Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 31, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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    SOLD 10 N. YORK
PORTLAND, Ore., Dor, 31. Tho
Ninth Pacific Prune (irowors ex
change, has announced the Halo of
their entire petite pool, nmounllm; to
approximately 400,000 pound to New
York litiyers. The pruneH were pnckerl
in 25 pound boxes anil hrniiKht the
fnllnwliiK prices, f.o.b. dock:
30-40'n 12 cents.
40-50's H ', cenls.
1,0 -tie's 7 cenls.
(10-70's C:'i cenls.
7!l-S0's ii'i cents.
SU-!tO'H 5 cents.
fiii-1'lOV li l-i cents.
00-120' 5 cents.
The sale Is peculiarly significant at
this time, eomlni; tliiriiiK the (inlet
period of the, year when little activity
Is usually shown.
Tin1 deal was consummated by the
exchange a few days nun when nearly
4611.0 pounds of Italian prunes was
sold at rc5u!ar exchanae prices and 111
sonic sizes shove the quotations.
Itnni'irs have heen circulated that
tho exchange has heen cutting prices.
This is emphatically denied by local
officials who declare I hat the ox-
chanBe is siandini; pat on tho prices
UKreed upo" y the hoard and further
they intend to remain firm on these
Conditions are very favorable in the
prune 'market with a strong under
tone prevailing all hooch the holiday
season is usually the dull period. Of
ficers of the exchange say they see
no reason why tho crop will not clear
up by sprinR at current levels or even
better prices.
M. J. Ni'.vhou.w, ninnnltor of the ex
change is in Liverpool looking to the
foreign situation and endeavoring to
develop the demand for Pacific north
west prunes.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 31. A Ml)
propoRlnp standard welghtH for louvos
of broad and to provido for their san
itary wrapping was introduced today
hy Senator Cappor, Republican, Kan
Kan. CliarRcs that consumers of bakers
bread pay $:t00,000 a day for broad
they do not Bet worn made by Sena
tor C'npper in an explanation of his
bill. 1
"While not all bakors practice
short weight nulling," ho said, "evi
dence Ih that the, practice Is general
among the large baking corporations
where Htate laws do not prohibit."
Senator Capper called attention
that a "huge mertfor" of baking in
terests now was under tho "scrutiny
of the department of JuhUco and the
federal trade commission."
"The miller and tho farmer are
justly concerned to discover whether
such n combination oonHtitutes (u
monopolistic control of wheat aVid
flour marketing," he said. "Tho con
sumer is concerned ns to what effect
mich combination may havo upon tho
price of an Indisponslble leressity
and tho small baker Is concerned for
the very existence of his business.'
Kl'C.KNK. Ore., Deo. 31. -Kstab-lishment
early next summer of a free
towing and emergency road service
In Eugene, for tho members of the
Oregon Hluto Motor association Is
being planned by the organization
as a part of a state-wide plan, ac
cording to Oeorgo O. Ifrandenbui'tf,
manager of tho association.
"Thin servlco Tor motorists will he
planned geographically so that there
will be stations at least every twenty
miles along tho heavily traveled
roads' Mr. jtrandenhurg stated in an
nouncing the plan which has already
been started at Tort land with the
opening of the first station. Tho
J'ortland servlco will bo available
after JiUnuary 1, Mv, Itrandcnhurg
SAI.KM. Ore, T)ec. 3t. Tho Salem
Kiwanls club today ordered tho erec
tion ot a greeting sign at tho point
just north of Salem on the Pacltl
Highway where the 4fth parallel of
latitude crosses tho highway, which
Is half way between the equator and
tho North l'ole. On one Mdo the
sign will read, "Half way to the
North l'ole," and on tho other, "ll.tlf
Way to tho Equator," nnd at tho
bottom a greeting to visiting Kiwan-
ians and an announcement of their
luncheon date hero.
Call a physician. Thf n begin
"emergency" treatment with
V Vapo Run
Ofmr 17 Million Jart t'.rt Ifur
muiumi mem
WASHI'fiTON, Pec. 81. Presl-
dent Ooidldge has drawn no hasty con
clusions from the recent swirl of de
velopments, surrounding the French
war debt and sees no occnslon for ac
tion by the American government on
the basis of present advices.
The president Is watching the situa
tion closely however, and should there
be any Indication rf a move by the
French government to repudiate Its
obligations. It might influence the
W hite House sthrnngly In Its attitude
toward the flotation of private French
loans In this country.
