r PAon mmvt MKDFOIM) MAIL TUIHUX10, MttDKOftl), jQUKOOX, TUIPAY, DrX'l'LM M'Al U, 1924 FRANK J. NEWMAN L REFUSES TO LEI . VAI.K, Oi;., Don. 9. After a day if lU'Kumcnt, tho ctixv at Archie ('oily, aocuHcd of murder In vnniie'ition with tho Mhiiotlnf of rinoriff Austin fiood- inntt of Harney cuiinly, wan kIvcii to ii .Jury in circuit court hero at six o'clock Monday oveninf?. . ' T. H. Leonard of Ilurnn, attorney, opened tho argument for tho Mute, dctiiiline the events of tho shooting ns they came out in evidence at tho trial and declared they pointed only to first defii-eo murder. Self-dofcnHU wait the motive behind the HhootinR, nccordinR to (ieoiRO W. Hayes of Vale, assisting in tho de fense. Ho outlined Cody's testimony, In which he declared tho sheriff shot first, In support, of his contention. Two lllltiRutlnf,' circumstances, claim ed to ameliorate tho net wero cited liy V. J. Newman of Medford, attor ney, In his plea for tho defense. Theso were tho fact that Sheriff Coodmnn had sounht to arrest Cody without a warrant and tho tjlalin of the defense that Cody's mentality is subnormal. L OVER RETURN OF CANTON. China. 9.--Thro of Iho Canton Christian colleo .studentM ruptured by hitmlittt .Saturday have re turned to tho coIIpko on parole, hrintf iiiK a dt'tnand for ratmoin for tho otli oi'H. Htill held prison or. (A Canton diKputrh on' Sunday wild forty-clht ChlnrHo toachrrs and Htu- dontH of the Christian vollv.no. had boon LONDON, Due. 9. (fly tho Asso ciated 1'ronrt.) I .on doners ttidny aro enjoying one of their iwmt rherlNhed pUKeuntrieH tho procession of tho kinp and queen from tho palace to AVeHtmlniHter and buck on tho ocea Hinn of their mate Inauguration of the Heizod by bandltH while ohitf from ! pw HOHKlHon of parliament, ('anion to the college In a launch fly- Tho antique gilded coach in whloh Inif the American flaw.) . their nmJfRtles rldo Urriwn by elKht General 1,1 Fuh-JJii, commander of . , ,,,, the troops, who are sear. hlnK for ,,, , ' , "' vorod with brlllli.nl kidnappers, counselled the released traPPinKs nevm- fails to draw crowds students not to return, and advising , wnlle ,nc attraction Is rounded off by airainst nnvmeiit of ransom, has warn- ,'ne Kimering escort or I.Ifo (Juards and ed the leaders of four villages that ho a number of state carriages carrying will destroy their towns unless tho cap- .ouiciais ot ino royal nouscnoiu. TEMPEST IN STATE ilSSII IS NOW RAGING tlves are freed. SANTA CLAUS TAKES 30 MILLION FEE! OF LUMBER FOR MS Aside from the main procession, the Prince of Wales ha a llttlo cortege all to himself, driving to parliament wllh a military escort and drawing ohecrs ns hearty as those for the sov ereigns. kin (;i:oik;i; stiks I'KKks (Continued from page one) lain, culminating In the murder of the sirdar. Tho pronouncement with regard to I Russia definitely recorded a negation to the reports of Prime Minister Mac- ."-idonald during tiro labor government's Associated Press) Ten thousand first reglmo for wider dealings with the assistants to Santa Claus have knock-i Soviets, but this caused no surprise as ed off work for the year, after cut- tho bolshevist issue loomed largo In I ting more than thirty million board .tho last elections and the fear of tho ' feet of lunlber Into tho curious shapes ! soviet Influence In the minds of the . I demanded by tho rulers of toy land, peoplo Has been credited with doing Hl'OliAXE. Dec. 8. Halo of tho Thoro are nearly 400 establishments much to give Primo Minister Baldwin i.ioiiortv and eiiiiinnient of tliu Idaho In the United States taking orders , his huge majority. Cold and ituiiv Mining company near, from Santa Clutia. Those who are working for tho end Leonlu, Idaho, to Dr. William Cava- one manufacturer of toys in New, that tho British empire shall become nuugh of Portland, Ore., for S170.000 Vork state, utea two million feet of self-supporting found much encour bocHino known hero today. Tho sale, lumber every year and the total value URoment in tho king's pronouncement limdo under a foreclosure of debt of the products of the Industry In all "' imperial preference and closer co suld to amount to 1 1,800,000, was parts of tho rolled States reaches made at tho mlnn Saturday. Dr. Cav- $3B, 000,000. That takes a treinon anaugh was said to represent tho dous number of trocH, tho American stockholders reorganization commit- Tree association points out in a bul tee. I letln calling attention to aigunientH . 1. causton, said to represent San for reforestation. 