Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mflnpoim wait: tribune?. MBrwoun. oumoy. 'riirusDAY. jantauv s. my:.
1 1 The Markets
; ,.
The Wednesday nfternoon scuslon
of the County School Board convention
opened at 1 :30.
The first hour won devoted to dis
cussions by deleftuies regnrdint; the
needs and requirements of their dls:
trlcts. The rural division and the
town division met separately at this
session. Miss Carney discussed the
salary question with the rural divis
ion. At the Joint session of the delegates
H was decided to organize the school
board members of Jackson county.
W. J. Freeman was elected chairman,
J. R. Weaver, vice chairman, and R.
K. Nenlon, secretary. The orKanlza
tlon of this board will fill a much
needed want In the county as It will
bring the districts In closer contact.
The address of the afternoon was
given by Miss Mabel Carney of Teach
ers' College. Columbia university, New
York. She spoke on "The Opportu
nity and Responsibility of a I'ublic
School Officer." The advantages of
the County Unit System were given
very forcefully.
Indeed It was a great opportunity
for the members of school boards to
hear such an expert on questions of
school administration.
The Girls' quartet of the Medford
high school, under the leadership of
Miss (lore, sang two numbers delight
fully. A group of county educators enjoy
ed the dinner hour with Miss Carney
at Hotel Holland. She stated to them
briefly that she Is ln'lhe west In order
to study the state normal schools of
the west. At Monmouth she found
the rural department under l'rof.
Beattie, and the Girls' Dormitory to
be outstanding features.
After the dinner Miss Carney met
Informally a number of teachers and
others In the hotel parlors.
The evening program was opened
with piano duet by Margaret Bonney
and Helen Jones, followed by Miss
Kllzabeth Gore's rendition of St.
Saens "The Swan."
In Miss Carney's address on "Ulti
mate Values of teducation," she listed
ns alms of education in America:
knowledge of fundamentals, health,
an active citizenship, preparation for
home life, how to use leisure, training
for a vocation, character training
through ethical, moral or religious
XEVAi:K..X. J., Jan. S. ( Ry the
Attfloclnti'd Press.) Mickey Walker,
Welterweight champion of the worM,
would be hoUIliiR another crown to
day hiul ho boxed Mike Mc-TIiaie,
world's light heavyweight champion,
ine New York stale last night. Walker
defeated the king of the 175 pound
ers In the opinion of newspapermen
at the ringside, in i tame twelve round
c-otnest. hut the boxing laws of New
Jersey forbid a decision. As a result
Walker is still champion only In his
devli-Ion despite the fact that he beat
McTlgue decisively.
Mothers everywhere demand a re
liable cough t remedy free from inju
rious narcotics. Supplying this de
mand for flftv years made FULKY'S
the Largest Selling Uough Medicines
In the World. Children like It. "My
little boy had a verv bad cough, and
after he used FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR COMPOUND he got relief at
once," writes Mrs. -.Van itelle, Pen-
roy. Mnnt. Refuse substitutes.
... PORTLAND, Ort, .Ian... 8. lhse
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. K. Hogs
steady; receipts 735 (-170 through).
Cattle steady to 60e lower; receipts'
920 (fifl direct). Steers, good $7. fit) if) !
8; medium tfl.sriffM.&O; common $0.25 j
16.25; canner and cutter steers l-lfi1 I
5.25; heifers, good (8 50 lbs. up) 6Tr
6.75; common and medium, all
weights $4 ft 6; cows, gund $5.25'it;
common and medium $41125: tanners
and cutters $2 414. Others unchanged.
Sheep nominally steady; receipts
478 (over hulf on contract,). "
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 8. Poultry
steady; good call for live hens.
Henvy hens 23'ff24c lb; light 17fc ISc;
springs 20fF2fc: old roosters 10c:
ducks, white Pekin SOIrSlc; live turk
eys 23c; dressed turkeys 3ucfi 33o;
geese 16c.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 8. Eggs 2
to 3c higher. Current receipts 4 tic;
pullets 4 3 ffi; 43 c; firsts 40 di 4ti ;
henneries 47 i HMSc delivered Portland.
PARIS, Jan. 8. (Ry the Associ
ated Press) A divorce was granted
by the French courts today to Sophia
Meldrim Coy from Edward Harris
Coy (Ted Coy) the former Yale foot
ball star. The two children of the
couple are given Into the mother's
guardianship. The divorce was grant
ed on the grounds of desertion.
Mr. and Mrs. Coy were married III
Ashcville, N C, in 1913.
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 8. P.utter
steady: extra, cubes, city 4 tic; stand
ards 43c: prime firsts 41c; firsts 40c;
undergrades nominal: prints 49c; car
tons 50c. Rutterfat steady. Heat
churning cream 4 5(11) 47c net shippers'
track in zone, one; 49c delivered Port-hind.
