Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Tocal and
Floyd Young, the Government front
expert who Hturtcd for Medford Hev-
erul days ao from his headquartcrH TeJ g3
tv uun nilKCUB, will UII JVB JII AlVUlUrU
next Saturduy eveninK fr HIh annual
stay during tho frost dauber to fruit
fioaHon. lie in Htopplng over in San
Francisco looking after duhIiiuhs mat
ters there.
You can learn garage and ' auto
bookkeeping on aparo timo study
basis. Up-to-date practice set. short
and applicable to any other huslncaH.
f'TMedford Business College. OWN 298
Jf Iance where thero is wonderful i Nevada, where Mr,
imuHle tho Oriental gardens Saturday for . Kenneth Ilodgman
E. E. Carlon of San Diego, who has
been living in Modford for tho paHt
few months has purchased a 10-acre
tract on hosier Lane and will build a
homo and live there permanently.
Anyone wanting to adopt an Infant
child please reply to the Mail Tribune,
3 c, Rtatlng social, moral and religious
influence offered to child. 297
Fuller brushes efficient servants.
R. 341
M. A. Goldsmith of Omgon City was
a business visftor here today.
Try our dry wash, 7c per lb., mini
mum 75c. All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry, phone 873. tf
For 15 years It. A. Holmes has been
known as "Tho Insurance Man." We
lead, others follow. i
Mr. and Mrs. Kobert M. Wilson and
Buddy Wilson left today for Keno,
Wilson will work
who has a
1 nights. , 2'Jii contract for building roads. Mnt. K.
m. .) i i . . , I TV W'llwnn n'pntntmnlnd thorn fin fjii n
niv uiiii-i tiu ciunHt's in tne nign i -
school had their pictures taken this j Itertdinf und wlli return tonight,
morning, for tho school annual. Try our wot wash on your next
wasn aay. a a pounus ror y&c. iou
can't do it at home for this amount,
Medford Domestic Laundry. Personal
Columbia plaster wnll board. Call !
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber I
Home again. Motropole Jazz on-l
chestra. Bat. nlto Jackson Hot Springs.)
Led Hall, well known clerk In tho
. local postofflce for tho past fivo years',
and who had also served a torm hero
prior to this period, having been in
the postofflce . service for tho past
. . twelvo years, has resigned his position
and will return to Gloversvllle, New
York, because of tho serious Illness
thero of his father, and with his fam
ily will leave for that city about
March 15. ,
Cars for rent without driver.
Elwood Auto Shop, H. Central.
Make ,merry and be healthy by
dancing at tho Oriental gardons Sat
urday nights.
Maurice Cotturl of Portland and
W. O. Chandler of Dunsmufr, well
known special agents of tho Southern
Pacific spont today In the city and
Enjoy life by dancing at tho Orien
tal gardens Saturday nights. 21 G
Hemstitching, buttons covered at
tho Handicraft Shop. tf
. John Palmer was finod five dollars
by Judge Glenn O. Taylor In tho jus
tice court this morning for having his
car parked nut all night In tho street.
The complaint was sworn to by G. J.
FreHCQtt, night policeman.
Dance at Jackson Hot Springs Sat. ,
nlte with the Motropole Jazz orchestra
ftdaor blados sharpened. Medford i
Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. 290 !
A number of Medford peoplo-wlll'
drive over to Ashland tonight to aeo
the Hunchback of Notre Dame film,
which began Its throe days showing
in that city last night, , .
Dance on tho best floor in tho west '
tho Oriental gardens 1 Saturday
.nights. " 206
Full weight 16 oz. Folger's Baking
Powder 39c. Hutchison & Lumsden.
Ruth Hill of Ocean Park Heights.
C. E. Noalo of Santa Barbara. II. B.
Falrehild of Sacramento, and A. F.
Lepierr and brother, Hazel Peart and
H. P. Mnnshnrt of Ran Francisco are
among tho Calffornlans In the'clty.
- Dance. The Metropnle Jazz orches
tra roturns homo Hat. nlto, March 8th,
Jackson Hot Springs. 298
Linen crepe, all colors, 98c yd. Jap;
Art Store.
