Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 15, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    Frrn two
deal and '
Fulluwlnir the wind of yesterday
which blew at the rate of from 16 to
18 hour, and nt times reach
cd a niaxlniuin of 20 miles hourly,
rain Bet In which continued nil night
and settled down to a steady drizzle
during most all of today; Up to
o'clock thlx morning .08 of an Inch
had fallen. Haln is the. prediction for
Thursday, i
. . , Hlfe'h school. boy seventeen years old
wants to work for his hoard and room
In a home In Medford while attending
school Call Mrs. Jerome at the high
srhool, phone 770.
Marcel nnd curl last longer after a
f! n.l den Glint shampoo. 178
The tst. Mark's Men's cluh dinner
has been postponed from tonight to
November fth.
Columbia plaster wall boarcr. Call
(or price. Wallace Woods Lumber
VmI'.I. . '
Try our dry wash, 7o per lb., mini
tnum "Sc. All flat pieces Ironed
A mrrlcan. Laundry, phone 873. tf
Because of tho strong wind blowing
a rubbish fire near the Guy Conner
fruit packing plant nt about 6:30 p
in. yesterday was deemed very dan
gnrous, and tho flro department was
euminoned, which used 88 gallons of
chemical to extinguish tho fire.
Ilaskins for Health. 170
Vases, tea sets, earthen ware and
hlnaware reduced 40 to 00 per cent.
Jap Art Store., ., 180'
Miss Grace Hrown arrived home to
day from her several weoks visit at
Han Francisco and other bay cities.
Try our dry wash 7c per lb., mini
mum 76c. All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry, phone 873. tf
.We pay. for ashes and sell dirt
cheap. Brown & Whlto Agoncy Inc.
"Pr. U. S. Capp of the stato health
department, who Is in charge of the
various county hoalth units, arrived In
the city this morning and went over
to Jacksonville with Dr. Holt to ex
amine Into tho work of tho recently
established Jackson county full time
hoalth unit. . .
Call Nowcomb for fir slab wood.
1'honq 031. ... . . tf
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Visitors from a distance sojourning
In Medford Include H. 8. Waters and
Kva and May Jol'nnipt of Chicago,
Mr.' and Mrs. C. K. Maud of Honolulu,
H. T., Mr. nnd Mrs. It. IJ. Whlto of
Kansas City. Mo., A. Anderson of
Syracuse, N. Y., Clarence C. Iloltc and
Arthur SStycr of Osslnlng. N. Y Frank
McKellre of Lincoln, Nub., Mrs. E. O.
Lloyd and David Lloyd of London,
Ask your grocer for Mm. Jlonar's
Mayonnaise and Sandwich Spread.
Guaranteed pure and wholesome. Try
them. 194
lluttons covered to match your
frown are an Inexpensive trimming.
See stylos nnd prices nt tho Handi
craft Shop. . ' 17B
With tho scalp of the Klamath
Falls grid warriors safely lucked In
their belt nfter their raid on the
Klamath reservation last Snturday,
the Ashland high football squad will
Journey to Grants ' Pass Halurdny,
where they will tangle with tho pig
skin artists of that city. Following
the Go-ants 1'ass game, Coach Hughes
of the local outfit has scheduled
tussle with the Itosoburg squad, to be
staged on the lloseburg field on Octo
ber SI. Ashland Tidings. ,
Lost Somewhere in Modford,- one
forearm of a Irffevor shotgun. IMense
leave nt Medford Furniture & Hard
ware Co. Reward. . 178
Have you tried that big milk shako
Bt DeVoe?
C. C. Cate and Everett Brnyton re
' turned to tho city this forenoon from
& pheasant hunt in the valley, with
seven of the birds In their car,
Starting Thursday, Oct. 16th, Billy's
Taxi. Stand nt O'Hara's Place. Phone
E3. Your patronage will ho appreciat
ed. ., Billy Hooker, prop. , 17 6
. Foot troubles will not correct them
selves, proper attention and scientific
treatment is . necessary. Dr. Ijintis,
2nd floor Medford Bldg., phono 77.
