CTEDFORD TRTBUNT!, SnCDTORTT. " OTITIC! ONT, FTiTDlY, -'NOVEMBER' 23. T02-f P3TJE THRE1 No end to GoldenVest's dilarity hinkhow Convenient In any kind of weather any , season any tour you can have right at hand the ' most delicious milk or cream, as rich as you want it for coffee, cocoa, cream soups, creamed vegetables in any kind of ' cooking or baking where the recipe calls for milk merely by .having Bor- den's Evaporated Milk on your kitchen shelf. That's why the wise housewife buys several cans at a time. " But to be sure of that pure,' fteshn milk flavor and creamy richness, insist Bord on lens. 5& treat fir a 6e fami7y Take home a quart oC our pure Ice cream and ive receive the plaudits of your fam ily. From the young est to the oldest they will acclaim our cream as the pre mier frozen dessert. Ask for Nutritious Ice Cream Jackson County Creamery PEFLEY BROS. Contractors and Builders JOB WORK A SPECIALTY Cabinet Work, Painting and Plastering Residence 1112 Reddy Ave, Medford Phone 666-M Made In the Northwest SAY, FOLKS Drop in and look at the .values I'm giving Reliable Overcoats and Suits 100 all Pure Woolens. Honestly tailored right here in your home town. at $35 to $55 Upstairs Scouteraft The Badge of Better Boyhood. ORDER NOW Your Engraved Personal Christmas Cards The new designs ''are ready Personal greetings can be made without the expense of a plate. CWE WSkTU D?0 and GIFT SHOP Advertise , your needs In the Sun and get results. TIE BY ASHLAND, WINS 1924 ME The Meclfnnl hish school football team clinched. Us rit!ht to the cham pionship of southern Oregon Thursday at Ashland In the annual Thanksgiving Kami', which ended in a 7 to 7 tie, the score lint indicating thu superiority of the locals over their ancient rivals Though physically weakened and suf fering from n loss of morale oeca sloned ffy the lack of organized root ing by their supporters, out of respect to the memory of Charles Van Scoyoe, the locals ontpluyed Ashland in every department of the game and technical rulings deprived them of a beautiful 43-yard place-kick) by Halfback Con rad and a touchdown scored by Hnd Singler on a wonderful forward pass. Umpire .Maneru'd held that members of the Medford team wore offside. Ashland's touchdown was made on a fumble In the second quarter on the Ashland 15-yard lino. Statistics of the game show that Ashlnnrt made yardage but four times, "Good-bye old crutch!" Hr HERE IS positively no longer any -l excuse for sufferine the acronies of rheumatism! Especially in the autumn of your life, when the vital organs weaken,- impurities multiply and linger in the muscles and juints, as never before. It is now, just now, when you cannot afford to guess. Up day returns! Here is a joyous fact which can mean to you a, fond farewell forever to all the miseries, the tortures, the body-twisting pains that you have suffered from the demon of rheu matism. It is a fact that rheumatism means "blood poverty." It is a fact with the increase of red-cells in your blood, impurities are destroyed. It is a fact that S.S.S. will help Na ture build these red-bloocf-cells!, S.S.S. is one of the most powerful blood cleansers in existence. Its re sults in thousands of rheumatic cases have been nothing short of amazing! The medicinal ingredients of S.S.S. are purely vegetable. This is very important to remember I What can be more .inspiring, more won derful than to see the shackles of pain released from your struggling tody, swellings, lingering pains, stiff ness of joints and muscles all dis appear; your stomach made strong; your fate pink with the old sweet heart glow, your blood enriched and your cheeks more plumn as thev used to be. You can do it! Take S.S.S., the great destroyer of rheumatic im purities. S. S. S. is sold at nil (rood drue stores In-two sizes. The lanrcr size Is more economical. akes You Fed Yourself Again Motorists discovered C-T-C's ! "M"HEN you drive a car day " in and day out, it doesn't take long to discover whether or not there is stamina in your tires! Since 1923 motorists have been making this gruelling test of C-T-C's. And as a result C-T-C's are the best selling tire of any exclusively Pacific Coast factory. When you buy a C-T-C " you get hifth quality material and workmanship. One fea ture is the massive non-skid tread long wear and safety. In our stock of C-T-C tires you will find the most suitable type for your car. We carry cords, ballooia and heavy duty C-T-C truck pneumatics. Drop in and let us show them to you I CORDS and BALLOONS (without rim or wheel change) Medford Branch, 127 N. Riverside, Medford Fred Flek, Jacksonville Geo. B. Holmes, Eagle Point Beebe A Ksndle, Central Point Hlttson