Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 31, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Money Savers
Sun-Maid Raisins, new crop, lb. .... . 10c
Sweet Potatoes, nice smooth stock, 4 lbs. 25c
No. 2 Pumpkin, can 10c
D. W. Coffee, 5 lb. can;eAch . . . $2.20
Bulk Macaroni, 4 lbs. for . . . . . 25c
Pure Eastern Buckwheat, 9 lb. sack, each 85c
You Can Buy it for Less at Louie's and
You Don't Have to Carry It
Free Delivery-
Phone 271
Now Forgiven
and Forgotten
Since W e Eooloed
The NEW Shape
Tru-Bake Cracker
The first time your teeth meet through one of our new
Tru-Bake Sodas you will wonder why we were not clever
enough to have changed the shape long ago.
The new shape fits the bite. Nips off clean without
shattering to bits.
Bakes light and crisp. ,
Tastes like MORE.
Ask Your Grocer
for Tru-Bake ,
Soda Crackers
TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO, Spokane and Portland
The Home of Tru-BIu Grahams, English Style Biscuits and the
Famous Tru-BIu Fruit Cake.
The Old Fashioned
Pumpkin Pies, Red Apples, Popcorn
Ghost Stories, Games AH Go To
gether to Make an Enjoyable Evening.
Seedless Raisins
New - Crop
Oregon' Walnuts'
Medford Made
Popcorn Tho
Kind Thai Pops
At the Sign of the Pear
Phone 109 132 W. Main
W'horever thero Is low ground thore
U iitiw a small lake, ami thu tumors
if tlu HtrHtH are running In swift
, flowing wutt'i which carries ihu U'uves
and other refuse to tho catch bushis.
Tho basins and Klorm sewt-rs havu fro
1 qui'ntly linen c1okkI up at various
points throughout the city, hui-kitiK
tho water Into small lake formations
uu the HtttM-u, thus making it tllffi-
cult for pedestrians, and keeping the
street department on the jump in open
ing up tlu storm sewers and hasitts.
, Fell slippers, all colors and sizes.
I K7c. Jap Art Store. lid
j Hub-Inn Heauty Pniioq Invites you
; 10 holt-in for a hair boh, marcel, facial
! or scalp treatment. Satisfaction Ruar
' dittoed. Over Liusy ''orner Motor l'o.
! I'hone S1U. 191
Try our dry jvash, 7c per lb., mlnl
'inum 75c. A II flat pieces Ironed.
American laundry, phone 873. tf
I Miss Margaret UooM, formerly a
' reporter on this paper, now a student
in the school of journalism at O. A.
l, is a copyreader on tho "iiaroine
ter." tho campus paper.
See Valley Fuel company for tho
host and cleanest Utah and Wyoming,
also eastern anthracite coal. 1 71 tf
Seo Valley Fuel company for all
kinds of fuel. Speciul prices on the i
only dry fir slab wood In tho city.
PeVoe Rerves pood buttermilk, tf
H. C. I'ace, manaKcr of the Shasta,
is making a few more improvements in
his place of business by putting In
more booths in the back end and nso
Installing a new and larger steam ta
ble. Durkeo. tho bulkier, 838 Palm, will
finance home builders. tf
lteasonablo board and room; home
cooking with home privileges. Phono
724-X. 40ti S. riverside. 191
Hemstitching, atwlck. Inc. 192
Victtu Dale, who was placed In jail
yesterday, following charges of ap
propriating government property from
the Armory hero, was released upon
furnishing $10U bond. Dale has signi
fied his Intentions of pleading not
guilty and has been held over for a
military trial. It has been discovered
that Dale on a recent visit to Portland
did not make the trip to sell tho arti
cles it Is alleged he took from the
Armory, but wont to sell some real
estate which he owns In Ashland. No
date has been set for Dale's trial, since
It has been impossible to thus far
make arrangements with the military
authorities who will try the case.
Oddfellow dance at Hogue Itiver
Friday evening, Oct. 31. Come and
have a good time." 190
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Have your hemstitching done at tho
Vanity Shop, Uartlett and Main, for
8c a yard. tf
A remark hoard many timos the
past few days is "What if the elec
tion was to be held today, or If It had
been held yesterday? Ouch!" Then tho
speaker always closed with ihls com
ment: "I i et ling rid of the bad weath
er now means good voting weather for
next Tuesday."
$25.00 value Mnh Jong set now
$9.50. Jap Art Store. 19Fr
"ee our 2 ft. heavy fireplace fir
slabs, dry or green. Newcomb, phone
631. tf
The Dixie club will meet with Mrs.
fioorgo ll. ('anode, 624 Dakota street,
Saturday afternoon nt 2:30. Members
are urgently requested to uttend.
Have you tried that big milk shake
at DeVoe ?
Dance Hiversido Community Club,
Saturday night, Nov. 1st. New decora
tions; supper and a. big time. 191
The republican county committee
is anxious that every one display pic
tures of jC'oolldge and Dawes in the
window of their business residences
and wear buttons until after election.
