nttaclinfcnt.
Kdna Andrsun vs. William Ander
son, DIvorcH.
2nd Northwestern Pinanco Corp.
vs. t. L. Fischer, et al. Answer.
W. A. Chliders vs. IS. E. Lorton, et
ux. Summons.
Kanlkcu .Mercnntilo Company, Ltd.
vs. Mike Conley.' For money.
JUram Douhleday vs. Julia Double
day. ' Summons.
Fidelity Stato Hank vs. J. Ross
Dull. Summons.
Marsden Hlshop vs. Laura Bishop.
Jackon Co. Abstract Co. vs. Pompa
dour .Mineral Sprlniia Co. For money.
D. K. Combs vs. -O. S. WoolridBe.
Motion. Default. Judgment. Cost
Florence Ahlefeld vs. Chnrlcs E.
Vcbi, et nl. Alias summons.
M. Miller vs. J. K. Elder, et al. no
port. Stipulation. Decree.
Edith L. rtlckman vs. Ruford Rlck
man. Motions.
O. s." Butler vs. City of Ashland,
et nl. Findings and decree. Notice
of appeal.
Ednu Anderson vs. William Ander
son. Summons.
Fidelity state Bank vs.-J. Ross Dull.
Writ of attachment.
niv. ot k, Mec. Twp. 34
stale i. ui,.. m , .1 ' "est
from justice court. iu' """""1 Hunk vs. M. L.
D. A. Smyth, et ux, to Merle
Dunlap, V. D. to lots 11 and
i'i, blk. G, Railroad Add. to
AshliJ.d r
.lilrain Dottbleday, et ux to
Owen- fTreKon Co. W.
D. to NE Sec. 12, twp. 35 s..
It. 3 East r
Ruth I. Reed to M. c. Heed,
Q. C. D. to land In sec. 8, twp.
41, S., R. 2 East and In DLC
40, twp. 39 8., R. 1 E
A. W. Walker, et ux. to Hazel
L. Van Dermark, Q. C. D. to
lot 6, blk. 6, Medford 1800
neien s. Hell ling to Trunces
E. Sherman,' w. D. to lot 0,
blk. 7, Park Add. to Medford
Augustus S. Townsend, et ux, to
John A. Lane, W. D. to lots 1,
2, 3. See. 20, twp. 40 S., R.
3 Enst '. ,
D. D. Duff to Mark P. Welch",
W. D. to land in DLC 'IS, twp.
37 S., It. 2 West
Theodore Martinez, et ux to Ellis S
nnowiton et ux. Lot 6, Rv.
er.Mde tracts t
Alma M. Hoover to W. D. Miller
ci ni i.and In D. L. C. 61, Two.
37 S.. R. 2 West
Alice C. Seiler to Harlev riinV.T
SW. of NW., NW. of KE.. sw!
of SE. See. 6, Twp. 3S S..
It. 1 Enst '
J. II. Ilersey et ux to Ellis S.,
Knowlton et ux. Lot 6, Riv
erside tracts
Jesso Houck to Emma Wiiten.
imi on unk street, Ashland
Knud T. SyltevlB to Conrad O.
Ousdahl. sw. of NE., w y. of
SE.. and SE. of SE. Sec." 14.
Twp. 32 S., R. 1. East
C. E. Collins et ux to City of
Modford. Lot 13, block 1,
Tuttle'a. First Addition to
Joseph Szabo et ux to Mike
i.eyoro et ux. E A of SE .
For1 o f
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you' are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Land in Jackson coun-
lu physical, mental, moral and splr
Itnal education. P.y workiUK together
It will be Interesting, helpful and a
social center for the community that
is neighbors far and near. Coopera
tion and Kood fellowship, kepnnto. A
urogram und refreshments will follow.
Stale vs. Charles Foeller.
ciipt rrom Justice court.
Ella Trtn Crow vs. Clarence C.
Crow. Waiver. Motion. Default.
Flndinns and conclusion. Decree.
