i MEDFOftD" Mini TRIBTmR, IVrEDFORP, OREOON." WEDNESDAY, T)EOEM"BET m, 1921 PAGE FIVE I IS SUBJECT OF PAPER WASHINGTON, Dee. 31. Reception by President Coolidge n't tlio White House of delegates to the convention of the Ameriean Association for the Advancement of Science provided a mid day Interlude for today's program of further presentation of papers and discussion of the latest scientific achievements. Subjects treated in the scores of papers prepared for today's meetings of the various sections of the associa tion ranged from improved copper for electricity conduction to hiccough bacteria. A papor by Dr. W. P. Davcy of the research laboratory of the General Electric company told of the produc tion of a new form of copper that con ducts electricity with 13 per cent more efficiency than ordinary copper. Al though merely copper of standard purity, the metal is cast In the new process, it was mild, as a single crys tal half an Inch thick and six inches long. . ' . . Discovery of bacteria that appears to be responsible for the present epi demic of "hiccoughs was reported in a paper presented by Dr. Kdward Rose now of the Mayo foundation at Roch ester, Minn. The bacteria are of the sort known as streptococci and pro- 7 PEOPLE KILLED . BY FUMES OF STOVES L. ANGELES LOS ANY1KLKS. Dec. 31. Clns hen tors and deadly weapons were run ning ncck-nnd-ncck today among the causes of Christ man week fatalities In Los Angeles county. Since Christmas eve seven deaths due to fumes from gas heating devices have been report ed In various parts of the country, six of them In Hollywood and Glendule, where three married couples perished. In the same period bullets, knives and blunt instrumoms wore used to inflict death on seven other victims; one Christmas hiker was fatally in jured by a boulder loosened in a mountain snow slide, an aged woman was accidentally burned to death in her bed, a truck driver was crushed under a falling sleel vault, throe Jap nnese fishermen lost their lives in a wreck due to fog off the coast, and three other persons met death In automobile accidents. Poison liquor made a' poor death showing, only one fatality from that cause being reported during hte week. (luce hiccoughs whon injected Into the brains of animals. Favorable results looking toward the control of diabetic symptoms by means of Insulin administered by the mouth Instead of hypodermlcally as at present, were reported in a paper by Dr. John R. Merlin of the University of, Rochester. man muni MMllMilCBilg huh iiiiiiiaiiMiiiii iiiiiiiiiimiiinii The Medford Lumber Co. Extends to its many patrons HEARTIEST WISHES for a HAPPY NEW YEAR Thanks to their, kind patronage, the past year's business has been by far the lragest in our Medford business career. ' We sincerely thank you, and trust the coming year will be one of happiness and prosperity for all the citizens of Medford. J. H COOLEY, President. The passing of 1924 marks the ending of our tenth year of suc cessful business in Medford. Our policy of offering to our patrons only the best at moderate prices and our willingness to give the best service within our power, has been, a factor in building the reputation of this establish ment. We extend to our many friends and patrons our sincere grati tude as well as our best wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year. Jno. W. Johnson Jeweler ' ALAN A OF IS that of George Mnxwoll, president o( the American Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers. - Muxwell was indicted on charges of sending slanderous letters to Mr. Ryan 'about Mrs. Ky an, and of forging an- other person's name to a scurrilous i letter. The Indictment was later dismissed. NEW YORK. Dee. 31. Motor ve hides registration in the United States' for 1924 show that there Is one pas-' senger car or truck for every 6.42 persons, based on an estimated popu lation of 114.000,000. .1 Registrations for the year, including the last ten days of December, totaled 17,700,179, a gain of 16.28 per cent; over the total of 15,222,058 recorded In 1923. Those statistics comniled from offi cial figures obtnined from every state, vere made public today by tho maga zine Motor. Passenger cars Increased during the year from 13,455,073 to 15,520,003, a gain of 2,t!66,5Sl0 or 15.35 per cent. Commercial vehicles jumped from 1,707,586 at the end of 1923 to 2,179, 510, nn increase of 23.3 per cent. The amount of money Invested In these vehicles is estimated at J10,- 020,107,400. New York loads In registrations with 1,412,050, of which 1,130.300 are pas senger cars. California Is second with 1.321.4S0, and is less than 10,000 Nk hind on passenger cars, which number 1,126,950. The only other states in the 1.000,. 