Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 19, 1924, Page 16, Image 16

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'Blossom Time" at Craterian Tonight
1,0 S. AKGEMW,' Pec. '19; How
twenty vonturi'.iomo youuK Atiirifuns
who li'ft.horp nt May to hccK thrJlla
and tultc motion pictures of wild ani
mals and KtrutiKe jiihjiiU'b in out-of-tho
wAy nooky of tho Orient had to
give up thoir roimmtlc expedition
without having hih'h a siriKlo wild an
imal out of captivity or (,'Unipspd any
out of tho way place hut HlriKnpore,
was reyealcd by several of tho party
who returned yesterday, lu-prlmed
from stoking in coal holds or greas
ed with much dishwashing in galleys.
Headed by C'nrl I. AVintlier, suld to
have boon a Danish baron, the adven
turer planned to strike out front
Hlngapnrn In search of an "ape man"
with whose hauntH Whither had be
come familiar In previous travels and
after photographing this mlHslng link
they hoped to reach the Island of Hale
weherey thy wero told, they might
witness the Inhabitant's ouuint custom
of "burning' a thousand babies" to pro
pi tea te their gods.
Hotel bills and other unexpected
expenses nt Klngaport ato up all the
expedition's funds, however, and be
fore long the motion picture cameras
nnd other equipment had been con
fiscated as secuiay for de-Ma. Fever
ridden nnd "broke," the adventurers
wero stranded for months in Singa
pore, finally making their way back
to the United States singly or by twos
and threes. Most of them worked
from pprt to port at menial tasks
aboard , steamers, those who arrived
yesterday and told the tale, being the
last of tho returning expedition.
Radio Programs
for Tonight
mm , mk
1,. f Jy p ' J W
. ril iikIo Lane an Miul.
KIU, I.OH AnRC'Ii'M. 3!'5 iiicIpi-h, 8 to
10, prorum ,)reHonlP(! through' tho
x courtrfiy of tlio Newliorry KltH'trh:
fomptiny. 10 to II, Kiul J lurt nrt i'h
lllltmuj'R onihoatra broadcaHling from
the Jilltmoni IkpIpI.
KFI.'J.or Amti'li's, 469 motors. 8 to
H. KvenlJiB Honilil proKnim. !1 to ill,
Promm from ICxamlnor Htutllo,' 10 to
11, Mitrjorlo VorhosH, vIollnlHt, iirranR
Inp profirnm; Gladys VorhosH, pianist;
Klorcnoo Kitznilllor, , soprano.
KVSn, Uih AnRvlvii, 278 inetors, D : 1 13
to 10, Gray Kturito band conoort by tho
Silver band. 'Lecture on technical ra
dio fliibOcts by N. K. ltrown, radio on
plneer. ,10 to 11, OrKan recital of lioy
Held HrlKnull, with nHHlstalnh' artists.
KNX; ' Hollywood, 337 motors, 8 to
0, Mission Oarage, spotiHor, n to 10.
Taulald' Venetian OichoHtra and
Frank Oraldn-und. 10 ti II, Anialour
hour. .-1 1 to 12, Ambassador llotol,
Abe Lyman's Cocoanut drove orchon
tra. KLX, Oakland, 509 motors. 8, Blu
dlo program arranged by Mould's Huh-
Quaint, fragrant, romance laden
"llloL-som 'I'ime" will be the attraction
par-excellence ut .the Hunts Craterian
This now world; famous operetta,
owned and operauod by the Mcssi'h.
Sbub'ert. is in tho fourth year of a
most prodigious success, but is as
fresh today as wl'n first produced,
"lllosspm Time" is mainly a' poignant
love tale based on tho life of Franz
Hbubert, tho great 'composer and his
one and only romance.
Tho Now York Century theater
company, consists of (iortrudo Lang,
Mollis Uavonny, Teddy Webb, Amy
Lester, Patrick Kelly, Greffory Itatpff.
Medley Mall, Otis Sheridan, Genee
Lcontovltch, do Vecmon Itamsey, Yo
landa PreHsbure, Mara Tracy, William
.M. .Lilling, A. Arthur Tracy, Oliver
McCormack, Howard Samples, Kltat
beth Hunt, Jancta Gray, Kuth. Meier
and David Zukor.
The scone varies from farcical gay
ty to heights of genuine muslc-doima;
there Is abundant comedy relief; tho
plot Is well developed; an dto cap all
there Is the magic- grace and inexprcsa
ublo beauty of Franz Schubert's own
music music that stirs tho heart and
compels admiration for that great
iness college of Oakland undor the di
rection of Waller H. Hundy.
KGW, Portland, 4112 meters, 8, Pop-ular-locture
provided by University of
Oregon extension division. 10;30 Mont
Ownos with Orioles of Salem.
" KFQX. Seattle, Wash., S to 0 and
10 to 1 1. Karl Grey and his Hotel llut
ler orchestra, tl to 10, concert hour.
Kl'"OA, Kenttle, Wash, 4.15 meters,
8:3(1 to 10, Tho Seattle Times studio
Kllclieii ltange Kxpludes. .
POltTl.N'D, Ore., Doc 17. Tho
kitchen rango in the homo hero of
Victor Hates blew ut' at noon today,
shattering tko stove, blasting off tho
top, breaking out kitchen windows
and hurling pieces of Iron about tho
room. The family was in tho dining
room, so nobody was hurt. A frozen
water coil Is blamed.
Sun Classified Ads get results.
How Awkward Not to Have 1
a Gift Handy the
Some good soul is sure to drop in unexpectedly on
Clirisftius morning, laden with gifts for you. How.
embarrassing the scramble to find a gift in acknowl
edgement unless you arc prepared with v
A Few Extra Boxes of
Make up an assortment
of the following:
Kranw'i St.lljrs $1.00
Kj-u'i Nottwottli)r.Jl .50
Kriu'i Juicy Cbcrticj $1.50
Krjnsc'i I.nViMS J 1.00
Krjuw'i Pruits and Nuts 75c
Kfjiu.' I tcndif , $1.00
DeVOE'S, Medford, Oregon
Offers Suggestions of Gifts That Will Bring
Holiday Joys the Year Round
Radio Frequency
Radiola, Super, Hetrodyne and Regenoflet, Fada Neutrodyne, Freed-Eiseman Neutrp-
dyne, Federal, Atwater-Kent,' Ware Neutrodye (equipped with dry batteries).
Hear Them in Palmer's New Radio Room
Victrolas Victor Records
A Display That Will Be of Keenest
Interest to All Lovers of Fine Music
All the newest instruments and late records ' for the
Christmas shopper.
Edison Phonographs and Records
The Ghristmas Gif t Supreme
A Complete Showing of tlie Popular Makes
Main and Bart let t
Phone 882-H
Quality Service
WmW -
Palmer's sales forco; is at YOUR service
during the Christmas season, glad to help
you in solving your holiday gift problems.
;3 -M