Motors, Medford JL llfeccc- completed no forward passes, and that the ball, was In their territory 4S min utes of the game. Medford's touch down came in the first quarten when by consistent plnying they bucked the ball across, Conrad scoring. The Medford goal was never In danger. Tho Ashland team played a good game, but not over their heads as on Armistice day. Their best gains were on lino bucks down hill, a condition duo to the peculiar topography of the I.lthia City field. Deniiner outklcked the Uthians at every stage of the game, and Dressier blocked an Ash land punt In the shadow of their own goal. The game was remarkably free from roughness and the tackling most of tho time was clean and hard, with little grabbing for tho neck. Conrad, Senn and Deimner played tho most consistent game for Medford. with broken field runs by Dunn and steady passing by Center Knlps. Knlps has played brilliantly all season, but has been obscured in the middle of the line, where his work seldom came to notice. Senn plnyed a strong defen sive game throughout and was a good ground gainer. The football season is now ended, Medford winning all Its games but the tie of yesterday. It's record is: Crescent City, 3fi to 0. Klamath Falls, 54 to n. 0 rants Pass, 27 to 0. Marshfield, 7 to C. Ashland, 14 to 12. Aahland, 7 to 7. A game with Rosejnirg was canceled owing to the passing of Charles Van Scoyoe. The lineup: Medford , Ashland O. Knlps C Wilson Hurt LG Norton Neff UO Krulcu Drossier ItT Demmer LT Hamlhr UK Singler MS Dunn QD Moores Ml Prescott Olllette llryant Ciosnell Marske Clandee Conrad LI I Hutterfleld Senn FU Katzer Referee, Shy Huijtington; umpire, Manenul: head linesman, Cramer; timekeepers, Stewart and Howers. II PRISON TERM PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2S. The three-year sentence against Glenn. C. Tobias, wealthy Oklahoma oil pro moter, convicted here on a white slave charge, has been affirmed by the United Slates court of appeals, accord ing to word received this afternoon from San Francisco by Deputy United Statos District Attorney Steurns. Tobias is at liberty under $7500 ball and will be allowed 30 days' additional freedom to petition for a relrearing. If tho rehearing is denied, the regular procedure will be for him to be taken at once to McNeil Island ponitontiary. Tobas was found guilty of bringing his stenographer here from Oklahoma. Judge Bean, who passed sentence, said It was the most flagrant case that had ever come before him. While the jury was out Tobias offered to bet cither way on its findings. . Tobias, before the case was filed against him by his former steno grapher, visited Ashland, presumably to look ut alranch, and met Mrs. Pearl Neal, a handsome young widow of that city, whose husband had been dead about a year. They loft Ashland shortly afterwards and were married, but have never lived at ABhland. It is claimed that before Tobias brought his stenographer here from Oklahoma he was engaged to his stenographer's sister and that ho also had a wife and child. Mayor's Son Better. BOSTON, Nov. 28. James M. Itolph III, son of Mayor Rolph of San Fran cisco, who is ill with typhoid fever at the city hospital here, had a fairly good night and was resting comfort ably this morning. Physicians said the Illness would probably reach its crest- today. Rolph became 111 from drinking infected water at a Mediter ranean port while a cadet on the steamship President Van Bureft. 1 A THREE DAYS' L Chronic coughs and persistent colds lead to serious tuns trnuMe. You can slop them .low with Creomulsion, an emulsified creo sote that is pleasant to take. Lreomulsion is a new medical discovery with twofold ac tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed mraihrancs and kills the germ. Of all known drugs, creosote is recog nized hy the medical' fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chronic coughs and colds and nthet forms of throat and lung troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into tho blood, attacks the scat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consump tion. ' Creomulsion Is guaranlcrd satisfactory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or the flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold, no matter of how long stand ing, is not relieved after taking according to directions.' Ask your druggist. Creo mulsion Co, Atlanta, Ci, (Adv.). E Tho final hoiiring in tho case of t'haunoey Klorey vs. .1. II. Colon. nr. was hold Wednesday nftt'inoon In-fore Koferoe Koy Davis, nm! the c:iso ha: gone to tho Kuprmo court of Oregon for decision. There appeared to he a difference of opinion as to whether tlu "heated discussion" of