PAOF FIVE BRINGING UP FATHER By Georg'e McManus SOME CLA.'bV TO ME. IM'TMlt) N.E1VER. MIND THE. CLfr.ti'b - -YOU CET TO VOR A,MO THl t AN OUTRAGE. -I'LL REPORT "3UIT- , TMlrHD YOUR 07 HIM WTFOT?n MATL' TRTBTTNTE, AfET)FOT?T), OREfipy, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1924 ( V-v-XT" .SgSfrsgnT!l 'T'5 TOO 6AD L- si N. - bTOP THI-b. RAILWAV OOE-bHr -"-l, J, r" -AjO please: a L Ruts oov w way- " Zx JjV n U. S. DIRECTOR OF 8T. PAUL. Minn., Fob. support of the "facta as -..they are," la ;nocessary to defeat the efforts in certain quarters to "create the Im pr east on that prohibition law en forcement hafl broken down," Prohi bition Commissioner Haynes declared In an address hero today before a citizenship conference. Lack of strong public sentiment In some localtiles. in favor of enforce ment, said Mr. Haynes, has resulted in: almost complete demobollzation of citizenship forces until officers, courts, prosecutors and. juries have but little, if any, sense of public sup port. Such a condition, he added, is a "crying shame and where enforcement Is least satisfactory, this situation is always found." Commissioner Ilaynes declared, however, ho did not believe the "friends of enforcement are discour aged, but, "on the other hand, It seems to be the enemies of prohibition very. largely that are so concerned over '-the 'failure as they see it, of v forcement, after a three or four year trial. "It was not expected that en forcement would closely approximate 100 per cent success in three, four, ten or twelve years after the adop tion of the law. AVe expected reason able 'progress through persistent, calm patient, sincere, application to that end.' l The commissioner pointed to a total 'of 19,916 cases made by federal agents against violators since last July with 14,731 convictions and nearly three million dollars in fines as indicating progress in enforcement. The Screen "Wild Bill" Screened William S. Hart returns to the screen and is at the Kiulto theatre In his new western picture. "Wild Bill Hlckok." The story-deals with James ITiekok, known thruout the west as "Wild Bill"!, who was for many years one of the most conspicuous figures of the frontier. It tells how "Bill" got his name, how he battled against lawless ness and became a terror to all who violated the moral code that prevail ed along the western fringe of civili zation. Calamity Jane, another celebrated frontier character, loves Bill, but In vain: for the gunflghter Becretly love3 a K'rl from the east. , Jane's jealousy is aroused, and when Bill becomes partly blind, she serves as his shield against his enemies. When McQueen, a ruffian, hears of this, he sees a chance for revenge, but Bill beats him to it in one of the most spectacular gun battles ever thrown on the screen. The supporting cast includes Ethel Grey Terry, Kathleen O'Connor, Jack Gardnen Carl Gerald.-.James Farley and Nalda Carle. This delightful program includes Fighting Blood, and Movie Chats. Alabama Girl Heroine. In "The . ij Covered Wagon" The darkey character of 'the ''Oh; Susanna" song was from. Alabama, found himself in Louisiana, and was booked for Oregon. "The Covered Wagon" which will be disclosed at the Rlalto. theatre,; Friday .and .-Saturday,. Feb 29 and March 1st, and two performances, will 'be given each day, is a story of Dixie folk treking to the great north west with "Oh Susanna" shlmmorlng on the banjo and sung lustily by everybody, from the -small boy to tho grave and bearded elders. PERL FUKEKAIj nOMfi, , At Your Ben-Ice Day or Night ' information Cordially Given Cor. tb and Oakdale iaH'.tit.v... !'? '.-v.vv.."''-";- V hwa-. $ .dill That was probably only a side rea son why the Famous Players-Lasky corporation chose Lois Wilson to play the role of Molly AVingate, the fair driver of a prairie schooner and hero ine of "The Covered Wagon." She was an Alabama girl when she went on the stage, tho it would be quite too much to attribute her. wholo artistic excellence to the town of her birth. Indeed, Pittsburg deserves a share for in her early childhood she learned to scamper up and down the hills of the Iron City with an agility that shumed the nimble goat. ' , Ask R. It. Extension Lake view WASHINGTON, . t Feb. 21. The Nevade-California-Oregon ra 1 1 r o a d aslced the inter-state commerce com mission to authorizo six miles of new lino northward from Lakeviow, Ore., into timber tracts. Finu! Notice of Administratrix . In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. , In the Matter of the Estate of Frank G. Owen. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administratrix of the estate of Frank G. Owen, deceased, which estate is pending In the above entitled court and cause, duly filed therein her final account and report In said estate on the 31st day of Janu ary, 1924; that upon the filing thereof the above entitled Court made and entered an order fixing tho hour of ten o'clock on Saturday, the first day of March, 1D24 as the time, and the above entitled Court as the plnce for hearing any objections to such final account and report and the settle ment thereof and for passing upon and settling the same, .and by such order directed this notice to be pub lished once a week for four successive weeks in the Medford Mail Tribune, and thereby required all persons in terested in said estate and having any objections to said final account and report or the allowance of any part thereof or to the settlement of said estate in accordance therewith to file such objections thereto on or before said day so appointed for such. settle ment. All persons having any such objections to tho allowance of such account and report or to the settle- ment of said estate In accordance therewith are required to make such objections as aforesaid. Dated this 31st dny of January, 1924. LEILA S. OWEN, As the administratrix of tho Eslate of Frank G. Owen, deceased. WANTED srrOATIONS WANTED To get back in sawmill business, 15 years experience set ting .up and operating circle mill, gang edgers and planers; can take care of outfit Including engine and boiler and get results, by day, or -will take interest with right party. Address O. Arbogast, Central Point, Oregon. 286 WANTED By lady, work in board ing house, Room 74, Palace Rooms, 30 S. Central. 280 WANTED Shrubbery pruning land - scape gardening, spraying. - Phono 407-L. 287 HELP WANTEI FEMALE WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework, call 431-lt. - tr- WANTED Woman for cooking end , general housework. References re quired. Small family. Phone 82 Mrs. John Tomlin. . 281! WANTED Experienced maid for general. housework, -family of three. Phone 19-F-4. HELP Wi.NTEto MALE WANTED Orchard men, steady Job. J, F. Wormian, 2 miles south on highway. 286 WANTED Pruners. See Bert Ander- Bon. Medford, Oregon, or foreman on Suncrest Orchard. tf Cadillac 4-pass. special, .type 59; like new. Excellent paint and tires and condition fully guaranteed. $1785 This car has only been driven 15,000 miles. DIOR CO. WANTED MISCElXANFOtTS WANTED Furnished housekeeping. rooms. 906 E. Main. 2S WANTED Brown fixes your shoes while you wait. 290 WANTED Tank, 1000 gal. capacity. Tel. G10-J-3 evenings. zss WANTED Team of horses 12-1400 lbs. Phone 453-Y. i 286 WANTED Clean friction top honey pans, pnone usu. zso WANTED See Brown for your first- class shoe repairing. zyu WANTED 600 egg capacity lnnip- hented Incubator; also Krlski brooder, must be in first class con dition. D. Schnnck, R. F. D. 4. 286 WANTED Middle-aged couple to raise turkeys on shares. F & E Theatre, Central Point. 280 WANTED Laundry to do at home. Call 148-L. - 287 WANTED Houses to paint: will paint them good and right and reasonable. T. -Eddy, Plum St.. west side. P. O. Box 1076. 287 WANTED To buy old novels and good phonograph records. Phone 931. 286 WANTED Someone to take charge of garden and berries on shares. Phone 262-W, Berrydale Store. 287 WANTED Gentleman to room and board In a private, home. Phone 936-R. WANTED Furniture repairing, up . holstering, refinlshing and reglue Ing. A. N. Thibault, phone 969-R. WANTED All kinds of stove repair ing and setting up. Liberty Repair Shop. WANTED AH kinds of phonographs to repair. Liberty Repair Shop. WANTED St. Louis prices for furs, less express charges. Johnson Produce Co., Ml N. Fir St. Pnone 87. n- WANTED House inermg and repalrr Ing. Phone 48H-M or TODAY'S BARGAINS v : at the MEDFORD EXCHANGE Wicker Rocker $4.00 Oak Rocker, upholstered, $S.G0 Fir Rocker $2.75 Other Rockers $2.00 Chairs, from ....$1.00 to $2.00 Parlor Stands $2.60 ; Cook Stove .. $12.00 Good Range ,...$26.00 , Laundry Stove $4.60 Trunks, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 Army Blankets $4 ('0 Dishes.. 