PAGE FOUR Bedford mail tribune iTJBUBHKB EVKRY AFTERNOON BXOIPT HUN DAY i BY THJt HKDrOKD THINTlNll 00. Tha Medford Sunday Morning Bun la furoiahod robocrlbora deairlmj tha tvyeo-daj dally naw- OtBco. Mill Tlrbuiw Buildli HI71I orth fir atreet. Phone 7. A oonaoMJation ol th peinocrstlc TlmM. the afedford Kill, Hie Medford Tribune, the Boutb en Orefonlen, The Aahland Tribune, ROBERT W. Mini., Edllor. B. 8UM1TKH SMITH, Manager. Br Hill In Advance: Dairy, with Sunday Run, rear Del V. with Sunday Hun, motith .... Daily, without Sunday Bun, year... Dally, without Swiday Sun, month. Weekly Wall Tribune, one year Bandar Bun, one year .17.60 . .76 . e.60 , .8f , 5.00 . t oo BT OAIiniER In Medford. Aahlend, Jackaon Title. Central Point, I'hoenU, Talent and on oianvaye: Dally, with Sunday Bun. month.... Dally, without Sunday Sun. month... Dally, without Sunday Bun. one year Dally, with Sunday Hun, or.e year... .76 .or, I 7.60 6.60 I All terme oy carrier, vnnn i ......". Rntered a eecond claaa matter at Medford, Oregon, under art ol March , 1H7, The wily naper Between ,, Ore., and nllei, harlnf leaaed wire Aaaoclatrd Preaa Sworn dally areraue rrrroiatlon lor ela ejiontha ending April let. 1924. SI10, more than double the circulation ot any other paper pun Uafaed or circulated in Jaclteon County. MRMBERR OF THE ASBOOIATKr) PR'B The Aaeocleted Prran la eirluelyely entitled to the uae lor republication ol all newe die- e tehee credited to It or not olherwlee credited thle paper, and alao to the local newi puh Uahed herein. , . All rlrrlita ol republication or apeclal die naicnea ueTent pro aw, Ye Smudge Pot' By Arthur Perry A Portland lad of 14 HUinnii-rs hnd n tuntrum. Ills mother nt him to tho woodshed. Instead of spanking himself, ho tried to commit sulcldo. IF IN NEED of a plumber phono 718-J. Waits tho I'lumoer.i (Kiiim ulh Falls News.) Naturally. Tho beauty shoppes huvo hlrod lawyer to prevent rctiulation by tho legislature. Three of tho products of tho beauty shoppes Btrolllng casually, but charmingly through the leglala live halls, could du a better Job. There ought lo bo it least one article of food, that a hennery chef can't lmprovo with a cllpperful of water, or a handful of carrots, (minced, of course). Hlght now. In the midst of tho pancako season, there is too much Hear Creek In the maple syrup. A pancake is supposed to bo sweetened, not waterlogged. Bhe was tho recipient of two lovely bouquets of ' hothouse flowers and with the pleasant social tlmo and de lightful lunch, declarod sho likod farcwoll parties. (Vreka, Oil., Jour nal.) One of them backhanded slaps. After llstonlng to local apologists for the petty pestering of tho -President by tho Oregon senatorial repre sentation, it Is not hard to assume that tho omlnent seedsenders arc living, breathing, pulpltatlng vorslons of the woll-known boy upon tho burn ing deck. A mure or less disgusted constituency is sudly in formed that "Charlie and Bob are between two fires." This Is u stemwlnder of an alibi, and demonstrates tho need of flro-escapes. "AND THIS IS FAME" (Albany Democrat) Elmer Clroshong, of llolley, guessed tho exact number of . seeds In tho big pumpkin exhibit ed by Charles Sterling, and for ho doing gets ns premium a sack of flour. Curiously enough tho same man mudo the correct guess in tho contest lust year. Now that tho nnnual Yuletldo com mitting of matrimony has started, lot somo happy .couple vary tho monot ony of tho usual society pngo claim of "a quiet wedding was solemnized last Tuesduy," by hitching up, noisily. Tho woalhor Ihmiuw what n doctor would designate as a minor disloca tion of tho lumbar vertebrae. How ever, It Is a Huperflclnl contusion, sub Joct to return without notice. It Is encouraging to note that our Prohibition enforcement officers have takon to regulating foreign ships with bonded liquor, protected by treaties, causing a legal hubbub, and Kccomplishing nothing. " IIOItSKI'LAY (Oregon City Knti-rpiise) Tho Imprint of a bloody hand on the hip of a while horse and a note suspended over the animal s back by a wire from the rafter, was tho scene which confronted A Leason of Upper Highland, '20 miles east of Ore gon City when he entered his barn at. an early hour Thursday morning. After reading "The Confessions ot un Imperial Khinsinnn." written by Ijom A. Dover of l'ortlund, und digest ing tho spiritual and financial clean up of Oregon, the conviction Is bound to exist that the booster booklets Issued by the various counties, have some work lo do. The only hopeful note Ib tho Information, that many of tho original victims are coming out from under tho hysteria. 