Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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In thelp nnnuaj report of the street
committee of Uio old city council to
the new city 'council, that committee,
which consisted of 11. W. Paul, J. V.
Jacobs and R.' B. Hammond, urged
that the "present traffic urdiance be
continued and reasonably enforced,
also reviewed the sidewalk building
policy and other Improvement matters
of the past two years, and made the
following Improvement recommenda
tions; ''.
."it has been the policy of this
committee to' require uncompleted sec
tions of sidewalk to,, be constructed
where it seemed best. This request
has met with a hearty response and
records indicate a total of .13,844 feet
having been placed by private inter
cats and 3085 feet by the city. A total
of a little over three and one-fourth
miles of cement walk In the two years'
program. In addition to this the city
has Invested a little oyer $900 In con
structing cross walks and In rounding
out sharp curb corners.
Want Moro Omoiit Wulki
"In addition to these major pro
jects, many smaller problems have had
our attention, such as the opening of
certain streets, sewer connections,
grading and graveling, etc.
"We recommend that the future
street committee be nuthorl.ed y the
council to carry on the present side
walk policy. Namely, that of requlr
in gcement walks on at least one side
of the street used for foot traffic.
Also that to require the completion of
such sections of walk where a por
tion Is already laid but is not continu
ous. All witli the view of encourag
ing the use of sidewalks for foot traf
fic and of discontinuing the use of the
pavement for . same. Increasing car
traffic would seem to warrant some
educational work being carried on con
tinually' so as -to encourage "Safety
First" standards.
"We urge the grading and graveling
of Third street from Fir to Oakdalo,
the paving completed from Apple to
Jackson on Third street. Also that
the parties responsible for the break
ing of the pavement on Third street be
required to repair same as they have
agreed to do. This will then provide
a through stieet- from the Pacific
Highway to Oakdale avenue and the
west side of the city.
Urge Opening of 8CU street.
' "We recommend the 1 opening of
Sixth street from Kir to Front street.
This will provldo a loop route for in
creasing tourist traffic, parades, etc.
if desired, as well as convenient lanes
for regular traffic. Registration fig
ures for . 1924 indicate over 00,000
Un.,annl ifnnrlalu hnvlnir rtnaarwl lin
f.t(n lret. .' lnokinir nhend for sev-!
eral years It would appear that the
opening of -tilxth street from Rlvorsido
to West Main street Is a desirable
"We would BUggost that the grading
and graveling of East Jackson street
be undertaken.
"The matter of grading and. gravel
ing of South Central avenue has had
our attention and we recommend that
this be carried on If the property own
ers. interested bo agreeable.
"A major project which has had our
attention is the matter of providing
sufficient drainage for the west side.
The present storm stewers not being
large enough to curry off the surplus
water during a. heavy rain. This con
dition affects such a large area that it
will probably necessitate an expensive
piece of construction to remedy it.
Therefore it should receive careful
consideration before definite steps are
Waste Paper Baskets
' "Two places on North Central
should receive early consideration. One
Is the open ditch on Maple Btreet
north of Central and the other Is the
open- ditch near the Medford Iron
Works. Both of these are subject to
overflok and In our opinion are haz
ards that should be remedied as soon
as the weather will permit.
"The use of the bridge that was
placed across Bear creek at 12th
street seems to Justify the Improve
ment of the street from Riverside to
the creek, This should be graded and
graveled If possible.
"We urgo the completion of side
walks leading to Washington, Lincoln
and Koosevelt schools.
"The litter and dirt, particularly on
Math street, has received attention and
we recommend the purchase and maln
talnance of suitable waste paper cans
for the business district. Also that the
public be urged to cooperate in keep
ing the street clean. With this coop
eration we feel that the street clean
ing department will be able to ac
complish much more in 192G than
heretofore." , '
ROME, Jan. 8. (My the Associated
Press.) Arrangements are underway
for the reopening of tho chamber of
deputies which ndjourned last Sat
urday until its committees should he
ready to report on the electoral bill In
troduced by Premier Mussolini.
Interest centers in the uuestion
whether the deputies of thu Aventlnc
opposition will decide to reenter tho
chamber of continue their policy of
abstention. -
A preliminary meeting of the va
rious opposition groups is being held
here today when it is expected their
plan of campaign will bo decided.
Tho most prominent opp(H!on
leaders have Joined in frumltu a man
ifesto to the country which they al
ready term a "historic document."
Those who have read It say various
passages can be recognized ns from
the pen of Kignor Turntl, leader of the
lntranslgnant socialists; former Fro
inter Olollttt nnd former Premier Or
Meanwhile tho excitement over the
first energetic measures ndoptcd by
the government in Us campaign to
"clear the situation," is gradually sub
Biding and it is not considered likely
that the opposition's manifesto will
cause much of a stir except perhaps
warm discusslsons between tho fascist
and opposition newspapers.
The chief efforts of the opposition
at present are understood to be bent
toward trying to avoid .a schism be
tween those who wish to return to the
chamber and those who Insist upon
remaining away.
