Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 20, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    rpi; six
ASHLAND, Dec. ID. Ashland
Weather conditions eoiitinue severe
und have not changed Rrcntly. On
Thursday nlRht the drop wan to 6
degrees abovo which was two decrees
higher than the previous nUiht. Peo
ple are sleeping under londs of blank
ets but declaVo that they like It when
they recall the shortage of water dur
ing the last season.
The local Klwanls organization held
the regular weekly luncheon on Fri
day at the Ashland hold. Mr. II. (V
Galey has been appointed by the board
to act as secretary of the club until
tho annual election, president Henry
Bndors announced that the nnnuul
election will be held at the next meet
ing. Tho flrp department was called out
on Friduy at 9:30 to answer a call of
tire from the house at 317 Granite
street, owned by Clarence Ijine. The
houso, which tins been occupied by
Frank Voss, was completely destroy
ed. Most of the content wero sav
ed. Mr. Voss had been thawing out
frozen water pipes, and unfortunately
net the wall on fire while using a blow
pipe. The fire deportment found It
very difficult to fight the blaze on ac
count of the low pressure caused by
o many water users leaving their fnu
cets running to prevent freezing.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jones and fam
ily have moved to the Bky Lino mine.
Mr. Jones will do underground work
Bt the mine.
Tho publlo schools have just finish
ed their campaign for the Bale of Red
Cross Christmas seals. In other years
the schools have done the entire work
of the sale but this year members of
the Red Cross have helped, Haw
thorne school turned In the largest
amount and Mlsa Wllma McKenzle's
4th grade room was the fortunate
winner of tho fine American flag that
was offered by the Klwanlans an a
prize to the room reporting the larg
est amount of sales.
Ashland schools closed Friday night
for a two weoks' vacation. Friday af
ternoon was given over to npproprluto
Christmas exercises and each room
put on an interesting program and
enjoyed beautifully decorated trees.
A good many of the teachers will leave
immediately to spend the holidays'
with home folks or to visit the coast
Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Detrlck and
daughter, Helen, have gone to Van
couver, Washington, whore they will
meet tholr son Eugene Detrlck, who Is
attending Washington State college.
The Detrlck's plan to spend tho holi
days with relatives.
.. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hardy with their
children Trances and Hobby, leave
Friday night nt midnight for a
month's vacation In southern Califor
nia. They plan to visit t-os Angeles.
Long Heach, Klversldo, C'atallna is
land, and other Interesting polts.
Donald Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wirt M. Wright Is homo from the
Oregon Agricultural college to spend I
Christmas with homo folks.
The high school put on a flno
Christmas program on Friday after
noon. The program was in chnrge of
the forenBlc society and the main fea
ture of tho program wns a one-act play
entitled "Cast Thy Ilrcncl." Heforc
the exorcises Mr. Ilrlscoe presented,
the football men with their letters.
The thirteen who wero entitled to re
ceive the honor were: Melvin llorah,
Arnold Oosnell, Kestor Oandce, Clark
Butterfleld, Jlsrton' Frulan, Albert
Marske. Tom Hryant, Kcndrlck Wat
eon, Eddie Freeman, Virgin Olllette.
Gam Prescott, Noblo Katzer and the
manager, Wayne Ilamsey.
Mrs. B. T. Allen,, wife of the pro.
prletor of the Ashland Hotel, left
Thursday night for Los Angeles where
she wl Bpend the holidays and visit
for a month.
a. H. Yen drove to Eugene Thurs
day to bring his daughter. Miss Iter
nice, homo for the Christmas holidays.
Misses Luclle I'erozzl and Caroline Til
ton will accompany tho Yeos to Ash
land. The Misses Idu and Hess Ilrlscoe and
Alice Ferguson will spend the holi
days In Klamath Falls.
A fine duck supper was given on
Friday night at the Masonic hull fr
the Do, Molay organizations of Anh
land, Medford and Grants I'ass. Mr.
D. M. Love was the genial host for
tho happy affair.
Mrs. Nate Bates drove lo Corvnllls
on Thursduy to bring home her son.
