EIGHT STEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNT!. MEDFOItD, OREO ON", THURSDAY, ANDREWS PLAN TO BUILD 11 STUDIO Jlcilforcl Is to have a new musical cojmervatory In a special building ro niudDlod and fitted up for that pur- so. Including a small theater with a twatlnc capacity or 300 or 400 peo ij If the Dlans of Ed and George Atiirews to purcliase the old First Meiiiodlst church edifice on South! Hhrtlett street ore carried out. ' ItThe Andrews brothers and church! trustees have reached a purchase agreement, it is understood, and all that stands :n the wny of the deal going through is the consent of the city council to permit the frame build ing to be remodeled and occupied for that purpose. The council has left the matter In the hands of Its build ing and fire committee with sole pow er to act. This committeo consists of J. II. Butler. 11. W. Paul nnd K. 11. Jsnnoy. The only matter that may possibly prevent permission being Klven Is that of the theater part of the structure. The question has been under consideration for sevoral days hut up to this afternoon no decision bad been reached. According to' - the Andrews broth ers' plans no change would be made In the exterior, of the building, but the Interior WOtilfl be completely al tered so as tb provide the theater for recitals, etc., and sound-proof room a In which vocal and Instrumental In struction nnd practice could be car ried on. The building would be a general rendeivous for the music In structors of tho city and their pupils. F BUT RAINFALL IS IMAL Y. M. C. A. Workers Constantinople Feed Women of Harem The official weather report for last month shows that February with all Its cloudiness and 1.79 Inches of rain, is shy of the avorage rainfall for that month of over two Inches. Last year only .38 of Bit Inch fell during Feb ruary, however. The greatest fall of last month within 21 hours was .0 1 Inch on the 7th. There were 11 days last month with .01 or more inch of rain, 22 cloudy days, 4 partly cloudy ones and only three clear days. No snow was reported during the month, and but few foggy days. Tho February temperatures were as follows: Mean- maximum, 5.1.37. Mean minimum, 35.24. Mean, 44.30. Maximum, fit, on the 12th; minimum, 2S, on tho 10th. lfitli-24th. Greatest dally range, 33. Tho official data for February Is In part as follows: Mln 1 r.3 47 32 CON8TANTI.0PIK. M:ir. 6. Members' of Ihe rnllph's house- hold left behind on his departure for Switzerland are penniless and in acuto distress, no provision having been made for tho eunuchs and members of tho hurem. T L ASSAULT AT SEA CASE STARTS IN IA COURT) WASHINGTON, March 6. Samuel L. Knight, whose nomination as ane-l A number of Y. M. C. A. sec- ,cla counsel in tho Standard Oil Com-' retarles vlitited the palace yester- day and took food to the harem 4 S. P. INSTALLING 3 4 6... 6 ... 7 Max. .... r.3 .... 61 .... 44 .... 61 .... 63 9... 10 11 11 12 .-. 13 14 16 -.. Hi 17 18...... 19 20 TiOBBHIMtCl. Ore., March . A crew of !6 Southern Pacific signal men arrived hero today to start the Installation of eighteen semaphore typo block signals from Winchester south. In nddltlon to Installing these wifely devices along the main line. It is proposed to put In approximately 100 switch control boxes In the Hone burg yards to protect the mnln line during switching operations. The cost of the Improvement will be around 176.000. During the coming year the company plans to complete the In stallation of Mock signals between Kugeno and Ashland and link up the entire Portland division. Glycerine Mixture For Gas on Stomach Blmpl glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed In Adlerlka. helps any cobo gas on the stomach In TEN min utes. Most medicines act only on lower; bowel but Adlerika acts on llOTH I upper and lower bowel nnd removes! nU gasses nnd poisons. Hi-Ihk out matter you nex-er thought was in yout, system. Excellent for obstinate con-1 atlpation. tluanl against nppentl-l rills. Heath's lric Store. Adv.' 27.. 2S.. 48 60 48 40 68 68 CI G3 61 62 42 ... 51 ... 61 ... 60 ... 52 ... 57 ... 42 ... 67 ... 62 ... 63 ... 48 ... 68 .... 60 ... 55 38 40 44 37 45 37 29 28 29 29 39 31 28 42 28 37 30 29 38 32 27 24 29 31 39 41 38 40 Pre. .11 T .17 .or. .20 .10 .80 T .14 .14 T .03 T .01 .06 .12 T Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy, Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cy. Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cy. Cloudy Cloudy Pt.Cy. Cloudy Cloudy ( Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear ' Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy. Pt.Cy. ' Cloudy pany of California lease case has aroused opposition on the ground that he was counsel for a bank in which the Rockefellers were Interested, In formed government officials before accepting that he had never represent ed oil Interests. This was disclosed today In an ex change of the telegrams leading to his appointment, made public at the White House. Rush L. Holland, assistant attorney general, sent this telegram to Kulght on March 2: LA GRANDE, Ore., March 0. Eva "Do you now orhave you at any Ricks, aged 2 years, wos burned to time In recent years represented an death In a fire which destroyed the oil company? Are you in a position barn on the I,. N. Conlcy ranch, four, to accept without embarrassment eni mlles from Cove. Ore., early last eve- ployment to represent the government nlng, and her brother, Lewis Martin in litigation which will Involve tho Ricks, aged 4, was Berlously burned state of California and the Standard about the arms and neck. j Oil company as to sections 16 and 36 The children wore playing In the In naval oil reserve No. 1? If ao, barn when tho fire Blartod. The boy tabout what compensation would you managed to rush out, covered with expect and if you undertake It at flames, which his mother extinguished. ' once could you come here for confer The fire In the barn was too far ad- ence on notice? Please -reply collect vanced to permit rescue of the girl, and her remains wore found after the barn had burned to the ground. The boy was brought here this inorn- and treat this telegram confidential." Mr. Knight's reply sent March 3 was : Have not at any time represented Ing to tho home of his grandparents an oil company or oil interests and am for medical treatment. The funeral in a position to accept wthout embar of the girl will te held at La Grande Friday. TEIJ-'.Glt.VMS jm.AGGKD IX (Continued From Page One) White House flies after Issuance by the president of his statement dis closed, however, that the McLean message related to the Denby matter. A number of congratulatory messages were received in connection with both the statements on tho Itoblnson reso lution nnd the New York speech." ION SUIT T NKW YORK. March 6. A legal fight for control of radio broadcast ing In forecast ns a result of the suit by the American Telephone nnd Tele, graph company for a permanent In junction restraining station WJtN opciatcd here by Marcus l.oew and George S.-hnbel from broadcasting. The request for an injunction Is based on the contention that most broadcasting stations operating In the I'nltert states nro using apparatus that Infringes on patent rights of the A. T- and T. which operates station WEAK. Should the stilt be successful simi lar actions probal-ly will be started against other broadcasting stations, except nr.out forty which have made arrangements with the A. T. and T.' ' rassment employment to represent the government in tho litigation referred to In your wire of March 2. "Difficult to determine in advance what compensation I might reason ably expect and am willing to have it determined by department or autnor- Itv having matter In charge. If se lected I can arrange to undertake mat ter at once and come to Washington for conference whenever requested The telegrams were made public because of the statement of Senator Walsh, democrat. Montana, and other senators, that Information had been received by them indicating that Mr. Knight had done some work for the Pnnitahle Trust company of New York, which they said was a Rocke feller bank. WASHINGTON. Mar. 6. A tele gram from President Coollcfge to E. B. Mclean in Florida was read Into tho committee record today. The message sent on January 12, said: "Prescott Is away. Advise Slemp with whom I shall confer. (Signed) "Calvin Coolidge." Slemp was then in Palm lteach. Members of the committeo said they did not know who "Prescott" was. A short time before the committee had heard read a telegram from Chief Doorkeeper Mi-Kenna nt the White House.' advising Mclean on December 53 that Slemp was leaving that night for the fcoulh. Fall Tvlcgram Read Then an exchange of messnges was read showing that on January 10. Albert 11. Fall at Palm Heach wired Chairman Inrcot of the oil commit-) HOOD RIVER. Ore.. Mar. 6. De tee. asking If "Wash has authority tor1nrin that nn emergency exists. subpoena ma to testify." nnd got a committee of Moslcr orchardists. com response saying he had not. I posed of Mark A, Mayer. George Fall telegraphed from Palm Peach chamberlain and C. T. P.ennett was on January 11 that facts would be de- jhpre yesterday seeking the co-opero-veloped. but