15c, 20c, 2Ge Electric Parlor Lamp, $4.75 Where You Can Buy , or Sell Anything. 1 Phone 931 211 W. Main SEE US FOR FARMS- Extra fine city home on paved corner, close-In, all city assessments paid. This property Is worth today "$4500 but we can offer for a tew -days at $3750, on good terms.' ' We have two real good business 'opportunities full equipment and everything supplied, practically no capital required, good locations Med ford; will give good lease. Fine brick business block, with excellent Income, biggest Investment offer In this section. For sale or trade. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building, Medford, Ore. 20 ACRES rAUTO PARK GARDEN LAND $3500 On highway. On River. One mile this side Savage Rapids Dam. House, Barn, never falling spring. One acre of this land in strawber 'res. No better garden land any place. Under Grants Pass Inigatlon .Project. Savage Rapids Dam backs Rogue River up for four miles at this point Fine shade on place. Ideal Camp Ground site. made a beautiful place. , . , ., . , Phone 784-L Anytime, J. C. BARNES THE SMALL UNIT When you have a tract which, with a paid up water right, means a good living your yourse'f and family, you will agree with us that two acres is enough. Dandy little new house, chicken park, garage, with berries and vegetables already growing; land leveled for Irrigating, "what more do you want? The price is right, but it must be all cash. See us about this. Close In. See HOLMES FOR HOME8'; Nash Hotel Corner. I ' Service, Inc. "12 H- FOR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished hOUSekeep- tiiB luunm un Biuu,,.. nuut, uuac 111. l'hone 965-R. ; 288 FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms, upstairs. a4& rj. Burnett. 763-M. FOR RENT MISOKLiLANEOUS FOR RENT Garage, $3.00 per month. 325 S. Riverside. tf TO RENT Bnrn for riding pony near s. nouy. i?none suu-Lh tt FOR RENT OR SALE Ranch, 20 acres alfalfa, low plow lund, pas ture, running water, fair buildings. Two miles from Talent. Inquire E. N. Campbell, 628 S. Grape St. tf FOR RENT Large modern office rooms In Sparta Bldg., with light, heat and Janitor service. $16 per month. E. S. Tumy. Phone 402. tf FOR RENT AI-ARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished npartmcnt four rooms, modern, electric, pri vate baths, - garage, also two fur nished apartments. Inquire 326 -W. Main. FOR RENT Two room furnished apartment, first floor, adults. 246 8. Riverside. .287 TO RENT Three room apartment. 616 N. Central. 286 FOR RENT Three room furnished mpnrtment nnd alocping-porch, 'V-iO. Phone 975-L. 280 FOR RENT Apartments. 963. Phone FOUND Brown cuts down high shoes to oxfords. 280 FOUND Pocket - book. Owner enn have same by identifying, l'hone 603-M. ' " ' 285 FOUND Brown BUirfantcps his shoo repairing. DO NOT USE CHEAP OIL .It's very expensive. Why not use " VALVOLINE the highest grade oil - sold in Medford Free Crank Case Service Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station REAL. ESTATE -HOMES BUSINESS PROPERTY EXCHANGES Phone too or 609-Y 6 8o. Central Ave. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT House. 614 W. Second St. 2SS FOR RENT Houees. Brown & White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR HALE Nash six tuurlng. perfect mechanically, good rubber. Will trade for ruadster. Box 9, Mull Tribune. 286 " FOR SALE RRAIj ESTATE FOR SALE Lot on N. Riverside suitable for business. Apartment house on N. Front. Housekeeping rooms for rent. C25 N. Riverside. 2110 FOR HALE OH RENT Good dairy farm, cash or Krain rent. Must bo taken soon. Address 322 V. iiridge ' St., drama l'uss, Ore. 2K6 FOR SALE Ranches, all kinds, and houses, must be sold at some low price, 10 years time. Qold Ray Realty Co. tf POULTRY AND EGCJS FOR KALE 1'urebred Mammoth llronze turkeys, bens nnd toms. Hreedlng SUn'k, closing out cheap. Meadow Rrouk Ranch, Eagle l'olnt. 286 FOR SALE Trapnosted B. C. R. I. Red hatching eggs. Mated for best exhibition und highest egg produc tion. Rook orders for baby chicks. - Crimson Quill R. I. Red Farm, Eurl T. Newbry, Talent, Oregon, phone 373-J-2. 30S FOR SALE 60 Leghorn breeders laying 00 per cent. Phone 341-J-l. 2!I0 FOR SALE Ono Buckeye Incubator, 70-egg, and brooder. Box 25. Ilrownsboro. 286 FOR SALE Tnnkrod Imperial Whlto Leghorn cockerels, $3.UU, 300-ogs strain. AIho batching eggs of satuu $1.00 setting, $5.00 hundred. Clus Btommer, 580-J-2, Medford. 