While there Is no legal restriction
giving the federal government author
ity over loans which foreign govern
ments seek to place with private In
terests I nthls country, the advice of
Washington usually is sought by the
prospective investors and usually Is
sufficient lo determine the fate of any
such venture.
There has been no Indication that
the president discredits the many
French assurances of payment, reiter
ated yesterday by the French em
hussy, hut at the same time lie desires
that nil Tacit) lie known here beyond
all douht so that the American govern
ment can shape Its course accordingly
Ho realizes that remarks of foreign
government officials and other iso
lated Incidents do not invariably rep
resent a deliberate determination as
to the policy of the government. He
Is disposed, therefore, to await com
plete official information.
On the basis of the present situation
the president apparently sees no rea
son to bring influence to bear against
any private loan transactions the
French government may havo consid
eration with American banking houses.
No report has reached the state
department from the American em
bassy in Paris p guide the adminis
tration in interpreting the finance,
minister's recent remarks, nor has the
French embassy here made any en
gagement indicating that it has heen
instructed by its government to make
any communication.
There is speculation, however, as to
the possibility that recent develop
ments may result in a clearer under
standing all around.
Up to this time tho most definite
commitment regarding payment of the
French war debt litis been that voiced
by Ambassador Jussorand. On the
heels of this statement, however, the
I'arls'governnient pointed out that he
was acting on . Ills, own inltlaMve and
without instructions.
Somo observers here believe the
Purls foreign orrice may find it advis
able to make clear in an unmistakable
and official way t lie purpose of France
to moet her loan obligations and also
to clear up whatever misunderstand-'
ing there may be In this country of
such (niostldns of debt pooling, or dis
cussion of war debts nt any general
flnanco conference of tho allied and
associated powers.
There was ti recurrence of debate
on tho "debt question in the senate
today, during which Senator Uinl.
democrat, South ("nrollna, declared the
United States should not confine its
altontlon to tho French debt but
should notify all nations that the time
had come for them to tirrnnge for
paying at least the interest on their
CIlltOXOI.CJY I'Olt YUAlt 11124
(Continued from page nine.)
Paul won -western amateur golf title.
Aug. 11 Kdilh I'uninilngs won
women's amateur Western golf title.
Aug. lii American athletes won
first place In Tailteann, Irish national
games, at Dublin.
Aug. Hi Helen Wills retained
women's national tennis champion
Aug. iO Grand American handicnp
shoot won by 11. i Deck of Plymouth,
Sept. 1 Wise Counsellor beat Kpl
nard In first Intrenatlonal horse race.
Sept. Hill Tildcn retained na
tional tenuis championship, defeating
V. M. Johnston.
Sept. t; William Molhorn ot St.
Louis won Western golf tille.
Mrs. Dorothy Campbell llurd won
women's golf championship.- ,
Sept. II Harry Wills defeated l.uls
Flrpo of Argentina In U'-round fight.
Sept. Ill American tennis team de
feated Australians, retaining Davis
Sept., 13 American golf team de
feated llritish tmim, retaining Walker
Sept. 16 American polo team won
second and deciding game from Fng
llsh. Sept. 20 Walter llugen won pro
fessional golf championship.
Sept. I!:t Loll Talaher, Chicago,
won middleweight wrestling cham
pionship from I'arelll.
Sopt. 27 Hubert T. Jones, Jr., At
lanta, won national amateur golf
Ladkln defeated Fplnard, French
horse. In second international race.
New York Clnnts won National
league pennant.
Sept. 211 Washington Senators won
American league pennant.
Oct. 1 Commissioner I. mm. lis black
listed J I in in le O'fomicll and Coach
Cozy Dolan of the (Hants for trying lo
bribe a Philadelphia player to throw
a game.
cl. in Washington Senntors won
world's championship.
Oct. 11 Sarazen brat Fplnar.l In
third international race.
Oct. 13 -lnthony Woostroff. New
ark, won National A. A. V. penathlon.
Nov. is Yule beat Harvard nt
University of Chicago won Wester
conference football championship.
Nov. V9 Army defeated Navy at
American diplomat, author and educator.
Jan, 21 Nicola! Lenin, premier of
Bovlet Russia.
Gen Lee Christmas, famous Amorl
can soldier of fortune.
Jan. 27 W. W. Appleton, publisher
In New York.
Jan. 30 .lames M. ("Private")
Dulzell, In Washington.
Feb. 1 Dr. L. H. McMurtry, notod
surgeon, in Louisville, Ky.
Feb. 3 Woodrow Wilson, twenty-
eighth president of the United States.
