pacts fjout ' WEBFOTITF MXTC TRIBUNE, TEDFgR'P, " QTlTfi Ol, XTRDfifiAY.'.yQTOmKTS"!!! 392-1 At a special meeting of tlio dlroc tors of thu 'Hurtniiinn Kyndlrute, Inc., in Anliland Monday ufutrnoon, tlio ro )i(i't of tlio committee of HlockhoWlcrH named to probe the report UKuinm thu company filed by thu Kovcrnor's committee was adopted. The ov ernor'8 committee Jh coin priced of Oswald Wt'Ht and G corse JUark and J recently resiHtered ullcKutJnnH aK-'ilnHt the Hartman Syndicate.. The com-! m it tee exoncraten the rmiipany of thel charges. A . damago -null for 200 000 is now pending in this county against uie Rovernors commmee as a nwuu of filing of its report The Btockholders' committee was composed of stockholders from Port land, Salem and Ashland and other Oregon cities. A resolution to nmend the charter 1o make the par Htnck sell at l a'tees of the Hartman Syndicate of the share instead fo $10, as now, was tm.jfic c,mnt in full oavment for all ndopted. This action was due to the stoppage of the sale of mock, alleged to have resulted from the printing of the report. The syndicate expects to raise $700,000 In the immediate fu turo from this course to continue lis development work. The report follows: lour committee of stockholders nppolnted by you to investigate ih affairs of the company nnd the facts concerning same with relation to tho charges made by Oswald West and ' Ooorgo TUack In their report to Gov ernor Walter M. Pierce, and publish ea ny them in various newspapers throughout tho state, find the follow ing bio the true facts: First, tho company was Incorporat ed under tho laws of the atute ut Oregon with a capital stock of three million dollars composed of 300. MOO shares of the par value of ten dollars per share, and not thirty thousand shares of one hundred dollars per sharo as stated In the Wcst-Itlack re port. This fact will appear from tho articles of incorporation on file in the corporation commissioner's office of tlio fituto of Oregon and could have been verified by tho West-ltlack com mittee Second, tho committee from care ful inspection of tho books of tho company find that Mr. 13. W. Hart-; man Is in no way connected with the liartinuii Syndicate Inc., and has never had anything to do wltn the organization, development or man agement of the company, and does not own one share of stock in this company. The committee, further finds from the hooks and records of tho company that tho company was organized by II. W. Hartman; we fur ther find from information gathered from officers and persons familiar with tho facts that Mr. 11. W. Hurt man has never been engaged In sim ilar undertakings and that tho state ment In tho West-lllack report to the effect that this company was pro moted by K. W. Ilartman and II. V. iinrtmnn is false, us will appear from the records In the office of the com pany. Third, your commltteo finds from an inspection of tho records that tho company was originally organized by - H. W, Ilartman as a Common Law Trust, a form of business organiza tion rocognlzed In many of the states of the union and that such company was organized upon advice of tho at torney for the company, Mr. James "Westervclt of Ioh Angeles, California, that same would comply with the laws of the state of Oregon, and that us Huch organization it made applica tion to the corporation commissioner of tho state of Oregon for a permit to veil Its securities; such application being on file with the corporation commissioner. We therefore find that tho stutement in tho West-Iilack re port that tho company was originally organized as a Common Law Trust In order to circumvent the blue sky law Is falso, and that as a matter of fact the company did everything In Its poWer to secure a permit for the sale of Its trust certificates but were de nied ft permit by the coi poi nt Ion oomniisHloner. We further find that tho trustees and officers of the orig inal company acting In good faith with the corporation commissioner and the attorney general Incorporated u company known us tho Ilartman Syndicate Incorporated, and under agreement with the corporation com missioner took over all of the pro perty of the Hurlmau Syndicate of th Pacific coast, a trust estate, and wore granted a permit by the corpor ation commissioner's office of the atato to sell laiitl.OUO of the capital Mock of the corporation. Fourth, the committee upon full Investigation finds that the only business transact ions between the Hartman Syndicate Inc. and any of Iho companies of K. W. Hartman is a contract for the purchase of ffi i'1- TURN HAIR DARK Tho old-time mixture of Rage Tea and Hulnhur for darkening gray. streaked and faded hair Is grand mother's recipe, and folks are again Ui-lng it to keep their half a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we ure living in an age when u youthful appearance is of the great est advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have tho troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved by the addition of other ingredients called "Wyeth b Sage und Sulphur Compound." It i very popular because nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair tuking one tonall strand nt a time; .by morning the gray hair dis appears, hut what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound, is that, besides, beautifully darkening