' PAGE FJflirr MEDF0T1T) MATL TTCTRTTNE, MffiDFOTtD." ORKflOX, MONDAY. SKPTKMRKR 20, 1924 REPOR MECCA I CAPrURED By MOSLEM REDS LONDON, Sf lit. 29. (By tlie Asso ciated Press.) It lias been learned Hint a telegram was received III l,on don from King Hussein .or lledjas, dated at Macon, Saturday night, de scribing tlio slluntlon there as "very grave." To news lias been received however, definitely indicating that the city lias fallen. Head Coach Bob Fisher and Harvard Captain Start Football Practice at Soldiers Field LONDON, Soiitt. 29. While the Moslem world Is anxiously awaiting confirmation of the report that Mecca has been captured by tho Wahalils fanatical Moheuinieilan puritan reform ers, who held tho holy city for a few years at tho beginning of the nine teenth century what llttlo news is reaching the outside world by way of rumor, suggests that the report is likely to be true. King Hasscth, who during the Great War mode Mecca the capital of his new kingdom of tho Hcdjnz, Is reported by the Daily Chronicle's Cairo corres pondent to 'bo Tetroating with h's scanty forces of Hashaniitos to Jed dah, the port of Mecca. Tho belief is held, according to the correspondent's dispatches, that Hussein's allien have failed In their attempt to recapture Talf, which the Wahahls seized recent ly. Capture of Talf is of Importance to Mecca becnuse it is from there that the capital receives most of Its food stuffs, Tho tribes betwoon Mecca and Talf are reported to have refused to help Hosseln whoso safety, according to current reports, is in danger. The Chronicle's correspondent says that the rumors of tho fall of Mecca created a sensation in Cairo and Is causing a stir throughout Islam. 'WlA" "i $& - IMS k 1 - I T BUST THE TRUSTS OR YOU'LL Bob Fish or, head coach, loft, Is itecn here with Captain Malcolm OrPL-noiiRh of the 24 varsity foot ball team on Soldiers Held, Cam bridge, Moss. Coach Fisher faces tho hardest task of his career in attempting to develop a Varsity team capublo of playing football tlie way Harvard teams of tho past have played it. 1924 State Fair Had Smaller Attendance, But Profits Larger .TALENT TALK HAI.KM. Ore., Sept. 2!. Tho tutul pnld attonilanre at the Oregon Htato fair, whitli cloned here yeHterdny, was; 09,300, or II 0 0 0 Ickh t h a n Iuk t yea r when 7U.200 paid admissions at tho. Kte. Cash receipts of tho fair thiH year wero $99,312, ngalnnt $102,1172 bint year. j Expense! of tho fair Just cloned aroi oHtlmated at about $3000 ihh thanj last year, and tho fair board believes a Iui-Kr balance will be left than ii' year ko when all accounts are mjuiir-1 ml up. .Season tickets sold this year nKHrenated $1510.75 against $1574.50 last year. Mr. and Mr, Kd llowman returned Wednesday to their homo In (.'bilo quin. They havo been visit Ijik Mrs. Howmun's mother, who l ill mid his slator,. Mrs. TurnbauKb at tho Amoa iipartmentH. The ladles' Community club will hold their regular meeting next Wed nesday afternoon, October lKt at 2:30. A large attendance is duslred as there are sovoral mutters of importance to be voted on. , Born to Mr. and MrH. .It. JO. N'ew bry Thuraduy, Hoplember 25 1U2-1, a son. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Wliltukor and family of Klumnth Falls were callers on Mr. und Mrs. Thomas 11IU last Hundiiy. They formerly resided in Medford. I .Mrs. Parks has returned from a visit in Ht. Helens. She was accom panied home by her sister, who will visit relatives here. At a meeting of the student body held Friday morning, September 2(1, Donald Try or was elected editor in' chief of tho "Talent ill-Ule" by u I large majority aiui Frank Dunkln was elected manager. Thu other officers are appointive. I This past week a series of talks on the constitution have been given, one vachi morning In assembly. Those who have given talks are Vei n riplers, Donald Tryor, Frank lmnkin and Miss Ruth iinwnutn. Ribbed Fabrics Show Even On Millinery iClbbcd weaves have been indicated for several seasons, and now show sl;nn of ninlntalning a place among the fabrics classed as fancies. In promoting rib weaves a French mill iner has adopted bengalincs