Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 12, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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C1UCAOO. Nov. 12. !,,. xcwmnl.k
assistant stale fire nuirshal, charm-d
in a federal f arrant with counterfeit
ins, and Thomns Doyle, brother of
Mike Boyle, union official, were ar
rested last nlprht by detectives making
(i chance raid on on apartment In the ! Into gold a feat that is said to have
XEW YORK, Nov. 12. Alchemy,
discredited "science" of medieval
times, may be vindicated by experi
ments of American scientists. I'mler
the direction' of the Scientific Ameri
can, whose editor E. E. Free, is eon
difent of success, experiments havo
been started to determine the practi
cability of transmuting quick silver
hope of developing a clue to the slay
ers ot iion wunnninn, Bans leader,
shot to death Monday.
Newmark had been hunted for two
dayB in connection with the $500,000
counterfeit postnl savings stamp plot.
A tip that the clayers of O'ltannlon
would be found In a certain apartment
led squads of detectives there. New
mark and Boyle were found asleep.
Eleven arrests were made by secret
service agnts ysterday In connection
with the plot. Among them was Dan
iel Perry, a municipal court bailiff.
Captain Thomas I. Porter, division se
cret service chief, refused to reveal
the names of others In custody, as
serting premnture publicity had caus
ed the escape of a number of persons
been accomplished recently at great
expense by a Herman scientist, Profes
sor Adolph Mietho.
The "modern alchemy" is based on
modern science, the experimenters say.
(old has a planetary system of 79
electrons while quicksilver has SO. r.y
permanently "knocking oft" the su
perfluous electron with electric cur
rent, it is believed, puro gold Willi result.
Radio Programs
for Tonight
LV.NCIIIU'RO. Va., Nov. 12. Alt
though most of the seventeen aged
members of the P.enovolent and Pro
tective Order of KJks in the hospital
of the Elks national home at Bedford.
suffering from arsenic poisoning here
Improved today, grave concern is felt
for five of them. None of the five Is
out of danger.
The death last night of W. IT.
Hutchinson of Corey, pa , brought to
nine the number of deaths which re
sulted when residents of the home
drank cider Monday taken from a
barrel which had been used previously
to hold a plant spraying preparation.
Three attendants at the homo made 111
by tho cider, have recovered.
KHJ, I.os Angeles. 395 meters, S to
10. Dr. Mars Itaumgardt. lecturer.
Program arranged by. I. Howard John-
eon. 10 to 11 Art Hickman's dnnco
orchestra from the Hilt more Hotel;
Earl Burtnett. director.
KFI, Is Angeles, lt9' meters, 9 to
10. program from Examiner Studio.
10 to 11, special dramatic program.
Ml to 12, Ambassador Hotel Cocoa-
Inut Grove orchestra.
KNX. Hollywood, 337 meters. S to
HO. feature program. 10 to 12 llolly-
j woodlandorchestra danee proffram.
IKPO, San Francisco, 423 meters, 8
to 11 E. Max. Bradflcld's Versatile
band, playing in the Palce Rose Itoom
tin 1b under arrost on a charge of Bowl. Lessons in conversational
conspiracy ns a result of information French, under the direction of Edna
obtained from Mrs. Hugo Hubsch, 'K. Barker Mario Boutin. Instructor,
also under arrest regarding flogging. KLX. Oakland. 009 meters, 8 to
of her husband November 6, by a 10:20 Studio program,
band of masked men. Martin had KGW. Portland. 492 meters. 9. con
been proprietor of a pressing estab-lcert. 10 to 12. dance music by George
lishment adjoining tho Hubsch drug Olsen's Metropolitan orchestra of the
store at Cocoanut Grove. Mrs. Hubsch 1 Hotel Portland.
who is reported to have confessed she
instigated the flogging because her
husband had offended her, was in
such serious menial condition that
she was taken to a hospital, being re
leased from Jail on a bond of $1000.
Her husband is a patient in the same
hospital, suffering from Injuries in
flicted by the whipping party.
Radio News
iu icrtun uuiivibio
dHICAOO, Nov. 12. Nntlmn V.
Leopold, Jr., and lAcharl Locb, serv
ing life sentenccH at Jollet for the
kidnaping and murder of Robert
Pranks will be members of the fac
ulty of the prison, Warden Whit
man has announced. Leopold has
begun teaching night classes in Eng
lish, devoting two hours a night in
instruction in reading, writing and
spelling. Next week Loeb will take
charge of an arithmetic class. Their
duties will be in addition to their
Jobs in the prison shops.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 12 An un
expected demand from districts away
from the centers of population is com
plicating the work of tho commorco
department in re-allocating radio
wave lengths and may bring delay.
Some of the wave lengths assigned
to the less thickly populated sections
of tho country, it was said, has been
transferred to larger cities and east
part of the United States in the be
lief that the greatest demand for them
would be in that section.
stations, both Hi tho eastern
west coast sections of the
y have applied for power in
creases of some 1000 to 1500 watls.
LYNC'imURO, Va.( Nov. 12.