the hair after a few appli cations, it also produces that soft un tie and appearance of abundance which is so ultraciive. Adv. torlH from tlio Hartman ProcoHs com puny, and that ono of wild retortH ha already been purchaHcd at the actual'cfiHt of manufacturing Ha id re tort by the Huffalo Foundry and Ma- chlnery company of Jtuffalo New York. The committee further ftmiH tliat no profit or royally hu lioen paid to K, W. ilartman or will be paid to him ottu any of bin compan leH on the purchane of the retoit that haa already been delivered. The com mittee further finds that the Ilart man Syndicate Inc.. bus an agree ment to purchase the additional re toita at an exceedingly l-eanonable price and much below the figure at which they are quoted to others. plun a royally of ten centH per barrel to the Hartman I'i-occhh company. The conimilteo finds that any statement in the so called WeHt-lilack r-port in timatliiK' that the iiartuian Synilfcalc I nc, lias been overcliai ed on any equipment it has purchased Is un warranted from the facts. Vlftli Itw. ,.,. i. .If t . Una r.nritfiillir 1 t. Hrcumstances under tha IIur(Mmn syndicate. Inc. .()ok 1)nH.r(v (f if 11 iiar, man and the Hartman Syndicate of tho Pacific Coast and issued therefor one hundred and fifty thousand shares of the capital stork to Mr. If. 11. Hart man. and fifteen thousand, rive hun- -i ,., f,,rtv-two alone to the trim- property taken over by the corpora tion. Tho committee finds that the property so taken over was appraised by the incorporators of the ilartman Syndlcato Inc. and the corporation de partment of the state of Oregon was fully informed and consented to thu incorporation of the said company upon the basis nf tho appraisal niado by the Incorporators, and that the per mlt to sell $350,000 worth of stock was granted after full and complete state ment of the affairs of the company at the time of incorporation were, dls closed to tho corporation commission er. The committee from information gathered from interviews with stock bidders does not find that there has been any misrepresentation made to any of tho stockholders regarding the amount of stock that was issued to Mr. H. V. Ilartman or to the trustees for the certificate holders of the Hart man Syndicate of tho Pacific Coast. Sixth, the committee has carefully investigated the representations mado by the officers and the salesmen of the company regarding ttie amount of real property owned by the company in fee and the amount under application for lease from tho Tnlted States govern ment, and the committee 'lints from n n j J in. if Constipated, Dizzy, Bilious Fenl fine! Ut "CiiaourutH" clean 1 your bcnvols und uUimilutu your liv- .V"'' r-j.- overnctmj,'. Mil SS.'? iij f'f lions of inon, wo- - jg.y men, nnd children y'yS tuko this luirmieHS if Ei--. laxative - cathartic. :rz U Sr-' It doesn't sicken . yon like pills, oils, calomel nnd Balls. Tastes nice acts wonderful. 10c, 25c and 60c boxet any drugature. V y t y t f t ? ? y ? ? y t IS A BOOTLEGGER SAFER FROM THE "LAW-BRINGERS" THAN FROM "HIJACKERS?" X SEE NOW f ? y y y y f y y y y t f ? ? r f V This Huge Presentation- 1 t ? y The THOS Production II. INGE t y y y ? ? y ? ? y ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? y $ "THOSE WHO A f DANCE" r t y y ? ? ? y ? ? ? y y y A fa6t whirl of First National entertainment, with BLANCHE SWEET WARNER BAXTER BESSIE LOVE LUCILLE RICKSEN JOHN SAINPOLIS ROBERT AGNEW FRANK CAMPEAU AND THOSE THRILLS1 COMEDY NEWS GEO. VLACH at the Organ Friday . LARRY SEMON In "The Girl in the Limousine" ,AAA.V.AAAAAA RIALTO i y i , is I 1 ! 1 1 !! 1 the recoidH of the company aH well aH from literature published by the com pany and from the uuditor'H report, (a copy of which wan in tho handu of OHwald WeHt) that tho office of the company and its salesmen represented the exact amount of acreage it owned I in fee and tho amount of acreage it held under application for lease. The I committee does not find that uny of tile officers or salesmen have ever : represented that the company owned 3000 acres of land, and that any inti mation or statement in the West lllack report to tho effect that mis representation has been made is un warranted from the facts as disclosed by the records of tho company. Seventh, the committee finds from a full investigation of the property of the company that it has developed a largo deposit of shale which from the geological and engineer's report is of enormous tonnage and that the com pany has established ut its work, Shale City, Oregon, one retoit and necessary equipment for the extrac tion of oil from shale, which this com mittee believes will be capable of op erating successfully on a commercial basis. Klghth, tho committee finds from a personal Inspection of the plant of the company, and from a personal inves tigation of the books of the company that there Is no evidence of extrava gance or mismanagement and that any statement to that effect In the so-call ed West-lllack repent is false. Nine, the committee finds' that the Oswald West-1 1 lack committee made their report without proper Investiga tion of tho affairs of the Hartman Syndicte Lie. and that neither Oswald West or Oeorge Ulack or anyone rep resenting them have ever gone over the books and records of the com pany nor as far as this committee can learn have