000 car class were Ohio, with 1,237. 000; Pennsylvania, 1,221,893. and Illi nois, 1,123,000. , The second five, In order, are: Michigan. 877,453: Texas, 823,074; Massachusetts, 072,310; Indiann, 049, 797; Iowa, 614,500. NEW YORK. Doc. 31. Two years of domestic troubles between Alan A. Ryan, son of'Thomas Fortuue Ryan, financier, and his wife, Mrs. Sara Tack Ryan, were brought to a close by a divorce which Mrs. Ryan obtained last I July but which has Just been revealed. 1 , ' . The divorce bearing was before a' , LA-NSlNfi. Mich., IVe 3 - , i t, , i i . the Assoc a led I'rMii) The petition referee In Rockland county. It was of oharl(s ,., ,;,,,,. t.0'Ilvl,.t(.,, learned. An unidentified woman was of vlolKtlon ,,f tho Micihgnn syn.ll named by Mrs. Ryan as co respondent. , nKm act, fur stay of sentence, was , Mr. Ryan denied the charges. Ldenied by the. state supreme court The question of alimony is not men- today, tioned in tho decree; which gavo Mrs.' Ituihoiilieig. convicted of attempt Ryan custody of her six children ex- '"' "1'iead communist doctrine, was WILLAIIO QUARTET TO anented at the lliidgeman (Herrlcn county) meeting In August, to Kclhcr with William '.. Poster and several others. Radio Programs for Tonight KHJ, Los Angeles, SSI5 meters. 8 to 9:30. Program presented through the courtesy of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, arranged by K. S. Nelson. 9:30 to 2 a. m. Special New Years eve program arranged by J. Howard Johnson. 8 to 10, Program through the courtesy of Mullen and Bluett, arranged hy G. Allison Phelps, presenting the Philhnrmnnlc 'Cello quartet. 10 to 11, Karl Hurtnett's Hiltmore orchestra broadcasting from the Hiltmore Hotel. KPI, ros Angeles. 409 meters. 8 to 9. Herald.. 9 to 10, Examiner. 10 to 11; Banco orchestra' nnd soloists. " KNX, Hollywood, 337 meters, 9 to 10, Security Trust nnd Savings bank, sponsors, presenting KNX Little Sym phony 'orchestra' 10 to' 1 Holloywood land orchestra and New Year's Eve program. Kf !0, Oakland, 312 meters. 10 to 1, Special. New Year's eve dunce pro gram by Henry Halstead's orchestra and soloists, Hotel Ht. Francis, San Francisco. KPO. San Francisco. 423 meters, 8 to 9, "New Year's Message." by Eu gene W .Roland. Program under the management of Jack Thomas, tenor. 10 to H E. Max Hradfleld's Vcrsntilc hand playing in the Palace Rose Room bos;!. 1 KLX. Oakland, 509 meters. 8 to 8.50, Wolchans Callfornians playing at the Sweet's ballroom, Oakland, broadest by direct wire. 8:50 to 9:30, The Americn Theater orchestra plnylng the overture at the Paramount picture, "Peter Pnn," followed- by Incidental music. KFItC, San Francisco, 280 meters, 10 to 2, Special New Year's eve dance program by Paul Kelli's orchestra, playing in 11 Trovatore Roof Garden cafe. KOW, Portland, 492 meters, 8 Con cert by Coburn Concert orchestra, courtesy of J, P. Flnley nnd Son. 10, fleorge Olsen Metropolitan orchestra. Intermissison solos. WFAA. Dulles, Texas, 470 meters, 10:30 to 11, Music by representatives of a Dallas theater: KFQX, Seattle, Wash., 238 meters, 8 to 9 nnd 10 to'll, Earl drey and his Hotel liutler orchestra, 9 to 10 eon cert hour. The Screen "The Confidence Man," Thomas Melghan's latest production, opened at tho Uialto theater yesterday. The story is a crook melodrama with touchesof genuine comedy throughout. Melghan had always made suc cesses, and among the bigger ones we will always find this type of story. "The Miracle Man" wns just such a picture. Melghan plays Pan Corvan. fake oil stock salesman; Laurence Wheat is Larry Maddox, his lieutenant: Charles Dow Clark has the role of Godfrey Querltt, weatlthy and miserly old man whom Corvan is trying to get to buy some worthless International Oil. - There is romance and a. regenera tion these in this story comedy, pa thos and. wholesomenesH. And - the dramatic suspense