Feb. 6 Hear Admiral T. O. Self
ridge, retired, In Washington.
Feb. 21 Congressman H. (I. Dupre
of Louisiana.
Feb. 23 Gen. C K. Adams, past
commander In chief of G, A. It., in
Los Angeles.
Feb. 24 Former Congressman J.
L. Slayden of Texas.
Feb, 2(1 George Randolph Chester,
author and playwright. In New York
.March ((Former Congressman J.
M. Levy of New York.
March S A. II. Smith, president of
New York Central railway.'
March 21 Harney llernard, Ameri
can comedian.
March 22 flen. Itobert Nlvelle, de
fender of Verdun.
April 3 Charles A. Munn, editor
and publisher Scientific American.
April 7 .Marcus A. Smith,, former
senator from Arizonn.
April 10 Hugo Slinnes, industrial
magnate of Germany.
William Bayard Hale, American
Journalist In Munich.
April 19 F. X. I.cyendecker, Am
erican artist.
April 21 Eleonora Duse, famous
Italian actress, In Pittsburgh.
Mario Cor.elll, noted Knglish novel
ist. April 23 Karl Helfferich, German
April 24 G. Stanley Hall, noted
psychologist, at Worchester, Mass.
April 25 Charles F. Murphy,
ohleftan of Tammany Iall.
K. L. Nonis, ex-governor of Mon
tana. April 26 Niels Gron., Danish-American
diplomat and writer.
May 6 Kate Claxton, onco famous
May 9 Mrs. Hubert Work', wlfo of
the secretary of tho Interior.
May 11 George Konnon, writer
and traveler.-
May 13- Louis A. Hlrsch, song
writer, In .New York.
Mny 14 Baron Constant d'Estour-
neles, French lender for disarmament.
Mny 20 Sir Edward OoBchen, Brit
ish diplomat. ,
May 20-VIctBr Herbert American
composer. ,
Joseph Fish, millionaire philan
thropist of Chicago.
Mny 28 Paul Combon, French
Juno 3 E. C. Shnnklnnd, noted
civil engineer, in Chicago.
June 9 Pcter Clark Macfarlane,
author and playwright.
July 5 A. A. Adeo, second assist
ant secretary of state.
July 7 Calvin Coollgo, Jr., young
er son of President Coolidge.
July 17 Mrs. Isabella Stewart
Gardiner of Boston, patroness of art
and music.
July 18 Mnj. Robert Imbrle, Am
erican vice rmisul at Teheran, Persia.
July 24 Palmer Cox, author ot
Brownie" stories for children.
Aug. 3 Joseph Conrad, noted nov
elist, in England.
''nrmer United States Senntor C.
K. Townsend of Michigan.
Aug.' 13 Mrs. Joseph Jefferson,
widow of the actor, In New York.
Aug. 15 Dr. I!. W SIppey of Chl-
cngo, famous stomach specialist.
viscount Knnllys. of England.
Aug. 18 LcMnron B. Colt, United
States senntor from Ithodo Island.
Aug. 20 Miss Lucy Pago Gaston
Chicago, noted anti-cigarette cru
Sept. 1 Joe Boyer, automobile rac
, killed in rnce at Altoonn, Penn.
Sept. 3 Edward F. (Pop) doers,
notod hnrness driver.
Daflo Restn, automobile rncer.
Sept. 15 Frank Chance, noted
bnsebnll leader.
Jlmmle Murphy, automobile racer.
Kept. 1(1 W. L. Douglas, ex- gov
ernor of Massachusetts.
Sept. 22 Ex-Senator R. .1. Gamble
of South Dakota.
Congressman w. R. Greene of
Sept. 2.1 Hiig. Gen. c. E. Sawyer,
President Harding's . physician, nt
Marlon, Ohio. '
Sept, 25 Charlotte Crahtreo (Lot
ta), veteran American nctress, in
Oct. 12 Ahatolo Fiance, eminent
French writer.
Oct. 14 United Sstates Senntor
Frank Urandegee of Connecticut.
Oct. 17 11. 11. Kolsaat, former Chi
cago newspaper publisher.
Oct. 25 Secretary If Agriculture
Henry C. Wallace.
Jjiura Jean I.lhbey, noted novelist.
Oct. 20 Lew Dockatadcr, famous
Oct. 27 Percy 1). Haughton, noted
football coach.
Gen. v. n. llaldeman, commander
In chief of Confederate Veterans. .
Albert It. Loch, Chicago capitalist.
Oct. 2S. James 11. Forgan. veteran
Chicago Banker.