304 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs for setting from O. A. U. best laying strain. Tel. 201-J. tf FOR SALE R. I. White and R. I, Reds cockerels, $5.00. Eggs $3.00 setting. A. N, Thibault, phone 969-R. 292 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from E. C. Webb's two pens of prize win ning Rods. J, W. Antle, Lake Creek, Ore. 289 FOR SAliB HOMES FOR SALE Modern two story house six rooms and den, hardwood floors, furnace, double garage, good grounds, l'hone owner, 1U0-H. . tf FOR SALE Six .room house, two sleeping porches, garage, on prfved street. Rents for $50. $2090. Box 8. Mail Tribune. 286 FOR SALE The newest house In Medford; everything modern; on paved street. Phone 9D6-Y. 285 FOR SALE Five room modern house with sleeping porch, gnnigc, - chicken house, loo While Leghorn : chickens; in the city of Jackson ville; with or without furniture and chickens; sacrificed if . takon at 'once; owner leaving. Also cow, horse and surrey and harness must bo sold. Seo J. M. Shoemaker, owner, Jacksonville 287 FOR SALE Furnished bungalow close in. Also stock of groceries and dry goods for trade. Call G90-L, or see C. ..V. ISabb, Roaltor, 518 Beatty St. 299 FOR BALE Houses nnd bungalows, furnished or unfurnished. Also .aoreage. Insurance. C. S. Butter field. Metlford Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phono 389. FOR SALE Modern house on West Jackson, inquire Dr. Rlddqll, Med ford ld. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE Phono graphs, records, furniture and autos. .Bargain. prices. 16 N. Orape. tf The real price of a Used Car depends on the cost of Its operation not on what you paid for It. "Bargains ' und "Snaps" usually have enormous appetites and In tho final cost aren't worth their keep. Our cars cost no more to buy and much 'less to run, due to the systematic and thorough rebuilding process which means work and expense to us but we know that this Is the only safe way to BUfeguard the buyer's In terests. BUICK 8IX TOURING Rebuilt and Refinished Cord Tires 4675.00 1 year to pay. Medford Auto Co. Bulck Dealers FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOlt SALE Cheap, heavy work team wagon,: harness. 607 I'lno St. 286 FOR SALE Puppies, l'hoili' 691-R-l. ' real cheap. FOR SALE Purebred Poland China gilts, extra finu stock. L'pton Itros., Central Point. 289 FOR SALE Two extra fine gentle saddle ponies. Cheap. Meadow lll-onk Ranch, Eagle l'olnt. 286 FOR SALE Two purebred Jersey bull calves cheap. Meadow llrook Ranch. Eagle Point. 287 FOR SALIC 18 ewos, one ram nnd 13 young lambs. J. O. Wilson, Bougie. 286 FOR SALE Oood work team, har ness and wagons. Reasonable. T. Eddy. Plum St., west sldo. 1. ). Box 1076. 287 FOR SALE- MlwPKLLAXEOtlS FOR SALE Wo havo some extra flno wnlnuta nnd shade trees, cher ries, peaches tml apricots. Just re ceived a shipment of New Perfee . tion ourrants und Oiant Viclorla rhubarb. Also ornamental shrub bery, roses and grapes. Just tip) time to do your plaining now. 10. C. Welch, 15 N. Clrupe, phono 465-J. 286 FOR SALE I got. mine nt Brown's. 299 FOR SALE Progressive everbearing strawberry plants, l'hone 951-R. 287 FOR SALE Used New Way engine, first-class condition; second-hand sprayer. AVtlliums Implement House 18 S. llartlett. 2il0 FOR SALE Oat hay. $12 ton. Carl Esch, two miles southwest Engle Point. ' 286 'OR SALIC Two sets work harness, ono new, .other good as new, priced to sell, 610 Liberty St. 286 FOR SALE Itnlian prune trees S to 12o each, pear trees 4 to 6 ft. 4(le Everything in trees. Muthls Nur sery Co., Salem. ' 288 FOR SALE OR TRADE Work mtllo. price $35, or will trade for fencing - or lumber. Phone 517-L. tf FOR SALE See me about growing, your tomatoe plants for acreage; also all other kinds of vegetable plants; can save you money. O. E. Pierce, phono 697-R-2, Red Top Schoolhouse. 288 FOR SALE Forty-flvo tons flno quality second and third crop ' alfalfa hay, one-half mllo west of Talent school, $13 a ton. Ouy W. Ronshnw, Tel. 365-Y Medford. 286 FOR SALE Grafting wax. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE llnlod nlfalfa hay $15 a ton. Foothills Orchard, phone 011-J-4. 286 FOR SALE Garden loum, fertilizer, sand and gravel. Samuel Buteman. phone 912-J. FOR BALE Well rotted fertilizer for lawns or garden, delivered. Phone 7-F-4. FOR SALE Oat hay, Noah Chandler highway south of Phoenix. 