Emll "Irish" Meusel, Giant's out
fielder, said to be sought by the
Urowns of the American league, is far
from being waived out of the Na
tional, according to officials of the
New York club. Meusel has been
mentioned as part of several trades
this winter but, according to Secretary
Joe Tierney, he remains a full fledged
member of the Giant's payroll.
Sale Prices
Jersey Gloves .
Men's Red and Blue Hdkf s.
Men's Khaki Pants
Men's Whipcord Pants
Men's Work Shirts
Winter Union Suits
All Leather Work Shoes
Men's Waterproof Shoes
Men's Suits
All Pure Wool Ssuits
Men's Work Coats
Suit Cases
1 6-f t. Show Case for sale.
1 Cash Register for sale.
For Rent, Store Rooms on
Main St.
Also Ssmall House.
That's all today;
32 N. Front St.
Young Strlhling. Georgia school
boy light weight, will meet a form
idable foe In boxing Jimmy Delaney
of St. Paul, a protege of Mike Gibbops.
at Grand Rapids, Mich., January 21.
Delaney made Gene Tunney. American
light heavyweight champion, step at
top speed to win shade decisions. De
laney boxes with the same speed and
puzzling style that made Gibbons the
phantom of the ring.
v TTarold "Red' Grange, flashy Illin
ois halfback, chosen for all-American
honors on all mythical elevens, with
out a doubt was the outstanding slur
of the 1934 season, In the opinion of
Major John L. Griffith, commissioner
of athletics In the western conference.
Griffith refereed a dozen games and
talked with couches from all sections
of the country before arriving at this
conclusion. He says Grange's achieve
ment In scoring four touchdowns
against Michigan on long, thrillng
runs in less than twelve minutes af
ter the start of the game, was the out
standing individual performance of
the season.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan.
toes firm $1.25 ffF 1.50.
Onions firm, $3.25.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. "Wheat
bids: Hard white, bluestem, ha art
$f.Sh'; soft white $1.78; western white,
hard winter $1.7(1; northern spring
$1.78; western red $1.71.
Today's car receipts Wheat 4 ;
flour 1; hay 2.
Shu Francisco Markets
Rureiiu of Agricultural Kcouomlcs.)
Broilers 1 to 1 U lbs. 4245c; I
lbs. 4ur(i 42c; colored 1 Vi to 1 lbs.
40(? 42c.
Kryers, leghorns 2 to 24 lbs. 38
40c; colored 2 to 2 lbs. 4Ufr 42c.
Young roosters, colored 3 lbs. and
up 32 tj 35c; few higher; staggy show
ing spurs 22Tr25c. Old roosters col
ored I 5 ft 17c; leghorns 11 (?f 1 3c.
Large colored hens, fancy, 31ST32c.
(Ry the Associated Press)
Knute Rockne's galloping horsemen
trotted close to half the circumfer
ence of the earth in quest of football
honors during the past season. They
visited stales In climates ranging
from forty degrees above at Prlnre-
ton, N. J., to ninety degrees above
at Pasadena, Cal.
In winning ten games from repre
sentatives In every section of the
country, Notre Dame traveled 10.500
miles. One sixth of the season was
spent In Pullman cars. Three of the
games Army, Princeton and Stan
ford take In railroad mileage of
more than 0000 miles.
Colonel Snrgent Ontnp, United
Spanish War Veterans held the. instal
lation of its officers for 1925 at the
Armory on the evening of January 7.
The following Is the list: Alex Spar
row, commander; J. A. Hemslreet,
senior vice commander; John M. Hol
lars, junior vice commander; William
J. Keeling, officer of the day; J. K.
Thornton, officer of the guard; A. K.
Clement, trustee; tiuslav Weston,
adjutant and quartermaster: Ilev. T.
L. Thuemler. chaplain; W. IF. I'aine,
historian: Dr. K. H. Porter, surgeon;
frank Grulih. senior color sergeant;
Walter CI. Averlll, junior color ser
The state president or the Ladles
Auxiliary. .Mrs. Kva O. R. Hyde. Ilills
horo, will he in Medford Tuesday
evening. Jan. J 3, for the purpose of
installing a local branch of that or
ganization. A dinner Is to he given
that evening by the comrades and
ladles of Colonel Sargent cautp, to
Houe River camp and its ladies' aux
iliary of Giants Pass.
Tlio Woollier,
nnln late tonight or Krlday In the
west portion. Cloudy tonight, follow
ed by local snows Friday in the east
portion. No change In temperature.
Fresh west winds, shifting to south-
ly late tonight and Increasing.
Card of Tlinnks.
We wish to thank the frlendH who
bo kindly assisted In the search for the
RAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 8. (Fede
ral State Market News Service)
Apples, boxes, California Newtowns,
fancy, all sizes, J1SOW2.75; W. W.