11 Is an interesting account of a good Job of oclentlflc hornswoggllng. The John C. Mann display of Dok klc uniforms In his north window. Is Just as vivid. If not more so. than In previous years. "I hove questioned hundreds of girls regarding the reasons for the chunge. nnd they all claim that It Is because husbands, fiances and lovers object to artificial complexions.-' (Loll Angeles Kxamlner. ) They do. do they. The elements are trying to make it Christmas Slopping. Three fresh Ji-rsey milch cows can lie bought nt n bargain on nrcount of sickness. Come anil see them today. 213 Sawyer street. (Chloo Kntor ,ilse.) ir'iank and punilld. A REPLY T1TK EUGKNH (1VAIW, in cliiiiiipioiiiiir,' the federal child labor iiitiimdiiii-iit, HciiiiNOR The .Mail Tribune of luiKrupresMitntion. Quoting ii recent editorial from this paper, us follows: "If this iiiiiondmeiit passes no eliild in tins country will ha alllowed to work until lifter the eighteenth birthday," the Ciiiii'd declares: "The federul child labor umendmcnt will prohibit nothing nnd regulate nothing. It will authorize congress to legislate, to regulate or prohibit child labor. The amendment fs purely and solely an enabling uct." Quito true. Hut does the Guard wish to maintain that if the amendment passes, L'ivii.i congress the rilil to prohibit eliild labor under 18 years of nut;, tlmt eoncrcss will not exereise that rich.4? ..If so, (lien any discussion is foolish. For the passant: of Hut ameudmeiit will not chunge the present situation in any particular. The states can't pass laws for the roveriiiiie.iit. All the can do is to waive their rights, and (jive the (,'overnjiient potter to pass them. That is the purpose of this iiiiicndinent. Therefore lo maintain that if this amendment passes congress will pass a federal child labor law, in accordance with its provisions, seems to us entirely correct, while to mij,'f;est that if -this amendment passes, nothing will be done, appeals to us as both foolish und mis leading. The Mail Tribune believes all children should, be protected from anything approaching wage slavery, that no child should be robbed of its birthright of normal health and decent ediic.-ition. lint to gain this end, another constitutional amendment is not necessary. The prolilein can, and should be, solved by the states, in co-operation wilh the parents, just as it lias been solved in Oregon. "Vc differ with the Guard, not in our view of the child labor prob lem, but in our view of the proper method for its solution. QUILL Prosperous times: Those in much. Still, the happiest people are those who are married yet, in stead of again. People ore queer, and only the from the ten-cent store. Lowly origin won't keep you have become sealskin. Most of the things we long for to ask them. And now "in conference" may seven-letter word ending in "z." Iii this great free country, almost everybody can climb high enough to call somebody else a moron or a yokel. The trouble about fighting for appear as one becomes a better fighter. Tho strange part is that husbands' who lose their memories and wander away, take all the cash. Take a correspondence course. won t be nagged at for funds to build a stadium. RipplingRhijmos i mm GRAY T place; youth must bo served, and age, unnerved, must in the discard chase. 'Men Wanted' signs my rye devines, as I tramp fro and to; but when 1 ask for some cheap task, they tell mo I am through. 