Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    arcnFORfi matt; trtbitnkmkdtwd. otieciox, toursday, makcit r. 1024
The following auto dealers will dis
play cars at the American Legion Cir
cus: Crater Lake Automotive Co.,
Paige; Gates Aufo Co.; Ford and Lin
coln; Medford Auto Co.. Ilulck; Cali
fornia Oregon Auto Co., Maxwell,
Mason Motor Co.; Flint and Hta'r;
,'lflley-Meler .Co., Dodge; Drown Motor
Co., Nash, and l'atton" & Iiobinsoh,
.In the popularity contests Mrs. X.
Martin and , Icgl . Edwards made
gains in the ladles' contest, and babil'8
Joun Garnett, Mary Louise; McKlhose
gained among the little folks.
v .... The standings of. all votes cast up
to 10 a. today is1 as follows: '
Ladles Cojuost
Icel Edward ..... ; 123fi
Mrs. X. I. Martin .4 .106
Hose Billings 1185
Victoria Andrews 1142
Constance Ames 1104
Marlon Hill . : 1100
; Bullies Contest
Mary Loulao McElhose 1778
-Joan Garnett 1325
' Poffgy GarlAck .: 1250
Lois Pringle 1100
1'auline Patrick 1100
John Mann 1100
Carol Jeanne Tengwald ..1100
'Suzzette Stennett '. 1100
One of the special features of the
demonstration of the commercial
Fordson which will be hold Friday by
the iC E. Gates Auto company will
be the showing of a seven reel film
at the Medford high school building.
ThIs film will HlUMtratu a lecture
and will show views of the
Ford plant, its method of production
from raw materials to the finished
Ford products.
The Gntes Auto company has Issued
a cordial invitation to everyone inter
ested in automobiles and tractors to
attend this lecture and see this re
markablo moving picture film. The
program of pictures and lectures will
commence at eight o clock.
The Art of Light;
What It Means
Announcement has just been made
that Emll Molir, pronrietoi1 and land
lord of the lotel Medl'ord, has pur
chased from William . P. Isaacs the
two vacant lots on the north side of
West ijain street, Immediately adjoin
ing the hotel on the west and extend
ing to Devoe's store. . ;.
Mr. Molir, It is said, made this pur
chase for two reasons, the chief of
which is that In connection with the
building of the new' sixth floor of
the hotel, which Is rapidly progressing,
ne . will now he able to equip the
structure with a big fire escape on Its
west side. With the two present fire
escapes, one on the east side and the
other at the south end, the new es
cape to be built soon, together with
the several inside stairways, will
amply provide the big hotel with fire
Another reason-Tor acquiring this
property is that it will afford protec
tion by preventing the erection of any
undesirable building next to the hotel
and provides ample ground for any
extension pf the hotel that might be
needed in the future. Borne time in
the future Mr. Molir plans to build
on the rear of these lots a new kitchen
for the hotel and to remodel the' pres
ent kitchen into a new dining room
for small banquets and dinner meet
ings. . ,
The Clavllux. an instrument Invent
ed by the artist-craftsman Thomas
Wilfred, who will play it at the Itiallo
theatre Monday matinee and night,
' March 10th, has for the first time
made possible the use of light ns a
. fine art in that it has placed form,
color and motion at the command of
the artist seated at Its keyboard.
In the art of sound music we
have three principal factors: Melody,
harmony and rhythm. Any one of
'these three without tho others would
not make music and so in dealing
with light the mere use of color, pro
jected in changing- hues upon a screen
without form and rhythmic motion,
does not make possible an art of light.
In fact, speaking from. the point of
view of the experimenter, color Is the
least ; important factor the most
easily produced. Tho all important
thing is the harnessing of form, tex
ture, depth and rhythmic motion in
light and shade. These factors once
mastered, the introduction of color in
the composition means but the selec
tion of a set of pure filters.
No instrument will make tho use
of light as a fine art possible unless
it will yield a pleasing composition in
black and white under skillful hands.
: The remarkable three dimensional
projection principle of the Clavllux,
through which nn ordinary flat white
screen can be made to look, like a
window Into unlimited space in which
light-forms float out, away from the
spectator for miles and miles before
they finally disappear, has thus
opened the gate to a new world of
beauty where nothing was before:
tho art of light.
The Medford hh;h school basketball
team will leave in tint morning for
Kosoburg, whero it will meet the
lioseburg high school in the crucial
game of the year for the .basketball
championship of southern Orejron, and
the right to play In the state tourney
at Salem, March 17. IS, and 19. While
it has not been definitely decided, in
tho event of Rosebmg winning, the
deciding contest fof the series 'will
probably be played in the men's gym
at the University of Oregon at Eugene.