Clydo Gardner and H. K, Prescott
of Bristol, Conn., wont . for a fishing
trip on tho Koguo river early this
morning and returned with four stool
M,r. Eslahrook will cure any naso of
poison oak froe at his apartment, 17,
Saturday and Sunday, Klvcrsldo AptH,
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Edon
valley Nursery, phone 680-J-2. tf
Prices continue very high for fresh
salmon bocause sportsmen of tho state
havo secured tho closing of tho com
mercial fishing season just at tho timo
that fish arc at their boat and demand
from consumers great obL
Cash paid for 4 gal. and gal. frla
tlon top cans; must bo clean. Hutchi
son & Lunmdon. 300
, . Anyone, wanting , to adopt an Infant
child please reply to tho Mail Tribune,
Sc, stating social, moral and rollgloun
influence offered to child. 297
The pro-school circle of tho Jackson
school will meet tomorrow afternoon
nt 2:30 at the homo of Mrs. Arthur
Short at 704 W. Second streot. All
who arc Interested aro invited to bo
Medford Auto Painting, 29 and 81
South Front St. Phono 934. Tho lar
gest and most up to date auto paint
shop in snufhoru Oregon. All work
guaranteed for ono year. Call and
sen our work and got our prices. 2iMi
Netted Gem Hpuds. $1.75 per 100
lbs., dollvered any place In Medford.
Johnson I'roduco Co., 241 N. Fir.
phone 97.
J. H. Erlckson and Mrs. Erickson
roturned last night from a short busi
ness trip to Portland.
Lawn mowers sharpened. Modford
Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. 206
20 lbs. red beans $1.00. Hutchison
& Lumsden, . 300
Boy Martin of Jacksonvlllo was a
Modford visitor today.
Valnuts 3 lbs. for 50c. HutchlNou
&. Lumsden. 300
' Bee Samuol Batoman or phono 912-J
for the best garden loan.
Milk Bread
and Tastes
At Any Qrocw,
Domestic Service. Phone 166. tf
Try our dry wash 7c per lb., mini
mum 75c. All flat pieces ironed.
American Sundry, phone 873. tf
Out of town Oregonians who nr-
rlved In tho city yesterday on short
stays Include D. E. Fletcher of Inde
pendence, C. M. Gilbert of Boscburg,
H. A. Stiles. Z. N. Agee, D. M. Ander
son and Carl A. Barnes of Eugene,
and tho following from Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greoder, Joseph P.
Tompkins, John H. Marlels, F. W.
Zimmerman. H. L. Conaughoy,, M. A.
Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jones,
Julo McCarthy, J. H. Hammon, H. R.
(Dougherty, K. K. Kubll, M. A. Catlln,
W, O. Van Schuyler and H. E. Wilson.
Blng cherry trees, the best ever.
Edon Valley Nursery, phone 680-J-2.
Walnuts 3 lbs. for 50c. Hutchison
& Lumsden. . 300
B. F.. Paul left yesterday on a sev
eral days business trip to adjacent
northern California points. ,
Wo will loan you monoy to build or
buy Hoi ni es the Insurance Man.
T hero's a busy Busineus Collego in
Medford. OWN
Following tho cloudy and chilly con
ultlon of today, rain Is the predlctlo
for Friday, This morning's minimum
J temperature was .just five degrees
above tho freezing point.
Selling out new phonographs and
records nil kinds half price. Gold Kay
Realty Co. Open evenings.
I Extra specials for Friday and Sat
urday: 100 hats at $0.98. See them
and you'll appreciate the quality and
stylo of this line. The Emmy Lou
Hat Shop, M. M. Dept. Store. 290
J. W. McCord of tho Fisk Rubbo
company is In Modford attending to
We havo good values in used cars,
Patton & Robinson, Inc. . tf
Seo our lino of kiddle hats. The
Emmy Lou Hat Shop, M. M. Dept.
Store. . . 29C
A number of business men and
others uro leaving Friday afternoon to
go to Roseburg to attend the Medford
Roseburg high school . basketball
game-. Among thorn, are B. J. Palmer,
A. C. Allen, John Chastain, Jack
Stewart, Ray Henderson, F. G. Phelps
und W. It. Klrkpe.trlck
Unity Jitoraturo teaches people how
to bo well, prosperous and efficient
Froo distribution, 106 South Ivy. tf
Wo remodel hats and soil trim
mlugs. Tho Emmy Lou Hat Shop
M. M. Dept. Store. , 290
Members of tho Ashland branch of
tho new Knights of Pythias bulge at
tended the regular session of the Med
ford Imlgo last Monday night and pre
Honied for initiation C. McClelland.
C. N. Perrlne, L. N. Woodsldo, J. K
Welsh and E. F. trooper who were
taken through tho initiatory ordeal
along with two candidates from Med
Why uso a treadle machine when
wo will rent you a now Whlto Electric
for $3.00 por month. White Sowing
Machino Co., 21 N. Bartlott.
