Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 10, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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    'id,. 1I.M
lVc Ire yis 0
,4s Our Nerves
Scientist Says
VI I , 'I Ulil'
An Aimliliin ni'lcnllt -hi1iim1m
DkiI iimIiih I" liiiK' ly u i I K'r f nerve
iiillure. I( nerve furon ililm, early I"
- Illi', lie Maya we IickIii lo isiour !'!.
IIiiiiikIi hi III yminir In year; whllo u
renew ill nf ncrvo f unrtlunlliK often
luiulnlicii (In- iiiiimI iIIhIi'ohhIiik nymii
toma nf Himlllly, i'Vimi in im iuviini!l
ny. lViiuuiH Hi Ix Iw'Iiih In explain
vlit no iiniiiy "III iiml I"' nturcly
lic.,1 IMTBIlim HIIV tlll'.V fell pfriHlieil
iiml iiifrK't If nliii- imliiK ll"' recently
iIIhciivim'imI liorox trrulnient.
The lottcm written 111 iinilxp of ldi"
rt'x would fill a Iiii'ko liouk. Al
lliouitli tlin coiniinuntl linn ticcn iivull-
nlilii to tlin imblli' (inly a nliiii't time,
iIioiihuihIh of men mnl women nlreuily
liu v pin II In tlu text, ieiortliif r-
nulla which. In ninny limluncoH, are
t in Iv i I'lnurkiililo. If yon inn weaii,
rnniliiwn, ncrvniiH unil ilrHtioiulriil,
.vim ciin now got n ii'Kiilnr bI.. full
Hircnii'lli It ciitiiiiii ' nf liji i'x tum
liiiuiul from Jloatli'H Driiii Ntorn, 1011
K. M ii In HI., Miilfoiil, Oreiiiin. Thn
coiiipound Ih wnrrdtitcil lo rnnluln no
(liipn ni' liiililt-foruilliir ilruiin. Ank
iiliimt It liulay. It may pi-ova to tic
emi-lly what y on havo heen InoldiiK
Drop in and look at the
values I'm giving
. Overcoats
and Suits
100 all Pure Woolens.
Honestly tailored right
here in your home town.
at $35 to $55
Ucoutcraft The Badge of Better
Med ford-Ashland
Klamath Falls
3 Trips Daily
' Leaves Mod Coiil 8:00 A.M.,
I K):;t,r) A. M. nml 1:13 P. M.
Low Round Trip Rates
Daily Freight, Baggage
and Express Service.
Office at Nash Hotel
Residence. Phone 1130
New Stage Line
Freight and Stage Lines
Safety Service Courtesy
Preeent Schedule
l.v. Moilfonl M:iWa. m. 4:00 p. m.
Ar. AsMaml .... 11: :;o a.m. 4:30 p. in.
Ar. Kl'm'u rill S:i p. m. :i0 p. m.
Using New Packard Cars
Comfortable Kiding
KrelRhl nml itassuso Trucks
In Connect iott.
liw lHatntuv llanlitiR-Anywhero.
OfTion 40 N". lont SI.
rhono 10JJ.
' Chanse of Schedule lVo. 10th..
H. R. TURPIN. Manager
Lii I t i 1 L"
Hotel MahxS
Powell St dtOFdrrell.
(prose to 7?i&d.'res
j wl Hm tmmiib (
afl I w ihikIih ;
ji i iiiiw a.n t rw
C Km in Unit
I . rM vmi liii kW
AHIII.A.Ml, Dec. (). IHpoclnl.)
AhIiIiiiiiI'h Wllllcr 1'iilr iipcni'll offi
cially on Tucmliiy. Never hefmu had
the Winter Kiur offcrod nil. Ii n film
(llHplay of poultry IiicIuiIIiik chlck
ciih, tui kcyri, iluckH mid ciio, iih havo
been pliuiid on i-xhllilt HiIh year. I:x
lilljltoia huvu hiii'ii iittnictcil from up
mid down the count and thn huIihIiiii
tail prcmluniH liavv liituicHtcd wixty
lv. poultry fuiii'liTH. Ah niliiht bi cx
pi'otcd, Houlhi-rn oroiion in thn IichI
icprcHcnli'd Hi-ctlon, hut lit i-Ii-h havo
lici'ii mailK from CorvalllN, l.nhauon,
Tncoliia, and froin iih far huh I li iih Kan
Jowi. Nomii I'xhlhltiirH rcHpoiidiMl from
cnHlcrii iiOi'i-koii, Thu mui'ciinh of the
poullry Hi'ctloiiH of the Winter Kalr of
other yeai'H Iuih placed lliu Anliland
vwiii anioiiK Ih" llnporliinl itales In
thn polity IndiiHIry. Wurli Iuih 140110
forward In Iho miiHt KallHfuctory way
and tlin hIh, iv l mi in i'ciiiIIiichh.