The Medford llne-np will probably
ho Chastuln and Knips at forward,
Reichstein and Williams ut guards,
and Allen at center with Hurt, White,
Glasscock and Dcmmer ns subsil
A large nu'mber of locnl f fans will
go to Roseburg by auto and a sec
tion has been reserved in tho hall
for them.
Operation Advised, But Lydia L
Finkham's Vegetable Compound
Made It Unnecessary
Glasgow, Kentucky. "I woo run
down, nervous, wun no appyuLu. iwj
isiue naa given - ma
trnuh o lor uve or
six years. At times
it was ail 1 couia au
to live, and the doc
tor said I couldn't
live but a short time
longer without an
operation. That was
two years ago. My
sister-in-iaw recom
mended Lvdia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble ComDound. Sho
had never used it herself, but she said
-na nf her npiirhhnrs suucreu USb UHa
I did, and it cured her. After I had
taken four bottles the pain left my side.
1 had a fine appetite to eat anything
that was put before me, and I began to
do all my work and my washing, some
thing I hadn't done for years. I am a
dressmaker, and this last fall I began
'-Buffering with my side again, so I began
talrinir thn Vecwtable Compound again.
1 am on my fourth bottle, which makes
-eight in all I have taken. I feel so much
better when I take it and everybody
1 tells me I look better. J My appetite
improves and I feel stronger in every
way. 1 am a very nervous woman and
it seemB 10 neip my i.-rram,
' mS. WAQ0I8 VYAUJiK, uiusguw, jr
Through the courtesy of the com
mittee in charge of the American Le
gion circus, several of their acts will
appear at the Elks club anil nrrange an
"amy v-- ?wHPt
11 no and 1 41 urn, one of the Amor
lean Txgion Cirrus nets nhlch will
npiH'ar hi the entertainment at the
101 ks Club tonight.
entertainment for the members pros
entl after tho regular annual election
of officers tonight.
Among tho acts which will appear
are Kue and Laura, contortionists; tho
Fitfcgeralds, in several new and novel
jumping numbers; Sonor Uivas and
company, in Juggling and balancing.
The homo building lot salo which
tho. Medford Chamber of Commerce
has been - conducting will close at five!
o'clock on Saturday afternoon and
the committee in charge recommends j
to the city council that ajl lots ro-j
maiiilng unsold he withdrawn from
the market for six months or pos-
sibly a year at which lime the cfty will
he able to get from 0110 to two huu-j
dred dollars above present quotations.'
If any residents of Medford believe
that there lire no citizens Interested
In lots with the intention of building
a home thereon, they should have been
in the office of the chamber during
the past few days. Most of thorn
seem to have difficulty In deciding on
which side of town they would prefer
to live and because they have heard of
some poor Individual who has been
forced to sell a lot at u ridiculously
low priced they arc of the opinion
that every lot. in Medford should he
priced on a similar valuatlori.
There til ways will be bargains In
lots In Medford because there will
always be people who will be forced
to sell ' through unfortunate Invest
ments in stocks and business ventures,
but the day is pttsu when the market
mice of lots In this city will be be
low the cost of paving, sewer, water
and sidewalk improvements.
The lot sale will continue until next
Saturday afternoon nt five o'clock.
Kttsktnn for TTwnlth.
The final debate in tho district be
tween. Medford and Ashland will take
place this evening at 7:30 nt tho high
schools in Medford and Ashland. The
question will be, Resolved, that Ore
gon sliould adopt a cabinet system of
The Medford negative team, Ned
Wold and Paul Anderson, coached by
L. J. Knox, will debate here. The
Judges are M. E.. Wright, principal of
the Gold Hill high school: R. S. Lang
worthy, principal of the Rogue River
high school and the Rev. E. P. Law
rence. . The affirmative team, Edson
Randall and Edwin Morris, go to Ash
land. ,
"Medford in Circuit
for Big Artists;
Paderewski Mar. 18
In the report of the audit of tho
county books by K. ' M. Wilson, pub
lished in The Mail Tribune Tuesday,
there wero errors, as follows:
The total prohibition expenses for
1923 wero $11. 741.64, not $ll,O0S.27,
as printed by this paper, as tho sum
drawn from the current expense fund
in this wrlc was $7(13.18, and not
The amount of fines collected by
justices of the peace for all offenses
was $(i,272.30.
Defunct linnk of Jacksonville checks
carried as cash amount to 2,130.67,
instead of 130.17.
i The-xenort is exhaustive and con
sists largely of figures, arranged In
charts. Particular attention is pnltl
to the road tax and prohibition en
forcement phases of county govern
ment. The report also compliments all the
county officers upon their willingness
to assist In securing an darranglng
Kane your tlKht, ncliliiK L-liosit. Rti
tho pain, llreuk up the congestion
Feel a had coltl Uiuhoii up In Just a
abort time.