W. E. Chartraw vs. S. Thanos. Writ
of attachment. Summons.
Clara R. phlpps, et al vs. C. J.
Semon, et al. Summons. '
Stato VS. Melvin McOrmv Puo.
Iuk InloxIcatliiB liipior.
ntaie vu w w I,.,... r .. ..
win,,. i, t n,.o...... ' " vie to T. I'
ltii hard Heswli k vs. Sontl.oi-n n...
P. M. Ilenford et ux to First In
surance Attency. Lot S, block
G, Kendall addition, Medford
A. A. Camerer et ux to W. E.
Rowley. Lot on West Fourth
street. Medford
Wllllnm CI. Pierce to City of
Medford. Lot 6. block 0, Rose
addition to Medford .'.
PcO ).FuLla evrWala-ved
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet!
Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Anplrui Is Uie trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MouoacetlcacluenUir of Sallcjrlfracld
From our hish trap nest stock, which insures our customers of tho very
best. ' Pullets from hens with a known, record spells success. Cheap
pullets spell failure. With hliili priced feed It Is necessary to have the
best; our prices are very low for tho quality.
Remember, we use mnlo birds from strong, vigorous hens with records
250 to a 1 0 oggs. Order now 11' you wish early chicks and eggs.
Phone 9 F-11
Phoenix, Oregon
Finding's and decree.
Radio Programs
for Tonight
M'TS Is tho finest on ilia
market today.
Demand Exceeds Supply
The demand for this Walnut this year
far exceeds the supply. Many orders cannot
be filled. (ireKon and Washington should
grow MURK WAI.NI'TS. These States pro
duce the richest, sweetest, most' desirable
Walnuts found on the markets today.
The Walnut is also a remarkably Rood
shade and ornamental tree for town plant
ing. A few trees will, In a few years, pay
your taxes.
Why not plant that piece nf land of vours
this spring and let It grow In value.
Our trees will please you. wo know,
try them.
"Growers of Clood Trees. '
Cluis. W. Austin, Agent. Phone (ISH-r
If You Want Good Cars
Come in and See These
Late model Dodge Sedan.
Willys-Knight New Duco paint.
Oldsmobile Roadster New paint, wire wheels.
Ford Self-starter.
Other Used Cars All Bargains.
The Busy Corner Motor Co.
I KIM, I,(i4 Anm'Ii'.s, 3!.r in.'UTH. 8 to
.11). ProMTtim pivHtMitPfl through the
I miirtf'K.Y (if the Atwiiler Kent Itadlo
' i-nmpnny. nrraiiKfl by "LTrtelo KetmiH."
1 ("no M. Knrl rairtinMl'H liUtmore Or-chcHli-a
hnnulcuHliiiH fnun tho liiKIt
, innrp 1 Intel.
' KK1, J.(ih AtiwIcH, -IliO im'lcrft, 8 to
l f. I'niKr.'un prpm'iitert hy Standard Oil
K'Ditipnny of CalTornlit. 0 lo 10 Kxam-
Jimr. 10 in II. Vo-ai proKratn prt'Hent
(mI hy Joim Smalltnan.
KKSO, Ioh At(;h'H( 278 meters,
0:15 to 10. (Tray studio program prc
KcntiiiK the AurcIiis Tt'tnplo choir, un
der tho diroctlon of (1. N. Nichols. ll
to II. Oip:an recital program of Kath
ir Kricki (Irccn, aniilHtt'd by Karl
Houk. blind baritone.
KNX. Hollywood. 337 motors. 8 to
111. Kvenhitf concert to bo nnnounced
by radio. 10 to II Abe Lyiuan'.s Cocou
nut O rove orcheHtrn.
KCJO, Oakland. 312 motors. 8 Studio
program. 10 to 1. Dunce music pro
gram by Henry Halstead's orchestra
and HOloIts, Hotel St. Francis, San
Kra nclsco.