and glv .en I ham important presentation In her fall and winter collection of bats for general wear, American milliners, and manufacturers of skirts and dresses also are advocating ribbed weaves with fair success. Fine ribs are appropriate for dress es, while tho heavier ribs, classed as ottomans, meet with tho approv al of manufacturers looking for an appropriate Jnovelly with which to make d reHsy w ra ps and cou is. lEIOND, Ore., Sept. 29. V. C. Bar ker, of Xarnpa, Idaho, died this morn ing us a result of an accident in the Sbevlin-ilixon mill last Thursday. Mr. Barker was at the mill looking for work when a pile of lumber for Home unexplained reason fell over, cutching him unawares. 1 Me was unconscious for some timo but was thought to be recovering, taking a sudden turn for the worse Saturday. He was fifty years bid and hail only been In Bend a few days. His widow has been munitioned but has not arrived here. Large Hats Make Dent in Modes OItlKlti:i TO TARK TUAIX Refuses lo Dismiss Case. SAN FJtANVlSCO, Sept. 2!). Unit ed Btfttes District Judge John S. Part ridge, today denied a motion by the plaintiff to dismiss tho $i.noo,000 breach of promise action entered against Cornelius Vamlerbllt Whitney, young New Yrk nnd San Francisco capitalist by Evan Burrows Fontaine, a dancer. (Con tin tied from page one) rain. As this Is the last playing day i of the National league, the teams wilt be unable to play it off. Inasmuch' as Itrooklyn h is also completed Its pro- ' gram, the (Hants close the season a game and a half ahead of the Dodgers. At Chicago. K. H. K. Plltshurg 0 12 0 Chicago 4 12 4 Batteries: Vde, Song4r and Oooch; Blake. Wheeler and ('hurry. Ijirge hats, especially In felt with velvet, trimming, are making quite an Impression on the made, declares the Dry Goods Economis. Berets are pro gressing rather slowing, althn recent importations that will be widely cop ied, include the tain type. Off-tho-face models are featured in practical ly all lines to the extrtnt that they are almost certain to go over with success. They offer an agreeable change from the small rolled brim mode). In the una 11 hats thero Is a ten dency to turn the .narrow brim up sharply at back and turn It down In front over the eyes. In felt models with a felt bow tho effect is tailored and smart. This hats Is n good choice for" wear with coats of generous fur collars, as the short back suits the collar. Skirls Cut Circular Golf and other sports skirts are expected to be in demand for fall, and short fur coats aro likely to require tailored cloth skirts that can be worn with Houses of a thinner, mnro' com fortable fabric than cloth would be. The tendency to circular cuts In skirts is marked. The fla re Is moderate and scams enable the skirt to be fit ted at tbejop without fullness. Dry floods Economist. BOSTON, Sept. 211 Frank T. Johns of Portland, Ore., socialist-labor can didate for president. In speeches de livered here yesterday and last night said the party he represented was op posed to any trust-busting policy, be cause, "if you smash the trusts today the working class would starve to death." "Does Senator LttFolletta want us to go back to the days of making shoes by hand?" he asked. "Keep tho trusts with their efficiency, but elim inate private profit." - ; An industrial organization of dele gates from the various industries of the country which would administer the nation's government at the name time that It carried on tho business of production nnd distribution was his expressed Idea of tho socialist-labor party objective. "By the constitutional tights of the ballot the political machine could be secured and tho governmental control changed from congress to industrial delegates," the candidate explained. STATE TREASURER DRAWS A MILLION TO PAY ON BONDS PRESENT FROM RELATIVE PROVED AID TO HEALTH Suffered With Indigestion For Years but Tanlac Re lieved and Built Her Up. Iowst Fires Are Over. BEND. Ore., Sept. 29. The "no smoking" rule In the Deschutes na tional forest him been lifted by Geo. II. Cecil, district forester, according to 11. L. Plumb, local forest super visor. The recent rains and snows hnve lesveued the fire hawird to such an extent that it is possible to permit hunters to smoke, Mr. Plumb said. AddlMHi Bennett Dying. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 29. Addi son Bennett, 79 year old news writer, is In a critical condition, and grave fears are felt for his life, his physic ians stated tnd)iy. He received a broken hip last week at his ' home here. Ho is only semi-conscious and his fever reached 102 today. DEFEAT OF It EDS ENDS HACK (Continued from page one) . SALEM. Ore., Sept. v 29. State Treasurer Jefferson Myers has drawn a check In favor of tho First National bank of Portland for $1,526,730 to pay interest on Oregon's bonded In debtedness and redeem bonds which mature on October 1. Ho has in structed the bank to transmit the funds by telegraph to the National Park bank of New York, the state's fiscal agent, to Insure ansoiuie credit thoie on that date. The funds aro for the following purposes: Oregon state highway gold bonds, interest, $912,730; principal $173,500; Oregon veterans' state aid bonds, In terest $440,500'. In addition interest on Oregon fnrm credit bonds In the amount of $5000 is payable October 1. These bonds are pf,ynhlo at tho office of tho state treasurer. in the I flciiils of tho army and navy and for eign consuls In this city and witness ed the presentation of platinum gold rings, made from Alaska metal to the, fliers. Although the aviators declared they would not attempt "another world flight for a million dollars." they added, modestly, Vthat II would be re- conslderod If they were ordered 'o. .IAPS MAY It It FA K IP BKAGl K (Continued from Page One) Portland Stabler Surrenders PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 29. J. B. McMahan, city paving inspector, sought In connection with the stabbing last Friday of W. 11. Ward, cement contractor, surrendered to I ho sher iff's office here today. He was given until four p. in. Monday to obtain ball. GoMfleUT Burn" Some More. ItBNO, Nev., Sept. 29- Fire early today destroyed all of Goldfleld'H business section except tho (Joldneiu hotel and the building of the Deep Mines company. Trio kikh cum aim tho News building occupied by the ri.tlHli.M nviliiin.. wet-o tnn-ned to the ground. They were the remnants of tho fire a year ago. able to fix a time for tin next meet ing beeause of I he failure to com plete the protocol on arbitration and security. Bulgaria has offered to appoint agents who, under tho auspices of tho League of Nations will supervise Bul garia's treatment of the Greek minor ity population and receive all peti tions from Greeks resident In Bul garia concerning their treatment. The council of the league accepted the offer-. Governor Is Worse. , CHEYBNNIfl. Wyo.. Sept. 29. The condition of Governor William B. Boss became alarming this morning, and a Denver speelallst was sum moned. The governor, who submit ted to an abdominal operation hist Wednesday, wai believed to be better Sunday but developed alarming symp Ioiiih earlv today. It was Haiti. liiblg Thought Sr Today HOW 'lio TltliST. Trust m the Lord with all thine bean; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In nil thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Prov. 8: B, ft. way enjoy ROMAN MEAL a properly balanced food, and become at regular as clockwork Miss Olga Strashun Tennis Champion of Four States and Youngster of Promising Ability I ( ft ?! J$5&$jH I At the left Is Mlu Clara LouIpc Vlnk sUteen year old tennis star who went from tha novice elms In ClnrtnnMt, Ohio, thlt Season Into Uie tftnto ebamploutulpt aha was defeated by Miss OIgi Strashun, right, tennis champion of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Miss Mtraahun looms up as ft national tenuis Mjifc Dlt. 11RUNO rtOnr.ijil BRINGS' PIIIKT PHOTOS - ' OF "AIHICAN POMPEII" Lcptis Magna, tho African birth -placo of tho Roman Emperor Sep timus Severus, is being freed from tho sando of tho Tripoli Desert by Ballon Ararchacologists. Dr. Bruno Rosclll, above, heed of tho Italian department at Vasar Col lege, recently arrived in Now York: with the first pictures of the great est