Hugh Hates, an dtbe Misses Fiances
J'ratt and Margaret McCoy. '
Miss Waive Wllhrow has gone to
Klamath Fulls to visit her grand
mother. Miss Elizabeth Htenrns Is confined
at home with a cns of mumps.
Paul Wagner, student nt the Uni
versity of Oregon, arrived homo Fri
day night to spend his vacation.
Frank Walker, student at tho sumo
Institution, arrived home Friday noon.
Mrs. W. O. Hmlih, sister "f Mrs. C.
E. Veil, will drive from Eugene to
Ashland on Saturday In company with
her son and daughter lo spend the
holidays in Ashland. Mrs. Smith has
heen living In Eugene this winter to
keep her children. Margaret nnd Ilu
ford Hargls In the university. Mr.
Smith will come from Klamath Falls
to meet his family.
Miss Edna Coheen. teacher at the
Junior High school, will spend the hoi
lduys in Hood Hiver at her sister's
home. Miss Ooheen's father will
come from the east to Join his family
for the Christmas season.
Pioneer Prospector of
Redding Dies in Hills
REDPIN'O. Oil., Dec. 50. The re
mains of William Hlemmer, K0 yenis
old, prospector and lut owner or the
Keystone mine, were found late yes.
terday on a lonely mountain trail 2S
miles north of here by h trap line
operator. HIcmmer evidently had been
dead about six weekr and animals bad
consumed pert of bis body. It was
not determined how he came to his
(tenth. .....
Faurent F. Wilnon, on of Mr. nnd
Mrs. O. N. WIlHon of KinK's highway,
was run over by a trftin at Weed,
California, Friday und diod shortly
The vounij man was crowing the
railroad tracks on Mn way to tho mo
tion to come to Mod ford for the holi
days. In climbing through a freight
train ft aturted, throwing him u nd til
th e cars, which run over him und
crushed his fmtt and unklon. Both'
tavl wero amputated und he dlod
tihortly after tho operation.
HIh parent! were notified and
reached him before tho operation and
wore with hlin when ho died.
The reniultiH will he hrouifht here
thin evening and funeral urrnntfe
nicnt.i announced latr.
The dereaHed was about 25 yearn
old and was well know a here.
President Prominent
Advertising Agency
Visits Medford
K. N. Kolsey, president of the Kol
sey - Mooney - Htedein Advertising
agency of Kun Francisco, who has
been making- a tour of the lending cit
leA In Oregun, was In Medford Friday
en route home und called at this of
fice. This Is one of the leading advertis
ing agencies on the Pacific coust,
handles many uf the largo accounts
and uses tho Mull Tribune and Hun in
Its list of newspapers as It
reaches a field not covered by any
other newspaper.
Mr. Kclsoy paid a very high trib
ute to the general .conditions as he
fouad them In this state and predicts
greatly Increased development of re
sources, as well as all lines of busi
ness In nil lines for 1020.
news of the death of 8. B, Stonor wifc
received last week from Bantu Ana,
Calif., whero ho died Doc. 5 from a
long siege of Illness. His wife nnd
children wero with him nt the time of
his death. Mr. .Stoner purchased what
Is known as tho Stoner orchard in
Sams Valley In 1908, but also held his
city property In Ashland where much
of his time wns spent conducting a
restaurant buslnoss. About two years
ago ho left for the present residence
In California, owing to his fulling
health, nnd at the lime of his death
was CI years oight months und four
days old.
The last few years the Stonor pro
perty has been handled by parties
outnlde the family, but the Stoner
orchard was Just recently purchased
by Mrs. Thomson of Hnntn Ana, a
sister of tho bereaved wife, who will
lake possession of tho property ill the
early spring.
(Continued from page one)
William Green, Ohio,
Elected President
In Place of Gompers
NEW YORK, Dec. 20. (By the
Associated Press.) William
Oreen of Ohio, was today elected
president of the American Fed-
oration of Ijibor.
The election of Mr. flreen wns
unanimous. They keynote of his
administration would be, he said,
"constructive progresBiVlflin.'1 "
In a formal statemont, Mr.