Edward Hell, American charge d'af
faires In Peking.
Thomas C. Harbaugh, writer of
Nick Carter stories.
Oct. 2!i Frances Hodgson Burnett,
author and playwright.
E. II, Sawyer, author of many "dime
novels." '
Nov. 3 Ex-Senator Cornelius Cole
of California, aged one hundred and
two. .
Nov. 4 Ferdinand W. Peck, pion
eer Chlcagoan.
Gabriel Fuuro, French composer.
Nov. 9 Henry Cabot Lodge, Culled
States senator from Massachusetts.
W. K. Kitchin, ex-governor of North
Nov. 14 Dr. Saniutl Plant, presi
dent of Lawrence college, Appleton,
Nov. Hi iMrs. J. p. Morgan, Sr.,(
In Highland Falls. N. Y.
Nov. -17 Mgr. Grcgorlns, ecumeni
cal patriarch of Greek Orthodox
church, In Constantinople.
Nov. 1!) Thomas 11. luce, moving
picture producer.
Nov. 20 Gen. Sir Lee Stack, sirdar
of Egypt.
Nov. 21 Mrs. Warren O. Harding,
at Marlon, Ohio.
Nov. 24 C. S. Falrchlld. secretary
of the treasury In Cleveland's cabinet,
i Jiov. 27 Duke ot Beaufort. '
ii luwijuwip.
Notice of Application for Deed.
To Wm. Stlley. the owner, accord
ing to the record In the office of the
county clerk of Jackson rounty, Ore
gon, of the following described prop
erty, to-wlt:
Lot 6. block 50. Original Townslte,
Medford. Oregon.
You are hereby notified that the
City of Medford, Oregon, is the holder
of a Certificatte of Sule for said prop
erty Issued by the City of Medford on
tho 1st day of November, 1919, under
Chapter 14 of tho Charter ot the City
of Medford, Oregon, and Its ordlnan
ves enacted pursuant thereto.
You are further notified that If not
withstanding this notice, redemption
of such property shall not be bade
within sixty (0) (fays after the date
of service or the date of first publica
tion of this notice, the City of Medford,
Oregon, will demand a. deed therefor
rrom the city treasurer of the City of
Dated at Medford. Oreiron. this 1st
day of August, 1924.
City Recorder of the City of Medford,
Attorney for applicant,
City Hall. Medford. Oregon.
Notice of Application for Deed.
To Wm. Stallev. the owner, accord
ing to the record In the office of the
county clerk of Jackson county, Ore
gon, ofthe following describee prop
erty, to-wlt:
ImI 6. block 50. Original Townslte.
Medford, Oregon.
You are hereby notified that tho
City of Medford. Oregon. Is the holder
of a'Certlflcate of Sale for said prop
erty issued ny me i ity or Mecirord. on
the 21st day of November, 1919. under
Chapter 14 .of the Charter of tho City
of Medford, Oregon, and Its ordinan
ces enacted pursuant thereto.
You are further notified that If not
withstanding this notice, redemption
of such- property shall not be made
within sixty (60) days after the dale
of service or the date of first publica
tion of this police, the City of Med
ford, Oregon, will demand a deed
therefor from the City Treasurer of
said City of Medford.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 1st
day of August, 1024.
City Recorder of tho City, of Medford.
Attorney for Applicant,
City Hnll. Medford, Oregon.
Notice, of Application for Deed.
To LUIle J. Meeker, the owner, accord
ing to the record In the office of the
county clerk of Jackson county, Ore
gon, of the following described prop
erty, to-wlt:
Lot 1, block 5, Meeker Addition.
Medford, Oregon.
1 ou are hereby notified that the
City of Medford, Oregon, is the holder
of a Certificate of Sale for said prop
erty Issued by the City of Medford on
the 21st day of November. 1919. under
Chapter 14 of the Charter of the City
of Medford, Oregon, and Its ordinan
ces enacted pursuant thereto.
i ou are further not fled that if not
withstanding this notice, redempation
of such proper!-- shall not be made
within sixty (60) days after the date
of service or the date of first publica
tion or this notice, the City or Medford.
Oregon, will demand a deed thereof
from (he City Treasurer of said City
of Medford. ,
Dated at Medford. Oregon, this 1st
dny of August, 1924.
City Recorder of the City of Medford.
Attorney for Applicant.
City, Hall, Medford. Oregon.
Notice of Application for Deed.
To Kathryn L. llrainard and I,. H.
Amidort. the owners, according to the
record In the office of the county clerk
of Jackson county. Oregon, of the fol
lowing described property, to-wlt: .
