Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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The receiving of the recent bulletin
'issued by the local headquarters which
outlines the general inter-troop tour
nament for the March assembly has
created a genuine stir among all the
, troops. The scouts accepted the op
portunity to compete with the other
troops with enthusiasm. Things have
PORTLAND, Ore., March 6. Police beun l hum around all troop head
today are look log for Logan F. Roe, juartera , ; ,. :
39, who disappeared Monday after) Troop No. 6 of tho First M.- 12
Bending ' letters to his mother Mrs. Church, Oeo. Kunaman, scoutmaster.
John C. Golden and her husband, Bay- ha ??"8tt? two w?1 sooutmoa-:
in tuat ttAA j ui ii ters, Pete Batetmtn and Kenneth Giles
I, intended to end his life. ThlB ,ves troop a co lete Blurt of
Hoe. wbo was employed as a messen- leadership. These asstanta are tak
ger for the Security Savings & Trust iK ahold of the work in a lively way.
company, left home Monday morning.
In anger, the police were Informed, lie-' Iist Tuesday evening ahout 12
cause his mother and step-father had scouts of troop 6 passed the half mile
declared he could not afford a newly- tracking tests along the creek north
purchased car. - ! ' 1' town. Nearly the entire troop Is
' To his mother, he sent a letter ad-'working on the second class require
dressed "My Dear Madam." It read: Jments- '
"Your most recent attitude grleves.. 3 of , chrlstlan,
ma BOiely. I personally will not,,, Jennings, scoutmasitcr is hard at
the car back. Tonight when I leave work on the second class tests. Seina
wrlt I shall go out on some lonely, pliqre und first aid has been the order
road and end it all. .-: . . . of recent meetings. Dale Hill and
"In order that you may have no Delmar Thorn are patro) leaders of
trouble In collecting my insurance I troon 3-
will leave my body In a place easy tol .-
j)uj Scoutmaster Phil I.ounsberry will
..m i t l t, 'take troop 7 of the JUiptist church on
Tell John that his big brother a , s.lHtllrday a(toroon. The pur
wunts him to grow up a better man poii0 of the outll)s l8 to gather tre
that be is. Even you, mother, can specimens for tho troop collection.
irfi'e that It is better that I die, now. ,
Iban live ds the liar I am. Your son, The official staff of troop 6 of the
' "LOGAN." Presbyterian church Is as follows:
"P. S. -'f-liave never written a sill- Troop committee, I)r. R. R. Johnson,
clda note before, so please excuse my Dr- B. U. Elliott. Chun. Kay. Senior
.ot.inxin. . patrol leader, lAwrence DoRyoke. Tho
inconsistences.'-- . four , lend AusUn Hubbard.
The note'lo his step-father. John C. Wn!Ior Gale BolJ gtotz and Uob
uoiuen.' "was scarcely less iormai. it Cof fman. '
read: r-'j ;
"Dear Sir: I have been considerably
discouraged, by my talk with you.
Troop 2 of the South Methodist
church, J. B. Coan, scoutmaster, has
Inasmuch as I cannot face the recently enrolled a second class scout
world as the liar I am, I am leaving from California, Robert McDearmon.
it I have nothlna but nraise for the Hb has blBn appointed as troop scribe.
It. I have nothing but praise iop ine Episcopal
manner In which you have treated me and nrlatlan Scence churches ln ,t8
and deep down in my heart I appro- membershlp. -
cla'.o it. ,
"Hoping that you will finally accept 0n Tuesday evening three scouts of
my car at-last, I am', your step-son. j troop 2 passed their fire making tests.
"LOGAN F. ROE." The woodsy were well moistened from
"P. S -'Please excuse this pen." the rain but the. boys exhibited skill
P C Warren, assistant secretary of 'n locating dry material and had good
the Security Savings Trust company gf" ? -' ""
Bald the boy was last seen when, In
company with another messenger, he M (he ,nst aaBembIy or troo)() n,.
weut to the poBtofflca. Monday night nrt C(lte o Troop 6 received the
to mall some regisleredmatter. award from tho scout commissioner
' - "He was probably the best meBsen- as senior patrol leader of his troop
ger we had," he said,' .-.?.' .ana is now prouaiy wearing ine Dauge
Troop 1 of the Catholic church.
Merle Merrlman scoutmaster, has a
good basketball tpnm Organized and
troop-2 has accepted a game with
them to be played early next week.
v; PANAMA, '.March ' 5 About ' BO
small houses were destroyed at San
Jose, the Costa Rlcan capital, ln Tues
day's earthquake, according to private
dispatches received here. All the for
eign residents are Bate and the ad
vices reiterate that there was no loss
of life. Communication with the Pa
cific side Is interrupted, but that with
the Atlantic ports is normal.
, Panama canal records show the
shock was fully as severe as that of
191,0 tn'whlch Carlago was badly dam
aged,, but messages from. Costa Rica
Indicate that the. property loss was not
bo extensive.