October aid took place Iti the morning ' tho afternoon, the plaintiff claiming tho former, ami tho ileiemiant tho latter. Mr. Klorey was called t the stand, anil In the cross examination counsel for the defen dant brought out the fact that Mr. Florey's and Judge Ciardner's alleged "arbiirary notion" InuJ I toe it taken at the end of their term of office, and KEEP VITAL GRANDS IN BALANCE SAYS PHYSICIAN Regain Health, Strength New Scientific Discovery, In an Interesting Interview, Pi. Samuel J. Staub, according to a re oent dispatch, rmld that people suf fering from that '"below par" feeling, accompanied by loss of appetite sleeplessness, loss of weight and so forth, can be net right by having tho bulance of thler glandular secretion restored. "There Is no reaction to the treat ment," assorted Dr. Stauh. "Under stand thlH is not a mat l or of un natural stimulation, but Is simply a process of restoring a balance among the n.any ductless glands of the body which control the speed and extent of all our bodily processes." PHYSICIANS AM) SC1KXTIKTS OF 1XTKHNATIONAL l KNOWN F.X PI.AIN Fl'NCTlOXS OF (J LANDS At a recent medical convention in Chicago, Dr. Hoy Upham, President of the American Institute of Home opathy, stated that because of the lnllmate connection of tho nervous system with, the glands, many suf ferers from nervous disorders were receiving remarkable boneCits from glandular treatment. lie further stated that this glandular treatment could be taken by mouth like any GLANDOGEN, You can get it fresh from these dealers: HALL & HALL HOME GROCERY STAR MARKET JONES' GROCERY . All Above In Medford B. P. THEISS & CO., Central Point J. E. WEAVER, Central Point that they had no lu-on re-elerted. Other witnesses were' V. II. (iore, Tt. I-'. Mornn, Mike llanley, 11. Van lloovenhiirg. J. t. Pendleton, O. I,. Harmon, (Jeorge Dunn. H. K. Pack ard, Jesse Nell, and Miss Truax, deputy county clerk. OFFICIAL QUITS SAl.KM. Ore., Nov. 'JS. (...vernoi Pierce said today that he hud accept ed tho resignation of K. I... Kllit.ii as special prosecutor In K la ninth coun ty, who was appointed to handle pro hibition violation cases. The governor explained that a new district attorney, William A. (innong, will take office in Klamath county in January ami that ho wanted to clear the way for him. and Vigor by Restoring Glandogen, Provides Simple Treatment other medicine, and that an operation Is not necessary. Dr. Sorgo Vorojioff, an interna tional authority on Organotheraphy, has said: "The brain, the nerves, the muscles, as well as tho liver, th kidneys and all other organs would be Incapable of playing any useful part without the aid of the glands. The lunctlonlng of our organs Is no more than the activity of our glands, THE ORIGINAL 2C Gem-Nut Margarine ECONOMY GROCETERIA JACKSON ST. GROCERY 20TH CENTURY GROCERY ELEVENTH ST, GROCERY SEAL SALES WILE J The Jackson county Christmas Seal sale will he conducted under the di rection of Mrs. Alice Ilotlowny, who nnuoiincefi that the sale will begin Immediately after Thanksgiving, and continue until Christmas. The prin cipal drive will be made early in December, so that people will have on opportunity to use the Heals no tho-h Christ mas mail. Assisting Mis. ilolloway In tho local campaign will be Mrs. Krlc, Wold, 'in charge of booths, and Mrs. W. H. Crawford, working through the schools. Ashland will be represented by Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Rohlnett, and Central Point by Miss Mildred Carl ton, Mrs. Victor llursell, and Mrs. Kennel h Ileehe, the Important Glands !.to Method of Taking Glandular . 't and when tho bodily functioning!? disturbed, tho causo In most catotM should bo Ndiight, not In the condition of tho oviran Itself, but In tho eono"! tlon of tho gland which controls Dr. Arnold Lorund snyH In his book-, "Old Ago Deferred," In speaking,' glands: "We must Insist upon tho re lnforcoment, ofythelr functions. Jf chunged by age or disease, by meaihb of extracts obtained from thu Himllb,r organs of healthy young animals." . ;KAX I) IT li A It T 11 K A T M K X T (;lado;fx) can now bk TAKi: I.V CONVENIENT t TABLET FOKM , I Hundreds of men and women are I now turning to glandular treutment to help regain lost strength, vigor, vitality and health. Since Science has prepared a gland treatment In simple compact tablet form Glandogen) It is n simple matter to take glandular treatment. Glandogen Is scientifically prepared In two different forma, one for men and one for women, from the vital glands of hoalthy young unlmals, combined with other effica cious Ingredients. Heath's Drug Store and Hasklns' Drug Store will supply you. Mail orders accepted. GLAND TONIC