Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 22, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
No weather prediction wu received
here tpday from the Ban Francisco
government weather office, because of
its being a holiday. However, an
amateur conservative home-made
prediction is that there will probably
be occasional raina Saturday with
i ciuuuiness, may oe, unless ine weain-
Today, Washington's birthday, be- i er is otherwise. Today was quite
lng a national legal holiday, the post- j cloudy and cold with a minimum tem
offlce. city, county and federal offices. I perature of 29 and now and then
the courts and banks were closed all
day. The stores were open as usual,
but the California Oregon Power com
pany observed the day by remaining
. closed. The public schools had a half
holiday this afternoon.
Full line of garden tools, priced
right. Hubbard Bros. 287
The publlo Is cordially Invited to tend the
attend the Washington Tea given by Knights
slight falls of rain.
Big dance Saturday nlto, Jackson
Hot Springs. Metropole Jasz orchestra
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, phone 680-J-2. tf
A number of Medford citizens will
.drive to Ashland thiB evening to at-
installatlon of the new
of I'ythias lodge in
the Roosevelt P. T. A. at the home of ( that city. Among them are E. B.
Mrs. Louis Ulrlch on Minnesota ave- Oore, Carl Flchtnor. James Stewart,
nue Saturday afternoon at 2:30. J H. H. Williams and Earl Webber.
' 'Harry O. Wortman has been con- Brown fixes your Bhoea while you
fined to his home for the past few wait. 290
days by illness. Unity literature teaches people how
Are your chickens lousy? Parker's to be well, prosperous and efficient.
Magic Discovery given In drinking ' Freo distribution, 106 South Ivy. tf
water or food rids fouls of lice or Keith Cole, a member of the Med
mltes. Nothing better for baby chlx. ford high school band is confined to
Hold under guarantee by HasKins . his homo by Illness.
Drug Co. 285
Dance Saturday nlte, Jackson Hot
Springs,. Metropole Jags orchestra.
Mrs. H. Chandler Egan left for
Chicago last night, being called there
by the death of her mother, Mrs.
Grafted Franquette walnut trees.
Eden Valley Nursery, phono C80-J-2.
Full line of garden tools, priced
right, Hubbard Bros. 28"
News has been received that George
and Martha Washington will attond
I the Washington dinner this evening
Bine cherry trees, the best ever, at the First Bnntlst church, and will
Eden Valley Nursery, phone 680-J-2. i be glad to meet the citizens of Med-
tf ford.
' See Samuel Batcnian or phone S12-J For Sale Well rotted fertilizer for
for the best garden loan. H lawns or garden, delivered, phone
Guy Conner returned today from a 7-F-4.
business trip to Seattle and Portland, j Overstuffed davenport, 8-0 long.
He reports roses In full bloom on , dehlm cover. Good shape, little used.
l'ut Sound and the season far ad
vanced. In every way, i
I got mine at Brown's. , 200
-Dance with Metropolo Jazz orches
tra, Jackson Hot Springs, Saturday
night. ,.- 86
George A. Mansfield, who has been
'busy with his campaign for the demo
cratic nomination for United States
senator in Portland and other parts
of the state, arrived in the city this
morning from his campaign head
quarters in Portland enroute to his
home noar Prospect for a visit there
of a few days, when he will return
50. J. Weis. Upholsterer. 289
Joe Gannon Informs us that he will
soon be ready to resume operations
with his electric car between Jackson
ville and Medford. This service was
put out of commission a year or more
ago, caused, by the power house at
Medford burning. Joe says the fare
will be 10c each way same as before,
with hourly service. Jacksonville
See Brown for your first class shoe
repairing. 290
Vou can get it at DeVoe's. - tf
Included among the temporary vlsl-
north and delve deeper Into the cam- tors in the city from a distance are
paign. ...... I Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hansen of Prince
We have just rocoived a new lot of
Rod Mexican beans to sell 20 pounds
for 1. Also fresh prunes, 20 pounds
for 11. 10 cans Tuxedo tobacco for
$1... Hutchinson & Lumsden. 287
, Soiling out new phonographs and
records all kinds halt price. Gold Ray
Realty Co. Open evenings.