James K. Collins, New York City
lodge of Kilts, died today, bringing
the total number of victims of poi
soned cider served at the Kilts na
tional homo at Iledford, Monday, to
Sixteen of the aged residents of tho
home made 111 by tho cider and now
confined to tho hospital wero report
ed today as "showing signs of im
provement". Daniel Crowley of Hum
mervllle, Mass., was said to be tho
most seriously ill.
The Screen
r ' Several st
and tho wi
1 country hai
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. The ad
ministration has no present intent of
pressing for tax legislation at the com
ing short session of congress, it be
came known todny after Secretary
Mellon had conferred with--President
It is understood Mr. Mellon does not
consider it practical to take up the
problem at this session, because of the
lack of time in viow of other difficul
ties entering into the situation.
Neither has the administration giv
en 'any consideration so far to the
calling of a special session of the new,
congress after next March fourth, to
consider tax reduction.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Presi
dent Coolidge has appointed Theodore
Douglas Robinson, cousin of Theo
dore Roosevelt, resigned, as Assist
ant Secretary of the I!vy.
In doing so the president fulfilled
the last recommendation to him by
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, who
died Sunday night.
Mr. Robinson will come to. Wash
ington immediately to take up the
duties of his office. Today he noti
fied secretary of Stato Hamilton of
New York of his resignation as a
member of the New York stale senate.
World Looks Bright to
- Ambassador Herrick
NEW YORK. Nov. 12. General
world conditions ore more favorable
than al any time since 1914, Myron
T. Herrick. ambassador to France,
said today before sailing for Taris to
resume his post after a vacation on
his farm near Cleveland.
"The new world and the old are re
flecting a Kplrlt of confidence and
tinpc," he said. "It is the first time
for a great many years that I have
6 ope' abroad in a happy mood."
At 7:30 this evening at Clyde hall,
there will be held- a congregational
and community meeting rto which nil
interested are invited. Rev. R. W.
Nelson asks tho people to get to
gether and plan a program for-tho
coming year. ' '
At 7:30 Friday evening at -Civile
hall, everyone should hear the Edu
cational committee, who are touring
this district and speaking on world
movements in Christian work. One
big meeting Friday evening will take
the place of the Thursday meeting,
which were previously announced.
Saturday evening at Phoenix Mem
orial Hall there will bo a community
box social given under the auspices
of tho high school. Every girl, mar
ried or single, is asked to bring a
box with supper for two, which will
be sold to the highest bidder. Cof
fee and cake will also bo sold. The
proceeds will bo used to buy suits for
the boys basketball team. An Inter
esting program Is being prepared for
the evening. '
CoitHfly. Hunt's Crnterinii.
"Merton of the Movies." opened yes
terday at 'Hunt's Craterian and will
remain for two days.
To say that the screen version of
"Merton" is hilariously funny is but
putting it mildly. As a picture it is a
delightful mixture of wistful drama,
magnificent burlesque and keen satire.
The plot concerns an awkward,
country youth who is consumed with
a desire to beennio a famous motion
picture star. What happens to him
when hp goes to Hollywood, his trials,
his earnest, pathetic strivings, his
cruel disflluslonments and his final
unsuspecting triumph constitutes ono
of the really great epics of tho screen.
Mr. Hunter is purroundod with a su
perlative supporting cast, headed by
Viola Dana, featured as "Flips" Mon
tague, the girl whose mascinations are
responsible for Merton's final triumph.
Jilvo Topic KcmmmkhI, Itiallo.
In "Those Who Dance." attracting
crowds to the Rialto now, Thomas H.
Ince has taken the first step of bring
ing to the screen, tho most discussed
question of the day, liquor and the Vol
stead law, with all the dramatic de
velopments that it has brought Into
modern day llfo.,
With IManche Sweet, Resise I.ove.
Walner Baxter, Mathew I3etz, Robert
Agnew and Lucille Rlcksen included in
the cast, the picture could not fail to
attract tremendous attentions.
Without attempting to interpret tho
moral side of the prohibition issue.
Ince has developed a remarkabte dra
ma from the personal fight against a
bootlegging ring which is undertaken
by a young lawyer when his little sis
ter becomes an .innocent , victim of
wood alcohol which has been bottled
under tho label of an imported brand.
Rlanche Sweet and Warner Raxter
have a love story that is hauntingly
appealing. Hessio Ive, na an under
world "flapper" queen, wears a boy
ish close cut bob and a score of re
markable gowns, while Mathey Retr.
plays a role of the "bootleg king"
with picturesque power.
Hell Maria Elected to
A Chicago School Board
A patron's shoe is held firmly on
,tho foot rest of a recently patentetd
stand for bootblacks by suction, tho
pedestal of tho rest being a hand
operated air pump. I
rnrrAr.n Vnv. 1I Churles O.
Dnwes, vice-prosidoht-elect, and first
diroctor of the national budget, nas
lipnn Mii?f?fiHtffl for n. financial or bud
get advisor to tho Chicago school
board, which has mane plans lor n
$170,000,000 ten year building pro
gram. General Dawes, It is pointed
out, would have time before the In
auguration in March to help get the
school finances on a strong basis.
