MfiTFORr matt; ttctrttmr mtcb'fotc'd. omwoy. Saturday, twot.mtiet? 20. 10-2-1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus It) TWO THE! UPEGJirsTEtSDEtsT? H BUT YOU'LL. HAVE Tr WELL - TOLO THE LA.O'Y NEW OOOR WHAT TOO bA0O AvtSD SHE "WILL STOP INAFEW MltSOTE"b- ggi OUR WIFE tb NEMT WELL, I TOO TO TELL THAT LA.OV ttS THE ISEKT FLAT TO STOP HOyVLIH - (T'tj TEKR.E,LE. W -bHE OOi'T-I LL ladtHD FOR, THE. THM RACKET-WWrtFVFC. UOOl-i. VfbrVINC A,tSO ' HKPOEMS .TOliETHE ONE THAT tt blNGMC)' THAV woncn o tr-yin' to.. StNO OLX,KTx TO &E1 "bHOT vJ ;,. police mm & VANTTO p V i It would be difficult to overpraiHQ th& production of "Hlossom Time" nt the CrnUrian last' -night,,.' 'before', u hirgo and appreciative audience.. One of the beat light : operas of this generation, wan given by one of the best companies ever seen In southern Oregon. From the rise of the curtain to the finale, there wasn't u flaw, and if the name company ever eomeH to J led ford again, It , should play to a capacity" house. IPni "Tl(iMunm Tlmo" la n nprrnilflit It 'has been playing for four or five years at least, and promises to con tinue many years more. The reason for its continued popularity lies in the fact that it represents an unusual combination. There have been more hilarious comic operas, thero, have been moro jazzy and daring ones, of course, but for fifty years at least there has not been a comic opera, which combines so many virtues, and all of them of the enduring, worth while, wholesome kind. Founded upon Shubert's music, the greatest song writer nr -all timci riutswum iiiut- in uuiii ujuii rock1 of eternal melodjes. uch melo- dies never grow stale. Heard over and over again, they seem ever new. But "Blossom Time" has more than melody. It has genuine sentiment - saved from any suggestion of mawk- ishnessr by splendid acting. It has a somewhat quaint but thoroly delight ful humor, not slap-stick stuff but sound comedy, vitalized by skillful characterization. It has color, charm, and lust night it had as fine a collec tion of good voiceswith one minor exception, as anyone could ask. ' The "only regret one feels after see ing this Hhubert production is that there are not more of them. Instead of presenting a momentary kick with a dim recollection of too much anat- i iimy, and all forgotten in 24 hours, j"Blossom Time" lingers and elevates. .One has something to remember. The characterization of Shubert is impres sive, and tne music lives oecause it not only tickles the ear, but because it reaches the heart and head. ' ; Incidentally the orchestra last night assisted by some of Medford's music- .'' ians, was in every way. worthy of the , rest of the performance, which under : the circumstances, is about the maxi ; mum of praise. A Hunt's Onili'trian. A James Cruze production, with Betty Compson as star, is to be the attraction at Hunt's Craterian theater beginning tomorrow. It is an eight reel special attraction. In "The Enemy Sex," Miss Compson who is soon to become Mrs. Cruze, is supported by a cast including Percy Marmont, Huntley Gordon, Sheldon Lewis, Knthlyn Williams and others. "Sinners in Silk" closes tonight. It is of a decldely sophisticated trend, dealing for the most part with an ultra fashionable set of debutantes and youths. One of the fcaeturcs of this picture is a bevy of beautiful girls who ap pear as the different types of New York's smart set. Balancing this feature offering is a mirth provoking comedy, "Detained," featuring Stan Laurel. Another short reel nnd "Betty" Brown at the mighty Wurlltzer. At tho Itlalto. "K the Unknown," closes at the Rialto tonight. The picture as a whole Is a fine vehicle for the star, and for the others in the cast as well, for It Is a story that does not tax the credulity of the spectator in any man ner; quite to the contrary, in fact, It makes the spectator