Note the, Flavor '
It's the Milk
Fluhrer's Milk
At Any Grooftr
ltuport, B. C, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Chlsholm, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chrls
tlon, Mrs. Eva Thomson, W. C. Thom
son and Violet Thomsen of Seattle.
Wo have Just received a new lot of
Red Mexican beans to sell 20 pounds
fnr 11. Alnn fpenh nriinpn 20 noundfl
Ifn. 1 1ft Tuvafln InhflK.n fn.
'!!. Hutchison & Lumsden. 2HT
For estimates on fixing lawns
"Inhone 912-J. Samuel Batemon. -
Itov. Howe nnd a quartet from this
city assisted last night in the revlvnl
being held In tho Christian church at
Grants Pass.
Hemstitching will make your homo
made dress 'or lingerie look like pro
fessional work. Bring your work to
the Deuel Art Dept. for new Ideas.
- :) '. . . I 288
I have taken over the Interest of
Mr. Hurklcy in the Argraves Hotel.
We have good clean rooms and good
beds, and will endeavor to give our
customers the best service . possible.
Give us a trial. J. E. Hill. 289
Frank Swctt of Sun Francisco, man
ager of the California Poar Growers
association, was in Medford Thursday
conferring with the officers of tho
chambor of commerce
Milk and cream at DeVoo's. tf
' Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery,
phono 080-J-2. tf
George Henry of tho Unllod Statos
Rubber company liaH been a business
visitor In Medford for the past three
Why use a treadle machine when
we will rent you a how White Electric
for 13.00 per month. White Sowing
Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett. '
New shipment cotton crepe, all
colors. 23c yd. Jap Art Store.
Medford friends of Mm. C. H. Lucy,
wife of Staff Sergeant C. R. Lucy,
formerly on duty in Medford, will be
sorry to leant that she Is seriously 111
in the Letter man .General hospital
Presidio, of San Francisco.
Brown guarantees his shoe repair
inff. 290
Knight's Packing Co. has machin
ery on way to double their capacity
for handling tomatoes and would
contract for one hundred acres of
tomatoes at their plant in Medford.
A strong musical program Is pre
pared for the regular monthly sacred
concert to be given Sunday evening
at the First liaptiflt church. An organ
recital will form a part of the-concert,
starting at 7:25 p. m. A full program
will appear later.. ...
Special showing of spring dresses
and sport coats, Friday and Saturday,
Feb. 22nd and 23d, The Vanity Shop.
Flowering shrubs, vinos and orna
mentals. Eden Valley Nursery,. Phone
680-J-2. '. . . tf
Uc-rt M. Sullivan of the Gusher Cafe
who has been ill In the Dow hospital
!is now well enough to be moved to his
Cars for rent without . driver.
Elwood Auto Shop, S. Central.-
Lime Bulphur solution at Farm Fur.
. 285
The Oregon Emerald, 'official stu
dent body publication of the Univer
sity of Oregon, in eommenting on the
last game the Oregon frosh played on
their recent southern tour, says: "The
university men could not get going In
the last game and dropped ft after a
hard fight to the Ashland high school
five. Ashland has the weakest team
of tho three played, and has been de
feated by both Medford and Roseburg
in the district elimination. They had
the Indian sign on the frosh, however,
that night and took them down tho
lino to a 80 to 26 score in a very loose
ly played game."
Special showing of Bprlng dresses
and sport coats, Friday and Saturday,
Feb. 22nd and 23d, The Vanity Shop.
. . . 286
Get soft paper school tablets at this
office. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Iceland Holbrook ar
rived home last evening from a. week's
visit In Portland.. X
Brown cuts down high shoes to ox
fords. ' 290
Phonographs! See Launspach.
Miss E. Moore, teacher at the Wil
low Springs school has been obliged to
close the, school for several days on
account of illness In her family in
Ashland, and for this reason the
"Washington birthday program planned
for today In that school was called off.
called off.
. Key fitting. Liberty Repair Shop.
Grafting wax at Monarch Seod Co.