K'l'O, San Krancisco. 423 motors.
to 9. Organ recltnl by Theodore J. Ir-
'wln. official organist at tho Wurlltzor
8 to 10 Krancls Marion Joseph, plan
1st. Hazel Huff, soprano; Klvlra Dett
nor. vlolinlat. 10 to II K. Max Hrad-
field's Versatile band, playing in the
I'alnco Hose Room bowl.
KKKC. San Krancisco, 280 meters.
8 to 10. Tance program by Paul
Kelll's orchestra, playing In II Tro
vatore Roof Garden cafe.
K DPT. San Diego. 2-14 meters, 8 to
0, Program through the courtesy of
Habgorl Studios, under the direction
of the Theatrle Music company.
of Ashlund
Selling In-
PossesHinff a
Travel by Motor Stage
Effective November 30
Northbound From Medford
Daily to Portland 7:45 a nl-
Daily to Eugeno 1 :oo p. m.
1:00 p. in. Ktat-'o roniu'cls Id Pdiilniul fntlowin; morning.
We take paxwtiprrN all way points. ror fun h.-r information
and tickets t-all l;nin Stage Depot, l'lione ItHi).
Fare Med ford-Portland $7.85
Direct Cnunectious at Roselmrg for Cooh Why Point.
CounTv Ab.trul
Strtat mni Central Avanua.1
IRauortad b
3tari'lnt l.ltH'Hst-s.
Anthony Von tier Mt'i-r mul Grace
Frank A. IIimisih'Ut and Reva K.
i:iinM A. Ilirlis and llanii't Carney.
Alfrt'd John MIlUowsKit and 'oluul
Vliui'iit T. i:ltz?.nlter and Mary
Fayi Hi't'lH'.
Jiiims Wm. Weir and Anna fier
Irudo Dank.
Oirlos A. Mai;erle antl AKlira llele
va V. il.
(iiMa'e Krnnklin IVrkliiH nnd lClea
nor l.ynoh.
Nnah A. IMisons and Alrne A. Oay
Imi.. Frank M. While and Kiith Sim
mons. Ili'iu-y II. race and Dorothy Inex
Harold Joan rwvls and l'.hta Mi'lisa
(leoiKo VMard llanilln and Lola
rid. Hit.
Irank . Mason and Marie I.udrty.
I'arlos L.. silva and I'aihyiou lioyal.
t ilt-nil f.iun.
PI. II Itiiltirll.dd vs. Martha A.
Coleman, el ul. Affidavit. Motion
anil default. KlndinK and eonehi-
.siotiH. Hei-ree.
Clay A. Walker vs. S. It. Sandifer.
Por money.
I. Mite Provnhk vs. John rromtrk.
ltaymond M. Mill, et nl vs. Svlvester
1. S. liutler vs. City
Waiver. Undertaking.
tJlenn UownlnK vs. Vera Downing.
Ktiiiinionft. Default.
(.eoi KC Atcrrltt vs. Oraco Merritt.
l''lndlnt;s and conclusions.
Jackson County Creamery, vs. It. D.
Mines et nl. Answer. Order.
State vs. Kll Daliack. Sulllnc intoxl
catiiiK Ihiuor.
Stale vs. William Lacy.
loxicailiiK liquor.
Stato vs. I.. A. Cilletk. SellliiB ln
toxIcatliiB lluuor.
Slate vs. KreU Cook. SellliiK intox
icating lluuor.
Statu vs. Johu Ilurkn. Drunk. ,
State vs, Claude Stevens. Trans
port tnu lluuor. . ,
Stale vs.illovtfird Burtnett. Belling
intoxiratlnK Honor.
.state vs. W. fl. luto. Ponscsslag In
toxicatliiK Honor.
stato vs. U. ll, Taylor. Setting up
cut. , c
State vs. John Taylor,
l.aglo I.umlier Co. (a corporation)
vs. M. It. Colliard. Motion. Dufanlt.
c. v. .uoosley vs. 'William Lewis.