quite certain of acquaintanceship with men and wo men who might well have been the characters. . "The Cyclone Rider" is coming to the Rialto theater tomorrow and Monday. It is a William Fox special and is billed as the best melodrama that Lincoln J. Carter evej- conceived. It Is said to be one continuous string of thrilling scenes and contains one of the greatest automobile wrecks ever shown upon the screen. CASH PAID ' For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 E. Main Phone 505 The Screen TAt? Markets IJ vest nek PORTLAND. Ore., Dee. 20. Cattle receipts 30. Compared with week ago: Cattle steady; calves 50 lower, AVeek's bulk prices: Beef steers $5 to 7:550; top $8; cows and heifers $3.25 to 5.2f; top $5.75; canners and cutters $1.5 fi 0 to S3; bulls (3 to 3.50; top $4; veal calves $2. fit) to $7; top $S; a few feeder steers at $5 to $(Jti. Hogs receipts 10. Compared . with, week ago: Steady to 10c lower; bulk desirable weight butchers $9.05 to $9.75; top $9.8 5; weighty butchers $9.50 down; packing sows mostly $7 to 7.50; slaughter pigs $8 to 8.50; a feew feeder pigs at $G to 6.550. Sheep receipts 107, Today's receipts medium to good wouled lambs $13.25 straight, averaging C9 pounds. Com pared with week ago: Lambs $1 high er; sheep $1 to ?2 higher; bulk wool- ed lambs $12.75 to $13.25; no choice handy weights included; shorn lambs $11.25 to 1 1.550; wooled yearlings quotable up to $11.00; wethers up to $8.50 and ewes to $8. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 20. F.ggs firm; current receipts 42c; , pullets 4()V&?P44c firsts 43 (ft 4 3 Vf. c; henneries 45 'y)4 5 Vi c; delivered Portland. Butler , Butter firm. Cubes 1 to 2c higher. Kxtra cubes, city 43c; standards 41e; prime firsts 38ie: firsts 30C; un dergrades nominal; prints 45c; car tons 40c. Butterfat firm;- bidding higher in country. Best churning cream 40 ig 42c net shippers' track in zone one. Poultry Poultry firm, unchanged. Heavy hens .21 22e lb.; light 16c; springs 2()j21c; old roosters -10c; ducks, while Pekin l'6(Ffi8c; live turkeys 266: dressed turkeys 34 35c; geese nominal. Potatoes Potatoes steady and unchanged, $1.251.35. Onions steady and unchanged. Wheat v PORTLAND, Ol;e Dec. 20. Wheat bids: Hard white, bluestem, bnnrt $1.80; soft white $1.72; western white hard winter, northern spring $1.70: western red $l.(ili; BBB hard white $1.90. Today's car receipts Wheat 04; barley 1; flour 12; corn 2; hay 8. Sun Francisco Markets RAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. (U: S. Bureau' of Agricultural Economics.) Turkeys, live 28 32c; dressed, young fancy toms 40ff41c; hens 38$; 39c; old 3537c; off stock 2SW 31c. 1 Radio Programs for Tonight KM, Los Angeles, 395 meters, 8 to 9, Program presented through the courtesy of the Robert Marsh and company, arranged by Thorlief Olson. 9 to 10, Program presenting the Plggly Wlggly Girls. 10 to 11, Karl Burt nett's Biltmore orchestra" broadcasting from the Biltmore hotel. KFT, Los Angeles, 4G9, 7 to 8, Victorian Dance orchestra and solo ists, 8 to 9, Margaret Bitter, pianist, presenting Jamos Anderson, baritone; Bessie Chapman, violinist; LouiHe Marite Bitter, soprano. 9 to 10, Pro gram from Examiner studio. 10 to 11, Packard Radio club. KNX. Hollywood, 337 meters, 7:30 to 10, feature program sponsored by Ventura Oil and Refining company. 10 to 11. Ambassador Hotel, Abe LyJ man's Cocoanut Grove orehestrat x KGO, Oakland, 312 meters, 8, Stu dio program. 