A parcel of land marked "US" on
tho map of the City of Medford. Ore
gn. described In Vol. 111. page 32S.
Jackson County Records, frontage 8(1
feet on north side of West Main street.
You are hereby notified that the
City of Medford. Oregon, is the holder
of a Certificate of Sale for said prop
erty issued hy the City of Medford, on
the anih dny of October. 1920, under
Chapter 14 ofthe Charter of the City
of Medford, Oregon, and its ordinan
ces enacted pursuant thereto.
You are further notified thnt If not
withstanding .this notice, redemption
of such property shall not he mado
within sixty (60) days after the date
of service or the date of first publlca
;oln of this notice, the City of Medford.
Oregon, will demand a deed thereof
from the City Treasurer of said City
of Medford.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 1st
day of August, 1924.
CltyUecorder-of the City of Medford,
Attorney for Applicant.
City Hall, Medford, Oregon.
Notice of Application for DcimI.
To Cantha May Wolcott, the owner,
according to the record In the office
of the county clerk of Jackson county,
Oregon, of the following described
pro'perty, to-wit:
Lot 1. block 3. Oak Grove Sub-dl-
kvlslon, Medford, Oregon.
You are hereby notified that the
City of Medford, Oregon. Is the holder
of a Certificate of Sale for said prop
erty Issued by the City of Medford. on
the 29th day of July. 1919, under
Chnpter 14 of the Charter of the City
of Medford. Oregon, and its'ordinances
enacted pursua.nt thereto.
You nre further notified thnt if not
withstanding this notice, redemption
of such property shall not he made
within sixty (60) days after the date
of service orthe date of first publica
tion of this notice, the City of Medford.
Oregon, will deninnd a deed thereof
from the City Treasurer of said City
of Medford.
Dated at Medford. Oregon, this 1st
dav of August, 19 24.
City Recorder of the City of Medford,
Attorney for Applicant.
City Hall, Medford, Oregon.
Administrator's Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that: the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of 11. Belle Loomis, deceased, has filed
in the county court of Oregon. Tor
.lai'kson county, his duly verified final
account and said court has fixed r rl-
day. January 16. 192a. at ten o clock
In the forenoon of sold day. nt the
court room of said court. In the
county court house. In Jacksonville.
Oregon, ns the time and plnce for tho
hearing of said finaJ account.
All persons interested nre hereby
notified to make or file their objec
tions to said final account, if any they
have, nt or before said time.
Administrator of the Estate ot H.
Belle Loomis, Deceased.
Dec. 17. 1914.
Admtidstrntrlx' Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned, administratrix of tho es
tate of Benjamin H. Rrophy. deceased,
has filed In tho county court of Ore
gon, for Jackson county, her duly
verified final account, and said court
hn fived Friday. January 16. 1925. at
inn oviock in the forenoon of snid dny, I
at the court house, in lacitsonviuv,
J 1 I'll I lilt! ill BUIll illl.'ll .Uf.Mll,!.
All persons interested are hereby
notified to make or file their objec
tions to sold final account, if any they
have, nt or before sold time.
Administratrix of the estate of Benja
min if. Brophy, Deceased.
Dec. 17, 1924.
Notice of Slicrlff's Sale.
By virtue of an attachment execu
tion duly issued out ot and un
der the seal of the circuit court
of the State of Oregon, In nrtd
for the county of Jackson, to me
directed and dated on the 10th day of
December. 1924. In a certain action
therein, wherein First State Bank of
Eagle Point, a corporation, as plain
tiff, recovered Judgment against Ev
erett V. Dahack. the defendant, for
the sum of one hundred thirty-seven
and 54-100 (1137.64 ) dollars, with
costs and dlsbusements taxed st ten
mid no-100 ($10.00) dollars, and the
further sum of fifty and no-100
($50.40) dollars as attorney's fees,
which Judgment was enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's office of said
court In said county on the 1st day of
lyeneinoer, JII2-1.
Notice Is hereby given, that pursu
ant to the terms of the said execution.
1 will on the 24th duy of January,
1925, nt 10:00 a. in. at the front door
of the courthouse In the city of Jack
sonville, In Jackson county, Oregon,
offer for sale and will sell at public
auction for cash to the highest bidder,
to satisfy said Judgment, together
with the costs of this sale, subject to
redemption as provided by law, all of
the right, title and interest that the
said defendant. ICverett V. Duhack.
had on the 21st day of November.