Alary Cole vs. Medford Mosnltal So
ciety, inc. simulation. Onliilon
VMlllam I). Itoherls vs. Ada M. Holi
er Is. 1'lndinna and conclusions. De
Marsden Illshop vs. Laura Bishon
Jiihn W. Johnson vs. Hartford Acci
dent and Intemnity Co. Order.
Kdna Anderson xs. William Ander
son. Motion.
S. It. Castile vs. Walter L. Smith
For money.
Craham A. flrlswold vs. J. II. Cognn
Summons. Xrttice.
CJoldle niaylock et nl vs. J. W.
Huliler. Order,
Theo It. Ilerknor vs. Ed High
Chattel lien.
Frank llanilln vs. Guy II. Cooper.
i natte) lien
Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank vs.
MrM. M. Dow. Decree.
I. I.. Saltier vs. R. D. nines. Report,
Laura Haynes vs. Sherman D.
Itaynes. Findings and conclusion. De
cree. State vs. Ceo. L. Bordleman. Mo
tion. Order.
lrolmtc t'tnirt.
Lydla V. Showers assumes the
business name of "The Sliowers Sheet
Metal Company. M
Kstate of Francis A. Bliss. Final
order. I'roof of publication.
Kslate of Mary M. Mooro (Inc.)
Admitted to probate.
Kslate of Oscar XV, Lyon. Final ac
count. Order.
Kstate of. Merle I. Minear. Petition.
Order. Bond.
Estate of p. Sowash. Inventory
and appraisement.
Kslate of James and Nancy Mans
field. Final order. I'roof of posting.
Kstate of Jacob Conley. Proof of
Kstate of Milton I. Chapln, ct nl,
(Minors). Petition. Order.
Kstate of p. Kdwln Parker. Order.
Kstate of Francis A. Bliss. Proof
of publication. Order.
Kstate or Merle I. Minear. Peti
tions. Orders. Inventory and up
pralsement. Mary 11. Orr, estate. Petition. Or
der. Fifth acrouiu. Kecelnts.
Sarah C. Woody, estate, ltecolpt.
George A. Sanders (dec.) estate.
Admitted to probate.
I Intt J. Van Duson (dec.) estate.
Admitted lo probate.
t.dlth May Kobison et nl (minors).
estnte. Motion. Order.
Claire L. Conway et nl (minors), es
tate, lieport.
C. F. Shepherd, estate. Petition and
final report.
George A. Sanders (deceased), es
tate. Admitted to probate.
Daniels. Lots 3 and 1. block
a, and lot S. block 8, Hen
vale addition to Medford
Cost Martha M. Aleyer et al to W. M.
Hansen et ux. Lund In Sec. 1,
Twp. 30 8.. It. 1 Kast
Laura Pankey et vlr to suslo
Coy. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, fl, block
14, Gold Hill i.
S. H. Lurlmer et ux to George
F. Kakin. Lot 1 1. Mock 2.
Gray addition to Aledford
JG. 10. Foss et ux to Nellie J. Bee
son. Lot 3, EH lot 4. block
"N." Itailroad Addition to
John D. 10. Millard
et ux. NIC. of SW. Sec. 3li,
Twp. 3.1 a. It. I West
Alexlna Murphy et al to J. 11.
Conley. KB, of NR. Hen. 30,
NW. of SW. Sec. 25, Twp. 34
S R. 1 Kast
I, N. Shook to Katherlne Shook.
I-nnd In D. rj. a. 2, Twp: 39
K., Jt. 1 Kast
William E. Palmer to Frank It.
Boss. Part block 14, Ashland
Homestead Association tract..
Owep Oregon Lumber Co. to
Charles A. Kdmondson, et ux.
SR. of SE. Sec. II, of SW.
, of SW. Sec. 10. Twp. 35 S.,
It. 3, Kast
diaries A. Wing et ux to B. rt.
Klliott et ux. E!4 of lot 11.