One of tho most enjoyable coming
social events, according to present
, uutiuun, niu ujd nit? yvur uaiuv
In t tin ITtlra Inmnla tn hn nliion K tho
Lady Elks on Friday, February 29.
Now la the time for lime Sul. and
spray emulsion, ?10.75 per bbl. Bear
Creek Spray Co. 401-R-l. 285
"Who pays the agent, you or the
I other folio? . Eden ;Valley Kursery.
Phone 680-J-S. j : 1 ' tf
Two heavily armed robbers held up
and robbed the clerk of tho Arcade
j hotel at Klamath Falls a week ago
j tonight and mado their escape with
all tho money in the cash register.
Phonographs. See Launapach.
Columbia plaster waH board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Yard. .
Mrs. H. J. Vieaux, from the Fish
hatchery above Trail creek was a
Medford visitor yesterday.
Cars for , rent without - driver.
Elwood Auto Shop, S. Central.
Dance, J'ville, Fri. nlte. Good music
furnished by Emperial Jazz hounds.
Ralph Tucker of Brownsboro was a
business visitor In town Thursday.
Hemstitching, buttons . covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
I pay cash for used pianos.- Herb
Lntinspach. Phone 227.
Next Week Is
Prune Week
The growers are overloaded on prunes, and the mer
chants of the city have set aside next week as Prune
Week and will endeavor to move as much of this fruit
as possible. We have a large amount of these fancy
Petite Prunes and the price is very low.
Fresh Home Made Cakes
,: ,.', :
Home Made Mince Pies, Potato Salad. Shrimp
Salad. Tuna Fish Salad and Cottage Cheese
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Great Variety
Personal Attention Prompt Service
M-WH' E. Marsh
Phone 252 , . ( GROCER Phone 252
The local American Legion post will
hold one of its biggest meetings of
the year next Tuesday when ten new- '
comers will be initiated. The meeting
will start promptly at seven. The
women's Auxiliary will also hold a
meeting the same night. i
Fruit, shade and nut bearing trees. '
Eden Valley Nursery, phone 0-J-2.
Get your magazines av DeVoe's. j
"Tho election htld here Saturday
afternoon by the taxpayers of this :
district to issue bonds for $7500 for!
the purpose of building a gymnasium !
on the sohool grounds resulted In 61'
votes in. favor of It and 51 against."
says the Jacksonville Post. "It ap
pears that nearly all who voted
against the proposition were in favor
of fixing up the old U. S. hotel for a
gymnaRium, which they claim could
be done at an expense not to exceed
91000 and which could bo used jointly
with the town for various purposes
that public halls are used for. The
building, which will be one-story Con
crete, 60x80 feet In slso, will be built
on the grounds just west of tho
schoolhouse. Construction is expected
to start about March 15th."
Our only business is insurance. 'but
we cover every known. kind of risk.
R. A. Holmes, "The Insurance Man."
Try our wet wash on your next
wash day. IB pounds for 78c. Tou
can't do It at homo for this amount.
Medford Domestic Laundry. Personal
Domestic Service. Phone 166. tf
W. I. Terry of Boston, Mass., was
an out of town visitor in this city
Trado at home and bank the differ
ence. Eden Valley Nursery, phone
680-J-2. tf
Try our dry wash 7c per lb., mini
mum 75c All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry, phone 873. tf
In tho Medford Phoenix debate
here last night, Medford with the
affirmative won by a three to 0 vote.
In Phoenix, Medford lost by a 2-1
vote. In the Ashland and Grants
Pass debates Ashland won both de
bates by an unanimous decision. This
puts Ashland well in the lead of any
school In the district. There will be
nnother debate in two weeks time,
and then Medford and Ashland will
be matched and Phoenix with Ash
land. .
Netted Gem spuds, $1.75 per 100
lbs., delivered any place In Medford.
Johnson Produce Co., 241 N, Fir,
phone 97.
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. 'Wallace Woods Lumber
J. F. Carroll and Will R. Johnson
of Stockton and Frank T. Swctt, A.
Meyer and George A. Smith are Call
forplans in Medford on business.
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Elcbth and
Bartlett. ' tf
Before you buy that piano see Herb
Launspach. He can save you money.