Green said that he would carry
out the policies of Samuel Gomp-
ers. ,
Musical Program
, , Christian Church
Tho Christian church chnlr, assisted
by a selected orchestra, will Rive an
excellent musical program at
llio thaw starts, so that the frost Is
mil ,if llw, fri-nnml whnn the sun strikes
the niants. there will be no loss from church Sunday evening, December 21.
inure will no Heverai orcnusua
the frociso. If, however, the sun be
comes bright nnd warm whtlo tho
ground Is still frozen, the crop may
be badly damaged.
HEND, Ore., Dec. 20. Snow began
fnlljng early tins' morning, accom
panied by a rlso In temperature. The
thermometer which reached olght be
low zero during tho night stood at
only two below at eight o'clock this
morhlng. Tho highest point reached
yesterday was nlno above.
While both mills at tho Ilrooks-
Scanlou Lumber company started full
blast this morning despite cold nnd
fulling snow, tho Hhevlln-Ilixon plant
hud not started up nt 9:30, although
it was expected that work would begin
within a short time.
Both mills have been hindered dur
ing the last five days by Ice on the
mill pond on which it was necessary
to use dynamite.
A commtteo of the Four L's declared
an emergency existed and voted to
allow the mills to work the men over
time on straight pay. Taking udvun
tngo of this, night shlfls which usu
ally report off duty ut 3 a. m.,' have
been working until seven o'clock and
tba day shift going on an hour later.:
In this way tho mill pond, onco open-'
d, has been In almost constant uso.
EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 20. Eu
geneans awoke today to find another
Inch of snow on the ground and the
lignt tlukcs ttlll falling. The snow
solcctlons and an instrumental bari
tone solo by George H. Wcndt, accom
panied by Mrs. Wcndt.
The members of the orchestra are
Alnios Prultt, piano; George Stewart,
violin; Warren Klrkpatrlck, cornet;
Edwin McDonald, clarinet, and George
Wondt, baritone. ' .
There will be soveral anthoms by
tho chair, accompanied by Mrs. C. C.
McCurdy; a solo by Mrs. Guy Guilders
and duet by Mrs., James Grlgsby and
Olotha Currier.
(Continued from page one)
ard's arrest will doubtless be Issued
upon his arrival In Yreka, Cal.
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dec. 20.
Stabbed through tho heart and de
liberately left to die unattended In an
isolated cabin on tho west shore of
Tule hike wns the fate of John Nolan,
f0, who was found dead yesterday
afternoon, after his alleged assailant,
J tl men Howard, 61, walled for nearly
24 hours before getting word tou
physician that his services might be
According to Information gathered
by Sheriff Lloyd Low und from state
ments mudo to Dr. J. O. Patterson of
this city, called to the lonely cabin
alter residents in Morrill bad learned
Among the visitors in the city from
the state of Washington nr'e: N. H.
Hill and N. A. Hill of Spokane nnd
the following from Seattle: J. W.
Corcoran, It. H. Royes. F. C. Bash,
.Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Currie and Mr.
and Mrs. IS. C. Abbott.
Don't tall to visit our gift room be
fore making your Christmas selections,,
and save one-third from regular
prices. Sinclair's Jewelry Shop, 232
Wo now have alcohol in stock.
Jones & Klrkpatrlck. . tf"
Jeannetto Sheets and - Sylvester,
Stevens, former students of the Phoe
nix high school, are home from tho
U. of O. for tho holidays.
Two dainty nnpkln ringshand turn
ed of wood, In delicate shades. 'Pret
tily decorated. Swem's Gift Shop.
Radio sets. H. O. Launspach. 234
The contractor, R. Z. Mlier.. is re
ported us seriously 111 at his homo
north of the city. -
Weaver's store at Central Point will
give away a ludles' gold wrist watch at
8:16 p. m. December Mth. 234
MIbs Margurot Morrison of tho First
National bunk, expects to leave today
for her home In Grafton, North Du-kota.
We nre giving to our customers ab
solutely free a beautiful mama doll.
Ask us for particulars. Medford
Pharmacy. Phone 10. 233
J. M. Hutson, secretary of the Ore
gon Motor Stage association, Is in
Medford today conferring with the
Messrs. Lewis, of the Interurban
Auto Car company. He will go to
Klamath Falls tomorrow.
