UfATL TRrBTUTR. MTHTFOnT), (YRTCfTOy, TIIUnSDAV, FEBRUARY, 23. 1924 " PAGE "THREE arrcnTx)T?r i' RED PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN Red Pepper Rub takes tho' "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints. it cannot hurt you, and it certninly stops thnt old rheimatiKm torture nt once. ."When you are suffering so you enn ) a idly get around, Just try Red Pep ' per Rub and you will have tho quick est relief known. Nothing has such cqneentrnted, penetrating heat as red pppcrs.. Just as soon, as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms .the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness arc gone. : Ask any good druggist for a Jur of Howies Red Pepper Huh. Ko sure to get' the' genuine, 'with (lib name Rowles on each package. , . .. , Adv. GUS SCHNODAU STAGES COMEBACK FOREST SERVICE TO E OF TRiCKERY Warning ! Not all Package Dyes are "Diamond Dyes" JJamondDyi Always auk for "Diamond Dyes" and if you don't aeo the name "Diamond Dyes" on the packago refuso it hand it back! " Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, waists, sweaters, 'stockings, kimonos, coats, draperies, coverings everything new, even if she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. Eefuse substitutes! : WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITE BATTERY 8TATION Frlndly Service Phont Gus Schneidau redeemed himself at the Gold Hill smoker lam night by pinning the shoulders of Sam Clup ham. English light heavyweight wrestler, to the mat in exactly forty minutes. Clapham, his arm weakened by successive hammerloeks applied by the southern Oregon boy, was unable to return to the mat for the second fall. The victory was accomplished by a hammerlock and proved Gus contention that he could "down the English boy when in good condition. Frankie Carter refereed thia main event match. . , . A generous turnout of fans from various southern Oregon points as sembled at the pavilion last night to see the return match. Tho program was a success from start to finish and peoplq left the hail feeling that tho main event match was one of the best staged In these parts for years. , The evening's entertainment started with a bang. Ray Reuger, after threo good hard rounds of fighting, kayo'd Chauncey Hooker in the boxing cur tain raiser. Hooker showed a marked, improvement in form over his last ap pearance in Medford at tho Medford Gym and more than once it looked us If ho would turn the tables on the Ashland boy. This preliminary event made a real hit with the audience. Young Dixon and Kid Owen then appeared in a 'feature event that was a comedy itself. Johnny Carlson i re f creed these two opening affairs. In : the semi-windup. "Frcnchy" of Gold ! Hill. nd "Shorty" Conrad of Medford wrestled in a match that ended In a draw. "Frenchy" scored tho fall in sixteen 'minutes and "Shorty" flopped the Gold Hill boy for the second fall. Roth, of these boys showed lots of class for comparative amateurs. Joe Blair was the official in this match. It seemed to be the general opinion of fans at Gold Hill last night that the smoker was a big success. Wrest ling followers In these parts are now anxious to see Schneidau tangle with Ralph Hand. Hand and Gus aro both ood boys and the latter has signified his willingness to meet the Cottage Orovo boy in a handicap match at i Gold Hill whenever promoters can arrange it. - - . in applegateteothyewins OVER HEIN ENGEL l'rellniinary dctaila of forest ser vice roml building in the ApplCKnte district aro being arranged with the county court, and the elimination of steep srndes on Mulo Hill und .Mull znnltu Hill are plumicd. The present grade ovor thcao hills is about 20 per cent, und it will he reduced to five per cent, when the construction work is finished. , Tho county's share in the work is rOHTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 28. flefore the lnrsest crowd that ever attended wrostlinK match hero, Ted Thye, tho securing of a right of.wny. Tho claimant of the liKht-hoavywoii.-ht cost of the work will bo in the neigh-. tti wim n ,.,.ferce's decision over J borhood of $20,000, all from federal jU,ln0 Kneel uf Duluniue, lowa, nftr sources, and lies entirely within for-.ti,oy h,ui wrestled two hours without est reservos. a f.,n last night and at the referee's Mule hill has long been a terror ( order, gone an, additional ten minutes, to travellers on tho Applegato. Tho . Thyo had it shade tho better of tho road consists of a narrow grade ' overturn wrestling around a point of rock, with tho illg Applegato 200 feet below. Tho Improvement is a link In tho niuo Lodge rond. and the county is considering improving tho road for five miles this side of tho Blue Ledge mountain. The forest service will-ndvortlso for bids for the work at once. .v.