The jfeflgEE SCOT'S j'
if if liil icwl BQPfip
When a Meal',' Disagrees"
Just take Pape's Diapepsin
A few Tablets instalitly Relieve a Distressed Stomach
and Correct the Digestion Anytime!
Whenever food or drink npsets the
stomach or causes Indigestion or Cases,
Flatulence, bloating, Sour Risings,
Ileartlinrn or Acidity, remember you
pet relief as soon (9 "i'ape's Diapepsin"
reaches the stomach. Io waitingl
Just cliew frw "I lUcw pleasant,
harmless tablets and the distress K
A fiO cent package will keep the en
tire family free from digestive disor
ders for months. - Druggists sell mil
lions and guarantee each package.
The conditions of this sale are.such that all purchases must
be cash. No telephone orders vill be received. All mail
orders filled promptly.
Thursday - Friday Saturday
. November 13,. 14 and 15
50c Antiseptic Powder 2 for 51c
25c Carbolic Salve 2 for 2Gc
25e Rexall Corn Solvent 2 for 28c
50c Kidney Tills 2 for 51c
35c Liver Tills 2 for 36c
50c Milk Magnesia 2 for 51c
35c Rubbing Oil ....2 for 36c
$1.00 Syrup ll.vpophosphates 2 for $1.01
51c 'Syrup Wli'ite Tine Tar 2 for 51c
75c Juneve Vanishing Cream 2 for 76c
75c Juneve Cold Cream 2 for 76c
50c Arbivtus Vanishing Cream 2 for 51c
50c Lcil'lcVli Cocoa Butter Cream 2 for 51c
50c Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion 2 for 51c
40c Cream of Almonds..: 2 for 41c
90c Theatrical Cold Cream 2 for 91c
25c Rexall Cold Cream 2 for 28c
50c Jonteel Face Powder 2 for 51c
'$1.00 Boquet Ramee Face
'Powder 2 for $1.01
$1.50 Dazira Face Powder 2 for $1.51
50c Carmona Face Powder. 2 for 51c
50c Jonteel Rouge 2 for 51c
25c Powder Puffs 2 for 26c
50c Klenzo Tooth Paste 2 for 51c
25c Rexall Tooth Paste 2 for 26c
35c Antiseptic Tooth Powder 2 for 36c
50c Klenzo Antiseptic Lirpiid 2 for 51c
40c Tooth Brushes 2 for 41c
35c Tooth Brushes 2 for 36c
50c Roquet Ramee Talcum 2 for 51c
25c Jonteel Talcum : 2 for 26c
35c Juneve Talcum 2 for 36c
25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum 2 for 26c
$2.25 Water Bottles 2 for $2.26
$2.00 Water Bottles 2 for $2.01
$2.25 Fountain Syringes 2 for $2.26 '
75c Rubber Aprons 2 for 76c
5c Nipples -2 for 6c
$1.00 Syringe Attach. Sets 2 for $1.01
$1.00 Symphony Lawn Boxes..
.2 for $1.01
..2 for $1.01
2 for 76c
$1.00 LeClairo Boxes ....
75c Revelation Plaid Boxes...
(lOc Lord Baltimore Boxes 2 for 61c
50c Cascade Pound Paper 2 for 51c
20c F.nvelopes to match paper 2 for 21c
10c Knvelopes 2 for 11c
15c Tablets .....2 for 16c
05c Coffee 2 for 66c
(5c Tea :........2 for 66c
30c Cocoa '. 2 for 31c
30c Baking Chocolate ..' 2 for 31c
35c Beef Cubes 2 for 36c
$1.00 Oliver Oil 2 for $1.01
25c Spices '. ...2, for 26c
50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 2 for 51c'
50c Hair Fix 2 for 51c
$1.00 Septone Hair Tonic 2 for $1.01
25c Florentine Orris 2 f0r 26c
15c (loodfonn Hair Nets 2 for 16c
nlTalcum Siii.
Rexall Toilet Soap 2 for 16c
)c Medicated Skin Soap 2 for 26c
25c Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap 2 for 26c
50c Roquet Rainee Toilet Soap 2 for 51c
35c Rexall Shaving Cream 2 for 36c
35c Rexall Shaving Sticks 2 for 36c
35c Rexall .Shaving Powder 2 for 36c
50c. Rexall Shaving Lotion 2 for 51c
$1.00 AUTOSTROP RAZORS, each 49c
$1.00 Assorted Chocolates, 1 lb. 2 for $1.01
00c Wrapped Caramels ......2 for 61c
35c Milk Chocolate, U, pound 2 for 36c
5c (lum " 2 for 6c
5c Mints 2 for 6c
$1.00 Toilet Waters 2 for $1.01
$1.50 Toilet Waters 2 for $1.51
$1.25 Lather Brushes ..2 for $1.26
$1.50 Hair Brushes ! 2 for $1.51
75e Hair Brushes 2 for 76c
20c Wash Cloths 2 for 21c
75c Ladies' Rubber Combs 2 for 76c
"lOc .Men's Combs .2 for 41c
Many other articles not listed above will be on sale.
Remember the dates Thursday' Friday and Satur day,
November 13, 14, and 15
West Side Pharmrcy