names not given In testi- (,. llf local men In plans for a valid mony before Senator Walsh at Palm her(j jftW. for tne Wasco county and M0S1ER ORCHARDISTS UP IN K OVER STOCK DEPREDATION DECATUR. Ga., March 6. Trial of the suit against Walter T. Candler, son of Asa G. Candler, Sr., Atlanta millionaire soft drink manufacturer, for $100,000 damages brought by Mrs. Sarah Byfield, 'also of Atlanta, was called in the DeKalb county superior court. Mrs. Byfield's suit grows out of a European trip, according to her peti tion, taken by a party which includ ed) Mrs. Byfield, her husband, Clyde K. Byfield: the defendant, Mr. Cand ler, and his two children. The plain tiff charges In the petition that while on board the steamship Berengaria en route to Europe July 17, 1922, she was attacked by the defendant In her state room. Her screams, the petition Bets out, brought her husband to her aid. Tho two men engaged, the petition stated, in a fist fight. Order Reichstag Dissolved T.nvnr.' March 6. President Ebert of Germany has authorized Chan cnllor Mnrv to dissolve the YeichstnK. according to an Agency dispatch re ceived by way or Amateraatn. n me rifianlntinn takes nlace this- week, the dispatch says, the elections will be held either on April 6 or 13 ana win include the occupied region. Ismet Pasha Resigns T.ONDOM. March 6. Ismet Pasha has resigned at Turkish premier, ac cording to the Constantinople corre spondent of the Exchange Teiegrapn, hot the nresident of the republic hajs asked him to form another cabinet. Notice Ait nnrtinn havinn lawns at I. O. O. F. cemetery should remit at once for care for 1924. L. R. Dusenbury. Sexton. 234 E. Ninth 6t., pnone bD-n. Medford. Ore. Good Kidneys Mean Long Life Keep Them Clean and Free Fro- Poisonous Waste With Dr. Carey's Marshroot Pre scription No. 777 AMERICAN LEGION Indoor Circus Armory-Medford March 7 to 12 (Except Sunday) 8-BIG ACTS-8 FREE DANCING Come On, Everybody Bring the Whole Family SEASON TICKET (Good for Admission Every Night) 50c No rrug Just Roots and Horns And Money Back If It IHm't Help You Wonderfully. Take Notice! Take Notice! We Have Just Purchased 1 a Large Assignment of Government Goods consisting of 0. D. Wool Army Breeches, 0. D. Wool Army Shirts, Khaki Breeches, Khaki Shirts, 0. D. Blankets and Service Blankets, Canvas Cots, Army Wool Undershirts and Drawers, Slickers, Tants and Coats, Rain Hats, Navy Pea Coats and Mackinaws, Leather Jherkins and Leather Vests, Leather Puttees. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! '-We have them in all Leather Army Shoes from $3.50 to $5.50. We are still selling 1 lb. bars Army Soap, 15 bars for $1.00; 7 bars for 5Cc; or 3 bars for 25c. We don't want you to push the money under the door but we do ask you to come and see our stock and quality of goods before purchasing. We are here to please the public, and solicit your patronage. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS United Army Stores 32 So. Central Ave. Medford, Oregon Beach. . enator Walsh, chief prosecutor of the oil inquiry had gone to Florida to question McLean, but committee records show that he was empowered In summon such witnesses as he might desire. On January 17 Mrl-ein wired Fran cis T. Homer, a Baltimore lawyer, asking if the oil committee could compel him to testify where he had lao.ooo on deposit. 'Think over certain prominent peo ple at that time." the telegram said, "and you will realize why large cash funds were kept on hand at that time." ('.anion IS. Means, a widely known investigator once employed by the department of Justice, wired to Mc Lean's secretary early In January that he was on the way to Palm lteach. Set-oml Coolidge- Meagt President t'oolidge telegraphed Mc Lean at Palm lteach again on Febru ary IS. according to the committee's telegrams. "Thank you for your message." the second Coolidge telegram read, "you have always been" most considerate. Mrs. Coolidge Joins me In sending kindest regards to Mrs. Mctan." "Please see Senator Jint nnd find out if there is disposition to ntake mutual friend make long Journey." said a message from Palm lteach. January !5 by V. K. Wiley to Ira. K Hennett. The first Coolidge telegram was sent after Mclean had testified that the 1 100.000 loan he previously had said was made to Fall on a note was In reality In the form of checks which were returned to him uncashed. The second was dated two days be fore Mclean was summoned here by the committee to explain. Wiley Is manager of the Cincinnati F.nuuircr and ltennett Is an editorial writer on the Washington Post, both Mclx-an publications. To