Wm. A. Aitkin Is In Portland on
Call Nowcomb for fir slab wood.
Phono. 631. If
Unity literature teaches pooplo how
tu be hoalthy, pffielont, prosperous,
harmonious and happy. Free distri
bution, ltoom 210 Hotel Modford.
James Taylor, tho local fuel man,
did not have his glasses on yestordny
and honco accidentally out a corner
at Central and Sixth streets, which
move was discerned by , Policeman
Georgo Prescott. Hence Mr. Taylor
later called on Judgo Taylor nnd paid
a fine of 15. , .
Hale on overalls at Jones', 225 W.
Main. 177
You can got It nt DoVoe's. -
Captain .A. J. Vanco is expected
back tomorrow from having spont
this week in Klamath Falls on tele
phone company business. -
Hot chicken tnmalos (It the Coxy
Nook. 177
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electrlo Shop, Klghth and
Dartlett. tf
H. C. Clark of Melrose. Douglns
county was fined $160 in Justice court
Monday for "spotlighting" a doe on
tho Pnciflo highway near Canyonvlllo.
That this practice is general Is attest
ed by the fact that the carcasses of 15
doe and fawns have been found In the
canyon recently.
Nowcomb can deliver the best fir
slab wood on short notice. tf
Imported Jap crepe, D yards for l.
Jap Art Store. , 180
A baby boy wns born to Mr. ami
Mrs. Harvoy Walters at tho Medford
Hospital yesterday.
Hnsklns for Health. 17fi
- Archie H. Ash returned to tho city
Tuesday from a visit at Wenatchee,
Seattle and Portland where he exam
ined colli storage, and pro-cooling
plants for tho lutest ideas, to be in
augurated in tho large plant of that
kind he will soon build here. Mr
Ash will remain In tho cliy some time
vet before returning to his homo at
San Francisco.
, Try Jonos' store first, 225 W. Main
, 1"?
Tree props. Medford Lbr. Co.
Mrs. Georgo Hunt went to Portland
last night on a two days business trip
Among the visitors here today from
iho state of California are Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Ferris of San Diego, 11. R
Plelto of Chico, Howard G. Ilrochson
of Palo Alto, H. It. Welch of JJurlln
game, F. H. Jameson of Hornbrook
Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Templar of Glen
dale and Charles Mol.eod, D. W
Mnene. J. 1J. Dawson, D. ti. Curtis, P
.1. Perry, F, A. Sutphon. Mr. and Mrs,
Georgo McMullen and son, Robert
Colin, George H. Weatherly ami It
Del. eon of San Francisco.
Newcomb can deliver tho best fir
slab wood on short notice. tf
Hot tamnles, chill con came, Span
Ish and Mexican dishes. Gushor Cafe
, , , tf
A. K. Ilosenbaum arrived this fore
noon from a several days stay at San
Francisco during which ho visited
with relatives from the east.
Two good rugs. Uxl2 or larger.
Phone 710. , tf
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
John Vincent of Jacksonville who
has been seriously 111 for about
month with gnllstones is somewhat
better. ,t.
Hot chicken tamales at tho Cozy
Nook. 177'
DoVoe-serves good buttermilk, tf
Miss Ada Brewster, the homo dem
onstration uuent. was given a recep
tion at Bellvlew by the Upper Valley
Community club at the home of Mrs.
A, :. Joy this afternoon.. , ,
Meat at Public Market Thursday
and Saturday. You have tho money.
I have the ment, let's trade. hite.
Booth 14. 170
Children's school hose at Jones,'
225 W. Main. 177
Total enrollment of the Oregon
normal school up to the present time
is 755 pupils. With belter accommo
dations and more room, as woll as a
larger number of Instructors, there
will bo a larger attendance.
Best blacksmith coal. Med. Lbr. Co.