'Young husky lads, not ancient dads,' say merchants, 'we require; it's yours to wear an easy chair and slip pers by the fire. You're done, old scout, you're petered out,' employers all explain ; 'you're bent and weak, it's time to seek the lxmryard in the lane.' From store to store, on fetlocks sore, 1 toil, to seek a job; at every coop they hand nie soup excuse me while I sob." Yet, now and then I see old men still busy in the mart; they draw good pay; though old and gray, they're young enough at heart. They don't insist that every twist of modern days is wrong; they don't deplore the days of yore, and so they still belong. Old men are prone to sigh and groan o'er all things new they set!; (hey gaze with tears through vanished years to show how things should be. They're fired from stores because they're bores with (heir bewhiskered tales, they're fired from shops be cause their yawps don't fit. where pep prevails. "Just keep in step with modern pep," I cry to James J. Jay, "and you will get a good job yet, and draw down princely pay.' ' "That Good Coal" COAL i Call for ABERDEEN UTAH COAL j "Best in the West" HANSEN COAL CO. Phone 239 TO A CRITIC. POINTS which we charge one another too rich win afford to wear jewelry down. Think of the rodents that might be ours if we had tlio nerve mean he is trying to think of a one's rights is that more rights Then when you're a success you ml i rWi. HAIRS. 34 So. Fir St. . aem IW 1 1 u '"lleMt I w t c It's Jest uIhiiiI got so (iilldivn lliv ncltlier mx'ii nor heard any more. ,Th' feller that discovered that a pnix'r doUar only histei siveii years miLst have boon in Jail or lived wltli his wife's folks. What's in a Name? ' By MILDRED MARSHALL The quaint nnd chimnitiK name of I3etHoy, so eiuleured to American JiIh tory, had its mm me far back in early tinicH when the Muscovite princesH Flinavetta, tho daughter of Jaroslav, wih the object of the romantic love of the grout poet and the sea kinff. Mil mid Harclrada. of Norway, who Hannf nineteen BontfH of hiH own com position in her praiHe on his way to her from Constantinople and won her hand- hy his fonts of prowess. Hei name, whlrli means "CiOd'fl oath," appears In many romantic titles and Danish ballads and finally spread. In numerous variations, thru- out Europe by way of Germany. KHz abeths, Isabels, Elizas, and Elisbets wore the most popular names in Eu rope and still have tremendous vokuo for Unit matter but Itetsey is typically Engl toll and latter-day American. .Many famous women have borne the name in this country, JJetsey Kohs, whose skilful finsers fashioned the first American flag1. Is a heroine of history. A no less authentic, but more oxSravaantly iMmantlc char acter, was the beautiful Patterson, who captured the love of Jeromo Hon aparte, broth eV to . the wait 'Em peror, nnd suffered a broken heart. The t ruby Is Uetsey's talismanin gem. It brings her beauty and pride and haughtiness, according to ancient superstition. Wednesday is her lucky day and 3 'her lucky number. COMMUNICATIONS Knglc Point Muyor Protests. To the Editor: We at Eagle point have noted your repeated gibes about ''Out at Eagle Point where r " , No doubt you think these slurs are very smart and witty but I tell you they are not, they are only vulgar and libelous of your friends. It seems to Us that your editorial page Is very well named "The Smudge Pot" for it gives very Nttle light and busies itself principally in begriming the names of many whom it should respect. Without knowledge In the case, we strongly suspicion that -the editor has a convenient spitoon near his desk and that is where, he gits his ma t erin 1 for t he "Smudge Pot." If The Mail Tribune cannot find anything commendable to say about Eagle point, or any other place, it would show a more worthy spirit if it kept silence. "They who live In glass houses should not throw stones." - I I. O. CAMP HE LI",, ' Mayor. WAITE-LINCOLN GAME POKTLANO, Ore.. Hec. 20. The football game arranged for this after noon between tho Wnlto high school team of Toledo. Ohio, and the Lincoln high school of 