If you haven't pictures or buttons get
them at republican headquarters, 213
Liberty building.
Newcomb has the'very best heavy
fir slabs, dry, 12 and 16-Inch. Phono
631. tf
Unity literature teaches people how
to bo healthy, efficient, prosperous,
harmonious and happy. Free distri
bution., Itoom 219 Hotel Medford.
Billy's Taxi, Phone 23. 202
The tax budget for 1925 provides
for" a levy of $16,800 for the building
of a bridge on tho Pacific highway
across Rogue river at Gold Hill, long
a bane to autoists.
For Saturday. Ono lot of velvet
trimmed hate just received, worth
$10.00, priced at $4.95. Reduction
on kiddie hats. Tho Fmmy Lou Hat
Shoppe. M. M. Store. 190
Complete line in Hucllla and Pacific
package goods. Handicraft Shop.
Buffet sets, dresser scarfs, tea sots,
covers. All new patterns, for Christ
mas work. Handicraft Shop. 191
Out of town Oregonians whb are
temporary visitors in Medford Include
Mr. and Mrs. 10. U. Howey of Glen
dale, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ager of
Roseburg, Roy Zimmerman of Canby,
K. C. Brandeberry of AUwrny, J. L.
Fuller and Harmon Anderson of Eu
gene, and the following from Port
land: Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Colby. IT.
M. Word. W. A. Martin, Wm. Abel-
gaard, J. M. Macleay. T. V. Sams, Carl
Knutsen, R. P. Williams, E. Skibitzo,
Fred J. Mack and George Jackson. .
Columbia Plaster wall board. Call
for prices. . Wallace Woods Lumber
New wood yard, Pollock & Erlck-
son, phone 1140. We also saw wood.
The decision in tho Morritt divorce j
case is expected to be handed down
next Monday by Circuit Jndgo Thomas.
Buy your Christmas gifts at Jap Art
store removal sale. You will surely
save big money. 195
George Hilton. Jr., federal land bank
npralser spent yesterday in the Grants
Pass vicinity looking after business In
connection with his position.
Imported mother of pearl beads,
$10.00 value, $1.25. Jap Art Store.
19 5
Since 1909 the home of "Sure In
surance." K. A. Jioimes, Tne insur
ance Tan." 171lf
Beginning with tomorrow north
bound passenger train No. 14 will ar
rive In tho city at 2:30 a. m. Instead of
a. in. ns now. Under this change
No. 14 will arrive In Portland about
3:30 p. ni. dally.
Fancy mealy Netted Oem potatoes
from Yakima, Wash., $1.80 per hun
dred, delivered any place In city.
Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. 241
X. Fir St. 177tf
Havo your floors waxed and pol
ished find your window cleaned by i
A heavy snowfall In the Sifkfyous
is reported by motorists who have
come over the highway from the south
during tho pnst few days. One trav
eler reports that he came through 12
inches yesterday and snow and sleet
were still falling- lie was forced to
use chains on all four wbeWs to ke p
on the road. Gruuu Pass Courier.
Call Newcomb for fir ulab wood.
Phone (131. tf
Daily's Taxi, phone 1 5. Inclined
and heated cars. lti::tf
Mrs. James McCrackn is entertain
ing Miss Ada Biewster. the home
demonstration aent. during her stay
at the Valleyview sewing school.
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. ' tf
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Included among 1 1 1 r ilifornia tem
porary sojourners in Medford today
are: Mr. and Mrs. H. I.riier and James
K. Page of Los Ani-les. r rH.
Paul Watson uf Shasta Springs, and
tho following from S.m Francisco:
Mr. and Mrs. W. C Champion. Mr. and
Mrs. li. S. Smllie, K. . I Such lea, II.
Koch and George kaunann.
Newcomb has the very best heavy
fir slabs, dry, 12 and lii-ineli. Phone
ti31. tf
Enjoy cream waffles and coffee for
breakfast every morning at Fra nk-tin's.
Tho fire department was just called
in time to save the home at looil West
-Main street at 3 a. m. Thursday be-
itise of a fire beneath the fire place
which had been smouldering there for
hours, filling the houy,. with smoke
and was Just about ready to break out.
Tho fire was extinguished with small
loss. The fire depart tuent was also
called to 52S West loth at 5.15 u. in.
Wednesday, because of a flue fire
which caused no damage.
Hemstitching, buttons covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bonar's
Mayonnaise and Sandwich Spread.
Guaranteed pure and wholesome. Try
them. 194
J3r. J. F. Roddy arrived home this
morning from an nbseiue at Crescent
City, Calif., and Portland, to remain
until Sunday, when he will depart for
Crescent City, i
Phone 444 for safety, for service,
for satisfaction. It. A. Holmes "The
Insurance Mali.". ltltf
Enjoy cream waffles and coffee for
breakfast every morning at Frank
lins. ( 19 5
C. W. Johnson of Lewiston, Idaho,
is visiting his brother. John W. John
son. C W. Johnson left Medford
when 10 years old and this is his first
visit since ho left. Ho is very much
impressed with Medford anil says it
Is tho businest town he has seen. Mr.