He knows pianos and is reliable. Of
fice and salesroom, 1 1 4 W. Main St.
Raymond. Reter of tho Stewart
Fruit company, reports to the Med
ford chamber' of commerce that he
attended the nationnl orange show at
San Bernardino, Calif., and ho makes
the euggestiohthatvin conjunction
with the Jackson County Fair every
summer an "Oregon Pear Show"
should be held at which the pears
grown In this valley aro featured in a
larger degree than ever before at
tempted. Those of the fair associa
tion who have, given his suggestion
consideration are inclined to the idea,
as the pear show would give the
county fair a state wide significance.
Tho proposition' Will be taken up of
ficially with tho directors of tho fair
association at their next meeting.
Better have the car overhauled now
before the tourist rush commences.
Capable . mechanics, labor-saving
equipment, reasonable prices. River
side Garage, P. F. Close, proprietor.
- 28S
Try our dry wash, Tc per lb., mini
mum 76c. All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry, phone 873. tf
L. F. Lozier of Medford is spending
a few days in Roseburg attending to
business matters.
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
Linen crepe, all colors, 98c yd. Jap
Art Store. . , -
Rev. E. P. Lawrence returned home
this forenoon from Portland whore
he attended a state meeting of Pres
byterians in tho interest of Albany
college. Mrs. Walter Fraser -Brown
and Mrs. A. J. Hanby, who were also
uslegates from this city to this gath
ering will return homo Saturday.
We have good values In used cars.
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf
Coal briquettes. Clean and econom
ical. Exclusive dealers, Hansen Coal
Co. Phone 239. tf
Among Portland people sojourning
in Medford temporarily aro Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Brands. Mr. and Mrs. L.
W. Ijowry, Mrs. 'Rowenn, Benndoin.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Grander and
daughter, L. W. Damon. H. C. Har
lnn, John Dickson, W. E. Dickoncr,
E. A. Dundas. A. II. Ferguson. W. E.
Bloch, J. B. Bliss. O. J. Freeman, J.
V. Parsons. M. M. Page. Frank M.
Barrett and C. H. White. Other Ore
gonians hero includo Harry Bailey of
Lakcvicw. R. E. Wright of Klamath
Falls, and C. T. Baker, O. D. Herbert
and F. F. Jones of Eugene.
There's a busy Business College
In Medford. OWN1 -
Frank Sivett, manager of the pear
growers association of California and
recognised as one of the outstanding
authorities on pear marketing, is
talking this afternoon before the fruit
group of the Josephine county eco
nomic conference. He was brought
from Medford today by Dave Wood.
Mr. Swctt Is talking; on factors that
influence the fresh fruit markets.
Grants 1'njts Courier.
Columbia plaster wall board. Cal
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Yard. -
E. B. Day of Gold Hill Is among the
out of town county visitors In tho city,
who arrU'cd yesterday. '
Exchange your old piano for a new
one. See Launspach, phone 227.
Hasklna for Health. tf
Lawn planting and landscape work.
Phono S7-R. 191
LOBT Tan belt with black stripe.
pearl buckle. Finder pleas return
to Mall Tribune. - Is
FOR SALE Tear old White Leghorn
hens, seventy-five cents each. Green
holme on highway one mile south
' of Talent. ( " ' t
FOH SALE Small cottage and 'lot.
Call evenings or Sunday morning.
801! King St. St
The Home of Bread Like Mother Made ,
( "" :" " . k
It's not what you earn, but what you save that ultimately leads'
financiallndependence saving is just a .matter of spending.