10 to 1. Dance music pro gram by Henry Halstead's Orchestra and soloists, Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. KPO, Kan Francisco, 423 meters, 8 to 12, Art Weldner and his popular dance orchestra, playing at the Fair mont hotel. KG W, Portland, 492 meters, 10, Dance music by George Olsen's Met ropolitan orchestra of tho Hotel Port land: weather and news bulletins. WFAA. Dallas, Texas, 476 meters, 9 to 10, Adolphus Hotel orchestra, playing In the Junior ballroom of the hotel. WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF WOOLF KFQ.Y, Seattle, Wash., 328 meters, 8 to 9 and 10 to 12, Karl Crey and his Hotel Butler orchestra, l lo 10, Con cert hour. KKOA, Seattle, Wash., 455, meters, S:3() to 10. The Seattle Times con cert. 10 to 11, Kddie Harkness' Jazz orchestra from the Marine Kuoni of the Olympic Hotel. K Y XV, Chicago, 111., 530 meters. 10 to 12, "Congress Carnival," broadcast from KYW's studio in the Congress Hotel, featuring Coon-Sanders Orig inal Nighthaws, playing in the Balloon room. . , Summons, 1 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. Emma Thompson, plaintiff, vs. Ray mond C. Thompson, defendant. To Kaymond C. Thompson, tho above named defendant: In tho name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to nppenr in the above entitled court and cause, and answer the complaint of plaintiff thereon on file therein against you within six (0) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you, which Is the 15th day of Novembor, 1924, and if you faii to so appear and answer within the time required for want ttioroofj the plaintiff wiy apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce, dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is served upon you by publication once (1) a week for six (6) consecutive weeks in the Med ford Mail Tribune, a newspaper, print ed and published in Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, and of general cir culation, by order of Honorable G. A. Gardner, ju,dge of the county court of .Jackson county, Oregon, which order was made on tho 15th day of Novem ber, 1924. NKWBURY & NEWBURY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Po.ttoffiec: Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS .WANTED "Woman wants work, -day or hour. Phone 955-11. Mrs. Fergu son, 2 34 WANTED By young man and wife, work on ranch. Phone l-X-2. Cen tral Point, Ore. 233 WANTED "Work by day or Bteady po sition, able bodied and not afraid of work, married and world-war veteran. A. J. Ferguson, phono 965-R 235 WANTED Nursing, day or week, Mrs. Stark, 30 Ho. Grape St. 232 WANTED Wood sawing, phone 452Y 149af ! L A 7 " NOTHING NICER "YOUR j ZrQQgj "XhJ home" j - j ifl .Fine 5. room bungalow, with Su Xo ' WQ A J sloell.nff porch, hardwood floors Ka 1 j cobble stono fireplace, fine con- B J ' dltlon. On paving, good loco- f Jj . ('"jjlb tln' a'yicU''c nB0 an1 tu,n'" Ej WSm I Only $3850 Furnished l ftl "'' FOUR-SITE REALTY INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS . New 4-room modern, on cast sde; $2050, $500 cash. Three-room modern, nil furnished; $1000, $4S0 cash, $25 month. Four rooms and bath; $1700, $500 cash. Four rooms and three rooms, on two lots; $1000; make offer. Vacant lots and outside tracts; easy terms. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY J. C. BARNES Phone 409 or 661 We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches SALES :: RENTALS :: LOANS :: INSURANCE At present we are offering some very choice four and five-acre tracts on the highway on very reasonable terms. - , BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, INC. 112 East Main St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I desire to announce the opening of a real estate nnd insurance office In the Hotel Holland Building, nnd solicit listing of good saleable properties. I Also Specialize In Fire, Automobile and Liability Insurance and have secured the agencies for several of" the strongest companies in the country, Continental Underwriters, Norwich Union Indemnity Co. and Yorkshire Underwriters. ' CARL Y. TENGWALD, Realtor Phone -393 Notice Tho annual meeting nf the stock holders of tho Jackson County Build ing and Loan Association will be held Monday evening, January 5, li25, at 7:30 p. m., at (ho office nf the secre tary. 30 North Centra! Avenue, Med ford,' Oregon, for tho election of offi cers, for the amendment of the Arti cles of incorporation increasing the authorized Capital tJtock and such other amendments as may bo approv ed by the stockholders, and for tho transaction of such other business as nmv come before the meeting, 243 O. C. BOGGS, Secretary. HEIiP WANTED FKMAIjK W'ANTISD Girl for general house work. Call Mrs. A. Y. Aya, 1N7. 