W1 I 1 1 1 I I I i rr A W l'..W 1 1 1. 1 1 DAVIS IS GIVEN ANOTHER I BY N. y. NEW YOHK. N,)V. 1 1. Another lulmr emli,is.ijit.iu wuh l-Ivimi John W. Davis, il.-m,,,iaili' riunli.l;it.' fin prcsl.l.-nt h.-n- last nltjht. It came from tl. New York City ami State Allied l'rlntint; I'ouihIIh thr.umli an unnoiineemeiii iail,. pul.lio liy east ei'i! democratic heailimarlres and fol lowed that announced In a statement Issued hy nieniliers uf the executive council of the Central Trades and 1-ahor Council of (Ireater New York. Officials at the democratic, head quarters declared the action of the IirlntluK councils "to he typical of the action heliiK or would lie taken hy organized lahor hodles throughout the country." In announcing Its enilorsement of Mr. Davis, the New York City urlnt Iiik couni'il said In the statement Is sued hy the democratic headquarters: "The enemies or organized lahor aro well kiunvn. No niotuher of ur banized lul.or In Ills riitlit sense would think or voting for CoolldKo and Dawes. Uy this time It is plainly evident that a vote, for LuKullettc means a half vote for Dawes, the arch-enemy of organized lahor and his running mate, Cooildt'e. The Screen Kialln. It Ih rather difficult to think of fast riding, hard .shouting Tom Mix as a comedian, hut he accomplished the metamorphosis nt tho Kiultu today ami Kives a veryaniuslnK performance or a cowboy turned vlllA-n. The pic ture in called "Soft Jiolled," and it shows Tom doing a hit of his great riding at first; then as an applicant of the Job of soda water clerk, which he doesn't get "because he Is not the type," and finally landing as a shoe clerk. How Ttm Is put to a severe test and comes out quite gloriously and how he wins the love of pretty lmiie Dove, make the rest of the story. George Vlach is heard at tho organ nnd there are a number of short subjects. St. Mark's KpKcoiwI. , Cumer North Oakdale & 5th St. S a. m. Holy Communion. 1U a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning service. Win. II. Hamilton, vicar. KuglUlt Lutheran Church. ML W. Kuurih St. 11:1(0, Sunday. Nov. lind. A special congregational meeting. Cvery one urged to attend. Pentecostal Mission, Kvangelist K. J. Axup of Stockton. (al., will coiiiluct services Sunday at the Pentecostal Mission, located at 128 K. Main St. Sunday school at 10 a. in. itegulnr morning service at 11 a. in., and evening service at 7:30. In the morning the evangelist will preurli on the tlu-nu; of "Co Tell My, lis.'iples." In the evening lie wilt preach on the subject of divine heal ing mid health. church parlor on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. P You will find a spirit , of friendli ness and fellowship in this church, which la Inspiring. Welcome. First M. 1. Church. Nov. t. 1124. Morning: Anthem, "Holy (Jhost, the Infinite," Shelley Offertory, "Jn Heavenly Love Abid ing," Warlng-Saltei Mrs. Van Scoyoo. Kvening; Anthem, "I Will (Jive You Tlest," West Offertory solo, "Alone" Trice Mr. MacDonough Mrs. May Jordan MacDonough; dl rector. Miss Mattie Vroman, organist. Hunt's Cratcrian. A local dramatic critic witnessing last nighl's premier of "A Self Made Failure' at the Hunt's Cralerlan, has referred to it as a "congress of come dians." In the casting of tills seven-reel farce tho producer secured the ser vices of comedians whose names are known wherever pictures are flashed upon tho screen. Lloyd Hamilton, l'atsy Kuth Miller. Ren Alexander and "Chuck" Ueisner are in the cast. Itaiimra La Man Sunday, "Tho White Moth," eo-foaUuing Barbara La Man and Conway Tuaiio, will be the picture at Hunt's Craterian Sunday and Monday. "The White Moth" originally ap peared in Alnslee'H Magazine, being the work of Izola Forrester, author of "The Cray Path,'1 "Tho Feast of Lights" and other stories. Miss La Man has tho tlllo role, while lien Lyon plays Douglas Yantlne and Conway T,eaiie is seen as Robert. OBITUARY DRAWS The remains of John Royal Draws, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Draws of this city, who came to his death through an accident at his home town of Susnnvllle, Cat, will arrive in Medford Sunday inorniiiK and