Sure Relief
MiiM-J Hot wafer
rV SH Sure Relief
KlvfTHido Community Club dance
Hntunlny nlte. Onod musit:, good oats.
Fred Scheffel. N. S. Jlmiiu-tt, and
Howard Warner left yesterday for
Ilk creek on a short hunting trip.
Wo ha.vo been obliged to vacate
store room at once. XnuiB toys re
duced half price and under. Buy
them now and suvo money. Jap Art
Store. , 180
Milk nnd cream nt DoVoe's. tf
Thonlns JudKO of tho Medford
Greenhouse motored to Portland and
attended tho nights of Pythias con
vention. 1 '
Johnson's JeWolerH, watch spoc-
lullBts. tf
French laundry done by Savage
Washer. 304 N. Holly. - , 1V7
, O, I1. . Wagner of Steamboat is
spending a few days in this city.
Klvorsldo Community Club dance j
Saturday nlte. Ciood music, goou eats.
Phone 444 for safoty, for service,
for satisfactions H. A. Holmes "The
Insurance Maif." . ,, 171tf
Ulrls who have won baking cham
pionships In 20 Oregon counties will
compete for cash premiums, . trophies
and ribbons In a prune bread contest
n tho Pacific, International livestock
exposition, November 1 to 8. Inclusive,
under tho direction of Miss Holen
Cowglll, in charge of girls' domestic
Helen co club work in the extension
service of tho Oregon Agricultural
college. The baking teams will mix
their dough, roll their loaves and bake
their prune bread in full view of stock
show spectators. Prune growers of
Oregon and Washington aro bucking
the novel contest.
Wo pay cash for used pianos. Pal
mer Piano House, tf
Hot ehlckon tamales at tho Cony
Nook. 177
VZ. C; Gerald of tho Sun Insurance
Co. of Portland was n visitor hro
yesterduy. ,
liemoval sale at Jap Art Store.
Entire stock reduced. 180
Meet your friends at DeVoo's sum
mer garden, the coolest place in town.
Co. A. National Guard, will hold
their weekly drill tonight nt the
Armory, after which Initiation of new
members to tho Hooligan club ylU be
Watch this space Thursday for an
nouncement of full plan of tho Phoe
nix ladles for Friday evening. 176
Fur scarfs, chokers, Jnckots nnd
coats nt wonderfully low prices. Bart-
lott, Furrier, 178
enneth MclCenzle of Portland who
has been here several month psast left
today for his home.
Have your floors waxed and pol
ished and your windows cleaned by
A. M. Ithonds, phono 705-W. tf
The Knima Cline Shop is pleased to
announce the arrival of Miss Motlto
Van dor Voort, formerly of the Ben
son Hotel improvement Shop,. Port
land, Ore. Miss Van der Voort is a
graduate of woll known Madame Put
teneaudo system and Is fully qualified
to takb over all branches of our
beauty work. 177
Absolute confidence in their officers
was the opinion expressed at a moot
ing of Ashland stockholders of tho
llurtnmn Syndicate, held in tho local
offices of tho syndicate last night.
Tho meeting, nttended by approxi
mately 100 stockholders in the con
cern was called for the purpose of
discussing the charges lodged against
tho leadens of the company recently,
by tho Oswald West-li lack commis
sion, appointed by Governor Pierce, to
Horaco Heuch of Hinsdale, III.,
touring to San JJlogn, Calif., whore he
will spend tho winter, arrived In
Medford today to call on friends in
this city.
The Bullock Mercantile Agency col
lects. No collection no charge, no
entry fee or dues. Attorney, notary,
public stenographer In office. 183
O. F. Tate, secretary of the Oregon
He tall Merchants association, Is in
Medford and will also speak ut the
merchants meeting tonight.
Mrs. Nelllo M. Perl has been n big
booster for a Greater Medford for 15
years. It's your chance to booHt for
her. 17li
Palmer Piano House rents pianos.