(Jiui of thn inoHt lutorcHtliiK eventH
of the fair Ih thn e;lr laylliK couleHt.
'rhe flue display of I' phcaHiilitH
! one of Hie attractive fcatllrt'H mid
the exlllhll of heavei-H IU'ouhch InlertiHt
not only In ihn iiiiIiiuiIh hut iiIho In the
fur IndiiHIry of Ori'KOii.
Air. Harry Collier uf Tacoma Ih hero
and hcitan JuiIkIiik poultry at ten
o'clock on TucHduy.
Oltn M. Joiich. Htato game coiiiiiiIh
Hloner, will he Mil Antihunt TliliiHilav
and I'rhlay ami will iihhIhI with the
eveiiiiiK proKiiuiiH of iho fali-H. Mr.
JoncH hIiowh hoiiiii very fine iiiovIiik
picturi'H of the wild isiimic of the Htato
A hiiHkelliall team Iuih hcen recent
ly oi'KnnUcd In tli KikH cluh, Jim
ItowerH Iuih heun elected uiniuiKcraud
.Millard (Iruhh. captain. The learn
Iuih 11 full HcheduU. of kiiiiii-h and will
Mart trnlnliiK luimedlately.
Mm. llllen l. (laley mid MIhh Sill
hel Clalcy liavu moved from Ih 11 I'ut-
1111111 iipartnientH 011 VIhIii Htreet to iht
I'liiininer hiiiiHo uu Oak Htreet.
Ml-H. Wlllller l'oley, who Iuih lliM'll
III for Hcvcral iIiijh with the flu, Ih
much Improved.
Mr. ami Mih. K. V. Curler relurned
Sunday from 11 week'a vlnlt In I'ori
land, They report a very pleaHitnt
MIhsch norolliy Held nnd Waive
H Ithrow expect In leave AhIiIiiiiiI hooii
to vlnlt in California. MIhh Held will
vlHll In Slocklon mid MIhh Witluow
will no lo San KihiicIhco. Iloth lilils
plan 10 return after the holiday.
Mm. tleoriie K. McConnell of 9
Church Htreet Htiffcioil 11 hciIouh nccl
deut Monday ultilil, which reHUlted III
a Inokeii hip hone. While nlttliiK near
lh Htove Mih. McConnell ivid Htnrt
led liy n HllKht explOHion of flue coal
dust. She Jumped up and fell to the
floor In such 11 way that the hip bono
mi In oken. Mih. McConnell wan ta
ken -to the Sacred Heart hospital at
The hittll Hi hool Htlldent.i tuivo had
contest In Iho milo of Winter Kalr
UckeiH. Tho class that hcIIu tho Kicut
e.Ht number will receive flO iih 11 prUe;
(ho Hecond cIiihh wiunluK necond place
will receive r. All olasseH toiivtlier
il receive SO per cent of the profit
If the mile of llckcta Is over .".0U, hut
only 10 per cent if the miles are under
Mr. P. Voroisl drove to Kuitene (it
tile close of the week to , take Miss
Thelinrt Teroxxl. 'ernon Mctiee nnd
Henry Homes to the conference of
student body officers nnd hliih Hchool
editors, Mr. Mctlee Is editor of the
ttoKlie News and Mr. Homes is the
bunineKH mnilaiter. Miss PetOKitt Is
secrelnry of the student body.
I'nreni Teachei- day Is scheduled for
Friday, December 1J, ut the Junior
111 till aiiiool. Kiu-h mother who has a
child uttendliiK school in the Junior
hlKh bulldlii); Ih espeiinlly Invited to
visit on thai day. Visitors will be con
ducted thrcunh the rooms unit be
shown Hie work done by the pupils.