11. It. Itnndon of Talent was In
Grants Pass Friday looking after
property interests.
Good second hand pianos. Priced
right. Easy terms. See 11. G. Laun
spach at Weeks & Orr. Phone 227.
Buy that paved lot you have been
thinking of getting from the city now,
so us to get your plans and everything
ready to build with the first good
weather. 1 230tf
Of Interest to local high school foot
fall fume Is the football game at Port
land today1 between Walte high school
of Toledo, Ohio, national lnterschol
astic gridiron champions, and Lincoln
hlnh school of Portland.
Everything In otir gift room at one
third off. Sinclair's Jewelry Shop.
T. R. Pollock and Erlckson for dry
wood at reasonable rates. Tel 1140.
Paul Luy who" has been attending
IJ. of O. Is home to spend the holi
days with his parents.
. Dainty vanities for milady. Swem's
Gift Shop. 232
See Valley Fuel company for all
kinds of fuel. ' Special prices on the
only dry fir slab wood In the city.
Notwithstanding the hundreds of
Christmas parcels coming In, and go-
jlng out on almost overy train, the lo
'cal postofflce has been able to clean
,up such business early every evening.
The regular eastern mall missed con
nections Thursday, night with No. 13
In Portland, nonce that mall did not
arrive until this forenoon." Thdscc
ond section of train 13 brought In a
huge Christmas parcel nnd other mall
yesterday afternoon' nnd this nfter
nvon, and Christmas stuff in addition
is arriving on the other passenger
trains. Monday will be an excep
tionally big rush dny ut the local post
offlco because of tho Christmas mall
arriving tonight and Sunduy not be
ing worked over' until Monday:
Wo nro closing out our gift room
at ono-thlrd off regular price. Sin
clair's Jewelry Shop. 232"
The dignity and beauty of Greek
Teniplo bookonds make them a de
slruhlo gift. Swem's Gift Shop. 232
William Penninger was among the
business visitors In tho city from Cen
tral Point yesterday..
Olvo ber a city lot for her Christ
mas. $10 will hold It for ber and f 5 to
$10 a month. For details see city of
ficials. . 228tf
Try our dry wash,'7o per lb.; mini
mum 76c. All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry. Phone 878.: If
The commissioned and non-commis
sioned officers of ' Co. A., National
begun lulling ut live o'clock this of tho tragedy, the two mun und Con Cluurd. held school Inst night, nt which i 'i5 9Cf; "P ArLSl7,1'
morning nn continued uninterrupted. C, Sulllvnn were drinking bootleg
The tcmpcrulure remained at ten liquor In the cabin ubout six o'clock
degrees above zero throughout tho Thursduy evening when Nolan and
curly morning hours and the wind
hovered In the northwest.
There is every Indication of con
tinued cold und a steady full of snow.
mvltlm III Mlddh'-Wcsl.
CHICAGO. Dee. 20. (lly the Assn
ciutud Press) Winter's Icy grip re
laxing In the far west und ltocky
Mountain regions today while its
dutch was tightening in the middle
west und II reached out to envelope
the east.
Eight deaths have been reported In
Missouri, lviinsns nnd Okhihomu,
where thousands of dollars of prop
erly damage was done.
During the night the Chicago fire
department answered more than u
hundred culls. Occupants of a two
story tenement wero driven to the
streets when a fire destroyed the
building early today. More than 30
degrees drop to five below rero was
recorded In Chicago in four hours.
Trains in the middle west were run
ning from seveial hours to more than
24 nours late und two pufsengcr
trains which left St. Louis Thursday,
were lost somewhere In Missouri enrly
today. Train crews frcauently were
forced to remove trees nnd poles felled
across the tracks by their burdens
of ice.
Huello Is t'scil.
Member newspapers of the Asso
ciated Press cut off from the out
side world by paralyzed wire com
munication, were kept in touch with
the outside world by rndlo.
Dispatches brought Into Chicago by
wire were radiocast by the Associated
Press from illation IVMAQ of the
Chicago Dally News.