1924, or now have In and to the fol
lowing described property, situated in
the county of Jackson, state of Ore
gon, to-wit:
Lot number three (3), Section seven
(7), Township 37. Range One East of
the Willamette Meridian.
Lot fronting on Riverside. - near
Sixth street, described Deed Records
136, Pago 609. in Phlpps Reserve.
Lot ton (10), block three (3) Fair
mount Addition to the City of Med
ford. Lot number five (5). block two (2),
Olson's Addition to the City of Med
ford. Dated this 15th dny of December,
1924. C. E. TERRILL,
Sheriff of Jackson Countv. Oregon.
By L. D. FpRN CROOK, Deputy.
Eqnlly No. 2991. Summons for
rn the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Jackson Countv.
The California Oregon Power Com
pany, a corporation, plaintiff, vs.
Rose Reed. Nettle Reed, Mary
Wood. W. A. Ellett, A. R. Ellott,
the heirs of Innes Ellett, deceased,
and the unknown heirs of Innes El
lett. deceased, and the unknown
heirs of Rosa Reed, Nettle Reed,
Mary Wood, W. A. Ellett and A. R.
Ellett, John Clements and Margaret
Ann Clements, his wlfo, and the un
known heirs of John Clements and
Margarett Ann Clements; Gold Ray
Realty Co., a corporation. Oold Ray
Realty Company, a corporation; and
oil other persons or parties un
known claiming nny right, title, es
tate, Hon or Interest in the real es
tate described In the' complaint
Jierein, defendants. "
To Rosa Reed, Nettle Reed. Mnry
Wood, W. A. Ellett, A. R. Blleft, the
heirs of Innes Ellett, deceased, and'
the unknown heirs of Innes Ellett, de
ceased, and the unknown heirs of
Rosa Reed. Nettie Reed, Mary Wood,
W. A. Ellett nnd A. R. Ellett: John
Clements and Margaret Ann Clements.
his wife, and tho unknown heirs of
John Clements and Margaret Ann
Clements: cold Ray Realty Co., a
corporation, .Gold Ray Realty Com
pany, a corporation; and all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or Interest In
the real estate described in the com
plaint herein, the above named de
fendants. In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to nppear In the above entitled
court and cause and there answer tho
complaint of the plaintiff on file. there
in against you within ten (10) days
from the date of the service of this
summons upon you If served within
Jackson County, Oregon; or If served
within any other county of Oregon,
then within twenty (20) days from the
date of the service of this summons
upon you; or if served hy publication,
or out ot the state of Oregon after an
order or publication, then on or be
fore the last day prescribed In. the or
der for the publication of the sum
And you will please take notice that
If -you fall to so nppear and answer
said complaint within said time, the
piamtirr win apply to the above en
titled cout I for tho relief prayed for
In the complaint, and as specified in
said complain, reference being made
to the orginlal complaint on file here
In and to the whole thereof. And the
plaintiff will further appiy to the said
court for a decree decreeing tho plain
tiff to be the owner nnd entitled to
the possession of the following doscrlb
od real property, situated in Jnckson
county, Oregon, to-wit:
The Northeast ouarter of Section
Twenty nnd the West half of tho
Northeast quarter ot section 30 in
Township -32 South of Range Three
East of the Willamette Meridian. And
for a deoree to the effect thnt tho
plaintiff is the owner of said premises,
freed from nny claim, lien or inter
est of any of the above named defend
ants and each and' any of them and
any person, company or corporation
claiming by. through or under them,
and that none of the said parlies have
any right, title, interest, estate or lien
in or to the said real property describ
ed in the complaint or any part there
of. And tho plaintiff will tnke Judg
ment against such defendants ns ap
pear herein for plaintiff's costs -and
disbursements of this suit to be tax
ed, and will tnke a decree for such
other nnd further relief as to the
court shall seem Just and equitable
in the premises.
This summons Is published under and
In accordance with the order of date
Nov. 25. 1924. of the above entitled
court nnd cause requiring it to be
published In tho Medford Mall Trib
une, a dally newspaper published In
Medford, Jackson county Oregon,
once a week for a period of six weeks,
and requires you and each of you to
appear nnd answer -the complaint
herein on or before the expiration of
the Inst day prescribed in said order
for tho publication of said summons,
which last dny Is the 7th day of Jan
uary, 1926. The date of the first pub
lication of this summons is the 26th
day of November, 1924.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address. 412 Liberty Building, Med
ford. Jackson County, Oregon.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for the County of Jackson.
C. H. Elsmann. Plaintiff, vs. F. D.
Elsmann. Defendant.