Eighteen members of troop 1 have
passed the -tenderfoot' tests and are
making application for the presenta
tion of their troop, flagsv soon.' The
official staff of the troop is as fol
lows: Troop committee. jUirry Schade.
Wnv llanna. Ray Jwls. senior pa
trol leader, Francis Merrlman. patrol
leader, Henry Fisher, John Connor
and Cecil Broown.
Troop 6 has enrolled two new mem
ber the past, few day!. Kenneth Wil
son' and Olen Strlngor.
Troop 2 has begun training for the
first aid contests of the coming tour
nament. Teams -for tho various contests-
have been, selected. .
''.The patrol leaders for troop 7 are
Frank Hussong and James . Moore.
Fred Schreckengast Is scrlbo and
Orbln .'jgookscy acting senior patrol
PORTLAND. Ore., March 6. Ten
trunks filled with a varied assortment!
of articles taken . from the home of
Mary Akle$ .60 year old recluse, who
has' beun' committed to the state hospital-
at fSaiem, -have been removed
to the "basement of tho courthouse,
and among other, things found todny.
was a diamond- ring valued at $300.
mining stock 'Of'Uncertain value, 43 1
In cash and 50 ln ' llo,tnl savings
stamps. : The woman had been receiv
ing aid from the public welfare bu
reau for. three:., year;-. according' to
officers. - - - - - '
(JU!. U -' l- 1 I L
fTie official roster of troop 2 Is:
Troop, committee., Dr.' Frank Roberts.
Ray Blackburn, llollis Zimmerman.
Senior patrol, leader. Fred Phelps.
Patrol leaders',.' Flying ' Eagle patrol,
Harold ' Roberts; 'Wplf patrol, Joe
H.HHs: IJon patrol, Ned Harroll.
: .Wlth the financial aid of the parish
and the K. of C, troop 1 is making a
large athletic court adjacent' their
hall. It will be equipped for basket
ball, tennis and volley , ball, besides
other general playground purposes.
Gift to
Kft ' '
Heath'f Drug Store will supply you
"Troop 6, with Floyd Frazier scout
master, is busy on the second class
tests.' They have completed the ten
derfoot qualifications and are going
after some of the trophies offered in
the coming tournament.
, Scoutmaster Wing of troop 4, Pres
byterian church promises a . lively
scrimmage for honors in the tourna
ment. Nearly all of this troop aro
working on second class tests and will
moke a, formidable teamln a number
of the events. .. . s
Roseburg Woman
Hears ' Sister Sing
In Far Off Iowa
ROSEBl'RO, Ore.. March . Mrs.
George Loomis of Wilbur last night
had the pleasure of hearing a sister,
whom she has not seen- for five years,
sing from radio atattun Woe at Dav
enport, Iowa. Thtfielster, Miss Oladys
Caroline Anderson, is one of the lend
ing musicluns of Mollne, and partici
pated In. the radio program broad
cast from; the ig Davenport station.
Miss Anderson's first song came un
announced.' but Mrs. Loomis recog
nized the voice before the announcer
(did who had been singing.
. , Demand Foley Pills
Foley Pills, a diuretic stimulant for
the kidneys, have brought relief to
thousands of sufferers from kidney
disorders caused through the impro
per working of these organs. Foley
Pills will promptly-flush the kidneys
thereby - removing injurious waste
matter. Mrs. O. C. Alexander, R. No.
5. Monroe, Mo., states: "I received
the package of Foley Pills, and have
been greatly benefited by their use."
Sold everywhere, Adv.
PORTLAND, . Ore.. March 6.
Jimmy . Dolaney, light-heavyweight
boxer of St. Paul, won n ten round
decision over Hacehoi-se Roberts of
Oakland here last night. Roberts
twice made claims of being hit low,
but the foul was not allowed. Delaney
was too clever for tho Oakland boy
and had the better of the mixing In
practically every round.
C'lnpluun Wrestles a Tic.
PENDLETON, Ore., March 0. Ray
McCnrroU of Pendleton and Sam
Clapham, British champion, wrestled
through two speedy hours here last
night to a draw, each securing a fall.
Clapham got tile first fall in one
hour, 8 minutes after lie had clamp
ed on a series of head locks. .Mt't'ar
roll, who was clear out as a result of
the continued pressure on his head,
came back fresh and strong after the
fifteen minute rest nntl got tho next
fall in 30 minutes on a pivot toe hold.
The remaining minutes were bitterly
contested both men seeking a fall,
with tlte advantugo about even.
Title (itiinc Tonight.
OAKLAND, Cal. March 6. Tho
University of California, with one leg
on the Pacific coast bnsketball cham
pionship, ns the result of Its 32 to
31 .victory over the University of
Washington In . an extra period gamo,
Tuesday night, will meet its northern'
rival ln the second game of tho tlte
series in the auditorium hero tonight.
The first game displayed a remark-,
able passing 'attack by Washington,
which, however, was under the disad
vantage of being outweighed by tho
California!!..- Both teams played rag
gedly at times, though lute- in the
game, baskets were shot accurately.