At n meeting of the Portland busi
ness men held Tuesday, called . by
Julius Meier, it was decided to support
the State Chamber of Commerce and
devise means to finance Die sumo.
For sand and gravel phone W12-J.
Samuel Bateman. 44tf
For sulo Time, to buy spuds for
winter. Just received car fancy Yak
ima , Gems $2.00 per 300 lbs. while
they last. Johnson Produce Co., Jill
N. Fir St. Phone 07. 177
Miss KUa Plttenger went to her
home today, having been at the Coin
munlty Hospital for tho past week.
Palmer's for kodak finishing. tf I
Selling out, ranches, autos, phono
graphs, household goods. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Visitors hero today from the state
of Washington include Mr. and Mrs
if. A. Olson of lire inert on and the
following from Seattle: M. Coekcroft,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl R. Berg, R. H
Grandy, G. G. Gross, W. IJpping, II.
P. Bode, Mr. and Mrs. P, J. Franklin,
IT. R. Smith, O. IS. Driver. Mrs. Dr.
Kanse and Florence A. Bauni.
We pay for ashes und sell dirt
cheap. Brown & White Agency Inc.
. G. A.'Grcl7.y nnd P. J. Perry, repre
sentatives of tho general agents,
Marsh and McLellen of San Francisco
motored through thin city from Seat
tle on a business trip today.
Best work, prompt service, prices
ight. Pnlmer Studio. . tf.
J. IT. Torrett of Central Point, who
has been at the Community Hospital
for the past ten days, has gone to his
See tho wonderful bargains In fur
coats at Bartlett's, New Theatro Bldg.
R. J. Karl of Foothills orchard was
a business visitor hero yesterduy.
For that good coal without tho dust
call Hansen Coal Co., phone 239.
Ben IT. Johnson, who has the spec
ial agoncy for the Royal Indemnity
Co., was hero from Scuttle yesterday.
Since 1909 the home of "Sure In
surance." R. A. Holmes, "The insur
ance Man." 1 7 1 If
The United States court officials
und attnehes of the present term of
federal court here entertained at aj
mallard duck dinner last evening at
tho Hotel Medford, Postmaster and
Mrs. Wm. J. Warner, Colonel and Mrs.
C. G. Thomson and Judge Glenn O.
Taylor, whose guests they wero on a
trip to Grater Bake last Sunday. Tho
ducks wero brought over from Klam
ath county by an attache of the
Klamath Agency nnd wero a present
to Chief Assistant U. S. Attorney Al
lan Bynon.
Novolty fur jackets at Bartlett's Fur
Shop, .South Central , 178
James Cunt rail was nmong the vis
itors hero yesterday from Jackson
ville. Womon! Don't watt until election
day to decide who you aro going to
vote for nnd why. Phono 47 and I
will' tell you why I am running for
coroner. Mrs. Nellie M. Perl. 17G
The public is urged to remember
and attond tho 1. T. A. council silver
tea at tho home of Mrs. W. B. Robin
son at 906 West Fourth street. Mrs.
V. Meldo Hlllis will sing and Miss
Joyce Maddox will give a piano selec
tion. Local representation must, be
had at the stato convention next week,
and attendance at this tea will make
it possible. '
Tho Holland Hotel has two modern
furnished apartments for rent with
hot and cold water and steam heat, tf
Carl Bennett of Central Point hus
purchased the H. D. Mills homo on
South Grape street, which he expects
to take possession of within. tho next
few days. Tho sale was made by
Chus. A. Wing.
Dully'H Taxi, phono 15. Inclosed
and heated cars., 162tf
Car fresh lime. Medford Ihr. Co.
WANTHU Second-hand cook stove.
Pox 19, Mail Tribune. ; 17S
FOR SA !.;-
-Weaned red pigs. Phono
"hrfhred Stodkyielcb
ask anv
member of coir
Investigate the slock activities of the
syndicate. A committee was appoint
ed lust night to thoroly audit the
books of the company, and to investi
gate the condition of the plant hero,
In order to decide exactly how Justi
fied the attacks on the syndicate, by
the commission wore. Ashland Tidings.