Arrlvo In Medford: The nowest
stylos la Gage hats vory week. Tho
Emmy Lou Hat Shop,. M. M. Dept.
Store. ,296'
Fines amounting to $225 wero re
celvod from nlno violators of tho stato
game laws during tho past three days,
according to reports filed yesterday
at tho headquarters of the stato game
commission in Portland. Each of tho
nino arrosted was finod $25,
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices, , Wall aeo Woods Lumber
Extra specials for Friday and Sat
urday: 100 hats at 06.98. . Seo them
and you'll appreciate tho quality and
stylo of, this line. Tho Emmy Lou
Hat Shop. M, M. Dept. Storo. 296
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Duniel of Wau-
sau, r la., and . J1. Gibson of New
York City aro among tho temporary
visitors in tho city from a distance.
Flowering shrubs, vinos and orna
mentals. Eden Valley Nursory. Phono
I0-J-2. tf
Suo our line of kiddie tints. Tho
Emmy Lou Hat Shop, M. M. Dept.
Storo. 296
James Stevenson of Klamath Falls
was an out of town visitor in Medford
You can get It nt DeVoe a. tf
Wo remodel hats and sell trimmings
Tho Emmy Lou Hat Shop, M. M. Dept.
Storo. 296
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonald have
taken an apartment at tho Borben
apartment house, which will bo their
homo In tho futuro.
For estimnten on fixing lawns
phono 912-J, Samuel Bateman.
Arrive in Modford: The nowest
styles In Gage hats every week. Tho
Emmy Lou Hat Shop, M. M. Dept.
Storo. 296
Recreate In Oregon" Js tho title of
an lssuo of 60.000 booklets that ap
peared yesterday Jn Portland, put out
by tho slate chamber of commerce as
a part of Its participation In tho effort
to advertise Oregon. The booklets
will bo distributed among tourist
agencies; lu all parts of the United
States and Canada. With a cover in
colors, many Illustrations and torse
reading matter, tho pamphlet contains
a four page map of Oregon and tho
northwcHt centers of Interest detailed
lu colors. Fifty-six communities. In
cluding Medford. aro listed with the
map. A brief sketch is given of each
community, with advice that Informa
tion can bo obtained from the respec
tive commercial organizations of those
One dozen bnbv dresses specially
priced at three dollars. Handicraft
simp. , aoo
Everything fr the baby nt attrac
tive pikes. Handicraft Slop. $00
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. McDonald
have leased an apartment at the
Berban on Quince street.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Trade at home and bank the differ
ence. Eden Valley Nursery, phone
680-J-2. tf
Dr. Wilson R. Adams entertained
the Jackson ' County Medical, associa
tion at his home Thursday evening.
Columbia' plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
The Vanta garments are best for
baby's health and comfort. Handi
craft Shop. 300 i
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scheffel have I
been called north by tho illness of Mr.
bcheffel's mother. ,
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. . i tf
R. I. Red eggs at DeVoe's.
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock a
young lading crossing the bridge over
Bear Creek had the misfortune . to
drop her purse while leaning over the
parapet to watch tho creek. Her cries
of distress drew threo boys, to the
scene who volunteered to go dowp
and search for the purso. After about
twenty minutes the bag was disco v
ered and returned to the rejoicing
young lady. The purse contained $60,
threo twenty dollar bills. As a reward
tho lady gave a dollar to each boy as
she said, "I would not have minded
losing the money so much but my
bag contained two tickets to the
American Legion Indoor Circus and
I could not bear to lose thorn."
Fruit, shade and nut bearing trees.
Ldon Valley Nursory, phono G80-J-2
Give Everfast goods any test you
wish and it will como out as bright ns
new. Handicraft Shop. 300
Word has been received that the
Motropole Jazz orchestra that has
been playing at Jackson Hot Springs
has been meeting with unusual sue
cess on Its northern tour which com
prises Marshfleld, Coqullle, Myrtle
Point, Woodburn, McMinnville, New
berg, and Eugeno which makes their
third trip into this territory.' Wo aro
glad to know that these boys aro
making good. They will return hero
to play for a dance at Jackson Hot
Springs on Saturday nlte, March 8
Who pays tho agent, you or tho
other fellow? Eden Valley Nursery.
Phone 680-J-2. tf
Get your magazines at DeVoe's.
A largo delegation of local Knights
of Pythias are going to Ashland this
evening to witness tho Installation of
tho now lodge in that city.