-.- This Is Prune Week . DYERS HATTERS CLEANEBS 23 N. Fir St Phone 244 OUR STOMACH causes bad hronth, ffonsy pnlni, contact totifluo and belching. . Always find relief in r CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Sweeten voir ttomsch and areata only 25c We Are Pleased to Announce . , .. To Owners of ; -' Fordson Tractors THAT WE CAN NOW OFFER YOU A Sitromberg Carburetor for $24 This product is especially designed Jor your tractor by the foremost carburetor engineers. A complete line of carburetors for all makes of cars and 'tractors.' ' Wc solicit your inquiry and will gladly give specifications and prices. . , Our stock (Y repair parts for carburetors is at your service. Williams & McCurley ' Opposite Nat - .' ' Phone 615-R Sales and Service fcXlDE BATTERIES GABRIEL SNUBBERS r, . ,.,'.. Eat Prunes This Week. Mi. uml Mrs. J. V. Kiley returned Wednesday from a two weeks auto trip to Cull for nia and report tho road in splendid condition and a wonderful trip. They visited Mr. Riley's brother In Oakland and attended the auto !show ia San Francisco, which Mr. Kiley says was truly a wonderful ex hibit of nutoa and trucks. Dodge Brothers factory representatives were there and showed their agents a royal time. Asked if he was glad to get away from home occasionally. Mr. Kiley said: "Ves, but wo always ap preciate Medford more every time we leave aijd getting back Is tho real pleasure of our trips." Before you buy that piano see Herb LAunspach. He can save you money. He knows pianos and is reliable. Of fice and salesroom. 114 W. Main St. Netted Gem spuds, $1.75 per 100 lbs., delivered any place in Medford. Johnson Produce Co.. 541 N. Fir, phone 07. ' Try our dry wash, 7c per lb., mini mum; 75c. .All flat pieces ironed. American "Laundry, phono ,873. , tt Miss Barbara Owen, daughter of Mrs. Frank Owen, at present in Paris, celebrated her tenth, birthday this afternoon with a children's party at the Owen home. There wero games and refreshments. Those present wero Koxanna Ituhl, Roddy Kifhl. Nellie Welch, Miss Helen Rodolph and Shelby Owen., Try our wet wash on . your next wash day.1-; 15 pounds for 7Gc.:l You can't do it at home for this amount. Medford Domestic Laundry. Personal Domestic Service. Phone 166, . , tf We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. .. Thoro's a busy Business Collogo In Medford. OWN Tho St. Ann's Altar society gave a card party Wednesday afternoon to the ladies of the Parish at tho parish hall. Lawn planting and landscapo work. Phono 87-U. 201 Try our dry wash 7c per lb., mini mum 75c. All flat pieces Ironed. American Laundry, phone 873. t Phonographs! See Launspach. - ttcittce All parties having lawns at I. O. O. F. cemetery should remit at once for caro for 1024. L. It. Dusenbury. Sexton, 234 K. Ninth St., phono 055-U. Medford, Ore. 206 Poultry Feiice See OurSunriseFence Heavier wire makes stronger fence. Costs no more than other styles. - ;,; 'Vr. , , Hubbard Bros. Phone 231 Main & Riverside Medford . " . 'Buy Prunes During Prune Week. 7 m A. F. & A. M. Special communication Mocl J f'Td LodKO No. 103, A. F. & A. M., Friday evening. Feb. 2D, 1924. nt 7:30 p. ni. Work In M. M. degree. By order W. M. 291 A. J. CKOSIO. Secretary. Dc Moluy NfitU'e There will be a meeting of the De Molaya Thursday even- ! Job, February 28, at 7:30. 289 KAY KNIPS, Bcribo. What Do They Sc-? IU;DA1'EST, Feb. 28. (By the As sociated Press) Hungary has decid ed to recognize tho Kussian soviet government. It was announced in au thoritative quartors ttfday. TTasklns for Health.- tf Says His Prescription Has Powerful Influence Over Rheumatism Mr. Jnmes H. Allen suffered, for years with rheumatism. Many times this terrible disease left him hclp- Ichs and unable to work. ! He finally decided, after years of ceaseless study, that no one can be; free from rheumatism until the accu-i in n hitcd impurities, commonly called uric acid deposits, were dissolved in ; tho joints and muscles and expelled from tho body. With this idea In mind ho consult- ed physicians, made experiment and finally c ompounded a prescription J that quickly and completely banished every nltsn and symptom of rheuma tism from his system. , . . He freely gayo his discovery, whb'h ho called Allenrhu,.to others who took It, with what tniRht be called marvelous success. After years of urging he decided to let sufferers everywhere know about his discovery through the newspapers.