worked up in the final climax is terrific. It's Melghan's best to date. New Proprietor of Army Store Arrives It. 8. Stewart, new proprietor of the L'nlted Army Store In Medford, accompanied by Mrs. Stewart, has nr- : rived to take charge. Mr. Stewart ' was assistant manager of the Port ! land Army Store before coming here, He will add several new lines to the business and enlarge those now car ried, lie will carry a big stock of everything in camping supplies. Mrs. Stewart was prominent In mu sicnl circles In Portlands sang In radio programs for the Oregonlan and will be greeted by Medford musical circles. cept for vacation periods, when they ti ro to spend half of their time with their father and half with their mother. llie cniiuron now are with their. T. state sum-cm., court recently father at his home in Montclalr, N. ,1. nrrirmed Huthenberg's conviction nnd Mr. Ryan lost a "fortune In Wall sent an order to Judge I'hailei White street in the summer of 1922 after of the nerrlan county circuit court his corner on Stutz Motors. Ills do- " proceed to sentence Ruthenberg. ,.in .,.,, i, i i,. i,.,, ,.i,n,. Jtuinennei'ir is to appear ni'iore Judge White for sentence next .Mon day. He may fie an application for early In 1923, when Mr. Ryan cuiuv- ,..u1UBu io an uxuiu auo.uey umi ( ,..,.. llt !lllv ,!. within 40 his wifes name had been. linked In a ,,., all(... ,lis conviction ws af- series of "poison- pen" letters with firmed. HERE JANUARY 2 Tho Willamette university qunrtet will give a concert January 2 at 8 o'clock ut tho First M. E. church. The quartet Is composed of l.oyd Thomp son, the best singer in the university; Joe Nee, the Scotch singer of folk songs; Milton (Irnlapp and Donald Heath, the comic pair, and l.loyd Waltz, the reader and itnp.ro:.ator. Everyone who heard the Willamette glee dub last year surely remembers what a good concert they gave. This quartet will be equally as good. If not better. Those livo boys tiro tho life and pep of the glee club. You cannot afford to miss tho concert. Any Louis Csnns? Advertisement in El Paso Herald "Jack-a-bean dining room furniture, handsome set." Boston Transcript. What My Neighbor Says .Is of Interest to Medford Folks... Mrs. Wilson ;iv'ii Pension WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Tho sen ate piiHHcil ii hill granting n pension of tfimiu ii n mi ally io Mrs. Kdiih .tolling Wilson, widnwnf the lute war president. Anxiety. Moilnrn Mother: Yob, I know tho baby Is pivlty, Aiuitio, but tho ques tion Is, hiiH tine style? Kve (London). When one has had tho misfortune to suffer frum backnehe. headaches, diz zint'Hs, urinary disorders nnd other kidney Ills nnd has found relief from all thin nick noss nnd Buffering, that person's advice Is of untold value lo friends and neighbor.-!. The fol lowing ease 1h only one of many thousands, but It Is that of a Medford resident. Who could ask for a better example? "Mih. Harry Ilnmmett, 208 Tripp Ht., says: "I used Pnnn's Pills for an attack of kidney ti'fi blc and I know thi'ie Is nothing better for this com plaint. I suffered from severe back-' tube and at times, I felt dull and run down. My kilneys acted Irregularly too. Poan's Pills soon relieved tho backache and put my kidneys In good order." Mrs. Hnntmett is only one of many Medford people who have gratefully endorsed Down's Pills. If your back indies if your kidneys bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask dlHtlnctly for DOAN'H PILLS, the same that Mrs. ilnmmett hud the remedy hacked by home testimony. t;o cents at all dealers. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfra.t IiufTalo, N. Y. "When Your Hack Ih Lame Hemembor the Nam." Adv. O N-LY PACKARD C A N BU1LD PACK A R'D PACK AR ED announces important and far-reaching revisions in the prices of all enclosed models of the Packard Six effective January 2nd, 1925. For instance, the price of the Packard Six five pas senger sedan has been reduc ed 790.00-now $2585.00 at Detroit. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY DETROIT, MICHIGAN AS K THE M A N W H O O W N S O N E We Would Be Glad to Show You the New Packard Six ' Models-A Ride and Demonstration Is Yours for the Asking Highway Motor Co. 114 So. Riverside PACKARD FRANKLIN NASH Quality Cars Phone 254