Key fitting. Liberty Repair Shop.
Got soft papor school tablets At this
offlco. tf
Ed Van Locker, A. E. Harris and
Lester D. Taylor were bound over to
tho grand jury today by Justice of tho
Peace Taylor for tho theft of an auto
mobile In Medford belonging to Wil
liam A. Kinney. Their bail was fixed
at $1000 each. The three alleged rob.
bers wore caught with tho car in
Junction City by Iane county officers
and brought to Medford by Sheriff
Tor rill.
Cars for . rent without driver.
Elwood Auto Shop, S. Central.
New shipment cotton crepe, all
colors, 23c yd. Jap Art Store.
Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of the First M. E. church wil
meet Friday, March 7 at the homo of
Mrs. J. It. Snsnott, 27 North Orange
streot with Mrs. Whelden, program
leader. A cordial Invitation Is extend
ed to all to attend.
Coal brlquettos. Clean and ocononv
leal. Exclusive dealers, Hansen Coal
Co. Phono 239. tf
Oscar Van, who has been In Aber
deen, Wash., for tho past several
months has returned home.
Salo of delicious homo mado cakes
at public market Saturday morning
Prices reasonable. Tho money will
help rebuild tho Y. W. C. A. buildings
destroyed by earthquake at Toklo and
Yokohama. 297
From tho stato of Washington the
following are temporarily sojourning
in Medford: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Barn-
hart of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Gllpen of Tacoma. Mrs. Wm. S. Now
ton of Bellingham, F. S. Barnott and
J. P. McDonald of Spokane, and Dr.
and Mrs. Konelin Wlnslow, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Gilbort R. Fales, W. S. Huntoon
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Yockinson - of
The Rosenberg r.rothors have lately
purchased a new traet of land to add
to thefr IJear Creek orchards, 10
aereH of the Hampton orchards. In
cluding a small block of pear trees
planted after the Civil war. and which.
together with a small section of the
Hear Creek orchards are tho oldest
planting In the Koguo Itiver valley. ;
This is the third new tract that the
Rosenberg Brothers have purchased
in the yeur. The first was the Wal
ter Tiasler Brown tract, Pcmuro or
chard and tho second an orchard
known ns the Moore tract, which Is
planted with Winter Nellis.
Ralph Cowglll, well known rancher
and a former captain of engineers
(luring the world war, was elected
captain of Company A, 136th Infantry
of the Oregon state national guard
Wednesday night at a meeting called
at the armory for this purpose.
This election will rill the vacancy
left by Captain II. A. Canaday when he
moved to Roseburg. There was one
other candidate for the office, M. C.
Wright, who withdrew bis namo In
favor of Mr. Cowglll who was unani
mously elected. , '
John Quincy Adams of Ashland was
Inspector of the election.
WESTERLUND The funeral ser
vices for John A. Westerldnd will be
held at tho Perl Funeral Home Fri
day at 2:30 p. m., Rev. J. Randolph
Sasnett officiating. Tho pall bearers
will be Frank Wortman, Dr. Chas. T.
Sweeney, H. C. Smith, P. J. Neff, Joe
Brown and W. II. Gore. Tho remains
will be forwarded to his birthplace,
Orion, 111., for interment. The body
will lie in state at the Porl funeral
homo from between tho hours of 10
A. M., and 2 P. M. Friday.
The Screen
'To tho Insl Man
Ono nf the foremost screen o'ffer-
ngs of the current season Is the
Paramount picture, "To tho ImhI
Man." which is duo nt tho Rlnlto
heatre tomorrow to remain for two
days. Lois Wilson. Richard Dlx.
Noah Boery. Robert Edeson and
Frank Campcau appear in lending
Tho final showings of "Tho Cheat."
will -occur at tho liialto theatre to
night. Pola Negri is tho star, with
Jack Dolt featured and Charles do
Rocho in support.
Card of Thanks
Wo wish to thank our friends for
their kindness and sympathy during
our recent bereavement. Also for tho
beautiful flowers.
There will ho a meeting of truck nnd
berry growers nt tho Public Library
Saturday March 8 at 3 p. m. All come!
Nature's Strong Man
Is tho Mtm With Fresh, Hod Blood
The stomach is the center of the
body from which radiates our vitality,
alrenuoslty, our fighting strength. A
healthy stomach turim the food wo eat
into nourishment for the blood stream
nd the nerves. Doctor Pierce's Gol-
Mcdical Discovery tones up the
stomach walls, removes tho poisonous
gasHts from tho system. Impure
germs and accumulations begin to
sepumte In tho blood and are expelled
through the liver, bowels and kidneys.
Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr.
lercc's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
4 Adv.
Sewing School
Everything in dressmaking, design-
ng, remodeling, tailoring, plain sew-
ng taught. Kithcr individual or class
iiKtructlon. .Mrs. Wado - de Rycke.
331 :. Main. Phone 110. 301
Says His" Prescription Has
Powerful Influence Over.
Also Proven Remarkably
cess Cul in St'vero Cases of
Rheumatic 'Neuritis
Mr. James H. Allen suCfered( for
years With rheumatism. Many times
this terrible disease left him helji
lcsH and unahlo to work.
Ho finally decided, after years of
ceaseless study, that no one can be
free from rheumatism until the accu
mulated Impurities, commonly called
uric acid deposits, were dissolved in
tho joints and muscles and expelled
from the body.
.With this idea In mind ho consulted
physicians, mado experiments and
finally compounded a ' prescription
that quickly and completely banished
every sign nnd symptom of rheuma
tism from his system.
He freely gavo his discovery, which
ho called AUenrhu, to others who
took it, with what might bo called
marvelous success. After years of
urging he decided to let sufferers
everywhere know about his discovery
through tho newspapers. Ho has
therefore Instructed druggists every
where to flispcnso Allcnrhu with tho
understanding that If the first pint
bottle docs not show tho way to
complete recovery ho will gladly re
turn your money without comment.
Heath's Drug Store. West Side Phar
macy can supply you. Mall orders ac
cepted. Adv.
317 E. MAIN
OR HKNT Furnished four, room
nonrtmpnt, 346 N. Front. Apply
6S5 N, IllveralU. " ;j
Wong Pon
For Trent mont
of Acuto ami
Chyonlc Dis
eases of Men
and women.
Cancer am) tumor treated, lnflwna, Wrt.
nev, bU.KWr ami stomal trouble, fit.
hm, rui'tur. cold. Itnialr trouble. pr
lyit. fwr, pneumonia, tuthm iul throat
trnubl, rhoumattum, mv nor rtiora, goitre,
conbumptioii, catarrh, pitta.
Offico Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Consultation Free
241 Pomh Front St., Medford, Or.
The Home of Bread Like Mother Made
Fresh Colli
While 600 pounds last
( V ;
ED BINNS Fighting the (Fish) Trust
Buy Them at Either Shop
Economy Groceteria
Lois -Wilson
Kicliard Dix
4 flit
Ilorc's a spirited, colorful, thrill-ladon picturiza
tion of Zano Grey's great novel. Filmed in the
hitherto unscreened wilds of Arizona the actual
scene of the storv.
Dr. Jud Rickert
ROM Hart Main Htrmt
Light for the Eye, Designed to Give Effects of
Music to Ear
Thomas Wilfred
In a Recital with his
Invention, the
Matinee and Night
March 10th at 2:15 and 8:15
Siioillns news fur iliuldy
ml u dunce for slsu-r Kalo
And storie.s for tlio luddy
.No wonder they're up late.
Some pnrt of tho' program thnt
la hrnndcnatpil for your receiving
set will plcnso each member of
your family. A radio brines with
It posailiilitlO'i for unlimited enter
tainment nnd scientific knowledge.
NOTE: A Clavllux Recital is an all-afternoon or evening performance,
lasting about one hour and a half. No music is used.
Thero aro sensations so
strange to tho eye as to render
Ihc recording brain almoRt in
cajiablo of adequate utterance.
It causes one to wonder what
Philadelphia, Pa.
I saw the Clavllux five timps
and hopo to see It many times
more, for ' each performance
seemed more beautiful tbau Uio
Director of the Cleveland
Museum of Art.
Prices. Including War Tax! Matinee, let 6 row3 35c: last
mua t.1 1 H I -in P ' J . . ... . .
..... !.!. evemna, isi v rows i.iu; last 19 rows $1 65-
Loges J1.65. '
Now i
is the
to have your motor recondi
tioned for the season's driv
ing. Let us supply your RE
with Standard NATIONAL
our Tire stock is -complete
and -our prices, are RIGHT.
and the Auto Merchandise
we supply you with Us de
pendable. . Our reputation is
your protection. The truth
i of these statements is. attest
ed by Mr. Dollar Bill, tho
a ito expert who knows how
to crct the host, vim fnr his
money. Read his talks from
I week to week. . "V
I The shop that gives your
j dollar a long ride.
31 N. Bartlett . Phone 62