- lie has therefore Instructed Heath's Drug Ktoro and West Side Pharmacy to dis pense Atlcnrhu with the understand ing that If the first pint bottle does not show the. way o complete re covery ho will gladly return your money without comment. Mall orders accepted. w Adv. KANSAS CTTV, Mo.. Feb. 2S. The ciiminK" world's greatest hurdler Is tho future held out for Mel'ulIouKh Koeblo, lanky Austin. Texas boy and T'ntveriilty of Missouri athlete, by tJiob Simpson, coach and the most famous hurdler of all time. Kecble, sophomore, smashed the world's record for the fifty yard high hurdles In the Missouri-Kansas dual indoor meet last night. The Texan topped tho Hticks In six seconds flat, shaving one-fifth of a second from tho record established by his mentor In 11)16, and a mark that experts at that time said could not bo lowered. Koeblo will represent his school In tho Olympic tryouts nod it is tho pro diction of his coach that he wilt bo a member of tho American Olympic team. -1 ' j ' ' GIANTS' NEW RECRUIT : OUT BATS BABE RUTH NKW YOItK, Feb. 2 8. William Terry. ft 0, 00 0 first basema n bough t from Toledo, joined tho tiiants nt Sarsota yesterday and astonished , ob servers by craijdng out tho longest homo run sren in Florida in ages, ac cording to reports reaching here. Terry hit .311 ,nnr made flftoun homo runs for Tolod.UiHt season. . Frank '.FriHohv' regarded ntf a can didate .for (ho "mo;it valuable man" honors this season, will leave today for the camp- Othor vetorans are slated to depart Monday SPORT BRIEFS MANCIIISBTBK, England Tho world's fancy skating championship wns won, by Gillies Ciraststrom of Sweden. SAN FRANCISCO Demetrium Martinoff, Russian wrestler and Rich ard Schlkat, heavyweight wrestling champion of Kurope, wrestled for an hour to a draw. SPOKANE, Feb. 28 North Central high school football team has agreed to a football game In Portland Octo ber 4 with Washington high school, according to an announcement made by Spokane high school authorities here. Tho tontract will provldo for a game between the two schools here the following year. illions Use It Buys Jar at Few Cents Drugstore (ftSK HAIR P J GROOM Y' J Keeps Hair JWcn ohstinnte, unruly or shampooed hair Rtnya minlwd all day in any style you like. "Hair-Groom" is a dignified combing cream which gives, that natural pious and well-groomed effect to your hair that final touch to arood -dreM both in buftmPBfl and on nodal occasions. "Hair-Oroom" is pnyiwlens ; rIko whelps grow thick, heavy, lustrous hair. Be ware of greasy, harmful imitations. Union Non-Detonating Gasoline explodes like smoketeM powder, which burns progress ively, thus provid ing the sustained impulse that gives a ten-mile range to great naval guns. Dynamite a detonating explos ivecan not be used for guns. Real Results that cost but a moment try this plan for 50 miles HERE'S a simple plan for motorists which thousands have tried and approved. It produces desirable results without extra cost and may be thoroughly tested in 50 miles of ordinary driving. ' Just try Union Non-Detonaiing Gasoline in your motor, unmixed with any other kind.' j-iwi- : You'll find new speed, at your service when you want it. Increased rush in the pick-up will take you put of many a congestion which would otherwise be hard to escape. 1 And a plus power on hills will enable you to take grades on high which have meant second gear work in the past. . I You feel this improvement at the wheel it's just as though the motor itself had been improved. And you'll realize the difference in the first 50 miles you drive. Surely it's worth that easy test to know. The Reason Such results do not come by chance. They are founded on scien ; tific research. kir!Wil,!r.',"fii!8H(?. A ' . - , .' . A'.: , Union Non-Detonating Gasoline is produced with 21 steps in the distillation. Some gasolines are made with two. 1 Union Non-Detonating Gasoline is painstakingly tested at every step. Thus its results are assured in advance. 1 It produces a perfect chain of boiling points. So its explosions are prolonged and progressive not crashing and instantaneous. This means reduced vibration, a smoother running motor. . '.(. - i That's what produces those extra miles per hour to "use. when you want them, that added rush in the pick-up and the plus power that takes you over hills in a surprising way. Those are results worth while. They bring hew motoring pleasure. They give you a new pride in your car. And you can test our claims in two days' driving a mere 50 miles. Prove to yourself what this superior fuel will do for you. Just fill your tank with Union Gasoline and use it unmixed with any other kind for 50 miles. UMbnOilGdmpany of.California. UnionGasbUiii 12. Stewart Fruit Company r i .... . - Packers and Shippers "Signal" anil "Triangle" Brand Fruit " Rogue River Valley Distributors for General Chemical Company's "ORCHARD BRAND" LEAD ARSENATE "BLACK LEAF 40" "KAYSO" SPREADER LIME SULPHUR LIQUID AND DRY f RED ENGINE OIL EMULSION Office and Packing House End of South Central ''. .. r'. i :- ' 'Phone 226 '- ' - ' ''" yr' 1 - ', 3.1 I