Hemstitching, buttons covered m
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Riverside Co mm unity Club dunce
Saturday nlte. Good music, good eats.
. Morris Coturrl, special agent of the
Southern Pacific, was here today.
Johnson's Jewelers, watch spec
ihltsts. tf
Fresh lime. Med. Lbr. Co.
F. & E. Theatre
A Serial
"Tli'd Way of a Man"
A uramatic Feature
"Counterfeit Love"
An All Star Cast'
. "Two Scrambled"
Admission 10c and 30c
The Mo lcrn Woodmen of America
have a very Important meeting sched
uled for tomorrow ui their hall over
The Toggery and a full attendance of
the membership is desired.
A baby girl was born to Mr. nnd
Mrs. K. H, Lucas of ileagle, at tho
Community Hospital yt'Hierduy morn
ing. We have four empty Ink barrels at
this office free for tho calling. Better
come at once, . tf
Mrs. Will Andrews Is ill at tho home
of her brother, George Andrews,
If it's insurance aK It. A. Holmes,
"The Insurance Man." 171tf
Out of town Oregon la ns here today
Include" Guy X. Hickok of McMinn
ville, Mr. and Airs. O, G. Hansen of
Astoria, H. Kgeborg of Glendale. Mr.
and Mrs. K M. Combs and V. C. Getty
of Kugene, W. C. Van Knieron, Mr.
tint Mrs. W, Templar, W. J. Williams
and W. H. Morgan, of Klamath Falls,
I'M Gomez, and Frank Xitkey of liutte
Falls and tho following from Port
land: II. A. Johnson, C. A. His, It. Mo
Donald, W. G. KUiott. II. It. Kemp,
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wclister, Charles
V. Kolt, V. W. Burke, N. li. .Jameson,
Carl G. Lufkln, Kobert H. Atkinson,
Kd Harney, George Letson, 11. W.
Keith and N. H. Walker.
Hot chicken tamalen at tho Cozy
Xook. - 177
George Genoud,, special agent of the
Michigan Fire Insurance Co., was here
from Kan Francisco yesterday trans
acting business, .
We have paper in rolls like that
used in printing tho paper for sale,
cut to fit any size wrapping paper
rack, or in long rolls 33, 50 and 66
inches wide for sale at a bargain.
lJhono 76 or call. tf
Two now homes are being erected
in the Summit Addition, one of
these by U. J. Miller nnd the other
by Chas. A. Wing. Mr. Miller is build
ing a five room stucco bungalow,
which Is to be complete In every way.
Mr. Wing's new homo is to bo a mod
ern five room bungalow .also, it Is
being built on tho English colonial
Delicious homo made candy, handy
10c package. Orders taken. The Art
Shop Unique, 3 North Bartlett. 179
A. C. Hubbard is spending a few
days In Portland attending to bus!
noss matters. '
Otto Segrin Says Tanlac
Restored Health and
"Seven years of stomach trouble
cost me lots of money, hut Tanlac
mado a well nnd happy man of me
and it only took about six bottles of
tho medicine to do it," In the striking
statement uf Otto Segrin, 01 K. 7Uth
St., North Portland, Ore.
"I had dyspepsia so bud I ' couldn't
keep my breakfast down at all and
if 1 ate anything heavy at night 1
couldn't- even sleep. I always felt
fagged out and was hardly able to
do a day's wwk.
"Tanlac mado my stomach feel and
act like new and" gave mo n new start
on the road to good health. I also
gained 20 lbs., and never felt bet- ,
ter in my life than now. My daugh- j
ter, ago 15, .has also taken Tanlac j
with fine results and I have a brother!
who is delighted with what the medl-1
cine is doing for him. I never fail to
speak out for Tanlac' j
i Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-.
gists. Accept no substitute. Over
40 million bottles sold.