233 WANT12D Middle aged lady to keep house and care for two children. Box 63, care Tribune. 233 HEIiP WANTED MALE WANTED Young and middle nged men to qualify for moving picture operator's position at F. and E. Theater, Contra) Point. This is a reliable opportunity for those desir ing pleasant steady employment. 233 WANTED MI&CEXIjANEOUS WANTED To buy spring tooth har row, four or five sections. Phono 869-K-2. Ilox 18, 11. 1. . 239 WANTED Small tract land for rais ing chickens. Rogue River Valley Canning Co. 233 WANTED Boarder in private fam ily. Cso of garage, (ill S. River side. Phone 240-D. 234 WANTED Turkeys. Highest cash price in town. Johnson Produce Co. 227tf WANTED Clean cotton rags. Mail Tribune office. v, WANTED TO BUT St. l.onls prlccB for furs. We buy lots of them that have been shipped and returned. 241 N. Fir St. Johnson Produce - Co. Phone 87. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Warehouse. Will give lease. Modern Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co. - " tf INSURANCE EVERY KIND. McCurdy-Daniels Phone 123 Med. Nat. Bank Bid 6 So. Central 1924 by tNtii-.ETuRe Service. Inc. FOR REXT FCItftlSlIKD ROOMS FOR H10XT limlnmm suitable for two. So. tU'upe. 2:12 ron jucwi iiouskh KOK KKN'T .New ft room hKttb'l'n house. .Adults. Inquire tiH5 Pnlm. FOR ItENT Unfurnished house at 03fi w. 10th. 5 moms, bath and seroen poreh. DeVou's Storo. 227tf FOR ItENT Houses, Brown & Whlto. FOR KKNT ArAHTMICNTS Foil UK.XT 2 or a room apartment, gas and wood stoves, Olti North Central. 233 FOR HUNT-Furnished apartment, opposite sawmill on hlglnvny, north. Phono 402-11. 221tf FOR RENT Furnished 3 room apartment, modern, electric range and garage; also two room apart ment with garage. Adults only. No. 124 King street. tf FOR llKXT HOCSEK10K1-ING ROOMS FOR HUNT Light housekeeping room in private home. r3!) West lOth street. 232 FOR HUNT Housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 234 Kast Ninth St., I'hone 95!i-R. 235 MONEY TO IOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON RESIDENCES, long term and' favorablo rates. I'hone 1134. O. C. McCurdy. 244 LOST Female nlrdale with N. H. lial lou on collar. Tel Central Point, 3S-X-2. 233 LOST A red bathing suit, Friday evening, somewbero on North liart lett or Main SI., between llartlett and Central. Finder please return tq Lincoln school. 232 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCIIANOE Income property in a good town in southern Califor nia for Central Point property. Ad dress P. O. Box 371 Central Point, FOR SALlfi RICAL. KSTATli FOR SALE. LEASE OR TRADE 1(1 ucres, good bungnlcnv, barn, some alfalfa and fruit. Best of soil, close to Medford. C. S. Butterfleld. 232 FOR SALE OR TRADE $10,000 Ir rigated ranch for $300(1. 10 years' time. Adjoins town. Gold Ray Realty Co. 232 FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 aero ranch' on Applegate. Waler rights. Phone 441, Jacksonville. 233 FOR SALE East side lot, close la, 'assessments paid. Waler and sewer on lot. At real bargain price. G. A. ChllderH. I'hone 53(i-R. , 233 FOR HALE One lot nnd half, with water, berries, chicken house. 816 Cedar streej. 235 FOR SALE Two lo ten acres on Jacksonville paved highway, easy terms. H. N. Loflaud, 22 5 South Oakdale. 