I'carnialns fancy all sizes $1. 35 2. 25:
Arkansas blacks, fancy, nil sizes,
2.00; Home Heautles, fancy,'
$1.20 If 2; Oregon and Washington
Delicious, XF, $4 iff 4.60; Spitzenbui gs,
XF, $2."53; fancy, $2. SOWS. 70;
choice, $2i?2.25; Rome Heautles, XF,
$2.50(8)2.75; fancy, $2.25r;2.50; Wine
saps. XF, $2.86 (( 3.26; fancy $2.50
2.70; Arkansas blacks, XF, $2.75 8 3 :
fancy, $2.25 (B 2.76; Newtowns, fancy.
$2..15ff3; C. grade, $1.85182. 40.
l'ears Per box, winter Nells, $2
S3; U'Anjous, $2.D03; Oregon
cornice $3.50.
The Indies of Wellen, Antelope and
Brownsboro who are interested In
organizing a club to work with the
home demonstration agent nlong any
of the lines of home improvement,
sewing or nutrition, are urged to
ctime to the Antelope school house,
Saturday, January 10, at 1:30 p. m.
This will be the first of a series of
meetings, and everyone who Is inter
ested Is needed to help give the club
a good start.
Anyone who wants to make a dress
form should come In the morning.
Materials may be purchased at
Deuel's store, Medford, or by calling
the home demonstration agent, Miss
Brewster, at 920, Medford.
Word was received this morning
by Circuit Judge C. M. Thomas that
Judge Charles H. Carey of Portland,
a distinguished jurist of the Pacific
Coast, would be the principal speaker,
at the annual banquet next Suturday
night. Jn the Hotel Medford, of the
Jackson and Josephine County Bar
associations. His subject will be
"Needed Changes j!n Court Proce
dure." Judge Carey has been Iden
tified for years with the movement
working towards this end, and Ih
recognized as a national authority on
the subject.
Address will also be made by mem
bers of the bar from Jackson and
Josephine counties.
W Dr. PUn Rioei i ww intrrndl treatment that
frti at tbc ml cam of Asthma t furatnfm
to tire complete relief from ifl macki ta 24 ,
bo art, or nuucf tacit. Ask tar f
draft tat. n
sr. ...i n Hall' A
Our January Clearance Is On
The response to our sale has demonstrated
clearly the real values we are giving
An Absolute Clearance Is Our Sole Object
Broken Sizes and Discontinued Lines
$10 values $7.85, or 2 pairs for $10.00
Boige Suede Cross-Strap.
French Heel, .f 10 Val $7.85
Tan Bark Suede Two-Strap,
Box Heel, 10 Val $7.85
Footwear Porinerlv selling from
.fS.OO up to $9.50.'
Black Satin Cross-Strap,
French Heel, $10 Val $7.85
Black Satin Pump, Suede trim.
French Heel, $10 Val $7.S5
Footwear forinerlv selling from
$7..r)0 up to $!).()().'
flrev Suede Cross-Strap.
French Heel, $10 Val $7.85
Otter Suede Front Strap,
French Heel, $10 Val $7.85
Footwear Formerly selling from
$i;.()0 up to $7.00.
9 ftCJ QPFT'IAI Black Kid Cross-strap Sandals, $().")0 values....
PuOcl 01 J-'VI-'Ai-. , have added more shoes to this speci
pecial for Friday.
The Bootery
Beautiful Shoes for Women
R. B. Strang
IL B. Strang
every one needs it-
New Style BH)
TIE only oats that cook Into granular oatmeal. f-jj1
Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stimulate BK3 go.
digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful iffy, EpSafi B A
flavor. More than a new oatmeal a new cereal. JM
Energy-building corbohydrates, tissue-building pro- fflj V
' teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style ':;L.-.1
Il-O takes only 2 to 3 short minutes to cook the (JjBMCCOllW
quickest cooking cereal quick as a flash! S OATS
51:; 1 Cook in
I Rofiulnr II-O Oat. 5SJ O 4Q mUTUtSS
1 New Ntyl h-O Oart (Quick) ?V UV """"
Standard full .Iza id weliillt pkt. wolilht, 1 lb. 4 OX. jg jj'jj'g
II J Ul 1AXVI1 1 11.
Worth at least 10 per cent more than the
common garden variety of Gas
and let your engine decide
Jones & Kirkpatrick
"A Real Service Station'
Riverside at Sixth
Phone 65
RmoothnoBB In the
tnxture of Ico crenm
has a far reaching
Blgnlflc'iuioe. It means
that tho finest mate
rials have been used
and tho moat care
ful attention has been
pultl to the making
Axk for Nutritions
loo Creum
Jackson County
Nursery Stock
Shrubs .
Let us help you plan your
shrubbery and flower planting.
Washington Nursery
228 So. Holly Phone 612-R
First Insurance Agency
A. L. HILL, Manager,
M North Central
Phona 1M Medford, Or.
body of our little Ilene. Also for the
beautiful floral offerings.