Tanlao Vegetable Pills recommend
ed by the manufacturers of TANLAC.
. . Adv.
of all
sickness Is traceable
to faulty elimination.
properly balanced
food enjoyed each
day some way will
make you regular as
are soon "nipped In the bud"
without "dosing" by use of
V VapoRub
Out 1 7 Million Jan Vmrni Yearly
fx - 1 ?
Note the New Size
and Shape
No other crarker is shaped
just like a .Tru-HaUo soda
cnu'ker. It's in i class by its self
ask vnru ';itocFit i on the
"Store Teeth"
Can always lis hadf hut you
can never Ket. "store eyes," un
less they are tho glass, sightless
Preserve your eyes by having
them examined periodically, just
as you do your teeth.
Our service is thorough, con-.
Retentions, if you do not wear
Classes but need them, we will
tell you; if wearing them wo
can inform you positively as to
whether they are suited to your
Our reputation has been built
upon this personal Interest service.
Dr. Jud Rickert
Over Deuels
Gloria's triumphant return to
the type of society love-drama
that made her famous. Still the
brilliant actress of "The Hum
ming Bird," but her beauty
adorned with the most exquisite
gowns of her career.. '
Why Akron Trusses are
"Best in the World"
0.,r sl.,a "Jiest in Hie Worl.l" nitty "t fiwt blush
8ound rather eXHn.led, but if . uiibiasotl c)m)non
,s b,tv... the AUrou Truss ami ..y t hr rup ut-e
;..ppiiac.t. .... the market, it will have to be udnntted tJIat
our claim is based oil absolute facts.
First of Mil Akron Trusses are scieul ilieally tlesi-ucl lor
the csact purpose for which they are intemled-to
,.. Vet support and protect ion for thu alTeeted parts and
)lllM ,.u, rupture securely in place without causius the wearer
ll,e pai.'i or annoyance. Kvcr.v one of the -10 styles
f kron Trusses has been tho.-ou-hly icsfed,out in jictiml
pV.-.etfoe and is Kuafanloe.l to accomplish exactly what is
claimed for it. .
Heath's Drug Store
Phone 884
As near to you' as your phone
"A Society
"Tho Fighting Coward"
Is Coming
S'o have all tho things necessary
to mako your party a success.
Invitations, Favors, Place Cards,
Masks, Fortune Tellers, Decorative
Crepe Paper, etc.
7 asfe.t
afei 'cipus
For instance take our
strawberry e r e a m,
mnde from fresh red
strawberries, you get
the lasting flavor of
the berry in every
spoonful. ' The flavor
is genuine. You can
he suvo of it. .
Ask for
Nutritious Ice Cream
Make a Diamond HER
Stepping Stone to
Friend Wife hasn't forgotten that you promised
her the Diamond just as soon as the furniture was
all paid for
It's not that you don't want "her" to have that
ring it just keeps slipping your mind
Santa Claus will soon be poking his nose around
the eorner slip in here tomorrow and pick' out'
her Christmas Diamond.
Prices So Low They Surprise You
Always keep in mind that
Dignified, Confidential, Convenient
The Treasure House ' , '
Long Famous for Diamonds
If yon would assure yourself of all tho comforts you seek In' a homo,
build that home and satisfy yoursolf. Wo make a low cuargo to
members add others on loans. . i .
Jackson County Building & Loan Ass'n.
C. M. klDD, Pres.
0. C. BOGGS, Sec.
"I'll Mail You a Check Today"
Why is it you have a poculiar feeling 0f respect
for the man who says to you: "I'll mail you a
cheek today" and does it ?
You respect him and he deserves it. Analyze
if you can, his feelings when he says it. He is'
energetic and confident and all because he is
SAFE. He knows the check will come hack
cancelled, thus being an indisputable receipt.
He knows his money is safe, and here's the
BIO thing his visits to this bank have created
an acquaintance with' Men Who Do ThiivVs'i '
The Medford National
25 ord 75 Package Cvrywrrcrt