234 FOR HALE 8 acres on Thompson creek, 4 In cultivation, house and outbuildings; 2 springs. $(100. Would take good car. Forman, Kings lllgh wuy. 232 FOR SALE 3 acres garden land, cherries, berries, etc. New 4-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, fine for cow. A good one. Dandy terms. Call 372 or 5II0-L. 237 FOR SALE 1 acres of land. Best In Jackson county. Just outside city limits. Phono 5311-lt-C. 224tf FOR SALE 10 acre tract on highway Just -south of Phoenix. See owner. C. Carey, Talont, Oregon. 222tf FOR SALE Helling out 10,000 acres assorted ranches, alfalfa, grain and stock ranehfts, orchards 1 acre tracts up. i rlco $5.00 per acre up on 6 and 10 years time. Handles for rent and exchange. Oold Hay Realty Co., owners, 16 N. Grape St. Trunks Suitcases Handbags Mnke most useful Christmas presents for niiyone. Good selection, nt tlio Medford Exchange '211 Wct Main IMiono DM "Where You Con Iluy, Sell, or Exchange Anything" Great Britain rights reserved K(H'N'I) A pair of soft leather slip pers. Call at Alcdforit Pharmacy. 233. FO!t SALIS AlTOMomliKS FOI! SALE 11124 Kurd coupe, like new, cash or trade for cheap cur. I'hone 22-R or lid!). 23 3 FOR SALE 1 Cadillac eight in good condition.' Very cheat) for quick sale. Inquire Inlerurlian Stage Co. 232 FOR SALE Hudson roadster, first class condition. 323 laurel street. Ashland. 2r,f FOR SAIjR HOMK8 FOR SA LK Furnished new modern 4 room house, cement foundation, plastered and In excellent condition. Wood sited full of wood, shado trees and fruit. All goes for $2fi00. $300 cash, balance llku rent. I'hone 72S. 235 FOR BALK LIVESTOCK FOU HAl.K 2 cows; milking. Phono C3H-R-1. 232 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey heifer, gen tle and broke to load. Price $f0. Phono 7SS-R-1. 2311 FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire pigs at a bargain. Phone 1U-F-21. 232 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Horses. One bloclc west Borrydale storo. 239 FOR SALE Puppies. Phono 639-R-O. Real beauties. 224tf FOR SALE MlSCKbliANEOUS FOR HALE .Mammoth whlto Russian Polar Lear skin lit good condition. Size 8 feet bv ft feet U Inches. Worth S1IMMI. Would sell for $250. 304 ' N. Holly. 235 FOR HALE Fine mandolin and sheet music. 110 Mistletone street. 232 FOR KALE 5 dozen thoroughbred Barred Rock pullets; also 50 tier I C Inch body - fir wood. I'hone 517-1. ' 233 FOR HOME (SHOWN PLANTS and flowers, come to Crowson's. Grown by Medford Green House. 235 FOR SALE Almost new rug. 915. Tel. 233 IMPORTED Roller Cnnary Birds In full song. Make 'excellent Christ mas Gifts. Monarch Heed Co. 131tf FOR SALE Gas range with four burners and oven; also gas water heater. $15 for both. Enquire at Sinclair's Jewelry Shop. 232 "7- FOR SALE Cheap, full size brass bed complete; walnut dining table and chairs; 3 rugs. Phone 718-.I-2. 233 FOR SALE New 0x12 senmless Mas land rug. Never UBed. DeVoc's storo. tf FOU SALE Smith's dry pine wood Is best, $3 a tier delivered. Phone Medford 1103. Central PuinL 38-X-2. 23U FOR HALE Grain and nlfalfa hay, baled. F. L. Tou Velle, Jacksonville, Ore. 234 FOR SALE 200 egg Ht. Holens Elec tric Incubator. II. B. Nye, Talent, Oregom 233 FOP. HALE Apples, Hpltz.enburg at $1,110 to $1.90 per box packed. Green wood & Anderson, end Jv. Central. . i FOR SALE Persian kittens, make fine Christmas presents; also prunes In 25-pound boxes. Dressed turk eys. Phono 631I-J-1. Mrs. D. W. Luke. ' ??.3tf FOR SALE About the last chance to buy fancy spuds at the extreme low price. $1.00 per 100 lbs. Larger quantities less. Johnson Produce Co. 241 N. Fir Ht. Phono 97. tf FOR SALE OK TMAtir Phono gmphs, records, - furniture and autos. Bargain prices. 15 N. drape. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys REAMES & REAMES Lawyers, of fice In Liberty Building. For the Best Used Cars in Town Come to C. E. Gates Auto Co. 1924 Touring; new car gttnrantee.$3CG 1923 Touring, new paint and re conditioned .'.....