The Jefferson CHy bureau of the
Associated Press cut off by wire for
two days, transmitted dispatches by
radio from station WOS at the state
cupltnl to WDAF, Kunuk Cltv Still
station. The Kansas (Sly and St.
Loul. bureaus of the AssoelatTTI
Press also communicated by rndlo.
Wire luclllilcs of the Associated
Press to II,,. southeast und southwest
from Chlrago were - badly crippled
and much re-routluK ,,r lines was
necessary In brlnK the ijuotu of news
from these section into the cold
wave areu. I
Howard became engaged In un argu
ment. Sulllvun. according lo his story
to Dr. Patterson, parted the two men
after Howard hud shoved Nolun Into
u corner nnd druwn his knife. Fol
lowing this Sullivan claims to have
left for bis own cabin, u mile or. so
dlstunt, believing that the nrgument
was settled. , .
. Yesterday afternoon, however,
Howard Is said lo have .seen Park
Dyer of Merrill driving nlong
west lake shore und told him that
Nolan might need a doctor. Dyer In
formed Guy Merrill when reaching
Merrill nnd Dr. Patterson wus sum
moned only to find that the man hud
been deud for hours.
Two knife wounds wero found In
the region of the heart und one In the
Authorities this morning were
seeking Howard with a wurrant for
his arrest.
time they studied the fine points of
map reading.
A reward for anyone cuught buy
ing their Christmas candy ut Weav
ers store, Central Point, 234
A beautiful thermometer given to
each housewife making a $1 purhcase
during our holiday sale. M. F. &
II. Co, 233
The public market was a good one
today considering' the weather, with
lots of turkey, poultry and other ments
on sale, but with no trees, wreaths or
other Christmas decorations on sale,
the as is usual on the approach of Christ
mas. There will be a supply of these
decorations on sale at the market next
Wednesday, as well us of turkeys,
chickens, geese and ments and vege
tnbles of vurlous kinds.
Cherro flour and Cherro poultry
feed for sale ut Weaver's store. Cen
tral Point. 234
The city sold IS paved lots last
week. Less than 100 left. Better get
yours before they are all picked over.
Terms within reason. 22fltf
Included among the temporary visit
ors hero from the state of California
are the following: Hal J. Jennings
of Patricks Creek. E. H. Day of Edge
wood, Mrs. N. O. Klbler of Holywood,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bchaefer of Santa
Rosa, Malcolm Edgar of Berkeley, D.
Kress! and J. Campngne of Carlsbad,
Merle W. Ellis and F. L. Ooelln of
Oakland, Ed Boyd nnd Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Turner of Long Beach. Miss M.
A. McColl, Hazel F. K. Albersworth,
Dell Portcrson. F. W. Hickman and
P. B. Gilbert of Los Angeles, and Mr.
and Mrs. O. R. Uleeker, J. W. Pottus,
Stewart P. Elliott and party, William
Livingston, George Burke and Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Nichols of San Francisco.
Select your Christmas gifts In our
gift room at one-third less than regu
lar price. Sinclair's Jewelry Shop.
Bamboo basket, trimmed with ring
tassel, beads and coin, 14c and up.
Jap Art Store. ' 283
Chet Smeed, who was arrested by
the Ashland police several days ago
while' working at Tolo, -on the charge
of taking part in the recent burg
lary of the tenders store at Ashland,
and. In whose room in Medford It is
claimed that a cjuautlty of the stolen
goods was found,, at his preliminary
hearing in Justice Taylor's court yes
terday was held to the grand Jury in
$1000 bull. Another man Is under ar
rest In Astoria for taking part In tho
same burglary, and It Is understood
that this man confessed and Implicat
ed Smeed and others.
Quaintly decorated, colorful pottery
Imported from Spain Is being shown
by Swem's Gift Shop. 232
Alcohol for your radiator, cheapest
and best. Jones and Klrkpatrlck
. . , tf
Tho managers nnd acountants of the
different districts of the California
Oregon, Power company in Oregon and
California. -have been here attending
the Copco conference Friday and Sat
day, closing today at noon.