either of them made an inspection of the plant of the com pany. The committee therefore finds that tlie said Oswald West and Oeorge illack were not In possession of any official information upon which they could base their report (except report of the auditors of the company, a copy of which was furnished to Oswald West by the secretary of the company) and this committee finds that the rc- WATCH US GROW 7 one ot thest - Dau&iUers of Minister from, Norway .Win When Diplomats Hold Tennis Tourney at Washington Tho Misses Tjiura und Ingor Bryn, Juunhlora of Iho Norwegian envoy, aro shown aliove with their mothor, Mrs. H. H. Bryn. The daughters won the silver cups in 'ho ctrla' slnt-lf.H and doubles port of tho Hiild Oswald West and Ooorgo Itliick does not conform to the facia as ALsclosed in the auditor's re port. : ' . . Dated ut Ashland, Oregon, on this, the loth day of November, A. D. 1924. Iteapectfully submitted, a. Id. HflllCltlOlt. Portland. Chairman of fttookholdors Committee; C'.RO. Vlfk'A. Snlem: A. W. LIVINOSTOX. Portland, I'AHIv ICMiSTjtU.M. Kalem. I.. 11. MARCOTT. Shale City, Thanksg FOR THREE DAYS, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Months aro wc planned to hold this sale and purchased our linens for direct importation. The finest pure flax damasks by the yard, pattern cloths nnd napkins arc here for your choosing. A very opportune time to purchase your Thanksgiving linens or the time to buy your linens for Christmas git'ls. Trices are exceptionally low and we invite, you to inspect this beautiful dis play of the world's finest linens, whether you purchase now or not. - A FEW OF THE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ARE GIVEN BELOW 70-INCH WONDERFUL QUALITY DOUBLE SATIN DAMASK In very handsome designs, flc'ur de lis, pansy, rose and chry santhemum. A linen suitable to grace any festive board nt any time. This quality is worth at least $:t. a yard, now -inch Napkins to match Sj3.75 set MARVELOUS QUALITY CLOTHS THREE YARD LONG PATTERNS can not use enough superlatives to describe the beauty of these extra large pattern cloths, so we will just say that, you will miss a lot if you fail to get. il 7 1S.!).-) cloths at V 2'J-incli Napkins lo match $6.73 set HALF PRICE Three pieces of Damask; last season's goods so we want to close them out at this reduction. They will go quickly, so make your choice early. events or tlio diplomatic lunula tournament hold recently at the nuilonul cupfiul. Miss Laura won first prUo In I lie singles und Miss I niter second prize. K. E. PHII'PH, Ashland, STL'AItT MeKlSSICK, C. R., Ashltlltd n. n. OIDHON, Salem. PHAPPED HANDS chilblain!:, frostbito junt r:b on, cooling, healing VAPQRun I Ooer 17 Milling .-v. '.. J v, I V eueFs Sale of iving $2.45 v w ' i;ivi:s rui; to Minion. (Continued from page one) Ono of Kutz' Bems'ulready is In the hands of the federal officers. Seized several weeks hk" u. lurce emerald, salil lo be of foreign oriKin, la being held while Investit-'utinrs truce Its en try into the United Stutes. , J tea I estate deals In which Katz had traded Jewels for land are being brought to light. The latest of these to be uncovered Is one In which offi cers aay ho bought a lemon grove near ltlversidn. Oil., and residential prop erty at Long lieach, Oil., from Frank P. Slocums, formerly of Wilmington, Did. The entire purchase price of this transaction. ITo.OOu, was paid in jewels. Investigators asserted. KutV gasoline yacht, Klvlra. in which he is said to have made several short trips beyond American territor ial limits at aeu, Is ulao being Investi gated. Thia craft, according to in formation in the hands of investiga tors was purchased in Germany and first went to Seattle. It was there Katz bought her nnd transferred her to San Pedro, where she is tied up. Tr Bible Drought Sr Tbctag OMNIPOTENT CA1CK. The Lord shall preserve thy going out nnd thy coining In from this time forth, and even fureverumre. Ps.. V2 :S. Stops Cold in 24 Hours Hill's Cascara Bromide Quinine gives quicker relief than any other cold or la grippe remedy. These tablets disin tegrate in 10 seconds. Effectiveness proved in millions of cases. Demand red box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait. All druggists - . ,, 30 cents. tcSi- (C-303) rtASfARA 0IJININF Cm ..ffvnifiBoiT. fQthV atffffo Linens BEAUTIFUL PATTERN CLOTHS MANY REAL NEW PATTERNS Truly a wonderful quality and the finest range of patterns in the city to select from. New and original designs that will de light you in these 70x88 cloths. t 7 Cfl Worth $8.!)'),. at P OU 22-inch Napkins to match $4.00 set ANOTHER EXTRAORDINARY VALUE IN DOUBLE SA TIN DAMASKS One of the finest round thread pure flax damasks on the mar ket and two yards wide in beautiful designs. Yon can buy this in any length and it's really worth tQ qj ir4..")D per yard, at tjljJ 22-inch Napkins to match $4.75 set Deuels are combining this offering of Thanksgiving Linen with a SPEC IAL SALE of READY-TO-WEAR, 1-4 off regular prices. See Deuel's ad on Page 3 of thi3 paper. of most sickness Is faulty eUminatlon. To be as regular as clockwork, each day some way enjoy ROMAN MEAL a properly balanced food ORDER NOW Your Engraved Personal Christmas Cards The new designs are ready Personal greetings can be made without the expense of a plute. and GIFT SHOP WATCH US GROW