Spend for' necessities only eliminating non-essentials, and pejaes
increasing your savings you will have more for 'the , little adde
comforts and luxuries that really make life worth living. ' i
The most expensive non-essentials are the service luxuries which
from time to time have crept into the retail business. We cut
them out here, pricing everything without 'those added costs ap
pearing in the selling price. If you haven't already joined the vast
number of housewives who '.'set a better table for less" come in
Saturday. Our floor man is at your service to acquaint you
with our store. - ; "
OSALTED CRACKERS Fresh from the Bakery this week,
small square salted cratkers, in boxes weighing up to 6 lbs. per
box :..:.x.; 78c
PANCAKE FLOUR Kerr's Hotcake Flour, in 2 lb. boxes; just
as good for Waffles as for Hotcakes. Special for Saturday . .'19c
Salt Mackrel, average weight lb 2 for 256
Red Salmon Strips, salted . . . . .' . . 3 lbs. 25c
Swift's Jewel Shortening, 4 lb. pail . : 78c
Swift's Jewel Shortening, 8 lb. pail $1.53
Pure imported Castile Soap, 3 lb. bar, per bar 49c
Mazola or Wesson Oil, gal.-cans, each $1.83
Ripe1 .Olives, medium size, gallon cans, each . . ....... 69c
Jello, any flavor, per pkg. . 10?
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, usually 35c. Special, lb 22c
Pork Sausage, seasoned as you like it, per lb. .............. 15c
Hamburger, per' lb. . . , 15
Willow Clothes Baskets, easily worth $1.50. For Saturday . .83c
Lunch Boxes, black Japanned, with vacuum bottle, each . .. . $1.45
. Glass Mixing Bowls. . Sizes 7-in.' 8-in and 9-in. All three for 69c
;." ' B AKERY'DEPT." h--p.p o. -
Cream Puffs, filled with pure whipped cream. Sale limited to our
capacity to make, 4 for ........ . v . . .... . . . . .'. . '. '. '. . . 19c
Hot Biscuits, from 1 1 a. m. to noon. Lightbread biscuits, hot from
the oven at 11, per dozen . . . s '. . 10c
Devil's Food or Mocha Cakes; regular 35c. For Saturday . .23c
Gates & Lydiard
Bay Here and Bank the Difference
Lots of Room to Park Your Car
Exercises were held in all tho
public school clas3 rooms beforo dis
missal at noon today In honor of
Washington's birthday. Tho first
president's life, character! principles
and Ideals will all be discussed.
lnl ghts of Pythias, Attention!
The Pace and Esquire ranks
will be conferred in Mooso
hall! Ashland, Friday even
ing, Feb. 22nd. All local
Knichts who can attend
will come to Talisman hall
about 7 p.m. AUDREY O. SMITH.
285 Chancellor Commander.
Notice to Parents
Beginners In tho Klrst grade will be
accepted In each of tho elementary
schools, "Washington, Lincoln, Jack
son and Roosevelt up to nnd including
Monday. Feb. 25, but not Inter. Any
child who will be six years old on or
before May 1st, 1924, may be entered
at this time. - Please send them by
Monday. AUBRKY O. 6MITH. .
2 Supt. City Schools.
Are You Fat?
Just Try This
Thousands of overfat people have
hwnni Klim Uv followinc the advice
of doctors who recommend Marmola
Prescrlptioit Tablets, those harmless
little fat reducers that simplify the
dose of the famous Marmola prescrip
tion. If too fat, don't wait go now
to your druggist and for one dollar
which Is the price the world over,
procure a box of theso tablets. If pre
ferable, you can secure them direct
bq eendlnp price to tho Mnrmrla
Co.. 4813 Woodward Ave.. Detroit.
Mint. The ntHiipa ntenflllv Anil PAR-
ily without tiresome exercise or star
vation diet and Jeave no unpleasant
effect. Adv.
Insuraiicc " r a t c s on
dwellings are low yet
projerty destroyed in
Berkeley s $10,000,000
fire was insured.
"WHY? Because people
keep thinking "t '11 takei
out additional insurance'
To-morrow is often Too
late. . '
Medford National Bank Bldg
'' Telephone 123
Medford, Oregon
F.&E. Theatre
2-Reel Comedy, "Snooky'i Labor Lot"
Country. Btora' every Monday Night
- Admleeion lOo and 30o
Matlnea every Sunday J;?0 p. M.
Sample can Floor
Lac 30c
Brush ..15c
All for 15c
One to a Customer
i jr-
( J'nL
The ' -!
World Almanacs
For 1924 $
Particularly useful' this
year on account of the
statistics: on the state
and national . votes of
previous years.
There should be one in
every home.
Price 50c.
Book Store
34 No. Central Ave.