Valentino Pleases
Craterian Audiences
PENDLETON, Ore.. Jan. 8. Zocth
Houser, retiring sheriff of Umatilla
county, whose office was taken over
by Rev. K. T. Cookingham on Janu
ary 6, is accused of Irregularities In
regard to prisoners and fine money
during the year 1923 in the audit. re
port of the Income Tax and Audit
company of Pendleton, avollable late
yesterday. The report Indicates that
several prisoners were released by
Houser before their prescribed terms
were up and In all such instances $2
per day had been charged against the
The report states that the sheriff
was exceedingly lax In turning over
fine money to the county treasurer
and cites instances of where fine
money was held for periods of from
two to ten months, before being so
turned over.
Other county offices. Including the
tax collection . department of the
sheriffs Office, were given a clean
bill of health, by the audit and com
mended for the systematic methods
Valentino, "the sheik." has fairly
outdone himself in "A Sainted Devil."
his latest production, which opened
at the Hunt's Craterian yesterday.
It has to do with South America and
South Americans plctorially beauti
ful story of old Spanish customs
against modern city life. It shows tho
virility of the Pampas against tho so
phisticated culture of , Buenos Aires,
the Paris of tho Americans.
Valentino has a rolo that fits htm
to perfection a dashing young South
American, fired by the pure Castilllan
blood of generations which courses
through his veins.
Here's the "great lover" -. in the
kind of a role the public likes to Bee
him in first as a young planter of
wealthy parents, then a regular holy-
terror, brooding over the loss of his
lovely wlfo who was abducted on their
wedding day. . .
Helen D'Algy, Nlla Nnldi, Louise
Lagrange, Dagrnar Oodowsky, Raph
ael Bonglnl, George Seigman and oth
ers have prominent roles.
The Screen
At tho Illnllo
Nothing we know of in Portland
will serve to convert the damp spirit
of a rainy day or the troubles of a
campaign year Into blissful Joy as rap
idly as Reginald Denny's antics In his
new play, "The Fast Worker."
It is so thoroughly wholesome and
sincere in Its comedy and stands out
so distinctly American that It la a
tribute to the art of the screen. It
will ever persist In memory as being
proof that the artistic development In
the movies lies not so much In the
drama aa In farce comedy. For the
spontaneous laughter that this play
produces is the work of a real artist,
Reggie. Oregonlan.
"The Fast Worker" will be at the
Rlalto theater tomorrow and Satur
day. The final showings of the Zane
Grey's "The Border Legion," occurs
tonight at the Rialto.
Antonio Moreno and Helene Chad
wick are featured, and there's an all
star cast playing in support.
Soviet Admiral Inspects.
MARSEILLES, France. Jan. 8.
The Russian soviet mlssslon under Ad
miral Kriloff Inspecting the former
flet of General Baron Peter Wrangel
at Bizerta has arrived here. Tho mis
sion found the ships unfit to navigate
under their own steam. All must bo
towed to a Russian port If It Is decid
ed to repair them and make them fit
for service.
Composer's Widow 111.
BAYREUTH, Bavaria, Jan. 8. (By
the Associated Press.) The condition
of Frau Wagner, widow of Richard
Wagner, the great composer. Is giv
ing rist to grave apprehensions among
relatives nnd friends of the family.
Kidneys cause backache! No!
Tour backache Is caused by lumbago,
rheumatism or a strain and the quick
est felief is soothing,
penetrating St. Jacobs
Oil. Rub It right on
your painful back,
and Instantly the sore
ness, stiffness and
lameness disappears.
Don't stay crippled!
Get a 35 cent bottle
of St. Jacobs Oil from i
your druggist. A mo-1
ment after It Is ap- !
plied you'll wonder
what became of the ,
backache or lumbago ,
pain. I
In use for (5 years 1
for lumbago, back-'
ache, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism
or sprains. Absolutely harmless.
Doesn't burn the skin. I
Medford Rotary
N Club News
M. A. Do Lew of San Francisco was
a ffueet at the club luncheon Oils
week, He is an electrical engineer of
the Associated Oil Co., Paul O. Landry
of Klamath Falls, and Gordon Hart
of Grants Pass wore also visitors.
A guod discussion of the new school
Question was had, and the different
opinions brought out. No action wan
intended to be taken but members of
the club were urged to ntiend a meet
ing to be held at the library in the
afternoon, not as representing the
club, but ns individuals.
The speaker for the day was C. J.
Semon of the Medford Concrete Con
struction Co., of this city.
He spoke of the inspiration to build
his manufacturing plant In Mod ford.
