PA3E FOUR MEDFOTm MATTJ TRIBUNE, jMEDFOTtD, OREflON".' TTTURSDAY, JANUARY " 8, '1925 Bedford Mail tribunr AV rVDEPFNDKST NEWSPAPER rCBLlHUED EVKRY AFTKHNUON EXCEPT SUNDAY, 8Y THK MEDFURU 1'KINT.SU CO. The McvJford Sunday Mornlnjf Run fa (uruiihrj lubaoriUra deal ring the fttivtr.-Uay daily nvv,-puper, Of (it: Mall North Mr itwet. Tribune I'ttorie 76. A eonwliilntltm of tlie Iimiwrutlc Tiim-n, tl. UtxlJurd Mull, tin Mifurd Tribune, tli Soultc era Oregon. an, the Auhltiiid Tribuiw. ROBERT W. ItriII-,'E.litor.: S. HUH PTE It SMITH, MauaT. By Mail In Advance: IiJy, with Sun-lay Sun, year .... Dally, f Ub huiiduy Sun, montb ... Daily, without Sunday Vim. year .. Daily, without Sunday Sun, month Weekly Mail Tribune, one year Hunday Hun, one year. '. ...17.60 .. .7S .. 0.60 THE RED THEORY IN PRACTICE. XI) XOAV llill IFiivwood is fuvof. After a few venrs oxpo- 'tli ; and iH'i'ordinjJ to the I'liiti'il Stftlcs, f .somiMini; BY CARRIER In Mfdford, Ashliind. JufkRon vUle, Oiitml J'uint, riiotniv, Taluut aud i. TiiirhwaVH! Daily, with Sunday Run, montl f l In 11 1' without Kiindnv Sun. month DalJr. without Sunday Hun, one yeur... 7.6V Dally, with Sunday Sun. one year 8 All term by farrier, fash in advani.e. Entered a serotid-Hasn matter at Med ford, Oregon, under act of Marc h 8, 1H70. Sworn daily average circulation or six month! ending April lbt. 192, 3j9, more than double Uie circulation of any other paper pub llHtied or circulated in Jackson County. MEMIIERS OF THK ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Afwoclated IrenM la cxf lualu-ly entitled to the uae for republiration of all news din- patches credited to it or not cTcditf d in thin paper, and also to the local news pub- tithed herein. All rigbtA of republication of special dis patches herein are also rcacrved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur retry It may interest a number of pooplu to know that our extinguished 8(ed sonders, In tholr pestering of. the Presldont, aro not ornery, but "mlli tantly progressive." ' . Mrs, Randolph SIIuh Jones has new dress, and cooks with eloctiicity. She knew all tho time this would sutrt the Amalgamated Gossips of the Valley, spreading tho venom that her father was a bootlegger. Of course, If a politician gets a hide full of liquor, and delivers a rousing dry speech while thus enthusod, he Is not a full-fledged hypocrite, because he Is talking for a good causo. Bofore tho Craters erupt again and plant ojiy more geraniums on the Main Stem, they ought to do some thing about tho downtown cats, stag ing wild night parties on tho said thoroughfare. "What has become of the low-llfed whelps who used to hang nnd flog sinners, and start bloody riots thru out tho nation, In an effort "to be little the Ku Klux Klun' It's no cross-word puzzle word of 1 G letters, meaning to weep. They oro noT blowing up tho buck stalls of tho Klavcrn with dynamite. FAME SCOOTS 11Y (Corvallls Gazette-Times) r Mrs. Sam Mooro has greator claim to distinction than tho fact that sho has been ublo to put up with Sam 'all theso years. She has just discovered that sho had a grandfather In tho Revolution ary war. Sometimes it would bo "nulla all right," ugaln it would bo "sure." There was a question of hospitality. One young lady urged another one to "stawp tho night with uh," and In tho second sentence following demanded, "Now, tell me why you can't stay all night." By theso tokens one finds a new linguistic variation growing up right under tho eyes of tho Santa Barbara county kleagle to wit, what Home unsympathetic observers call Callfornlu-Urltish. (American Mer cury.) Hah Jove! you'all should come to Jackson county, where tho cockney lingo is intertwined with tho southern drawl. Claronco C. Pancake nnd Mary E. Dean, license to wed. (Courthouse news, Chloo, Cal., Entorprlso.) For halter or for worse. It Is hard work, and considerable of a mental strain, for a farmer to com prehend why cowhides urs worth nothing, with shoes selling at tho price of a good family milk cow. A new guHse shoppo will soon be ready to serve yu oldo Fordo busse. ARE YOU HEAL HIRE? (Snow Hill News) There Is a certain married man In Snow Hill who is paying too much attention to a little gill a girl Just upon tho brink of wom