"1U'1 Popper nub" Is the ca rem
edy that brings quickest relief. It
cannot hurt you aiul is oortainlv seems
to end the tii;htness and drive the con
gestion and a'jroness right out.
Nothing lias such concentrated
penetrating heat as red peppers, and
when heat penolrateH right down into
colds, congestion, arhlny muscles anil
sore, stiff Joints, relief comeH at once.
The moment you apply lied Pepper
Hub you feel -the. tingling heat. In
three minutes tho congested spot Ip
wurmcd through and through. When
you are suffering from a cold, rheu
matism, backache, stiff neek or sore
muscles. Just get a Jar of Howies Red
Pepper Hub, made from red peppers,
at any drug store. You will have the
quickest relief known. , Adv.
Medford and the Rogue River valley
has gained a reputation ' for being a
community of unusual discernment. We
are In a circuit for tho big artists
which includes Seattle. Portland, Med
ford, San Fraiicisco and Los Angeles
Paderewski, who Is to appear here
March 18. Is n artist with a drawing
power equalled only by two or three
living artists Galli-Curcl, John Mc
Cormack and Helletz. These perform
ers liave more demands for their time
than they are capable of filling nnd
Medford may consider herself lucky
In getting a Paderewski night.
This artist is not only a wonderful i
musician but a great personality. No
one brought In contact with him can
resist the charm of this personality
and his sincerity. His life is a com
posite oti simplicity, nobility, frank
ness and cordiality. He is known to
be hopelessly honest. Ho would have
been still more successful in politics
had he been able to compromise with
his conscipnee. His attitude In this
was clearly defined in an address made
In New York before a musical gath
ering in his honor. He declared that
"instead of being falsely modest, I am
most sincerely humble, conscious of
enjoying great privileges beyond my
value, conscious of the duty to guard
the high character, the noWe pur
pose and, above all, the dignity of my
profession. I try to hold high the
character of my art, to hold pure. Sue-,
cess does not last Public favor Is
easily lost,' soon forgotten. The only
thing that does last with man. especial
ly in public life. Is the respect be has
galneti ojt bis peers." i
Beware! Not all Package Dyes
are "Diamond Dyes"
Always nsk for "Diamond Dves" and
if vqu don't see the name "Diamond
Dyes" on the package refuse i-hand
it back! '
Each 15 -cent package of "Diamond
Dyes" contains directions so simple any
woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses,
waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos,
coats, draperies, coverings everything
new, even u Bnc naa never dyed boiore.
Choose any color at drug Btore. Refuse
, Delightful and fas- j
I cinating. gifts- are to I
be found here for nil
i j occasions . and ' nil H
ft kinds of people, flny- ril
f lag gifts from us Is M
SO a pleasure not a jfl
Q Always Give Unique W;
m Swem's Studio m
...'I , , ' - .'.
Made according to Government for
mula and made right.
317 E. MAIN PHONE 260
Aunt; He(ty'n reiiu was
hot just Sunday religion.
She used it week-days too,
in every loaf of liread she
Never a "substitute" or
bit of adulteralion went into
It was every bit pure
You'll find the same whole
some goodness in
Aunt Betty's Bread
An we bake it today.
It's the 1 new home-loaf
with the old-home taste.
Ask your grocer fot it.
linked by
Smith & Reynolds
"Ask for this Bread"
World's Greatest Pianist '
Statesman and Diplomat
Most Famous Artist Ever Brought to Medford
Medford Armory, March 18
MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW Make checks, send money orders, care of .Modford
Pharmacy, payable to Andrews Bros. Prices $4.40, $3.30,, $2.20, including war tax
Legion Auto Show
Browne Motor
114 So. Riverside
Clear YOUR Stomp Land at Lower Cost
EFORE explosives were ueecj jii the farm, clearing
land was, heavy, costly work. T oday, stumping can
be done at a much lower cost. j
Many ranchers in this section are using Pacific Stumping,
the du Pont explosive, for clearing their stump larjd for
profitable crops. Pacific Stumping docs the job at lower
expense and does it right. Pacific Stumping gives you
one-half more sticks per dollar about the same strength,
stick for stick, as any standard stumping powder. It ia
non-freezing and won't giveyou a headachefrom, handling.
We carry complete stocks of Pacific Stumping and other
du Pont dynamites recognized as standard, wherever
' explosives are used. Let us estimate on the cost of clear-
ing some of your stump land.
more per dollar
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.
Crater Lake Hardware Co.
rJLJ vy u lu
' A Pacific' Northwest Product
n . 4 - i 1.'