1'ortland, was enn- elli'd yesterday on account of the frozen condition ot Multnomah field. due to the cold spell. The Waltc team,' announced It would return home. Highest , guallly .Vclry Hcpafrlng Diamond Set Hug. WiHili ltcpalrlng Satisfaction Assured in quality and price. Mail us youv wants. REDDY & CO. DYERS HATTERS CLEANERS PLEATERS 23 N. Fir St Phone 244 first Insurance Agency A. L. HILL, Manager, It North Central Phone 105 Medford, Or. J III w niii r . v III 'I - nJs.s 3?r jl j! YOU NEED S INSURANCE I ! CALL ON ua ' jj M Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. fhtti Phynlclan and Author 8lflntd IttUra ptrttlnlng to Mnonil I'Mfmvni. win do antwff'M oy ur. oroay Lotttrt thou Id bo briof and writton In Ink. a tow eon do antworoa noro. no ropiy oan do Aoarott ur. wiiuara Braay, in oaro or uio Mlldor When I had a sample of the itch it seemed to ine that 1 suffered se verely, although I found some con solation In the thought that I wasn't going to have It more than a few hoursWhcreas some people put up with it for months, yes, as long as seven years tradition Hayeth. La ter on. when I had a general erythema It seemed to me that mere. Itch was a trifling affictlon. But finally I had Ivy poisoning and then I understood that there are at least three degrees of itchiosis, of which the itch and ord inary erythemas are the milder forms. Perhaps the mildest form of itchio sis. though you may doubt this If you've got it, is that condition so much affected by the well washed, pruritus, ns tho doctors call it, meaning itch ing without apparent causo. It is a mild condition comparatively speak ing. Hut obstinate and annoying, I admit. This Is the pruritus season. Not that everybody puts on his heavy un derwear now, but along about'thls time of year, nearly everybody has the fur nace going and the household atmos phere, not to mention the respiratory medium at the store or office, is Sa hara like, whicl is pretty tough on the skin. Then a lot of folk indulge in more hot bathing this time of year j than they do in the summer, and this I makes the skin still drier and : harsher. And finally. there is something, we do , not know just whether it is in the character of our food, , the relative diminution In the quality of sunlight or possibly a fam ine in tho lodin ration, something that makes the human metabolism slow down a bit in the autumn, and the skin suffers with the rest of the system. So almost everybody, even the most in veterate bathers itches more or less now. For a clear case of bath pruritus the sensible plan Is to break the bathing habit, either abruptly or by tapering off. A cold air bath Is rather bene ficial to the most sensitive' skin, and moderate amount of friction with dry towel is good. too. But water is an aggravation to a dry, irritable skin; hot water Is still worse, and hot water with soap Is the worst thing in the- world for such prurittus. Hut people who are bath addicts "find It almost impossible to avoid occasional relapse, and when this happens It Is well to make It as short as possible and then treat the skin to a bit of oil, and pure fresh preparation, say freshly made cold cream, or sweet al mond oil, or olive oil, or sesame oil. or th anti-pruritic skin cream suggested by T)r. Ttulkley: STATIONERY Beautiful Stationery Makes Good Gifts for Christmas Priced From 35c to $2.50 CANDY BUCKINGHAM'S SUPERIOR CHOCOLATES 65c per lb. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR DAILY LUNCHES? Morning, Noon and Evening All Home Cooked Food Special Chicken Dinner Every Saturday 50c Fresh, Crisp, Butter-Kist POP CORN at All Times Crater Lake Confectionery Medford Building North Central USED CAR BARGAINS Buick Touring Willys Knight Touring Oldsmobile Roadster 1925 License Furnished With All Used Cars The Busy Corner Motor Co. ntJtlth and hygin, not lo dltMtt dlftfnotli or it uompoa, atir twarHiea onvoiopo n tnoiotM. Owing to tho laroo number of lottort rooolvodj only moao to auoriM not oonTorminf ta inoiruoiiona nowopapar. Fiints of Uclilo-ls lanolin, drains; Floroglycerld. 