Notice is hereby given, that, by vir
tue of an execution Issued out of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon,
In and lor Jackson county, on Judg
ment rendered and docketed In said
court on the 11th dny of December,
A. D. 1924. in tin action wherein C. H.
Elsmann is plaintiff, and F. D. Eis
mann. is defendant, in favor of said
plaintiff and against said defendant
for tho sum of eight thousand
((8000.00) dollars, ns principal, with
Interest thereon nt the rate of 8 per
cent from July 10, mi, and attorney's
nuiiiiiuU itsuu.uu) dollars and the
further sum of - dollars for
coats and disbursements and costs of
and upon this writ, which execution
was directed and delivered to me as
sheriff of the above named county nnd
state and pursuant thereto I have lev-
led upon and am directed to sell by
virtue of such exocutllon and Judg
ment the following described renl
property, to-wit:
Beginning nt a Dolnt 7 ehs. and 19
links north, and 2 ehs. and 66 links
East from the i Section post of the
Souih line of Section 26: and running
thence south 31 ehs. and 20 links
thence west 44 ehs. and 7 5 links to
tho S. W. corner of D. L. C. No. 37.
thence west to the center of the nat
ural channel of that certain stream
known as Hirdseye Creek: thence fol
lowing down the center of said creek
to the mouth thereof where it empties
Into Rogue River, the snid Blrdeye
Creek thereby forming the west
houndnry of the tract of land
hereby conveyed; thence from the
mouth of said creek up and along
Rogue River easterly to Ihe place of
beginning 4)intnining 160.75 acres,
more or less, sit. In Sees. 26. 27, 34 and
35, twp 30 S. of R. 4 West W. M.. In
cluding thereby all of the F. S. Birds
eye D. L. V. No. 37 that lies and Is
situated on the east side of said Birds
eye Creek, nnd also Including a small
fraction of the David Hirdseye D. L. C.
No. 41 which lies east of said Birds
eye Creek and forms the 8. W. corner
of the trnct hereby conveyed, also:
An undivided V4 int. In and to all
the water rights and privileges owned
by grantor In and to the running wat
ers of lh;U certain creek known as
Hirdseye Creek; hereby conveying
upon grantee all the water diclies nnd
rights of way for said ditches by which
any of said water has been heretofore
used on the above des. land: being
understood hereby that grantee is the
owner of, under this deed, and undi
vided Va of the running waters of said
creek. Excepting and reserving from
said lands the following: A small
tract consisting of about 2 acres, more
or less, heretofore conveyed to James
Evans, nnd which Is situated In the
N. E. corner of said D. L. C. No. 37,
and between the line of the county
rond and the water line on the south
bank of Rogue liver, nlso; Excepting
and reserving all portions of D. L. C.
No. 37 that Is situated west of the
center of the natural channel of that
certain stream known as Blrdseye
Creek, comprising about three acres,
more or lens. Said description consti
tuting 155.75 acres, more or less, in
Twp. .36 So. Range 4 West ot the Wil
lamette Meridian in Jackson county.
Now therefore by virtue of said ex
ecution and Judgment. I will on the
31st day of January. 1925, nt ten thir
ty (10:30) o'clock A. M. of said day.
at the front door of the County Court
Mouse or Jackson county. Oregon, at
Jacksonville. Oregon, sell ot public
auction, subject to staututory redemp
tion, to the-highest bidder for cash In
hand, all light, title and interest
w-hich tho within named defendant
had on the 11th day of December, A.
D., 1924; or subsequent thereto, In and
to the nbove described pro-erty or any
portion thereof to satisfy said execu
tion. Dated this 22nd day of December, A.
D. 1924.
Sheriff of Jacks-on County, Oregon.
By 1.. D. Forncrook. Denutv.
V. A. Of AIII.F, Attorney of Plaintiff,
urants Pass, Oregon.
t Notlco of Sale of Foreclosure,
(n the Circuit Court of the State" of
Oregon, for the County of Jackson.
Katrina Eismnnn nnd D. Eismann,
husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. F.
D. Elsman and Vina ElsmAn, his
wife. Defendants.