Sell Scrap Steel WASHINGTON". March 6. Twenty million pounds of steel in rartous shapes and sixes, a part of the navy's supply, will be sold at public, auc tion March 19. ' at the Mare Island (California) navy yard. The sale will be conducted by the board of surrey. appraisal and sale of the navy. Cut TtiU Out It Is Worth Money Send this ad and ten cents to Foley Co. KJ5 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive a ten cent bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Corn found for coughs, colds and hoarse ness, also free sample package of Foler rills, a diuretic stimulant for the kidneys, and Foley Cathartic Tah- I lets for Constipation and ltiliousneas ! T!e. wonderful remedies hav helped millions of people. Try them! Sold 1 tveryw here. Adv the Hood Hiver orchard districts. Ac cording to the committee there is a possibility of great damage from the invasion 'of herds of eastern Wasco cattle, sent to the western ranges this summer. A proposal has been made for C.ovc-nr Pierce to call a specinl session of the legislature to cure the present legal defects. Several years ago the Mosier fruit district and local residents adopted herd laws thru Initiative petition. The supreme court In & decision last year declared the initiative law vom re calls of a legislative enactment that limited such direct vote of the people to counties having SO.00O or more residents. The Mosier men. who will present the matter of a herd law to the mem bers of the Apple Growers association at their annual primary meeting next Saturday, said that the eastern Ore gon stockmen formerly refrained from use of the ranges between here and Mosier because Hood Hiver county had the reputation of having an ex- ellent herd law. With this harrier removed, they declared, the orchard ists on the border of the valley will be at the mercy of Invading herds uMeas fences are built. The fencing of the Mosier orchards. It is declared, would cost $50 000. New Treatment for Varicose Veins and Ulcers c -.' i- ( n rf.-nrprous and often burrt. Sufferers are advised to tvt a two-ounce, original bntile of Kmerald Oil full strenrtni a uaihi rir-t.- f.tt-. anil West Sid Pharmit'v nnH start to reduce the viaina ni liiimht at on re. rhyii-tans revoimnemi KmeraM OP. t i ntvt in hrvanttfti irttt and a -mall tattle will last a Ion time, be cause it is very concentrated and a ilttli t-iwA lrtn.tr wav. Annlv nlJtrtt anj mornmc wun a c-run ("irwted untu the swelling la reuurea to normal. . Mi-t-a1mil- nntrrfiit j i'mpr t.t thai nii. pinil) nurt even goitre disappear when used s'.eadily. -lV. When backache nd ' puffiness shows under the eyes, It means that your kidneys need cleaning need to be built up. It may mean much more If quick, action isn't taken your very life may. deppnd on what you do today. ( Ir. Carey's Marshroot Prescription , 7 is for Kinney ana Diaauer numm-.-. an nfor tnat purpose nns necu uw with what miht be called phenome nal success for 40 years. It has helped thousands and has saved many lives. . It is rigidly guaranteed if it doesn't help you in one week's time, money back. In tablet ,and liquid for mat Heath's Drug Store, West Side Pharmacy and all real drugpists everywhere. Price Jl-50 and well worth the money. A big seller In the mst. Adv. The Speed Limit of your car will be easily increased 5 miles an hour over any rough road by installing GABRIEL SNUBBERS and your car will not suffer as much hardship. " Call On Us and We Will Be Pleased to Explain Them in Detail - THE ONLY SNUBBER Repairs and Service Williams & McCurley Opposite Nat Phone 615-R Sales and Service Stromberg Carburetors --Exide Batteries Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon. Jackson County. In tht Matter of the Kstate of Geo. C. Oily. lVoeiwd. Notice i hereby given that the undersitrned executors have filed herein their fin! report and account in the above entitled matter, and the iKove named Court has fixed March 22nd. at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Court Houm In Jacksonville, in said County. a the time and place for hearux objections to said final ac count, and for the settlement thereof. C. N. CI LY AND A. B. Cl UV. P.xecutora cf Gear C Culy, decvase!. Demonstration of the Commercial Fordson FRIDAY, MARCH 7 Logging from 10 until 12 noon Tomlin Box Factory. Stump pulling, 1 until 3 p. m. Oak Grove School. Dump Body Truck 3 until 5 p. m. Moving pictures and lectures at high school, Friday night at 8. Seven big reels of the Ford plant. Everybody Invited to See These Demonstrations and Pictures Everything Free C. E. Gates Auto Co. .1