Johnson Is a high class sign designer
and may locate hero.
Palmer Piano House rents pianos.
Hemstitching. Natwick, Inc. 192
Dance Riverside Community Club,
Saturday night, Nov. 1st. Now decora
tions; supper and a big time, 191
The Associated OH company plant
on tho southern outskirts of tho cityj
was broken into again by thieves last
night, and about 15 gallons of oil and j
a quantity of clothing was taken. This j
plant has been broken into a number j
of times within the past two years, i
Sheriff TerrlU spent a portion of to- (
day in Investigating the case. )
Foot troubles will not correct them- j
selves, proper attention and scientific j
treatment is necessary. Dr. Lautis,
2nd floor Medford Bldg., phone 77.
Hot t a males, chill co came, Span
ish and Mexican dishes, Guahor Cafo.
National Canned Foods Week
November 8th to 15th
Calling attention to National Canned Foods Week. Special prices
by the dozen or case. You can assort the goods to suit you.
Fresh Home Made Cakes
Fresh Home Made Pies
Fresh Home Made Salads
Fresh Home Made Cottage Cheese
Fresh Home Made Baked Beans
Pure Pork Sausage
Experienced Salesmen to Serve You
Personal Attention Prompt Service
H. E. Marsh ,
Phone 252 GROCER 1 1 Phone 252
." i. t' . .
Are You Discouraged?
If you are weak, nervous, easily
tired and subpect to "the blues" and
worry about your health, you can now
not full stronKth" treatments of the
highly praised kort-x compound with
out inconvenience or delay. This com
pound, warranted to contain no "dope
or habit forming drugs, Is commended
by thousands as an enorglzer and res
torative. It is now being distributed
in this territory by Heath's Drug Store,
109 II. Main street; Medford. Hoth
men and women say they have found
It to be a remarkable product. Ask
about korex today. Perhaps it Is ex
actly the medicine you havo been
Inferred Shxkyidds
ask any
member of our
Salvaged Eyesight!
Thiit's just it. Many a (In
fective eye lias been exani-
incd: by an Optometrist,
Who from results obtained
by his scientifically accu
rate instruments has been
able to obtain correct data
for making tho necessary
Hy this means the eyesight
can be brought back to its
normal stale and the indi
vidual assured genuine
comfort and good health
in many cases.
Dr. Jud Rickert
Over Deuela
We Haven't the Cheapest Meat in Medford But Taking s
Into Consideration Our Meats are as Good as the Best..
Phone 325 I
- And We Will Deliver. ' . I
It's a Fact That the :
20th Century Stores
Have the Food 'Buyer's confidence.; That's why these stores are constantly ;
increasing in numbers and volume of business. ; i .J',
They always give the consumer the soundest values. 1 -
Carnation or Borden's Milk Jello Any flavor, Snider's Catsup
Tall cans, each 9 package .'. .' 10 Large size 28
, PURE STRAINED HONEY, NEW Tif Mason javs,' 'feint," 33; dudrt 58? ;.
Corn Meal Fresh !) Hi. Fig Bars Freshly baked, Schilling's' VanillaPurq
sack 43 2 lbs 33tf ' 2 ox. bottle 33"
RAISINS Unbleached, Tliomps6n's Seedless, 3 lbs 29" :
Dromedary Dates Xewlv : Creme Oil Soap ' Crystal White Soap--)
packed, pkg 22 4 bars for 23? ; 10 bars for 39$
BRAZIL NUTS Large, washed, very fine, lb., 19; 3 lbs. for 55' ';
Royal Baking Powder ' American Beauty Oysters Zi:'l
Large cans 43 2a lb. can $1.29 No. 1 cans; 2 for : .....:35c
t PREFERRED STOCK MAINE CORN Can 20; G cans for $1.15
Melowest Cheese Oregon's Macaroni Fresh, . Crisco 6 lb. can. for
finest, 2 lbs. for 55 4 lbs. for 25 $143; 3 lb. can .;75
Tea Fancy Ceylon and India Campbell's Soups ' ' .
pound, 49 10 each
Mazola Oil Pint 27 Pop Corn It pops White King Largo size'
quart 49? 2 lbs. for 15? each, 49
20TH CENTURY COFFEE "The Perfect Plciid." It's the' taste that tells.
Roasted daily in our own plan!, pound 43?; 2 pounds .......85
Fancy Netted Gem Potatoes Menlv Fancy Dry Onions -
cookers, 1.1 lbs. for 25?; sack, $1.95 3 lbs. for 10 , .
Stores Conveniently Located r 'v'
312 North Ccniraf 374 East Main 509 Q St.
A. M. RhoaUs, phone 705-W. tf