Ai victory Vonight would give Cali
fornia the title. If Washington wins,
a third game will be played tomorrow
PORTLAND, Ore., March 0. A de
cision to urge delegations from each
of the grain growing states of the wost
to go to Washington to request con
mess to pass the McNary Haugen bill,
which provides an export bounty on
wheat, was reached by a group of
Pjrtland jobbers, merchants and o.inl:-!-s
following a conference with farm
ers, merchants and bankers from east
ern Oregon held here.
General Mannger W. B. Dodson. of
the Portland Chamber of Commerce,
has sent a telegram to Senator Mc
Nary asking when the lobby should
make Its appearance In Washington.
In addition, the fight Tor passnge af
tho bill will be pressed on oilier
fields. Portland firms are to bo re
quested to communicate with busi
ness firms in the east with which
they have coniectirns urging that
they have their; representatives ln
congress support the measure on tho
ground that It means the continued
prosperity of the west.
All civic clubs with national affilia
tions will be asked to urgo units of
their organizations ln eastern states
to aid I lie measure
F. B. Ingles of Dufur, chairman of
the eastern Oregon delegation, said
that the farming element had gone as
far as possible in its fight for pas
sage of the measure but that congress
wanted to know what big business in
terests thought about It. If the busi
ness Interests ran be stirred Into ac
tion in favor of tho measure, he Bald
he believed it would pass.
Others of the delegation presented
nrgumonts, Including A. It. Hunter, Un
ion county: W. H. 'Hurrah, Umatilla
county: F. II. Gaukle, Wallow county;
W, S. Powell, Sherman county; L. S.
Rogers, Umatilla county; Herbert Eg
bert, Wasco county; I S. Kelly. Moro
county; N. G. Hedln, Waplnlta.
PARIS, March 6. Miijor General
Hmry T. Allen, V. B. A., retired, ex
ecutive oft'ioorof the Amorican Olynv
pic committee, has withdrawn as one
of the principul, Amcrigan delegates
to the forthcoming I'm Is Olympic
-Tames, according to a private message
received here today. It Is presumed
that his action was due to comments'
here on his recently published dhiry.;
reffardinff French policies toward
Leaves abad cough. So does "An1
and la grippe, lint these lingering
coughs yield easily to the healing
nnd curative qualltios of
Every user ia a friend
Small GardenfPaus
Big dividends
rr FEW packets of dependable seeds at 5c plus ftood, soil
and a sunny location provide an uneqiialeJ Invest
meitt opportunity. Returns of 1000 'n '
vegetables are easily figured to say nothing of the re
turns in ftood health and the enjoyment of seeing thing
grow. Then there's the diflercnce in flavor thai crisp,
tender, tasty delictousness which can't be obtained from)
several-day-old vegetables.
He independent. Enjoy your own garden's vegetables-
fresh the moment you want them. Northrup, King h Co.'
Seeds have satisfied professional and amateur gardener for
i) years. Select them from the convenient, upright Sterling
Seed Box.
&lt ocalSdealers
Office at Medford Service Station
Phone 1
Phone 244
Let "Cets-lt"
End Your Corns
Thia Corn
Tlie "Ceta-It" potr.tws way to end corns for
ever is miles ahead of any thing else. Try it.
Simp' apply two or three drops to any corn or
call, us. In two minutes all pain will have
stopped completely. Soon you can peef the
corn or callous right off with your fingers, root
and all. Costs but a trifle. Satisfactory re
sults guaranteed with your corn or money back.
E. Lawrence At Co., Chicago. Sold everywhere.
and other
Illustrated Catalogue
Mailed Free Upon
Clarke Bros.
287 Morrison St.,
Portland, Oregon
Two Kinds of Gasoline
Detonating Non-Detonating
DIFFERENT gasolines explode in
different ways. One kind delivers
a single, crashing, instantaneous blow to
the piston head. y
It increases vibration.
It has a tendency to "knock."
And this explosion, spending its energy
in one sudden detonation, lacks the full
possibilities of the most effective power.
But there is another and better kind
of explosion.
It is the more efficient kind from Union
Non-Detonating Gasoline. These ex
plosions are quick but extended. They
exert power throughout the en
tire piston stroke.
So Union Gasoline doesn't
cause "knocking" or vibration.
It produces more power op hills.
There is a sort of series of over
lapping explosions. This means a follow
through more speed on the straight-away
and a quicker, surer snap in the pick-up.
Therefore, Union Gasoline improves
the operation of your motor just as
though the motor itself were improved.
You feel the difference at the wheel.
You find new pleasure in motoring and
increased pride in your car.
These are results worth while. Test
them yourself. You will recognize the
difference in a mere two days' driving
fifty miles.
Try it today." Fill your tank with
Union Non-Detonating Gasoiine and
use it unmixed with any other kind to
know how smoothly and powerfully your
motor can perform.
Union Oil Company
of California u
Uttion Gasoliffe
, H-'if
- i
23 N. Fir St
i U"-,
1 1."
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