funeral services will ho held at the Catholic church Monday nt !) a. m. Interment In Modforil I. O. O. V. cemetery. HICKS Funeral services for Anna Elyniira Hicks, wife of K. A. Hicks nnd sister of Mrs. Kichnrd Calder and Thos. Carney, will ho held at the Con ger chapel at 2 p. m. Sunday. Inter ment In Central I'nlnt cemetery. REED Services for James E. Rood, whopassed away nt his home on Palm street Friday-"niornlns. will he held at the Comser chapel Sunday at 3 p. m. Interment in Medford I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Plead Guilty to Train lloblx-ry. CHICAGO. Nov. 1- Willie Newton and Willard Newton pleaded guilty today before Federal JudK Adam C. Cliffe, to complicity in the Roundcut $2,000,000 train rohhery. The court deferred sentence pending hearing of others indicted In coifnecfion with the robbery. StroncU'r Ia-wSh Wins. nurrACn vnu 1 Ki "Strannlor" Lewis, world's heavyweight ivrestllnff champion, used hts tanious neaoiocn to pin Hassan Volkoff In 10:32 here last nlb'ht. In the opining !"'. Joe "Toots" Mondt, Colorado, won from Alex Nelson in STi-.U.. " Sit Pi CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Inferred Stodkyields 7.147 ask any member a our organization Whirlwind Class. One liundred membership class is the goal to be reached hy Thanks giving. Every young man, single or married, between the ages of Iti and 35 years, that Is without a church home, is invited to visit ami worship with this class. A fine spirit pre vails. (Mass assoi-latlonri, -athletics. glee club, orchestra, dramatics and Christian fellowship will develop a lull-rounded four-sided life. Under the supervision of tho Chris turn church, at the Masonic Hall, 218 W. Main street. NEAI. NEWI.ANB, Secretary. First Methodist. Corner West Main and Laurel Sts. E. E. Oilhcrt, pastor. A hearty Invitation is extended to the public to meet wlth.ua nt the fol lowing services on tho coming Sab bath: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. W. W Walker, superintendent. We have different opening exercises, provided for the needs of all ages and groups. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. There will be special music by the choir. Mrs. A. J. MarUonough, leader, and Miss Vroman, organist. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. Morning sermon sub ject. "Co-operating With Cod." Even ing subject "Jesus Four Square. Special interest in the Epworth league devotional meeting at t:10. 'Hear the chorus chorl at night. A happy hour for all. First Christian church Corner Ninth and south Oakdnlu. D. J. Howe, pastor. Residence 25 South Orange. Services every I.orld's day. 9:45 a. m. Bible school. Classes for every one with capable teachers. 11:00 0a.m. Worship. Communion and preaching. Sermon: "Tho Church and World llness." Ii:30 l). m. C. E. meetlngs Roth In termediate and senior societies. 7:30. Song service. Mrs. W. K. Hamho, representative of the Near East Relief, will speak. Mrs. Rnmho and her husband were sent to Turkey during the hardest times following the world war. Also they were mission aries In India for 13 rears. A largo audience should hear her message. There will be appropriate, music both morning and evening. All are Invited to attend these services. First Baptist Church ST. Central & 5th St. Frederick R. Leach, pastor. S. M. Scott, organist-director. 9:45 a. m. Bible school, Mrs Hans Holmer, supt. Join this growing school Sunday 11 a. m. "For Whom Shall I vote?" a pre-election sermon. Solo, "The Lord la My Shepherd," Riddle, liy Mi Margaret lluntooll. Anthem, "Victory. Througlv Grace," Sweeney. 0:30 p. m. B. Y. T. U. A good place for young folks Jlelcn iA-ach, leader. 7:30 p. m. Rev J. J. Handsaker, D. D., of Tortland, will bring a, stir ring message. Solo, ".The Lord Is My Light," Scott By Mrs. Lorraine Harrison Scott. Anthem, "Cently Lord, O Gently Lead L's," Pike. Wednesday, ,7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Choir re hearsal. , Armistice day the ladies will serve n flftv cent chicken dinner in the church dining rooms for the general public. Main St. Methodist South. The Hlblo school meets nt 9:45. Dr. Wank Roberts, Supt. Morning worship at 1 1. Commu nion service. Soprano solo nnd vio lin offertory. Brief mesnago by the pastor. The Epworth league meets at 6:30. Ai tho evenlnir hour. 7:30 a Sneaker of exceptional Interest, Rev. Parnou gain, a native of Armenia, a truly re markable anu interesting man. jie ti.is snlendld commnnd of the Eng lish language and never falls to grip bis hearers with tho Btory of his llfo and his people. on n.