anhood. We are confident that his Intentions arc 'anything but honorable. Wo are not naturally suspicious but what wo havo seen, wo havo seen. A Wisconsin college student shot and- killed his romunce langtiugo toucher. Tho police report the ro mance was not all with tho language. THE DRONE i (Now York Tost) It's seldom that death deigns to take a fool, But . hero Is one who at all times , would sleep: He leaves no flocks of flue Merino sheep And never owned a single clip of wool But. bragged ho'd learned one lesson In llfo's school Which was that there is nothing men may keep Under God's Heaven. By a weedy i pool, Blue like a dark-fringed eye, he watched them reap The blistered fields und laughed to be so cool. It's not as though he ever had been one The fury of whose plow would pinch the sun At setting. . . Bo tho bed of earth or hsy, Bitter or warm, it cannot bo forgot That always he'd as lleve lio down as not. And never seemed to enre how long he lay. to report, ciiiitcnipliiti'S rctiiriiin will buy li ! in a steumliont ticket. Emma (ioldtnaii was also cured in tlie same fashion and is now as liitter against communism as she once was ,'iL'ainst. capitalism. All of wliicli demonstrates that. Soviet Russia lias her uses, and should be jjivcn a larjtcr opportunity to employ (hi-in. Tlie best way to (jet cured of the notion that the way lo improve .society is to turn it upside down, is to live fur a while where tin; experiment has been tried. Kussia for several years now has .socially and economically speak inj, been standing nn is head. Those who were in arc out; those who were out, are in, and those advocates of such a process in America who have themselves experienced it, are unanimously against the plan, they once proclaimed us (lie only hope for inanknd. 1'ncle Sam has refused to recognize Soviet Russia which under the circumstances, seems rather stupid. Much more sensible lo recognize the land of the liolsheviki us tin; (rretilcst sanitarium for political nuts and millcnjum fanatics in the world, and send American citizens so afflicted oyer there at once, all expenses paid. It would be money well invested if all our Reds and I'inks could spend a few months in the land of their dreams, they would savt themselves and their country a ureal deal of time and trouble. QUILL POINTS The proper study of mankind is the urinal jury. Tho things that fo on forever are eternity, the brook, and tongues. A Red menace is visible only to the crowd that needs it to get eieeled. It isn't real charity if you feel cheated when you get no gratitude m return. At times you enjoy beautiful things, and at others there is a guide along to explain them. , Very few barbers haw yet learned to talk entertainingly about embroidery. Ignorance causes fear, gets one. No boy really dreads a spanking after he You never can tell by the size of a house how much is yet due on the furniture. As a rule the man who is good for nothing else can argue with considerable skill. All men are, equal in tho same way that race horses are. an equal sfarl. They get A glil'll tolerate most any kind of a chump ratliom' miss any auto rides. CIiiit up! Some o' tli' greaU est men In history dldn' even own u vo!ocJedc Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY. M. O. NoUd Phyticimn and Author SignM partaining to m'khii naalth and hygiana. not to Imm dlagnoali or traatmant, will bo unwind by Dr. Brady If itarnpad, i.lf aodraaaad aiwaloo lo onolowd. Ltttara should bo brltf and wrltton In Ink. Owing to tho Urge numbor of lattara rooolvod, only law oan do ontwtroo nara. no roply oan Da tnada to suorloo not oonrormlnf to Inatruollons Addroaa Or. William Brady, In ooro of thlo smapapw. Timely Views on World Topics "Criminal's Co. so a .Medical One," Nays Slug Slug's Chief Physician. The proper treatment of a crimi nal is u medical one and a trained psychiatrist should be aftta-lhed ti every court so that judges might have, before the sentence, the benefit of skilled opinion upon the mental con dition of convicted criminuls, Is tho opinion of Dr. Amos O. Squiro, chief physician at Sing sing. The opinion Introducin g Nature, As you have no doubt forgotten by this time, I aired my ignorance tho other day of course I do that more or less