That the compuny had succeeded. He
also mentioned some of his earlier
struggles; how a clay construction
company hounded them through Jeal
ousy to put them out of business;
how their unscrupulous methods did
lie told how cement is becoming to
be recognized more each year as a
strong and practically everlasting ma
terial for construction work, both
water. While its use has increased
above and below ground and under
several hundred percent during the
last ten years, It is by no means a late
or new discovery. Thero are in exis
tence today in Egypt structures in
perfect condition which A were built
B. C. In our own country it is now
nosslble to cite many cases where
cement hns proven Us superiority over
all other materials for durability, and
Us UHH is no longer considered experi
mental. For Instance, when a pas
senger station in New York was built,
tho steps were made of granite. On
account of the large volume of travel
over them it was found necessary to
replace them every year. Finally
cement steps were put in six years
ago, and as yet have shown no wear
We believe we are manufacturing
the best glased cement sewtr pipe
evr made. In the first place we do
not make what Ls generally known as
concrete pipe, a coai.o, spongy walk
composed largely of gravel and a
small per cent of cement. We use
one part of the best Portland cement
and two parts of sand, one cones and
one fine, nnd our pipe is made by
machinery which tamps the material
into mold by power, making a very
dense wall. In addition the core of
the mould revolves, giving the inside
surface a smooth finish, the coating
thus put on serving to make the pipe
practically water proof, an ad advan
tage possessed by no other pipe. Our
pipe has been subjected to a water
pressure of one hundred pounds to
the siiuaro Inch without affecting it,
showing its strength as well as its
proof against percolation.
Tho luncheon hour proved to be
full of interest, there seemed to be
many things to talk about, and it was
with reluctance that we had to ad
journ. F.DWAKD O. HOOT.
Mall Train llohbcri.
OKDAU KAPIDS, Iowa, 9an. 8.
Mail train No. fi, on the Northwestern
was robbed in the Chicago yards Tues
day night, it was learned hero today.
The extent of the robbery was not
niiule public.
TFCKON, Ariz., Jan. 8. Tiswin,
which Is papago for wine with a re
coil, comes within the far-reaching
provisions of the Volstead act, It was
declared by a Jury in federal court
hero today. The Jury found three
Papago Indians guilty of manufacture
of Tiswin, otherwise an Intoxicating
Tho Papagos and officials followed
tho court proceedings closely because
of the threatened uprising of the .In
dians last summer when their right
to mix and drink Tiswin was ques
tioned. Tho decision upsets one of tho old
est traditloux of tho Papagos for it
was always with Tiswin they toasted
their rain god at tribal rites when
moisture was needed for crops. j
Rend this nd and ten cents to Foley
A Co., J.s;if) Sheffield Ave., Chicago.
III., writing your mime and address
clearly. You will receive a sample
bottle of Ful.KY'S HONKY AND TAIl
COMPOUND for couuhs. colds and :
hoarseness, also sample packages of
FOL10Y P1I.LS. a diuretic stimulant
Jrthi kidneys, and FOUIV t'ATHAlt
K1C TAHLKTS for constipation and
biliousness. These dependable reme
dies are freo from ophites and have
helped millions of people. Try them!
Central Auto Service
Effective January 8, 1925
Read Down Read Up
A. M. Fare P. M. A. M. Fare P. M.
7:45 $ 12:30 .Klamath Falls. 11:30 $ .75 6:00
8:10 .75 1:15 Keno 11:00 4.00 5:30
10:15 4.00 3:45 Ashland 8:40 .25 3:00
10:45 4,25 4:15 Medford 8:15 1.00 2:40
12:30 5.25 6:00 ....Grants Pass.... 7:00 1:30
These Independent Dealers
will serve you "General Gas"
Look for UilJ skn in Green '
(and Whiteat htdtpentont
Dealers'. . .fill up and let
A your engine decide f
"General" Scrip Books for sale by our
independent dealers or Phone 11
"A Real Service Station"
Sixth and Riverside Ave.
W, E. Allen, Prop.
Pacific Highway
Beebe & Kindle
Pacific Highway and Front St.
Two Miles South of Grants Pass
(General Gasoline Will Be Sold Here on
Installation of New Pump, January 15)
Devore & Wilmot
602 East Main St.
Opposite Postoffice
Dr. Oeser & Son, Prop.
Main Street
Boulevard and Sherman St.
C. A. Hansen, Prop.
Diagonally Opposite Courthouse
Tomorrow, For The First Time, General Gasoline Will Be On
Sale in Jackson and Josephine Counties
From tomorrow on you can secure this gasoline at conveniently located independent
dealers' stations in various towns in these counties. Newly-constructed storage tanks
and an adequate fleet of trucks in Southern Oregon assure a constant and dependable
supply to all DEALERS.
GENERAL GASOLINE will be sold through carefully
selected independent dealers, who are pledged to give
you square, courteous service. In this advertisement ap
pear the names and locations of the independent dealers
already selected. These men are out to please their
customers with tho best fuel and lubricants the market
affords. They have Chosen GENERAL GASOLINE on
its merits. They stand back of its performance.
Wherever GENERAL GASOLINE has been sold it has
broken all existing sales records. It. is high quality fuel
and the quality is the same day in and day out.
"Wo ask you for your own benefit to give GENERAL
a fair trial. Just try one tank full. Wait until the
ordinary gas is out of your tank; fill up with rich, high
quality GENERAL and then "let your engine decide."
"Fill up your tank and let your engine decide"
and Lubricants