1'ranclsco interests, hid $170,000. U ,S. WEATHER BUREAU . FORECASTS FOR BEE New York to Have an 88 Story Office Building, Broadway ' WASHINGTON. Dec 0. Quicker cllrtrlhutlun of weatli' i' foiwnHlH "'! warnlnRH duo to rmilo dovolnpment and lnereaned rfflrlency and economy In Horvleo nro dcHrrlbrd hh tho out standing nchievementH of tho weather bureau In a review of its iietMUoH during tho luHt fiscal yoar. MotooroloKlcal forecaHtern anil warnH, Hit 'H tho bureau In its annual report totluy, wore tunned for virtu ally, every need. Forecasts for tho former of "flro weather,'' warninga in westorn MnteN, and Hpeclal daily bul letlna and reportH for iivlutors, In cluding a separate forecaHt for tho trmiH-eontinenlal air Horvlce mall, innrlno foreftaatH 'of varlmiH kinds, j flood warnings, and even Hpeelal fore-1 CHHta for tho bee knepei'H find orchard-I lntH wero listed among the other Her- vlrea of tho bureau tn protect nation from tho vleclHiludcn weather. NKW YOltK, Dec. 0. New York 1h to have an KH-Htory of) Ice buililintr. outmnkiiiK In height the Woolworth j establishment of diplomatic relalioiiK. operation between all branches of the empire. Scores Soviet Trent iva ...."My government In unable to rvv "My Kovernmont Is unable to ren ommend to your, consideration the treaties which the K"vernment of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics HlKued AUKUst 8. It Is my desire that normal intercourse between the two countries shall not bo Interrupted. I trust that attainment of this object will be made possible by strict fulfill ment of those conditions of friendly International hrtercouiso which have been repeatedly placed before the soviet government and accepted by thorn, particularly at tho moment of building, which has M stories, accord Injf to Information obtainable In real estate circles. A tost to determine whether the Wool worth tower sways In winds of high velocity Ifl Raid to have been planned in contemplation of tho new skyscraper's construction. The structure will occupy nn ontlro block in downtown Jtroadway, it is said. The trade agreement of March ltf 1H21, dues all that Is at present pos sible to foster mutual trade." ' Secy, of IjiIm i- havl.s In YalparlHo. SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. 9. Tho Aliunde Unci's Collide NKW YOKK, JJec. 0. Tho Spanish royal steamship Montevideo carrying tifi pasKeitKcrs, collided with tho Stan dard Oil tanker Charles I. Sprat t late yesterday off Ambrose light, it was learned today when tho steamer put back Into port and disembarked her passengers. Three seamvii on the American secretary of labor, .Inmos tanker wore Injured when tho star It. Davis, arrived hero yesterday for board and seamen's quarters was a brief vlsH. He plans tn embark . was crushed. at Yalparaiso tomorrow for his return to the 'nited States, K. Y. Tribune Not Guilty NKW YOUK. Dec. 9. Kedorat Judge Jhn C. Knox today dlrocted a Jury to return a verdict of not guilty In the trial of the federal indictment tho against tho Now York Tribline coin oflpany. Inc., for publication of Income I Ihx returns. I'ncle Sam to Take Part GKNL5VA. Dec. It. (By Associated Press.) Assurance that tho United States would bo represented nt the proposed conferenco on tho traffic In arms to be held in Geneva In April or May, lltliG, was expressed in a re ply to the League of Nations Invita tion received by the secretariat today from thn American state department. DEUEL'S J. D. Russell, Pres. SEE OUR WINDOWS TONIGHT There May Be a Gift for You Tlic wonderful quality of "15 olio link" Host; is guaranteed ly t lie manufacturer with the broadest guarantee we know of. "If .they do jiot give satisfaction in every way return them for a new pair." Wbolvnk WSE GUARAN SILK THERE WILL BE HUNDREDS OF HAPPY LADIES ON CHRISTMAS MORNING WHEN THEY RECEIVE THEIR GIFTS OF "GUAR ANT EED BOBOLINK PURE SILK HOSE" There are twenty different shades and Mack to select from in this " I5uh olink" stocking anil all the colors that are hard to match are here. We can match most any color shoe that von bring in. Features of this stocking are many! The j)iire thread silk that is so strong, the hih spliced heel, the finely shaped foot and narrow ankle that gives a perfect fit, and the wonderful guarantee that makes this the most talked-of stocking in Med- IOC ford; pair l,LD I'OHTI.AXD, flic. Vpc. 8. The Htato ganto (oininiK.sloii niut loday to hear churKt'K against its two chlof cxecutiVfiH, A. F. IJurghrtuff, Btatn game warden, and Matt Ij. Kyckman, Huporintondont of hatehoricH, but- no charges wero prenented. NewwpaperH last week carried nn- nounccment that charges ngainxt the men had been filed with H. W. Price tit tho commission by Fred Lenen- bergorv of Clackamas, Ore. Tho spe cific charges were that trout fry from state hatcheries had been diverted to the Wauna lake club nnd tho "Ryck- man-Burghduff privato hatcheries" on Salmon river. Price today showed a second let ter from Fred Lenonbcrger of Clack amas, reading: "I am writing to ask you not to pro sent the charges in my former letter to the state game commission, ns tho same charges have been filed with the proyor officials of Clackamas county, who are in hotter position to get at tho facts. We are informed from a reliable source that a num ber of so-called sportsmen who have great Influence with your commission arc Interested with .Mr- Biirghduff and: Mr. Kyckman In their trout enterprise, IhereroTo wo deem It lil-advlsed to allow such parties to investigate themselves." PARIS), Dec. 8. (Ily the Associated Press.) Tho communists continue to hold tho center of tho stage In France appearing undismayed by the govern ment mensures. At a meeting of tho labor federation last evening, a group of radicals form ed a processison and marched two miles to the eastern railroad terminus singing tho "Internationale." They were scattered by police. Another band attended the inaugur ation of a local soldiers' memorial at Stains, a northern suburb of Paris and drowned tho speakers' attempts W"th cheers for I.enlno nnd tho singing of the "Internationale!" They were Uis por -ed by pollro reserves. Such activities aro noted by the press, particularly tho nationalist or L'lim. which declaro Premier ilerrlot's Iieasures of repressison arc a farce and aro dangerous because they create se curity and encourage tho communists by their weakness. Extracts from I.'Humanlte nnd oth er communist sheets, as well as from speeches delivered at communist meet ing to show that the revolutionary menace is a reality, are prinfed. The government is preparing a de croo for more strict examinations of immigrants at the frontiers. Under tho proposed system, which would become effective January 1. those desiring to enter would bo given permits to proceed only to their des tination in France. They they would ho requested to apply in the regular way for permanent papers. Snn Classified Ads got results. V. II. Ilurkc Is Act'iised WASHINGTON". Deo. 8. Charles II. Hurke. commissioner of Indian af fairs, was charged wltn maiudminis tiatlon of the oil-bearing estates of three Indians of the Creek tribo in a. sworn statement inserted in tho Cou-l giwslonal record today by KepreKcn talKe i Inward, democrat, Oklahoma. McNary HI" I" Hi''"""!' WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. Tho Me ........ ..meiwlment to the Undorwood I bill, which would put the power de velopment at MUSC.IO Diniuis uiiui-r tho federal water power net was de fcated, S4 to 211. hero today. Xi-w Pension Plan. SAN FltANC'ISCO. Doc. 8. A new plan for payment of pensions to In dian fighters will be presented to con gress as a result of the meeting hero yesterday of veterans of a half dozen campaigns ugahmt the savages of fron tier days. The old warriors wore leav ing today for their homes In tho va rious western states. Ml,1 SALEM," Ore., Dec 8. John Srhroeder of rui'tland, who at Seve rn f aeKKioiiH tif the letfbliiture, has been clerk of tin- wnyH and means committee, hux lieen employed to ns Htet tho Btate budget commit Luc in completing Its. work. Carle AUraniH, who was appointed secretary of tho state hoard of con-1 trof, will retain ic position of secre tary of thor-hudpet commission, hut will draw only tho salary of. secre tary of the hoard of control. This ar rangement is based on an opinion of Attorney Genera) VanWinklo. THROUGH AGES Centuries ago- sturdy Norse men realized the benefits of health-building cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion brings to you the same vital nourishment that enabled these mighty men of old exemplify strength. Scott ft Ilomie, Tlloomflekl, N. J. W-13 Men's Suits $19.85 to $38.65 $25.00 values $19.85 $30.00 values ...... .$26.25 $35.00 values ...... .$29.85 $40.00 values $33.75 $45.00 values $38.65 $50.00 Society Brand Suits ..$33.50 Mann's Early Clearance Sale Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Men's Overcoats $12.95 to $33.75 $15.00 Coats ........$12.95 $18-$20 Coats $15.45 $25-$27.50 Coats .... $21.45 $30-$35 Coats . . . . . . .$24.95 Vl0-$50 Coats.....;.. $33.75 A Football, regulation size, goes with every Boy's Suit bought this month. Men's Mackinaws $6.95 to $10.95 Leather Vests $9.85 to $18.85 Daniel Green Felt ' Slippers Wednesday Special A regular 75c knit tic lacked in holly box. A dandy , Christmas gift. Special, 63 f ' "THE STORE FOR EVEffVBODY" J PHONe-486-487 MEOfORO.ORtWN . Boys' Overcoats $4.48 to $12.48 Boys' Mackinaws $4.45 to $7.45 Lilly Suit Cases and Bags TOO FAST FOR SAFETY! Adapted from tlie ' : Btaie hit, ".Spring 0) Cleaning!' liusoana niaxes a ciever experiment to "fvo nia wuo iiuin xiib i bow. Jpr 5 v "STAGE FRIGHT" INTERNATIONAL NEWS "BARNEY" Ht the Organ Friday Monte Banks in f?.h - ."RACING LUCK'