The students nnd teacheni at Junior
High have preiiareit tl nplendiil pro
ilium 11 ml have prepared many Inter
eHiliiit ehlbitn. A part of tho day is
to le devoted to social activities nnd
durtni; that Utile refreshments w ill bo
'rhe A-ihland Study club met on
Monday at the home of Mi-s. K. S. Kn
ule on tho r.culevurd. Mrs. Alice 1'ell
K.ive niosi intei-vstlntj book report.
The regular meeilntr of the I. K.
ii. sisterhood was held nt the home
of the Misses lvani:eliue and Mllllne
l'oley on Tuesday ewiilni:.
The UKaBenient of Miss Myra Oun
ter. a teacher in the Corvaltis m-hools,
10 Merle l Ualley, H KiiidUHte of
ihe lrei;on Agricultural ille;e was
announced at the TbanksyivtiiK dinner
at the Acacia fraternity house. Mr.
.iltlley works for the Oener.ll Klertiio
i-imiMiiy In rittsfield. Massiichusetts.
Mtss timer la a IPIe Kradu.tie of the
Ashland htKh m-hool nnd has many
tiirndii In this city w ho wish her every
A lovely s,vt event of the week
was a card party at ihe home of Mrs.
O rerr5i on C.ranlie street Stiturday.
Sixteen quests were bidden and the
evening was spent pUyinp bridge. Mi's.
Y. 11. Swedenhurc won hliih honors
and Mr. Jordan nil fc-lven the con
solation. After a number of very pleasant
houis had been spent In card playtnfc.
the gracious hivsles served delicious
left eshioents.
The vilest list Included Mesdames
J.m.ii. McNait. T Anford, lleorse
C.lllette. Allen Tomtlnson. Will lds.
Umiis IV'dse. '. 1. Waaner. J. M
Warner. K. W. Swedenbuta. V. V.
Mills, Oordon MaevVacken. Kmll IVil.
1. N. WvdsJde. Kmma Oeder and the
hcsles.. Mis. leiol.
n)S!li;j:, Ariz., Dvr. lo. Kirp,
caiiHi'd hy an iivcrlwahMl Mlim In Ihe
UlAhliM'titli ArncnrtiiH-nt huIuoii Hprcad
julf-lf ly to nitjolnin IiuIIiIIdkh and
diiu cntii'n liluck in N'at'fi, Honoi u
.Mexico, tilnt miicM Koutfi of now, vh
Tho bliick rawd wan rnmpoHod en
tirely of miltKifiH and culmrWM nnd
Ini'luded ffvo liulhlliiKH. all of them
raniHliackle affairs and the (iroperiy
In km dneH not amount to niort than
f 10,000.
The report that a fusillade of Hhot
followed the mithuist of riameH was
uneUlvocnlly denied hy Mexican cum
t'tuiH offlcllM, vim Hald the lniiHtinK
of hottlcH In the i;iKhteenth Amend
nietiL Haloon poNNjhly could havo heen
mlHtakeii for kuiihIioIh.
Kl'OKNK. Ore.. Too, 10. Forced
to leap from Necond Htory windows In
order to cmcuikt thn ftaniCH v)ilch
thi euteiied to destroy their home, Mr
and Mrs. (icon;" U. Duehler of this
city narrowly missed serious Injury
last nlKht. Mih, Uuehler was Hlihtly
hurneil ahout the hands and head
when she attempted to Havo some
clothing from the fire. Two children
also sleeping on the second floor of
the home when tho flames lnoko out
made their escape.