-connt nf the Institute which continues this week there will bo no midweek service. The Missionary society meets In the ljbKt QuftllTT a.w.lrr acpainnf wanna. "i.mih, Satisfaction Assured Id quality and price. Mall as yonr wanu. MAJtTIN J. RIDDT First Chunk of CluNl, Scientist. Authorized brunch of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Hoston, Mass. Services lire held every Sunday nt 11 o'clock, church edifice. I'll! North Oakdale. Sulmcct for Sunday, Nov. 2: "Kverlast intr runishment." Sunday school at 9:4 5. Applicants under the ae of twenty may be ad mitted. Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonies of Christian Silence henliiiK". nt 8 o'clock. The reading room, which is in the Medford huihlinK". Is open daily from - to 4. except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science lit erature may be read, borrowed or pur- The public Is cordially Invited to at tend the services ami visit the reading room. Tie v. rit'shytciiua Church. Corner Main ami Holly. K. V. Lawrence, residence 5111 S. Newtown. Study 41 s. Holly. 9:45 a. in. liible school. Children of all awes and crades, from aces 3 to i'O years, will Had classes suitable with capable teachers. Carl Hroni nier. superiutcntii ta. 11 a. m. -Mrs. v. k. Uainbo. rep resenting the Ne.ir Must IlelUf will speak. Mr. and .Mis, Uambo spent several yearn in oiphuiKiKe work in .Armenia and had some remaikahU experiences. Ho not fail to hear her Tho special music will consist of two numbers, one a supnuio solo by Mrs. Charles HatliiKK, entitled "Inter Mezzo," from liusti. una Cavalier. Also an anthem by the mixed quar tet with" Mia. lla'.:liiKK taking the place of Mrs. Collins on the soprano. Title of the anthem. "My Kaith Looks Up to Thoe." by Schneeker. 7:'J0 . nt. Tin- second in the se ries on thfl Christian Home, subject. 'Home Happme's. There is 110 place like home. Why? "Oh, Love That Will Not Let Me (J, sunpr as a tenor suu by Mr. ItonouKh. ti:30 p. 111. Christian meeting, 7:30 p. in. Wednesday liible study and prayer. Head over 3rd John. " Will he . J. .Mac- EiuhMivor evening. PERL'S POLITICAL RECORD Fur yours Julia l'orl lms held (lit! ofi'ioo of coniuer of Jackson county. In nil llu- prinuirics mid ejcncnil olootimis iliiriiij; Hint time lio linn usod tlio iiiaoliiiiory ol' flic republican party :is a voliiolo to car ry him into office. The-KopiiMi. ans liavo honored him with their fiancise and thoir support for a hniff terms of years; they have kept him in a position where lie could enjoy the financial accretions and oilier emoluments of office. In the May primary, his competitor in business, Mr. Conger, n'uotl citizen of Medford and a fine loyal republican, entered the race against him for tho republican nomination for coroner. ' In a fair, clean con test Mr. Conger won the nomination. The next we hear of Mr. l'erl's activltes it is rumored that he is trying to find some way to run for coroner as an independent, but the framars of our election laws understood perfectly 1 hat not all men who tin for office have poltical honor, and so provided in the statutes that u defeated candidate cannot file as an independent. Mr. l'orl, evidently obsessed with tho idea that this job was his for life by right of long and peaceable possession, nnd in his determin ation to hold on to public office at any cost, put his wife up and filed her as an independent candidate for coroner. Since losing out in the May primaries the whole course of this de feated candidate has been disloyal to his party in the extreme. The publicity committee of the Jackson County Uepublican Central Com mittee is going to turn the case of John Perl, Medford undertaker nnd chronic office seeker, over to the voters of Jackson county. The com mittee has no doubt of their decision. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. Paid Adv. Jackson County Republican Central Committee. The Nigger in the Woodpile Everyone? knows that Mr. Eehl nnd his supporters have been en gaged for several years past in attempting to dostroy the city assess ment liens and to escape the amount duo the city on account of tlioir assessments, aud to this. end they have fought some ton or a dozen cases in tlve courts in aiTTuisuccessful attempt to prevent the city from collecting it's assessments. However not everyone knows that Mr. Fold claims to he interested in an alleged water right on Big Butte Creek and that he made an un successful attempt a year ago to sell this alleged water right to the city of Medford. - That investigation convinced the mayor and city council that this water right was absolutely worthless, wholly illegal and valueless and the council therefore refused to purchase same. That thereupon, ignoring the alleged water right of Mr. Fold on Big Butte Creek the city made jt's own filings upon waters in Big Butte Creek, whereupon suit was brought by the owners of this al leged water right to keep the city of Medford from getting this new source of water. . ' That when this suit was Iried in the Circuit Court this summer, Judge Lcnvitt of'Klumath Falls, sitting for Judge Thomas, decided that this alleged water right which Mr. Fehl was trying to sell to the city of Med ford did not exist and refused to enjoin the city and dis missed the suit. Mr. Fehl knows that he can never hope to get any of the city's money for this worthless water right from the Businessmen's admin istration as they have opposed it all nlong and the city already has made it's own filings on Big Butte Springs. Is this why Mr. Fehl wants to be mayor? Citizens and Businessmen's Camapign Committee. Paid Adv. OPENING Roller Skating Rink SUNDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 2 Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Nights, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons. General Admission, 10c. (M .. . i ,,' ',,,,. .l: i., L...K.I.. i LJ- H I TT e oervea nis Country Now Let Friends s erve mm: f o Hiick in tin; dark days of 191S, wlii'ii tho world was war-mad and tlic fields id' Flanders, the Arnonne and I'.ellean "Wood were soaked in tlie blood of the world's finest manhood; when democ racy and civilization were t reinhlin under the assaults of the well drilled forces of aristocracy and the war-lords of J'lurope, it was America, who stepped into the breach of the wavering allies an! saved a world from destruction. JENNINGS THEN SHERIFF OF JACKSON COUNTY, AND EXEMPT FROM MILITARY DUTY, HEARD THE CALL OF HIS COUNTRY, VOLUNTEERED HIS SERVICES AND OFFER ED HIS LIFE IN THE DEFENSE OF HUMANITY, PAYING A WONDERFUL TRIBUTE TO THE MANHO OD AND - PAT RIOTISM OF JACKSON COUNTY. RALPH JENNINGS ASKS TO BE, RETURNED TO THE OF FICE WHICH HE FORSOOK TO SERVE HIS COUNTRY AND YOU. IT IS ONLY SLIGHT REWARD FOR THE SAC-. RIFICE HE SO FREELY MADE, AND SURELY THE PAT RIOTISM AND GRATEFULNESS OF THE FATHERS, AND MOTHERS OF JACKSON COUNTY, AND ITS YOUNG MAN HOOD AND WOMANHOOD WILL NOT DENY HIM. He Served His Country Well; He Can Serve His County Well! JENNINGS And Law Enforcement Kalpli Jennings pledges the office to the (st.rict enforcement of all laws. With respect to the liquor law, lie practices that whieh he advocates, being a total abstainer. HIS FORMER EXPERIENCE will permit him to take up the duties of the offute of sheriff with out any economic loss to t he t a spacers of the county and. thp ma chinery of that departniejit'will go forward without any delays, so common when inexperienced men are compelled to spend days, even weeks, in picking up the details of their official positions.- . ' .-... Vote 64 X RALPH JENNINGS t'ind return an ex-service man to a position which he volunteered to resign tlitit he might serve his country.' We promised Volunteers Their Positions on Their Return LET'S MAKE OUR PROMISE GOOD1 This Adveristment Paid for by the Frieiids of Ralph Jennings.