A'otice is hereby given, that hy vir
tue .of ou .execution on the foreclos
ure of a mortgage on real property
duly issued by tho'Clerk ofthe Circuit
Court or the State of Oregon for Jack
son County, in the aboVe entitled suit
and court and dated the 20th day of
December. A. D. 1924, and wherein
tho plaintiff did on the 17th day of
December.- A. D. 1924. recover a
Judgment and decree against the de-
lenaanis tor tne sum oc Sioou.ou as
principal; SI 750.00 Interest; $875.00
attorney ' fees ; and. dollars
costs, with interest from the date of
Judgment at the rate of 7 per cent per
luiuum and decreeing the sale of real
property hereinafter described, to
il it:
Beginning nt a point 7 ehs. nnd 19
links north, and 2 ehs. and 66 links
HuHt from the Section post of the
south line of Sec, 26; and runnning
thence south 31 ehs. and 20 links;
thenco west 44 ehs. and 75 links to the
S. W. corner ot D. L. C. No. 37, thence
west to the center of the naturul chan
nel of that certain stream known as
Hirdseye Creek; thence following
down the center of said creek to the
mouth thereof where it empties into
Rogue River, tho said Blrdseye Creek
thereby forming the west boundary of
the tract of land hereby conveyed;
thence from the mouth of said creek
up and along Rogue River esteaiiy to
the piaoe of beginning, and containing
160.76 acres, more or less, situated in
Sections 26, 27, 3 1 and 35, Twp. 36 S.
of R. 4 West of W. M., Including there
by all the F. S. Blrdseye D. L. C. No.
37 that lies and is situated on the east
side of said Blrdseye Creek, and also
Including a smnll fraction of the David
Hirdseye D. L. C. No. 41 which lies
oast of said Blrdseye Creek and forms
the S. W. Corner of tho tract hereby
conveyed, also;
An undivided (2 interest in and to
all water rights and privileges owned
by granter in nnd lo the running
waters of that certain creek known as
Blrdseye Creek; hereby conveying
unto grantee all water ditches and
rights ot way for said ditches by
which any of said water has been
heretofore used on the above describ
ed west of the center of the natural
that grantee ,)s the owner, of, under
this deed, an undivided ',4 of the run
ning waters of said creek.
Excepting and reserving from said
lands the following;
A small tract consisting of about 2
acres, more or less, heretofore con
veyed to James Evans, and which is
shunted in the N. E. corner of said D.
L. C. No. 37, and- between the line of
the county road and the water line on
the south bank of Rogue River, also;
Excepting nnd reserving nil por
tions of D. L. C. No. 37, that is situat
ed west ofthe center of the natural
channel of that certain stream known
as Blrdseye Creek, comprising about
4 acres, more or less.
Snid description constituting 155.75
acres, more or less In Township 36 So.
Range 4 West of Willamette Meri
dian in Jackson County. Oregon, for
the satisfaction of said judgment and
decree nnd accruing Interest and costs
ot sale.
Now therefore, by virtue of said
execution and Judgment and decree I
will on Saturday the 31st day ot Jan
uary. A. u. iszo, ut ten o clock A. M.
at the frontdoor of the County Court
House of Jafckson County, Oregon, sell
at public auction, subject to the statu
tory right of redemption to the highest
bidder for cash In hand, all right, title
and Interest which the within named
defendants or either of them had on
the 17th day of December, A. D. 1924,
or any time thereafter In and to said
premises or any portion thereof to sat
isfy said execution.
Dnted this 22nd day of Deceinher.
A. D. 1924.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
By L. D. Forncrook. Denote
V. A. C. AHLF. Attorney for Plnlntlff,
i ne
Best Values
are riffht'here i
tome in ana maite me
prove it.
$50.00 to $60.00 values
23 N. Fir St
Phone 244
First Insurance Agency
A. L. HILL, Manager,
SO North Central
Phona 10S Medford, Or.
Let our famous ice
cream, the brick ot
flavory colors, bo
your dessert for the
Now Year dinner you
have planned. With
old-fashioned liome-
.made cake It will
'prove the Ideal des
sert. '
Ask lor
Nutritious Ice Croam
Klamath Falls
3 Trips Daily
Leaves Medford 8:00 A. lit.,
10:35 A. M. and 1:45 P. At.
Low Rolind Trip Rates
Daily Freight, Baggage
and Express Service.
Office at Nash Hotel
Residence. Phone 1129
Stage to
' Klamath Falls
New Packard Cars
Well Heated and Comfortable Riding
New Schedule
Lv. Medford.... 7:45 A. M. 3:00 P, M. '
Ar. Ashland.... 8:15 A. M. 1:30 P. M.
Ar. Warn. Kalis 11:00 A. M. 4:15 P M.
Medrbrd office, 40 X. Front St. Phone
Ashland office. Tavern Care, Phone 34.
Freight and Baggage Trueka In con
nection. Long dlttance hauling anywhere.
H. R. TURPIN, Manager,