The Pantorlum doea all kinds of
pleating. Phone 244. 206tf
Hemstitching, butbona covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Miss Joyce Von der Hellen, who la
attending O. A. C. arrived home Frl
day to spend tho Christmas vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Von der Hellen.
A man's companion. A leather case
for keys will stop the useless search
ing for keys that go astray, it will
save pockets from wear, and tear.
Swem's Gift Shop. , 232
Chinese lily, started In hand paint
ed bowl, complete 69c and up. Jap
Store. 233
With Its big grate fire glowing and
Its annual, large decorated Christmas
tree placed near by, the Hotel Modford
lobby forms one of the coziest and
most Inviting places In the city. The
hotel's patrons will enjoy the novelty
this noon nnd evening of dining from
tables placed about the Christmas tree,
this being rendered necessary because
of the main dining room being used
for this afternoon's big Christmas din
ner given by the Copco Forum for its
many children guests. ,
Jap crepe, all colors, 20o per yard,
over 6 yards. Jap Art Store. 233
Bulbs, bulbs, bulbs, bulbs, 26 per
cent off. Give bulbs for glfts.sMon
arch Seed Co. , 131tf
Among the Portland guests who aro
temporary sojourners In Medford are
Q. M. Malone, W. C, Jacobson, Mrs.
A. A. Allen, Henry Keller, L. N. Braln
erd, Darrel Ij. Povey, A: E. Allen, C.
E. Boyce, L. B. Rice and J. E. Smith.
You will make a saving of one-third
If you select your gifts In our gift
room. Sinclair's Jewelry Shop. 232
Mrs. H. B. Holepeter has ordered
The Post sent to her father, John S.
Beasley of Lodi, Calif. Mr. Beosley is
ill. He was formerly a resident of
Jacksonville nnd In The Post he will
rend about the doings of his old
frlonds. Jacksonville Post.
After tho newi council makes tt In
ventory In January, prices of paved
lots are likely to advance as they are
going fast. . Better -got yours before
the -advance. t28tf
The. Scandinavian society will bold
Its annual New Years fesilval at
Grants Pass in Grange ball, December
SI. "Lutflsh" will b served, begin
ning at 6 p. m. . . . '
Raised dragon design tea set con
sisting tea' pot, sugar bowl, creamer
and six cups and saucers. Special
''-nroso Padtllu, s native of
the Philippine islands, doing post
graduate work In philosophy in U. of
O. is spending his vacation at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. E..E. Gilbert.
He will make several addresses while
In the city.
FOR. SALE Furs: genuine
mink set. 231 ileatty.
LOST Suit case.. Name Rollln A.
Ountrall. Phone 112 Or 859. 232
FOR SALE Standard Electric Incu
bator. 260 egg; Stnndurd Electric
brooder: Super-Sol Oil brooder, 200
chick. $6; Aladdin lump, new, Sr.;
26 Ancona pullets, ready to lay, 7 5c
.each. Phone 6-F-3 Gold Hill. 238
FOR SALE Three modern homes In
every detail, sleeping porch, break
fast nooks, garage; on Vancouver
avenue. Now ready for inspection.
Anyone interested call 286 from S
a. m. to 6 p. m. or 419-H evenings.
One dollar a month with accumulated interesPwill
amount to $100.00 in seventy-six months. .
We pay 7 or 8 dividends on paid-up shares of $100.oV)
par value. .
Jackson County Building & Loan Association
Office 30 N.. Central ;
C. M. KIDD, Pres. Phone 105 O. C. POGGS, Sec.
' with Virffyiia Valli and Percy Marmont
AT 12:30
J&woln J Carter's
1925 High-Speedebdrarrm
ss-sPk . jsasc arr tot t is
Holidays Are Coming
Wo are the largest and most completely equip
southern Oregon and will render you FD2ST"
Phone 244 and we will call
: 23 No. Fir St
I A Business Deal ?fl
A Business Deal
Often Needs a
Third Party
to bold the papers until tha' deal is
completed and to see that every part
of the agreement is earned out with
perfect fairness to all concerned.
Make the First National Bank the
"third party" inyour transactions.
Our Escrow and Conveyancing Ser
vice "insures the businesslike hand
ling of all the details.
First National Bank
fc. T M