every day, but this particular occasion was In a discussion of Intes tinal myvoneurosls, generally called mudous . culltls, but more accurately mu cous colic by sug gostlng practically all of us have it more or less and that it la impossible to draw a sharp di viding line between normal Intestinal function and the state of mucous col Ic. And back ahead of that 1 finished off tho dallv talk bv in quiring rhetorically whether you be lieved nature had tohave your gra tuitous assistance in regulating and controlling tho function of the bowel, nnu mat lert tne Just room enough that day to add that if you did you were wrong and I'd try to explain why In an early issue. This is tho earliest issue i could ar range to get out. Jf a few lives are destroyed by accident in tho next town wo will get out an extra edition any time. Hut if I have a bit of In formation to broadcast that will save, say, two or three hundred lives, 1 have to wait for a chance to slip It In. Jiy the simple expedient of saying or doing something a little more nutty than usual I havo on occasion mude me trout pngo; 1 doubt, however, if was cxpresseu in a paper reau oeiore even a sensational serle nhvh. tho Society of Medical Jurisprudence ! ,,,,,1,1,. murders r,innnn,i ,i no. and made available generally through fuov executed l,v me u-n,i.i .,.-,, i publication in tho Medical Times. i an extra. This Is mv hole n.d r hia.. I am impressed more and moro hero tlli f;rnentler whin. nn,nv every day by tho fact that tho treat- i fear. ment of the criminal is a medical Lct me .,rRont nHtr .h hnQ one, nnd that the only hopo of suc-,i,een successfully moving the bowels cess lies in careful thorough and sys- many many vears boforo the flr8t tematlc study of each individual ,)ln camu rolling along, and who con ease, and not by haphazard, slipshod ad will move them yet qulto aa read examination, Dr. Squire said in dls-; ny, indeed with much greater ease cussing the "Physical . and Mental and regularity, If you forget all about Makeup of Criminals." "It has been;tn0 pm for one dn.. week . uui tuoium i ui nuiuu iiiiiu imnL iv Mustard Water. I wish you would explain the term Hutho the feet with mustard water. What Is meant by mustard water? Is It somo kind of a medicinal lotion? Mrs. B. M. Answer No, but the error prob ably comes about by the attempts of Incompetent persons to issue advice. The hot mustard foot bath, properly given, is a procodure of great value in tho treatment of various acute fe verlsh . illnesses. To use this effec tively requires the skill of a nurse. It Is bad business to "bathe the feet with mustard water." You might Just as well rub the wrists with pump water. Too much half baked advice like that Is offered the grand old public now adays. It seems to be a ease of Bar num treatment for Hillings complaint I suppose I ought to go on and glvo explicit instructions for the hot mus- tard foot bath now, but I've used up the precious space scolding about it and anyway I think you really ought to call in a nurse to show you how it is done. You'll be surprised und (teugnteu with what tricks a nurse can show you in a little while. I called one in about 20 years ago to show me some tricks, and she is still Bhowlng me. I happened to be a lit tle dumb, or at least somewhat deaf, so It took hor a littlo longer. What's in a Name? By HTLDTIED MARSHALL Zciialda Beloved of the gods is the name Zenaida. It comes from the ancient Clreek and means "daughter of Zeus." Though it has never belong to other than pagan doltlos and has at no tlmo named a saint, it Is very popular In all European countries, especially nmong the Russians. Of Into years, Xext to the slllv obsenKinn thnt nnr Prance has made it one of her fa- mnlto a careful physical examination I can acnulrn n dlsonso fi-nm vr,n.,.-.!vorlte feminine names and it has of every inmate upon admission, and to damp or cold (other than frost-! crossed the channel into England and wherever wo find an inmuto suffer-j bite). I know r.f nntiiin,. n,,o i thence to America. ing from any physical disability which' gratuitous and .so vicious in effect I Zenaida has a distinguised ances try which includes the Jsaurlan Em peror Zeno. At the beginning of tho fourth century it suffered a set back in popularity, since the church for bade tho bestowal of names coming from heathen gods. But there w-as a staint named Zeno, martyred under lhmk of the dull evenings Adam and Kve spent when there werej no neighbors to knock. may nc cu. i uci.