Roman ruina in Africa. Dr. Rose Hi's visit to Africa canio at the end of a tour during which he re volted ten countries. a BETTER LIGHTING Brings Quick Decisions Don't blame the shop pers for hesitating. The color, finish and quality can only be seen when the lighting is correct. Consult us for a' remedy for your lighting troubles. Paul's Electric Store Phone 9"oh" c 3 You will be compelled to admit that the results of S. S. S. ore ' really amazing I MAN'S GLORY is his strength yet how few there are who are really as strong as they should be. The blood thins, gets weaker, blood cells wear out general weakness and a gradual break-down of the system results. - We know there is one thing that puts power in the blood, and that is more red-blood-cells I S.S.3. builds them by the million I Wo know that as blood cells increase in number, blood impurities vanish I But havo you ever' actually taken advantage of this wonderful fact? Thousands just like you havo never thought of it. So-called skin eruptions pimples, boils, blackheads, eczema all pack up and go when the tide of blood cells begins to roll in. Blood cells are tho fighting giants of Nature. S.S.S. is one of tho greatest blood cell builders, blood cleansers and body builders known to us mortals. Here is your opportunity! S.S.S. contains only vegetable medicinal ingredients. Bo cause S.S.S. docs build red-blood-cells, it routs rheumatism, builds firm flesh, fills out hollow cheeks, beautifies tho complexion, builds you up when you are run-down. Start taking S.S.S. today and get back that power in your blood 1 . S. S. 8. fa unit) mt .11 voml dm store, in two tlwn. The lamer size la more economical. 9 .S.S.$; akes You Feel ikf. Yourself Again This Week Only SUITS of 16 ounce heavy Body blue or gray Serge. Guaranteed Body -; Linings at $45 Have me take your measure for that fall euit NOW. ; Upstairs Powell St. at O'Farrell, SAN FRANCISCO Gose rto Theatres and Shopping District. Anewlr be.uliii.d Haiti Aji. aw.it th. vuitet to 3n Ftan ciKol N.w famithing. of anuiu.1 charm .n't comfort., looby flfngnrd to btovkJ. th. .tmoaohr of , ftt.uiiou. home .nd a n.w Diniat Room, coadenq on. of th. rooM tntamtuit in Aiaerk. .11 c.nlnbul. I to root wrlfml It n (he only hotel with runnini Ic. tt.tti m rr, room PLAN 'rjATBS HSOANDUPl HARVEY . TOY, Managing "When II lomns to it treatment for stomach nnd nerve . trouhlo, Tanlnc certainly does the desired thing. ' least It h:t for nto," recently stated Mrs. Millie Schaeffer, 120 North Hone Ht.. I.os AnKeles, California. "t hi.i miffpred front nervous in- diBostion fur years, together with con stipation, almost coimnni neauai .w...,.i,unuu utooiiinHKiicss. cur on tho stomach anil nausea. I had become so run-down natl wean tni nlmost impossible and life scented it burden. . "About n year ago u relative sent me n bottle of Tanlac and begged me to try it. It gave mo a splendid ap petite, good digestion; In fact, reliev ed my ailments and built me up to such an extent that I have almost no trouble since." " : Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlao Vegetable PIUb for eonstlpa. Hon; made and recommended by tha manufacturers of Tanlao. Adv. 4 Jl S I II Everything your roof should be! PLEASING appearance, weather-protection, fire-protection and long life these are the four essential qualities of a good roof. Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles give you these four essentials in the greatest measure, in the natural colors of sage green, Indian red, and blue-black. Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles are approved by Underwriters-' Labo ratories and bear their Class B label, thus meeting the requirements of strict building codes. ASBST ' SLATE SHINGLES Sold by MEDFORD LUMBER CO. Market Reports Daily If ycu want the current market quotations on the farm pro ducts you have to sell, call at the First National Bank, or tele phone. We receive market reports daily for the convenience and profit of our customers and friends. First National Bank Hudson Super-Six 4-Passenger Sport Excellent Shape, Good Rubber, The Price is Right. The Busy Corner Motor Co.