299 FOR SALE Baloa alfalfa hay $15 a ton. Foothills Orchard, phone 0U-J-4. 281 FOR SALE OR TRADE Tacoma logging engine with lino. Big Pines Lumber Co. tf FOR SALE Pumps and PuuI'b Electric Store. motors. 291 FOR SALE Wood pipe. Paul's Elec trlo Store. 291 FOR SALE Water systems, electric and gusollne power. Paul's Electric Storo. 291 FOR SALE Dry cordwood . cheap. W. II. Everhard. -S. Fir. FOR SALE Manzanita and oak wood, $4.60 tier delivered, rhono 21, Central Point. FOR SALE Corn. Pnone 691-J-2 at meal time. -- Used Chevrolets All in good condition 1922 Touring, good tires, 1924 license. 1022 Touring, good ties, new top. 1921 Touring, ; cord tires, ' new top, 1919 Delivery, good body and -; tires. 1917 Touring, good running ; condition. Easy terms if desired C.E. GATES AUTO CO. IX) LEASE To LEASE 'For term of years, busl nes.H lot. fine location, or owner will build to suit tenant. For further Information sec Jtrown & White. 287 IX) St LOST Vnlunblo Alredalo dog. tan and gray, bob tail. Answered to name Ring. Howard. Uuy llishop, phono 17-F-2. 289 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN II per rent loans, monthly payment, miutung, ouying, VV. o. Wright, Htowart Blk. 290 BUSINESS MIRKCTORY Attorneys REAM ICS & REAM ICS Lawyers, of fice In Liberty Building. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & ORE.ENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 8 and I No. 32 North Contrul Ave., Uf stairs. JACKSON' COUNTY . ABSTRACT CO. . Abstracts of T 1 1 1 and Title Insurance. Thn only complete Title System bt Jackson County. A. E. KELLOGO Abstractor ot Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience 111 the county. Phone 6-J-2 Qold Hill, tt Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds ot cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. 1 ":: -" - Olilropractlo Physicians ' " DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chlro. practlo and Electro-Therapy, itl 28 Medfort Bldg. Phono 90S. tt DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-EclectlJ" Physlclnn. DR. LOUISE D, HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapr, Spon dylothornpy. Food Sciences, Chiron practice. Office: Stewart Bldg, 235 E. Main St. Phones: lOfflce, i,u; ties. ifu-f-l. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic iNnrvw njiBcinnsc. uirioe nours "-is, 2-5. 203-206 Liberty Bldg. OUloi Phone 680; Res. 1027. Demists ' DR. R. R. JOHNSON General Den. tlstry and X-Ray. Third floor Kd fovl Bldg. Phone 426. DR. O. J.. JOHNSON Dentist, 138 E Main St., over M..M. Dept. Store Medford, Oregon. Phone ' 869 Res. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a. m p ,m. Evenings and Sunday b ' appointment. , Expert Accountant ', WILSON AUDITING CO. 0..M. Wil son, c. p. A. , Attention given anything In accounting and Income Tax requirement! Look Into oui simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg.,. Medford. Phone 187-R, Insurance EARL S. TUMY All forms ot Inaur. ..anco: Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Bonds. Phone 4.02. 209 Liberty Bid, ' Money to Loan J. B. ANDREWS Buys and -sells mortgages nnd loans money on good security. 81 N. Orape St. Pnon 68-M. 848 . Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, General Manager. P. M. Kershaw, Sales Manager, 103 E. Sixth Bt,- Med ford. U Osteopaths DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phone 904-J-8 Residence 28 South Laurel Bt. : Piano Ynsmiotloa FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio $18 Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. Printers ana Fdbllshers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tba. best equipped printing office In ' Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing system. etc. Portland prices. 87 N. Fir Bt Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAOB CO. Office 43 North Front St. Phone . 81.5. Prices right. Service guar- anteed. t .- DAVIS TRANSFER STORAOB CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 38 8. Grape. Phone: Office 844, dence 1060 or 806. Upholstering; J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies . made tu order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver , and will call and show samples. , Phone $01 Jacksonville, Ore.