At thn Hiimn Unto nn unoccupied
frame dwelling In another part of tho
city caunht fire and burned to tho
KTOund. llohooH are Illumed for tho
SKATTIaK. lec. 10. A committee
huH heen appointed to Investlgato a
proposal to form a national orKantxu
tlon of university Htudeuts, similar to
oriranlxatlons In llprope. Itohcrt
Kecfo, presldtuit nf iho Associated
Students of tho Unlvorslty of Wash-
InKt"". nnnounced tolay. Tho plan
Necks tho .formntlon of n Pucific coast
section. Including: universities and col
leges In Oregon, Washington. I'allfor
nla, Utah, Nevada, Montana, Idaho
find Wyoming.
ridliKN, Utah, Deo. 10. Aitiiiikk
inonlH for Die drlvlnc of frnui; U000
tn KUIIO head uf deer hitohh tho Qrand
Ciinyon from thn Knilmb mitioiial for
oHt. iih part of tho Kenernl Hcheme to
ullevlntti HtiiiiKent itin.liii; conditions
on tho Clrund t'linyon Kama preHorvo,
havo heen completed nnd thn drive
Ih oxpeoted to bl'Kin Dccelnher 1 9,' It
wuh unnounced yesterday hy n. H.
Hutldeire, dlHtrlot forenter, upon re
ceipt of n teh-kiiim from O. M. WI1-.
Hard, Htato Knmo coiiimiHHloiier of
Tho tank Ih a htiffe nno which Iuih
no puriillel In the west mid many
huvo cxpreKHcd douht iih tn tho feiiHi
blllty of the plan. It Ih unUorHtond
tluu motion picture rhihtH to film the
drive huvo heen granted. Navajo In
dlanH are to he used Ju Ihe drive, Mr.
Kutlcdtto fiald.
CAXTOX. China. Dec. 10. (Tly the
Associutod Pips.) Twenty-two of the
students capturod Hut unlay hy ban
dits whllo on route from Canton to tho
Christian coIIoko In a launch were re
turned to tho college today. Tho ban
dits huvo been routed by floneral 11
Kuh-Lln's troops nftor a short flKht.
Thn rescuers found; two other of the
Indents today. Eight still remain In
Cascarets" 10c
if Constipated,
Dizzy-, Bilious
.. . Feel fine! Ul
.H?-- "Caeeareta" clean
r - - - 5.. your bowels anil
; . - ' atiniulate your liv-
'.-r . .- er. No imping or
Yt ? overact injf. Mil-
V'i? r""f liona ,of men, wo-
vt- ft . 1 ..i.:t.
77 t mm, -auu ciuiureu
take this harmlesi
laxative - cathartic.
It doesn't sicken
you like pillt, uile.
i aatea nice acta
calomel and aalta
wonderful. lUc, i'x aud SOc lioxei any
0 W - aT aaw 1
Many oils won 't pump when
the temperature drops to Zero
! Zerolene winter lubricants
i They giveyou sae lubrication
v continuously all winter long;
prevent crankcase dilution, save
batteries, release power, protect
the engine!
; The Zerolene Correct Lubrn
cation Chart will tell you the
right oil to use in your car for
winter driving.
: Head for the Zerolene sign at
your dealer's, at garages or
Standard Oil Service Stations
and make the change to winter
lubrication today!
(California) ;
To be regular as
clockwork each
day some way
enjoy ROMAN
MEAL a proper
ly balanced food
IV MoUjr Nekv.
IMection of officers Thurs
day T:3e p. m. at Masttnlc
hall. Knlertalnment and re
freshments af'.er meetir.. All
members nnsed to attend,
liy order of M O. .'
Wan text.
Hids on tier feet and tier
l iHvh: or. T J cords a feet eund body
fir mood. deli-er- to be made between
June titsl and September first. l:,v
Kiahl reserved to re.V t any or all
bids, ltida close January Slh. 1:J.
Central INini. Oregon
ecjiooL cisTiucr .so. .
Contractors and Builders
Cabinet Work. Painting and
Residence 1112 Reddy Ave., Medtord
Phone 60&-M
CleAn ClotKes?
'It't aa everyday service we offer 1
&iys Kiptain Klean.
A srrvii'o of rloanlinoss
of takinjr out tho soil from
?anuonts ami the vuttiiur
Kick of tho viror aiui givni
We'll ainwiate your
visit or phono call.
City Cleaning & Dyeing Co.
Phone 474 624 No. Kirertide
You Can't Beat These Prices
5-Passenger Touring
Was $500
Now $350
New Paint
Was $600
Now $550-
Was $400
Now $300 ,
Was $45f
Now $400
Was $275 ' '
Now $225
One $600
One $500 '
Acme Motor Co.
36 40 No. Front St.
Phone 102