1 dram; cold cream made from white petroleum, (1 dams. Such a preparation should ho dis pensed In a collapsible tube. In vere itching two to four grains of menthok may be added to the formula Sesame oil (also caleld teel oil and benno oJ1 If obtainable. Is ideal for the skin and hair. It should be prepared by the druggist, heating over a water bath with each ounce of the oil five grains of benzoin and three drops of absolute alcohol. This will prevent rancidity. The sesame oil does not clog the skin as other oils du. QUESTIONS AM) AXSWKHS .Sanitary. A friend advised us to use a solu tion of permanganate of potash for sanitary purposes, but we don't know what strength to use. (T. T. W.) Answer I should not advise It. Soap and water, sunlight and fresh air are. sufficient for any sanitary pur pose, except in certain infectious ill nesses, when the physician will in struct you what to use. I.litlnicnt If nothing is absorbed by the un broken skin does it do any good to rub liniment on for rheumatism- (A. O. T.) Answer Whatever rheumatism may be. pain and soreness is often re lieved by external applications in the form of a liniment, ointment or plas ter. Applications of heat or cold oft en relieve soreness or pain, though nothing is absorbed by the skin. Blist ers are sometimes productive of re lief to pain, though nothing is ab sorbed through the skin. Liniments are of great value, but if they purport to be absorbed through the skin that Is of course untrue, and lucky for all of us that It is untrue. If tho skin ab sorbed things the same way some nostrum makers would have Ahe lay man believe, life on this planet would be a frightful series of poisonings.with all sorts of things. Acetpheiictidhi Recently you referred to the danger of taking acetphenetidln. Some time ago an eminent physician prescribed this substance for my grandmother in combination with caffeine and salol. there being three grains of acetphe netdln to the dose. Do you think we should change doctors? Is the doctor who prescribed it trustworthy 2 (S. C. H.) . Answer You misunderstood what I said about ncetphenetidin. It Is a dangerous drug for a layfman to tam per with. It is as safe as any other drug In tho hands of the physician. I should advise a layman not to indulge in chloroform on his own responsibil ity, but that does not imply that a doctor should never administer chlo roform or that hp Is incompetent oi; untrustworthy if he does. JUNIOR CROSS WORD PUZZLE YESTERDAY'S VlZXhK ANSWEKEO with FOLEY'S H0NEY-TAR ESTABLISHED 1875 No Opiates, Ingrrrdimts printed on Wrapper INSIST UPON FOLEY'S FOR THE MAN WHO SMOKES And who of them tfoesn't the gift of cigars, cigarettes or a pipe is as welcome as pay night. We have them in Gift Boxes of 10 to 100. To the woman folks w!io would in clude these gifts this Christmas ws extend every courtesy and assist ance in helping them to select not only the appropriate things in this line, but a quality that will appeal to the man. NICE LINE BOX CANDIES JENSEN & D ALLEY 220 W. Main 75c SPECIAL 75c SUNDAY DINNER MENU COCKTAIL s' "Fruit SOUP CjoaniiCliickcn NooUlu - SALAD Lettuce with louio Dressing RKLISUKS Dill Pickles Ripe Olives! CHOICE OP Roast Young Oregon Turkey Cranberry Saura Half Fried Spring Chicken, Unjuintdd Iloust Little Pig, Oyster Dressing Steamed Hreast of Chicken, L'ruam Sauce VKGETABLKfJ Snowflaked Potatoes Creamed Carrots DESSERT Ulac Mange, Whipped Cream Chocolate Layer Cake, a la Moilu DRINKS Tea Coffee Jlilk Finger Rolls Toast After Dinner Hints THE SHASTA From 1 Noon to S P. M. WKSSfiQ Jeaufiiocl HoiolManx PowellSiatO'Farrell, SAN FRANCISCO ?os? rb Theares end Shopping District A newly beautified Htttl Manx ewaiti the viuior to San Fran, circo) New furniihinaa of unuiual charm anrj comfort a lobby detitnrd to provide the atmosphere of a fuzunoue home and a new pining Room, considered one of the mou inrereebni in America all contribute to row welfare! It it the only holel wrth reanini lee Water in every roome. HARVEY M. TOY, Managing . OflvYtil MS