All lot 12, block 1. Queen
Anne addition to Aledford
Nicholas Kiue et ux to Miss
Susan Cole. Lots 1 and 2.
block G, Berrydale addition
to Aledford
D. E. Alartln to Grace G. Mar
tin. Extension to blork 6. Sis
kiyou Heights addition to
Miles Contrail et ux to George.
XV. Dunn, Tr. Ki of W i See.
22, NE. of NW. Sec. 27, Twp.
39 8.. R. 3 West
Rolit. R. Miles et ux to Louis P.
Donovan. SW. of XW NW.
of SW., S4 of SW. Sec. 32,
Twp. 30 S R. 3 Kast
Charles M. Enuglish et al to
City of Aledford. Irfils 3 and
4, block 20, Aledford
Glenn C. Phetteplace ta ux to
L. D. Stephenson, Lot on
Woolen street. Ashland
Win. A. Alnnsfleld et al to Cas-
sle E. Boyce. Lots 2 and 3,
Sec. 30, Twp. 30 S., It. 2
William Lewis et ux to Sarah J.
Alynatt. X 'i or SW., SK. of
SW.. XW. of SE. Sec. 10, Twp.
35 S., R. 1 West
Joseph Taylor ct al to J. R.
Crews et ux. Ijnid in D. L. C.
61. Twp. 37 S.. R. 2 West
Lclaiul At. Charley to Emogeno
Charley. 2-Slths Interest in
NE'i, X4 of SE.. SK. of SE.
Sec. 8, Twp. 38 S.. R. 2
Ileal llstole Tran-ifrr,
Carl v. Foster, et ux. to Wil
liam !:. iv. k, et ux, W. D. to
lots 1 and 2, blk. 4, Benson
Add. ttf Mvdfold f
Income Tax Returns
Income tax blanks for your 1924 income tax returns will be
released by the Treasury Department at an early date. ..
All returns made on a calendar year basis must be filed with
the collector, by March fifteenth.
If you will call in person or phone 32C, I will arrange to fur
nish you with the blanks necessary in your specific case.
Income tax advise, accounting and counsel.
405 Medford Building
Weakening Might
Coughing Banished
Very Simple Way
It is really a?tonishing how a per
SUtent, exasperating cough that has
kept you awake niht after night, and
hi rapidly wearing you down is usually stopped
short hy a very simple method. Hundreds
have found they cm. slcfp the whole
nis'ht through undisturbed often the lirst tuna
tivv ti y it.
Thp iiu-thod isbasH on a remarkable pre
Brnntmn known a. Pi. Kiuk's New DiA-overy
for Couk!is. You simply tdki- a teaspoontul ut
night before rciinnn nnd h jldit in your threat
for 15 or 20 seconds bi.-tore swallowing, wuli
out following with w.itcr. The prescription
has a donb.e action. It nt only soothes and
htals sorenes-i and itritation. bat it quick!
loosens nnd removes the phlegm and conps
.ioti which are the direct eauntuttliccouithing,
Oiling t the caiiM i:ke tins, in a pcttectly
simple itoosthcrprUsalmost instantly,
ycu R:t your best niRht's rest perhaps in
.veefc-., and in a very &Iiort time the whole
courfh condition is p;ne.
This simple treaun-.'nt Is splendid not only
.'or cotitths and chest colds, but also for bron
thitis, asthma, hoarseness and al
most every kind oi throat iriitation. including
children's siwsmodic croup.. Veiy economical
too, as the dose is ontv one te spoouiul. Oa
sale at all goud druKHists. Ask ior
FERTILIZERS For gardens, lawns, toma
toes, berries, potatoes, lettuce, celery, roses,
flowers, house plants.
MILKMAKE Brings contentment to the
dairy cow and increases the cream check.
HOGEATS Now is the time to feed that
brood sow.
GRASS SEED Wheat seed, black, white,
red seed oats.
food. Try it.
Farm Bureau
Co-Operative Exchange
"The Way to
Meet Diffi
culties Is to
Face Them"
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