$325 1B23 New paint, new top, guaran teed throughout $295 192.1 Runabout, not a scratch on It , unywhere ..$300 1922 Runabout, new tires, new battery, all guaruuteed $230 1922 Delivery, as good aa a new car; guaranteed $265 IS 22 Coupe, new paint, good tires, new batter; p"" I III BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstioctors MURRAY BROS. & (IHEKNE-. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and I No. 32 North Central Ave., up stairs. JACKSON OOUNTT ABSTRACT OO. Abstracts oft I le nnd Title Insurance. Tho only complete Title System l Jackson County. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles. Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience In the ' county. Phono 6-J-2 Gold Hill. it Building Contractors U T Mil t Tn 13. . 11,41. ... "Anything built anywhere." Modern homos a specialty. Office 107 B. Main, upstairs. Phono 939. Free plans and specifications, 23tf PEFLEY BROS. Contractors and builders, Job work a specialty, cab- . luet work, painting and plastering. ' 1112 Reddy Ave., Medford.. Phone COti-M. Chlropraetlo Physicians DR. HARVEY P. COLKMAN Chlro praetlo and Electro-Therapy. 427' 28 Medford Bldg. Phone BUS. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlo Physician. DR. LOUISE B, HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spoil uylotherapy, Food Sclonces, Chlro-: ptautice. Office: Stewart Bldg:.; SJ5 E. Main St. Phoneu: Office. 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropraetlo Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-11, 2-6. 203-208 Liberty Bldg. Offlof Phone 580. Res. I'hone 1027. Ionrlsts DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 609. Res. 770. Offlco hours 9 a, as. 6' p. in. Evening and Sunday by appointment. 33. H. E. MURPHY Dentistry, Cental X-Rny. ?hone 77. offlc oneond floor Medford Bldg. y- r Expert Accountant nEON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll con, C, P. A. . Attention given to anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into out simplified accounting method. Lllv erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 1S7-B; v Insurance EARL S. TUMY Alt forms of Insur anca: Fire, Auto, Life, Accident Bonds. Phone 402. 209 Liberty Bldg. Monoy to lxwu J. n. ANDREWS Buya and celli mortgages nnd loans money on good security. 21 N. Grape St, Phone 63-M. 24 MORTUARY PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Blxth "and Oakdale. Ambulance service. Phono 47. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hlckh, General Manager. P. M, Kershaw, Sal Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford. ' tf Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAIN CARLO W Osteopathic' Physloians, 418418 Liberty Bid. Phone 904-J-l, Rosldence 20 South Laurel St Piano Instmction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio Sit Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haa the best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir Bt. Builders Supplies & Roofing STANDARD ROOFING & BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY (Successors to Medford Brick and Cement Block Works) Carey's highest grada roofing paper. Everything In manu factured cement. With built up granite roofs your roof trouble U over. Office: Cor. Fir and Eighth Phone 738-X. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAOB Co. Anything moved, day or night, Service guaranteed. 29 8. Qrap. Phone 844. or residence 1060. W INDOW CLEANING GEO. A. SEELY Window cleaning, floor waxing, janitor servloe, build ings, etc. Have taken over A. M. Rhodes' work. Let George do it Phono 509-M. Vphnlstertng J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer or overstaffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made te) order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will oaB and show samples. Phone 0 JackaofiirUl, Or. : , ,