-o uy surgical imti ler- u8 tn nnt on that onn imi.t 'V.lrk" once the condition is corrected at the the Intestinnl function nnd resort to earnest possime murium. artificial aid whenever one fears nn- Xo Criminal "Typo." tuIe can't manago it alone. Why the Speaking generally. Dr. Squire does average child urowo will, Vlrm not believe thcro is such a thing us conviction that a nhvsi,. r nnn wind a "criminal type," either physical orlor another now and nraln la rmr niv llieniiii. jia! la r-aiinuvu limi lilo , necessary but actually beneficial in u'ulll,,UH' n nu icsiyreu 11 tu i.iiriHWUii iiii-iuu.1 uuuuitu'ii ui iiiu in oniK'some vague way. Tho general run of '""''"-"""' sing compares mvorauiy with mat oi mis-informed folk harbor a stolid be men outsido of prison who occupy liko. lief thnt' physic of one sort or on- other "clears tho eye" nnd clears tho brain and clears the complexion and clears the skies; fancies handed down from tlie days when benighted wns in RippSinglRhijryioslS t wait Mason , SANE GOVERNMENT. T AIA IN TALKS of common sense, of economy V- with an earnestness intense, nnd my voice in pi and thrift, praise I lift; to reduce the fierce expense let's resort to every shift. I am tired of statesmen grand dealing in poetie tosh, talking of our happy land, springing bunk, that will not wash, while the taxes they demand nil our hopes and purses squash. I am tired of digging up for tax collecting genls, paying taxes on my pup, on my toma hawk and tent j I have drunk the bitter cup till my patience, all is spent. I am selfish and I'm sick of idealistic schemes; I'm a poor hardworking hick ami I have no faith in dreams, in the statesman with a liriek that, with tawdry tinsel gleams. I ap plaud this Calvjn wight who is saying every day: "While the sun is shining bright, let tho nation put up hay; wasteful spend ing isn't right let us salt the rocks away." That's a better line of talk than the bombast we have heard, all the threadbare boasts in stock of our eagle, dreary bird, and our bulwarks, white as chalk, and palladiums absurd. I am glad to see a man in the presidential chair who to every wasteful plan gives a stern and frozen stare, saying always: "Jn a can put the coin and keep it there!" I applaud (Ins Calvin swain, who would see the spend thrift fade, who confesses to a pain in his larboard shoulderbladc when extravagance insane by officialdom's displayed. positions." The average mental age of men examined by the draft boards during the war 13 years and six ) intelligence of wliito men in Sing Sing. Under the present methods, how ever, Dr. Squire believes it to bo im possible for a Judge to make an ex amination, under usual conditions, which will establish the past mental record of the men wiio come before him. "I have come to the conclusion that one way to IcsHen crime in the future is to pay a little more attention to our own children. Would l)eKrt Allen CriitL'nals. "It has been suggested that nn other way is to teach honesty in our schools. Of the feminine versions, there have been many beside Zenaida. Tho bril liant Queen of Palmyra, was named ZenobLa. Her romantic history spread the use of all names descending from , Zenus. When sho was brought a prisoner to'Rome, her name was per , petuated through her daughters and JUNIOB CROSS WORD PUZZLE HOW TO SOLVE PrBZLE . Tho wnnlH start in th numbered squares and run either across or down. Only one k-tu-r Is placed In ciu'h wtilw square, lit the proper words aro found each combination of letters In thu white wiiinm will form words. The key to tho puzzle the first word Is given In tho drawing. Blow lira keys to the other words. (Running Across) , 5 Word 1. What the boy in the pic ture Is about to do. Word 4. The missing word In this sentence: "The bird' built Its "nest In the of the church." . .. . (Uiiniilng Down). Word 1, Whnt a hunter Is sup posed to do when he sees a bear. Word 2. A weapon used by: the Indians. Word 3. To go Into. YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERED Poems That Live flower. One no more requires physic keeping the kidney function going or j ! ?b"uinBV ,"e.!:?'," mV.C'' '"I The star sapphire is Zenalda's tal- Children Qyj Ete6&&A Ayr w 1 AV V. " V ..1ST, MOTHER Fletcher's Casiuria is especially pre pared to rvlicvc Infants in arms pod C'luldren all ages of constipation, l latulency, Wind Colic and lli.irrbc.i : nll.ivinrr Fcvcrislmcss arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. disturbing these functions as by dos ing with physic. I remarked in a preceding talk that tho first dose of castor oil inflicted on the helpless Infant may be regard ed asa good foundation for mumous colitis. Tho superstructure is built with castemetlcs, palatial pills, wrecks all orderliness, rushln' oil and futile salts. Considering whnt they have gone thru, or rather vice versa "I believe wo can lessen crime If' Is it any wonder victims of mucous Ismanic gem. It is Indeed fitting to adorn ,ono who belongs to the gods. Ancient superstition claims that good fortune of every kind shall accompany the wearer of the star sapphire through life. Saturday Is her lucky day and 2 her lucky number. we deport tho alien criminals who constittito 25 per cent of our pris oner populaton. Why should they not bo deported after they finish their term In prison? The Immigration law says that a man after being hero five years cannot bo deported even If he commits a crlnio. As a mntter of fact, If a man commits a crime after bolng here ten yours, he should be punished moro than tho ojio who has been hero for five years. The longer ho hns enjoyed our hosptnlity tho more he should appreciate tlie laws of our country." Arrested Ry Telegraph. SEATTLE, Jan. 8. On charges in a complaint of 1-100 words telegraph ed from Idaho. F. A. McMastcrs, a broker of Idaho Fnlls, was in jail hero today. Ho wns arrested yester day on nn accusation of accepting $651 from IV'eilson brothers of Idaho Kalis fur sugar stock that he didn't deliver. J. n. Stevens of Central Point was a local business caller on Wednesday. colic are given to gloomy spells, mel nncholla and depression? P. S. If you've got It, don't write I'll tell all I have to tell here soon QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Eyelashes. Is there any preparation that will promoto tho growth of the eyelashes? Is vaseline good? White or yellow? T. II. Answer Nothing to do that is known. Tho notion probably comes from the practice of applying grease or gums to the eyelashes to make them look heavier on tho stage or in the movies. Mollis., Is there any way to get rid of moths? Our house is infested with them, and 1 have tried several things without result. H. It. Answer If you can procure the service of an expert, fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gns will probably end the nuisance, but this Is too dan geious for any but an expert fuml gator. To avoid'itions, Absolutely II. undo ;iKv;i.i limit for tlie signature of ; - N'o ( ipiatos. i'h sai.iiis tvery where recommend it. Chuiter No. Sfj. Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OE THE First State Bank At Eagle Tolnt, In Jhe State of Oregon at close of business Dec. 31, 1924. RESOI'RCES 1. Loans nnd discounts. Including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if liny 143,230.75 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured 62.41 3 U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in items 30 nnd 35. If nny 8,000.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign gov ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any 8.369.06 5. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, Judgments, etc 1,880.00 tl. Hanging house. $46'.)6.61; furniture and fixtures, J1S00 6,496.61 8. (be) Cash on hand in vault and due from other banks, bank ers und trust companies 25,000.21 Total ..; 93,628.94 1.1 Villi. ITIL'S IB. Capital stock paid In $15,000.00 17. Surplus fund 2.300.00 IS. I'nitlvldcd profits 1,884.70 IM'iiuiiul leHlts, other Ihnn banks, subject to reserve: S3. Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due the Slate of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds.... 61,470.99 :4. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 46.00 ;',". Cashier's cheeks of this bank outstanding payable on demand 266.28 Time und Saings Deposits, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding 12.660.97 Total , $93, 628. 94 State of Orepon. County of Jackson, ss. 1. 11. V.. Campbell, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. II. K. CAMPHKLL, Cnshler. Subscribed und sworn to before me this Vih dav of January. 1925. . W. C. CLEMENTS. Notary Public. My commission expires January 4. 19J8. Correct Attest: 0. f. Urown, W. II. Urown, Directors. Camphor Is Big Surprise Everybody Is surprised lit tho quick results from simple camphor, witchhazel. hydrastls, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik eye wash. One small bottle helps any case weak, strained or soro eyes. Aluminum eye cup free. Leon B. Haskins. Bold in Central Point by Mary A. Mee, druggist. Adv. George Lance Is quite ill at his home on Foots Creek. If there were dreams to sell, "What would you buy? ' ' Some cost a paswing boll; Some a light sigh. That shakes from Life's fresh crown Only a a rose-lenf down. If there were dreams to sell, ; Merry and sad to tell, And tho crier rang the bell,- , "What would you buy? A cottage lone and still, With bowers nigh, Shadowy, my woes to still, Until 1 die. Such pearl from Life's fresh crown Fain would I shake me down. "Were dreams to have nt will, This would best heal my ill, This would I buy. Thomas Lovell Heddoeo. Phone 244 DYERS ICHATTERS CLEANERS PLEATERS 23 N. Fir 8t Charter No. 110. Reserve District No. li REPORT OK CONDITION OK THE Central Point State Bank At Central Point, In tho State of Oregon at close of business Doo. 31, 1924. In 15. 31. items $170,967.24 None 2.250.00 RESOURCES Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts shown 29 nnd 30, if any Overdrafts secured aud unsecured U. S. government securities owned, including those shown In items 30 and 35, if any Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown In Items 30 nnd 35, if any Stocks, securities, claims, liens, Judgment, etc., Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Banking house, $3,000.00; furniture and fixtures, $4,000.' Real Estate owned other than banking house (n) Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank 21,174.74 too osn on nana in vnuu ana due from other banks, bankers and trust companies Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank anil other-cash items : .'. Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 ' and 11 $ 58,549.58 Other assets, if any Premiums on bonds 1,221 60,943.44 900.00' 7,000.00 2,880.66 36,285.04 1.089.82 ' a Total , $294,712.71 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .j .... $ 25.000.00 Surplus fund 5,000. M Undivided profits . 2,513.64 Demand Deposits, other than banks, sublect to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due tho State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds.... Demand certificates of deposit outstanding Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on de- mnnd rf ; Total of demand deposits, other than bank de- . r posits,, subject to reserve. Items 23, 24, 25, . m 2 $152,636.69 Tlmo anil Savings Deposits, subject to reserve und payable on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding Savings deposits, payable subject to notice Total of time and savings deposits payabie on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28. $t09.662.6S Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank Notes nnd bills rediscounted including bonds or other secuii itles sold under repurchase agreements with contingent liabilities Bills payable with federal reserve bank or "with "other' banks or trust companies Advances from War Finance Corporation':!".'"!""" United Stntes government or other bonds borrowed 147,390.62 S. 10 : 6,141.87 43.705.58 66,967.00 None None None None None Total State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss.' ..$294,712.71 I. II. A. Hagedorn. cashier nf tho nhm-a ,i - , , that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . ,, , . M. A. HAGEDORN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January 1926 x, . , , , EDITH L. JACOBS, Notary Public. My commission expires November 11th 1928 Correct Attest: J. o. Isaacson, Wm. C. Lcevcr, W. J. Freeman, Directors.